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I cheated on a history test when I was 10 am I a horrible person


Damned to be alone for all eternity


Damn :(


Its alright bro ive cheated through every year and im now a senior


I cheated on a maths test once when I was 7 because I didn't know how to spell angles. I wrote down angels and then checked my bag and the textbook, I got caught and for a solid minute I was under the table crying, lol.


Honestly, I've cheated multiple times and I would still consider myself a decent person. All I did was peek at a couple of my classmates answers on our math test.


Thank you for your wisdom big_booty_boy99




"I've cheated multiple times and I consider myself a decent person" Downvote "Math test" Upvote




They had us in the first half…


What if i cheat twice


"Two negatives make a positive, right?"


It cancels out if you cheat on a cheater, pemdas


I would never cheat on someone. Gut someone and mail their family their body parts, however…


I'd say cheating is worse.




Until you involved their family, cheating was worse


Gutting someone is in no way better than cheating bro 💀


too absolutist, I don't like to see it that way. Your mistakes don't define the entirety of you


What if it aint a mistake


the flesh is weak my friend


From the moment I knew the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me


I craved the strength and certainty of steel


where is that from


The first adeptus mechanicus game


people become better people? like, i agree it’s bad, but a bad apple doesn’t ruin the bunch


Ironic that teenagers don’t believe in second chances. Considering 13-19 is your blunder years of endless mistakes


Yeah but cheating is a pretty… big mistake. And let’s be honest, if you did cheat on someone then there’s a very good chance it was on purpose.


Nah, first you need to agree on it - first mistake Then go to their home - second mistake Then you take of your shirt - third mistake Pants - mistake Panties - mistake Then there is *slap* - mistake *slap* - mistake *slap* - mistake And so on for 15 minutes


“Oh whoops, we’re accidentally holding hands!” “Oh clumsy me, I just accidentally made out with you!” “Now we’re not wearing any clothes? Haha, I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached to my neck!”


I read somewhere that research was done about cheating, and the results concluded that someone who had cheated was 3 times more likely to cheat again. So no, a second chance is not a good idea (idk why I know this tbh, I'm aroace and at my point of the spectrum I'm actively against the idea of a non-platonic relationship so cheating is not a problem I face 😭)


"Once a cheater, always a cheater" is a phrase for a reason, lol.


A stupid mistake that only hurts you isn’t the same as one that you willingly did knowing it would hurt other people for your own pleasure.


Why the downvotes he literally says the truth. Making a teenage mistake is different than cheating on someone


Like ever? You don’t think someone can cheat when they’re 15 and then be a good person when they’re 60 or whatever?


I think someone who's cheated before is capable of cheating now, if that's something you'll allow yourself to do, you're a bad person


Not at all. I cheated on a partner multiple times when I was 20 years old some 14 years ago. I am not the same person I was then. I cheated because I thought I needed the short-term validation of strangers to bolster my own sense of self-worth. As I grew older I learned how to properly tame that particular demon, and how bad cheating made me feel longer term. I do still feel bad about it even after all this time, but that's part of what it means to get better.


Looking back I was extreme, you are redeemed if you never do it again. Doing something like that does bring about experience as to why that was truly bad.


Eh in this case it’s redeemable. If you cheat once when you’re a young adult I don’t think it says the kind if person you are a decade later. Things change, people change. If they’re willing to look back on it and say ‘yeah i fucked up’ they aren’t a bad person


i cheated on a partner once, because they were abusive, raped me several times, and i could not leave without being hurt, but that's a pretty rare exception to the rule i think


I’m so sorry you went through that ml. I hope you’re away from them now and that you’re doing much better ❤️


Let me just start off by saying that Im 25 and no longer a teenager. I cheated on a GF of 8 months when I was 17, it was not only a traumatic experience for her, but seeing how my actions had an impact on another persons mental being completely destroyed me. I am by no means trying to make me a victim of this situation, but I have been scared of ever getting into a relationship again because of prior actions. I am straight up just scared of ending in the same situation again My mistake deeply changed me as a person, and seeing how you can't see how that people can change from experiences seems so weird in my eyes. The cheating wasn't even sex, it was gigadrunk cuddling and kissing with both of our best friend / third wheel.


This is terribly wrong. Grow up Mistakes are made. People learn to grow, change and forgive.


Looks like someone has cheated before


If you're aware of what you're doing, it's not a mistake, that's just something that YOU did on YOUR OWN


Well obviously you are wrong and very inexperienced in the world. Sometimes doing something in the moment doesn't seem a mistake. But will me later. Also let's say someone is being mentally and physically abused in their relationship and they are too afraid to leave it. Yet they go and sleep with another person. Is that person forever a bad person? Grow up. Things aren't as black and white in the world. Another scenario. A wife is being neglected by and over working husband and finds herself slipping up and kissing a close friend who as been there as a shoulder to cry on. She quickly realizes a mistake feels bad and owns up to it. Is she a terrible person? No. She made a mistake because her emotions were all over the place and she felt neglected and her emotions were over powering because they were neglected. Things happen sometimes and depending on the scenario yes it can end a relationship. But it doesn't mean that person can't be a good person. You clearly have vast inexperience in life.


If you're married, a kiss isn't cheating at that point. Yeah they fucked up but they're too mature for a kiss to be as crushing as having sex with someone else. Someone else made the same argument and I responded it's somewhere


Oh... oh this is just sad. So if you're married. And your wife or husband kisses someone else romantically that's not cheating? That is cheating. You clearly do not know anything of the world. I honestly wish you the best and hope with age you become more wise.


So your wife kissing someone in a moment of weakness or what ever, is the same as having sex with someone in a moment of weakness or whatever? They're both cheating and they're both bad people


You just said kissing isn't cheating? Get your stuff straight. Once again. You are young and vastly inexperienced. If someone cheats it doesn't mean they can't be a good person. Grow up child. I'll repeat it again for you: life isn't as black and white. But no matter how much I argue with you. It won't matter as you are too young to understand experiences of the world yet.


No. People are capable of change if they really want to. You can't say that anyone who cheats/ does something wrong is not capable of becoming a better person. This is nowhere defending cheating.


I mean, one mistake doesnt make you a bad person forever. You were bad in that moment and hopefully you learn from it and become a better person but just that one time doesnt define your whole life


Grace and forgiveness


Everytime you do something, you're teaching the world about yourself


I robbed a pharmacy at gunpoint in the midst of my addiction to opiates when I was 21. I am 31 and have over a year clean now. I think we can all agree that robbing a pharmacy at gunpoint is a worse action than cheating on someone. Am I forever doomed to no longer being able to make the claim that I am a good person for the rest of my life?  We all fuck up. We all do things out of character (or in character that we grow to regret). What matters is what we do about these things and how we are moving forward, and what actions we take to change that behaviour.  Cheating is shitty, undeniably, but so many amazing humans cheat at one point or another and that shouldn’t room them to “terrible person” status for the rest of their lives.


People cheat because "ahh fuck it" You robbed a gas station because you were going through some crazy shit. They are incomparable, unless you walked by that gas station and thought "I have a gun.... Eh what else am I gonna do today" then it's not the same. If you can just go eh and do something terrible, you are a bad person.


People cheat for a multitude of reasons. Feelings of immense insecurity and low self esteem pushing them to take up opportunities when offered because they never had them when younger, relationship falling apart, aren’t feeling love from their partner, their partner isn’t putting out for whatever reason (whether hormonal or due to medicine or hospital bound), severe depression causing them to seek pleasure in any way they can whether healthy or not. People just wantonly saying screw it with little care for their partner is a percentage of cheaters but nowhere near all of them.  Not saying that excuses it but it’s not as simple as you’re making it out to be.  And pharmacy* (but it matters not). 


i fw this take


If you have the will to cheat on your partner you have more than enough will to leave a relationship you're unhappy in. Unless you're trapped in the relationship, in which cheating is realistically an even worse idea. If someone is a problem within the relationship, they are the problem. If you cheat, you just did something a lot more damming than what they're doing or not doing. You just became the problem


Now you’re changing what’s being discussed. Is it it a good idea? No. But I never said it was. All I’m refuting is your assertion that to cheat means you can no longer say you’re a good person. You have no idea what it’s like being trapped in a terrible relationship, in an abusive one where you fear for your life. It doesn’t mean cheating is going to magically solve it, but when you’re being not only starved for attention but actively belittled or physically abused and someone comes along and is nice and considerate and is providing everything your partner should be it’s entirely understandable how someone - a good person, as it were - makes the decision to cheat.  I understand you’re most likely a teen given the sub we’re in, and I’d wager a guess was cheated on and hurt by it, but life isn’t as simple as you’re making it out to be.  Martin Luther King had affairs, for fucks sake, but he can’t be a good person if you’re to be believed. Good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. The Mexican cartels pave roads for impoverished villages and Bumpy Johnson gave food to the poor of Harlem. Life isn’t all black and white, sir.


Bumpy Johnson was convicted of drug conspiracy, which probably fucked the poor of Harlem. Any gang in Mexico can be called a cartel, some just chop people's heads off and others pave roads too. If you're in an abusive relationship and you're brave enough to cheat, you are more than brave enough to leave. That's why I said it was a bad idea, I can't imagine a woman beater would be so excited about being cheated on


My point exactly. Bad people do good things (and conversely good people can do bad things).    You saying that shows you have no idea what it’s like to be in a relationship where you fear for your life. It can be crippling at times. Cheating in that situation would have nothing to do with bravery. Once again I never said it was a good idea, all I’m saying is that good people do things they regret all the time and that isn’t necessarily an indictment of who they are for the rest of their lives. I’m sorry somebody hurt you, truly.


True. You also teach them that you're capable of better. We all fail, really badly.


It took me 20 seconds to realize this is meant for relationships. Face it, everyone cheated at least once in school. I remember my precalc class would have a group chat and a system for cheating on hw and tests


so THIS is what the teachers meant when they said that shit goes on your permanent record


Depends how old you are. Teenagers and younger will do it. Hormones, puberty, etc. it's going to happen l, just the nature of the beast 🤷‍♂️


There was this video on Jubilee where cheaters talked to people who had been cheated on, and the cheaters tried really hard to justify or at least sound like good people lol




What do you mean by cheating? Cheating on tests or cheating on your partner?


Im guessing cheating on a partner


Cutting hair one time doesnt make you a barber


" killing a guy once doesn't make you a murderer " that argument is dumb


well you can’t kill him twice can you? if i ate a steak when i was 5 i can’t ever be a vegetarian ? accidentally killed my gold fish can’t be a parent? your view is naive


And cheating once doesn't make you a cheater? It stays with you. Cheating applies the same as a murderer. If you cheat then you're a cheater and if you murder then you're a murderer. You can't compare responsibilities/work with loyalty and crime.


This!! There are differences between being a shitty person and willingly cheating on them then 'eating a steak when you were 5' or 'accidentally killing a goldfish'


so are you saying that someone who cheats once early in their life - then never again, can legitimately be labelled a cheater for life or are you saying that they can never again be considered a good person because they cheated once? are we discussing labels here or character ?


Both, if you have only cheated like a small amount of times and never again in the future, then it wouldn't be much of a worry for your partner. You're still a cheater for life but it can be forgotten in the future by others. And yes, cheating on your partner means you were too weak-minded to control yourself and you went **out of your way** to cheat on them. If I murder someone once then I will still be considered a bad person, no? I'm also a little conflicted because teenagers don't have a strong will, but as we get older we get more mature and our will grows stronger. At the end of the day, cheating is still morally bad and makes you a bad person, but if your partner doesn't mind that you cheated in the past and is ready to move on then who cares right?


How do you feel about labelling a father a murderer because he killed his child’s rapist. Does that make you feel good about yourself? Do you gain anything by dying on a hill of semantics or do you truly believe that people do not deserve second chances ? that be it passion or emotion or insanity might drive someone to do something vile, cheat or steal or kill. A loaf of bread for your starving child? you want to call them a thief for life? See what i mean, life in reality is not so black and white and although you may be correct linguistically, i think you don’t understand how someone could be driven to become a murderer or cheater but not deserve to be known as such for life? Thanks for replying anyway


Brother a father killing his child's rapist is a murderer, there's no 2 ways about it. Whether him being a murderer is a good thing or a bad thing is subjective though. I for one would understand why he did it. I can't pretend he didn't do it, but I would have some respect due to sympathy. If you cheated, you're a cheater. What happens after is undecided. Maybe you learn from it and become the most loyal person to exist by learning from your mistakes, and if that's the case, then it's a good thing for you. However, changing your future cannot change what you did in the past and that's a fact. Yes cheating is bad, but if you genuinely learn and grow from it, then who cares? Why get so defensive if you've learned. I for one believe that I would never cheat (only because I avoid being in the position to cheat), and I see it as a bad thing, but I also have huge respect for people that have made mistakes and genuinely learned and grew from it. Doesn't change what they did, but they do have control over what they can do.


bro i think we are in agreement because i never said killing someone doesn’t make you a murderer, my point was simply that killing a rapist (becoming a murderer) doesn’t automatically make you a bad person. There could be complex reasons for committing such a sin. Read the comments i replied to, these people honestly think cheater once makes bad person for life.


i find it hilarious that this take is posted in a teenagers sub and everyone in here agreeing with op isn’t old enough to have had a relationship long enough to understand that cheating doesn’t make you a bad person, it just hurts the person you were with because you weren’t smart or brave enough to end things beforehand.


God bless your heart


May God give you a brain


i don’t need a brain to call out shit posts (thankfully)


Use ur brain and realize that breaking someone's trust by cheating makes u a bad person




People have a grave misunderstanding of why people cheat but honestly? I don’t like cheaters so fuck em.




Ok but in my defense I couldnt study for the test becouse I was studying


the only things I've ever cheated on are math tests, mock exams, entrance exams, science tests, homework tests, tests, other tests. I'd never cheat on a person! unless they were a test.


I havent ever cheated but anyone can change. Its silly to say that if someone cheats they cant repent from that


I agree with this.


I only cheated twice. On a science test (got an A), and on a Spanish test (I got a C)


I fr thought it was school cheating...


Your engine overheated


Oopsie! My clothes fell off and now we’re fucking my bad twas a mistake!


People change 🤦


I think you can but it takes time, self reflection, and a lot of apologizing and fixing yourself


Learning from your mistakes is part of growing up to become a mature adult (It’s literally called “maturing”). Making one mistake shouldn’t define who you are as a person but rather, what you do after making it


My friend got cheated on last year, it hurt him so fucking much but he pretends that he forgave his ex, still talks to her in class sometimes, even though he told me that he hates her. And it was his friend that she cheated with, that he is somehow still friends with. I asked him how and he said “he can’t control who he’s attracted to.”




Hell naw i cheated a lot. No examiner has ever caught me 😳


people change hope this helps ! being a dumb kid doesn’t define you as just a terrible person for the rest of your life


Bruh I stepped on a kitten once (on accident) Never emotionally recovered


"If they cheat once, they will do it again" smh


I just didn't say that


ive cheated once and honestly dont rlly care that i did💀 im aware that makes me sound like a bad person but im not🙏


You must be because you said you are


im not a bad person. i was just a 14 year old kid struggling with addiction. i couldn't have cared less abt anything at that point


We all do stupid shit when we’re addicted but if that stupid shit hurt someone you should take accountability that it was messed yk?


i told him and then broke up with him. thats my taking accountability but idc that it happened. im not gonna trip over something i did as a dumb teenager


You don't care you didn't something that's bad? You must be a good person


spoken like someone who has never been through the literal hell that is addiction, they were dealing with DRUG ADDICTION at FOURTEEN and all you're worried about is cheating???? genuinely shame on you


Spoken like someone who thinks they know me. I was hooked on Xanax for a little bit, no where near an opioid. I have been in the shit and I kept my composure, I was raised in a trap house for fuckity sakes. Not being in control of yourself because of addiction is a horrible thing to go through, but never once did I figure "it wouldn't matter if I cheated on my girlfriend" that's insane. When in the fuck as I like "you did drugs at 14? Hell forever" I never said that shit or anything close. I'm saying being addicted to something is no excuse


i was on drugs💀 i didnt care abt literally anything except where to find more and how i could use my body to get them. im very aware cheating is bad and the one time i did isnt something im gonna care abt


Double terrible person. No excuses. Don't do drugs. The quantity doesn't change its severity.


doing drugs doesnt automatically make you a terrible person. i was an abused teenager.


Don’t beat someone up for addiction. I’m glad they got clean. Addiction from Nicotine to Heroin is serious. It does not make someone a bad person. Drugs mess with your brain. It makes you do things that you don’t care about if it’s bad or not, even when you’re off them. Does that justify it? No, however we can all change and getting clean is a massive first step.


You were 14, girl. Don’t beat yourself about it. I can’t help but laugh when I see kids acting as if they were married couples in a ten years relationship 😂😂😂 Don’t make the mistake again when you enter a serious relationship. Everything’s fine.


thank you😭😭 the downvotes are crazyy. like now that im sober and actually care abt life and not actively killing myself, i would never cheat. i was barely a teenager💀💀


Yes. It’s truly not that serious. Nobody remembers the few weeks or months relationship they had when they were 14. And if they do, it’s fondly. Wishing you the best for your recovery.


thanks girl🩷


Why don't you care also was there a reason behind it


my reasoning was just that i wanted to💀 i was dating this guy but we were long distance and i made out with some girl in a school bathroom😭 i honestly didnt care abt him, the girl, or myself. so ive just ignored that it ever happened


Oh those are indeed actions you choose if you don't mind my asking afterwards did you break it off or discuss it or absolutely just shut it out


i told him and he said it was ok and he wanted to stay together. i still broke up with him and never saw that girl again. i was also an addict at that point and just didnt care about anything


the downvotes are crazyy😭😭 i was actively killing myself with drugs so obviously im not gonna care abt anything💀💀 i was using my body to get drugs


I’m very glad you’re clean now. I hope you have a steady recovery. We can all change and, I get it completely. Someone on drugs is a complete different person than their sober self. I’ve been there, you do things and don’t even care about if it’s bad or not because all you care for is drugs. Congratulations on getting clean!


thank you🩷


I mean yea but it’s also fun to have 2 gfs


Yea but she kinda asked for it


What did she do?