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That is not just one banana. seems like it's every banana.


But we don't yet have the ability to take a picture of our own galaxy


and probably, we will not be able to do so in the next million years at least. even if we already HAD a camera out there somewhere, the signal alone would have to travel a couple hundred thousands of years to reach us. banana for scale: 🍌


At first I was like "But...", but then I though - FTL travel is most likely impossible no matter what technological level a civilization have, so even with some future magic-like post-quantum tech level, we'd still need at the very least something like 400k years to take such picture (it's not just on outskirts of the Galaxy, it's quite some distance away, I'd take it as about 200k l.y. distance). And that's at the speed of light, so practically impossible, realistically, it'd be closer to 1.5m years, even with magic-like tech, that supposedly will be able to protect whatever craft would be sent to take that picture from space dust colliding with it at effective temperature of hundreds billions Kelvin or Celsius, doesn't matter at such scale.


FTL travel will likely always be out of the picture, but FTL communications may be more feasible. It would require leveling up a few times of the Kardashev scale first, but it is imaginable with our current understanding of physics. So we could theoretically halve the time needed, potentially.


>but it is imaginable with our current understanding of physics Any proof for that?


Basically wormholes are the only viable option. The problem is generating enough negative energy to make them. There are theoretical ways to do it, IIRC one involves making a massive rotating ring. Like, mind bogglingly massive, one that would encircle the entire solar system, including the oort cloud, and would require more mass than is present in it. And even that would only be able to make a microscopic wormhole. Hence, the need to step up a few steps of the Kardashev scale first. Of course, if we somehow find some sort of matter with negative mass, that we can effectively gather or synthesize, FTL travel is back on the menu, potentially. But all the current possible routes involve reversing gravity in some way, alcubierre and wormholes, in order to bend space so we can cheat by never actually exceeding C. In order to reverse gravity you need negative energy/mass. We have observed negative energy, but it is a pain to generate and I don't think there's even a theoretically proposed method to harness it yet.


The entire concept of negative energy is more hypothetical one than theoretical. We do not have any theoretical evidence or possibility that such thing might exist. All we have is that if does, then Einsteinian physics allows FTL. And possibility that Standard model of physics and QCD are incomplete (well, at least SM certainly is, but we don't know how to expand it) and that complete model would allow existence of such thing.


We have observed, *incredibly miniscule*, amounts of negative energy as a product of the Casimir effect, it isn't just hypothetical. The difficulty is making usable amounts of it.


The problem is that Casimir effect isn't a negative energy, it's just an energy lower than vacuum energy. Comparably, it acts like a negative energy in some way, but you cannot make it any denser, can't move it, can't control it in any way (except by moving whatever positive energy particles are making that effect). It's like calling a slightly colder spot on a red hot steel rod a negative temperature. And for FTL you need an actual negative energy, something that will reduce the total energy below zero. Besides, AFAIK, negative energy is required to keep a wormhole stable, but not make it, we don't know how to make it, and, worst of all, it's useless it making it in a controlled manner. Like, even if hypothetically we would know how to make a wormhole, chances are - there's no way to connect two *specific* regions of space. So, that wormhole would just lead *somewhere*, possibly even in some parallel world or ~~God~~ Einstein knows where. All in all, from my knowledge, I'd bet that FTL is not possible period. Also, FTL communication is practically the same as FTL travel, as information in physics is very tightly bound to matter and energy and is symmetric as well, meaning that you cannot create or destroy information, also meaning that if you can send information, then you can send matter, since information, matter and energy are essentially the same, or rather information IS the matter and energy combined (after all, there's no way to have some information without either matter particles or energy).




He added an extra one


I can see my house from here


Hey, mine is not too far away from yours! What a coincidence.


No shit! I see all 3 of ours


Oh my God, I saw you typing, and you're my neighbour, can you give me instructions on where the other 2 are?


We are on the little dot next to the other little white dot


A watermelon would be more appropriate imo


That wouldn't work it would get colonized.




Man reddit has the most ridiculous sub-reddits. I'd never think there's a sub-reddit called that. Thanks.




I can see space from here!


Wow! This really helped




OMG!!! Thank you so much for this model!! I was looking up help for my science experiment and this came up! Upvoted, duh!


Cheers! Glad to help!


This is not technically the truth because I guarantee they didn't add a banana into this image.


You need to zoom in


I can guarantee that they added the banana, the banana tree and the whole planet with it


And he even pointed to the banana


There probably exists a galaxy that is literally called *banana* it’s probably been around there since the beginning of time


Should've moved the banana closer, so it would take half the field of view.


If you think you’re small and insignificant, consider this: relative to the smallest thing(the planck length), you are about 100,000,000 times larger than the largest thing(The observable universe) is to you. Humans are (roughly) 10^0 meters. The Planck length is around 10^-35 and the observable universe is around 10^27. So you’re 10^35 times larger than a Planck length while the observable universe is only 10^27 times larger than you


Well, this is an illustration, not a picture, so *technically* there isn't a banana in it anywhere. Not to be a stickler, but this *is* r/technicallythetruth


Never seen those illustrations where they keep zooming in and in?


I can see that I can't see it


Zoom in


Yes I know, it was the joke. I can see, that I cannot see, bc it's too small


Zoom in more!


What’s the one saying that if you cut something in half, and a half into half over and over you will never get to nothing. So we’re already infinitely small


Wow! I understand quantum-physics now!


Well, not technically the truth, but I do like the post


I mean if you look closer you can see me eating the banana


Please don’t. People need it for scale!


Chewbacca took this pic right before they did the kessel run


I don’t think this counts as technically the truth


Zoom in for the banana


I'm in that picture, take it down!


I blurred all faces. Zoom in to find yourself and doublecheck please.


Oh yeah, thx


Banana in South Dakota?


It's 1 pixel of a banana


Technically you didn’t add any banana for scale, seeing as if you would add anything at all it would be at least 1 pixel, and that would already be out of proportion, ruining the scale.


Zoom in and find the banana