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Evil Evil Evil!


Why’s he holding the asshole part of the thong lol


So is this a pic of a negligent mother? Because I don’t feel pity for that woman. It looks like she is unbothered by her familial responsibilities and unattached to her family, regretting her life and wanting to be single. I understand depression and addiction, but I think this pic missed the mark


She’s just SO relatable though guys!!! /s


I can’t stand Jenelle but I really hope she gets a wake up call for her sweet kids. I hope she gets a real job and stays off social media


Never gonna happen


I know but I can hope for her kids 😭


If she is on OF or not what does it matter . We need to stop judging


What matters is that this post insinuates she’s burnt out from constantly working, parenting, putting in effort, etc. and needs a break. The reason why OF comes up is because that’s her only “job”. She is lazy with that shit too. It’s not that OF is the problem. The problem is that she’s a lazy piece of shit deadbeat, who has an OF.


Wait, the razor? She mad she has to shave her legs? 🪒


There is not one single attractive aspect to David. Maybe to those attracted to another for really looking like a psychopath, or to those who fantasize about their own violent demise, and I love to hear how mean everyone is to him all over the internet, except on OF. On OF, they encourage him to work out and strut his stuff. He and his idiot bride are two of the most socially inept troglodytes on the web today, and that is saying a lot. Do we know much about David's mother? Do they have a good relationship according to her and him? Washe tossed from home very early as I imagine he would be. I can imagine him being a horrible kid that scares all the other kids just trying to get thought their days at school too. He was one of those kids that surprised you that he had anyone who cared about him as he was so vile.


She stayed doing this while David took care of the kids.


You guys, she’s just like the rest of the overworked, stressed out mothers/wives who do everything. It’s time we ease off her. She’s in constant high demand between her fans and lucrative social media career not to mention the side gigs like podcasting, blogging, and product developments. She’s a busy boss babe mama bear!


Don't forget the hard grind of Spicey OF content 🙏😔 the poor thing


She’s willing to do anything for her kids!


So damn deep. For a teenager.


Shit. I like this meme. She's basically me.


I hide in my bathroom sometimes lol


Is that a meme of David doing everything while jenelle hides in the bathroom or crack shack?


Let’s be for real. David ain’t ever done shit 😂😂😂


No I think the guy holding the thong signifies his need of sex


That's what I thought. I'm like hmm yeah I'm glad you finally admit to something.


She wants sympathy so bad….


Idk how to post links otherwise I’d tag that “ I’m 12 and this is deep” subreddit






Chinsaw Nelly, Please STFU egg donor! Sincerely, All moms


She’s nuts


To be a mother and not mother your children takes a certain type of evil


HOW do you look at their little helpless faces, their tiny hands and not want to give everything you have to love, protect, care for them? I look at them and cry bc I love them so much sometimes. Shes disgusting and a fraud Edit: unrelated but that bitch has not hit ONE beat in her dumbass dance posts. Does anyone even post those anymore? Also went on a rampage


It’s extremely sad and pathetic I agree 10000000% And I wish somehow people honestly don’t cherish parenthood would not just have kids just to have them It’s completely unfair to the child


Sorry I went on a bit of a rampage there lol You said it all with one sentence though.


Oh it’s fine! Vent away It’s infuriating


That damn mothering molecule 🤪


🤔 My take was that it was posted in response to him saying that HE does all the work and she does nothing. Not saying that is or isn’t true, that was just what popped into my head.


I don’t think either one of them does the work


Ya for their info hanging in the shed drunk & stoned isn't parenting, just saying...


She’s confirming it with this meme because that’s the status quo at her house.


That's what I was thinking. This meme looks like the dude is doing everything while she hides behind the bathroom or she shack door.


But nobody is HELPING HER!!!


I mean the part about her hiding from her responsibilities is accurate


Hahahaha! ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)




I don’t know what I’m looking at


Jenelle thinks she is a *rill mom*, so she shared a tired mom meme on fb and we are laughing at it since we know she actually does hide from her kids in her weed shed to play playstation all day, on a regular basis. Somehow, people in the comments have compared this to their own smoking while parenting.


It’s one of those all the weight is always on my shoulders. And it’s dumb as fuck because it’s Jenelle. I bet the trail separation lasts 4 months.


Is that everyone trying to get the work done while Jenelle hides with a glass of whiteclaw?


"I'm fuckin rakin!"


Stoppppp!!! 😭💀😭💀 Whew...I needed that laugh


That’s exactly what it is. Everyone else doing everything while Jenelle hides in her room with a drink and screaming “leave me aloneee,, dude, god! I can never get any peace or time to myself”


I saw this meme yesterday and felt it. She posted this and I'm fucking mad.


She felt that too.


Yep Jenelle… that’s what being a wife and mother is all about. Most of us have jobs that take us away from the home as well. Too late to complain now that you became a mom, three times I might add. Let’s all feel sorry for Jenelle, you know, the one who didn’t even raise one of her kids. This doesn’t even really apply to her since David did most of the cooking and she doesn’t do laundry.


She reminds me of my mil and I hate them both so bad! Mil bosses everyone around and wants celebrated meanwhile my hubby was raised by his grandma while his mom/egg donor was out doing what she wanted. They are the human equivalent to a McRib imo, it's here for a limited time but damn it wants celebrated.




McRib...I cackled


God I hate her


She makes smoking moms look so bad!! A lot of us are NOT like this. Some people use it for mental health, as do I. I've tried antidepressants but they all do NOT agree with me! But because I need it for that, it makes me more productive and a less-anxious, depressed mom. People like her, who don't even use it medicinally, usually get the opposite affect and it makes them lazier and a worse parent.


Excuses excuses 😴 why don't you just admit you're a stoner! It shouldn't be allowed around kids at all! You would get slammed here in the u.k for smoking weed. Most probably get your children taken away also and made to attend therapy




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


Idk girl. Perhaps you should reconsider being a “smoking mom” because there is zero correlation between this post and your comment.


Do you not know how to read the above comments? People comparing this to Janelle locking herself in her she shed and getting high and ignoring her kids. There's a difference


You didn’t reply to someone talking about jenelle smoking. You replied directly to this post. Which is not about marijuana at all. Although, she was probably high when she posted this. She does ignore her kids and put weed/substances/alcohol/men above her kids. If people talking about shitty parenting and stoner behavior is triggering to you, so what? If you’re such a good mom because of it then why are you so defensive? Do you think weed helps you manage your emotions better while parenting? If so, do you suggest your child use marijuana to help them manage their emotions? Could there be other methods? What’s your point? There’s no evidence that marijuana improves parenting skills. There’s strong evidence to suggest that driving while high is dangerous. There’s also significant evidence that chronic marijuana use goes hand in hand with poor decision making.


For exactly the reason you're replying to me. You're making assumptions without even knowing details. I have severe PTSD from sexual abuse and depression. I never said 'there's evidence that weed does xyz' I'm stating MY experience with it. I never said I was triggered or acted triggered. I think YOURE the one triggered to feel like you need to tell me Im simply stating not all moms who smoke act like this to their children. I'm an adult, there's a difference. I used to be homeless due to my depression and mental health problems, not being able to keep a job. I smoke weed and I can mentally function now, so what?? Hahaha


So when you were struggling and homeless or whatever…. did you not smoke weed, but now you do and are able to “mentally function”? Is the mentally functioning person in the room with us right now?


yes thank you omg the projection is so strong here


Who's projecting? lmaooo I'm a great and attentive parent. I never leave my kid alone or even WITH someone by themselves for 30 minutes. How is that projecting? Maybe you should look up the definition!




Foreal - I have my medical card and I literally only smoke 1-2x a day maybe a bit more on the weekend. I used to be an all day smoker but you can only benefit so much before you do literally nothing so I quit doing that.


jenelle in her she shed except she's holding a beer




How the fuck is this racist oh my God 🙄


You can literally google her only fans content and omgg she looks like she stinks 😂


Thought she hated black people 🤔 I mean, her confederate flag t-shirt means hate to us 🤷🏿‍♀️


Get therapy and meds then, quit shirking your responsibilities and smoking yourself stupid everyday. Get baked after bedtime like a normal parent.


this is hilarious because this is what i do. house is clean child is sleeping. A quick hit to relax before bed to do it all over again. 😂


I like your style.


“Leave me aloneeeeeee” -Jenelle


Narcissists wants the respect of a king, but the responsibility of a toddler…. Something that comes to mind when she post stuff like this.


Wow YES perfect way to say that!


I really like this!!!!💯👍👏




Her job is twerking and sucking a smelly 🦐 in sweaty whitey tighties for $5 a view guys, it's tough and dirty work.


a g-string and a laptop? the husband is just setting his wife's home office up for her! Jenelle should recognize that


She's literally the worst piece of shit imaginable, a junkie with no job and she posts something stupid like this? Bitch, you have no idea what a busy life is, you lay around drunk and/or drugged in the she shed most of the time. Heaven forbid you have to occasionally do the bare minimum for your kids.


I understand this frustration from a normal mother, as you don’t have to enjoy every aspect of adult life/ parenting all the time… but this woman literally locks herself in her weed shed 24/7 and has never been alone with her kids haha


OMG BITCH YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A JOB, THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS PARENT. She does the bare minimum to just keep them alive and she’s exhausted? Give me fucking god damn break. Lazy cunt.