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I don’t get it.. he won that set though smh. Just say “you played a good game” and keep it moving


He really didn't take it well being outplayed by the #123. There was absolutely nothing Nardi did wrong and for Djokovic to try and emotionally bash a 20 yo like that after the literal win of his life is just lame, especially knowing he's his tennis idol. It's not like he was being bratty and provocative on court or super mega extrovert (Rune or Shelton-style), so he had zero reasons really. If he's mature enough, he'll apologise to Nardi privately or publicly or somehow. Djokovic does not play tournaments he doesn't want to win 100%, it's just that this year his expectation is above his actual level and cannot cope with it, thus resulting in two of his saltiest reactions ever. If I was Nardi I'd try and feel even more pumped for having made the #1 react like a child, seeing how much he wanted it.


Agreed. Mostly feel bad for Nardi because he idolizes Djokovic, and you can see the hurt on his face when Djokovic says this bullshit to him. Best moment of his life, and Djokovic shits on him. Unmerited and just mean to the kid.


Never ~~meet~~ beat your heroes


Never meat beat your heroes?


Never beat your heroes meat


Djokovic’s ego got the best of him


Doesn’t it more often than not?


This was really disappointing from Djoker. If he has nothing good to say he should at least keep quiet.


Wake up Neo. Dj always was like this.


I saw someone say in another thread that he's a "fake nice guy" and I feel nothing sums up Djoker perfectly...you can tell even when he's being nice it's not in his character...


This is always why I've disliked him. He's so disingenuous. And looks like his maskmis slipping more and more now as we seem to be at the beginning of the end.


Its kinda pathetic how a guy is basically the GOAT in the sport title-wise but still more concerned bout how people see him to put up phony acts.


tbh he just capitalizes very well on this weaker field, he just had like 12 gs before 2019 or something lol


Buddy tried to hold the Australian government hostage and people still want to convince themselves that he's a nice guy, lol. He's obnoxious and arrogant.


The worst thing is that some of his fans really convinced themselves, that’s crazy. A lot of people say the Australian government was in the wrong even tho there was a global pandemic


Djokovic’s ego got the best of him


The fact that this isn’t even the first time he’s been outplayed by a player ranked outside the top 100 AT THIS TOURNAMENT. Why is he so salty this year? Yeah he hasn’t played particularly well by his standards but that isn’t anyone’s fault but his own and probably Father Time. It’s giving superiority complex.


It's lame and uncalled for when he does it to the extroverts too. Beginning with hanging up on Shelton - It's obvious  what it is: Threatened.  One of these guys will retire him. That's just how it goes. He'll lose to one of them, retire, and that will be it. Sad, but life.


agreed the Shelton hang up was unwarranted and lame, but knowing him that was more expected because of Shelton's over-the-top celebrations (which are totally legit), and he could muster up some (unconvincing) joke/excuse for it. But in this case Nardi gave him absolutely nothing, he was the most respectful (even too much) opponent ever and he completely shat on him. I can't even rewatch it, feel too bad for Nardi.


Yeah, I don't understand the whole Shelton thing, he and many other people were just salty. I don't see an issue with someone celebrating a win or big points (whether they are cool or not is another story.) What about Shelton's celebration had anything to do with Djokovic?


I mean him admitting later that he was mad at Shelton for not saying to him in the locker room...this man needs therapy bc how on earth does something like that get under your skin lmao


Nice to see Novak's true colours showing. Opposite of Federer who got more mature and coped well with loses later in his career.


Djokovic was bad when he was younger too though. Remember how he kept retiring from matches, including the famous sore throat retirement vs Federer?


Time and again I’ve always seen this petty behaviour from Djokovic. This is why Nadal and Federer are on a different league!


What's the other salty one this year? The Shelton comment months afterwards, or..?


He was definitely salty then


I meant the two episodes in this match, the tantrum in the second set and then this net exchange.


The salt was too much that it poured out in this case.


Seemed very out of character, I don't remember he ever scolded someone at the net post-match. Novak really came out bad from this I'd say, needlessly salty.


Seems perfectly in character. He wins so often he usually lets things slide, but he clearly can be a pretty petty person sometimes.


I always get shocked when people pretend Djokovic before his 2020 USO default didn't exist. There is a reason why Rune is called "baby Djokovic". And even he looks tame in comparison to constant yelling, shirt ripping Djokovic we had back in the day. Do people think his reputation came out of nowhere or...?


Before 2020? They forget the one before 2011 exists lol


Idk why u got downvoted, Djok was a character when he was young, he matured and get better at controlling his character/emotion most of the time, but he would slip from time to time, just like before this in wimbledon, then launching ball at ref.. I guess ppl do have goldfish memory..


I didn't realize I got downvoted lmao Djokovic is Federer-like in that manner, two hot heads who got things under control once they started winning more, but the facade fades when they get frustrated. I'm not saying Djokovic is a bad dude, he's a professional athlete he's going to be in situations where he gets heated, but I don't know where this "he's always the perfect sportsman" narrative has come from.


> I don't know where this "he's always the perfect sportsman" narrative has come from. Gen Z really don't remember he was Rune but even louder when he was younger lmao.


The thing with Federer is that he changed when he matured, maybe because he lost more often, but Djokovic is 36yo and hasn’t changed at all


Fed's change also happened before a lot of people on this sub were born or cared about tennis. They don't know hot-head 1990's Roger who kind of annoyed the old pros at the time occasionally.


Maybe we'll start getting vintage 2000s-era Djokovic again




This is the worst result he’s had in a while, coming in the middle of the worst start to a season he’s had in a *long* time. I agree that it’s out of character for him to some degree, but it’s understandable *why* he’s acting out of character now—all of a sudden it may be time to face some harsh realities about his age and his body, which he’s mentally processing in real time.


Yeah, he usually keeps the saltiness contained within the match. It's very rare to see this stuff during a handshake.


Not cool. There was nothing even close to being a hinderance in that point. Players stop and reposition themselves to hit the ball differently all the time. He thought the ball was going out so he stopped but when it was called in he decided to hit a drop shot. Novak returned and hit a good drop shot. I’m sure if the kid didn’t get there in time to win the point Novak would have been celebrating. You’re great, but you’re not entitled to win everything. Novak didn’t lose the match because of that one point so it’s ridiculous that he was harping on it at the end.


Exactly, he decided to play the point and as soon as the kid went to to get the drop shot he decided to stop


Yep. I think he was more annoyed that the kid got to his drop shot because most people wouldn’t have.


Yeah... it looked like he decided to stop after he realized he hit a poor shot that would easily be returned for a winner. Nardi likely slowed down thinking he lost the point because of his poor shot and started again when he realized he didn't... pretty normal but usually happens with overheads. Sure it was a strange but the chair umpire would have obviously stopped the point earlier. Not sure what he was thinking or perhaps he just wasn't.


He also won that particular set so I don't even know why it mattered that much


It didn’t matter at all. Novak just needed something to complain about.


Story as old as time. You can see true character of athletes when they lose. When Djokovic is winning he is acting like some cool chill wholesome guy but when he is not, you can see it's all just acting. His decline is obvious and we will see this more often.


I dislike Djoko but in fairness to him, he usually is a gracious loser. I can't say this is out of character because he's done this kind of stuff before, but generally speaking he's not like this. That said, he's also old enough and should be mature enough that he doesn't behave this way, and it really solidifies my dislike of him as a person, so I guess there's that.


He’s gracious because barely looses


I think it also boils down to like... whether he got beaten (I.e. Alcaraz at Wimbledon) or whether he lost (this match). Not to take anything away from Nardi, he stayed composed and won the match, but Djokovic was out of it. It feels like he's angry at himself and lashing out, which goes back to the maturity.


He would've been in the wrong even if said point decided the match, which made it even more confusing when I realised that it happened in the 3rd game of the second set


Not only situations kind of like this one either. This exact situation is not uncommon at all. Players react like this all the time to shots they think are going out. It usually does have an effect on both players, but its very obviously not a hindrance. No signal or noise, just a slight pause.  Dude isn't allowed to stop moving? Lmfao


I'm confused. Is he talking about another particular point in the last set? Novak won the set in which the incident where he stopped playing happened lol.


No he’s mad he lost so he’s hanging on the one moment he thought was unfair…despite knowing it was fair.


He won the set anyways, there was no need to bring it up like that at the net :(


His comment after the match too were just so pompous. “I’m not used to not having a title in the beginning of the year.” And whose fault is that my guy? Stop whining and play tennis.


This is the same guy who brought up the whole Ben Shelton celebration thing again unprompted months after the fact. His brilliance as a player goes without saying, but Novak just can’t help but be a twat


Djokovic is the hero noone outside of his base wants. He has flashes of cool a lot. But his Twattyness is a let down.


I tried man, he's just so fuckin unlikeable


ridiculous and he ruined his opponent joy after beating him. When great players lose a match to a young player they usually give them credit because it's a great accomplishment. he robbed him of that feeling


Why does that sound like lyrics to some pop song… *It’s not right but bravo.* *It’s not right but bravo.* *It’s not right but bravo.* *No no no. Bravo.*


Maneskin would totally drop this banger




It’s not right but it’s ok , I’m gonna make it anyways @WhitneyNadal


Aw I miss them


It’s giving “it’s not right but it’s ok”


Got Whitney Houston wagging that finger in my head lol


Yeah I’m not with Nole on this one. The umpire was right, Nardi thought it was going out and reacted as such. He didn’t stop the point, he just stuttered for a moment.


Not only that, Novak made no indication to stop. He played a drop shot and ran to the net. The only after his opponent ran to get the ball, he decides his only defense is to stop playing.


he decided to whine when he know his drop shot sucked lol I mean play on as no call from line judge/referee, he is no amateur


There would've been no complaint from Novak had he won the point on his drop shot, but Nadi chased it down like a champ.


that drop didn't suck, Nardi was just too quick


Right Djokovic can’t just assume the point is over because of a casual drop shot. Until a call is made the point is still live


I'm not sure how perhaps the greatest player ever can think for a moment he was in the right. The ball was called in, he made the return if a little awkwardly, and Novak simply lost the point. I don't understand his gripe.


He’s a douche-bag. Simple as that. Still the best to pick up the racquet. But boy does he suck sometimes


You didn’t hit the ball like I expected you to. Is he kidding me?


Maybe he's taking the gluten free diet to seriously needs some wheat


Such a childish behavior from Nile what the fuck was that? Suck it up and let the kid enjoy his win.


Novak is being sore about ONE point? It seemed Nardi thought it would be called long. When it wasn't he got back in the point. Play to the whistle. Simple. If he questions why he's not as popular, play this back to him and that will explain it. Not cool.




He went on and won the second set regardless of this point so it's just baffling why he's fixated on this point. Novak is at fault for stopping, not Nardi. If didn't wanna be beaten, he should play better and acknowledge his opponent played well.


What was he meaning? Is he still whining about the stop start point or something? If that’s the case he’s taking away from this kids big moment quite badly.


lucky loser vs sore loser


Pin this shit


best comment


I think Djoko just found his new mantra for meditating.


That's fuckin hilarious


Wow djoko gotta ruin the biggest moment in his young career because of something that is objectively a non issue? That's pathetic


In the heat of the moment I sort of get him being annoyed. I mean he’s 100% wrong but players sometimes just like to complain and vent and he was losing and had just lost his one break lead in the second. I thought during that argument he slowly realized he was wrong. It’s a whole other thing to still be thinking about it a set and a half later and bring it up immediately at the handshake. I thought he’d have had clarity about it by then. He WON that set! Really poor form to try to take away from the young guy who idolizes you in that moment when he’s just had the best moment of his career. I get everyone hates losing so you don’t have to be happy for the guy or even give a great handshake or congrats but you don’t have to do THAT either. Was really surprised he still didn’t realize he was in the wrong about the whole thing.


That shit is straight up embarrassing and indefensible for a 36 year old and world #1. He’s always so gracious at the net too, so to sully that with this behavior is doubly disappointing.


Yeah I’m a Novak fan, this is unacceptable man. Plus Nardi is a big fan too, imagine beating your idol and he doesn’t even really congratulate you


A real “don’t meet your heroes” moment.


same, I mean I'm a Nole fan, but not the first or last time I'm disappointed in him, BUT the worst thing for me is that Nardi is a huge fan lol poor guy


Nardi said he’s never taking the Novak poster off his door now 😂


lmao legend


Only toward certain players that he thinks are sufficiently servile to him. Wasn’t nice to Shelton either


Awful from Novak. Sore loser behaviour. Certainly lost a couple points in my book.


Novak: It’s only fair when I do it https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HtSwrm5V65c


That's a Monfils fake out if I've ever seen one.


Great find, I remember this point. And the interesting thing is Stan actually had more of a basis to be confused, because this was in the era of player-guided challenges only (no live hawkeye)


Holy shit, that even makes him hypocritical. So disappointing from Djokovic, I thought he was better than this


Genuine question, why? He has always been this way. He wins so much admittedly so we don't often get to see it, but he's such a sore fucking loser. 


Sad to hear. Nardi seems like such a good kid and seems to really idolize Novak. I really hope Novak comes to his senses and makes it up to him somehow.


That was really sad to watch…you won everything and you made the history of the sport, you show respect and graciousness in defeat, especially in front of a 20 years old kid who looks up at you. Really sad to watch, everyone is human but you would expect this kind of behaviour from someone younger. Not acceptable.


This is exactly the type of behavior I’d expect from Novak though. Has nothing to do with age


Yea it's not like it's new for him to behave unsportsmanlike


Umpire: Nardi won the point. Djoke: What do you mean? Umpire: Do I....stutter?


I don’t understand why he stopped. At first I thought he was giving the point to Nardi because they both thought the line call was wrong and the serve was out. I wonder if he would have complained had his drop shot been a winner.


Initially, I thought he stopped as he assumed his drop shot went out. Weird one.


I hope it won't turn into another Shelton situation when he keeps talking shit about a kid for months.


Poor Ben. I still don't understand why Djokovic did that to him. Djokovic behaves as if he's some poster boy of good behaviour when he was way way way worse when he came on the tour.


Yeah, the hate was insane. It actually made me Ben's supporter because he took it like a champ.


but joker is such a good mentor to all the younger players !!!! (not that he isnt usually, but joker fans are insane)


Salty salty


Tbf Novak you still won that set, also terrible haircut man


He got a fade and faded out of the tournament


Added a slight fade to his haircut and his form faded with it


He needs his lego hair his form will be back


So the stuttering from Nardi is the reason he lost? He had multiple chances over 3 sets to change the outcome. GTFOH.


Well I can tell you who isn’t gonna win the best sportsmanship award


I always love when people want to prop up Novak as the beacon of class, and then they stay silent when he pulls nonsense like this. Ruining such a big moment for a 20 year old is such a weak move. He tries to come off as humble, but his inflated ego and arrogance has always been there. He's a jerk and it always comes out when he doesn't get his way.


He might well be the best tennis player ever but stuff like this is why he won’t ever be universally loved and considered the greatest


If I was in Nardi's shoes, this stupid statement would make my angry, but not letting me say anything / answer would be even worse.


Right? He's not even letting the guy talk. Like he says what he wants to say but when Nardi tries to respond he goes "no, it was wrong but bravo" over and over lol. Bringing it up was one thing but then wouldn't let the dude speak. 🤣🤣🤣


The fact that Nardi said Novak was is idol makes it even worse. Never meet your heroes.


Nothing about that was anyone’s fault. Why did Novak act like he was wronged in some way. Even if he thought it he should have never said anything but good game to Nardi. Novak didn’t play bad, his opponent outplayed him.


Our real nature is revealed in the face of adversity. It is very easy to be buddy buddy with someone you win against more often than not. It is almost impossible to be that same person with someone who makes you suffer and beats you too.


Never meet your idols/heroes.


I still don't understand why so many people like Djokovic, like this kind of bad loser or bad attitude on court, is unusual for him. He's always been this way. Off court he plays the victim.. why does nobody like me.. and I don't buy it. I don't buy all these PR Stunts either with charities or kids. He's not a nice person period, and I think it's weird how many people on this sub reddit excuse the behavior. Would you want your kids looking up to him? I wouldn't.


His arrogance was always there. Since the moment he came on tour. It's very easy to be all good and gracious when he's winning everything. People here dig out 20 year old Federer clips when he was the tiniest bit salty and whine about it. Imagine a 36 year old Novak bullying Shelton and now this.


I’ve always said that Djokovic is a really sore looser. We just don’t see it much since he has had so much success. How you act when things don’t go your way says more about you as a person than how you act when things are going well.


Disrespectful af


Sore loser moment. Why on earth coudn't anyone play without running or jumping around? Kid stoped, so what? Coudn't he be playing with his eyes closed as well if he wanted to? And, anyways, it was clearly a misjudgement moment that he corrected and moved on. End of story.


Djokovic needs to chill out, maybe go to the Nardi Gras.


Lmao I swear Djoke's brain is rotting. That odd moment he interpreted weirdly changed nothing about the match. Pathetic really, and Nardi adores the guy. Horrible sportsmanship.


what a jerk thing to do / say


And Nardi says "sorry I didn't mean to disrespect you" lol! Shame on Nole nardi didn't do anything wrong


He didn’t even stop lol


Even if Nardi intentionally acted like he thought the ball was out, and then somehow, hit a shank of a drop shot, it still wouldn't have been a hindrance. There is no perspective, angle, or scenario in the world that makes this a hindrance. Novak was complaining because his shot didn't flow with the normal rhythm, but why should it. And then to bring it up at the end of the match, after the biggest win of Nardi's career, is totally poor form.


His hindrance argument might conceivably hold weight if not for the fact that djokovic continued to also play the point By his own logic djokovic also hindered the point by stopping at the end Like you got thrown by Nardis confusion and didn’t position yourself right to win the point but you still lost the point fair and square The lack of grace is cringe


I don't even see what the issue is. Are you not allowed to disguise a drop shot?


For real. Like who the fuck cares if he stopped anyway? How does that constitute a hindrance?


It's not right that I don't know the rules and am gonna whine about it instead of letting you enjoy this moment.


Disappointed in Nole here tbh. Kid's a huge fan and just won the biggest match of his life. I get Djokovic is struggling in his game lately and it's frustrating him, but don't take it out on someone in their biggest moment. Hope he personally apologizes to Nardi.


I’ll repeat Novak has done this to opponents before in his career. 


I’m shocked by the number of people in here calling this uncharacteristic. Like have y’all been watching the same Novak as me for the last 20 years? There’s a reason he’s never NOT ONCE won the sportsmanship award.


every year my random dislike for novak since i was a teenager is more and more justified. god this guy is a baby


Alas, Novak had been trying so hard to become a human being to match his accomplishments that I almost believed he deserved to join Roger and Rafa as a statesman-like figure in tennis history.


I have never liked him 


He's all about the mental game until someone uses it on him


The point was perfectly fine. Nardi kept playing after a moment of hesitation, and clearly ran to Djokovic's pretty decent drop shot. He got to it, which is THEN when Djokovic decided to stop the point himself. All Djokovic had to do was hit Nardi's shot (he would have reached it) and he'd have won the point. He had so much time after seeing Nardi run to his drop shot. HE stopped the point. Nole is 100% the one at fault here. Hesitation does not equal a hinderance. If Nardi had hit his shot out or into the net, I think Djokovic might have even got a hindrance against HIM, which would have been even funnier.


Djokovic, your opponent hit the ball over the net. You're supposed to keep playing


The incident also happened in the second set which Novak still won. How did that point affect the whole rest of the match? Poor sportsmanship.


As great as Novak is and he wins so much so you don’t see it often, the way he acts in tough matches and losses is one of his biggest flaws. I’ve watched so many of his matches over the years and have seen him rip towels out of ball kids hands, smack balls around the court, scream and curse at people, slam many racquets, etc. he’s usually good at turning it off once the match is over but here he looked too upset to do so. I can understand why people have a hard time rooting for him.


The end is near. Thank God finally


I guess Djokovic is teaching the incoming generation that, even if you lose to a lower-ranked opponent, never miss an opportunity to punch down. Djokovic can’t even let the guy enjoy the biggest moment of his career untarnished by Novak getting in the last word. Pathetic, truly.


wow. how pathetic. 36 year old baby, no class.


He’s going to feel like an idiot after rewatching the replay. Please apologize Mr GOAT 😊


Am I the only person who thinks this is how Djoker has always been?


No I’m here too man


Nope, count me in too


He was being salty. Lost to #123.


Where are all the Djoko fans at? What you think about this?


this is really petty from novak. if he didnt hit that dropshot and stopped the play there the point probably wouldve been replayed, he seemed mad that the #123 ranked player got to his dropshot😂 he wouldnt be so salty if that was carlos or jannik not cool bringing it up at the net. you could see nadris disappointment at being treated like that and how confused he was. bro literally lost the set where that happened, he probably didnt even remember that point😖


Novak is never going to stop producing such moments.


Classic Djokovic…   So he thinks he should be allowed to literally fall into the net and touch his opponents side during a live point and not get a hinderance call. But if his opponent pauses for a brief second during a live point he should get called for hinderance. That’s rich!


Very simple…the ball was in, so it doesn’t matter what Nardi did or didn’t do. If the ball didn’t bounce twice, the point is live.


What a salty, poor loser…


No MTO and extended bathroom break this time?


Novak being salty after a loss? something really off with him mentally, hope he sorts it out soon.


Djokovic needs some pepper to even out that saltiness.


Sore loser. It was a single point and he won that set. Play on and don’t ruin the moment for a young player.


Djokovic was wrong. Period. Every time I want to like the guy he pulls shit like this. Luca returned. Didn’t make a move or call the shot out. Got to the next ball. No hindrance. Point, Nardi.


Djokovik is dickhead


Now that's the Novak I know!


That was weird and uncool. Come on Djokovic, congratulate the kid.


Nice guy Novak fades into oblivion when he starts to lose.


More like, "It's not fair, but well done." Kind of a dickish comment.


I love the matter if fact way the Umpire spoke to Nole...Bravo


One point didn’t lose this match.


This is actually unreal, for a player to claim the point ends because their opponent stopped running. And to argue with the umpire about it! I stopped being a fan of his long ago but this is a whole new low.


he is a classless jerk


this is the same when you play a game and a sore loser comes and tell you "good game but all you do is push the ball", Djokovic showing his real side


Novak has had two of the worst reactions to losses this year, and it’s only mid March. No one likes losing, I get that. But his comments have taken media attention away from a massive moment for the person who beat him


So, this is 2 losses from Novak's last 3 matches isn't it? AO SF, Win against Vukic here, then loss to Nardi? Can't remember the last time I saw Novak lose two matches so close together. And yeah this was a bit petty. C'mon man, it's not like Nardi was trying to screw him up on purpose. He hit a soft shot, then readjusted and immediately played the point out Having to actually *bring this up* at the end of the match.... that's a bit of a princess move.


Shit like this is why Novak has far fewer fans than Roger, Rafa, Andi, and even next gen players like Alcaraz and Rublev. And he fully deserves it.


This right here is why Djok will never have the people’s love


Wait, how many languages does he speak?


Over 9000 if you count all the Balkan languages separately


Tf is that trim


I respect him a lot despite not being a huge fan of him. But thats not a good look


Fake nice guy


Novak is one to talk. Remember when he was Nardi’s age, he used the I’m injured card so often that Roddick called him out for it? Yeah, no it wasn’t a hindrance to anyone back then but somehow this is a hindrance to him now huh?


Djokovic seems very frustrated with a lot of things lately. Something is definitely happening in his life or maybe he's kinda burnt out from tennis. In recent years he has become very gracious but it's like he started a reverse path now. As his fan this was very salty from him, I don't think Nardi did something wrong. And why did Djokovic even run to the ball if he thought the point was stopped?


pretty shit thing to say considering this kid grew up with his poster in his room. maybe he takes it down after this.


nardi didnt think the ball was going out. he OUTPLAYED NOVAK SO HARD. Its usually Kyrgios that does outplays like this but this outplay is the best one. Monfils does this a lot where he pretends to stop but thats when he already about to lose the point.


“You fucking stopped!” Shoutout to the feistiest Fed Murray match.


I don’t understand how Nardis shot is even close to a hindrance. He didn’t shout, didn’t wave his hands to distract the opponent, it just looked like he misjudged the bounce and couldn’t hit his regular shot so just hit a soft shot back into the court. It also didn’t have any bearing on the result as he won that set.