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Getting ready to watch part 2 of AHS Deliverance


Finally finished bingeing all of Narcos last week (incredible show).... This week I ran through Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which was really good! I'm hoping for a second season!


Allan Gregory.  It has brilliant, mature humour, but refined people may have been put off by it being a cartoon.  It was the wittiest show in decades.  It would be a monster in today's age.  It became just another Arrested Development, that was cancelled too early by FOX.  Would recommend to people on the street. 




Or you can take the boat and sail the seas


Am I the only one finding Shogun a little boring?


Tokyo Vice definitely was the better read subtitles show this week.


No me too but when I said it here, I got downvoted to hell


What about the show isn't your thing? Do you find the internal politics and the attention to detail with the customs and a foreigner interacting with them a bit slow? Thats some of the stuff I really enjoy - not as much action as early Game of Thrones but similar in a way, in the political game sense.




I agree, they should’ve cuddled him into submission instead


Just started **Big Little Lies** blindly because it has Alexander Skarsgard and after 10 minutes of the first episode, I know I’m going to like this a LOT


Hoping someone can help me out here with a name but my description is going to be ultra vague. I’m looking for name of the Netflix original movie that’s broken up into 3 parts with the first part having been released either late last year or the beginning of this year and the other two yet-to-come. It’s Sci-if related and….that’s about it. They and maybe it’s rag-tag group on a quest of some kind and something to do with other planets? My memory is embarrassingly bad here but the first part I kinda half-watched in the background and apparently retained nothing of. I want to give it another go and also see when the other parts are coming out but all my vague search terms keep pointing me to the 3 body problem :/.


Rebel Moon?


Yes!!!! Thank you. Okay so part 2 comes out in 2 weeks so I’ll just wait to rewatch 1 when that drops.


Has to be rebel moon


**Invincible** seems like it's >!finally gotten rid of Amber or they're setting us up for her horrifically violent death that will send Mark into a crazy rage.!<


>!I think just get rid of her. In the comic they breakup. I personally felt that this was a better way to make them part ways.!<


Dude that episode of Tokyo Vice is one of the best episodes of TV I've ever seen. Holy shit it's gonna be hard as hell to wait until next week for the next episode lol


It was indeed, a very fucking good episode.


The description for the show is pretty vague. What is it about?


It's hard to explain. You'd be better off just googling it. It's about an American journalist in Japan trying to expose the Yakuza basically. Trust me just check it out and you won't regret it. Only two seasons and some episodes are a little slow but it's honestly one of the best shows that I've ever seen.


This show is incredibly underrated. The second season is better than the first and overall this is the best thing I’ve seen since Succession.


It really is one of the best shows I've ever watched and I 100% agree that the second season is better. It has been a little slow though up until this last episode. Definitely the best episode of the entire show imo


Girls5eva seasons 1-3 on Netflix! (Seasons 1-2) previously aired on Peacock


Anyone watching The Gentlemen? Is it worth watching? I see middling reviews.


I loved it. Personally. It’s silly — a little dumb — but good and suspenseful. Very good job being full immersion style.


Totally worth it


Watch the first episode. You'll know by the end of that whether or not it's for you.


I had a great time with it. Definitely had to watch it with captions, though, because some of those accents were *thick.*


Real good. The new ewan McGregor gentleman came out and looks amazing as well


I thought it was great


If you like Guy Ritchie's schtick, then yes. If you don't then definitely not.


Watching Halo if I'm very very generous it's like a Bargain bin The Expanse, the writing just kind of falls flat at a lot of points, and sacrifices and action set pieces are bloody terrible at points, it is slightly fun dumb though


disagree. action set pieces are beyond brilliant and are high points in the show. not sure if you are expecting kungfu to happen with aliens.


No it's more dumb stuff that happens during those set pieces that takes you away from what's happening or just look plain stupid


I watch it with my 9 year old so I think I like it because we watch it together. I also like that I don't have to pay very close attention to it and I can then tune back in and know what's going on. It's not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it's interesting \*enough.\*


How is Colony (2016)?


Watching Masters of the Air and episode 3 is absolutely heart breaking and soul destroying, they did a spectacular job of showing how hard it was.


We liked it. Not quite as much as the first two but.....


I think the middle episodes were the best


Agreed. Not enough flesh out character endings. What happened to the spy girl?


Which 3 Body adaptation is better [Netflix or Tencent version? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TvShows/comments/1bq2el4/which_3_body_adaptation_is_better_netflix_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Why not both? If the Tencent is too slowly paced then watch the Netflix version and go back to the Tencent version. There’s a lot of good scenes in the Tencent version. I think someone is eventually going to make a list of timestamps of the best parts of the Tencent version. There are long exposition scenes that test your patience.


You're much, much more likely to enjoy the Netflix adaption. The Tencent version takes ~30 hours to cover what the Netflix version covers in ~5 hours. I would only seriously recommend the Tencent version to people who are already huge fans of the books. Even then, I love the books, and I only made it about halfway through that adaptation.


So if you are a fan of Jeff Daniels or just want a small town crime story, American Rust S2 is out. I enjoyed S1 though not many did. Showtime cancelled it and I thought it sucks because it ended with a cliffhanger. Did not expect it but Amazon pick it up for S2. And they dump all 10 episodes so I have something to binge this weekend.


I liked Season 1, too! Just saw that Season 2 came out, so may have to check it out.


Hell yeah. I loved season 1




Not really, the right forum for this post, IMO.


Your opinion is right. I didn't know. I searched "Quiet on the Set Reddit" and I ended up on this subreddit. I was hasty and posted on the spot. Clearly this was wrong on my part. I'll delete it. I just wanted you to know I see my error. I get it. Lesson learned.


All good. No worries.


Wow, sounds like a lot to deal with! Hopefully someday you'll be able to move past it.


Whoever recommended Slow horses... Thank you so much!! What a brilliant and hilarious show from start to finish


>Whoever recommended Slow horses... That would be pretty much everyone in this sub...


I watched the first episode and thought it was sooo boring. When does it become hilarious?


Soooo good. The humor to drama to action ratio is just right.


When you run out, give **Berlin Station** a flash.


For some unbeknown reason I've only just started watching this. Bloody hell its the best show I've seen in years. I'm trying to not binge it but it's so difficult not too. If you haven't seen this yet watch it right now, you wont regret it.


one of the most consistently-good shows in recent memory, imo


I can tell Tokyo Vice is going to wrap up very neatly next week but I still want a season 3 😭


**Creamerie** season 2 is on Hulu. Jin from 3 Body Problem is in this. Watched the first season a long time ago. Fun quirky sci-fi-y comedy. Not sure if it’s a New Zealand or Australian show.


seems to be a new zealand show. kiwi program creator with kiwi casts


Bingeing Five Bedrooms on BBC Iplayer. Love love love Aussie shows and this one is great.


**Manhunt** - After a banger 2 episode premiere, episode 3 felt a little like wheel spinning. *This might be my fault as I've lost patience with flashback (or two timeline) structures, as so many lesser streaming series have used that as a crutch to prop up their story (ex: Constellation). **Shogun** - Great through 6 episodes. **3 Body Problem** - A beach read of a tv series. Enjoyable but not nearly as deep as 3BP fans like to think it is. Maybe the books are better, but that doesn't matter as the tv series should be judged on its own merits. **Tokyo Vice** - 2 episodes behind, I have to remember to catch up. It stopped being a must watch long ago, but I want to see it through. **Invincible** - I will probably finish these latest 4 episodes but unless it ends strong I won't bother with S3.


They stripped a lot or the scientific concepts out of 3 Body Problem. It was kind if dumbed down for the show. For example: >!the whole "universe winking" scene is done with comic background radiation. They go into it pretty in depth. But the scene has scientists at a radio telescope array looking at a line on a screen. Rather than explain cosmic background radiation they just had the stars blink!< The book is chock full of theories about quantum physics, higher and lower dimensions, nanomechanics, particle accelerators, faster than light travel, the heat death of the universe, etc etc


> They stripped a lot or the scientific concepts out of 3 Body Problem. I'm glad they did, tbh. I enjoyed the book but it is kind of a slog at times. Obviously if you're into hard science it might be more rewarding, but there were multiple times during the book that I was like "I don't need a 15-page explanation of how deep space radio signals work, I just want to see the story play out" On the other hand I think the show maybe went a little too far--some of the changes are good but also feels like they really are accelerating through the plot at a faster pace than I'd like.


Yea, this is why the Tencent one is way better. I couldn't complete even the first episode of Netflix one, it's toned down so much.


3 Body Problem- I really enjoyed it.


Agreed. Loved the books and I think they did an amazing job in adapting it. Episode 5 is peak GOT in terms of making your jaw drop.


Constellation S01 finale. looks like there can be another season based on that finale.


How’s the finale? I have yet to watch it but saw the ratings were kind of meh.


It was ass, nothing happened and IMHO the show really fell off after an amazing start. Too much drama, unnecessary scenes, etc. Will probably forget about this show by the time S2 comes and I thought it was going to be a banger after watching first couple of episodes... shame.


That’s disappointing, the last two episodes were actually starting to get somewhere


I think OP is being a little harsh though I gotta say I agree to an extent. Overall the ending fell really flat, but honestly after watching it and looking back on the show in its entirety it’s all kind of flat. It basically starts - is pretty obvious what’s going on and what the mystery is, even though it’s a little vague the gist is 100% clear - and then we slowly get confirmed what it is and then it kinda just ends. Honestly I felt like the entire show nothing *really* happened. It was just like the starting event then a series of things where they try and unravel a super obvious mystery but nothing really happens, and then it pewters off into a bland and uninteresting finale. I guess reading all of that back in probably as harsh as OP but still, it was disappointing after a decent start


I honestly laughed hard at this cause you said I was being harsh and then dunked twice as much on this show as I did haha. But you're right, nothing happened - you see the entire plotline in the first episode, and then in the next seven episodes they describe how and why it happened the way it did. The problem arises when the average viewer gets it by like the 3rd or the 4th episode - and then has to watch the next 4 bored out of his mind.


The gall of Invincible to include that animation takes a long time bit.


The animation is just unremarkable. A few times a season they'll pop off for a fight scene but otherwise it's just flat.


Is Defiance worth watching? I don't know what to watch and came across this, so can anyone tell me about it or recommend something better please.


Good world building early that gets you involved. I liked it.


I liked it. Tony Curran's character gets really good in the 2nd season.


**For All Mankind Season 1**(Apple TV) I was vaguely aware of this show but for some reason thought it was a SyFy-level low brow production like Dark Matter. Little did I know this was a combination of **Man in the Dark Castle**, **The Right Stuff**, **Apollo 13**, and **Mad Men** with top-class actors and a literate and thrilling storytelling approach all while looking like a million bucks in Apple TV's patented colourful Dolby Vision house style. Really this is one of the best things I've seen in the last several years and is up there with any prestige drama from any network. I'm pretty shocked at its lack of critical notice on several levels, both technical and storytelling. Highest recommendation and go in cold to get maximum enjoyment from the twists and turns.


It's still entertaining but it gets less and less grounded with every season, it didn't really go the direction you would hope when watching s1


so *exactly* like Man in the High Castle lol


Shogun - excellent, so much going on. The world building, politics, family, religious infighting is so thick and vast it feels like it would need 10 seasons to fully flesh out. Everything about it is wonderful. 3 Body Problem - I went in cold with this one, not even a single trailer. I have seen one episode so far and it's a bit mixed for me. I liked the China 1960s, 1970s timeline. The current timeline is hit and miss for me specifically the Augie character and the Special Affects for the countdown clocks as well as that stupid VR "game". I'm a bit worried that the rest of the episodes will focus a lot on that cringe VR crap. I'll see how the next few episodes go but I now read other reviews that say the show shits the bed the last few episodes. We'll see. All Creatures Great and Small 2020 series - if you need a feel-good show this is it. Can't believe how much I enjoyed it.


ACG&S is so lovely. It makes you feel good to watch it.


I actually prefer the countdown effects in the Netflix series over the Tencent Chinese version. Once you find out what it is, they obviously tried to make it what it would look like in real life


The VR headset stuff gets fully resolved by episode 4, by episode 5 you will pretty much know exactly what's going on, I highly recommend sticking with it, if it keeps going with the books you are going to see some absolutely mind bending sci fi concepts. I personally think episode 5 is the best episode of tv this year.


ok.... thanks going to watach a few more episodes today.


Yeah once you realize what the VR stuff is actually about it makes a lot of things clearer and is a pretty horrifying idea.


It slows down a bit, but I liked every episode outside of the last. Still a solid watch imo.


Currently watching: **Will Trent** (enjoyable, well written cop procedural, great characters. Doesn't aim high, but I look forward to each episode. 4/5) **The Regime** (Not really sure where this is going. Kind of bland, not funny, not dramatic. It feels like it's trying to be a political satire, but there's no bite. It's just strange. Going to see it through because it's short, and it feels like it's building to something, though that feeling could just be gas. 2/5) **Umbrella Academy** (Goofy fun, lovable characters, greater than the sum of its mediocre parts. A show with heart and some great moments. Am all caught up and ready for season 4. 5/5) **3 Body Problem** (Smart, well told adaptation of the book. Ignore any naysayers. There are moments that are stupid and stomach churning, but it more than makes up for it with how effectively it adapts so much dense plot in just 8 episodes. 4/5) **Shogun** (A fun, probably doomed love story set in historical Japan between a gaijin ragamuffin and his assigned translator. It fetishizes Japanese/oriental culture, but it's a well-done fetish work. 3.5/5)


> It feels like it's trying to be a political satire, but there's no bite. It's just strange I totally agree. It feels like it's trying to be weird because it equates weird with artsy but it's just being weird without saying or doing anything meaningful with the weirdness.


Surprised you've given Shogun such a low rating I've been really enjoying it but I know nothing about Japan in that time period or Japanese culture am just enjoying it for what it is.


I don't like media that depicts bushido and court etiquette in a sensationalized or idealized way. Stuff like >!Toranaga's underling committing suicide with his baby!< wasn't realistic, and the show is littered with examples like that where self-control, virtue, and self-sacrifice are presented as core elements of the Japanese culture, from the upper class down to the peasantry. A lot of fiction emphasizes the more sensational aspect of the samurai class and often makes them out to be heroes, when they were more like high-born scoundrels who had a lot of influence over how they were depicted in writing, and became mythologized and overrepresented in the way we see Japanese history today. That said, I don't feel like 3.5 is a bad score lol. 3 and above is worth watching.


I keep watching The Regime because I'm convinced on some level it must be really good. But you're right, it is bland. I enjoyed Hugh Grant appearing in the latest episode. But I'm not sure that it can get more interesting.


I LOVED 3 BODY PROBLEM Hopefully the show gets renewed.


**3 Body Problem** - I just wish Will's character was played by Gwyneth Paltrow.


**The Girlfriend Experience (2016)-** I was expecting this to be mindless, Skinemax trash. I was pleasantly surprised that was, for the most part, not the case, I ended up binging it because the story was just that interesting. Riley Keough kills it as a lead, plus it delves into the life of a law student and intern turned sex worker and the consequences that follow. Hell, even the sex scenes were done tastefully. While some are excessive (the final episode is the main offender of this >!half of the episode is an elaborate cuckold scene and not much else!<) some straight up skip past it and show characters putting on clothes. It does peter out towards the end with bad pacing, starting from episode 9. Plus the final episode is easily my least favorite for the reasons in the spoiler above. TL;DR Great acting from the lead actress, her life as sex worker, intern, law student, and trying to juggle all three kept me interested, sadly falls off with bad pacing and damn near nothing burger of an ending to top it off 6/10 I've no desire to watch the other two seasons though, since I've heard they're lackluster.


Kin is absolutely incredible! Irish crime drama on BBC iPlayer if people haven’t seen it yet. Need season 3 to be announced soon.




> Edit: Not sure why I've been downvoted... Being perfectly serious, I think the "I'm sick of all these rubbish, boring modern shows where the writers walk on eggshells in order to not offend anybody" line is what did it. It implies that if people don't like BMS's "crass, crude humour," then they must be babies who can't take a joke. But it's not that deep—it's more like they/we just don't find it funny.


* Eastbound & Down * Workaholics * Vice Principals * Veep * The League * Trailer Park Boys * Party Down * Curb Your Enthusiasm * The Righteous Gemstones * Brockmire * Broad City * Childrens Hospital * Summer Heights High / Angry Boys / etc. * Letterkenny


Cheers! Added Eastbound & Down and Trailer Park Boys to my list


Entourage is the top of my "guy show" list


If I'm not feeling Avatar The Last Airbender after episode 2, should I continue on?


Watch the cartoon. The LA is only good as a novelty and to get people to watch the original.


No interest in the cartoon


Your loss


And thank you both for calling it a cartoon, and not a sanitation engineer. I mean...anime. Or whatever.


no one calls it an anime


Constellation: a lot of science people running around, and the little girl, Alice is more wittierer than everyone.


After recently finishing The Gentlemen, 3 Body Problem, Shogun and Master of the Air, it feels like theres nothing else to watch :(


Shogun is ongoing. Why not pick up Manhunt on Apple TV? That's our next watch.


**Shogun**. There are levels to this game.


**3 Body Problem** was a rollercoaster. Literally. I've binged the first 5 eps as it was very intriguing, but then the quality of the 6,7,8 eps went downward, fast. I've started noticing plot holes, inconsistencies and that besides the action (which is great) and intriguing plot I don't care about anything else: the characters are one-dimensional, "according to the scenario we are friends" type. Auggie Salazar I'm looking at you. I could watch a 55 min Shogun dialogue scene while clutching my fists and gasping for air from time to time, but with **3 body problem** I have to make an effort to endure the scenes involving the so-called Oxford friends. 1-5 eps: 8/10 5-8 eps: 4/10


Just caught up with The Ones Who Live. I loved the first few episodes but this one was full of old TWD tropes and tricks (Gimple-isms, if you like) that really just didn’t work for me.


I noticed the same Gimple creep and it's frustrating because there's a potentially great show that just can't break out. They needed the team behind Fear season 3 for this one.


Excited for the X Men 97. Will binge watch later


Binged **Silo**. Outstanding! Thematically it is right up my alley (sci-fi dystopia and a big mystery as to the nature of their world. Sort of like Westworld but more subtle without the overt HBO sex and violence.) In a lot of ways the story is kind of cliche, but it just goes to show that if the execution is really good then an unoriginal story can really still work. The performances are really good (though I assume people complained about Rebecca Ferguson's inconsistent accent) and the sets are so detailed that it looks like it was done with a movie-level budget, not TV. Since I binged it any slower parts in middle didn't cause any problem (they were needed to give the show time to breathe and to advance characters and backstory.) If watching wekly I can see how you might get a bit frustrated by that. **Shogun** - Up to date and it remains excellent. The most recent episode is definitely slower with so much time and focus spent on things like the rituals the courtesan did. But overall I still found it quite good. The acting by Anna Sawai cannot be complimented enough. She manages to show so much with so little dialogue and the character trying to act like she is being stoic.


I absolutely LOVED Silo. The first episode hooks you in and the rest of the series unfolds by answering one question with more questions. The finale left me breathless and I can't wait for season 2!!


> The acting by Anna Sawai I was worried because i thought she was shit in Monarch but it turns out the writing for the modern story line in that was just really bad. She's been killing it in Shogun with little micro face changes and stuff


Silo is decent but I cannot classify it as top tier because of the production and setting which is limiting in regards to world building aspects and feels claustrophobic at times.


I don't agree the acting was uniformly excellent either. Silo's an ok show but far from a masterpiece.


Agreed, I'm personally surprised it's still mentioned so much. I felt like the 1st half of the season was so stage-performancy that it was distracting. I couldn't get immersed.


yes don't get me wrong it is decent but not close to being top tier scifi or drama. can overlook that if it is entertaining and fun but it is not that either. but it is a cool concept as a story.


Foundation and Silo seem to have pretty rabid followings here.


I really liked the Netflix version of 3 Body Problem, so I decided I would check out the Chinese version on Prime, that is apparently much more faithful to the books. That may be true, but my god is it bad. I’m through 5 episodes and it’s just so low-rent and cheesy. I’m trying to stick with it because I’ve heard the story gets crazy after book 1, but it’s hard sometimes. If this is the best China can produce for one of their most popular books ever, I feel sorry for them. It’s like college film school student level.


The book is really really slow and the author is horrible at writing dialogue unfortunately. The book characters are more cardboard boxes to receive exposition than people.


I’m glad that both adaptions exist to cater to different audiences, but yeah Netflix’s version is *way* more digestible for a general audience. Huge fan of the books, but even I couldn’t make it all the way through Tencent’s 30(!) hours covering book one.


waaaaait. thats just book one? I thought they did the whole series in 30 episodes. Oh, that explains so much. The horrendous pacing, for one. I'm officially out. I thought it was going to start getting past what I already knew soon. I'm so dumb. Thank god you said that.


Yeah what the Netflix show covers in the first 5 episodes gets stretched to 30 in the Tencent version.


That sounds like torture, yikes!


> Netflix’s version is way more digestible for a general audience. this is my general take on it. sure it's cheesy at times, but knowing it's based on a critically acclaimed book i can also be reasonably sure that it will never go completely (!) off the rails, so as long as they keep it interesting and the visuals exciting i am in.


It absolutely goes off the rails. Whether that’s good or bad depending on how much you can take


I have started **Mad Men** on several occasions and I've never went past Season 1. On theory it ticks all the boxes for my taste (and I've even interest in the ad/marketing business), but for some unknown reason it never manages to hook me. I'm just finding S1 boring. And I really want to like it...


It's a character driven show. The characters have to grow on you before it becomes enjoyable & addictive, which takes time. Give it another season.


One of the best shows in my opinion, unlucky that you can’t get into it.


Man **X-Men 97** is pure and utter gas 🔥


Yeah, this one absolutely trucked me. Not only did it have *that villain* who is a top 3 Marvel villain to me but once again the animators are CRUSHING it with the Morph cameos, Ray Chase is still continuing to make me so proud of Norm Spencer, and just….gas don’t cut it. This shits rocket fuel.


I swear if Morph turns into Kitty next week you’ll see a grown ass man cry


Do yourself a favor and check out Shogun on Hulu. It’s easily some of the best tv you’ll see this year, no exaggeration.


How watchable is Rome if I only want to watch S1? Does S1 end in a reasonably satisfying place?


Why would you only want to watch one season?


Watch I Claudius instead - it is a miniseries


Satisfying in a creative and engaging way and with the expectation of a second season. They are heavy story lines though and some of it might not be satisfying in an immersive and emotional way, especially if you're only going for the one season.


It’s extremely watchable, but not sure why you’d want to limit yourself to only the first season


why season 2 is stellar even if it is rushed a bit. just watch the whole thing.


Shogun the book, has been on my list forever. Looking at all the praise for the show, I am wondering if I should read the book before binging the show. Perhaps someone who's read it can chime in.


If you can hold off on the show and read the book prior to watching, I would recommend that. The book is a masterpiece. I just read it in January and it has really added to my viewing experience. 


I read the book twice, you should definitely give it a try. It's a delight to see how well they nailed some characters in the TV show.


What’s there to say? The book is amazing. One of the best I’ve ever read. Having read it makes the show better but all my friends who haven’t read are also liking the show a lot.




So many shows are ruined by a bad ending


Aw man that sucks to hear. I waited till it finished airing. Does it at least have some unique SciFi concepts?


Not OP but I wouldn't say that the sci-fi concepts were unique. They were mostly just packaged in an interesting way that made the show very intriguing to watch each week. This show seems purpose made for week to week viewing and I think it would probably be less interesting if you were able to binge it all at once. Having said that, the "cheap twist" that OP is talking about throws an interesting wrinkle or complexity into the sci-fi concepts the show had been using. Before this episode, I thought the show was a mini-series that was done at the end of this season so I'm a bit curious as to where additional seasons will go.


Shogun continues to be masterful. The whole kabuki theater sequence was incredibly good. The actress who plays the queen-mother manages to be insanely menacing while just sitting there doing nothing. Last couple episodes have been set up but even doing that & letting the show breathe a bit it still has me hooked.


This weeks shogun may not have been as exciting as the last few have been, but I've still loved the slower intrigue thats been building up. Feels like an episode to catch you breathe before more shit hits the fan!


>!Crimson Sky!🗡️!<


Yeah, it was still a great episode. But this might be a Game of Thrones situation where most people consider the best episodes to be the big battle ones. I’m thinking there might be one more episode of setup before we get to it.


Physical 100 is so god damned good. Suprised they haven’t tried it elsewhere yet




It was a masterclass in writing, directing, and acting. Just because there weren't any limbs flying off doesn't mean it was a 'filler' episode


Spot on, this was filled with incredible scene after incredible scene.




Go read the episode discussion on the show's own sub, might give you some better insights


Latest episode of Shogun >!Ochiba manages to be the most menacing character whenever she is on screen. She makes Ishido wilt like a flower.!< Great performance by that actress


I don't know how you look that scary sitting on your knees watching a play. Wow.


As a not-American, I avoided the spy thriller **Patriot** because of the title, but what a trip. This TV series is what you get if you cross Inside Llewyn Davis with Berlin Station. The music is just amazing - some really great Townes Van Zandt and the original folk songs are top notch. The cast is just great (especially Michael Dorman and Kurtwood Smith - Red Foreman) and the writing is top notch. However, be careful if you are depressed, it's gonna get to you because the main character is also believably so.


One of the best shows, with one of the worst names. I have watched it 3 or 4 times now. Season 1 is perfect, season 2 is a little weaker. (But it also has the buying the gun song which absolutely rules)


The poster Amazon used is also bad. I skimmed past it a bunch of times before finally checking it out (and loving it).


> One of the best shows, with one of the worst names So damn true. Really awful title (despite the fact that it ultimately becomes extremely apt-yet-ironic), but one of the best shows ever. Its tone is unlike any other thing I've ever seen. It's like Coen brothers mixed with Wes Anderson. Absolutely incredible. I'll never stop recommending it.


This and detectorists are the two I tell everyone to watch


Me either, and if history keeps repeating, no one will listen haha.


Lol I know! It's an uphill battle, but one I will never stop waging.


The worst part of Shogun is knowing that it ends for good at episode 10. This may be the first time I've ever wished a show was on Showtime.


Gonna get flamed for this but 3 body problem sucks. Lol. This is what you get when dumb people try to write a "smart show". The characters are so bland and one dimensional, the dialogue can be cringey at times, and the performances are very weak. It feels like a YA show that's trying to be profound and intelligent. The story is very interesting and I'm disappointed it's not in the hands of more capable showrunners. It doesn't do anything original, lots of sci-fi tropes throughout the show, and doesn't do those particularly well either. 5/10 for the story alone and a couple cool scenes but count me out for season 2.


I just started it and I'm getting Monarch vibes with crappy effects. I didn't like the characters, the VR crap looks cringe, and I feel like it's just going to end with a bunch of unfinished story lines.


Yeah it felt like a mediocre Black Mirror episode


I liked the idea, and the show can be enjoyed but all characters except Wade, Clarence, the old Ye Wenje can suck my dick, most especially this Auggie character, if I were to drop the show, this one is giving me the strongest urge. She sounds like a troubled teenager which role in life is to object and make a rebellion out of everything she experiences. The fact that they are trying to depict her as the smart corporate executive is absolutely beyond me. Whoever wrote and casted this character either never worked a single day in a company or is just another teenager, because I never saw women that are heads of something, dress, act, and behave this childishly. The rest of the characters side stories are also common in high school with these secret love affairs, the childish dialogues, I was wondering when they will gather and play spin the bottle. Despite all that, as I said earlier, some characters are interesting, at least the actors' performances, the cinematography, and the other aspects of the story are good.


Auggie is my least favorite character also. There are two specific scenes with her that literally made me want to roll my eyes. She's such a douche lol


And I don’t believe her as a scientist, either. Social media manager, maybe. Poor casting for many of the roles. Weak dialogue between the friends especially when they’re trying to be relatable.


I now roll my eyes by default for all scenes containing her


Sometimes you just gotta enjoy the ride. It's a TV show, not a PhD paper lol


As a TV show I did not enjoy the ride lol


Fair, reading the comments I see it's more 50/50 love hate


Yeah, and TBH, the plot makes no sense at all. Fell off the cliff totally after episode 5.


It's cool. 1. "Show will suck because the GoT guys are doing it" 2. "Show is actually REALLY good" 3. "People said the show is REALLY good but I saw it and was disappointed" <---- we are here 4. Pendulum slows down and turns out show doesn't suck and isn't the best TV show ever either


I'm putting my trust in you.. should i watch?


Go in blind, forget the reviews, just enjoy it. Go read reviews áfterwards.