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once u post smth online even if u delete it it stays on the internet forever thats why ive stopped using discord a 15 yo when i was 17 was threatening me if i dont send a picture of my reproductive organ shed get me arrested i was scared and sent her then she told my dad i sent her his facebook profile link then i was grounded and she somehow got in contact with the serbian law enforcement and i almost got arrested


thank u for sharing your bad decisions so these other people can learn from those mistakes. I hope you are doing good now.


im doing good and what ive learned is u cant really trust people online and everything u do on the internet even if u delete it stays on the internet leaves a trace that cannot be removed ive learned it the hard way and another thing i did and never again i was like 14 or 15 at the time i was bored like real bored and decided to go to the dark and deep web worst mistake ive ever made sometimes what saw in there still haunts me in my dreams the gore violence r wordings once u see it u cant unsee it


tbh the gore stuff never freaked me out, but definitely a good reason why we need laws to protect the children bc their parents aren't doing enough.


minors shouldnt have phones at age 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 from age of 11 okay that is okay for kids to have a phone at that age and just think bout it some kid could easily access the hub without the parent supervising them thats how much internet is easy to access im saying there need to be some stronger harsher laws for phone usage at ages 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and our generation z is messed up in dating terms mostly if u care too much u are seen as desperate if u care too little u drive them away if a guy treats a girl right hes seen as a simp if u dont text fast u are seen as a jerk if u text fast u are seen as desperate


People will always find something to criticize. this generation is very miseducated and inexperienced, but i don't blame them.


us gen z where basically raised via phones etc offtopic but some of us didnt even hit puberty like me 18 no trace of hair on my hands only on 1 leg and small amount on the other no beard moustache my voice still sounding kinda childlike even tho im 18 might have smth to do with me having 2 illnesses adhd and IDS-2x times lower iq than that of a normal person


you might not have the best brain, but you know how to use it. I think the microplastics and stuff they put in the food, water, and everything really affect how we grow. I'm 14 btw, and I'm literally covered head to toe in hair, I have something like adhd or high functioning autism but idk I've never been properly diagnosed. I was prescribed Adderall but I didn't keep using it. genetics definitely plays a part in that.


ive been drinking soda all my life if i dont have it then water big fan of energy drinks dont drink em often but like em an alcoholic no per say i do drink only on celebrations traditions djurdjevdan a traditional romani celebration in christianity saint george day in english saint nicholas new years and my bdays never tried stuff like jagermeister or vodka dont plan to as i dont like strong alcoholic beverages like whiskey


us people with adhd have a positive thing with adhd is that when we drink alcohol we feel normal and we dont get drunk easily we have to drink a lot like 10 to 9 hrs jus to get drunk af actual drunk




Man what the hell do you mean you can’t trust people online 😭 Yes the fuck you can, you just happened to encounter the wrong fucking people online. One of my best friends from 3+ years is a friend who i met online lol


At 15 year old and still believes that corny shit? Like just curious because I thought people know this before teenage


Tbh you shouldn't have done that.


It’s not forever though. The internet is slowly fading over 50 percent of the stuff on the internet that is older than 10 years old has faded. Things don’t load or they don’t exist anymore. Over the next 5 ish years that number will go from 50 to 80.


Or, we should actually have mandatory sexual education and digital education at schools teaching teens how to protect themselves on the internet and be safe from any potential abuser instead of privating them of having a social life and taking away their freedom. It would be way more effective and ethical.


We literally do every year 2nd grade through 6th grade, at least in the US.


Not for me lol


Yea, i have the same problem, i was barely getting the very basics of algebra at 10th class, i graduated and barely saw algebra at school, what the fuck is this? The educational system is falling appart, THE WORLD IS FALLING APPART!!


I did not have any of these classes, I had to use common sense


They really were common sense tbh. It was usually just a lecture some random day and they were like “don’t meet strangers, don’t share your passwords with anyone, don’t post pictures of yourself, don’t say where you go to school” all that random stuff that’s just like what idiot would do that in the first place.


The US is by far the worst when it comes to sex ed


I would like that but it the internet needs to be restricted for children. it's worse than ever, and a class won't fix the root issue. It would help in other ways, so I do support that. I think both should be done.


Not legally restricted, the state shouldn't have that much control over the people's personal lives, it's up to their family to control their children Internet access.


unfortunately, that isn't working well enough.


But it is what is ethical, technically, killing every criminal and building killing camps instead of prisons will reduce the prison population and crime rates, doesn't mean it is ethical to do.


So, allowing children to see the most vile things imaginable is ethical to you? we have different values. I think some parts of the internet need to be restricted for CHILDREN. I've been through the pain, and I want to protect my kids. if it's not illegal, it is impossible to protect children from seeing it. their friend that they just made might show them stuff. idk it's very complex, and I simply want the best for everyone.


>So, allowing children to see the most vile things imaginable is ethical to you? More than being an authoritarian state that dictates what their citizens have access to. >I think some parts of the internet need to be restricted for CHILDREN. I've been through the pain, and I want to protect my kids. if it's not illegal, it is impossible to protect children from seeing it. their friend that they just made might show them stuff. idk it's very complex, and I simply want the best for everyone. Yes, It is possible, it's called good parenting. Being illegal or not makes zero difference, drinking before the legal age is illegal, what stops a friend to give a bottle of gin to your child? This can happen regardless of the legality of it, the only difference it makes is that the government will be exercing an authoritarian act over the people's personal lives with the excuse of protecting them, when this is the family's responsibility, not the state's.


It affects everyone. You're right. The government can't be trusted, so it's not a good solution. We should teach parenting and meaningful life skills in school. my opinion has been changed. have a good day


So, are you against the death penalty? I don't like restrictions by the government, but I think in this case, it is justified. the internet is too open for small children. I literally discovered porn on accident bc of YouTube 💀 the internet should be restricted for minors imo.


Small children ≠ teens And if a child has unlimited and unsupervised internet access that's the family's fault. >So, are you against the death penalty? Maybe, in most cases, but i just think that mass killing of all criminals is a little different than death penalty.


It is undeniably the family's fault. Are we supposed to just allow children (under 18) to be victims? You obviously aren't the person to discuss this with bc you're a kid on social media. I use it only bc I can't meet people my age irl bc of my current situation.


>Are we supposed to just allow children (under 18) to be victims? No, we are supposed to seek reasonable and ethical ways to deal with the issue instead of resorting to extreme measures. Also, do you genuinely think something being in the lawn stops minors from doing it? Theoretically i couldn't legally drink before I'm 18, that doesn't stop me from drinking half a bottle of vodka at once if I want to. Do you realize that legal restriction isn't just unethical, but also inefficient? Being forbidden only makes people want it more.


Well, can we both agree that something needs to be done to protect these children?


You are a kid on social media as well.


what is your point? this is the world, literally the president is on social media. I've already been exposed to the worst there is as a young child. now I'm a parentified child. I'm trying to help others online while you're probably just killing time.


So either A. They should do classes on children's internet safety for parents or B. You should have had more attentive parents. How would you suggest restricting youtube or any social media platform for minors without restricting the freedoms of adults? As well, you realize how putting this into the hands of a government body can be used against the people, right? If the government gets to decide what is deemed as censorable, then they can use that to benefit their agendas by blocking information that goes against their policies. It's a nice idea in theory, but in practice, the u.s. government simply isn't ready for that kind of government overreach without it becoming corrupt.


you're right. We need major government reform. they tried something like this with Copa, but it was a horrible plan. you're right with both a and b points. I don't know the exact method bc I'm simply a child. I'm unaware of what works and what doesn't in that type of situation. It's something no one has a good solution to from what I've seen. The government being corrupt and restricting information is exactly y. I didn't support COPA. a law like this would have to be very well made to do its job well. honestly, it's a nice idea but impractical as of now. COPA proved that. sorry to keep referencing it, but it's the same principle with a bad execution.


Yes, exactly any internet censure by the government at this point in time is an overstep. I absolutely feel for the children caught in the crossfire, but politicians who support these bills don't actually care about the children it just sounds good. They bring these bills forward as a way to spy on citizens and censure media while claiming it it a good cause. They do this for many things. If you hear any political figure say "won't someone please think of the children," please look into the policy they are putting forward a bit closer. The solution right now would be to empower parents to learn about internet safety and to pass that along to their children as well as teaching internet safety well in schools so that kids whose parents don't care and sit them in front of a tablet from the moment they are born still have the tools and knowledge to do what is best for themselves. Knowledge is power, not censorship.


I support this 100%. government is corrupt and has its own agenda, especially with corporate lobbying. I don't want the government to censor stuff because the things they try and censor are not the main issue. It's typically for selfish reasons. I just don't want the next generation to experience the exact same bs that we can prevent. idk the best way to fix this issue besides better education on school. Honestly, I have thought about getting into politics, but education is more important and meaningful, so I'm fortunate to have this conversation even though my original solution of not allowing kids to view certain materials would eventually lead to government overstep. Honestly, though, this entire generation has been exposed to literal propaganda since a young age. It's nearly impossible to avoid in the modern world. most politicians are horrible citizens. I only proposed censorship bc it's the only way to prevent any children from seeing it but even then it wouldn't just magically fix anything at all although I was wrong in the solution, I do see the issues for what they are.


Systems like that will be abused by right wing cunts who will censor things like lgbt or abortion topics


you're right. Eventually, all government will become corrupt if given the chance. left & right... I have changed my mind on the solution but there definitely is a problem that needs fixing


I think true right-wing and not quirky right wing is censored. Trying to find information on disabilities such as autism always comes up with "it's okay to be autistic" and not "this is how you fix your problem"


It’s a personal freedom to, all that should be required is a lesson on safety and what to do in sketchy situations


most kids ik that got that still were victims, so I disagree. keep in mind this is a rant post, but I will discuss it. I'm very open-minded, but I doubt you'll change my mind bc my reasoning is solid.


Well... being too overprotective will make them more vulnerable to those risks when they grow up, so I think they shall be allowed to post simple photos. But you do you.


I don't think it should be allowed bc of the ways those photos can be used, and they can't consent to anything.


What can come from simple photos?


people are crazy then can see a reflection in a eye ball and from that find where someone lives their blood type and least favourite power ranger


Ok bro everyone knows the yellow ranger was the most boring in the first season. My eyes don’t tell that. But actually I think I should be fine with just normal pictures.


was it yellow lol i don't remember anything from most shows i've watched


Neither do I, I picked a random one


Understood your point


Me and a bunch a dudes just decided to mutually leak each others cords and faces when we got DA BIG SAD and then we vibed


Ok but what is gonna happen if it’s just a picture of me. You can already find it googling what could happen.


I have some photos of me, but nothing linked to me specifically, and that’s fine imo


still just as bad. everything on the internet is linked if you know where to look.


That’s why I make sure nothing could leak my location (all my photos are indoors, away from windows) Honestly if people are that desperate, then they must have some motive and then that’s something to report to law enforcement  Like I have socials that I want linked to me (things like my itch.io account), and therefore anything of my personal information (photos and such) stays off there I think people should be allowed to share photos, regardless of age, can if they know the risks. 


you don't know the risks. same as consent to sexual activities. you simply are a child and don't deserve the right to ruin your life. you seem to be trying to be safe, but u don't understand. This just proves my point.


once u post smth online even if u delete it it stays on the internet forever thats why ive stopped using discord a 15 yo when i was 17 was threatening me if i dont send a picture of my reproductive organ shed get me arrested i was scared and sent her then she told my dad i sent her his facebook profile link then i was grounded and she somehow got in contact with the serbian law enforcement and i almost got arrested


That’s why people need to know the correct actions to take in that situation. I agree with OP that kids should know what risks they’re taking, and proper actions to prevent certain situations. In that case, you should have immediately gone to an adult who could have helped you. That’s also why I only use socials that are under my name for friend group conversations, as I know who I am speaking to at all times.


yeah young teens also should beware of what they share online ive been doxxed and ip tracked before i know how it works they can track ur location via a photo they see the photo id and they can scan it to reveal ur ip address and location where u live and ive been groomed online so yeah why dont kids learn ever since the roblox creeps appeared lot more younger kids are on roblox remember the 13 year old girl in arizona that was kidnapped and taken to kansas where the 26 year old or even older if im correct r worded and SA ed her her parents couldnt find her for days then reported to cops and cops found her and took the guy to jail which he deserves


How can you make that assumption that I don’t know the risks? I’ve been through several digital safety courses, and I know what guidelines I hold myself to. I know that there is a chance it gets linked back to me, but that’s part of why I keep everything I post safe for all ages. I would never post anything compromising (not even in private conversations), but if I want to post a picture of myself because I didn’t feel gender dysphoria for the first time in several weeks, and legitimately feel like myself, I should be allowed to.


no, you shouldn't be allowed to post photos of yourself. honestly, all children should have restrictions on the internet for their own safety.


It’s clear your mind can’t be changed, why even bother making a discussion post in the first place? People should be allowed to post photos, provided they A. Know the potential reproductions. B. Know how to properly deal with people attempting to solicit private information / pictures. and C. Are aware of the consequences of what their actions are (honestly this applies to everyone) After that, people should have the ability to post the information they choose, but they should know what the safe manner to do so is. I know what could happen, but I have decided that the risks are worth accepting (and again, nothing here is under an alias of anything I would share with potential employers)


it is a rant post. my mind can be changed, and it happens often. I'm always accepting of new evidence. A. most children can't understand something as complex as the internet. B. they are not fully grown and can nearly as well as fully grown people. C. Children can't be expected to know that. education is important, but it can't replace intelligence. As your brain continues growing, you get smarter, and that's just science. assuming you don't get brain damage or something specific, you will get smarter. You don't know everything that could happen and aren't prepared for worst case scenario.


That’s fair enough. Most people don’t exactly know the risks, because the education system doesn’t prioritize that as much as it should. I think that certain adults aren’t responsible enough to post photos of themselves, and deal with certain situations, and certain children are. Thinking maturity is just linked to age isn’t entirely correct, but there is part of the life experience factor. I like to think I am fully prepared, because it’s a part of my core values on the internet, but there’s likely a scenario I’m not entirely prepared for. Then again, nobody is 100% prepared, and if you know the vast majority of correct actions in given situations then you should be able to earn the responsibility of being able to post photos I should note that you were likely using hyperbole, but I tend to interpret things literally (due to my autism), and that probably caused some of my own confusion 


I don't base maturity of age, but that's the best way to protect young minds. I think I'm mature enough, but also, I'm a child, so it's the Dunning Krueger thing. idk what idk.


i only have 1 for facebook, but that is all. Is that bad


it's fine. Just don't post that much. you're also 17, so really, you're one of the people I'm less concerned about. you can think for yourself better than most people my age i bet.


There are people who pour over social media looking for pictures of kids to steal and post for others gratification. Some of it ends of being made into abuse material. Parents need to stop posting their kids, and kids need to be educated about dangers of online.


You're right. so many people are miseducated too so they think they are safe when they aren't at all.


We had someone come to our school to talk about social media and they showed a video of an investigative journalist who went through and used posts to identify kids and where they live. Things like landmarks to figure out their school, or those that left metadata on their pictures, were wearing a team or organization tee shirt, etc. Then showed up at their house to explain to them and their parents how they were able to do this. Pretty freaky.


I'm better educated than most on this, and it's much worse than you could ever know. some kids get sex trafficked bc of the internet. they find an attractive kid on social media and track them down. it's horrifying and needs to be stopped.


Sometimes the best way to protect children is not exposing them or giving them things that will lead them to danger. I am not saying that children should be sheltered in such a way they become incompetent adults. But with the advent of tech, their should be specially optimised modibe gadgets that should be made strictly for kids. Made by mentality stable people, and not end up like YouTube kids. There are so many things I wished I never exposed myself to on the Internet when I was a child. It has mentally scared me for life😭I wish I can get back my innocence and transition into adulthood normally.


I completely understand and agree with you. idk what the best solution to safety is, but something needs to be done so we don't have another generation like this one.


So where do I send my dick pics?


to your mom


Then we shouldn’t have minors alone in public.


Depends on many factors, but for the most part, minors shouldn't be left unsupervised. The internet is different, though, because even 20 years from now, all of this will still be here. my words are carved in stone, same as everything online.


You seem very over protective. Not allowing anyone under 18 to upload images of themselves, or be unsupervised at all is wild. You can chill


ideally, minors should be supervised in some manner. I'm chill, but not when I'm protecting those I care about. I care about everyone to a degree, so that's where I'm coming from. freedom is important, but some things are irresponsible to allow. it's bad to allow unfiltered internet access for minors.


Can’t agree enough


Literally what I'm saying ppl be posting pictures of themselves like, oh what games do I play and wtv. It's really not that important and tbh ppl do not care that much about you. Others include pictures of ppl and then asking them to rate them out of ten and whether they would be friends with them. It's honestly annoying and ppl that try to get reddit friends, who honestly gets reddit friends IMHO that's weird as hell.


I don't fully agree, but u r not off base.


Not many should




Celebs maybe should. Also its a personal freedom.


child celebrities disgust me bc they are always being taken advantage of in some way. Owning a gun is a personal freedom, but I can't do that until I'm 18.


Oh I was talking about adults. Adult celebs might should not many adults should.


try again


You think nobody should have photos of themselfs online?


No one is under 18 bc that's the societal standard for maturity, but honestly I think it should be higher than that.


I am there with you I am saying many adults should also stay awey from that.


alright, my "try again" reply was bc the English didn't make sense. you are right, social media is a plague imo. some good uses, but horrible people feel safe behind their screen.


so true honestly 😔


nothing i can do abt it tho cus my school and shi take pictures all the time even tho they supposed to ask


that should be illegal if you haven't signed anything saying they can do that.


yeah i mean i probably did say they can but the only photos of me on the internet are literally photos of me in the background or there's like three of me holding awards


yeah i mean i probably did say they can but even if i did idrc the only photos of me on the internet are literally photos of me in the background or there's like three of me holding awards


Their parents probably did


Why not? That's like trying to make movies not have any children in them


I would support both bc we should be protecting the youth from abuse.


That's way too restrictive, you can have both things while avoiding abuse.


you can. I'm no lawmaker, so it's not like I'm proposing a law rn. I'm just saying that the current situation is very wrong. it's the cigarette of this generation. it will stunt our growth and have lasting effects and most people aren't fully aware of it


I get that, it really depends on if someone is mature enough to be showing themselves publicly. I've always been an overthinking nerd being online so I'm sure I could have handled it, but most of my friends can't 💀


it's hard to tell. so that's why I say all the kids. also, your friends probably think the same shit bc of the Dunning Krueger thing


no i dont mean to be mean to them but i just know


I wasn't trying to be mean either, but they probably think similar to you about their own abilities.


no i get you're not being mean but you're just gonna have to trust me, i know better than them


that's what everyone thinks. look up Dunning Krueger


i do what i want, but thanks.






this makes me so angry. teenagers aren't defenseless babies and there are legitimate reasons to have pictures of yourself online. I have had a yt channel since I was like 12 that I showed my face on. Nothing bad ever happened. Keeping people "safe" by banning them from doing anything with the slightest risk is completely unnecessary and unethical.


That's your experience, and that's valid. I don't want to restrict anyone's freedom, but at the same time, something needs to be done to protect the kids. I know so many victims of abuse and other bad things bc of the internet .


literally every reply on this page has been you wanting to restrict people's freedom


that's bc it's the only option I know would work. If you have a better idea I'm all ears.


Educate children


That could work, but education won't stop them from being a victim in some situations. People also forget and don't act rationally.


It's sad this has to be said 


it's sad that so many disagree


I mean the closest I have is me in a cosplay mask in my telegram group


That's not that bad at all. but next time, just avoid any photos including yourself


I'm trying because my mom has a couple stalkers so I don't want to upload anything connected to my irl identity.


Well it's more like r/unpopularopinion , but it's true though, but many don't care at all .


I thought this would be a good post for this sub bc many minors post photos here.


I didn't say that it is a bad post , but it's actually a very good one


I assumed you meant that. thx for clarifying, tho. I didn't know for sure what you meant. Sidenote: I wish some kids wouldn't act like they know best all the goddamn time.


Why do you think there are no pics of me


bc you were taught well or are smarter than most


No it’s actually because I’m too shy to


Agreed, especially with the new technology accessible by creeps nowadays.


Damn bro I think you are a little bit too late for that 


it's never too late to make a change.


The problem is that even if you don’t post photos of yourself online, there is nothing stopping anyone else from posting something.


THIS. I didn't ever really, but people Ik have posted me online. my own parents included. It's not something I could have consented to. Now I wish I could get them off the internet but I can't




Half my school has social media accounts and post photos all the time. In fact some of them put the school in the name of the photo


that's exactly why it should be illegal for them to have social media.


How old are you ?


younger than you, but it's not illegal


You genuinely act as if we are defenseless little creatures that can’t connect to a greater amount of like wise and minded minor audience and community. Like we are little vulnerable babies. It’s creepy.


you have a little vulnerable mind that has been changed bc of social media. I don't want that to happen to my kids or any kids for that matter.


Yeah I don’t want to talk about this, as I assumed you are being creepy.


wtf is your problem? what is creepy about thinking that children shouldn't be posted online for anyone to see with 0 moderation?


I don’t think it should be necessary illegal, cause how we gonna watch some youtube videos. Some of my favorite videos are age restricted for the dumbest shit. I think there should be more security in apps so it can’t be tracked down. Like Instagram needs more work on “private accounts”.


all social media collects data from the user. they are selling children's information. it should be massively illegal. the kids aren't criminals. the adults involved are.




you don't have to have an opinion yet, but just make sure that you vote what you believe in when you're old enough.


If minors can’t consent or do anything legally, they can’t consent to spreading their image publicly.


that's my exact opinion in short form


i approve of this sentiment




It’s up to them🤷‍♂️


bruh... you're saying we should allow children to send photos of themselves to pedophiles. A child doesn't get a choice 💀


Woah, I didn’t say that💀


you saying they can consent to take photos and post them. pedophiles are on the internet. Therefore, every post on this sub is sent to pedophiles


I’m saying it’s their choice to take the risk of posting themself on the internet. Yea, there are creeps, but there are also creeps in person too.


They can be protected in person. we don't let kids walk the dangerous streets alone. y would we let them on the internet without any protection at all?


You can be without protection both ways. Hell, I read a post earlier about someone nearly being kidnapped, while they were with two other people. You don’t always have protection


but this is basically like being at a daycare wearing a sign saying "kidnap me"


No tf it ain’t💀 it’s more like being in a school district with a teacher that you don’t have, in a different school, who might like kids. That’s about as close as you’ll come to a proper analogy.


that's a horrible analogy. literally anyone can access photos online. there is a 100% chance that someone will look at that photo in a sexual way. you can't ever get rid of online photos. pedophiles literally look for innocent photos and use them in disgusting ways. You are uneducated and arguing something you OBVIOUSLY don't understand.


i totally agree. if this actually became a law there would be less pedos. plus theres a lot a minors who attention seek and when they get raped they cry for help. doesn't make sense


They are children. i won't ever blame a child no matter how much they asked for it. they were the victim. the predator is the grown person taking advantage of a young, immature person.


Pedos would still be able to dm kids, unless they made that illegal too.