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IBM does this every single year right at the beginning of spring like clockwork


You can tell the thumbnail is AI generated. I just don’t think it’s gotten to the point where it’s passable as real art


Yeah. Like, why is the guy on the left standing so close to the lady? HR should step in.


we are all bots here except for you


And there goes another graphic artist job.


Not disagreeing on AI-generated, but the style of art is **very** close to what I remember in certain older comics like *Eagle*, and their annuals especially. These guys do look suitably dumbstruck & mortified though...


All AI generated content is copyright infringement


How so?


Machine learning models use art works of people that are protected by copyright, and give the result to the prompter, this bypassing the copyright


They don't spew existing works, so there's no copyright infringement. They study written word and audio to learn morphology, phonology, syntax, and images of art to learn styles, juxtapositions and so forth. They then generate their own works, which may reflect amalgams of Look&Feel, as here, but they are still original creations, good or bad.


It can not "study" all it does is copy. It's shuffles around copyrighted work to generate something that looks different but is literally just a combination of the elements rearranged.


Firstly, they are not humans and not persons. What you described sounds like something a human being could do with his own mind, but machine learning models don't function the same way. A computer program and a human brain are different things. Secondly, legally, humans being persons are allowed to create their own original creations under the inspiration of the works of other people. However, legally, people have no right to call machine learning models creators. Machine learning models are not persons, and are not humans.


Tech bros got mad.


Yeah this does resemble pre code comics.


Depends who's using the AI. Being skilled in the language of art is what it takes now to make good art.


No, because AI art requires real art to scrape. In a vacuum, AI can’t draw. 


My point is that drawing is an antiquated skill now. You don't need it in order to be a great artist. Sucks for people who thought it was a meal ticket, but great for everyone else.


Humans start the same way.


That's the difference, machine learning models are not humans, and are not persons. Moreover, their learning mechanism is not exactly the same as humans'


Moreover, we built these neural nets modeled on our brain. You're just trying to feel better about a changing world.


The thumbnail looks like some soviet era propaganda poster. Stop using AI unnecessarily


lol is she wearing a kimono


Next article: The Register slashing design and illustration jobs


I won’t read a story with AI art.


This thumbnail 😂 qed, generative AI is only as good as its user


🤢Wonder if CEO Arvind Krishna sent this to any particular demographic he’d like to see less of at IBM