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I’ve been going to the gym for 3 months bro, I’m 160Ib at 5’9 rn Edit: I was already 160Ib before I went to the gym. I grew 3 inches.


Good for you. Keep it up matey


Congrats! Keep it up


Good job. Keep it up


I want so bad to go to the gym but like, where do you start? It just seems confusing


Go running on a treadmill first, then move onto other things.


Running is the worst solution if you're out of shape


Not really, cardio is pretty good for losing weight, but a proper diet is obviously way more important. But if you are looking to get “fit” a good way is a mixture of weight training and cardio


I know, but running is dangerous if yiu're out of shape. If you wanna start with cardio, rowing (like a rowing machine) or swimming is way less damaging for your joints, gives you a full body workout, and can be even more intense (cardio wise) than running. Source : I work with phamacians (who do have a medical degree), my aunt has a few medical degrees (was a surgeon, then a physician, then a psychyatrist) and I've asked a few doctors and training coaches about exercise.


That's for people who are obese and very unhealthy. Not for your average overweight person who has to lose weight for long term betterment.


Even then, it is better to start with any other type of cardio exercise.


Sure but dangerous is a strong word. Swimming will always be king of weight loss for beginners but running is super solid and by far the most easily accessible so it's good to not use strong words against it. Cheers.


Yeah, what I mean is : running is still damaging for your joints even if you're in shape


Fair enough, I don’t know much about joint health but I understand it’s something a lot of people take for granted. I appreciate the knowledge


Welcome. And if you wanna know, the basics are this : A joint can support a maximum weight. When a person is out of shape, the joints are usually weaker (we can make them stronger trough certain types of exercise). So, when you're too heavy for your joints, you can permenantly harm your knees. I personally know people who can barely walk because they tried to run while being borderline ovebe and hurt their knees.


Yeah, no. With the way i eat i should weigh like 3x more than i do, but im a 6’2 135 lbs runner


Dunno where you live but just a regular routine is required. Gym is not necessary.


I would recommend to get your cardio up. I run 6-6,5 km in 25 min. Once you have your cardio go over to doing machines. I recommend training lower back muscles as well as stomach. To get a stable center that holds your body up while running, also improves your posture. When you feel like you’ve mastered the machines go over to free weights. These will help you build muscle more quickly. However use the machines first to get used to doing workouts. They are much more safe and forgiving for beginner mistakes. As well as getting the technique right with your breathing and stuff. I see way to many people who go for free weights first and can’t get the technique in and just end up hurting themselves.


Tbh running can harm you as much as bad form wjth free weights. I'd recommend swimming before running


How can running harm you?


Your joints have limits. Running puts a strain on your joints (even if you are healthy). If weight > than maximum strain, knnees go pop and you go down.


Okay maybe if you’re overweight but running is generally the least dangerous exercise. Ever since I stared running my joints have stopped cracking. Also you need to stretch before you do that’ll help. Idk much bout swimming. But I know you need to hold your breath a lot, it can be hard to constantly keep track of when you need to breath. And from own experience I’ve often hold my breath while swimming cuz I need to think about the technique and holding my head over the water as well as not hitting the wall. Holding your breath while doing hard excersice can be hurtful young long term oxygen intake as well as cause heart distress. Conclusion: there’s too much to think about while swimming so you could forget to breath. Running helps you create an unconscious rythmic breathing timing that’ll help you doing other exercises later


tbh 160 at 5'9 is not that bad. I was at 170 at 5'11 and somehow got down to 140. Anyways, keep it up mate


keep it up!




How much can u bench? Edit - Why are people down voting its just a question


25 Ibs :(


thats still something, ive never been to the gym but do whatever u can do and then when it gets easier, add another 5lbs or so to make it harder again


why the sad face? you are going to the gym and improving yourself, wich is awesome! don't compare yourself to the people on the internet flexing how strong they are, everybody once started where you are.


I don't bench but I do dumbbell bench 5kg per hand, is that normal? 1 month of gym


Everyone has their own "normal" bro. Just keep pushing, keep training and eventually you will get there. Remember that even small progress is still progress. Stay strong dude!


Not bad! Go slow so you don’t hurt yourself. It’s about progress, not where you are compared to others.


the guy who commented was someone who watches those yt videos of ego lifters. Idk a lot abt the gym, so all I can say is that there is no normal and that it's great that you are going to the gym! also, sorry for my bad English.


110lbs for reps


That's good bro


we shouldn’t glorify obesity as something that is normal, but at the same time, we also shouldn’t make fun of them for their fatness. You will just make it worse.


Exactly this. Nothing socially/morally wrong with being obese, but the few people who say it's a "healthy" lifestyle are lying to themselves.


I think this is the problem. There IS something wrong with being obese. It’s unhealthy, it’s one of the biggest secondary factors to critical illness, and people should definitely understand that. There’s nothing morally or ethically wrong with any weight or BMI classification but from a health perspective it’s certainly a negative impact being obese has on your body.




What about smokers, alcoholics, high risk sports, etc? Isnt that the same?


Why do you think there are high taxes on tobacco and alcohol?


Good Point the sport aspect still stands though and it goes both ways either to extrem or non existent combined with a 9-5 behind a table


That is a shitty answer Being old or having cancer is also expensive I would much rather have tax paid Healthcare with regulated prices and take care of the fatties


Can you do something about being old or having cancer? No. But you can lose weight


You can't control getting old or cancer ...


That is a shitty comparison Being old or having cancer are factors you can’t do anything against it. Sure some cancer types are caused by certain things but a lot of happen "random". Obesity is usually a result of a wrong diet and no sports. Only a few percent of them are obese by an actual illness. The majority is responsive for their overweight. So better compare it to drinking or smoking.


It's also expensive but obesity is far and away a different thing wtf. Having cancer as a disease versus becoming extremely fat because youre sedentary and don't eat a healthy diet - like do you not see how insulting that is? A person with cancer would give anything to be able to have the control over it that an obese person does. Obesity can be cured every single time with some commitment, cancer does not have that privilege. Obesity costs the US for example 173 billion a year. It's monstrous, especially when it's passed down to innocent children by parents who don't give a fuck and feed them huge amounts of unhealthy food, and that wrecks their genes, causes a range of diseases and is a terrible way to live


I really recommend you listen to the BMI episode of The Maintenance phase podcast


>Nothing wrong with being obese That's exactly the problem lmfaoooo, there is something objectively wrong with being obese. Not even an argument.


u/MeecheeMandime put it better than I did, I meant by a moral/social standpoint. Clearly, there's numerous health problems, but it's not like people who are obese should be fat shamed or anything like that.


Nobody is saying that, but when you just go out and say that there is nothing wrong with being obese, you're just enabling it. It SHOULD be wrong from a social standpoint. Not in the sense that people are being harassed for it, but it should be understood that it's not a good thing. Like people who don't shower or take care of themselves. They look and smell disgusting because they have no hygiene. You don't see people going out of there way to be body positive about that, the opposite in fact. Treating obesity as if its something beautiful or that it's even just ok is terrible for society.


I saw a horrifying stat the other day - type II diabetes in children in the 80's was 0 , in 2010 it was over 50,000. I can't recall the source so the accuracy can't be verified. Based on what I see it sounds like it could be accurate.


I'm going to assume your a round ass tellytubby who can only walk to the fridge and back. Nevertheless you probably have your own orbit so strong that you make the excuse you eat alot because the food floats towards you Edit: autocorrect can get fucked


Do you have anything worth saying. Go dig a hole and go fuck your miserable self in jt because no one else will.


Gladly, at least I won't be obese in the hole, you are blind to reality. See how easily I can insult you because of your weight. That's a clear indication that this generation is fucking weak, they sit their and hate to be insulted and complain about it but do nothing to change it. Call me miserable all you want but I know what it's like. I was a fat fuck growing up and was tormented for years, I changed that and now I'm fit and buff as fuck. Grow the fuck up, I may be miserable but at least I don't live in a sensitivity bubble


You act like I'm obese when I'm not actually lmfao. Then the first thing you do is insult people. Wow, so mature. You should be the one growing up. It's almost like when you insult someone, you get insulted back. Who knew. Fucking idiot.


Wow... You're a deeply unlikable person and life is going to remind you of that regularly if you don't change.


Exactly, the last sentence of the title is really uncalled for. The vast majority of obese people are aware they have a problem. They just want to be seen as equals. That's what body positivity is actually about.


"Fatness" haha


At the very least you have no idea if it will make it worse or better. I lost 70 pounds from bullying


I say we do make fun of them so that they are furious and become slim just out of spite. That way we would help them indirectly.


that never actually works, you know. I was fat for 4 years because i felt bullied, and the stress just made me retreat into more overeating. I have halved my bodyfat percentage over the past year because i have surrounded myself with supportive friends and a better community, that recognized the problems with my obesity and actually tried to help me fix it instead of just putting me down for it.


That's a pretty shit take.


What a great idea, let's bully others!


Yeah! Let's hunt down those landwhales, carve them up and harvest the fat for fuel!


I think it's important to not be hateful towards fat people, and to realize that they can have other issues we don't know about. Being disrespectful does nothing good, and can actually make it worse (not saying that you are tho).But I agree, obeisity is neither healthy or beautiful, and it shouldn't be something glorified.


I was there and I can tell you the world will do something about it eventually. They are selling literally addictive drugs that people use to fill their inner problems. Everyone eats it but only some suffer the effect of eating too much about it. Eating healthy is going opposite of society's standards, its a totally different world and the ones who are unfortunate and are addicted to junk should accept that its the place where they should be living, just eat healthy and don't go back. Its been 4 years but I like where I am now, its not like you have to be super lean to feel happy, I like to cook and cooking healthy things is so much fun compared to eat chips out of the box.


Shouldn’t be normalize at all yeah


Yup, I used to be obese and decided to loose the weight for good in 2018 and as of now, I’m down 77 pounds. I don’t think obesity should be glorified, but we shouldn’t make fun of random overweight people on the street. If they are saying that it’s beautiful to be unhealthy, then yes, we should criticize.


Agreed. And good job on your weight loss! :)


normalization is wrong, but so is shaming and being hateful as you got no clue why they are they way they are. best tip is to just mind ur own business, applies to most things in life


Right, I totally agree with you, just a side note, sometimes telling someone they’re fat makes them question their choices, but it’s also just not nice yk so it’s hard cuz you want to help them but you don’t want to be a jerk idk that’s just how I feel


they prolly know already broski not helpful pointing out the obvious lmao


I am fat and I am disgusted by my own body. I was going to the gym and making progress but my father died of cancer and life derailed so fucking much. I don't give a shit anymore. I know I am slowly killing myself but food seems to be the only thing that makes me forget about this piece of shit life.


Your father wouldn't want you to suffer this way. I know you're going through so much right now but you need to be strong and overcome it. You SHOULD give a shit. Don't feel guilty because of how much you have overeaten until now. What's in the past stays in the past. TODAY and the future is important. Take care of yourself one step at a time. Its important for everyone on the planet to slowly but surely better ourselves every day. It's a slow journey but an important and fulfilling one we all must go through. Find something else that will distract you from your pain. See I said distract not "make you forget" because you shouldn't forget anything. Everything you've gone through is a part of you but only you can decide whether the trauma will build you better and have you come back twice as strong or break you down and let you suffer. I truly believe you can find a better hobby or habit for yourself to occupy you or keep you busy that isn't shoving a bunch of food down your throat to drown your negative emotions temporarily. Those emotions will come back to haunt you. Don't let them. Remember this: lifelong joy is much better than temporary pleasure. Except you have to work for the joy but it is 100x better than anything that pleases you for a short amount of time. All the work is worth it in the end. And to be honest it isn't that much work. You can do it I believe in you. Do little steps forward to improve your physical AND mental health. Do some exercises, a bit of training, take a walk, cut down on the junk food gradually - little by little, find real good friends to support you and have your back, a hobby to keep you busy and happy, people you can TRUST I believe you can do all of that and i KNOW that you will.


This is really good advice


Thanks. It took me a long to time to write it all down but I did it because I truly want this guy to improve himself and make his life better.


Good man


That's very kind


Then fight to get stronger, you gotta push your mentality to your limits knowning there's more in life, im sorry for your loss but it's for your own good to realize your health and make a change


Bro really said "just try harder" 💀


Yea try harder that’s all you can do that or give up. From a voice of experience


Im sorry for you


This sounds exactly like a my 600 pound life episode


Get help


I mean if you think nothings wrong and your over 400 pounds. There’s something wrong mentally with you


There’s a difference between body positivity and being unhealthy yes, but even if you suffer from obesity you don’t have to hate yourself. You can be body positive while working on it, it’s not mutually exclusive.


That is true, but so many can’t respect like that. Give an inch, they take a mile.


Just saw a post about 'my friends are calling me fat, am I?' all comments were about body positivity.... And now this 💀


Body positivity should be based on your health and not your looks.


if it is about how you look it should be about other things like having a weird nose, a horrible jaw line etc things you cannot change unless you get like plastic surgery


You can change jawline to an extent.


not really, for example i can’t change my jawline to be more sharp bc that’s how it naturally is and it’s fuckin ugly


why is it called ''body positivity'' and not ''health positivity'' then?


Ah, time for bait again


hahah jokes on you im anorexic


I know what you are trying to say, to you it may be unattractive and disgusting but that is your personal opinion. Yes I believe that making obesity the norm is not a good thing, many people are become extremely obese which is not good at all. But people should be able to love themselves obese or not.


As someone else said on this post, obesity should not be glorified.


biologically speaking, being obese is clear indicator of poor genetic material making it unattractive from an subconscious biological level. no need to sugarcoat it. i was fat and i looked absolutely horrible. for the most of time people didn't even tell me i was gaining weight because they didn't want to come off as judgmental or look like they are shamming me. i wish i was shammed so i could get some sense into my head and get to work.


Normalize shutting the fuck up about things that don’t concern you. Jfc how is this even a discussion?!


lost 12kg so far this year, it's something! as someone considered medically OBESE it shouldn't be normalised. HOWEVER we do need to understand that some people have medical conditions or are undergoing treatment that can make it incredibly hard to lose weight/avoid weight gain. I think as long as someone is trying to what's right for their body and look after themselves then the rate that they progress at shouldn't be judged.


I agree tbh, I’m obese my self yet slowly I am still trying to lose some or at least not gain more.


Sorts by controversial 🗿


NO ONE IS GLORIFYING OBSEITY. When people are saying its okay to be overweight, they're saying that they should lose weight if it not helping their health, they mean that weight loss or weight gain should be done healthily, safely and not a mental/emotional/physical struggle


“NO ONE IS GLORIFYING OBESITY” that so wrong. I see more and lore fat acceptance people who think they’re so much better cuz they’re fat. My school literally showed a video where a person tried to learn us that there nothing wrong with being obeese.


Thats such a small amount of people, and did your school mean that fat people are their own thing and they shouldn't be bullied or was it actually obesity ls good if so that's just misinformation


They said there nothing wrong with obesity. Even if it’s a small amount of people, the extreme leftists message can spread fast across the internet and get picked up easily by stupid people. I think more and more people are starting to think this way it’s not just a small percentage


True, those few people can stir up so much shit, but the problem is when people begin to act like it's more than it actually is, like when English people think 1/4 of the population are immigrants but it's actually 13%


Realize that there are diseases that some people have that make it difficult to maintain, or lose weight, and in fact cause people to gain weight. You don't know their health history, and as a teenager, certainly are not a physician, so if you pass judgement on people like you said in your title: "unattractive, and disgusting" that you are massively ignorant and abusive. Reddit has already permanently banned a sub of ignorant, abusive, fat haters.


It’s not even just diseases, some people are just genetically predisposed to being larger.


Eat less




I had to go through two different surgeries in the span of 8 months. I was 269 pounds/122 kg. Height, 5'10/177.9 cm. Trust me when I say this, fat people who have similar body composition that I had or above have at least 3+ ongoing medical issues. It pisses me off when fat people talk about body positivity. Anyone who talks about body positivity should share their medical records.


Normalise being healthy not being unhealthy




I think being fat should not be celebrated but also should not be looked down upon if u know what i mean




We shouldn't look down on drug addicts either. People deserve help.


No bc some ppl have health conditions, thus making them fat. And drug addict and fat ppl are 2 totally different things. Being fat isn’t illegal


And then there is me who is trying to increase his weight. Also, what's with the disgusting thing?


Being obese, and not making an effort to change it, is disgusting. It's physically unattractive, but it also shows an addiction to food, a lack of discipline, and little motivation to improve one's health. Obesity is self-harm. It quite literally can, and will, lead to death at a young age. Gaining weight isn't necessarily a bad thing, by the way. If you're underweight, putting on a little fat won't hurt. Also, gaining muscle weight isn't bad either (unless you're like 300 pounds of pure muscle, that has the same effect as being obese).


people carry weight differently so honestly it's bad to make fun of people because they're fat or carry too much weight, but as long as they're healthy and happy who actually cares? people who face health risks because of it do need to get help and lose weight, but not everyone carries the same amount of weight the same. some people also face issues which make losing weight hard like depression which can have serious effects on that stuff. at the end of the day, yes you can have your preference but just leave other people alone man. and body positivity is for everyone to make them feel comfortable in their own skin. don't try to gatekeep it 💀


If you’re happy at your shape and size, that’s all that matters. Just be healthy and active. And I know from experience, you can be both.


As an obese person,I agree.


This is kinda ignorant of the entire history of how we treat weight and obesity. The body positivity movement is still both extremely new and pretty darn radical. At this point you need to get off the Internet and see how people treat weight still in real life.


I've been 21 stone plus for at least 6 years. March this year decided to do something about it. Increased my walking, hiking. Still need to find motivation for weights but lost my first stone last week and eating so much better. My motivation wasn't anyones opinions or thoughts but the fact i look like shit in clothes. Never really cared until recently. But i do get a buzz when jumping on the scales and its down week over week.


Never heard someone be more right yet so right in my life


And this line of thinking contributed to my anorexia


Gotta love when you see Reddit deleting these posts..


Yes obesity is dangerous and it shouldn't be glorified but don't hate on it (like you're doing)


Obesity has been so normalised that people think it’s just being body positive. Don’t get me wrong, being a little fat is fine, but obesity is just..


Take my upvote


body positivity is for something you can't control and obesity isn't it


I wouldn't pay attention to this one. Judging from her post history 🤣🤣


My exact thoughts 💀


no need to be a cunt about it and call people disgusting


OP's the disgusting one here.


Look at ops post and comment history They're just a bitch


Jesus h Christ you was not joking, fucking hell


And sexist. Plus she talks about "maxing out her dad's credit card". We need to avoid this girl at all costs 💀


if your obese and you hate yourself that's good, now use that as motivation to get in shape same goes the other way for skinny ppl, I hated my skinny ass 8 months ago, seeing decent progress now gym >>>


dude this has been posted on here so many times, get some new material please


Body positivity should be for: -burn victims -people with deformities -people who get acid thrown in their faces in the middle east because someone didn’t like that they were gay -people with disabilities it shouldn’t be for people who can’t stop themselves from going to the local Mcdonald’s and eating 50 big macs in one sitting and then complaining about everything around them being unaccommodating


Yeah because I'm sure that's what's going on, and there's no possibility of any nuance here at all


dude do you know how many goddamn twitter and IG posts are comprised of “it’s not fat people’s fault they’re fat”? the existence of the word fatphobia kind of spits in the face of stuff like homophobia because there’s no countries where it’s illegal to be 260 lbs


Body positivity was ment for people with actual disabilities. Body positivity is for that guy that lost his arm in a bike accident, body positivity is for that veteran who got his legs blown off in combat, body positivity is for that little girl that was born with a degenerative disease and is wheelchair bound... People who actually struggle/have struggled and my not feel like they're equal in this society, not for some lazy bastard that doesn't care about eating themselves to death


That is not true lol. Even if you disagree it should be about body size at all, it's also absolutely for people with minor deformities, scars, stretch marks, etc.


I agree, those didn't come to mind at the time, my main point is that body positivity isn't for lazy people who eat q lot, it's for people who actually have. Areas on to need body positivity


I truthfully think that some people *need* to be fat shamed, in order to push them into the gym, but in a specific way. Often times, just telling someone they’re overweight and disgustingly obese doesn’t help. What *does help* is telling them this, telling them they can change, and offering to work out with them, to help them on the weight-loss. Being an asshole does work, but you have to be an asshole with a reason. How do I know this works? My friends did it to me, I was 200 lbs at 5’6, when I was 14. I got down to 165 a few months later and have pretty much stayed there as I’ve kept up the work-out routine. I’ve also done the same thing for others. People just need to get a reality check.


Doesn't work mate. Assholes and the fear of assholes is what kept me heavy for most of my life. It still keeps me from feeling fulfilled at the gym after losing about 150lb. Even now, I still don't feel like I belong there because of assholes.


Same I'm too scared to go to the gym because I'm scared I'll be judged. And I've tried talking to my parents about changing our diets to something more healthy, or at least cut down the junk food. But both of my parents are both obese and I feel like I'm on that path. I've been trying to work out at home and taking our dog for a walk but I'm kind of at a loss here


Keep it up! Consistently moving makes major differences. Also, having done it now, there are very, very few assholes at the gym in reality. It's a lot more people like us who are afraid to be judged. And the super fit folks? They're stoked to see us there working and sharing the same drive for self improvement. Healthy growth comes from positivity, and all growth must come from within. Shame doesn't motivate anyone. People who make lifestyle changes have chosen to do so in SPITE of shame.


Maybe try looking into intermittent fasting. It's not necessarily changing what you eat, but when you eat. Good luck to you!


The gym is the one place that no one judges


That not true. Look at Nicocado avocado. He’s constantly made fun off on the internet because of his obesity. Now he lost 89 pounds


Honestly it was kinda similar to me, I was tired of looking around and seeing everyone else be in shape but me. Decided to start going to the gym after that with my friend who was a little obese


Anecdotal, just cause it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone




It's a shame these kinda post pop off.


“Dangerous”? Yes. “Unattractive” and “disguting” are simply bodyshaming. From a logical phrase to an offensive rant in only 3 words Edit: sei un coglione (translate from italian)


Can you guys just stop pretending you actually care about obesity because 9x/10 you’re only bitching because you aren’t attracted to fat bodies so just be honest


why are u such a cunt?


Unhealthy yes. But ”unattractive and disgusting”…?


The amount of fat and the fact that they are not taking care of themselves is unattractive and disgusting I guess...


Obese people are unattractive to the majority of people. Especially men


Not even justifying this behavior at all, but you have no idea how massive the market for BBW porn is.




Just let people be, if they're comfortable in their body and don't have any major health issues because of their weight just let them be.


In reality you can really tell when the person in question makes a huge fuss about their wheight or not. There are plenty fat people who are so fun and light inside and then there are the ones who are like addicted to food and so toxic about it.


Yes some people just like to eat a little more and some are just plainly addicted too food but them being overweight is then just a side effect of their addiction.


then maybe they should fix that


Yes they should


I mean people might not have major issues now but heart failure at 40 years old is probably waiting for them


2,8 million people die of obesity each year which isn't much considering that about 1 billion people are considered obese worldwide. So it isn't that much of an problem and like I said if they have health for being obese of course someone like a doctor should step in.




Dude where did I say or imply that?


at the part where you said obesity isn't bad because you only develop heart problems when you're 40


Well I never said that tho


I tought you meant that with that not that much of the obese people die each year, as a response to the comment saying you get heart problems at 40 if your obese


It's repulsive. Noome will ever change my mind.


Why are skinny people always worried about someone being obese???? Like mind yea business great your skinny congratulations


Because it’s unhealthy?


Well obese people don’t need you to remind them constantly that they are fat worry about you own health


Being “skinny” isn’t any healthier. Lol that’s a mental disorder of its own. Just fucking try to accept your body shape and don’t create unrealistic body expectations. No brainer.


Being skinny is objectively healthier than being fat, when you get old you will die if you are fat.


i cant take something said by a teenager seriously lol i hate this subreddit


that’s just ignorance


Especially after you look at OP's post history 💀


More like you dont like obese people.... yea its bad for someone to be obese, but not all fat people are unhealthy... even people who seem extremely fat could be healthier that you. its just that he/she will be less agile


You remind me of that video where the girl is like "Oh? Im unhealthy because im fat?" The anwser is **yes**


Don't be an asshole


No u.




No, it really isn't.


it isnt what do you mean