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Everyone keeps saying “it’s coming” bitch it’s here




It's not here until there is a Twitch channel showing all new episodes of Firefly 24/7.


Feed an AI all of Stargate, farscape, firefly, and maybe some choice cuts if star trek. I'm with the writers guild and don't think AI is the future of production but I'd at least like to see what it comes up with.


What do you mean by "with the writers guild"


I mean with them like... idea wise. A big part of the strike was over AI and how it would be used to produce scripts.


Sorry but If you are not with them about their stance on having AI produce scripts you're not "with" the writer's guild


Making AI produce a script to replace a writer and make some corpo asshole rich is different from having an AI write a script to see how it does and possibly laugh at. There is a very subtle but important difference. There.


Just the tip?


Oh, so they're just going to make some test scripts and stop there. Okay. Let me get this clear you're saying that AI should not be used to produce scripts for production correct?


You're not understanding and at this point I don't care if you do. Good day.


They’re very clearly not talking about using it in a professional context, purely in a “goof around with it and see what it does” way for personal entertainment. It’s fine to be an AI skeptic but don’t just stop using critical thinking in the process. 


>I mean with them like... idea wise. >A big part of the strike was over AI and how it would be used to produce scripts. It seems like he was including talking about AI being used to produce scripts. That's why I asked him to clarify. Which he refused to do


As long as it keeps the houses with [tin foil on the outside](http://popapostle.com/Serenity/html/episodes/Heart-of-Gold.htm), I’m in!


I'm pretty sure that's already the case for remaginings of the Steamed Clams scene from the simpsons.


Deepfake Biden voice was just 2 months ago lol


The video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjLDJje3scc Coming in knowing that it's a deepfake, you can definitely see it being fake. But it's still pretty good and could easily fool you if you don't pay too much attention to it.


It’s quite good. Definitely some weird stiff mouth issues but this tech is getting better exponentially. Pretty amazing/scary stuff.


The head bobbing and lack of dimension on the face are a bit telling, but only if you're really looking for it.


And keep in mind a lot of people would be watching these videos on their phones making it harder to notice the imperfections unless they have the screen close to their face.


Also keep in mind a lot of those who are going to be watching these videos are astonishingly stupid and prone to believing misinformation. And there are already obviously fake AI-generated images (much lower quality than this video) making rounds on Facebook.


Make sure you include yourself in that group too. Its not always other people who fall for it. You are not immune to propaganda and fakery. Neither am I. No one is immune to it. This is especially true when you see or hear something that confirms your biases. People are less suspicious of things that back up their beliefs, and so lies can easily slip through.


This \^\^ More of the main issue at hand lol


I can see it now. People are going to watch a fake video, be told that it is fake, then deny it's fake. Opposite will obviously also happen. The dangerous thing is not being able to know what's real. What can we trust?


Yeah the head bobbing while the body hasn’t moved a millimeter was the dead giveaway to me. Also the earrings have a lot of movement.


Those earrings defy all laws of physics lol


Yup, must use the same tech as the boob physics in the older RE4.


In a shorter clip without prior knowledge it'd pass for sure though.


Put it on a TV showing Fox News in the corner of a doctor's waiting room, and it will sell. The people they are targeting are already being fooled by very unsophisticated fake Internet photos/etc.


My Gf’s Grandma showed me a picture of a tiny house/semi-truck amalgamation that was an obvious Midjourney job saying “wow, the things they’re building these days are so neat! I wonder how much it costs?” Of course I pointed out it was AI generated and not a real product which she scoffed at. After pointing out the gibberish typeface where a brand name should have been above the grill on the truck as well above the windshield, she realized it was AI generated. No max voting age = we are so screwed.


Uh huh. I suppose next you'll be telling me Jesus wasn't really standing behind Trump guiding his hand as he signed bills.


Uhh how did they get a photo of it then?


They already read all kinds of insanity into perfectly normal photos and videos and believe everything they see without question. These deepfakes are going to swallowed hook line and sinker.


First time I’ve seen the “altered or synthetic content” warning Cool.


Shame it doesn’t pop up in the mobile web version… as far as I can tell at least


No banner or annotation in a mobile embedded view though, not great.


Have you seen how boomers, one of the largest voting block, if not the largest, interacts with technology? This will fool 80% of them.


Specially if your drunk


Watching it makes me feel like I’m on drugs and everything is shifting around too much. I feel like even if I didn’t know it was AI, it would still look really wrong/out of place


It's off in two major ways... facial expressions are limited and lips movement is not in synch with what is being said. And also, voiceover lacks any variation and/or flow interruption; i.e. it's too perfect. But you're right, knowing it's a fake you pay more attention so, idk...


Bruh the sound isn’t even lined up, that’s something you notice immediately even if u don’t know it’s fake


The problem is people are willing to ignore a lot of these if it’s a video or image of something *someone already believes to be true*. If a video starts going around of Biden saying he likes to kiss children it won’t matter how many little inconsistencies there are. The damage will be done. And it doesn’t matter which political side you’re on either, I’ve seen clearly doctored images of Trump get upvoted here too. And this stuff only gets more convincing as time goes by.  We’re completely fucked, lol.


>The problem is people are willing to ignore a lot of these if it’s a video or image of something someone already believes to be true This is the entire basis of viewership of Fox News, OAN, etc. The bubble people only want to hear the things that sync up with their beliefs. These fake videos are just more of the same. On the other hand, they are already brainwashed and would never change their beliefs regardless of what they see and hear. This garbage just makes them feel good about themselves.


Give it 3 months


It's been three years since [Hitler and Stalin sang "Video Killed the Radio Star"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=r7T6x0cl48Q) so it might be a little longer than 3 months.


Sound regularly doesn't line up with broadcasts.


Anything which helps to confirm any viewer's biases is gonna still be pretty successful deep fake.  On the other hand, candidates will use this as an excuse if/when they have a "hot mic" moment. 


It almost feels like all of her real appearances on TV we’re made for AI training with the shallow DoF and the face smoothing.


If you are fooled by that nasty bitch you are already part of the stupid problem.


The voice control just was wrong. The lips were out of since. Thing flapped and waved when they shouldn't have. But if it was on in the background in a busy house or something...


There is some things I have noticed with deep fakes lately, and it might have to do with the model they are using, mouth movements are a big tell. There is a lot of "warping" going on like the system is not quite sure how to parse a mouth. I'm sure with a dedicated person or team of people this can be mitigated, but it would involve human intervention. I feel like the mocap versions from like the early 2010s were more accurate. I am sure over time these little things will be addressed.


"brave new world" I hate when people use a phrase without thinking about what it means lol Nothing brave about AI.


Elites using technology to control the masses. Sounds like the novel "A Brave New World".


Everyone: "AI could really screw with our elections, and we need to have some sort of safeguards against it." Political parties: "We hear you. But, and hear us out on this, what if it means that we benefit personally from it?"


That pretty much covers America's dreadful privacy laws.


Except no one will be exempt from it.


Just wait for them to take power.


It seems so real because Kari Lake is so fake.


Maybe the kicker is she did record that video lol


She look a little too hinged though, right? To be really frank.


That would be a clear sign of being fake. Sane people can fake being crazy, but crazy people are always crazy.


She's so fake that real videos of her are deepfakes


With all the weird filters and lighting she uses even her legit videos probably get flagged as fake.


You can deff tell this is a deepfake looking at her lips move. I’m more afraid for the 2028 elections because in 4 years these will be nearly undetectable.


What election? This one will probably be the last.


Only one more election stolen by leftie fascist faction is enough to have whole system breakdown, as it got proven twice to not work, and after the civil war there will be no elections.


I just want deep fakes to finish every good TV series that got cancelled too early.


Fix heroes, then add to better off Ted, then devolve into 30 more seasons of Seinfeld


You’re asking a lot from AI to fix Heroes. Its not magic


at least Season 1 was good. Everything else was just "what happens when people who do not love a genre still have to write for it"


I agree. I sat through every episode of the train wreck that followed season 1. By the last season, i had no idea what was going on and who was on what side anymore


Under The Dome was more coherent


You say that as though the problem with Heroes was the concept, not the fact that the show runners and writers just stopped giving a shit mid-way through the second season.


Watches fight through keyhole. Only shows eyes and flashing lights.


Puts gun to AIs head. We made you for one purpose. Fix this show! Do what we couldn’t do!


Don't forget My Name is Earl!


Dumbest, saddest, infuriating decision ever..


The creator of My Name is Earl did an AMA years ago, and addressed how he had envisioned the show ending: >I had always had an ending to Earl and I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to see it happen. You’ve got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn’t ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with list and that he’s finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma.


Thank you for passing that on, I never heard that. Kinda good ending too 👍


Or a jurassic park and Godzilla without kids in leading roles.


They need to bring Three's Company and Married with Children back


Alien vs Predator... I don't need dialogue just give me carnage..


How bout a remake of gladiator with alien and predator inside colosseum? Or just a standalone series set in Ancient Rome where alien and predator, hand in hand slaughter all of earths most dangerous animals inside Colosseum before 50000 roaring Roman’s?


I hate the idea of continuing a finished show normally, but absurdist Seinfeld where they don’t even try to disguise that it’s Ai would work.


I mean, there was the AI generated Seinfeld stream. We have the technology.


It’s the same as always sunny. Just a bunch of single jerks never really getting ahead, always scheming to do something, never really doing it well. Just keep that and the simpsons going forever for no reason


Yeah, like when GoT got cancelled in season 7!


Even better, AI could insert episodes into earlier seasons. 20 episodes a season where the actors don't age inappropriately would give it enough room to work to build something amazing. Then fixing the last couple seasons would be easier.


We already have fanfics for that


Media is about to become worthless when every story has as many endings as there are viewers.


It could end game of thrones properly


I’m just going to assume any video I see that hides hands is a fake.


That tell is not going to last long.


Because of all the polydactyl politicians? /s?


Nah, just because it's a known issue with the current generation of tech. It'll improve just like how video game graphics improved. Newer hardware, better techniques, and more sophisticated inputs will eventually fix the uncanny valley effects that make current AI generated output so easy to spot.


I mean, if you’re watching Kari Lake videos, you’re down the wrong path either way.


Degenerate athene has been running "trumporbiden2024" AI trump vs biden debate on twitch for like 8 months now. I'm somewhat impressed it hasn't been banned or abused. You can kinda make them say anything you want and it looks half believable.


Yeah how did that survive when they got rid of actually entertaining things like AI Simpsons


>I'm somewhat impressed it hasn't been banned or abused. They make it pretty clear that it's AI-driven and parody. The problem is when people try to hide that fact, and try to pass these things off as "real". There's an awful lot of really gullible people who believe anything that they see on Facebook.


that stream is funny as fuck sometimes tbh. looks like it made a decent amount of money too.


That PoS still exists? Last I heard he became a cult leader.....


I watched it for 5 minutes and I think A.I. Biden said the same thing


The nightmare of explaining this to my elderly in-laws. It makes me shudder. They already post every false meme known to man. When you argue that it’s false they just shrug. I could not begin to explain what AI is to them when they are still griping that iPhone took the home button away. That portion of the population will buy this. If it correlates with their prejudices it must be true.


Where can i sell my anti-deepfake system? 


Rikki Lake?


She’s so gross


Kari Lake is more chaotic for American elections than Deepfake AI’s. Let that sink in a bit…


This should be a felony


Why deepfake Kari Lake? To try and make her seem normal?


Who cares. Everyone already believes their own politicians are always telling the truth and opposing politician are always lying. That mindset is immune to deep fakes.


Wait, the lady with the filter for the past 4 years would use ai???


Fake as shit


We’re fuckin cooked


One possible way to offset the risk to society is to have your iPhone cryptographically sign every frame it records. It won't stop fakes, but it will allow at least some videos to be verifiable as real. It's also an opportunity to make a record of all the image processing since even real video isn't real anymore. Chain of custody & trustworthy institutions are another defense, except we have been allowing those to rot too. Even if you *can* prove something is real or fake beyond question too many people choose what hey believe & repeat in bad faith already. We are unfortunately going to live in a post-truth future. It's like Soviet propaganda where they never really hid the truth, but released so many mutually exclusive competing truths that no one could ever say what was real with any authority. People will adapt to some degree, but I honestly wonder if our society can even raise it's children to be savvy or will they be raised as useful idiots.


> have your iPhone cryptographically sign every frame it records. Record video using your phone of a PC playing a deepfake....


Thankfully your phone (and your eye) can distinguish between a video of real life & a video of a monitor. You'd be able to unlock people's phone's with a picture of them otherwise. Even cameras without depth sensors like an iPhone are too clever for that.


Doesnt look real at all


Enough people unironically believe the most unbelievable fakes that it can still change elections. Keep in mind that 100 IQ is about the average, not the lower end.


Yes, right after I posted it, i realized that 90% of people would fall for this.


Small detail, but the way the earrings dangle and react to the head movement is pretty good.


Been saying for a while we will enter a period of deepfake thats very very dangerous where the masses will believe it hook line and sinker. I feel eventually the pendulum will shift to where the masses are skeptical about anything given the prevalence of deepfakes, but we aren't there yet. Hoping the damage done in that period isn't too substantial.


And so it starts


I mean come on that video is t even close to being legit. The way her mouth gives me such an uncanny valley feeling. Educate yourselves people, or risk being the very person they are trying to confuse and control.


I doubt it. It's a path of too much effort. Look at some modern politicians and all they do is wave their arms over some controversial trigger words and things that raise people's hackles to find an audience. It's easy. Why would people make their lives way more difficult trying to stage elaborate hoaxes.


Good luck unplugging, we’ve conditioned ourselves to be dependent on technology. Thanks to technology we’ve evolved to sit all day long (contributing to diseases previously unheard of) instead of an active lifestyle and having a supportive community all working towards the same goal like the Amish. Our society will always be divided, deepfakes just make it easier to trick everyone and influence their behaviour , beliefs and world views until no one trusts the media at all.


It's almost like fraud should be illegal. Too bad that about 90% of our politics and 99% of our entire economy use fraud as their main tool. For those who don't know, fraud is intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Everyone on Reddit could list 100 acts of fraud they are victims of every day, and they have no recourse at all to address them. This tool just makes the fraudsters also affected by fraud so until they fix it for everyone I hope they get blasted with the fraud firehose.


It's funny how lying and fraud barely bother people. "We don't need honest politicians we need capable ones" etc. They even teach their children to lie and cheat to navigate the world. But when it inflicts them... lying=bad.


If she’s not making a sex tape, I won’t believe it’s her.


Kari Lake has always gave off AI vibes.


We should raise the punishments for getting caught doing this shit to something insane like life in prison. That would probably make people think twice about participating.


Gotta remove paper ballots just in case


The lips move like they're waves in water, interpolating between the amplitudes, it gives a very unnatural look to it. I don't personally have a reason to believe the technology won't make this better, but I doubt highly it would ever be better than a fully rendered CGI, which most people can also tell is fake (think like Jeff Bridges in Tron when his double 'Clu' is his younger self). It's pretty obvious anyway when the bottom half doesn't match the top. Maybe the problem is it fools people on the internet? But can it really fool more people than say your typical phishing attempt? I don't know, but to me it seems unlikely. Edit: actually I’m going to correct myself, I think if you had enough sample data for imagery it’s probably very likely it produces a higher fidelity look than even CGI. But hopefully it’s nuanced or contextually “off” enough to prevent people being sucked in


All of this is just manufacturing consent for more censorship


Wait a minute, I thought questioning media (eg Kate Middleton) made you a conspiracy theorist? Now it's OK to do so?


Unrelated, but, using this tech can we bring back Bill Hicks, George Carlin, and Richard Pryor? At least for like, a long weekend? I could really use them right now, I feel we all could.


Didnt we [already have that](https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/george-carlin-ai-generated-comedy-special-1235868315/)?


[George Carlin - I’m Glad I’m Dead (a full ai standup created by Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen)](https://youtu.be/_JgT4Sk6D6c?si=zCl_hwyAIY5X0uOb)


Thanks, guess this will suffice


It really doesn’t.


No, they might offend people.


Who cares. Just vote.


Just curious, how is using Deepfake less fraudulent than, for example, putting up concerts and using celebrities such as Billie Eilish to sway voters? lol it's funny how people get hooked on the latest "fraud fashion" when there have been examples of fraudulent politics that are more effective and on a larger scale just because they found an article that this time, the other side used Deepfake.


Because Billie Eilish is a person who can support and say what she wants. There is no fraud involved. Deepfakes however are… fake. The people in them didn’t say those things. How is that not incredibly obviously the issue?


Using Billie Eilish and other "real" celebrities with "real" self serving agendas as a source of, at best, reliable information or worse, a clueless figurehead, to influence your vote is real. Real fraud on a larger scale. Comparing that to these Deepfakes in terms of fraud and efficacy is laughable. But hey, as long as Billie is real, that makes it ok....


Why did you put "real" in quotes like that? Do you not believe Billie Eilish is a real person, that she actually exists as a living, breathing human being? As a person she has opinions on everything from pineapple on pizza to politics, and the First Amendment says she is allowed to speak her opinions.


You're right. Why should I spend time/effort/money to earn your endorsement when I could just Deepfake your support for a fraction of the cost. It's all the same, ethically speaking, right?


Your argument is fundamentally flawed because you try to establish time, effort, and money as variables of fraud. They're not. So to answer your question, yes, it is all the same if you spend time/effort/money vs not to commit fraud, ethically speaking.


Just so we're on the same page, you seriously see no difference between paying Billie Eilish to say something, and making a deepfake of her saying something without her consent?


I didn't even mention her being paid nor did I mention any deepfakes of hers. Of course I see a difference. As mentioned above, I consider using "real" Billie Eilish and similar tactics way more fraudulent in terms of efficacy and scale than a silly deepfake that can be easily proven as such and do more damage than benefit the campaign that used it. Some more examples? Using "real" social networks to provide only one side of story while silencing the other, using "real" news networks to do the same, using "real" debate coordinators that are explicitly politically biased to manage a debate, and so on. You can compare such fraudulent endeavors to a silly deepfake, and I'm assuming you're doing so because it benefits the side that you are supporting, but it is objectively laughable to do so, as is the choice to focus on something so negligible as your focus of attention.


I'm not rooting for either side to use deepfakes. Deepafkes for political gain are gross, and US politics are gross. You're assuming too much of me. Your initial post made it seem like you were equating celebrity endorsements and deepfakes as one and the same, and no worse than other shenanigans employed by politicians to sway the vote, so that's what I was responding to. Have a nice day :)


Stop being so dramatic in relation to these deepfakes. A serious campaign would never endorse use of a deepfake, which can be easily refuted. Pending elections are going to be chaotic regardless considering nothing practical has been done after previous election procedures have been black-boxed and frankly invalidated in some states, in some cases by governmental entities that are supposed to ensure their legitimacy. Unless Americans vote decidedly, the party that can pull off cheating more in swing states will win. Even if they do, not sure that proving wrongdoing would be possible. With all that being said, considering one side already controls mostly everything in the US regardless of political administration, why should anyone care about the results of the elections!?


>A serious campaign remind us, we're talking about *US politics*, right?


Everything in life is relative. Let me put it in other words for the cynicals -- any campaign that wants to win and has a chance to won't dare use deepfakes.


> any campaign that wants to win and has a chance to won't dare Might I remind you of the 2016 campaign? So many "won't dares" were dared and then cheered that it was shocking even to me, who expected it of certain people.


Which one of those "won't dares" was deepfake? You are applying lower risk/reward "won't dares" to persuade regarding usage of deepfake, which is very high risk/low reward in comparison. Only a campaign that has nothing to lose would dare attempt deepfakes as a winning tactic because such a tactic can be easily pointed out as fake. Bottom line is -- these elections, similarly to past elections, will be riddled with corruption, but ease your minds regarding deepfakes it won't play a significant role on who will rule you next, nor would it matter much who rules you next because those who rule do so regardless of election results. AI's role in replacing human employment, enforcing political dictatorship, usage as a weapon, and so on should bother you way more than faking Kari Lake....


> Which one of those "won't dares" was deepfake? None, I expanded on the "won't dare" part of your statement to say that the standards have changed and so implied that they *will* dare. > You are applying lower risk/reward "won't dares" to persuade regarding usage of deepfake, which is very high risk/low reward in comparison. Only a campaign that has nothing to lose would dare attempt deepfakes as a winning tactic because such a tactic can be easily pointed out as fake. I'm going to be honest here, this is a well intentioned analysis that these days is just horseshit. The MAGA movement has tossed out *all* social norms in the name of winning. Were you not paying attention at all?


It doesn't matter if one or both sides use deepfakes. People will still swallow it and vote because they hate the other side. "So what if is fake? Yeah, I don't like that, but the other guy wants to , and I can't let that happen!" Campaign funds will somehow trickle down to support deepfakes, with enough layers in-between for plausible deniability. And a couple of elections from now voters will be used to them to a point where deepfaking for political gain will just be another thing we do as a society.


> the party that can pull off cheating more in swing states will win. Arizonan here, and our elections are legitimate, thanks. The lies and slandering of election workers needs to fucking stop.


lol are you still counting votes over there?