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right person wrong time?




Thats sucks big time. On the upside, ive seen friends (twice) stick with a girl as friends for two years each before getting into a relationship. So yk... depending on how commited you are, give her some time.


I’m committed, I’m always going to be there for her and am going to try my best to help her when she needs it, wether it’s as her boyfriend or as a close friend


That's my boy, go get her


Don’t do that. Don’t only be there for her in hopes that one day you’ll get a romantic relationship in return. That’s called being a Nice Guy


i don't think that's what they were meaning, they're not only gonna be there for the hopes of getting a relationship


I think his intentions aren't necessarily to try to be her boyfriend, but to remain a good friend and see where the chips fall. Maybe they'll end up together, maybe not, either way he'll be there for her.


Careful she doesn't become some kind of dependency or like she becomes you're entire focus in life. But none the less be a nice guy and all :)


That and OP should be careful not to remain focused to her while she (OP's friend) slowly looks for someone else. It's a bit late, because fuck my algorithm, I only see this posts late at night, so my wording might be messed up. But what I'm trying to say, OP shouldn't throw away all other chances that come at them just because he wants to stay committed to their friend. The friend could slowly, without her will, look away from OP and focus on someone else, not 100% guaranteed but you shouldn't commit 100% to anyone, unless both of you are together in a trusted relationship. Hope it makes sense.


we are in a trusted relationship, she trusts me enough to come to me with her problems and to ask for advice, and I trust her judgment and decision making and trust her to tell me if things go wrong so I can calmly talk things over with her


I don’t like the use of the word nice guy let’s go with good guy


I can say that she'll appreciate that 100%. good fella right here


I know that's nice and all. But don't loose sight of the real world either. People change, environments change, the world is in continuous motion and it never stops (it slows down sometimes, like it was with quarantine but that's not important) If you find another girl, better than her or similar to her, don't hurt her feelings just because you wanna stay committed to your friend. (unless you're put between choosing both, but that rarely happens, what I mean, your friend slowly starting to feel like wanting a relationship at the same time). That could lead to toxicity, while your friend is already looking at someone else. So play it safe. If you do ended up together in the end, that's great and congratulations in advance, but don't bet all your money on her :) cheers


I wish you the best


Chad grindset, good luck out there my comrade


go tiger


aw man she was right. You are super sweet. Definitely the kind of friend that I would want around.


ya who the hell wants a douchey friend around? Not I. I assure you.


o7 (Have you asked if she’ll ever reconsider in the future? Might be a rude question but that’s what I would do after some time for any tension to settle)


just know that altho she may be telling the truth, 99% of the time this just means they don't like you in that way once that got to know you more, or there's someone else. hopefully she's the 1%


My sisters boyfriend liked her for fiev years before she asked him and and he asked her out about 4 or 5 times in those 5 years. So yeah, you definitely got a chance. But also don't get too hung up on it. Love is great but chasing what isn't there isn't gonna get you anywhere. This does sound like you may have a chance though (bare in mind I am only 14 and got my first proper girlfriend a solid 20 minutes ago but I'm just going of things that have happens around me)


This happened to me. We just stayed friends and one day she reached out and said if the offer to date still stands she would like to


Same thing happened with me recently, it started working over time and now we’re dating hopefully it’ll happen to you as well


that shits not real. if it’s the right person it’ll work no matter the time


Don’t swoop in right after a breakup bro




Ya dick


You sound young.


I'm almost 15


What is it then?


what’s your perspective on this then?


Nevermind - apparently my opinions here aren’t relevant or important. I guess she is truly in love with him & REALLY deeply cares. I must have been mistaken. Remember, I’m a “dick.”


I will say give it time ​ she didn't fully reject you it sounds more like a not now then no ​ she's going thru some stuff and maybe one day when she's mentally in a better place and you guys are older/more mature you can ask her out again and then you'll have a better relationship then in your teen years


Tbf do u even need to ask again? If she likes you and remembers that you asked her first, I think there's no doubt she'll try when she feels like it.


I’m really sorry but this isn’t the case. I know you’re trying to be positive, but it’s not good to falsely get OPs hopes up


oh sorry I don't want to give OP false hope since Ik how bad that could be I was just trying to see if I could find a little light in this dark hole


You’re all good no worries <3. If a person is having a really rough day, because they were picked on for one of their insecurities, like let’s say their looks; I’m not gonna say they look good if they don’t, I’d say it’s foolish to center your self-worth on your looks, try and look at what about them they don’t give themselves enough credit for, and finally a way to work on themselves. In this case I’d tell OP that rejection sucks, but sometimes you should be very happy that you were. Many relationships are unhealthy and leave people hurt because the parties involved don’t value/see it the same. This one guy I know felt like he was in love with this girl who he envisioned himself spending the rest of his life with, but the girl just saw him as a casual high school boyfriend (date/have fun for a few months or weeks and move on). He was very very hurt by the end of it… Not only that, but it’s unbelievable how many well suited people there are for each other. There aren’t just plenty of fish in the sea, but you physically cannot even comprehend how many fish there are, and good ones at that. After all, even if the one for you is one in a million, you only need to find them once to set you up for life. tl;dr Positivity cannot work without honesty, OP shouldn’t dwell on this longer than needed (even if he feels like it), and there’s no shortage of people out there


She did fully reject him though, that’s a no and a friend zone. Maybe potentially it could still work in the future, but that isn’t something OP should spend time or emotional energy planning about. OP should stay friends but if OP is looking for a romantic relationship ship they should move on and look for other people.


Do you know if “what she’s been through” is legit? Because maybe you could try later.


yeah, she’s been having mental health and self esteem issues a lot lately. I had the same though but decided not to say anything to be respectful.


That seems like a good idea. Just a thought for (vacuously) “later” if you think she’s doing better.


well I’ve been trying my hardest to help her. I even promised to her that I won’t leave her which has been one of her biggest fears. it’s clearly been helping but there’s still a lot she’s dealing with so I’ve been taking it slow to not overwhelm her.


As someone who's been in both positions before, don't expect things to get better eventually and just think you can hold on until they do because sometimes they just get worse, even over years. The best thing imo is to try and not even think about this girl romantically and just be a good friend. Not until she's feeling better because sometimes that never happens. Obviously you know the context better but yeah just keep that in mind iykwim


First rule is to never ask someone out while they’re struggling with something? You’re only going to thrive in a relationship where both parties are mentally healthy. What you need to do is support and be there for her, not idealize a relationship where both of your mental health’s are magically fixed by being together.


You should tell her bc it can help her go get through her situation. A good bonding moment




TLDR: I love you, but like, I don’t


TLDR: I'm deeply in love with you, but I really don't


TLDR: I like you but I don't "like like" you


TLDR: I love youn't Also r/decreasinglyverbose


Troy Barnes: “it was fun but also… it wasn’t?”


Tldr I love you but I'm not in love with you


Why does this comment have so many upvotes? It should get downvoted 😅


What's sad about this though? It's nice to have someone who cares about you this much. And give it a little time. I don't know what she's been through but if it's really a bad thing she might really just not be ready for a relationship.


Bruh this is fine too. No rudeness, very mature response. Little to no red flags either. Seems like a respectable conversation. You could just be friends with this person. Or maybe you two can figure something out later. It’s very refreshing seeing something not cursed on this sub


Its a bit manipulative from the woman. She obviously doesn't 'really like' him of 'love him otherwise she would be more than happy to date him. She's lying, and she probably loves the attention this man gives her and doesn't want it to stop. Hence pretending she likes him.


What the hell, you literally have zero context and jump to the conclusion that she’s lying? If she was just in it for the attention, she’d probably way yes, but that’s not what she wants. She wants a friendship that isn’t gonna be screwed up by dating. Which is pretty damn valid. Amigo, pal, friend, chum, learn to read the room.


Learn to read the room? you've been friend zoned more times than you'd like to admit.


I can't believe women aren't allowed to break up with people and be a nice human-being about it, are us women not allowed to break up with people and want to just be friends instead?


No, apparently if you love your friends that must mean that you are in love with them and must date them lol


Your allowed to break up with people, my point is you shouldn't break up with a guy who's clearly into you and say I really like you too and then make up some bullshut excuse. If your not into him just say so. Its women nature to indirectly string people on for attention, whether you conscious about it or not. Don't virtue signal me.


i really hope you didn’t just leave her on delivered or read after all that


I responded, just cut it out because people are assholes who are going to try and make me think what I said was wrong because they have nothing better to do then try to ruin others lives


Real r/teenagers try not to be salty, petty, and downright rude about a stranger having a relationship experience that ends on a good note challenge (literally impossible)


yeah so many people have tried telling me she’s just toying with my feelings and is playing me


Seriously Hope it ends well for you later on man 🤝🏻


and thats why everybody is afraid of confessing to ur crush i mean its sweet and she could not have been nicer but even reading this hurt me


The only right comment


thats nice


She loves you, as a friend




Can we stop posting private conversations on reddit 😭😭😭 Imagine her surprise when she sees this.


Man it sounds to me like you won. Tf you need a girlfriend for when you've got this. She clearly loves you, but isn't comfortable with being in a relationship. Labels mean nothing, this is real love.


shit you right


I'm in a pretty similar situation, and trust me when I say it can be absolutely amazing Have a great day!


this dude just straight feeding OP LIES 💀 bitches aint shit if she rlly “loved” you there isn’t no “wrong” time thats all bullshit. mf giving this bitch a shoulder to cry on but she don’t want a dick to ride on goofy mfs on this sub bro


You very clearly have some unsolved issues, I'm sorry whatever happened to you happened to you, but your shitty ass experience with a girl doesn't mean that every girl is out to get you, you dense motherfucker. Have a great day :)


aight man continue to feed OP lies so he can keep simping on sum broken bitch. aye but bitches w self esteem issues the easiest to crack so maybe u onto something have a good day too


I sincerely hope you remain completely alone for the rest of your life so nobody has to go through the suffering of knowing you as you are now. Be better


what??? bitch i was polite to u tf now u on me damn. but fr tho bitches w self esteem issues got 0 self respect dont blame me just say some nice shit to them and its pretty much free pussy. dont hate the player hate the game 🤷‍♂️


Man how the fuck you gonna say "don't hate the player hate the game" when the game is literally emotional manipulation you fuckwit You are scum. Absolutely disgusting. Be better. Something is severely wrong with you, please get help, maybe even seek therapy


Man ur spitting facts


“I was polite” My brother in Christ that is a woman and you have been calling women “bitches” this entire convo


ikr how tf has he been polite?


Least misogynistic Andrew Tate fan


even if they did lie (which they didn’t) I’m not interested in her for the sex, so what you say has no meaning


I feel you 🤧


i personally don’t understand how this is “ sad “


sad because I got rejected, but not sad at the same time as she explained how she does really like me but she’s just not ready to date


oh ok, i felt like you were just being highly under appreciative without realizing, id literally kill to have a girl say something like that to me 😭 maybe that’s only because of how love starved i am ig 😞


Just make sure you don’t become an orbiter. She has enough friends and you need to also consider what you want


I know, I made that mistake in the past and I do not wish to repeat it


Damn that must hurt bro. On the bright side at least she didn't put something like "you're ugly fuck off"


Best rejection:


At least she didn't say "ew"


A case of right person wrong time. Whoever this is was at least honest about it. Better than some people who will pity date you


This is an amazing way to break up with someone. It gives closure, and it isn’t mean


It was a rejection but yes, this would be a good way to break up


Translation: I don't want to be with you but you do make a good friend and I don't want things to be weird that we lose our friendship.


It’s all lies, it’s ur sign to hit the gym and gain the physique of Hercules. trust me




I mean more focus on urself than specifically Hercules, it’s just personally where I would start.


Feels fake Not saying that this didn't happen. I mean her This kind of response always seems fake, like they don't really mean it


I can understand your concers, but not everyone is lying :) OP should be by her side and stuff, and if the chance comes again, they can finally be together. BUT, OP shouldn't lose sight of the "outside" world, if a chances drops in the mean time, OP shouldn't be committed 100% to her. Because there's no chance she's will truly be committed to OP.


?? Wdym


They're being too "nice", it feels like they're putting on a front


Or they are just a good friend who doesnt want a relationship lmao


this is her just toying with your feelings lol


This is called being mature and not forcing someone into a relationship with you when you know you’re currently unstable and are unable to provide a healthy relationship


“Going through something” is what I use to put someone down nicely. Bro, I’m just not into you.


Redditors trying to comprehend women have feelings and thoughts.


If I had a nickel


Ah well lest it ended respectfully (I think)


Sorry op, you'll find someone else.




Aka: I like someone else


Been thru this a lot. They all say the same thing lmao. Keep it up tho, you’ll find the one




In short, she loves you but as a friend....


Fuck that somehow hurts more than just “no”




Idk. I’d much rather them just curb my feelings so I’m not still attached rather than letting me down like that.


She playing you bruv


Wait a while, be there for her, and you might be able to actually be with her


The healthy thing to do is for OP to move on but stay friends. OP should not fixate on the possibility that they might get together in the future, that’ll be unhealthy for OP and for the friendship


I had a gf once. One day, she just randomly said me that she wants to break up, but she likes me. I still don't know what she was thinking. I literally got friendzoned by my gf lmao. I'd still fall for her if she asks me out again : )


The next thing you know she's with someone else. 💔🖤


That...i felt that...


*I’ll give you a kiss but it’s merely meant to lethally poison you*


L Girl


Yeah, she doesn't want to force herself into a relationship she's not ready for but decided to let the guy know in a kind and considerate way, what an L.


I’m messing around it was a joke stop being a square and actual learn how to smile for once


Press F for our fallen soldier.




My brother in christ she has mental health issues




I mean it's better than what most people on this subreddit have, nothing, in this case you can just wait until she's y'know, ready for a relationship again.


Brotherrr just add comedy.


move on Edit: don’t just move on MOVE UP


I cannot


sorry for ya F


Pro tip: stay close to her, let her know you love her, give her time (I'd say 3+ months), then begin a serious relationship when you think is the best time.


Reminds me of a friend, “He loves me so much but he’s so depressed he can’t be with me.” Like HUH? He’s just not into you. He’ll find someone else.


Rest in peace, but hey, it’s not a no. You can try again later






Sound like you didn’t think someone needs time after a bad relationship? Always take your time because this is kinda wrong on your end


A) Right person wrong time B) Standard issue "I'm not ready for a relationship... WITH YOU so I'm going to keep you around in case i don't find anyone interesting


Very mature of her to not use you as a release for all of her current emotional baggage. Many teenagers just jump straight into new relationships because they’re desperate to feel loved, but then end up being abusive without realizing it, and causing a lot of pain to the other person- which then leads to another break up, them jumping back in, causing pain to someone else, and the cycle continues because they feel like “it’s impossible for someone to love them” and are desperate for love, when the reality is that they’re very messed up and should actually be taking time alone to grow. Trust me, she’s going to be a fucked up partner if you date her now. Be super glad she’s working on herself and that she is a mature individual. With her current mental state, she understands that she is unable to offer you a healthy relationship. She knows she’s unstable and instead of possibly taking that out on you, she’s maintaining her distance in order to heal and become better


had someone do this to me. strung me along for a good 2 months and told me they loved me every day and called me every chance they had. all to end with them asking for a little space and ruining our friendship. hopefully it’s not the same scenario for you


Thats too bad. Try again some time later if you want


I wish this happened to me Nobody likes me (romantically) tho :'(


similar happened to me(her name also begins with S so this felt like a flashback)


Aw. Well F my guy. But seems like she really does like you so maybe she will come around. But i dont want to be too positive, reddit ppl doesnt like that lol


That literally just happened to me man I feel ya


I am literally in the exact same situation lol


got told almost the exact same thing the other night homie. you’ll find someone for you one day 🤞


I’m in a similar situation right now, but trust me it’s not all that bad, she says that she does love you, and that seems to be pretty genuine, she’s just not ready yet. But pay attention to the fact she may be implying *yet*. I’m in a pretty similar situation and my crush has said he has feelings for me, but isn’t ready for a relationship yet. So give her time, she has a pretty good reason to not be ready, *yet*. So wait a bit for her maybe? If you feel like you rather not wait though, or feel like there is a possibility she’s just toying with your feelings, it might be better to walk away, but from what I can gather I think she just needs time.


Dude I’ve had this exact scenario happen and 4 months later after she said she’d be with me after she got her life sorted she’s with a different man nothing hurts worse


R.I.P. Pour one out for this poor bastard.


I tried one time to confess to my crush, I told her the day I saw her, my heart pumped with love, she said she was flattered, but she didn’t like me, she then decided to ghost me and we haven’t talked since


damn 💀


Hey man this is the exact same thing i went through October 26th and I thought i could rekindle me and her but she has been talking to another for a month and we’re just best friends now 😐It was also right person wrong time like this


Fuck em, they’re down you’re up my man.


Tell her ok, nothing else


Did y’all really read that-


give it time, she will come to you when she is ready


Lol identical situation happened with me a couple years ago


Mate, she is just looking at the other options she has, she’s just waiting to see if your the best one


Just give her time. She’ll come around. Make sure you make her smile and are always there for her. Remember, “A shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on.” -Ghandi Also, “He who makes her laugh and giggle shall one day make her cheeks clap and jiggle” -Socrates


those are not the reasons I’m going to stick with her and help her


God damn, I’ve never been rejected in such a polite, kind way






Yeppers last time someone said that to me we ended up dating for all of summer. Then she broke up with me and 2 days later started dating her supposedly “old crush but still really good friend”


Ty for explaining why the names were crossed out. I was confused.


I don’t need your sarcasm


Friend zoned.


I’ve never been through this, but it must be tough. But you can still be friends with her regardless


aww puppy luv. How nostalgic.


You’re lucky she’s nice. When I was bi she completely ghosted me even though we were good friends. Didn’t even respond to the text and asked someone else to ask me if it was true. That’s why I’m only gay now 😝😍


do people just have websites to copy and paste this shit? this seems identical to when it happened to me.


F chain? Either way, my condolences. I can’t imagine how that would feel for me. Good that she still cares, you still got a good friend. Even then, I’d be still hurt so 🤷‍♂️


That'd be enough for me to be happy.


Means your fugly and boring sorry ba watch some andrew tate


Relationships when you’re a teenager don’t need to be this complicated. She doesn’t love you


“I hope you have a sweet day though” See you at the gym


Did she just say : I love you but i don't love you


That’s basically a fuck you in lower case


Stupid ass disclaimer


She wants Chad




For what other reason would you cross out the names?

