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This is the sort of next level thinking that makes Mr Musk well worth an additional 56 billions.


This makes me lose faith in the rest of his company's leadership more. Tells me there's not a single executive willing to stand up to him. They are there to be yes men and collect a paycheck and Tesla will reflect that reality in the coming years.


It’s the board. They’ve decided they’d rather go down with him at the helm than save it. They’ve all been made billionaires so…


The Tesla board is a bunch of friends of Musks. This is why his 55B paycheck was cancelled. They were and are always going to side with him.


Wanna hear a story that perfectly sums up how grossly over valued this stock is? The entire board, the minute their options mature, sells their stocks. Not a single one of them holds Tesla for even a DAY!


No doubt. It was worth more than Ford and GM combined. Like, what the hell? There is no way that is possible. People are seeing Tesla for what it is, a poorly built car that is not a technology company.


Car industry vet Every single industry veteran I know have always had their doubts on Telsa. Making a power train is one thing. Running a car manufacturer is another. The power train is the easy part.


The speed that they geared up to produce the amount of cars that they're manufacturing is still impressive, though, right? I think I remember stories about them doing some genuinely novel things with automation in their assembly lines. Their current problem is over supply. Probably due to a bunch of factors, but Elon doing the X stuff is definitely not helping. It's a real shame because at one point I really thought Tesla was going to be a great American success in the automotive industry. Some of the things they've accomplished in the factories are remarkable. I thought, anyway. Maybe I was gaslit on some of those things.


It's only oversupply because no one wants to buy them anymore as a result of bad pr, price, and terrible build quality. They went from innovative to junk inside of a decade. Whatever they did in their factories didn't work.


The Tesla stock price basically has the assumption that it will grow to be the dominant EV maker in the long term priced in. And its becoming more and more obvious that isn't going to be the case.


The Tesla stock price seemed to have the assumption that it will grow to be the dominant (or only) automaker. For a while they were priced higher than the combined value of the big three plus Toyota, Honda, etc. And it never made sense to me. It was as if the relative slowness of traditional automakers to move to electric (which seems rational given that the market still isn’t there for all EVs) meant that they wouldn’t or couldnt ever make that shift.


That assumption was always idiotic.


Exactly. I read the judge said that Elon basically designed his compensation package himself since the board is all his people.


Friends and Family IIRC.




Not necessarily their fault IMO. Not saying they're good people, but they've worked their asses off all their lives to get there and now they want to collect their giant paychecks/bonuses and retire. They know how much of a narcissist man-child Elon is, and pushing back in any form might get you fired on a whim. They probably lack a spine as you said, but I place more blame on Elon himself for creating that culture.


Stockholders need to move to ditch Elon as CEO. He's become a major liability. He only owns 13% of Tesla now. It's time for Tesla to grow up and get a CEO who actually knows cars & car manufacturing


Replace the board with true independent directors.... Good luck


The institutional investors could do it. But if they attempt it the share price would collapse. If Tesla is just another car manufacturer, then based on fundamentals alone compared to other manufacturers, its shares should be worth about $50 (a third of what they are worth now, even after the massive drops).


Yea... I heard telsa recalled all their cybertrucks... all 4000 of them. Also known as less cars then GM makes on a weekend.


Cybertruck will sink Tesla, if it doesn't find a foothold in the market. And even then Tesla may not be able to produce and deliver enough on time to save themselves. Their production of the Cybertruck is atrocious and will remain so for at least another couple years.


Doesn't help that it took so long for the cyber truck to even come out, that alot of people who wanted a electric truck ended up getting Rivin's and Lightnings instead


Silverado EV is now also an option.


It would be a difficult turn around for any company. Tesla just happens to be run by an on-display buffoon. They're fucked.


Remember when the Aztec was known as the worst looking vehicle made? They somehow managed to take that design and make it worse. This is the Google answer for why did the Aztec fail: "The Aztek's problems arose from the corporate environment that managed its development, the cynical way it was marketed, and mainly its customer-repelling appearance." Boy does that sound familiar 🤔


In some respects we were always going to get here with Tesla. They're a leader in getting EV to market, but once the big automakers were able to get there they'd be able to leverage their decades of experience in making cars to beat them. At which point tesla had one thing going for it, its brand image of being leading edge and environmentally conscious, something that resonated more with the left. There'd still be a market for that. But elon has gone full RWNJ which has alienated that audience too. About all elon might be able to do now is fully pivot and make Teslas magamobiles.


But Elon said he knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive on this planet. There's no way he's lying right?


Tesla had only delivered one-quarter to one-third of that amount to customers when the recall happened. That’s how slowly they’ve been moving on those monstrosities.


They can't ditch him. They ditch him then they're admitting that Tesla has no special sauce - and the share price craters.


That’s fair, but I would never buy a car from them with him there. He’s so polarizing it cuts both ways.


The stock value has never had anything to do with the value of the cars


Oh yeah. Can't stand the man. But the share holders are caught between a rock and a hard place. If I had stock, I'd be selling it now tbf.


Smart retail traders sold out when the twitter purchase rumors started. It's been consistently falling since then. I sold at 300, bought at 20. Could have cashed out at 400 in the fall of 21 but people were still buying on hype then even though the big money indicated something bad coming and a lot of people missed the larger market cues


I'd never buy a car from them, period. Musk may be a huge piece of shit but the company was clearly filled with sycophants at the higher levels just as willing to allow the dangerous and deadly false advertising of FSD, let alone jut allowing that out on the road to test in the first place vs testing it off public roads prior to releasing it. That whole company can implode, and quite frankly should. It sucks we decided to go with their standard for fast chargers because I shudder to think of Tesla having a monopoly over EV charging stations even if they implode as a carmaker.


Thats nonsense, its just admitting the Elon's not the special sauce; I suspect most are well aware of that by now. Its clear he barely spends any time on the role and seems to have a serious drug addiction; and now he's attempting to shake down the investors for $56B? You either cripple Tesla with debt like Twitter, or the man child uses his power to wreck the company in a snit; worse than CyberTruck, announcing two new models, B & J. Hey Elon, we figured out how to cut the salary 20%; we just fired you and tracked down the last VP you fired to make him the CEO


It still has _so far_ that it can fall. Like it would have to drop about 85% from its current price to be worth as much as Ford, who manufacture _several times more cars_ than they do


I think Ford sold over just double what Tesla did in 2023. Tesla was just below 2 million and Ford was over 4 million. We'll say 3 times, just to be safe. This isn't a disagreement with your point. It's just crazy to me **how much** over-valued Tesla stock is. I know they were the front-runner of EVs and a lot of stuff, but there's no way the company should be valued anywhere close to what it is. It's like a mini-bitcoin.


Stocks with ties to controversial rightwing figures tend to end up massively overvalued. The true believers (i.e. morons) will buy up the worthless stock to make a political statement, and the investors see it as a prime opportunity to get in early, inflate the value, then bail out and leave the morons holding the bag. Just look at how Truth Social is doing. The product barely even exists and is a complete money sink, but even with how far the stock price has fallen since that became evident it's STILL massively over-valued.


They just need to divorce the special sauce from Elon. He's not doing any engineering, no coding, no computer vision research. He's just a figurehead who pretends to be Tony Stark. You just need messaging that talks up the innovative teams that make cool shit in spite of Musk's meddling and you can get rid of him.


It's going to crater either way. There's an inevitable correction coming because they're a moderately sized vehicle manufacturer who's been priced as a FAANG tech company, and the reality of that gap has as much, or more to do with the falling stock price than Musk's antics. But, when that reality hits the stockholders have the choice of either having Musk at the helm who will make the situation worse, or a real CEO who knows how to navigate the situation. And that will determine if they survive, or they plummet into irrelevancy. The wannabe genius will flounder under the compounding effect of his poor decisions, an actual experienced hand may be able to save *something* out of the inevitable correction


Holy shit just 13% and he’s nearly single-handedly firebombing the company???? Surprised bros been allowed near open windows above ground floor


Please, won’t someone think of the sycophants 🙏


“Worked their asses off.” None of these people got there just by working hard, that’s a myth about rich people that just needs to die.


Well they didn’t cut the 20% he wanted for some reason. Something tells me Elon didn’t exactly change his mind.


Common joke I used to hear as a child: "Your foot hurts? Guess we gotta amputate." This feels very much like the same logic... just not a joke.


Yup. And guess what? Instead of surgically removing 20% of staff (or even better, salaries), it'll be a blanket, "EACH DEPARTMENT MUST CUST 20% OF STAFF. Report your cut list to HR by 1 MAY 2024." So stupid. So, so stupid.


"If one woman can make a baby in 9 months, how many months does it take if you have two women?"


Fun fact: experiments of this type resulted in the births of X AE, Saxon, Techno, Hiro _and_ Exa Dark Sidereal Musk.


We should start referring to it as quarterly thinking


Used to be half-assed, now it's quarter-assed. Inflation really is a bitch.


Probably thinks he has earned a 67.2 billion dollar bonus now.


The part of the company email stating that he hates firing people more than anything was one of the most bald-faced lies he's stated. He's fired countless people over the years with little to no warning, going back to the first companies he was involved in. There's virtually no chance that he's lost sleep over any of those firings. He's so stridently against unions because he knows that he wouldn't be able to do stuff like that without pretty severe, immediate consequences to his bottom line if they were present.


He picks the ugliest vehicle design ever and won't listen to anybody around him telling him that the initial public reaction to the prototype was that of disgust. Now there are safety recalls that could endanger people's lives and surprisingly enough, sales are dismal. So now he punishes workers. This shows who he really is. Just last week : # Tesla asks investors to approve Musk's $56 bn compensation package again [source](https://www.business-standard.com/companies/news/tesla-asks-investors-to-approve-musk-s-56-bn-compensation-package-again-124041700738_1.html) This also from last week: # [The Cybertruck's failure is now complete](https://mashable.com/article/cybertruck-is-over) Tesla's latest vehicle was widely mocked even before its accelerator pedal problem. Now it's a national joke. When you add in the future business case study called Twitter that is unravelling before our collective eyes in real-time, showing how you too can destroy a multi-billion dollar corporation overnight, it's hard to believe anyone would take Elon seriously about anything. It's becoming increasingly obvious that Musk is just a spoiled brat that happened to have interests in technologies that are taking off at this particular time with or without him being involved.


Overnight? He’s been working at this disaster for years. 


He’s very progressive in terms of new ways to determine workforce layoffs!


Cutting staff will surely improve productivity. Some real “beatings will continue until morale improves” level intellect.


Start with the CEO, it’s just a part time job for him anyway


Yep- cut the management fat, beginning with the fat head. Too bad the board is packed with his sycophants.


Meritocracy at its finest /s.


Iwata from Nintendo is a prime example of what should be done if a company is failing: the CEO takes responsibility, and instead of cutting a significant portion of his staff, he cuts a significant portion of his own income.


This! Elon has the unique ability to further enhance this message by saying publicly “If the share holders re-approve my $56B comp package, I’ll allocate $1B to current employees, and back pay all recent terminated employees 1 years severance.” But no, it’s $56B for him, and a swift kick in the but for everyone else. Shameful.


Kudos for mentioning Iwata. It's almost been nine years since he passed away. He was the kind of leader that really deserved admiration. He treated his employees with respect. And he was a skilled programmer himself. Depresses me to see people worship Elon even when he treats his employees terribly. He so clearly has contempt for humanity in general.


They’d save 55 billion


Bro, if I worked part time at my job and my responsibilities came up 20% short, I wouldn't be asked to slash any employees or how much my bonus should be. I'd be asked to walk out the door with my belongings.




Record profits, followed by layoffs. It's part of the playbook.


Profits? Layoffs. Losses? Layoffs. Record profits? You better believe it's more layoffs. Record losses? Record layoffs.


It's legitimately evil. I can't wait for the day when we start guillotining these scum fucks.


I hate how normalized the layoffs have become. It’s not something to be avoided for these assholes; throwing people’s families into turmoil is just part of doing business now.


Someone can literally change the entire course of your life because THEY had a bad day, and we just accept it as normal


They didn’t have any serious competition before but now every car maker has multiple EVs, as well as multiple new companies that only make EVs. Isn’t it normal and expected that their sales go down?


yes. but number must go up.


Capitalism is a brain disease


Infinite growth or burn it to the ground. "Can't we just be profitable and everyone is happy?" *No.*


Everyone can be happy, but I must be happier than them.


Shh, don’t tell the capitalists or you might hurt their feelings…, I mean earnings.


If the owner class’ pain is only ever limited to their feelings, then we’re all doomed. Problem is, eating the rich is a lot like eating Pringles—once you pop, you just can’t stop!


The fundamental issue is that Tesla isn't positioned to produce a new, more economical vehicle at all much less at scale in the exact moment their first mover advantage was supposed to make them uniquely positioned to do so. On top of that, the Cybertruck roll out showed that they can't produce \*any\* new vehicle at scale. If they're just another car company, except not as good as others at building new cars, then the stock is incredibly and absurdly overpriced (it is). So, Musk came up with a new vague promise of delivering something (robotaxis?) to someone (Uber? Hertz?) in a market that is still 'emerging' (because it's not feasible), which at least takes the 'new model' and 'at scale' requirements off the table for the short term, maybe long enough for him to re-secure that compensation package Delaware laughed out of court.


Musk just needs something enticing and intangible to promise which will take years to see he'll not deliver on, but he'll have the next promise ready by then.


The problem is everyone knows this is his only play at this point, and they can see it unfold in real time.


I don't know why he didn't just go full flying car. Like this is the greatest complaint of all these tech bros, no flying cars. He couldn't build one, but as a promise he won't fulfill goes, it's way better than robotaxi.


Sure. Is it a bit stupid to have a virtual monopoly over a market for a decade and do nothing to capitalize on it? Yes.


Are you saying that maybe a mass market car would have been a better investment than the Cybertruck? I mean who, other than literally everyone, could have predicted that?


Meanwhile Ford just took one of the most popular trucks of all time and made it electric instead of completely reconceptualizing what a truck is supposed to be.


Honestly, I think this is more the reason why people have turned on Musk than his Twitter mess because they’ve realized that he’s just full of shit. He’s been making the same promises for a decade now and none of they have come true.


You know that demographic who believes in new and progressive ideas and has the financial means to purchase our products? Let's alienate them as much as possible. You know that demographic who hates all things new? Let's get their attention.


Its honestly bonkers, I'll be shitting on musk in one thread or another, and some conservative will be like "wow so you don't want him to explore space, help people with Neuralink or build electric cars????" And it's like... 1. Of those three things he's only barely done electric cars, and 2. Those are all things you hate! Republicans don't want money going to electric cars or NASA, republicans don't want compassionate healthcare!?


They probably like the idea of privatized space exploration though.


They'll be blown away when they realize very little of SpaceX functions w/o Government Contracts or technology already built/designed by NASA.


Thats never a concern. The only thing that they hate is if its not privately owned and operated. The money must flow into the hands of a few, the projects must be profit driven above all else. If they take govt contracts and tech, thats just smart business and means more profits for the owner!


Neuralink is like literally the GOP conspiracy theorists nightmare. But now they're kinda onboard because Musk is a fellow shithead. They have no principles other than "power at all costs" and "my team is good".


> Let's alienate them as much as possible. While we're at it, let's tell our advertisers to go fuck themselves. That'll help with our profitability.


Big brain move


>He’s been making the same promises for a decade now Full self driving is *juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust* around the corner. Any day now.


in two weeks your car will gain money as robotaxi...in two weeks, just wait


When Musk bought Tesla the actual founders had a roughly ten year plan for what to manufacture and had the technical side worked out. They just needed money and were terrible at raising it. Musk has not really added anything meaningful to that original plan he purchased and put his name on. The most original thing he added was the model Y, which is just a repackaging of existing tech with a new body kit. Tesla succeeded because the original tech was good, but also because Fisker shit the bed and their biggest potential competitor evaporated. Elon is no prophet and anyone surprised by this just needs to look at Twitter. He had direct access to the product there and he's done nothing but fuck it up and devalue the company. Now, as he has more ability to affect the cars Tesla makes, surprise, they turn to shit. For years the engineers at Tesla had teams of people to distract Elon and keep him from touching the product, but due to Tesla's high turnover most of them are gone and you get Cyber Truck. The stainless steel car that has uncoated body panels, among other problems.


No. They had a huge head start, and should have been able to maintain market share. We'd expect their rate of growth to slow down, but wouldn't expect it to go negative. The problem is that the face of the organization has shown himself to be odious to progressives... You know, the main target demographic of their business.


It's just basic car sales stuff at this point. Brand loyalty normally works like this: 1) Person buys car and likes it. 2) 5-10 years later, it's time for a new car. 3) Happy customer, who is hopefully more successful after 5-10 years, either upgrades trim level, or moves to higher-priced model. So . . . what happens when all the early purchasers have nothing to upgrade to? There's no new models, and now plenty of competition. Who wants to buy a new car that's essentially the same as the old car?


The issue with Tesla I’ve seen is there’s been no refresh of the models since it came out. The only 5-10 year enticement upgrade is due to battery degradation and the cost of a new car is only 10-15k more


I bought an EV recently and of all the cars that I was looking at Tesla was not even in the consideration because of Musk. Without him, they would have been. I absolutely love the car I ended up with, so I guess thanks, Elon.


The cars Elon first envisioned are fine. He should have been booted when he pushed the cyber truck. And he DEFINITELY should be booted now for pushing FSD or “robotaxi” as a viable business. Zero chance e


He didn't envision them.


Tesla was brilliant back at the launch of the 3 and Y. Not perfect, but brilliant and genuinely pushing the envelope in many ways. They've essentially stagnated ever since.


> Isn’t it normal and expected that their sales go down? Vehicle deliveries went down. That is really bad for a firm that is so heavily hyped, as it either means that: 1. They have passed the peak of hype and have worked through much of the backlog in demand. 2. Or the hype is starting to fail and people are defecting towards other brands. Either is terrible for Tesla because of how extreme the hype has been. In Q1 Tesla beat other US electric car manufacturers in registrations ~37k new registrations, but that is NOTHING compared to the category of all cars. Ford had half a million in sales in Q1, and overall there is something like 4M cars sold in Q1. So either electric car growth keeps going and Tesla becomes one of many car manufacturers, or Electric car sales level off and Tesla becomes the dominant player of a market segment that is only 1% of the actual market.


or 3\. the CEO spent 44 billion dollars on a social media company specifically to alienate his customer base and amplify voices that hate them. His alt-right twitter loser friends aren't buying Teslas.


Sure. And a reasonable owner would maybe revamp the company structure instead of just chopping a number of people that are arbitrarily connected to a quarterly profit margin... But then I've always thought that Tesla sales were largely driven by a fad mentality and luckily supported by the simplicity of an electric vehicle so that build quality didn't show. It was always inevitable that Tesla would fall apart as soon as the other players got things working right. Unless they actually improved things prior to that. (they haven't).


When a company run by a meme lord has to compete with companies that can actually build a car that doesn't self destruct when it gets wet, the winning side is pretty obvious.


Also, Tesla refuses to make an affordable model. All their cars are too expensive, and they're too shitty to merit such a high price. Musk's nauseating personality has turned off liberals from buying them, and DJT is out there telling his people that electric cars are liberal AF or whatever. Which means Tesla's market share is exclusively tech douchebags. I don't know how their stock price is still so high, this company has no future as long as Musk is running it


> Which means Tesla's market share is exclusively tech douchebags. Even they've moved on to Rivian. The late adopters are the handful of wealthy conservatives well away from the major hubs who are just ten years late to the whole electric car party... It's all shifted to places like Atlanta and away from Silicon Valley. Hell, even my fucking Lyft driver the other night was saying how he's going to sell his Tesla and get either a Kia or a Nissan. *That's* how bad he fucked his own niche.


You'd expect their market share to go down but not their sales. Most of their half-trillion dollar valuation is predicated on their sales growing double-digits each year for years to come.


The four most recalled vehicles in US history are all Teslas. Tesla only makes four vehicles.


It’s really expected when your “luxury” EV is kind of a shitty product and all the legacy car companies are now doing it way better than you ever could. Even Toyota half assed it and made a better car.


The classic techbro move of assuming that the giants of the industry don’t know what they’re doing.


Yeah that is what was laughable to me, three years back when I used to roam around the stock subgroups and when tesla was at it’s peak ,Tesla’s fanboys used to be like “But Tesla has the batteries that no other company can replicate and things like that”. Bit delusional expecting giant manufacturers whose sole focus is on automative to not catch up when you have done nothing but waste your time on a shitty truck for last few years.


And weren't the batteries Panasonic?


To be fair, Tesla has had good batteries when compared to the competition. It's just that they're pretty bad at making the rest of the car.


The one I never understood was the obsession with robots instead of a traditional assembly line. There's a reason that traditional automotive assembly lines are still used after 110 years.


Robots cost less than labor, eventually. (In theory.) With less protections. With labor you have to not kill workers most of the time and have to pay them a wage. Elon hates that.


The Tesla robotic assembly line wasn't really about taking human assemblers out of the picture. It was about an assembly line that could re-configure itself with software because the "stations" move from one worker to the next, without a conventional system of conveyor belts. It's a cool idea, because it doesn't limit you to a particular factory geometry, and optimizations can be made more easily after installation. But it's wildly expensive in comparison to a traditional assembly line.


Maybe he should try a new market, like $25k cars?


Even if Tesla was perfectly managed yes, business would have slowed because now there is viable competition. I think the real issue here though is that Tesla is no longer the desired brand it once was. Even with other manufacturers in the business, Tesla is still competitive on price and specs. They probably should be selling better than they are. It's almost like there's some other reason people are choosing not to buy these cars.


> business would have slowed because now there is viable competition But the past decade they should have been innovating as to why *they* are the top EV company - knowing that all the big boys like GM and Ford would start to become viable.


Not to me to mention besides the CT, they've only had 4 car models in the last 12 years, the youngest of which, the model Y is about to be 5 years old. That's a very small and aging lineup compared to others car makers and most people that wanted a Tesla already got one and even if they want to buy another Tesla they likely won't be interested in buying just a newer model year of their same car. They will continue to lose sales and existing customers until they add more models or new generations of existing models.


That’s another issue they’re having: every Tesla car model looks dated now. They had sleek and sexy styling in 2019, but now they look like used cars right off the lot.


>  Isn’t it normal and expected that their sales go down? Yes, but Tesla has the problem that it was hyped up as literally going to save the world...as if Elon Musk is the only person brilliant enough to make an electric car. [This has resulted in a massive overvaluation.](https://wolfstreet.com/2021/10/26/teslas-market-cap-gigantic-v-next-10-automakers-v-teslas-global-market-share-minuscule/) Old chart, their value has halved, but the point still stands that they make a fraction of the cars and profit that these other automakers do, despite having a larger market cap than many of them. Of course, Musk *isn't* the only person brilliant enough to make an electric car, his was just the first mass market version. So now the chickens are coming home to roost that Tesla isn't special, and if it's not special, why exactly is it worth so much? So cutting 20% is desperation to juice profits. Temporarily make it look like they're not falling or stagnating.


Genius thinking that us mere mortals could never achieve 


That's why some people deserve to be billionaires and why we are blessed to lick bread crumbs off the ground


Brilliant! Pay this man 40 billion dollars! Quickly!


Leadership *“The layoffs will continue until sales improve!”*


Make that 53 billion


Hey, what's a few billion between friends?


The stock isn't worth that anymore, though.


Maybe if he cut down his dogshit political tweets, Tesla would have more sales. Dude’s torching the Tesla brand.


yeah but he wants White Christian Nationalism pretty bad


Ironically the cult of Elon on twitter are the least likely to buy a Tesla, as they would rather spend thousands to roll coal instead.


I'm seeing Cybertrucks appearing recently in the coal-roller crowd. It looks like Tesla managed to produce a dumb enough fucking vehicle to capture a few enthusiasts there. I expect to see Cybertrucks with homebrewed smokestacks in the next couple years.


My favorite trend on tiktok right now is people posting videos demonstrating the insanely fucked up things about their cyber trucks. They all have this undertone of indignation, like they can’t even conceive how something like this could happen. Like wtf you bought the shittiest vehicle ever conceived, from arguably the shittiest human being of the generation’s shitty fucking company. You basically bought a rusty crusty 2024 delorian, only with less redeeming qualities. Musk stans are a special kind of special.


>>~~torching~~ torched. I’ll absolutely never touch a product that this piece of shit benefits from my purchase. Could be the only car company left in the world I’ll walk.


It’s because you don’t know his newest hobby: asking for a Brazilian Supreme Court judge to be impeached and that he’s responsible for putting our current president on the seat. This motherfucker is now bothering other democracies while high


Production is down. Slash the staff to increase production!


I worked for a company that decided that the correct response to seeing profit growth, but not as much profit growth as they projected, was to dramatically slash the workforce. It pumped up the numbers for a quarter or two and then saw the company go through about 8 years of almost entirely loss. But that's what you get when you specifically cultivate managers who only care about what the next quarter says.


The secret is just to use the improved profitability numbers to get a job at another company. When the old company starts to tank just say "hey, it had record profits when I was there, the new CEO must have fucked things up" Rinse and repeat.


I, and the others in my group that were laid off, all had jobs in pretty quick order, and we all made more money after. We got to watch that place shrink and sputter off from comfort.


Damn you Jack Welch


You know, with a 100 workers you do 100 cars in 100 days, So if you cut to 80 workes, you will have 80 cars in 80 days. Math!


More cots on the factory floor!


The funny thing is I'm basically trying to hire 75% of the people on the Tesla team I work with that got slashed to work on my team as contractors. So now they'll just pay us O&P on them.


That’ll happen when the CEO is a narcissist who blames everyone else for his own mistakes.


Elon has always been a narcissist but since covid he's suffered some sort of brain rot like many other public figures


his fanbase was his downfall.


He has been a POS for a very long time. edit: more gooder english


without a doubt but most POS know to keep their mouth shut. Zuckerberg is a POS but the guy isn't openly spreading the great replacement theory. Bezos is a POS but he isn't fomenting election conspiracies. TBH, I don't think they're as unhinged to believe in those things either. They're classical rich POS, but not white supremacy POS types like Elon.


> Zuckerberg is a POS but the guy isn't openly spreading the great replacement theory. Well Zuck is Jewish (probably why Musk hates him), so that would be something...


This describes most CEOs


The layoffs will continue until morale improves Same guy big mad a judge threw out his 56B pay package. Wants to re incorporate in Texas. Mind you Tesla incorporated in Delaware in the first place because their laws are super business friendly


Their laws are business friendly (as in investor friendly) not CEO screwing over the business friendly.


We lost 20% what’s our number one priority?: We MUST get MUSK his $56 Billion. Our future depends on it!!! - Tesla Board who brought us Cybertruck.


The man is the personification of everything evil about industry.


and if he was American, he'd be a percentage or two points behind Trump for unquestioned leader of Conservatism


Fuck Elon and his mental illness. Hoarding is a mental disorder Hoarding trash or money.


This guy is hoarding mental illnesses, delusions of greatness, and kids with non standard names too.


The real hero in the story. He's bearing all the mental illnesses so that we don't have to.


Where do I sign up to send my mental illnesses to Elon Musk, I'm very interested in this program


It really is. I hate when people parrot that capitalism is the only system that works because people are naturally greedy. Normal people just want to have enough money to live comfortably. It's a serious mental illness to want more than a ten thousand lifetimes' worth of stuff. We shouldn't base our entire economic system because a small percentage of people have no self control.


Imagine if he didn’t drink right wing Koolaid, peddle racist propaganda, call people pedos, and buy Twitter.


He had every opportunity to be super cool, but he took those opportunities and became a flaming bag of dog shit instead of


mediaeval doctors: the patient is anaemic? quick, bleed them some more!


Everybody's fault but his own. Classic narcissist.


Elon is still thinking and acting like he is running a startup tech company instead of an established car company


The hubris while simultaneously asking for 50+ billion


A true business genius in action ...


But he wants his 56 ~~million~~ BILLION pay day though.


I think you mean billions…


Jesus you’re right. That’s unhinged.


Worse than you imagined lol


For my salary, I need 56 billion dollars *Dr Evil look*


I'm sure laying off 20% of staff will lead to an increase in sales...


so when Elon fails, the workers pay the price? yeah that sounds right.


Nothing like a good ol' death spiral to encourage talent to stick around


DeMusk Tesla motors. Unionize.


Dude got his job through Affirmative Action targeting incompetent white guys.


Rich assholes can't math.


Guys, Elon musk “knows more about manufacturing than any other person alive” so don’t question him.


Sounds like they need to fire that Elon fella


Tesla should slash 20% off Elon for his far right bullshit


That's like my boss wanting me to cut our marketing budget by 30% because sales were down by that much the previous month. Pure genius


That is stable idea . Give the man his billions


In before Elon starts telling his employees to keep sleeping on the floor and barking about obsession he never had.  It's like virtue signaling for hard workers.


Dude is imploding. He needs to take step back and stop fucking up so much for no reason other reason than to fuck it up.


That's why Musk thinks he deserved $33,000 in pay this year from Tesla for every vehicle sold.


I sometimes wonder how this moron manages to tie his shoes in the morning before remembering that it's probably velcro.


The fact that the American government subsidizes this fascist loser with tax payer dollars is sheer insanity Elon Musk is unfit to manage a Taco Bell much less shoot rockets into space as the head of a Fortune 500 company


What a fucking muppet adored by ineffectual dipshits, which sadly we have in surplus amounts in this country.


So is this say, he wanted to make the workforce smaller, because the workforce he has can't product cars fast enough? Thus cut your nose off to spit your face? OR, is it sales when down by 20%??


What does delivery have to do with the employees? If anything it’s down bc of the man child in charge and his divisive rants.


Seems like the reasons for the downturn are mostly, but not entirely, attributed to face of the company turning villain for the masses. As pointed out, Tesla is a cult of personality, but the cult has turned away in disgust at the spectacle. Since he shows no remorse or course correction, it would make more sense for the face of the company to step aside for someone else. That might fix the price devaluation. Since it doesn’t seem likely, I say to shareholders enjoy the ride down to penny stocks because it will crater faster with him than without. Let the short selling begin…


There is only 1 person Tesla needs to get rid of in order to be more successful.


TSLA only needs to cut staff by one to significantly improve sales. Get rid of Elon.


“…deliveries fell by that much…” Probably because the car will get fried in the rain or a car wash if you don’t hit the right button in time…