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We only hear about those that do because those that don’t aren’t the ones in the streets rioting and reminding us. The loudest are heard and assumed to be the majority but in reality are not.


Yesterday I was stuck in a parking for a few hours because there was a march on the street shouting “Less men, more gays”


definitely happened 👍




fair enough well played man 😭 ik a lil spanish and yeah that’s fucked honestly but 90% of gay ppl r just like u and me and mind their own business yk


The video is in spanish as I am from Spain, but you can translate what they are saying if you dint believe me


me when i lie




fair enough


The video is in Spanish but you can translate what they are saying if you dont believe me


You just don’t notice all the lgbtq+ people who don’t make it their whole personality.


Literally a minority of people do that, and they do it because they feel connected to their identity and their community. Not everyone is and that's okay 


Why does this get asked every 3 days at least


cause it's a legit question and nobody gives a valid answer


Because a loud annoying minority of lgbt folk are pretentious and do pretentious shit. Like people say all the time, how is that not a valid answer? This question is getting so old


Because people still attack and try to silence us for being lgbtq.


I think nowadays is the other way around honestly.


Name a person killed in the last 5 years for being cishet (cisgender and heterosexual)


I agree with you that there are still homosexual people being killed for that and no heterosexual ones. What I mean is that if you say an homosexual/trans/… pronoun wrong they are going to get triggered while if with heterosexual that does not normally happen with that frecuency. Like lgtb people get triggered more easily


Do you understand what the term "trigger" means? It refers to stuff that is a trigger for a psychological response (hence the name). For example, if someone was SAd and developed trauma from it, stuff relating to that topic would be a "trigger". I'd also advise you to talk with some trans and gay people, cause it seems like you are just repeating what the internet has said. We don't get annoyed if you make an honest mistake, what happens is people will intentionally misgender and generally provoke us to get the reaction they want, then say "woe is me I'm being attacked for a simple mistake".