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We will honor him by never mentioning his character again


I mean, to be fair, he ends the last season >!learning that his powers will cause him brain damage so I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable that he just leaves it all behind!< >!Breaking out with the others from the room with no doors offscreen will be tricky though!<


Nah they will wake up individually and find out something happened to him offscreen, it’s fix bale


Or just skip ahead several weeks/months. It's not like they have to pick up immediately where the season ended.


yup. maybe they get experimented on by vought and chases brain cancer gives in, killing him but using his death as the driving force as to how genv transitions into the boys


Actually that's such a good idea


The problem could be resolved in The Boys somehow. We know from the trailer that the virus is important.


Did I catch Cate in the trailer too?


We see both Sam and Cate in the trailer, they are part of Homelander's crew it seems. So unless they stick the other characters in that prison for the full The Boys season we should see or hear about the others as well.


Especially if season 2 takes place after boys season 4


Nah, his dad will make a deal to get him out and they’ll both F off never to be seen again.


Maybe they might do a funeral scene instead like they get a call that he's dead or something like they with Cory Montieth in glee


College Dropouts exists, tho.


Yeah, but they >!all got framed for murdering the non-powered humans on campus!< so at the very least they’re probably all expelled, no?


I expect so, these days. All these lefty universities have gone so woke now that even a single solitary murder is likely to see you hauled up in front of the Dean. It's PC gone mad.


My best guess, the first episode will be about them breaking out and Andre will die in the process, probably ensuring the others escape.


It’s the era of streaming. Disney has edited scenes post launch, Amazon can as well.


Just go the curb route, say he's visiting china


Also known as the Silicon Valley Exit


ditching TJ Miller in an opium den is probably the most fitting ending for him as a person let alone his character


Amazingly, TJ Miller is one of the comedians playing this weekend for Netflix is a Joke in here in Los Angeles. I am tempted to go to just to see how demented he is.


I thought he underwent surgery that fixed his brain and abated his craziness, but a quick Google search shows that is not the case. 


His standup that I've seen was entirely crowd work. He has no material. He is (was) a much better comic actor than a standup.


Nah dont need recast him his sister will be take the role


It's the same mistake Disney did when Chadwick Bowman passed away. They should have passed the Black Panther mantle to someone else.


Gen V producers: >As we continue to navigate the tragic loss of Chance Perdomo, everyone at Gen V is determined to find the best way to pay respect to his memory. >We won’t be recasting the role, because no one can replace Chance. Instead, we have been taking the time and space to recraft our Season 2 storylines as we begin production in May. >We will honor Chance and his legacy this season.


His brain trauma from his power is an easy way out for his character. I prefer when studios recast after deaths, but this one is almost TOO easy to fix without recasting.


His relationship with Cate was pretty significant. That might have been a big part of the story that they now have to work around not having.


Definitely think they should recast. When someone dies, I don't think anyone would be upset about needing to find someone new. It's the best way to handle continuity even if the situation sucks. I'm very glad they recast Andy Whitfield in Spartacus (and tbh, looking back I think Whitfield was best for the slavery arc, and McIntyre was better for the revolt stuff, but maybe that's just confirmation bias or something). It may be a bit different though since Spartacus had more time to just take a break and even do a spin-off, which was amazing, and then continue. This is a bit more rushed I suppose. People will forget later on if the replacement actor is good enough.


Studios shouldn't be afraid to recast characters, even if their actor passed away. These are fictional characters, and I think the audience is mature enough to understand. Like, it was one thing when Marvel didn't recast T'Challa, since Chadwick Boseman's portrayal meant a lot to a lot of people. But that doesn't mean that should become the norm.


I think if there had been more time in between the death and filming they would have, but he just recently died and it would make everyone uncomfortable to recast so soon.


I feel the same. Kinda feel maybe they should have delayed production for at least a year to give people plenty of time mourn before making any decisions.


Yeah this is my take on it as well. There seems to be a time period after a death where it’s respectful to wait, and I get it


I remember when Wakanda Forever came out one of the cast members (I think Winston Duke?) said that it would have been extremely uncomfortable for them, their castmates, and whoever got cast as T'Challa if was recast. I feel like that's a valid reason.


I get it. But it’s a job. If someone at my job passed they need to be replaced. It’s not disrespectful. The only reason recasts are awkward is because they act different from the other actor. End of the day though, so what. Make the show and move on.


To be fair, this work isnt as rigid in function as your typically-defined job is. So they actually *dont* have "replace" as the only option to their potential issues. They are going to tweak storylines to accommodate the actors passing, making replacement unnecessary. It doesnt matter that its "a job", people's feelings are valid and why do it if its going to make everyone on set uncomfortable? That risks the quality of the show itself when other options exist that wont? Its incredibly callous to tell someone "get over it and make the show." you dont get to tell other people how to feel. It doesnt work like that. Its a 5 second decision for you, but its their actual reality 24 hours a day.


That’s your opinion and they have theirs.


>If someone at my job passed Your job's not being the major character in a medium that will be seen by literally millions of people on all around the globe though so that comparison is moot.


Do you think they should've written Dumbledoor out of harry potter or taken spartacus out of spartacus?


Yeah MCU had (this is gonna sound bad) "fortunate" timing with Boseman's death. They had a route to use someone else and the MCU was entering another phase in general. If it happened after Civil War and before/during filming for the 1st BP, I think they replace him.


> when Wakanda Forever came out one of the cast members ... said that it would have been extremely uncomfortable for them One of the cast members said the production company who paid that cast member a lot of money to promote the product made the correct decision? Kinda surprising.


Yeah let's better ask some Youtubers who neither knew the guy nor give a shit about him either way because all they care about are generating reach and clicks, right? **/S**


> Youtubers Youtubers? Where is your goalpost coming from? Where does it go? Youtubers? What?


>Like, it was one thing when Marvel didn't recast T'Challa, since Chadwick Boseman's portrayal meant a lot to a lot of people. They should've recast. His performance is not the only good Black Panther performance possible.


I don't disagree, but I do understand why Marvel made the choice that they did in that moment. The impact that film had on the Black community was truly big, and it may be hard to remember, but the overwhelming response online (although maybe not on Reddit) in the immediate aftermath of Boseman's death was to not recast. With that being said, it has seemingly set a precedent that I hope doesn't continue.


Idk why it's set a precedent - you're right, Black Panther was huge and it didn't make sense to recast just because of the size of the moment. Most productions are not anywhere near it when it comes to cultural relevancy at the time of Chadwick's death Absolutely no disrespect to Chance or the Gen V crew but they are not on that level to where there would be pushback, or would it leave a bad taste in (most) people's mouths, if they recast. I'd imagine keeping the narrative going should be their priority, but maybe it's possible to do that with a rewrite. Only they would know


It didn't set a precedent, the MCU recast Thaddeus Ross with Harrison Ford after William Hurt died.


and they did it within 7 months of hurt passing when they announced that ford was taking over the role


I do think we tend to look at death differently when it comes to young people versus old ones though. Boseman was only 43, so his death was pretty unexpected and shocking, which I think contributed to Marvel's reluctance. Plus, it's not like Ross was that major of a character or anything. He was the antagonist in an MCU movie more than a decade before his death, and then he reprised the role in a few scenes several years later. They're not entirely comparable roles.


Na they should’ve just recasted black Panther for Wankada Fovever. Now the world was robbed of a great character.


Yeah, I don't buy the argument that it's disrespectful to the deceased to recast a role. Has *any* actor ever actually said that they wouldn't want to be recast if they passed away?


I mean, they recast James Rhodes/War Machine between Iron Man and Iron Man 2, and no one really noticed.


You realize that's an incredibly different situation, right? Or are you *really* saying that no one would "really notice" if they had recast T'challa? You must be trolling.


Oh, I know it was a totally different situation. I was making a joke because Terrance Howard kind of sucks.


He's just a misunderstood genius. Once the world learns that 1x1=2, they'll see.


There's always a reboot.


>Now the world was robbed of a great character. Marvel Studios don't own the world anything, though. It's the studios making the calls not the general audience. If you let the audience dictate their MO you could just as well let those amateurs write and direct because so many of 'em claim to know how to do it better. Sorry but that's an incredibly short-sighted take.


I think the ones who said to kill him off were short sighted as it robbed the MCU of a key leader and a cultural relevant character.


The very perception (which I agree with) that Chance being recast are on the same level could be seen as devaluing his life, impact, etc., which is why recasting Boseman after his passing should have been done. When you make these qualifying exceptions for some and not for others, you will inevitably create schisms in these scenarios. People may have felt some type of way if they recast Boseman, but we need to be able to separate fictional characters from real people.  The idea that " is " needs to be a discouraged concept. Real people are their own persons who will at some point expire, but their character will be theirs. Fictional people can exist forever, but their characters are determined by writers, directors, executives for the purpose of making a dollar.


Those are all good points, but it's not necessarily fair to say that you have to either always recast or never recast. The reality is that each situation is unique. It depends on many factors. Have you ever thought about how hard it would be for the other actors, directors, and crew to have made a Black Panther 2 with a recast T'challa? Is it fair to ask them to just grit their teeth and get on with it? I believe that Coogler (the director) and others who worked on the first film refused to work on the second if they recast T'challa. Are their opinions not valid? Not to mention the poor actor who would have to fill those shoes. > The idea that " is " needs to be a discouraged concept. While you're correct, no one's saying that here. At best this is irrelevant and at worst a strawman. Whether to recast after a death or not is a really complex question with no clear answer and depends on the specific case. Anyone who says that there's one correct or obvious choice doesn't understand the question (not saying that applies to you).


It was a good artistic choice. It made sense in the universe while also being respectful. It added context without needing to set it up explicitly. It wouldn't work as well for say Mark Ruffalo.


People are too emotional. It’s one of the best things about fiction that the characters are immortal. Essentially killing a fictional character off because a real life actor passes is a terrible precedent.


I mean, even Pixar (slinky dog being a very rare exception) doesn't recast actors for voices. The character is either relegated to a non-speaking role, written out, or (in the case of Mr Potato Head) they just reuse an old clip.


>but the overwhelming response online (although maybe not on Reddit) in the immediate aftermath of Boseman's death was to not recast. Of course it was, it was the immediate aftermath. But it wasn't the one that should have been implemented.


Again, I don't disagree. But the backlash would have been immense, which is why I get why they did what they did. With all due respect to Chance Perdomo, there almost certainly wouldn't have been much backlash to recasting his character.


Black Panther was also a case where Chadwick played the character in four movies already and they already had the characters successor as a prominent and popular character in the first Black Panther movie.


They made the final decision to not recast months after his death. By then there was a proper debate about the topic. There would have been backlash sure, but there also would have been approval and understanding.


They did a character recast - just not using the same character. Introducing his son and using the same name was a pretty clever way to do it. Especially if Storm is the same age in the MCU


I thought that they were setting up to do a Kang kidnaps T'challa Jr. Then later we see him grown up secret wars due to some time displacement thing.  They don't even have a Kang currently


> They should've recast. His performance is not the only good Black Panther performance possible. They would have lost a significant amount of cast and crew if theyd done that, Coogler specifically made it clear he wasnt willing to work on it if they recast and I bet some of the main cast would have either found a way out or been very unhappy to be there.


I think it was a case of “too soon” but enough time has passed now for a new Black Panther.


TBF, Marvel did do the next-best thing with >!T’Challa Jr!<. But yeah, I agree - I’d respect these studios a hell of a lot more if they just recast the part and said something to the effect of “the show must go on”, rather than making the writers toss out whatever plans they had in order to make the same half-baked tearjerker funeral episode/movie over and over again.


I agree 1000%. Are people so fragile that recasting are character is takin as a sleight on the actor. I really hope that’s not the case. Cause now we’re losing on some great characters and opportunities for other actors / younger generation.


How are you losing great characters? They set up the next generation in the last movie


This is a weird take, the opportunity is still there they introduce other characters.


Spartacus was saved by it


Don’t forget about Heath Ledger’s Joker. I thought I heard a rumor of Nolan original script of the 3rd Batman had the Joker in it.


I think it’s more out of respect for the other actors on the show than anything. They are mostly very young and it is probably easier for the crew to navigate everything without a replacement for their friend and coworker around as a constant reminder for what happened.


Studios are afraid of losing money. Plain and simple. As a consumer I dislike recasts. I love getting lost in film, tv series, or books. Seeing a new actor gets me thinking and breaking the fantasy. I wouldn't like watching porn and learn that's not a real plumber.


T'Challa should've been recast because of the significance of the role. Marvel doesn't really have that many significant black characters and the decision not to recast not only robbed the MCU of the ability to use one of their most significant ones but also caused massive problems for the adaptation of Wakanda. Using Killmonger in Wakanda Forever sort of worked, but essentially the MCU now has to go lightly with the fantasy elements of Wakanda. In this case, not recasting is probably the better choice because the character was already, in some sense, >!terminally ill since every time he used his powers it caused brain damage!<.


Yeah, I definitely understand the gesture, but I still fully agree with you. But I guess as a viewer I should be as ready to accept reality might throw a brick at the story I was enjoying as much as writers should be ready to "ignore" (for lack of a better word) reality throwing a brick at their creative process. I'll probably enjoy the end result either way


i think this comes from working on a set where it would feel weird if someone died without doing something about it. productions regularly honor crew and for a high profile actor and team that worked together for months they probably care to do something more than just bring in a new guy and move on. They have an ability to express themselves, and it’s already normal within the industry.


Agreed. I thought it was dumb that they didn't just recast Alex for the last season of The Expanse after the actor turned out to be a sex pest. Shouldn't let that sort of thing mess up the story. I mean, hell, they recast Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince and we were all fine with it. What's the big deal?


Black Panther, more then these GenV characters, should have been recast. The character is much bigger then one actor. Granted,some decorum would be necessary. In the end Marvel could have delayed the movie a year,or sideline T'Challa for that movie without killing him(and not showing Boseman's face.


No, it was not one thing, it was fuckign ridiculous to not recast such a huge character.


Recasting a role is not disrespectful to the previous actor, it's normal


It may be disrespectful if the actor was fired or left on their own, but if they died it's perfectly understandable to move on and give the exact same role to someone else.


Recasting while the original actor is still alive is relatively common, I can think of a bunch of times this has happened


What? That’s a super weird statement. Why would it be weird to a) recast someone that left on their own or b) recast someone that was fired for a reason? That literally makes zero sense. Those are the BEST cases for recasting.


Quite the opposite


Reddit has a weird boner for recasting characters and I have no idea why. Calm down people


If it makes sense for the story sure. But there are people in the cast and crew who probably won't feel comfortable. Every situation has nuance


Yeah it’s easy to talk about how easy it is to recast someone but the people making the show may have been really close with Perdomo. I can’t imagine how awkward it would be in a scenario where you’re calling someone new by the character name that used to refer to a close friend. Obviously they’re actors. In theory they should be able to handle it. But I am positive it’s very difficult for the cast and crew no matter what decision they make.


People get up in arms if someone is recast, and they get up in arms if they're not recast. Both are perfectly valid options, but regardless of what the production does it's going to piss a lot of people off.


I think this case is different and i'm in favor of recasting. His role is not small. And there are a lot of subplot that haven't been explored or properly concluded. By not recasting him you are potentially devalue his importance as a character. Which is in case could derailed the entire story. This is very different from T'Challa situation. His story are being told in a much more focused (movie) way. And there are not many unfinished plot point that haven't been explored by the time we reach Wakanda Forever. That story can work without T'Challa. In Gen V case it mean the entire character arc will be unresolved here.


It’s normal lmao. No one plays the same character forever even if they’re still alive and available. I get it for some characters where only one actor has ever played it and maybe their likeness is inexorably tied to the character, but that just isn’t the case here


I find it utterly bizarre to see people advocate for recasting Black Panther. Not only were the cast adamant about that not happening, it was impossible to see anyone other than Chadwick Boseman in that role. The character's absence is a poignant reminder of the actor's absence.


Do you think they should've written Dumbledoor out of harry potter or taken spartacus out of spartacus? I'm a huge star wars fan. I wished they'd've recast Fisher. What's better for the long-term legacy: Do a great story centering around the character, or do a hack job changing the story to shoe-horn in old footage of her? Stories outlive actors. In 50 years people will be watching the film and not care about anything behind the scenes, they only see the diminished work product.


They’ll probably tell you about how black panther is overrated anyway.


Just for that, I'm recasting YOU! Holding auditions for a new ShermyTheCat this Friday...


Oh fuck


A lot of reddit users treat their lives like their own personal Netflix movie and plays "casting director" to fill parts based solely on appearance. It's honestly socially damaging to see some of my more "progressive" classmates try to force friendships with people just to tick off their Mr. Worldwide card. I am a fit 46-year-old Native American male and can tell when people invite me just to have a red man in their posse menagerie.


I wish they’d just recast when things like this happen. A lot of characters are played by different people, it’s not some awful thing.


Recasting “is not some awful thing” to you, because you’re the viewer and these people are merely characters on a screen for you. Death is an awful thing. Having a friend/coworker die is an awful thing. To continue to have to work in that same place where their absent is obviously felt, that’s an awful thing. The characters may be fake, but the actors are very much real. Please remember that.


> Having a friend/coworker die is an awful thing. To continue to have to work in that same place where their absent is obviously felt, that’s an awful thing. It shows that most of you have never worked. It is the most normal thing in the world. No company stops because somebody isn't there anymore. Regardless of the reason. Nobody is irreplaceable.


This isn’t the end of any company, it’s one *fictional character* not being recast only to satisfy creatures like you. They quite literally still moved on because they made an entire ass other sequel, that made $860 million. Trying to make a logistical argument here is beyond embarrassing.


> creatures like you Ah


It's a job. If my co-worker dies tomorrow, we will replace them, and the rest of us will have to work with that person. For a while it will be uncomfortable, maybe even awful, but we will put on our big girl/boy knickers and deal with it because death is a fact of life. There is no reason whatsoever why that can't be done here, simply because the job in question is acting.


Now imagine you were very close to your now deceased coworker and you have to call that new co worker your old co workers name during business hours and have discussions about things “they” did in previous episodes that they didn’t do


The name thing happens all the time in any profession where they use titles to address each other. Not that it makes any difference, it should still be done.


Nobody uses titles to address each other outside of the fuckin military lmao this isn’t a 50s sit com Lmfao dude replied twice to the same comment and then blocked me


Well, you’re not even worth my time.


I'm 100% with you. The quality of the project comes first. What other project get's completely derailed when 1 person out of hundreds of workers die. People put undue importance on actors. No one seems to give a shit when writers (who are often more important to a character) dies. or a director.


This is exactly what needs to change about our culture. Thinking that people should just move on quickly and get over it because “death is just a part of life”… like, no wonder certain countries have such widespread issues regarding mental health.


There’s a difference between ‘getting over it’ and ‘dealing with it’. The first takes time, the second just needs to be done. No change necessary at all.


Having a new actor doesn't mean you don't care that a real life friend died. Do you think the Harry Potter kids didn't care that Harris died just because a new person came to play pretend with them?


God I hate the precedent set by not recasting Black Panther.


Fast & Furious set the precedent years before that.


And Dark Knight not just didn't recast, they didn't even talk about The Joker in the sequel.


I know Nolan claimed that Joker appearing in Rises was never gonna happen regardless of Ledger living or dying, but to this day I 100% believe that’s BS. Missed opportunity but no one was at fault there. Rises really did really seem like a step down in terms of quality though. Makes you wonder what if?


> I know Nolan claimed that Joker appearing in Rises was never gonna happen regardless of Ledger living or dying, but to this day I 100% believe that’s BS. yep, it was kinda obvious that the Scarecrow's cameo was written for the Joker.


Never thought about that but looking back on it it makes sense. I’m sure they would have made it MUCH meatier though.


When did he say that? I am pretty sure before Heath's death he didn't have the entire script yet but he definitely had plans to bring Joker back. After Heath's death, Nolan just didn't write Joker in the story.


It's weird how such a miss TDKR was in general. How could such a great director blow it so badly?


They just wrote themselves into a corner. Killing off Two-Face while having Joker locked up in Arkham at the end was definitely an issue for continuing forth with the story. I’m guessing that’s why there was no mention of Arkham in TDKR and why Bane freed all the prisoners of Blackgate instead. Not being able to utilize the greatest villain of all time for one final arc would never happen following the death of Heath. Too bad too. Bane was fine but nobody would argue he’s as good as Joker was.


Yeah, Nolan killed Two-Face off well too soon. It felt like such a waste with all that character development.


That’s a bit different the guy died mid-filming in a car accident. And the franchise is about car racing. Changing actor mid film would have been about as offensive as it gets and I think Vin and co would have walked.


Yeah plus another commenter mentioned that it’s also 7 movies deep as well. So that plus being in the middle of filming? There’s just no way


Yeah I believe they should recast both T’Challa and Andre but I feel like fast and furious is genuinely a different situation. Paul died what, 7 films into the franchise? And it’s a franchise literally centred around “family”, and the brotherhood between Dom and Brian. How the hell do you recast that? Honestly, they did the best they could with the cgi + Paul brother.


The ending to Fast 7 hurt.


Yes but Paul Walker is one of many main characters. Tchalla was the main character.


There’s a trope *The Character Died with Him* where a character is written off as dead when their actor dies. This trope has been around *far* longer than the MCU. Not recasting a character after the actor has died has been going on since at least the 70’s. It is not new.


Marvel literally recast Thunderbolt Ross more recently after William Hurt passed away. I don't think they set any precedent, they just didn't want to recast Chadwick. Edit: Had John Hurt originally, changed it to William


I want to point out, not recasting after an actor's death has been a thing for DECADES before Black Panther. There are many, many shows and films that have not recast a major character after the actor has passed.


What precedent? How often are dead actors immediately recast so nerds can still get their jollies? Chadwick Boseman dies a completely unexpected death, they quite understandably don’t want to immediately recast a very iconic role that had a significant social impact, and the sweatiest among us are like “but what about continuity?” I’ve never understood this ghoulish compulsion and hope never to. The shit is alien to me.


It worked out fine for Spartacus and Harry Potter.


I don’t care one way or another about this, but Dumbledore is a main character in HP. They basically had to recast it.


And Chad wasn't the main character in Black Panther?


Spartacus’ actor went through a long cancer battle and they created an entire miniseries in the meantime in the hope that he would recover and potentially even resume the role. When that wasn’t the case they recast it with his blessing. Terrible example. T’Challa will obviously be recast eventually. Doing it right after he died for the next big money-maker is somehow less comprehensible to Hollywood producers - hardly known for empathy - than it is to some of you.


Right yes the show names Spartacus about Spartacus a real life person, and Dumbledore a character without whom the plot in Harry Potter quite literally does not work…yep that’s totally the same as a Marvel character that can simply be replaced by another character using the same hero name (the thing they actually did by the way which is functionally the same thing anyway).


Spartacus wasn't his real name. Just have another person take that name.


>Chadwick Boseman dies a completely unexpected death, they quite understandably don’t want to immediately Stop. Fucking no one said immediately.


> ghoulish compulsion and hope never to. The shit is alien to me. Some people think the best way to honor someone's life work is to finish the project with the goal of making the best possible project, not to contort and warp everything because some fans can't understand that actors aren't literally their characters. I see all the time where people assume actors have the same traits as the people they play. Chad dying is a tragedy. Black Panther is make believe. Making a good black panther 2 with someone carrying on the legacy of Chad is better than making a crap movie turning the worst possible character in black panther.


How was it unexpected?


Before he died the only ones that knew he had cancer were his family.


Personally, I am against recasting characters after the actor dies, unless that character is 100% essential for the story to continue.


I'm kinda that way too (or at least done really mind not recasting). Like for example in Spartacus there's no way you can really write off Spartacus himself without destroying the show so I think recasting makes the most sense. But in something like Black Panther or Gen V I don't mind them not recasting at all since T'Challa and Andre respectively aren't necessarily needed to continue writing a coherent story since there's tons of other characters who can take the lead/their part in the story


Like for example, if the season ended with that character being locked in a room with most of the rest of the cast?


No, that wouldn't be enough for me. It is not like the next season has to pick up at the exact moment the last one ended. It could be months later. I am thinking more of examples like the Harry Potter film series, where there wouldn't have been any reasonable way to continue the story without Dumbledore.


How about the fact that one of his character arc is about him and his dad who is a half supes/half politician will go suddenly abruptedly unresolved?


Ok so what do you suppose they do. The character just died in the room and no one noticed?


I'm sure paid writers can come up with something. It's not that complex of a situation.


He was my favourite character from Gen V. RIP such a tragedy


Not recasting T'Challa makes sense given how important Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther felt to a lot of people. Not recasting THIS guy is stupid. Most people don't know who Chance Perdomo was and his character is not culturally significant. Roles get recast all the time.


Imagine if Harry Potter wrote out Dumbledore after season 2.


So it ended with them locked up in a room of I remember correctly and homelander popping up. So just have him blast the dude into bits.


Am I the only one bothered by the trend of never recasting anyone when the actor playing the character dies or has some other incident? Fictional entertainment and stories about characters shouldn't be crippled by real world situations. This whole character is going to be erased and his whole arc on season 1 irrelevant to the story because of the real world tragedy? What do you say to viewers in 20 years when they decide to watch a show or movie and come away with story problems from the whiplash of characters coming and going? 


What? This is the first time I heard of his death. Isn't he too young to just die?


Motorcycle accident


I'm kind of tired of this trend. Now you're forcing writers to scramble and pull together a story without a key character instead of just asking viewers to make the incredibly miniscule adjustment of accepting a character looks different now.


Studios need to grow up about this. People die, and that's awful, but they're portraying characters, not themselves. You don't honor them by entirely dismantling the shows they helped create with colleagues and friends.


I'm 100% with you. I see all the time where people assume actors have the same traits as the people they play. Chad dying is a tragedy. Black Panther is make believe. 


Fuckign awful decision yet again to not recast. Scripts better not suffer because of that...


Is GenV good? We are halfway through season 3 of The Boys and enjoy it


I feel like Gen V is exactly what someone who likes The Boys but wishes it had more people who wanted to be good in it is looking for. For people who like The Boys but don't care that everyone is evil, it's got plenty of that. For people don't like The Boys, there's just no point in watching Gen V... Gen V is very in keeping with The Boys in every possible sense (with the exception that not everyone is 100% an arsehole).


So everyone is just a right bit of cunts then ya?


I know people who love Gen V but hated the Boys


That makes a certain amount of sense, because the characters are generally more moral (or, at least, genuinely wanting to be good in Gen V), but basically everything The Boys does is recreated in Gen V, so it does surprise me.


Yeah I love both series.


Makes sense. And I do think Gen V characters are more likable in general too.


Ummm huh?! I don't want to spoil this ridiculous show but like 90% of Gen V cast members are not your description...and in The Boys it's basically everyone against blonde fuckin Superman and wanting to be exactly what you describe the selfish, SLIGHTLY younger (seriously so sick of cast members being like 30+ trying to be 18-22 smdh) cast that get over slicing the fuck out of so many people in like a blink of an eye...lol🫣🤪.


As opposed to literally 1 character in The Boys.


I think I liked the characters in Gen V more than The Boys.


Nice I’m interested


Also I’m going in with the assumption that I really dislike teenage actors and it’ll be corny af but I liked the boys


Interesting. I guess they will write him off somehow.


With a show like Gen V, I wouldn't be surprised if they already wrote him dying after a few episodes in. Especially knowing what his character's superpower does to him.


I’m bummed, he played my favorite character on the show. Hope the show doesn’t experience a decline in quality.


I think recasting in this scenario is the better option, the character was a big part and a really good character. So just suddenly having him gone is a downsize for the quality of the show. I remember when Andy Whitfield passed away after S1 of Spartacus and they decided to do a spin-off series while figuring out what to do. Replacing him with Liam to finish off the story ended up being a good choice and the quality of the show was still top tier even with a new lead actor because the rest of the cast and other storylines were so good also. That's the potential I see with replacing Chance character.


Man, I hate this new trend in Hollywood. It was totally the norm to recast a character if the actor that played them died. Just do it.


Why the hell are people so scared of recasting following an actor's death?


Good. I hate it when they recast. It’s so distracting. Much better to just kill him off. RiP Chance you did great with the time you had.




They can probably finish his arc with b-rolls and previously filmed but unused parts, maybe they use a double and some cgi. his arc might not be that long


If there was a show that would be ok with death it would be the boys and its spin offs.


S2 will mostly start with his character funeral and that would be it. Like a big 5 min at the start with a pic of him and then S2 story will begin


its a shame, the character was interesting, seeing recasts as a lack of respect is stupid, see how it ruined Black panther 2.


RIP buuuuut. I hate this new movement. Recast. It’s okay. Stop ruining stories for tragedies. Ledger died. No more joker?


Considering this dude was already halfway canceled for liking transphobic incel shit on social media, I'd have thought they'd be happy for an excuse to recast


He said that it was the person managing his account.


And I'm inclined to believe him, since it didn't track with anything else we know about him.