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Umm anyways…free cookies?🙂🍪


I would love them!


Side affect of looking at porn, rationality kicks in


it's probably you thinking that it should be you, not the man behind the screen


the fitness gram pacer test is a multistage..


the industrial revolution was a period between...


So you can repent


That must suck I’ve never experienced it


Because we all remorse over lost things even lost time, it is an indication that you may have some important work in your life which you have not completed yet.


That is not normal and is an indication that you have a really bad relationship with it, you definitely shouldn’t be feeling any guilt or remorse for something that is natural and normal 


its natural to look at other people having sex and masturbating to it ????? wat


lust is a normal human emotion, there is nothing wrong with not feeling lust, masturbation and porn are reminders that you're wasting your life and time, and if you want a relationship with other stupid idiot human beings for some reason- DONT WATCH PORN THEN!!! IT FUCKIN DEVOLVES YOUR CONCEPT OF RELATIONSHIPS either that or you just feel sad because you degraded people into nothing more than things-to-jerk-off-to. idk, imma fuckin moron.


Masturbation is practiced by many different species, it is in no way a modern thing nor just a human thing. If you have healthy habits around it and aren't seeing porn as a substitute to real sex ed (instead as just entertainment) then there is nothing wrong with it, in fact it has non psychological health benefits such as reducing the chance of prostate cancer. If you feel guilty after masturbating then that's a sign that your relationship with porn is harming you, most of us don't feel bad or guilty after it, we just feel nice then continue about our day.


holy brain rot


Very thought out response 




you're giving an example that *is* harmful though, cancer is also natural but that doesn't mean we need to live with it. Masturbation however is not inherently harmful, it *can* be harmful if abused but so can any pleasurable thing, having some chocolate for instance isn't inherently harmful but relying on it as a coping mechanism can be.