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Has anyone stopped to ask "Why does Instagram need to produce content if people are there to see other peoples' content?"


My guess is that it's not that IG will create bot accounts that will post generated content. We are entering the era of generated media and IG is getting ready to monetize on its vast trove of training material. We do not yet know in which way it will be used, maybe even IG does not know, but they are getting ready for what is coming.


I'm guessing if a social media platform can create its own content it will have more control over the quality, frequency and type of content they can offer. Let's say people log in to see, idk, videos of mukbangs,concerts, or whatever other thing, Instagram will showed them that content without having to rely on users creating it. If Youtube did this they wouldn't have to pay money to content creators anymore, since they would be offering a product of their IA system. I gotta say I have no idea what I'm talking about and I'm just speculating, so feel free to educate me if I'm being ignorant now.


That very very unlikely for many reasons.


I’d say it’s less of an instagram-only thing and more of a Meta trying to get data from every source they can thing.


There are many reasons, but in my opinion the biggest is ad targeting. AI can create ads tailored to your profile and demographic (a custom model based on your usage, demographic, and usage history). For instance, currently, if you pause even for a second to watch an ad, Instagram tracks this and shows you similar ads, knowing you’re likely to engage with them. With AI, it will actually customize and tailor the ad to you, and over time learn how you respond and customize further to get more engagement out of you. It's honestly terrifying. (I don't think this is a good thing, just answering your question)


This. They’re in the ads business. Social media is how they find+retain customers. The pinnacle of human ingenuity is going to show you targeted ads.


Don’t upload videos of your kids. AI scammers will use their voice


I had collections call me one time and I'm like "How do I know you aren't a scammer?", kinda threw them off. And I was like, I'm not setting up payment with a stranger on the phone. I called the city as they said it was their client and was able to pay the city directly as I had an account with them. We are going to have to set up two-step verification with friends and family it seems.


You answered your phone?


I bet we’re pretty close to scanning social media content and being able to create a virtual person you can talk to over video, voice and text that will behave similarly to the real person. Seems like only good can come from this.


Who want to talk to a fake person?


Point is you won’t know it’s fake, the real question is who is controlling the fake person. “Mom what’s the code to get into the house, I forgot” shit like that


I wouldn’t want AI to know all my personal details.


It already does


I know that. It’s creepy af


There already have been fake “we kidnapped your daughter” phone calls where they used AI to clone the daughter’s voice




Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


I could see this being a weird sort of comfort for someone who died you still wanted to talk to


Which is the plot of Black Mirror’s “Be Right Back”.


Weird for sure. But delusional also.


What about the programmers? They have access to everything. Not to mention that AI can replicate child porn. Who’s feeding the algorithm anatomically correct nudes children?


AI has seen all the naked adults, it can probably figure it out


You mean like that one episode in Black Mirror?


This reminds me of the Orville episode where they find a cell phone from around our time. One of the crew uses the data to load a holo-deck type simulation of the night of a party featured in the photos and videos on it.


I’m hoping when these social apps are infiltrated with enough ai people the real people will leave.


Had me until the last sentence (unless it's sarcasm of course). How the *fuck* is any of that a good thing?




Reddit feeds AI too. You're not safer here. 


I think its the AI that isn't safe here. The amount of confidentially incorrect information on here is astounding. Reddit is how the AI learned to make pizza with glue.


every time i think of the glorbo thing r/WoW did it makes me wonder why companies even bother including reddit in AI training data


Reddit is why Google AI told a depressed person to jump off a bridge (yes that’s real, look it up if you don’t believe me)


Well atleast you are not uploading any media here


Depends on the sub


Reddit AI is going to have marmalade for brains


Post comments about glue on pizza, drink while your pregnant, and that suicide is bad ass. If Reddit turns into 4chan, it will be safe.


At least there’s a sense of anonymity. You don’t know who I am unless you really want to find out.


They want to know


reddit just sign package with openai to sell data?




i wouldn’t be so sure, maybe they just didn’t tell you


You'll be lucky if [that's the only thing they're used for](https://cyber.fsi.stanford.edu/news/investigation-finds-ai-image-generation-models-trained-child-abuse).


Ooh get ai versions of all my crushes


Just don't exist at all. That's the only way to be safe from AI.


They’re about to *kill* their own business by making people afraid to post their photos online Stupid ducking short sighted morons…


I really worry for artists trying to get their work out there, it’s getting to the point where nowhere on the internet is safe for creatives who don’t want their work stolen by AI


Putting your artwork on the public internet always came with the possibility that someone could steal it and use it in ways you don’t approve of. 


Comparing the two are *not at all* 1:1 though. Having a handful of nameless dipshits come in and *try* to steal your work for financial gain, over the course of a career, is in most cases, negligible. And typically they are limited to your existing art. They could *try* to replicate your art and create their own in your style. But that is extremely difficult to do, and if you cant do it well enough to pull it off, you are probably better off just making your own works at that point. ***This*** is career ending on a massive scale. A lot of artists can't get the reach they need to make a living without posting their works publicly. So now what?


Support real artists and donate to them if you have the time.


Sadly most decent-looking AI art currently out there already has specific artists or photographers names thrown in the prompt, and you can often tell who's art is being imitated. If you don't explicitly request plagiarism you end up with stuff with no sense of colours, composition, or style. It's a disgusting state of affairs.


Supermarkets destroyed milkmen careers but I don’t hear anyone asking to ban supermarkets 


Millions of people don’t dream of becoming a milkman someday.


I dream of making billions of dollars playing video games. Isn’t likely to happen though. 


But you don't dream of being a milkman.


Yes. Glad we got rid of that job 


Yeah but it was a random user thief...but now...its the Company that had too much greed that the advertisement ain't enough for them anymore.


There is no place that isnt taken over by AI, which makes these sites unviable. [The top AI artist makes 12K a year on Deviant art](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F5nizva8rqnpc1.png%3Fwidth%3D581%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da318b4e12edaf651358efb7f5700a55889e76906) from thousands of AI images, that isn't enough to live on. The site gets flooded with millions of AI art no one will buy or look at. The artist doesn't win because now burger flipping pays more even for AAA studio quality work, the site doesn't win either because of the ballooning server and cloud costs AI brings. And years later once the investor money into AI starts questioning where the profits are and why the line isnt going up forever, generative AI will collapse in a big way and there will be no artists of any kind at all because if the top person only makes 12K a year, the moment you start charging money for AI use AI artists disappear too. It will cost more to make AI Art than you get from selling it.


Tumblr is pretty good for real art.


Maybe its time to find a way to advertise their works the offline way again. It sounds like a hassle, but so was transitioning to the digital space over the last 25 years, only for it to run off the cliff like this.




Welcome to r/technology!




And many on here don't understand anything about technology.


Nobody said it was reasonable


You either learn to do it or be out of luck. Many crafts had to deal with this throughout history, this will be no different.


Set the date to 1995 and flip the script to moving your advertising online and tell me how easy it was.  It will take some time to figure out where AI is going to push people to advertise where AI doesn't exist or a way to separate the two.


That not how that works? That not how any of that works?


you have to be stealthy about it and just post teaser bits of your content or video clips and then get people to sign up for email newsletters or to receive your content in other ways where you're just not posting the whole thing online. The days are gone when you should be posting long-form "evergreen" article guides, because AI will just find it and use it without giving you any credit. Before it became used for crypto/scam purposes, I thought the whole idea of Web3 was to be able to post your content in a way that corporations couldn't use as they please, but things like Mastodon are hard to get people to use.




what's that? Is Mailchimp putting everyone's email newsletters in their AI models now?




Yeah that's true. Foiled again!


Yes another reason why everyone should be actively trying to move away from Google products... r/degoogle


There is an activist and animator who’ve I’ve seen discussing an app that is for artists who oppose ai, and it comes with a virtual glaze that additionally protects the works from being scraped. They are building a safer platform for artists. I think we will see a mass exodus of the talent and creativity that made apps like Instagram interesting in the first place




Where will you go?


Automation will take a lot of jobs, no reason for creatives to be protected more than anyone else.


The whole idea was that we automated away the toil so we could spend all our time being creative. This whole thing is progressing ass-backwards and it’s gross. Techbros neither value nor understand art.


An AI trained on Instagram Reels comments. Where Google's AI made everything PC, Meta's AI will call someone an austistic n-word when they ask a question


That's just every AI model trained on Internet data that's not whipped into shape before release ever


Wasn't Google ai saying that the cure for depression was to jump off bridges


Suddenly AI is talking about shots of food on plates from all over the world....


Like reddit is any better


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


I forgot when we signed off to give them permission to do such. Oh right Zuckerberg and co can do whatever they please with our data/content.


I mean, not a defense of the Zuck. I don't have Facebook or Instagram but I'ma push back gently. Did you read the ToS when you signed up? I'm willing to bet there are bits in there about them reserving the right to use this data for things like this.


They sent an email yesterday. At least I received it yesterday. It states that they are changing them now.


Which is allowed in the terms of the original agreement everyone signed up for(I'm assuming). If you(the collective you) don't like it, delete your account and stop giving them data. It's simple.


It's not that simple.  Nearly every social media company pulls data and feeds AI. The Internet is rapidly becoming the ONLY place to socialize and network anymore, especially for artists.  If you want to make money, you MUST be on social media, there is no escape aside from becoming a hermit and never interacting with people again.  You CANNOT protect yourself from AI bullshit and exist on the Internet at the same time anymore. Facebook knows this, and if they don't get your data from their own products, they will buy it from someone else.


Right? Every single artist can’t rely on in-person sales. People want to be able to see and buy art online anyway.


I’ve not use it in ages. I think I might have one pic though


Not “you”… the *royal* You — as in anybody reading this. Nobody should use FB/Meta/Threads/IG or their redneck cousin Twitter. It is a decidedly unAmerican — anti-Humanist — position to support them via engagement. The only justifiable take I can figure is holding a profile so it does not get swept up and used by some entity with malignant intentions. But average Joe only fuels these problems by being on there and using it regularly.


Why are you anti-FB/Meta/Threads/IG/Twitter but using Reddit? Reddit also sells our data and lets it be used to train AI. Why is it not also unAmerican and anti-humanist?


Unamerican lol. Social media — decidedly and nefariously Australian


It’s public data. You posted it on a non-private forum. They don’t train on private data. 


That's not true, you can restrict sharing content to followers. That does not include an AI training service


GDPR may be the only defense against it (if it applies to your data and the company in question). 1) send an email to whichever AI company you desire, invoking article 17 (asking for your personal data to be deleted) 2) give them 60 days to comply 3) ask the company's AI LLM about yourself 4) if it replies with your info, take as many screenshots as you can 5) report a GDPR compliance breach


Don't use platforms. That's you not signing off. Its not rocket science. Stop pretending you are the victim here. Literally using a multibillion dollar platform for free. How the fuck do you think you are paying for it


You literally gave it to them so… I’m guessing there’s really not much of value to you in your posts. Otherwise you wouldn’t have put it out there for the world for free. 


AI SUCKS. Wait until it REALLY gets going! EVERYONE ON PLANET 🌎 EARTH will be absolutely shocked they allowed this to occur.


It either becomes very racist or an e-girl with an only fans


They’ve been selling your images since purchased by Facebook. This is not really new news. They’re just admitting to using and selling your stuff now.


I guess they’re getting close to making a deal with the big players. When the legal talk becomes you can opt out going forward. That means your options become non existent. The likelihood they’re telling the truth about what year  they began using data for training is unlikely. 


o rly???


Water is wet


great, now AI will be stupid


I deleted instagram and Facebook years ago and it changed nothing about my life. No big loss


Facebook (obviously) does the same: Policy updates What you should know We're getting ready to expand our AI at Meta experiences to your region. AI at Meta is our collection of generative AI features and experiences, like Meta AI and AI Creative Tools, along with the models that power them. What this means for you To help bring these experiences to you, we'll now rely on the legal basis called legitimate interests for using your information to develop and improve AI at Meta. This means you have the right to object to how your information is used for these purposes. If your objection is honored, it will be applied going forward. We're including updates in our Privacy Policy to reflect these changes. The updates go into effect on June 26, 2024. Edit: to add: Everything you post on FB or Insta already legally belongs to them (read the TOS) but now they're just letting you know it will also be used to train AI.


My instagram is demented, hopefully it will poison the well.


So it will be very good at generating pictures of 20 something old girls that use too much filters and/or makeup.


I assumed they were already doing this lol


So glad I already deleted social media


I think this is the Dead of social media most users are already scared there picture will be used in porn


Training on Instagram and Facebook posts does not create Artificial Intelligence, it creates Artificial Stupidity.


There is an option to opt out of it as much as I know


Only in some countries.


IG is a softporn network. Which information is valuable there?


One group that will be hurt is artists. They use IG to connect with their audience, and now they have to either leave thousands of followers behind or let their work be used for AI training. Tbh IG provides the way to opt out, hope many people will use that option.


I’m not convinced they’ll honor the opt-out. Paying fines is part of business and Meta can pay any fine.


Did people not learn from earlier mistakes on training bots from user content? Do they not remember garbage in = garbage out? Do they not remember Microsoft Tay, who immediately turned into a nazi? Do we really need AI showing off their titties and telling us PUSSY IN BIO? Wait, I take back everything I just said.


To train it is AI?


The fuck it won't. I guess I just will not have social media anymore


He says while using Reddit.


Typo in headline. Checked by live human.




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AI gonna be confuse why people calling cat a car. 


Well, there’s a reason these platforms are “free”. There’s always a catch.


The problem with using social media to train AI is that we are likely to end up with AI that is shallow, vain, hateful, etc. and on the photo and video side, it’s going to be unrealistic, photoshopped, etc


Do you think that using Glaze and Nightshade on my photography will protect it or does it only work on drawings, paintings etc.?


How to take the intelligence out of Artificial Intelligence.


Got a notification from Meta that I have the option to “object” to their use of my content to train their AI. Not sure if it will have any real consequence but at least I get to tell them what I think about their AI crap!


I trained ai about 6 months ago. I was paid nicely for it. I wonder how much instagram is getting paid to sell our images and videos to train ai.


Said no one ever.


What if Instagram users start creating nonsense content just to screw up AI backpropagation of its LLMs?


So, if you are really worried sign and share this Insta petition [https://chng.it/CdRHqCP787](https://chng.it/CdRHqCP787)


So they’re using posts of our faces and stuff for their ai? That’s scary 😓


Opt out button needs to be a mandatory option


So itll be mean


Oh fuck, that’s a lot of Neve comments


If you wonder why ai looks more closely like other people you know about. Their images are in the data it's trained on. Now mix and match features. Looks like someone because to make a realistic person they have to look like someone else or they look alien or deformed. We are all a mix and match and there is only so many variations. Same with voice. Other people that exist sound like you including spot on. Some can throw voice to sound just like you too. No way around this. For AI to sound human the AI will sound like some person automatically. The ai sounds like me i am sueing and 3 guys sue who all sound the same. Lol although others most likely won't care. I think they are only going to protect famous people voices and not lower classes. I know a girl from when i was 16 who sounds a certain way. Haven't seen her in person in half my life but talked to her so many years back and voice is still exact to her past. Well in my area there is another female with her voice exactly. Almost a Florida voice. Anyway every time this person talks and i have to take a double look. Because i think it's the other person. It's exact. Neither of them from Florida but have same voice that reminds me of some people from Florida. I have to look over and make sure it isn't my long ago friend every single time. They go in a bar i sometimes go in. Not related and have duplicate voices. Sometimes sisters sound very close to the same depending on what they are saying. However it can also be a bit different depending on how they may say other stuff. So i usually know based on their choice of words. I often have to wait for a full sentence. Sometimes they put different spins on words. Not a different voice just a difference in how they say something. Choice of words, slang or attitude. They do sometimes sound different though. But these other girls completely unrelated sound more similar than sisters. Spot on exactly. You have to look twice.


Is there a way to opt out of this? Def don’t want that Edit: if you down vote you’re simpin for the Zuck