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The OA, Devs, Mr Robot, Counterpart, Maniac, The Leftovers, and Station Eleven. This should hold you for a while OP


In the midst of Station Eleven rewatch. It’s sooo good!!!


I'm glad you're enjoying it. Really. I utterly hated it. The book too. It is just so silly IMO.


Arghhh I watched Station Eleven on a long-haul flight. It has some redeeming moments but it felt like a contrived version of The Leftovers at times. If you want something like th human experience then yes it delivers on those points at times but yeah theres a lot of forced silliness that I didn't connect with. The leftovers is way way better. If I wsnt stuck on the long haul flight i wouldn't have finished it.


Yeah, I wish I hadn't heard the comparisons to the Leftovers. I gave up on Station Eleven after a couple episodes. It's definitely a different show, but like you said, the parts of the show that do feel like the Leftovers just felt like a worse version of it.


Worst show ever.


Counterpart being canceled was criminal.


Cancelled? It pretty much concluded in the second season in my opinion. Excellent show!


It wasn't canceled ... counterpart was the prequel to Covid19 /s


Mr Robot!! Love this show, finally took the time to watch it and it’s great, it’s such a trip


The Leftovers and Maniac especially are GREAT Recs


The OA is so underrated. Still mad at Netflix for cancelling it


I absolutely loved The OA. Not too many shows have me on the edge of my seat, but this one did. Repeatedly. I would love it if somebody would finish it at some point.


I would also add Homecoming to your list. Similar mystery corporation vibe. The first season was excellent. Second changed it up but still pretty good.


I just finished going through all the shows you’ve given here and they are all fantastic. Do have any more wisdom to bestow upon us cause the bucket is now dry




Watched all of them exactly my taste


Maniac was great. Devs ok. I remember the leftovers being kinda slow for me. I need something with more humor personally. Was the oa sci Fi?


the OA is AMAZING. Devs is super slow at first but a pretty good show overall.


You’re gonna need a lot of recs because S2 is not coming out anytime soon =\ Maniac (Netflix) is closest in theme


maniac was such a banger I lowkey wish they did an anthology series or something like black mirror but season length


I gotta rewatch it again. I’m a big fan of Justin Theroux from the Leftovers. I still can’t believe the character he played lmao


Oh my god lmao i just realized why Dr. Mantleray was so familiar to me


Thanks for the reply. That's so sad re S2. I read it was postponed till next year but the filming had already started? Am I remembering it correctly?


I heard it won’t drop until at least 2025




Writers and actors strike, so for good reason.


Yep agreed, guess I’ll have a long time to wait before I renew my Apple TV sub.


Foundation S2 should wrap up in a month, but yeah, I love several shows on Apple, but it is a service I only need one month per year. * Severance * Foundation * Silo * Slow Horses Ted Lasso was good, but three seasons was more than enough.


Slow Horses is brilliant


The Morning Show was mostly good as well but they’ve been slow to release that as well.


We tried that one, but it didn't really do anything for us. The wife likes more mystery/suspense types and I'm more into sci-fi, so it didn't really tick any boxes for either one of us.


It was good!


Shining Girls! That’s a must watch on Apple!


Hmm, that does look intriguing. Thanks for the rec!


It’s great


friend they have a whole catalogue of great shows! i’m sure you could stay occupied until it comes out… unless you’ve already went through them lol.


Yeah I’ve seen most of them and then ran out of things to watch on it


Maniac fuckin rocks


i hope you are not talking about severance season 2 cuz look at what google told me Severance Season 2 is expected to arrive on Apple TV+ by Early 2024. However, fans should expect a delay in the release of Severance Season 2 at least until 2025, thanks to the ongoing Writers' Strike by the WGA, which led to the production of Severance Season 2 shutting down in May


Yeah 2025 that’s a full calendar year away




Agreed. Loved it.


Came to share this as well.


Had serious promise but Lily’s (Sonoya) performance is so horrendously bad, made the show almost unwatchable for me.


I agree. It was so, so bad.


right i thought i was just being a hater but her acting is so boring and bland


it only works when that's her character... why does she keep getting cast? ps. all my favourite everything is female, so it's not a gender thing


It had promise but an underwhelming conclusion.


You know, I felt the same way before I rewatched it with my wife. There was so much more psychological nuance to the machine and its implications, and--despite being maybe the slowest slow-burn ever put on TV--the finale was absolute perfection.


I was kind of hoping they were in a simulation and the static was the moment their simulation was turned off, ending their world and existence. What ending would you have liked?


right the ending was so bleh




>nothing really is like Severance This is the sad truth of the matter, but some of the recommendations in here have a similar weirdness to them. Counterpart was a good rec. It was a great show with a satisfying ending. Silo has a bit of that "other people are in control and watching" vibe, but doesn't have any of Severance's humor. I've seen some people recommend The OA but that is missing an ending.


I just finished Silo. I wouldn’t call it bad, but I don’t think I’ll ever recommend it. >!It had DBZ levels of filler which is nuts for a 10 episode season. And the show purposefully introduced a huge in-world “gotcha” that doesn’t make any fucking sense. It’s also clear it’s going to Westworld itself!<


I've heard people say it felt slow to them at points, but I loved it. What parts did you consider filler? >!In terms of the gotcha are you talking about the screen flicker? If so, I totally agree. That was pretty dumb, but I can forgive a small misstep like that.!< >It’s also clear it’s going to Westworld itself It's got source material, so hopefully they stick to the material and the writers don't get too focused on trying to outsmart the viewers like with WW. WW started off so promising. S1 was amazing.


That’s what I was talking about, yes😁. >!The screen blip and then the tape. How TF does she know that the other people who went out to clean died from exposure due to shitty tape? There is no in-world justification for her gamble with the tape making sense. And as for filler, for me, it was a good chunk of the Jules content. The only movement of the plot caused by repairing the generator was the mayor dying, which was the last 60 seconds. That was the big one for me, but there was plenty other stuff that just dragged. The whole story about her mom and the rabbit and getting raided and the suicide…it just went on and on for such a small payoff!<


>!Yeah, the screen blip seemed intentionally misleading. That was pretty uncool.!< >!As for the tape, she didn't really gamble. She got screwed and was expecting to die. Solving the tape problem allowed her to live (although not sure how much air she's got or how she's going to eat - I'm guessing one of the other silos will let her in). But yeah, if they wanted to expose everyone who went out to clean, there are probably hundreds of ways to sabotage their suit other than using crappy tape.!< When it comes to sci-fi, I'm a pretty patient viewer who enjoys world building, so I enjoyed the generator and rabbit stuff. My main complaints would be the issues with the plot we just talked about in spoiler tags.


>!I dunno, the tape part is weird to me. It’s so very purposeful because of the past conflict with the IT Head and obviously a correct play, but there’s ZERO reason for her to think that was gonna do anything to save/extend her life. Up until the reverse gotcha I was expecting the suit ventilator to have been attached to a carbon monoxide tank or something so even though it was healthy outside that’s why they still died. I did enjoy that subverted expectation part of it. Also, in the moment, every time we saw the green it looked the same. Same breeze, same birds Flying V formation. It’s obvious now, but that was a nice touch.!<


Wait, explain the tape thing to me. I must’ve missed something.


>!So throughout the show there's the whole thing about how the head of IT thinks she's a thief cause she stole some IT tape. But they comment how the IT tape is shitty, and the Mechanical tape is like 3X stronger. Well, when they send people out to clean they bind the seams of their suit using IT tape. But at the very end, Jules has Martha go talk to her ex-wife, who's head of supplies. She has them swap out the IT tape with Mechanical tape so that when they bind her suit it's using the good tape, which is why it's more hermetically sealed and she doesn't die from exposure like the previous cleaners. My issue is that where in the shit did she get that knowledge from. It's the most blind-ass guess ever as to why people going out to clean were dying, even if she believed it was still a wasteland. !<


I saw another comment somewhere where the said "I hope Severance doesn't become like another westworld" as a response to some theory. What does it mean? I've not watched westworld but thought it was good?


Gonna put this behind spoilers because it’s pretty integral to the plot of the shows. >!Westworld had a really good story, with a nice gotcha at the end. But part of the gotcha is a massive zooming out and realizing that not only is all this happening but this is only a single instance of it, and there’s actually multiple silos/westworlds. To say a show “Westworlds” itself is to say that when you build a show up with a poignant story with heavy character focus, and then all the sudden zoom out that far to show this isn’t a unique story, you inevitably lose focus on the characters you spent a season building up. All that momentum has to stop to build up the new narratives of these other locations, or introduce new characters that you aren’t invested in, etc.!< It’s certainly possible Silo doesn’t do that, but it’s setting itself up for the same issues.


Ohh that makes a bit sense, thank you for explaining!


> nothing really is like Severance This is the absolute truth. I loved Counterpart, and it does share, to some extent, Severance's grim basement drudgery surrealism. But there are lots of escape valves to it, where Severance has absolutely none. I loved Maniac but it's way more, like, energetic. Part of Severance's tone is how VERY still it is--which provides a baseline for a slow burn to the level S1 ended at. I love The OA but it's charming in a way that is absolutely *not* Severance. The OA is personal and personable, and Severance is *ruthlessly* impersonal. Mr Robot is a masterpiece, but we're inside the story from the beginning, riding the twists and turns as the character experiences them. In Severance, we don't ever really know anybody, and the reality of them and their world is dribbled out to us in tantalizing little drips.


You won’t find any show like it, trust me I’ve been looking since I finished season one.


The closest thing I've felt to watching this show was the first couple seasons of Lost. We all know how that ended though.


I haven’t watched lost yet I know that’s crazy in 2023 but I got a good excuse


It's not really that crazy. The show started off interesting but after a while you could tell the writers didn't really have a particular plan in mind. The ending pretty much clinched that, things are sort of half-assedly explained as part of a generic "good vs evil" bit, but then the show just sort of ends.


Eh, maybe watch it again?


I don't need to watch it again. This isn't "I didn't understand" this is "none of it really made any sense."


It made sense to many of us, especially after a distraction-free rewatch.


I understood it all they just never really fully explained much of anything. The fountain is somehow important in good versus evil? Sure. How? Why?


I still might watch it when I have the time just for the culture


Honestly its not worth it. Are you worried about pop culture from 10-15 years ago?


In the middle they were marking time until the network would let them end it the way they wanted. Then they got an end date and everything got better. I know lots of people disagree with me, but IMO the ending is a masterpiece.


*From* has big *Lost* energy, but it remains to be seen how it plays out.


That's good to know, I don't think I've heard about "From", I'll check it out.


Mr. Robot Homecoming




Silo not really like severance but a great watch regardless




Mr. Robot is your answer.


That is truly the only show that comes close to being in the same ballpark. Silo was good too though :)


After severance I watched "the wire". You won't find a series like Severance as good as Severance, you're better off watching a series from a different genre that is worth to be watched. The wire, Sopranos, Mind Hunter, Too old to die young, breaking bad and better call saul. Amazing stuff like that is going to scratch that Severance hitch and even more


Black Mirror


Mr Robot is good…it’s a conspiracy show where more info is revealed as you watch. Severance is unique tho


Mr robot is the best show. Severance is also the best show. They are tackling the same problem but in different ways.. I never thought I’d see another show that I got so hyped on as Mr robot, but severance absolutely nailed it!


Dark. it’s what lost would have been without network meddling. absolutely perfect three seasons.


was gonna suggest this as well


Asked the same question couple of days back & got real good suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/televisionsuggestions/comments/15tpn8m/similar_to_severance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Tales from the Loop is surreal and dark scifi, though also unique like Severance but not in the same way.Other unique scifi fantasy shows: Lodge 49, (sadly only one season), Silo, Legion, The booth at the end (1 & 2)


Friend, there is a second season of Lodge 49.


Oop, you're right. I meant it ended very abruptly; I believe it was cancelled.


Yes, season 3 was cancelled despite a huge campaign to bring it back. :(


I liked the Loopp but I need to be in the mood, very real, raw emotions type of sci-fi show. Its not a whiz-bang type of show.


Agree. I recall the surreal, haunting feeling & visuals more than specific plot lines at this point (it's been a few years). May rewatch it, (carefully).


You know what, though I did not fall in love with tales from the loop as much as I thought would, that’s a great suggestion! Definitely tonally and aesthetically going for something similar.


**Devs** is definitely the closest show to Severance. Both are sci-fi thrillers set on a creepy workplace. **Mr Robot**, **Maniac**, **Dark** are also good recommendations.


> Devs is definitely the closest show to Severance. Both are sci-fi thrillers set on a creepy workplace. And tonally similar. Workplace-mythology drudgery-porn. EXTREMELY "still" in tone, as a baseline for an epically slow slow-burn. And both sci-fi worlds operate by ironclad rules that inform and drive the narrative. Plus Nick Offerman is equally low-key terrifying as Patricia Arquette.






Hello Tomorrow very slightly scratched the itch -- kind of like scratching around a mosquito bite


I’m watching The Leftovers, and it’s almost scratching the itch


The Leftovers is an incredible show.


[The Consultant](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/the-consultant) - Workplace satire/horror in the vein of *Severance*. The day after the wunderkind founder of CompWare is killed, a strange consultant shows up and makes changes at the company. [Made for Love](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/made-for-love) - Follows the wife of a billionaire tech genius who has a chip in her brain that tracks her every mood & emotion. Similar to the characters in *Severance*, she begins the series functionally trapped in the company's complex. Surprisingly deft and and emotionally touching at times.


Undone on Amazon is excellent. Also Eternal Sunshine used to be my favourite movie for nearly 2 decades until Everything Everywhere All At Once blew my mind, so you might like that


I would say it’s close, but others may disagree, but Legion on FX, it’s a super trippy, psychological Marvel series, but it’s so far from anything Marvel, don’t let that put you off from it.


no suggestions. we need season 2 of severance…😡


LOST. severance is literally lost in the office with parks and rec star ben wyatt


I second Lost




**Homecoming** on Amazon Prime Video


First season >>>> second season


Loved Homecoming. Very underrated


Just the first season though. The second season didn’t really need to exist.




>Mirror I tried watching Silo. I started off so strong but after ep 2 the slow pace put me to sleep and I gave up on ep 4.


Yes! So 3 and 4 are the worst of the season trust me it gets way better again. I almost checked out there as well.


Yeah it definitely pays out!! And it's understandable that many people drop a show when that "slow-pace" thingy comes too early and you are not hooked enough yet. IIRC Silo first Season was a good example where 8 episodes would have been better than 10, but at the end it definitely is worth the watch.


Black Mirror


You could try The Thirteenth Floor (1999)


The Domination of Bell Labs


It's not a show, but, the movie I <3 Huckabees is way worth a watch


The Leftovers....not exactly the same but also a big mind fuck of a show that bounces between genres


It’s not really the same, but if you haven’t seen Barry, it’s a similarly absurdist and humor. I actually like it a little more, and I loved Severance and Eternal Sunshine is my favorite movie.


Must watch silo


The Consultant Wayward Pines Lime Town


i think u should watch 'from' its a nice mystery adventure horror series


Second this!


Watch the film Corner Office. Jon Hamm stars. I found it to be really good.


Dark on Netflix


Dark is criminally underrated.




any series u watched that came close ( s2 is not out yet lol )


Yo A lot of these suggestions are crap The only show like this that exists is The Prisoner 


I was going to respond with The Prisoner (from the '60's), but seeing as you have already astutely provided it, CowboyRidingALeopard, I will merely second what you said.


Pantheon, trust me


All good suggestions. Westworld and Silo are good as well, and Mr robot of course. And I guess Andor might actually fit the bill


Handmaids tale!


Well I found Severance when I wrote "tv series similar to Counterpart" so :D Also Dark Matter has some similar vibes but it's more romantic and "Rick and Morty" styled :D


There isn't really a category of shows like Severance. For me I tend to go with excellent shows and I particularly like creative well thought out shows. Mr. Robot is the first one that comes to mind in the realm of Severance... then my list of excellent shows are Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, Sherlock, Dexter, Rectify, 1st season of True Detective, Looking below I see some recommendations that I don't entirely agree with. Such as the OA and the Leftovers. Both are weird shows and I generally like weird. I don't recommend the OA at all for the majority of people. It has one of the smallest windows of like-ability of most recommendations. I fall in the middle.... a good reason not to get into it is, it ends on an extremely unfinished note. The Leftover is a much better show of the two. It's acted and shot amazingly well, but it's not as deep or thought provoking as it initially pretends to be... and without spoiling anything the ending confirms just how mundane the story was all along. They constantly use a particular score throughout which I like and that score naturally draws out an emotion... it could be someone shopping in a grocery store and if that music is playing in the background it comes across as such a heartfelt/emotional/dramatic moment and the show uses that crutch for 25% of it's run time and it's an amazing trick... but when you really stand back... there isn't as much going on in that show as the show initially leads on. After the first episode or so i was enthralled because it presents itself as though there is some big philosophical plan/idea/story in motion, but it's not that deep and it doesn't really have a thought out storyline/philosophy in mind. If you watch it, mostly take everything at face value and you don't need to theorize or think on anything at a deep level.... no mystery or philosophy in play... on a micro level there is at times but it's relatively straight forward. And I'm not afraid to make an absolute statement on something that is technically subjective but silo is an awful show. It's essentially 2 episodes worth of material with 8 episodes of mostly pointless boring filler. it ends on an interesting note, if you're dumb enough to believe that a show that failed in that department through the entire first season can somehow magically create something interesting/entertaining because it leaves you on an intriguing note with the notion it could be interesting going forward, despite it not being interesting up until that point. The proof is in the shyte they already put out. If they were capable of entertaining storyline they would have already achieved some semblance of it in the first season. It's also a show that has some bizarre casting and inconsistent acting... it's really unusual to have the degree of bad acting that this show has at times, but that's not why it's bad... it's just the cherry on top. And this also isn't why it sucks but I wish the main actress would decide on one accent and go with it. She sounds like she's battling a half dozen accents and they're all getting their arses kicked severely.


Please watch The Leftovers


The two I'll mention are nothing like Severance, but they are shows that keep you questioning what's going on, and the mystery behind it. Utopia (UK, 2013-2014) - Drama thriller, with quite a lot of violence. It's not really gory, but it is quite suggestive and does get graphic. The Good Place - Comedy show. Keeps you wondering where the show is gonna take you, and challanges you a little bit about philosphy. Then there's also Lost, but I think it's a little bit too much "mainstream/peak-time TV" vibe to quite be the same.


The Good Place is such a good recommendation!! Despite being at the polar opposite end of the spectrum in terms of vibe and energy. Multiple times during Severance I found myself thinking "this feels like The Good Place!" Just in the sense of—a cast of characters that don't know what's happening, working together to try and solve it and reach a common goal. And despite being so different, both shows leave you with that feeling of "now what?" crisis afterwards. Lmao.


Dont we all! A couple films that comes to mind are Terry Gilliam's Brazil from 1985 and Sorry To Bother You from 2018


Silo is good and so is Servant.


Mr Robot Black Mirror Legion Fargo True Detective (S1)


Black Mirror Mindhunter The Leftovers Mr. Robot


SILO on Apple+ TV has same vibes with a lot of suspense and feeling of being locked inside.


If you cant find a similar show try From, Silo , Foundation as they are all worth a watch and function as a good replacement show. My Recommendations & Top Shows[here](https://trakt.tv/users/electronic-dreams/lists)


check out the movie "The Double" it's like severance but directed by Terry Gilliam. DEVS is different but a bit of tangential vibe very Alex Garland-y, it's great Maniac The Double is probably your best bet but not a tv show.


Is that Trevor?


Shows with bad wigs? Anything with Nicole Kidman. That one Marvel show that got canceled after a few episodes…Inhumans? Umm what else…


I get sad even thinking about severance because it’s soooo good and likely won’t get season 2 for a good while.


You might like Legion. I think it’s available on Hulu. It’s pretty suspenseful and has a different vibe to it. One of my personal favorites. Black Mirror is another good option.


Hey look it's icetown!


3 episodes in, still don't like Severance yet.


Did you end up finishing the season?


Sadly. No


Try to go past episode 3.. It surely gets better!


The consultant




Not a show, but if you like Severance, you might like the game Control.


I see no one suggesting it so I'll say it. Homecoming (2018) with Julia Roberts.


Try homecoming season 1 (I've not seen season 2 yet) but the first season was giving me severance vibes when I watched it for the first time recently even thought it's a bit old now


Utopia UK version is the only thing that produces a similar otherworldly awe




The Leftovers!!!


Silo gave me the same vibes


The Little Drummer Girl The City and The City Silos Counterpart


That's a long ass name for a show.


Legion, Inside number #9.

