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I'm so fucking cooked


Hey man it’s perfectly normal I believe, the world’s full of the most beautiful women and instant pleasure at the click of a button, it’s basically rigged


Perfectly normal? Nah, it's not. Rigged? Nah, I'm fucked


There are apps that block porn sites and links you can even get ones that block girls with only fans in the insta accounts


You think apps can stop people?


They can when there Un bypassable without decent coding knowledge


Hmm, well. Nothing will change. It always comes back. Have a nice day, bro.👍


Seem like you don’t even want to stop, well good luck bro and remember don’t watch that sh*t


The longest I stopped for was 3 months. I know, gang. Worry about yourself first.🙏 But lately... So far, 2 days in.


real bro😭




same here, i got better at drawing bodies because of it


i got insomnia, stress, and a fucked up sleep schedule and my man walked away with a new skill 😭😭 life's unfair man


Yeah, it's crazy


I just need help on stopping it for good, it’s so hard for me to give up. Even when I’ve put years into looking into the side effects


You’re not going to stop for good instantly, that’s almost impossible and requires intense mental focus, but you can quell it over time, and weaken it. If you say for example do it three time a day, you can lower it to two times a day for a week, next week start with 1. I hope you improve man


Should look into the easy peasy method


What’s the easy peasy method?


Too much for me to summarize rn but there’s a free book online titled the easy peasy way to quit porn, there’s audio versions on yt as well. It really helped me to just drop it and quit


That’s good man, I’m proud of you


I used to be. I thankfully was put off by it after stumbling upon some messed up stuff.


Hey you’re very strong, stopping is a hard thing to do, I respect your strength a lot, however, most people will find it much easier to progressively stop


Yeah. I read smut on ao3 from time to time but it's quite infrequent.


Yeah, it's not the best thing to be going around. I know it's a problem for myself and yet I've yet to better myself on that front, so look who's talking. But it's an unfortunate reality of modern porn ubiquity. Don't know how best people should adress it.


It’s difficult, it really is, I’m not saint myself, but it requires people who know of their problem to speak out on it no? When speaking out on it, it gives me a greater reason to stop, the change doesn’t have to be instant, just stop gradually, go from however many times a day, to one less, it may take months, but you can stop


Perhaps. Admittedly this is a rather touchy subject to talk about, especially among young, chronically socially anxious teenagers. I can't imagine 16 year old me actually talking to say.... my parents, and telling them I consume porn on a daily basis. Just not happening. But yeah, I think one way to do it is definitely to decrease the idea that consuming porn regularly *is* an okay thing to be doing. Even if some people are fine like that, discouraging it would keep more people aware of their habit at all.


Masturbation is fine, but porn is the real kicker, which is tragic, I hope people know that it’s ok to masturbate without committing yourself to porn


Of course. But then again, people like to take the path of least resistance, and it's definitely easier with some outside stimulation.


The best advice I can give you, is just stop. I know it's not that easy. Believe me. But if you can take small steps. Like maybe try 3 days, then a week, then 2 weeks, etc. It will get easier. This i promise you.


I was addicted throughout my entire teen years, and I’ve been clean for a little over 4 months now. I told myself that my third attempt quitting will be the charm, and so far it is.


Keep it up my brotha, don't ever look back to pmo ever again, I'm with you, we get stronger by not watching any pmo content, block, unfollowed and delete all of the pmo content, it much easier to get rid of the porn addiction, me myself has religion and it more easier cause I fear god.


As someone who has been hooked for like four years now: yeah duck me lol, trying to stop though


Yeah, the horrors of the internet are terrible, but I won’t duck you, I know you can improve yourself, no matter how long it takes. You can always be better than your peers, and don’t try to improve on a daily basis, take small steps. That’s where real change comes from, you must lay the foundation of your change first. It’s ok to masturbate but subtly and slowly decrease your porn intake


Gotta day, it blows my mind the sheer amount of questionable porn content there is online. I *try* to keep myself getting too deep into anything, but on the gay porn scene you get soooo much questionable stuff with icky, almost hedonistic or objectifying overtones (not to mention actual homophobia). On the straight stuff I've ever seen there's so much that's just outright violent. And I avoided that shit, but it'd just *slip in* anyway, you couldn't avoid it. It's wild.


Yeah there’s a lot of things people are into, but I won’t say anything about that, since my main focus is the problem of the addiction itself. But I hope many of those fantasies remain as fantasies, those ideas become dangerous when especially young people get ahold of them and believe it for culture.


Yeah. But I think it's fair to think that porn, even if it's just fantasy, shows a bit about the people themselves. For example, on the gay scene there's a lot of fetishizing straight guys for... obvious reasons. Or the weird intersections you get with the race stuff where people fetishize others for being "exotic" in some way or another. So fucking weird


It definitely tells you things about others that you wouldn’t normally know, that’s why it’s so taboo, since it tells you very personal information, people’s inner darkness, and I can’t save myself from that, as I’ve also been aroused by some very disturbing things that have caused my personal refrain from porn.


I’m putting an end to mine , 3 days strong


I’m proud of you, it takes a lot to stop, but remember to do it slowly, you don’t have to completely stop. Completely stopping will make you incredibly desperate, you can still jerk off. Many people think jerking off is unhealthy but it’s actually good for you to do, the porn is the problem here. I hope you do well 🫡


Thanks brotha or whatever you identify as


That’s a nice gesture, you had it right the first time though




Hey man, to most of the people I’ve talked to that has not been the case. There are cases where that’s true, like yours, but it’s always been difficult for people to change themselves. And yes, I also think that porn addiction is the surface problem. I personally thing it has something to do with the increasing digital age and the easier access to porn itself.




Yes exactly, it’s sad, but I’m an idiot so I’ll eventually bury myself trying to help somebody


It's disgusting and sad. I'm going to 8th grade (13) and in sixth grade this boy was caught watching porn during math class on his iPad. Now he can't even play blooket or kahoot without a teacher knowing, his iPad has serious restrictions like he has to ask to go to chrome or safari and has to be monitored ( His parents are Asian so you know how this went at home 💀.)   Now we have another kid i didn't know him in 6th grade but he was in my 7th grade homeroom one of my friends was on his team last year so they told me that he was caught watching porn also last year. In 7th grade they were actually leaking themselves and recording.. Likee where r ur parents 😭. Now imagine what they're gonna do in 8th grade-


No I understand


This is to real at 10:00pm


I have a built-in porn addiction firewall called ✨ sex repulsion ✨


I completely agree I was addicted to porn by the age of 11. It destroys your brain and perception of love ):


Is a SIN


Yes, but everybody falls to sin, I’m not religious but nobody is devoid of sin, and it can be hard to leave


I’m about to refresh my, fyp, and I swear if I see another porn addiction post I’m gonna lose it




It looks like every. single. post I come across here is for whatever reason, at least it was something about someone being gay this time lmao


Oh that 💀 but sorry if it’s maybe been talked about a lot, I haven’t seen much of it and was alarmed reading some prior posts where kids were wanting girlfriends and stuff so I kinda made this post


I hope you understand where I was coming from when I made this


Yeah I get it, but I honestly don’t think the people that need to hear it will listen, not at this age. People with that addiction, any addiction really, are extremely stubborn


Used to have this issue, my brother taught me about sex in around 3rd grade, not healthy. Now I strictly prohibit myself to do it once on every 3 days (the 3rd, 6th, etc.). Plan on increasing the gap soon. I think gradually is the best way to recover from this kind of stuff.


Normal for males,some females have interest...




I watch porn everyday. This might be a problem but I don't rlly care. I think this'll continue for a bit. My opinion is wrong, I know but I don't think this is an addiction but I know this isn't healthy either. WELL, I hope you have a nice day y'all.






I just realized this myself and now i have tried to stop this addiction. I need to change


Just jinxed in a sock. ...


My fucking mom blocked porn through both the phone data service company and internet company so I have to use Reddit now


I’ve just started my journey to quitting 3 days, going strong :) One of the ways i’ve done is to find something else to do, like ANYTHING and it’s helped me alot, hopefully this will help you and anyone else who finds this comment




I don't know if it is a good idea to talk about it in this sub, but from my own experience porn addiction - is extremely missleading thing. I was interested in female bodys since very young age, and was able to figure out sex existing without watching porn and looking nudes (in a dream basically). Combining this fact with my naturaly high imagination I basically didn't need porn to began with, but yeah in the school years I still was able to find porn. So I guess you could call me an experience porn addict. Of course there are were problems but few years ago I was able to completely solve them and here is my take on the matter: 1) porn isn't bad and not the real cause 2) the individual is addicted to arousal 3) every bad physical condition is due to extremely high arousal level So basically if you are having an overall high libido level since birth, you are 100% will suffer from "porn" addiction and if you try to don't watch porn you'll just develop some strange fetishes... The only way to deal with it is to manage your arousal levels like you do with hunger. If you feel hunger and will eat enough food - hunger is gone, but if you keep your self starving or worse watch some video with a lot of tasty looking food - you will have to eat more food in order to fulfill your hunger. The only way to get rid of arousal is orgasm, so if you struggle too fulfill your desire with just it alone - go to sex shop or try scheduling your orgasms for health purposes. It is working.


I mean what's the harm (Watch me get downvoted)


A lot, I won’t downvote you as I know you’re joking, but please be careful out there