• By -


And in the end son, it all became ad tech anyway.


It really is why the Internet feels so much shittier now than earlier days. Like, everything is monetized and filled with ads on top of ads with hidden or popup ads baked in as well. Google search results, YouTube results, social media, and so much more has just been so commercialized and plastered with ads. It always goes back to ads. Google dictates what makes a good search results and so every company and then every other website begin catering their keywords and their formats and the way they write or structure things to fit that. And soon enough everything feels the fucking same. Every article on something in entertainment has to have a bunch of boring bullshit added in around the one little piece or info you want to read about so they can stuff the keywords and get better search results so they get more ad revenue. Every popular recipe results have to now have some cutesy fucking story and thesis before just telling me what size teaspoons and ingredients I need. Don't even get me started on just trying to find a relevant bit of mundane, boring information you need and only finding video search results for a ton of videos that have lots of views but only are tangentially related to what you are looking for. Because they took have followed the instructions for what will generate them the most ad money (on YouTube we've seen lengths of video be made important so now a ton of content is overstuffed with bullshit to meet the minimum of ten minutes required to monetize stuff....and then there's all the stupid open mouth faces used as thumbnails but that's a separate gripe ). Now we have cookies tracking every single fucking thing we do and it's insidious and we know it's shitty. The things where we have to accept various cookies and permissions on every goddamn website makes sense because we should have some privacy and not just give up all our browsing and info just to be able to view or use a fucking website. Instead of saying "hey, this is kind of stalkery....maybe we just don't track people and all of their personal data" it was decided to just trick folks into "accepting" it by playing the old school long ass terms and conditions game. There used to be whole networks of fun sites just for doing bullshit. Posting and reading thoughts or art or games or writing. There still are websites and message boards and communities out there for sure. It's not totally fine or ruined, don't get me wrong. But it takes more digging and fighting through the bullshit that we get fed. It's all just the same shit and it's all just about money. Okay. Venting over. Didn't realize I had to get that off my chest


I would LOVE to have one moment of my existence NOT monetized. Just one.


That's actually something everyone should do from time to time, but requires a bit of sacrifice. Every so often I head out of town and out into the woods where cell service is spotty and get my moments. It's a bit of work but it's doable, kinda.


Opt in for no monetization. For a small fee, we will not show you ads.


Have you tried to find a recipe for literally anything the past couple years? It's a complete mess of ads and finding the actual recipe is almost impossible. Every single site, it's insane.


Recipes are the worst. It isn't even just all the things you listed, it's the novelization of the author's life story that preceeds the recipe, interspersed with random popups and terrible formatting. Just give me the stupid recipe, let me link to just the recipe. No one gives a shit about how your grandmother used to make this recipe (with the special branded ingredient that didn't exist 5 years ago) on cold days while your cat was sick and and there was no wood for the fireplace. Just give me the damn recipe!


Pro Tip: Every recipe link has a "Jump to Recipe" button at the top of the page that lets you skip the BS.


Not *every* recipe. You would think they would but some sites/blogs totally don’t and force you to scroll through their inane comments


This is why the NYT just hit a new subscriber record. 10 million paying subs (and huge year over year growth) while the rest of the newspaper industry is on death's door. Yes it sucks in some ways that you have to pay to access it but their cooking app (and their games and their news) is the information up front not littered with 10,000 SEO keywords and popup ads all over the place.


If you turn off Javascript, you can see the recipes without paying.


I've been in New York Times paying subscriber for years, I didn't even know they had a cooking app. let me guess, extra charge on top of the regular subscription?


ChatGPT kicks ass at recipes and you can tell it to alter it any way you want


There’s like 7 websites now. Everything is an app. The internet isn’t fun anymore.


I remember browsing the internet when I was a teenager. Literally had to have gamer tier APM to close out all the popup windows. Viruses lurking on every other page. It's true that there has been lot of consolidation and that's not great, but as far as usefulness the Internet is as good it's ever been if not better imo


Setup a pi-hole...Currently it is blocking 20% of my DNS query's because they are ads...


That’s where we’ve been headed for a while Remember Chappelle’s show did an early demo of augmented reality: https://www.cc.com/video/az3sy8/chappelle-s-show-if-the-internet-were-a-real-place


I can't watch because I'm using an ad blocker!


Stop using Chrome. It seems to only be a thing in Chrome.


Wow! Ok, that's really good to know. Ofc it's Chrome.


I look forward to the AI version of SEO, where people write blog posts that they hope get scraped by AI so it’ll suggest their products.


As someone who works in marketing, it's really not that different than our strategy for normal seo, although there are less annoying tricks that work well. We just try to create content that answers questions targeting a variety of long tail keywords, and publish a lot on those topics. That's how we were managing seo anyway.


Hey, someone in marketing who actually knows how SEO works! This is refreshing.


Google removing the FAQ schema was annoying...




lol! So much for the board resigning to let him back on story hahahah


This board has no idea what it's doing, to the point that nearly every employee signed a letter calling on the board to resign \*including one of the board members\*


I hope Sam bank man-fired makes a cameo.


But Sam the bank man has not been freed


He's been fried.




Essentially the same character he played in Wolf of Wall Street


I can see Jonah Hill as a crypto bro


Nah bro, SBF should go to someone on Silicon Valley but with a curly wig. My pick would go to Big Head. A chubby Jonah Hill with a bald head should do a Balmer impression. And Larry David with hair should be Gates


Ironically AI is our best hope for finding out how that story ends. There have already been attempts since people desperately want to know what happens to Jon Snow, Stannis, Dany, Aegon etc. But grrm is trying to prevent it while he writes a word a day


It's wild to think that those books started coming out in 1996! It's been almost 30 years for Pete's sake, get it together George!


Imo he really does not want to finish the books, especially since he noticed how poorly received his general ending direction was (which was not really his fault, but since D and D's colossal fuck up because of rushing the ending, it's basically burned). Admitting he does not plan to finish the books would probably be against running contracts as it would hurt engagement with spinoffs such as house of the dragon. That's why he still acts as if he intends to finish them. At least that's my theory.


GRRM is, in his own words, a gardener type writer. He plants seeds and comes to check up on their progress. That's why some characters and plot lines might wither and die, and others blossom unexpectedly. There is no grand plan, there never was. If he ever does write an ending, it probably will leave a lot to be desired from the fans who expected everything to have a purpose.


As a gardener myself, I can't help but think George *did* write an ending, and that's partly what's slowing him up. There's simply no way to keep track of so many interweaving stories and also fly by the seat of your pants. More than likely, he realized he needed to work toward something, but once he figured out what that something was, the 'magic' of discovering the story was lost for him, tanking his interest. At least, that's my pet theory.


He made the story too big and has no idea how to get to the ending he wants. The books weren't really planned at all.




He's too busy jumping on a trampoline naked


AI would do a better job than... a talented human writer simply picking up the story? Like Sanderson did for Robert Jordan? AI can't generate a new concept that George RR Martin had in his head, it would just recirc on existing characters and places.


Give it to Brandon Sanderson and let’s all move on.


lol dumbest take imaginable. AI Based on past books to write new chapters xD. You should probably invest in Blackberry they invented the smartphone and that past success will create the future


the need for open source language models is more important now than before.


Isn’t facebooks model already open source


Yes, but only because it was leaked first.


no they voluntarily open-sourced v2


"open-source" is kind of a misnomer anyway, given that there's no source. It's just model weights - when they released it to researchers I'm sure they were well aware that it would leak eventually.


doesn’t matter if you can’t run it without a server farm. dall e 3 is so intensive you get 100 generations per week when you used to get 100 per day with the last version and that’s Microsoft running it.


I can run 7B quite easily on my M1. Granted it isn't as good but it's surprisingly usable.


From the interim CEO > Before I took the job, I checked on the reasoning behind the change. The board did *not* remove Sam over any specific disagreement on safety, their reasoning was completely different from that. **I'm not crazy enough to take this job without board support for commercializing our awesome models.** https://twitter.com/eshear/status/1726526112019382275?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


The fact that Sam Altman is so quick and willing to join a for-profit company to continue AI development leads me to think that perhaps OpenAI board had some legitimate concerns leading to their decision, with his goals not aligning with the not-for-profit safety-first OpenAI charter. Make no mistake, it's a hell of a mess, but something to consider. There is also the rumour that Sam was looking to start another company while being the CEO of OpenAI and that may have played a part in OpenAI's decision.


Sam Altman has clearly been pushing this entire time for less openness and less safety with AI. But people ate up his honeyed words and bought into whatever charisma he has. How many times will it take for people to not blindly trust a tech CEO?


This interview exchange the day before he was fired: > Jobs: Sam, let's talk about next year's elections and what you anticipate [for AI generated misinformation]. > Sam: I really do think we underrate how much societal antibodies have already been built... Not saying the rest of his answer is wrong but he's clearly terminally in the move fast and break things camp. It's too bad we haven't built as many antibodies for billionaire tech CEOs.




Do you have a link to more reading on this?


I think he’s talking about this: https://www.teamblind.com/post/I-know-why-Sam-Altman-was-fired-Fr5cQ6Ne


>Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, which is a major investor in OpenAI, was informed of the findings and ordered Altman's removal. And now MS is hiring them?


That’s what leads me to believe it’s fake info. However, if it does come out to be true with D2/Whitefly then I swing the other direction and get more conspiratorial and assume the move to MS was made for government purposes. It’s interesting but not the view I hold. Just was sharing a source that seemed to align to what the comment you replied to was saying.


Interesting, the plot thickens


We're using anonymous posts on Blind as sources now? Yikes!


I KNOW. And in a response to a comment explicitly about concerns about AI misinformation. Sorry, I'm not really any more concerned about AI misinformation as just...general stupidity like this.


Source: I made it up.


lol that's a lot of byzantine accusations without a shred of evidence


"... but he looks nice and say things like we'll all be free from our jobs." Unfortunately our default settings is to trust people.


Unfortunately, "free" in this case means "unemployed"


It is very dangerous to think this is not a new arms race. America is not the only participant.


Then the arms race should be controlled by our democratically elected government, not some trch CEO whise only goal is to make money and has no loyalty to any country.


Yep, that's why the US has been pressuring [Nvidia](https://www.reuters.com/technology/nvidia-says-us-has-imposed-new-license-requirement-future-exports-china-2022-08-31/) to stop selling AI chips to China. I also believe it's **one** of the reasons for the chips act (the other being Taiwan).


*has pressured. NVIDIA has seperate GPUs approved for export now https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/26/us_export_ban_of_nvidias/ https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclusive-nvidia-offers-new-advanced-chip-china-that-meets-us-export-controls-2022-11-08/


The problem there is it doesn't make anyone else "play fair" either, and in capitalism losing that edge is the same as just losing, like when chess grandmasters get up a pawn and they just lean on you with the advantage. American policy has always been to give the individual more free rein there. The regulatory boards move slower and trail behind.


> American policy has always been to give the individual more free rein there. The regulatory boards move slower and trail behind. We're talking about an arms race between countries dude, not some companies competing to see who can be first to market. American policy has always been to have the government lead such initiatives. It wasn't a private company that led the manhattan project, and it wasn't a private company that first sent a man to the moon. Arms races between countries are a national priority, not something that should be left to individuals.


The most recent of those two is over 50 years ago. Boeing and Raytheon are the US military now. The military doesn't make anything anymore.


It was private companies who made all of our missiles, planes, defense systems, etc.


…..under government contract..


Of course...I am sure China will immediately concede.


The same government who asked the Google CEO about their iPhone?


Theres a few billion in federal investment, but almost 50 billion by private tech. DARPA has some projects that will surely be lapped up by corporations when they start leaking via tech transfer agreements. Theyre 50 year roadmap just started a few years ago. Surprisingly, or maybe its just highly classified, is that the spending isnt on kinetic weapons like AI combatants, though we have unmanned combatants which would fit nicely with DARPAs image and machine learning goals if applied to combat. Now its cyber security and automating manpower intensive processes.


> Then the arms race should be controlled by our democratically elected government Kinda like the Manhattan Project? That's an interesting idea. I actually wouldn't be all that surprised if the US government jumped in, stuck a bunch of top AI experts in a secret lab and showered them with cash.


> How many times will it take for people to not blindly trust a tech CEO? Over 500 OpenAI employees have signed a letter asking the Board to revert their decision: https://www.wired.com/story/openai-staff-walk-protest-sam-altman/


If I had stock options I wouldn’t want to get off the exit train either.


Employees tend to care quite a lot about profits as it effects what they make. The moves OpenAI's board has made may be about morals but that means the employees stand to make a lot less money. Your average employee only cares about their company as far as their paycheck goes. Saying employees want their cash cow back isn't exactly shocking. It certainly doesn't mean the rest of the world should trust him.


> How many times will it take for people to not blindly trust a tech CEO? Until such times as doing so does not stand a good chance of *some* people becoming rich.


He can't start an AI company. Getting hardware itself will take months, and getting cloud resources on a massive scale is difficult. He can't get access to ChatGPT technology from anywhere but inside Microsoft, remember the exclusive deal MS has with OpenAI. This is a win-win for Microsoft and Sam. Microsoft gets access to technology from OpenAI, and will continue to reap benefits of the same for some time now. If OpenAI is a big winner in the area, MS is also a winner. They have exclusive access to its tech. Microsoft also gets to start an AI division with the likes of Sam and has a good chance to build a moat against Google. If the division fails, too bad. Shit happens. If it succeeds, great. Another arrow in their quiver. Too bad Google did not jump in to lap up Sam. Its a win for Sam too because he has unlimited capital and resources of Microsoft to work with. He can do for-profit stuff, release products, etc. However, these relationships don't last long. The conflict of MS and OpenAI is very real. All the resources diverted to Sam, will have an impact on those available to OpenAI. We live in interesting times. Scandals and News at the speed of light !


begun the corpo wars have


Don't forget Sam Altman is the same piece of shit that released the world coin and hired / paid bunch of people in 3rd world countries to give up scans of their eye balls for money. He's a total wack job.


Yeah once I saw this is just another shitty tech ceo who probably doesn't even do any of the work, I don't care anymore. All the techbros seem to lap his shit up. Prediction: he turns into another weird little Musk-alike in 5 years.


I give it 5 days


He was pitching a new AI startup to investors less than 2 days after being fired. I'd say he had something in the works.


Microsoft bought Him and it LOOKS LIKE the decision the board made for the actual future of the company was the correct one in this case. Sam is "only" a moneyman after all, not a techie.


This whole entire thread reads like poorly written-fan fiction. So dramatic and over the top. The truth is always boring and not morality-centered but the result of people being people.


Its been wild reading threads about this. People made this tech bro some kind of hero, and the board is either cultists or cynical cliched capitalist board members from some movie. I'm highly suspicious of both parties, or all three, including MS. SA seems like shady salesman, the board does contain people who have said really weird stuff with connection to weird communities... But its not a movie. Or maybe it will be if it it fails spectacularly within the next 12 months.


You can look up the board members, one of the members of the board is definitely one of the greatest researchers we have in deep learning and ml


It's most likely just money.


Did you know that Microsoft was funding OpenAI all this time? Some $13 billion dollars appropriated to the R&D of AGI. Sam has been working with Microsoft all this time, and they offered him a job after they saw he was fired.


This decision will hurt their goal even more if half of OpenAI leaves. People forget that OpenAI employees also have a vested interest in the company turning a profit. An attractive part of their compensation is in "profit interest units," which means each employee gets a percentage of every profit the company makes in the future. By waging war against commercialization, the board has effectively screwed up their own employees right at a time when the value of those PIUs was probably at the highest.


They can easily make money now with the products they have, and can license stuff like apps. There is no urgent emergency need to rush out anything, and still have keep advancements under study in house. AGI released today is not going to stop the wars, feed the world and create a cashless society. A rush to commercialization at this stage foolish. Open A.I. planted a flag and keeps planting them. Watson is way ahead in the commercialization. Deepmind is almost a household word. All these other A.I.s need to be integrated for AGI. GPT is great at talking to us and doing some leg work. We are almost there. And I'd expect a blue sky government lab somewhere, akin to the Manhattan project and Area 51 working on these solutions. And... the United States Government probably has minders ready to f09king pounce on any major breakthroughs that occur or have occurred in the interest of National Security. Zoom out and look at the big picture and consider all the factors. Ignore the tweets, squabbling drama and minutia. Microsoft is an historical force to be reckoned with since the birth of DOS. They have a deeper relationship with the Dept of Defense and the federal government in general than any other tech start up and even more so than Apple and Google combined. If you frame this debate as only acceleration and profit vs safety, alignment any answer of either side must consider Nation States. (We don't want a country like N.K. using A.I. to have advancements in missile tech, as an example.)


> There is no urgent emergency need to rush out anything, and still have keep advancements under study in house. > > AGI released today is not going to stop the wars, feed the world and create a cashless society. A rush to commercialization at this stage foolish. Just pointing out how perfectly this parallels the whole firing situation. There’s no urgent emergency, no need to rush removing him as CEO. Firing him today isn’t going to be any more effective than firing him on Monday. The board firing him so quickly and quietly is an example of the exact kind of problem they have with what he’s doing.


There was a tweet by the new CEO that this apparently had nothing to do with safety or commercialization of OpenAI. Source: https://twitter.com/eshear/status/1726526112019382275?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


no just random ticked off employee


Source? And which CEO? 3 CEOs over the span of a few days 🤦🏻‍♂️




Does he actually know anything about AI? I assume he might have loyal people including researchers that follow him so that it doesn't matter, but he always struck me has a hypeman and highly suspicious, even for a tech bro.


>There is also the rumour that Sam was looking to start another company That was no secret. He wants to create a new hardware company so that somewhere in the future they are not a 100% depended on Nvidia hardware. It's the Spacex model where if they can they try to to build almost everything they need in house.


SpaceX didn’t invent this concept, it’s just basic economics. Vertical integration has been around since businesses were a thing


Let's be real - Sam is becoming CEO of its own division in Microsoft, means that he has a potential to succeed Satya. Satya succeeded following his cloud success, Sam can potentially achieve the same with AI if it becomes the next big thing. Especially with his desire to build custom AI chips too.


That doesn't make sense. If he was planning to start his own company, why would he join Microsoft instead of opening his own company?


Microsoft effectively promised him the same deal except with Microsoft’s money.


Who actually believes there's even a slight chance it wasn't going to be used almost exclusively for profit no matter what? ~~Don't be evil~~ Eventually everyone will either cave or be forced out that doesn't progress AI for profit.


There is still zero reason to fire him so suddenly, rather than making a transition over a few months or whatever appropriate timescale.


My take is that Sam has too many connections both internally and externally if they did it that way. This internal conflict has been ongoing for up to 3 years (when they changed from non-profit). This was just the final straw. They probably had one shot to do it and it had to be so unexpected that Sam couldn't stop it. And it still almost failed with immense pressure for the board to step down. "You come at the King, you best not miss."


There's still a non-profit in charge of everything. That's what the board runs.


With Sam Altman going behind the board's backs this might have changed soon


That isn't how anything works. The board *IS* the ownership (technically the representatives of the ownership). That is why they could kick out the CEO and their own Chairmen.


Because he was going behind the board's back.


I think things are more complicated than this. The head of the board is also the CEO of Quora that have their own AI platform POE with an AI shop for AI creators. Altman was fired like a week after OpenAI's dev day where they announced their own CustomGPTs market.


When I read who the Board was this was my immediate thought. I can't believe the CEO of Quora, a question answer website, is allowed to be on the Board of OpenAI which owns ChatGPT. That dudes entire fortune and legacy will be wiped out as OpenAI commercializes.


> When I read who the Board was this was my immediate thought. > > > > I can't believe the CEO of Quora, a question answer website, is allowed to be on the Board of OpenAI which owns ChatGPT. > > > > That dudes entire fortune and legacy will be wiped out as OpenAI commercializes. Isn't that smart? Recognizing the end is potentially coming, and setting yourself up to win no matter which way the situation goes?


Absolutely, and I'm not going to pretend like I know anything about corporate administration. But his involvement in firing the CEO for commercializing a competing product is one of the reasons why progress is so hard. Akin to taking a bat to Nancy Kerrigan's knee to win the competition. He's not switching to what's better, he's trying to stop the improvement of technology.


Exactly. Firing him suddenly was the only way to do it, otherwise Microsoft would have blocked it.


Could this be perhaps a tech board doing it's actual job for a change?


Microsoft can't block it. They have absolutely zero power over OpenAI. > While our partnership with Microsoft includes a multibillion dollar investment, OpenAI remains an entirely independent company governed by the OpenAI Nonprofit. Microsoft has no board seat and no control. And, as explained above, AGI is explicitly carved out of all commercial and IP licensing agreements. https://openai.com/our-structure


I understand what you are saying but look between the words on what happened over the past few days and just how much pressure Microsoft was able to apply - and that's to reverse the decision which is hugely more difficult than stopping it happening in the first place, through threats of lawsuits, withholding server access, and obviously the employees loyal to Sam. Can you imagine how much more difficult it would have been to do it with that extra scrutiny and pressure?


So most of the key people at OpenAI will be with MS, this will be interesting.




Ilya also just signed the open letter threatening to leave OpenAI for MS if they don't reinstate Altman. Shits getting crazy.


Wait what? Didn't he re-affirm yesterday, his decision that Sam won't be coming back in any capacity?


It's a total cluster. Ilya tweeted: "I deeply regret my participation in the board’s actions" Looks like OpenAI is going to fold and everyone just get picked up by MS. Huge win for MS, probably getting everything they wanted for a fraction of the price.


Damn that’s some Kendall Roy shit. What the actual fuck just happened.


Oh damn, [he did](https://i.imgur.com/ILyMAiK.png) sign the letter that Sam should come back


Ilya is very smart, but wasn’t really the key person anymore, he was working on super alignment not model development


Who are the big names now working on the architecture?


Open product, non profit corporate structures? You know what time it is Embrace Extend Extinguish RIP openAI


Except OpenAI did the extinguishing for them.


Sam Altman's ambitious uncompromising personality gave them a fire in need of extinguishing


Ilya is literally admitting he made a mistake on Twitter.


you know openAI also silently started a for-profit part, right? they're not really a non-profit anymore, haven't been since 2019. the for-profit subsidiary (LLC) is what you actually interact with when you use chatgpt. they were never really planning to contribute to science, the plan was always making profit.


They opened a for-profit arm, but only to raise enough money to fund their R&D costs. The non-profit arm is still in overall control of the organisation, and by design isn't tasked with maximising shareholder returns (the main problem with for-profit organisations).


Tell that to the board though


Satya Nadella was probably infuriated and done with the board of OpenAI. This is such a power move. I've seen a lot of OpenAI employees saying they're considering leaving to join Altman too.


leaving to join the money. not that I wouldn't do the same


Money AND stability AND the ability to basically continue with their work. OpenAI is now a sinking ship. The other founder Ilya Sutskever who it’s suggested pushed for this is now on his knees begging for Altman to return. He knows he just killed his baby. He may have had some legitimate gripes but it was handled in the worst way.


Satya out here asking their ms inhouse chatgpt version 5 how to orchestrate this totally non-intentional restructure in the most believable way lmao


When the news came out about the outing some of my colleagues started speculating this would tank the Microsoft stock but with him joining I’m wondering if the stock will actually go up.


It’s immediately at all time highs lol


MSFT lost like 6% Friday. Will likely go back up today. Edit: fixed symbol. And Microsoft did indeed go up today.


Lead what, now? These guys aren't research folks. Heading up Product is a different story...to paraphrase Bill Burr what are these guys gonna do other than eat pretentious fruit while barking out simplistic instructions? "I want a chat bot...that can act like it knows what I'm saying...GET ON IT!"


Basically all the talent moves into Microsoft. OpenAI struggles. Microsoft agrees to purchase OpenAI with Sam in charge.


Sounds like a classic Microsoft move.


OpenAI is a not-for-profit research organization. Microsoft couldn't "purchase" them like a normal company.


Most of the staff is probably getting hired by Microsoft too. So he'll be leading the same people


> Most of the staff is probably getting hired by Microsoft too Yes. I can't read all of this article since it's behind a paywall, but I can get [the first few paragraphs](https://www.theinformation.com/articles/dozens-of-staffers-quit-openai-after-sutskever-says-altman-wont-return) and it notes that "dozens" of more staffers have quit as of just a few hours ago when Ilya told employees that Sam will not come back. The article notes that some number of them have flatly stated that they intend to go wherever Sam goes, so Microsoft is probably now just snatching them all up.


It's even worse. [550 out of 700 employees are threatening to quit](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/nov/20/openai-staff-walkout-sam-altman-board)


Oh shit. That sounds like Sam said let's monetize this bitch, the board said no, Microsoft being the lead investor (who was explicitly told this wasn't a profit driven organization) was like, we'll hire you and the entire team to monetize this now. So Sam left the board no decisions.


Including Ilya which is just embarrassing


That makes sense. Essentially transplant the functional part of OpenAI over to Microsoft.


Leaving the board playing board games.


Others are following: https://x.com/gdb/status/1726530200484372688?s=46


These guys know the correct person to bark to.


Damn so the coup succeeded, but what they won was a sinking ship. Lmao.


Clippy achieves sentience


and proceeds to turn the entire known universe into paperclips


I thought he would bring us together 🖇️ 😞


Holy soap opera drama, Batman!


Guys, these are the people in charged of our AI future. We're all fucked.


The only thing they can do to protect their investment in OpenAI and make sure they won't get a competitor rising. ​ Let's call it the CERN variant. ;)




And the saga continues…


How does all this happen so fast? Fired thinking if being rehired, then hired by MS


MS has basically poached Altman before he could start a new venture. At this point, MS is poised to dominate AI space far into the future. OpenAI is indebted to them, so it won't be a competition per se, and by the time their contract expires, MS will have its in-house AI that can potentially whoop any competition's AI butt.


microsoft one of the few big players going all in on AI on a level where they are ready to spend every single cent on AI investment. They have too much PTSD from failing/being late (like windows phone) so they are almost impulsive with their AI strategy


Nadella is a far better strategist than Ballmer was.


Satya Nadella acting with the speed of a startup founder.


So... we've gone from an organisation controlled by its non-profit arm, with first-mover advantage in a potentially explosive new AI industry and a clear mission to work in the interests of humanity... ... to all their best and brightest joining a for-profit mega corporation with a long and sketchy history of mishandling tech innovations and absolutely rapacious self-interest. Just... *awesome*. Well played, OpenAI's board.


Gotta admit Bing AI is pretty awesome


It was a LOT smarter during the beta imo. I could give a description of obscure webcomics and it scoured webarchive for me, then give me a direct link. Once I asked about an obscure Marvel comics character that appeared one time and it found it! Nowadays tho, I’m lucky if it remembers I’m asking about a webcomic lol. I’d guess that it searching deep into archives may have been a problem? I mean web archive is public but there might be other issues. Been using it for quick Git code checks and commands tho, very useful there. Being able to say what I want to do and get a set of steps and commands on the fly is very useful for me since I’m not that knowledgeable with Git.


It was a lot more “human”. They clearly limited the AI from responding out of “frustration” and sharing personal opinions. Now as soon as the conversation has a negative sentiment it automatically ends the chat.




Bing's chat bot is nerfed to shit by "safety" middleware. Half the time it deletes replies when they're like 90% complete.


Wait til you see Microsoft Sam.


Tried using their AI image generator a few times, it's so hard to use as most words are flagged and blocked. Just wanted to make a spooky photo.


[I’ve had quite a lot of success generating fucking horrific imagery with it, but I had to really get painfully creative with wording.](https://www.reddit.com/u/GilfLover_69/s/PPkhsWvfvs)


Surprised you were able to get those results tbh


I really don’t think you can get these sort of results any more, I tried just and even just the input “scratched face” gets censored. Shame they are knee capping horror content.


It’s good that they recently got rid of ‘Bing’ and it’s now just variants of ‘Microsoft…’ Microsoft shouldn’t do consumer branding. They suck at it. Just rename bing search as ‘Microsoft Search’ No one will care or notice after a day or so. Bing always makes me think of Chandler from friends (RIP). It was such a weird choice for a product name.


Copilot is pretty good branding IMO


Microsoft still owns 49% of openai global and now gets to nab Altman and his loyalists. Gotta say, that's really good management of the situation considering Microsoft was blindsided


I've seen this episode of Succession


I don’t think that OpenAI is going to last much longer. Certainly not as a powerful driving force in AI. It might limp on in some form though. At this point I think it’s best if it turns itself fully into a non-profit research institute and ditches the commercial arm. It doesn’t feel that the people in charge now have much interest in that. Or simply, have the key figures go back to working in academia, working on pure research.


ChatGPT is still the go to brand. That name is incredibly valuable. I have never heard a single “regular” person mention bing in a discussion about AI, it’s always ChatGPT.




This is when people start coming from the future to prevent skynet


Some poor sucker came from the future to get Altman fired as CEO, since his work on ChatGPT eventually leads to Skynet. Unfortunately, Microsoft then hired him and his whole team, and Skynet came alive 10 years earlier.


Microsoft just took over openAI for free.


Everyone has a price. Those guys would sell their mothers to Microsoft for $$$