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I definitely think there was a season more left in her arc. They killed a lot of darlings early on in that show.


Absolutely. Love this show, but most of the deaths in the first three season feel very premature and it’s still very weird on rewatches. Most have that “actor left because they found something better or disagreed with the showrunners” feeling to them, but I think they were planned. They just feel premature.


Mr Eko was because he got other work.


Mr Eko (I’m fairly certain) lost both of his parents in very short order and asked to be written off the show. He was supposed to have a lot of the Locke-ness Monster storyline. But this could just be folklore in my neck of the woods, I cannot say


That’s what I read as well.


Same , it was reported multiple times just like with anna lucia getting a Dui


Too many of the LOST cast were getting DUI's 😂


I think most know who Michelle Rodriguez is as she is probably the biggest named actor in the cast because of the Fast and Furious movies.


Her LOST exit did help cement her status as the female Sean Bean though. She dies in almost every role!


Seems like a Lost actor getting a DUI happened pretty much every other week. 🙄


He also hated working in Hawaii and just wanted to go.


I would gladly take getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to be on a beach and getting to live most of the year in Hawaii


Dude you know a lot about the background of actors in lost , Pretty cool!


These stories were getting a LOT of press coverage back then. Lost was a pretty huge phenomenon


Especially the ending. I remember going to the Lost message boards each day for about a year after it ended. People were going back and forth, was hundreds of pages of people debating the ending. You either loved it, hated it, or were "satisfied". I didn't understand the ending at first, and when I found out I was in the "hate it" camp. Writers painted themselves in so many corners anyways with so many story lines that weren't wrapped up, explained, or resolved. Oh well. Was a great show, could have done without a few of the far-fetched stories. Oh well.


I thought he and most other characters got impaired charges in Hawaii and then got written off? That may also be folklore, but I'm sure it was more than one...


That lore surround Ana Lucia and Libby


I think the actor was unhappy in Hawaii and wanted to be let go, but the producers didn't want to let him go so the actor was sabotaging production / being a dick so they did let him go in S3. At least that's what was implied by Damon in an interview (I don't think he said which actor it was about but it was alluded to and kinda obvious it was about AAA).


It’s a shame as a fan of the show. His character was so good on the show, I was sad to see his arc cut so short


Eko had too much promise it was really annoying. Others i dont really care tbh


Eko was gonna have Desmond's arc.


Eko? There’s an Eli, but he was never cast. I thought Eko was supposed to have Locke’s role of being connected to the man in black?


Eko was one of those characters I imagined in later seasons reacting to various situations. He was also such a perfect foil for Locke. It would have made that fake Locke reveal even more impactful.


Apparently Eko was supposed to be one of the more important characters moving forward, but the actor wanted to move on. So they gave a lot of his stuff to the John Locke character


I think the official story was that he just didn't like living in Hawaii.


Yeah that's what the actor said 


But what did Mr Eko himself, say?


"A smoke monster! Arrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!"


He just took a knife and cut two chin hairs off menacingly


or they got DUIs


Death in Paradise syndrome


Ana Lucia and Libby were because they both got DUIs on Hawaii


If Lost actors got fired when they got DUIs there’d be more than just these two.


Wasn't the official word that killing Ana Lucia wasn't going to have enough emotional impact on viewers?


Conor Roy was interested in politics at a very young age


Wasn't it the same weekend too?


Yea both driving home from the same place IIRC


No, this isn't true. Michelle Rodriguez only signed on for 1 year, was always going to be on the show for only one year. Libby died because they realised the audience wouldn't care if Ana Lucia died. Nobody got fired for a DUI.


The PR line at the time was that they always planned to kill off Ana Lucia, and then decided to add Libby because they needed a more sympathetic death. That always sounded like bullshit to me. Then lo and behold, that [recent exposé](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/05/lost-tv-show-culture) revealed: >The showrunners’ “cold” treatment of Michelle Rodriguez and her character certainly stuck with Gretchen: After Rodriguez was arrested in a drunken driving incident, “instead of having empathy or sympathy for her situation, they were just like, ‘Well, we’ll just get rid of her.’ ”


Tbf it was true that nobody liked Ana Lucia. She was an abrasive, asshole cop that didn't really have any fans, and I don't think killing her off was the wrong decision. Libby though? They killed her off before her full backstory was revealed. Regardless of whether you thought nobody would care about Ana Lucia, how do you kill off a character before finishing her arc? Of course having seen the whole show it all makes sense now. They didn't have an arc for Libby. All they wrote was a cliffhanger they were gonna figure out later. So much of that show was that way and they generously figured out about half the crap they introduced.


Was it ever explained why Libby was in the mental hospital in a quick flashback in one episode? I remember after seeing this going “woah” and being interested what they do next but don’t remember them following this up and she was killed pretty soon after. Unless there’s some subtle explanation/plausible theory that would explain this?


It always felt like that was supposed to be a suicide hold, from depression from her husband dying. Which was also why she gave the boat to Desmond (a giving things away to friends and strangers phase is a sign of possible suicidal thoughts)


A lazy and passing reference to her husband dying or something like that iirc?


Nope. Never learned why she was there, why she was released, or why she went to Australia. Only plausible theory is it was related to her husband's death, which we also learned nothing about.


You’re telling me that they were just sharting mystery boxes with no plan in place about how to resolve them? That’s impossible. The show runners said many times they never introduced a mystery without knowing the answer.


It certainly didn't feel like she was ever supposed to be liked. I always thought of her as the bad version of Jack. Like, if Jack hadn't made the right decisions and been empathetic to those around him, this is what would have happened. It didn't feel like there would have been any space for her character to even continue after the season.


She's made so much money from the fast franchise I think she's going to be alright


Why would you have “empathy” for someone who drove drunk


Empathy for drunk driving? She wasn’t “fired for being an alcoholic” who needed help. She was fired (allegedly) for being a fucking moron and putting peoples’ lives at risk. Drunk drivers doesn’t deserve empathy.


>“instead of having empathy or sympathy for her situation, they were just like, ‘Well, we’ll just get rid of her.’ ” Trying to spin a rich piece of shit drunk actor endangering lives as something we should empathize with is certainly a choice. Therapy talk was a mistake.


Hawaii needed better Ubers in 2005


Definitely, considered that Uber didn't exist until 2009


Gotta love how this still gets spread around. The show runners would not rewrite an entire season off two actors getting DUI's. Let alone rewrite and reshoot it in 3 months.


Except they did. That's why the Season 2 finale was being shot up to 5 days before it aired... rewrites.


Nope, it was on O‘ahu.


No, no, and no. 20 years later this urban legend keeps getting repeated cause Redditors can't bother doing some basic research.


I mean, I remember it being a story in the media around the show back when the episode actually aired. I never heard otherwise so there was no reason to research that random bit of knowledge kicking around my brain 20 years later. Sorry bud


So did DDK but he didn’t get any punishment


I mean, his character was "killed" in the boat explosion at the end of season four. They just seemed to have changed their mind.


That's not why they got written off (Michelle Rodriguez only had a 1 season contract and people hated her character so they killed Cynthia Watros's character off for shock value and her story was supposed to be told through different characters flashbacks, but the S4 writers strike cut that short).


I remember they advertised him has returning in the last season and he never did, and then they said it's cuz the actor was asking for too much money or something, but then the actor was like that's bullshit.


No it wasn’t. His foster parents in London died and he got homesick. They had big plans for him but they released him at his request.


thought he requested to be written off due to deaths in his family and a desire to not work abroad


Michelle Rodriguez had to go because she was a hot mess (driving drunk, harassing people)


Right? Didn’t Michelle Rodregez and Hurley’s girlfriend have sudden deaths right after their IRL DUIs? And right after the show started showing mysterious back stories for them.


Yeah. The producers and Rodriguez have both denied that it's actually why it happened, but, yeah, timing was very sus. Lindelof did apparently also say the rumored plans about exploring Libby's backstory after her death were true, but Watros was busy which is why she didn't show up again until around the end of the show.


I think Anna Lucia was always meant to die there but maybe Libby was due to her actress’s DUI, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was also meant to die there too though.


Michelle Rodriguez only had a one season contract and was always supposed to die in the end of season 2.


It was plain as day obvious that Hurley’s GF was going to be someone who killed her husband for money, and was now chasing Hurley for the same thing due to her remembering who he was from the looney bin.


That also makes shows like Lost work. When characters who would usually have plot armor actually die, it raises the stakes for the whole show.


Well, most the cast had plot armor. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Desmond and Ben were never getting killed no matter what. Locke did die, but Terry O'Quinn kept being on the show. And Sun, Jin and Sayid died like 3 episodes before the finale for some shock value, but there was 0 chance any of them would've been killed in previous seasons.


Thanks Captain hindsight


But those stakes are artificial and taint rewatches. I'm fine with characters not having plot armor but when a character is killed off prematurely while still having a LOT of unanswered questions about them, when I do a rewatch and they appear, it's just "Oh yea...this whole arc goes nowhere...".


Lost in a nutshell. Walt had magic powers or something.


He was so important that he had to be kidnapped but when it came to Locke bringing everyone back to the island, eh, it’s fine if he doesn’t come.


Kid had the shinning.


Don't you mean the shining?


Shhh, do ya wanna get sued?


SSH, do ye wanna get sued?!


It's all good, just keep watching and all of your unanswered questions will soon be replaced with new unanswered questions.


And then disappointedly answered in offhanded 'blink and you'll miss it' comments. "Why is polar bears?!" "We had a zoo. shit got free". "Why's the smoke monster make mechanical sounds? Magic?"


Blink and you’ll miss it? They were in those cages for 6 episodes!


It's a double-edged sword, though. It can make it hard to get invested in anyone new introduced after a while, as eventually certain characters will become the 'heart of the show' so they'll be wary about killing them off, thus making anyone new more likely as they don't have that attachment.


I mean it worked overall though and even for shows like GoT where a lot of fan favorites died.


We should call this getting Tasha Yar'ed.




It was a highly abusive atmosphere.


One of those few shows with the balls to kill off characters. GoT before GoT.


They wanted to kill Jack in the first episode.


Me to.


Jack is probably my favorite character, but thanks for the laugh because I can surely understand this sentiment.


Lock was my favorite, but Jack was very close. A great cast all around. It was just a joke though. Jack was great start to finish. Even the tattoo episode...


Jack is a character that I was very meh with on my first watch - the second go-around seeing his overall transition to a man of faith was very rewarding


jack starts working when you realize he's not the cool mc action guy but just a broken dude trying his best and failing over and over imho he's the real man of faith


I hated Jack for the first 3 seasons. By the end, he had an A+ character arc along with Locke.


That's how I ranked them at first, and then they flipped for me at some point, probably when they left the island. Two great characters and performances. It really was one of, if not the best, ensemble casts ever assembled.


Charlie will forever be my fav. Not Pennys boat 😭


He is awesome, too. That scene is definitely the saddest in the series.


Because of Jack we got Stranger In A Strange Land, so yeah I can also understand.


Yeah I really like Jack, really like Matthew Fox, but they over-emphasized Jack WAY too much, culminating in an entire episode about the origin of Jack's tattoo which is when I almost quit watching. Fortunately after season 2 they got the network to agree to stop insisting on 22 episodes every season and just started focusing on the actual story before they lost too many viewers.


The tattoo episode was a gambit from Lindelof and Cuse to show ABC about how bad they can get if they don't get a defined end point lol, that's why it's really boring and doesn't fit with the rest of the show. > fortunately after season 2 It was midway through Season 3 when they got the greenlight to finally end the show.




And that version of Jack was going to be Michael Keaton. When they decided to not kill Jack, Keaton backed out.


That would have been amazing. 


Yeah but in the later seasons they just resorted to adding characters so they could kill them. The last season of Stranger Things seemed to do this too. 


It's like they didn't plan what they were doing.


People were rabid for characters to die, for some reason. Even more than answers in the first two seasons I remember there being this obsession with who would die next. I never understood why it was so important for people to die. I guess it guaranteed a ratings boost I guess.


Were they darlings? I thought the audience found her annoying so she was killed off. I sure didn’t miss her.


Not the worst heartbreak of Sayid's career, though.




I’ve made my peace with who’s there in the end by saying „who had time on that day to be on set“


The whole flash-sideways story with Sayid shows that he really wasn't meant to be with Nadia considering that Nadia actually gets married to Sayid's brother in that. I mean you diminish his relationship with Shannon to a random woman he knew for like a month and dated for maybe a week, but before the Island, Nadia was a just girl he knew from childhood, didn't recognize in adulthood, and really only knew her while she was a prisoner. Yes he later meets her again and marries her, but even that was pretty short because she got killed less than a year in. It never felt like Nadia was Sayid's true love overall


People seem to not realize that Sayid and Shannon made each other better people.


What I don’t really get is why everyone hates Shannon (besides the obvious hate the female character because she’s not always sympathetic). She’s pretty much constantly watched by her emotionally abusive steph brother who’s pissed because he’s in love with her. Who wouldn’t be constantly annoyed and lashing out in a situation like that? Rewatching it’s very obvious that most of the times she acts out is after being verbally abused by Boone (If we ignorera the scam ofc 🤫)




I wonder if this could've been rectified if Maggie Grace was actually available for the season 6 premiere. Because as it stands, it is odd that Sayid and Shannon's first time on screen together since season 2 is that moment - but I think it could've worked better if Shannon had an interaction with Sayid in the premiere, or at some point in the flash sideways besides the final episode. I don't mind Sayid and Shannon being together - in fact, I like it a lot for the themes of the show. But I do get your point that the moment you're referring to is pretty egregious


> It’s the idea that two people who really barely knew each other were shoehorned in as deeply passionate lovers at the very end that irks me. And yet Hurley and Libby seem to get away with it.


It's also the matter of what they did on the Island. Christian says to Jack "the most important time you spent was with these people". They all contributed in some small way to preserving the Island, and so the flash sideways could be seen as something meant especially for them.


But the flash sideways aren't the "happy ending", they're just a bardo, a purgatory to help characters resolve unresolved issues. Sayid already got with Nadia in real life, so it would only make sense for him to get with Shannon since they're the relationship that was unresolved. But I'm not gonna act like the last season didn't get rushed and a lot of stuff didn't make sense.


I do wonder if that’s because Nadia eventually moved on from Sayid and ended up not being drawn to him romantically in the flash sideways universe once she died. What if she had a husband, kids, etc? Whereas Desmond and Penny still had a bond strong enough in the moment each of them died.


In the flash sideways, she was married to Sayid's brother


I think they strongly implied (or even outright said) that if Sayid’s life had been more normal (ie free of constant danger), Nadia and Sayid would’ve ended up together because they were madly in love? But she also loved her (more stable) husband and she had children so she wasn’t going to end it all (her family) for Sayid, but didn’t Sayid tell her that he cannot be with her due to the dangers in his life?


If he was with Nadia in the church, that would be the show declaring that he could have skipped to his happy ending by simply never crashing on the island at all. Instead, Nadia was the person he murdered his CO for, then murdered a bunch of people for while working under Ben, then murdered a bunch more for the man in black, then went on murdering for even in the afterlife. So, the show's saying he was best with someone he wasn't murdering people for.


This always bugged me so much.


Penny meant something to Desmond. That's why.


The wrong kid died.


Jack was unable to attach the top half of Boone’s body to the bottom half.


Was the worst case of getting cut in half he'd ever seen 


She needed more blankets and less blankets


I’m afraid you’re right.


Okay Denethor


*Aggressively bites into cherry tomato*


The whole thing felt so messy. Killing Shannon off just as she was about to become a more interesting character was rough, and instantly placed Anna-Lucia in a place she could never come back from, which was then ultimately pointless as she died just ten episodes later  That said, the episode where she's holding them all at gunpoint is really good.


When she was telling Sayid she was seeing Walt, I was constantly thinking, “please, believe her, man! She’s clearly not lying and how can you not finally see her sincerity instead of thinking she’s just imagining things or making things up like a crazy person?” I think after Boone died, we got to see Shannon more fleshed out and having more interesting and varied interactions.


The Walt build up during the show was insane, built up to NOTHING.


Lost was my first "mystery box" type of show (did they even exist before then?) but it's also the show that taught be to be skeptical of the box no matter how compelling the mystery. So many times it leads to nothing, or an unsatisfying answer.


Didn’t realize “mystery box” is a genre but I did love the idea of Lost. Do you recommend any other shows?


I've never seen Anna-Lucia and Hitler in the same room... just sayin'


They didn’t do right by her in Fear the Walking Dead either.


Did they do right by *anyone* on that show? 😮‍💨


They turned Daniel into a vegetable. That's when I stopped watching.


I gave up after the beer bottle hot air balloon. Damn, that's a weird sentence.


Please explain


> turned Daniel into a vegetable The Rolling Dead I’ll get my coat.


I wish we'd got more of her story but with the giant time jump in the last season I just hope they are safe and happy together. And I hope they hear about the changes in the CRM and move to Portland.


Wait they do another time skip?? I stopped after season 4


Oh so you missed *both* nuclear explosion storylines? And the villains with dumb haircuts named after birds? You’ve got some amazing hate-watching ahead of you.


I need to find a video that will humorously explain what the hell happened in that show. I watched the first season and didn't like it. I'm sure it went downhill from there.


You’re in my light, sticks


Light… sticks?


Light “comma” sticks


Her whole-body-dry-heave-run she did in the movie *Taken* was my heartbreak of her career.


They absolutely should not have killed Shannon. At least not when they did. She was really coming into her own as a character and I think there’s a lot of interesting things they could have done with her. Maggie Grace was also really great in the role.


That’s what makes a great TV drama - drama. People say the same thing about their favorite characters in Game of Thrones. It would be a completely different show


You kind of need characters to exist for there to be drama. Otherwise it would just be a nature documentary.


Love Shannon, and love your username.


Yeah but bringing her back in the finale instead of Nadia was dirty.


Don’t even remember how “light , sticks” died tbh 


Ana Lucia shot her when the second group was walking to merge with the original group thinking she was a “other”. I think the second group was the tallies because they were in the tail end of the plane that landed on the opposite side of the island?


I always thought the writers ran out of ideas for her character and how to move her forward and rather than brainstorm, they just killed her off.


I don't remember where I read this - or heck maybe it was just speculation - but one of the reasons why Boone and Shannon were the first two to die was that they were meant to be two of the youngest characters (I think Claire is technically older than Shannon but younger than Boone), so there really wasn't a lot of opportunity for interesting flashback stories about them since they didn't have long lives before


There was no plan for the whole show outside of “keep them watching”


We lost scenes and scenes of her weirdass running


Does anyone remember the promos where they would show multiple characters and say “one person will not make it” and such? The show always wanted to keep you guessing and would do whatever it took (even premature deaths) to keep you talking about it for a week.


That was the TV network who made all those promos, nothing to do with the shows' production team. They've spoken before about how it pissed them off, because they'd be showing spoilers and making promises that weren't gonna happen. "And finally, viewers gets answers to one of the shows BIGGEST SECRETS!!! Where did Jack get his tattoo? Find out on an all new LOST as things will NEVER BE THE SAME" "Oh, Thailand. Okay."


Her mention of before social media reminded me that she and a bunch of the other cast used to post pretty regularly on a Lost forum, TheFuselage. One of the first times I remember really anyone being able to interact with cast and crew for a show.


My impression was she barely knew how to act, even by the second season. She was by far the weakest actress of the group, in my opinion. She was just hot, so I feel like they paraded her around a bit as eye candy at first


I disagree. I think she was great in the role. Keep in mind a big part of the character was being annoying initially lol. But she did great at the bitchy lines she had to deliver and I thought her dramatic scenes were great. Everything from breaking down about Boone, her scenes with Walt, and her big flashback episode. She didn’t always get the best material but I think she did great with what she had.


I understand what you are saying. Her character didn’t really make a lot of sense outside of existing as something for her brother to overcome. The Saiid romance did not seem real, etc. I saw her a few years later in Californication. I think she actually was marvelous in that role.


This was my take as well.


Agreed but 12 year old boy me very much appreciated the eye candy so I thank Maggie Grace for her service.


You’re in my lightsticks


Totally agree, from what I remember. The dog and the were better. Sayid was wasted on her. Granted I haven't seen the show for over a decade.


That's still the case now. Everything I see her in is rough.


Killing off random characters was literally what made this show work 


Neil Frogurt was always my favorite death in the show.


I mean the show needed some death early on. So im not upset with this at all.


The Island was done with her


Rewatching the show at the moment, and I always felt like her character was a product of its time, dumb blonde pretty girl who needs help with everything, only to get killed off after being made someone's love interest. I do think her character could have had some pretty interesting growth if they hadn't killed her off. Honestly, much preferred her over Ana Lucia, she bored me to tears, plus I'm not a Michelle Rodriguez fan.


That’s how she is initially portrayed, yet we actually see she has skills (like speaking french) and the motivation to help others.


This wouldn't even be in my top 50 things they fucked up with this show.


This show didn’t know what the hell to do with the women characters


She's surprisingly a really good actor. I would have never guessed from her role in LOST. She just seemed like she was probably that character, more or less, and it wasn't until after that we got to see her incredible range.


Have any Maggie Grace fans heard of the web series she was in called Rachel’s Room?


I thought she asked to be released.


Not for us. Her character was one the more annoying characters on the show. Now, Boone. His death was a shame.


Boone was a sacrifice that the Island demanded...


Honestly, I hated her character. I was glad when Shannon died. But I think they handled her badly, maybe if it was written today they would have given her more depth.


Was she the one who slept with her brother? It’s been decades since I have seen Lost


Yeah, they were step siblings and he was in love with her.


Oh ya. I hated her character too. Why is everyone saying she was a good character? She was so unlikeable


Shannon’s character and MGs execution of the character was a huge reason for the show’s success. She was awesome.


Her present self definitely could have lasted longer to be an interesting character for the show. However, her flashbacks were pretty fleshed out. I could see how it would have been challenging to keep creating backstory but hey that's why these writers get paid the big bucks right?


Imagine if uber existed during this shows production and all the characters that wouldn't have been abruptly killed off for DUIs


Honestly, I don’t disagree with her dying in the show. I disagree with when they killed her off. I really did want to see her at least for one more season. Realistically, she would’ve also been valuable to Ben’s group because of their fascination with reproduction. She was a young girl and there could’ve been a whole plot line associated with her. I think it would’ve been interesting to see her meet Juliet, maybe she would’ve made friends with Alex and that could be a whole thing. There was so much more opportunity for her character imo.


That pissed me off so much…