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I think in Novak's mind this is the best he can hope for. Missing Wimbledon sucks but his biggest focus is on trying to win the Olympics which only comes  once every 4 years so he's going to do everything  he can to make sure he's in the best possible shape for it 


No need to switch surfaces to adjust to clay again as well...


Surely the Olympic grounds team will clean the clay more frequently...


Who knows, he may play Wimbledon too actually. We'll see, it will be interesting to hear him after this surgery and his expectations and plans.


Are there any clay tournaments before the Olympics? I know there is a summer clay season, just I’m not sure when they take place. Figure he could play a small one just to retune himself.


Yes there are; the Hamburg 500 tournament and the 250’s of Gstaad, Bastad, Umag and Kitzbuhel are right between Wimbledon and the Olympics, just like Atlanta on hard for the Americans who didn’t qualify for the games I guess lol.


Yeah I can imagine Novak playing one of these, possibly Hamburg or Umag, if he misses WB.


He should only play the singles.


Why is everyone so sure about him missing Wimbledon? It's in about 4 weeks, if he recovers in 3 or perhaps slightly earlier if lucky, it's possible. He's always had little to no prep before Wimbledon because he's a massive favorite especially in Week 1. Missing Wimbledon IMO is way worse than a glorified Masters. He hasn't been doing well in BO3 clay matches anyway so I'd expect a win far less at the Olympics than at a suboptimally prepared Wimby.


I don't think most players agree with the "glorified Masters" label. The Olympics have simply long been taught to be this mythical competition and the pinnacle of sport.


The Olympics is the only title he doesn't have. It's not about anything more than that


If he wins Wimbledon this year he will be the grass GOAT.


Nah, he's 7-2 in wimbledon finals. Fed is 8-4, and sampras is 7-0. At best it would just be up for debate - he's the clear best at Australian, rafa is the clear best at RG. Djoker has basically the same argument now for grass as he would if he won this year.


Fed fanboys still coping and pretending like he didn't lose 3 Wimbledon Finals to Djokovic. He also took a lot of those titles when Nadal/Djokovic/Murray weren't threats.


8 titles and 12 finals > 7 titles and 9 finals, and frankly sampras won his wimbledon titles when grass was actually grass pre-homogenization so I can't take him being 7-0 in wimbledon finals out of the mix The point is to be the grass GOAT you have to clearly stand out over the rest (like he does at Melbourne, and like rafa does at RG). Djokovic isnt the clear greatest on grass ever. Also, it isnt "fed is lucky he didn't have to play rafa/murray/novak", it's "novak is lucky he didn't have to play fed in 03-08" at wimbledon. If Novak couldn't beat him in 2012 on grass, he sure as hell wasn't going to beat a younger better Fed in the earlier years.


Only 1 less title in a tougher era and beating the guy you think is the grass GOAT in 3/3 Finals and just being an overall better player > Federer's 8 titles. No, Fed is lucky he got to farm the likes of Tim Henman in the mid 2000s without the other 3 being factors lmao.


I didnt say Fed was the grass GOAT - I am saying between Fed Sampras and Djoker there isn't any clear grass GOAT. I do appreciate the irony in you implying that the era of Roddick was weak when Djokovic has a losing head to head against that very player though (and that's all 2007 and later, so this was a winning head to head against a slam finalist/champion Djokovic).


Did you not see Federer play grass tennis from 03-2012? Or even 2019? Even if somehow Novak got to 8, I don't think he played better grass tennis than Fed or Sampras. Fed's movement and footwork on the surface was just in another category altogether, which enabled him to remain competitive and dominate grass up until 2019. He's definitely the peak of the sport on grass with 12 Wimbledon finals. Sucks he lost 3? Wimbledon Finals to Novak, but I think anybody honestly watching the sport would credit that to fed aging past 2013 than Novak clearly being the better grass courter.


>Sucks he lost 3? Wimbledon Finals to Novak, but I think anybody honestly watching the sport would credit that to fed aging past 2013 than Novak clearly being the better grass courter. Lol, the cope is real, 2019 still hurting y'all bad. You all generally talk how he's amazing and that age barely affected him, winning Slams 5 years after 2013, but suddenly that's a factor. Novak is the better grass courter, he beat him in 3 Finals, and didn't have to luxury to farm like 4-5 Wimby's during his prime 20s like Fed when the other Big 3 + Murray members weren't a threat in the mid 2000s.


Stop the ad hominem fallacy and listen to the argument. IDC if Novak or Alcaraz becomes the grass GOAT next. Federer is a billionaire currently living it up in the Swiss Alps. He needs no defending. But it's obvious to any objective observer of the sport that Federer is the better player on grass. The best we've seen when at his peak from 03-09, and past it as well. The second probably isn't Nole either. It's Sampras. "and didn't have to luxury to farm like 4-5 Wimby's during his prime 20s like Fed when the other Big 3 + Murray members weren't a threat in the mid 2000s." - Right. Federer didn't beat Peak Young Rafa twice and finally lost to Rafa in 2008. Did you just start watching the sport in 2015?


The argument is terrible and you're not objective at all, stop pretending. 03-09 was a weaker era compared to the 2010s, especially 03-07, that's the illusion of Federer being better on grass. As soon as the other 3 grew up it was over for his dominance. His Tim Henman and Roddick farming days were over. Saying that Sampras is 2nd is even more of a ridiculously laughable statement. Dude playing serve & volley in a non-Big 3 + Murray era = better than Djokovic? Don't even have to mention the same amount of Wimbledon titles in said weaker era. If Novak played Sampras, his serve would be neutralized and he'd have 1-2 Wimbledons at best. So yeah, you're clueless. >Peak Young Rafa Gotta love how you add "young" because even you know that statement is BS since Rafa's actual peak was 2010 and he struggled on grass till 2008. Or maybe YOU started watching the sport in 2015 if you didn't know that. \- **EDIT: Since the coward has to block people right after he responds so they can't reply back lmao:** \- Ah yes, because a 23-24 person isn't "young" lmao. There is 1 peak and 1 peak only, not a "young" peak or an "old" peak. >Your takes are childish and absurd Says the guy who unironically says "young" peak lmao. Literally the first time I read that phrase in my life, that's how terrible your take is. >In your reality, there can't possibly be any better player than Novak on any aspect of the game because Novak has records? Novak is not the best on clay, his serve isn't the best, neither is his forehand, volley or smash just to name a few. So no, I don't think he's the best in every aspect of the game, that's just you putting words in my mouth or misinterpreting what I'm saying. The fact of the matter is: he beat Fed in all their 3 Wimbledon Finals and he played in a stronger era, that's why he's a better grass court player.


"03-09 was a weaker era compared to the 2010s, especially 03-07, that's the illusion of Federer being better on grass. As soon as the other 3 grew up it was over for his dominance. His Tim Henman and Roddick farming days were over." 'If Novak played Sampras, his serve would be neutralized and he'd have 1-2 Wimbledons at best. So yeah, you're clueless." Peak Young Rafa "Gotta love how you add "young" because even you know that statement is BS since Rafa's actual peak was 2010" Your takes are childish and absurd. In your reality, there can't possibly be any better player than Novak on any aspect of the game because Novak has records? Guess what, on grass, all of them are held by Federer and Sampras. In addition to how he/they played, won and set their records on the surface... I don't think Federer played in a week era. Neither did Novak from 18-22 where he amassed another 10? slams. I don't like wasting time with people who lack nuance. Blocking you. Don't bother responding.


The Olympics are simply not valued the same across all sports. For example in Tennis and Football/soccer they're worth far, far less than a Grand slam or World cup. Whereas it's the most important event for swimmers or sprinters. Fact of the matter is: A Slam = BO5, the absolute highest ranked players, gives ATP points. Olympics = none of the above. The fact it's BO3 is a joke, most of all. And I will die on that hill.


I get where you're coming from, just trying to say that not all tennis players necessarily agree. [Djokovic himself has been fairly open about how much me rates the Olympics](https://www.itftennis.com/en/news-and-media/articles/djokovic-i-dont-regret-giving-it-my-all-at-tokyo-2020/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%20do%20have%20a%20regret,to%20exhaustion%20mentally%20and%20physically.%E2%80%9D) on numerous occasions. But yeah, someone less accomplished than him would possibly not view them as crucial.


novaks reaction after his loss in 2016 also shows how important it is to him https://youtu.be/Nfx0ypeukHo?feature=shared


Yeah they don't have to agree, doesn't mean they're right lol. It's purely a patriotic thing, all the other facts show us that Slams are far superior, especially Wimbledon.


You’re not wrong, but it does matter to players on a personal level. I do wish ATP took it more serious. I do think Olympics should be BO5. Olympics are supposed to display a pinnacle of athleticism, you’re not gonna do much by making it a BO3 or “a glorified masters”. Hell it used to give 400 ATP points and then 750, it wasn’t even a “masters”. Finals used to be BO5 but they changed even that like wtf, why shouldn’t players fight a little harder, they’re both guaranteed a medal anyway. But Novak definitely cares about the Olympics.


Yeah I never disputed that he cares about it, I'm just talking tennis legacy-wise missing Wimbledon is worse. I also give him a <10% chance of taking the Olympics so that's also an aspect that plays into it not mattering as much overall.


I share your view of the Olympics as it relates to Tennis, but our view doesn't matter. It matters how the players see it and specifically Novak. I will say, I can see the appeal of winning a gold medal and this is about the only significant event Novak hasn't won.


I get that it matters to him on a patriotic level but missing out on #25 + record equaling Wimbledon is worse in terms of legacy.


Buddy he's not winning Wimbledon this year, even if he plays.


Alcaraz fanboy acting like Novak isn't a favorite at Wimbledon just because he lost 1 Final based on 1 or 2 unlucky points after winning 4 in a row lmao. Buddy we know you're insanely happy he's injured otherwise you'd be shitting yourself if he was in the draw.


> Missing Wimbledon IMO is way worse than a glorified Masters. I'm not sure I agree with your other points, but I appreciate you calling Olympics for what they are despite the rain of downvotes.


What's there not to agree with? It's possible as seen in the case of Fritz having a similar injury at RG and playing Wimbledon. As for him not being a favorite in a BO3 clay tournament especially post injury, this is a fact. He has historically botched the Olympics even when he was the favorite (2012/2016/2020) on more preferable surfaces.


Here’s wishing a speedy recovery to Novak. Hope to see him playing his best tennis whenever he returns to the tour.


He takes his health seriously. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s back on the court in 2 weeks. When is Wimbledon?


He’d be an idiot if he tried to force it. Being back on court in 2 weeks is not taking his health seriously, quite the opposite.


3 and a half weeks until wimbledon


He would play almost exactly 4 weeks from now


Second comment I read in this thread and it's already a crazy opinion.


I know it sounds crazy but i think its possible that Novak, a player who takes his health more seriously than any other and possibly the greatest athlete of all time, can recover 2 weeks from now…


The fact that he takes his health seriously means he won’t take risks recklessly just to rush things


As a Novak fan I just hope he's ready for the Olympics He won't be the absolute favorite with his 2024 form and coming directly off an injury but it's basically the only thing he hasn't won yet and it would be really sad if he doesn't even get a chance


I think the key is that he really is healthy and has no pain at all though. The last thing you want is him showing up on a gimpy knee and pushing too hard bc he wants to play Olympics, and then re-injuring it. This happens all the time. Of course with the help of the energy pyramids anything is possible.


Yeah but what's left for him to save himself for? You could argue that a Gold Medal is the final accomplishment, so why not put everything on the line?


Well it would be nice if he could win another slam or at the very least not miss US open yet again but I think he would risk it all for Olympic gold


I think he might get a 2nd wind for 1 more slam if he DOES win the olympics.


Will be hard for current djokovic to win it if peak djokovic couldn’t but a 100% motivated djokovic is a force of nature


Usually meniscus injuries that go through a successful surgeries have a pretty reliable turn around. The chance of re-injury is fairly minimal, and good performances are realistically possible. Novaks age definitely throws a question mark on it, but he *should* be at least able to safely give the olympics a go.


A minor miniscus tear is more of an annoyance and a nag than a weakness, like a ligament or tendon tear. There is a motion where it doesn’t feel right, and can ‘bite’ which is what djokavitch was experiencing on the court, and he still won a deep tough match. I think he has a miniscisceptomy , which for a minor tear just means that they rounded off the edges of the tear so it doesn’t “bite”. So I guess my point is that unlike ligament damage, or even a sprained ankle, this injury can likely have limited impact after 4 weeks.


Sorry, it seems like you’re very knowledgeable so wanted to ask for some quick advice.  I recently injured something in my glute when i was extending my leg laterally to reach a foothold while rock climbing. It feels like a deep pain in the butt that hasn’t gone away after a month. It felt like it was going away but after tennis yesterday it reemerged. Is there any point in going to the doctor or are they just going to tell me to rest and give it time? I had issues with plantar fasciitis and they just told me to rest and take it easy on exercising…


No idea - usually things like that clear-up after a month. I'd do a ton of stretching (be sure to do rotation stretches in your hips/lower back too) and it does not get better in another month, maybe try a session of dry-needling. If that doesn't do anything check with a doc. If it ever 'bites' like a stabbing feeling, get it checked-out. note: I'm not a doc or any kind of med professional :)


Go see a physiotherapist


Ugh i was hoping to avoid spending a hundred bucks on that


Does it shoot nerve or burning pain down your leg sometimes? Or is it more like a stabbing pain?


most of the time it's kind of a numb pain like when your muscles are sore but certain movements cause a shooting pain that travels from my butt down my thigh. for example, kicking a soccer ball the other day i immediately felt the shooting pain from the butt to the thigh.


Have you tried the chiropractor? I had an injury and it would sometimes shoot pain down my thigh like that. Chiro fixed it.


> As a Novak fan I just hope he's ready for the Olympics As a Novak fan, I'm terrified about the Olympics. It is and always was just a coin flip and because of that these medals have no true worth. But if he fails to get the gold, I know it will break his heart. I don't want to see him leaving the court crying again.


He certainly won't have any motivation problems there. He's more vulnerable in Bo3 these days, but anyone counting out a hungry Djokovic is a fool.


Novak has an Olympic bronze medal from way back in 2008: Beijing.


Bronze is different than gold. In many ways.


Tell that to all the Olympians who’ve won Bronze/Silver medals for their countries.


I bet they'd prefer gold


Oh absolutely, everyone trains for years for the Olympic Gold. But a medal is still an impressive achievement.


Yeah, but like the other comment said, bronze is different than gold


Not for the GOAT.


But that's not really how tennis works. If Novak's best career result at RG was just a SF appearance, you wouldn't think he accomplished all that he needed to in Paris.


Well there’s 16 times as many slams


This may end up being a blessing in disguise. Now he gets to rest before the Olympics versus going to Wimbledon like the rest of the field and maybe being exhausted by the time the Olympics come around. The rest of the field may be worn out and it’ll be his best chance to finally get that medal


I just hope he won't play doubles at the Olympics. Last time that completely drained his energy.




Paris will not be colder


Paris is much much cooler Tokyo is pretty much tropical in summer.


There's no way he does IMO.


Nina Stojanovic probably agrees w/you 💀


anyway, there is no serbian woman who has a ranking which is high enough to qualify a pair🤣


Danilovic might be top 100 by July ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Useless. Based on Tokyo OG, she needs to reach top 60 in Singles or doubles so that her and nole’s combined ranking will be high enough


I doubt ALL mixed doubles pair gonna have that high a ranking tho


The lowest combined ranking among all 16 pairs in Tokyo was 56. Nole and Nina was 54 (1 SR + 53 DR). One of the pairs withdrew, otherwise they would hv been the cutoff pair. the ranking of nina showed how mediocre she was (9x SR. 5X DR which are also her career high)


There are male players he can play doubles with though.


No way he can win a medal with Lajovic/Kecmanovic/Djere, all of whom are singles players who are mediocre in singles too


His best chance was 2021. He ruined it by playing mixed doubles and wasting his energy for no reason. He MIGHT have a chance this year if he goes balls to the wall.


On top of that, he doesn't need to get acclimated to a new surface, as he just came back from playing on clay.


Only a blessing in disguise if he truly cares about the Olympics more than Wimbledon.


He does. Anyone else we could probably confidently say no. But for Novak at this point in his career, he’d pick Olympic gold over one more slam.


Everyone says this, but it's not actually based on anything. It's just an assumption.


I totally didn’t think of that. I’ve always wondered though every year when I randomly think about the Olympics how close it is to Wimbledon. This is truly a blessing in disguise. It’s fucking tough to expect someone to win a slam and then Olympic gold. I think this is Novak being given a huge favour. He doesn’t get injured he plays Wimbledon, which is just too fucking close to the Olympics to put your best effort in both. Olympics matters way way more anyways, it happens once every 4 years compared to Wimbledon which is just another slam and happens annually


rest of which field? only a couple people from each country are sent.


He’ll likely need to compete against the top players to get a medal. They’re all going to be there. Alcaraz, Sinner, Zverev, Tsitsipas, Ruud, Rune… If they all have decent runs during the grass season then have to go play the Olympics right after, they may be more worn down and tired than a rested Djokovic.


Rested while rehabbing is not the same as resting while healthy. The human body has enough capacity to recover, and more so with the younger players. So that’s a complete non-factor to me. You’re throwing out all variables and saying - Novak form is going to be back at its peak with tennis and mental abilities, all those will be as it was in a state of constant while all other variables will work against the others. Besides, isn’t Olympics a best of 3 sets, reducing the mental advantage Novak gets when games go to a 5th set. I am a HUGE Djokovic fan but I don’t see things with Nole glasses 😊




On a MINOR surgery!?!? That's basically the equivalent of wearing a Band-Aid^TM


Bamboozled us again


Why would he do that? You are delusional. He was poised to get to the semis.


They are being sarcastic.


Thank goodness. I thought he was suffering from Novak Derangement Syndrome


NDS is a horrible illness


3 weeks is a really short time, so the only way this could be possible is if it was a minor tear and they just removed a small piece of it


3 weeks is a pretty typical recovery for a meniscus removal surgery.  Meniscus repair is where the longer recovery times come in. Athletes tend to opt for removal instead of repair; it lets them come back to the sport sooner and has a very very high success rate. Meniscus repair has between 50-80% success rate, and athletes just aren’t willing to sit out for a few months for a surgery that might not even be successful. 


I think Fritz had a similar injury where he was only out for 3 weeks too 


Indeed. This is standard, it means all went well.


3 weeks until he can walk properly again, it will take him at least 3 months until he can train at 100% capacity and start working toward reaching his grand slam contending level again.


No. He’ll be up walking in a few days to a week.  Taylor fritz had meniscus surgery after the French open and played at a high level in Wimbledon. 


Can people read, it has already been said that Fritz had a similar meniscus tear that requires a surgery as well at RG and yet he managed to comeback for Wimbledon healthy. Obviously Djokovic is 37 years old, so he probably won't recover for Wimbledon but it won't take 3 months. It's crazy how people state misinformations with so much confidence.


Just because it worked like this for Fritz doesn't mean it's the standard.


The standard is between 3 weeks to 6 weeks. So we're still far from you random 3 months statement.




You are full weight bearing after a meniscus debridement and with rehab every day you should be walking without crutches or any assistance within a week maximum if you’re a professional athlete. It’s purely pain management limiting progression as there is no repair to protect with this surgery.


I love how many people on here are absolutely certain that it’ll either “only be X long” or “it has to be at least X long” No one here has his medical chart. No here knows how the rehab will go, or if there will be setbacks, no one here knows if he’ll even think of trying for Wimbledon or just not risk it because Olympics are *that* important to him. Also yes, Taylor Fritz came back from the same injury at the French to play and play well at Wimbledon but that’s not normal plus Fritz was what 23-years-old when it happened? Fair to assume it’ll take Novak a little longer. I know I know he takes great care of his body but 37 is 37 especially with all those miles. I’m not ruling anything out, but think it’s hilarious so many people are certain one way or the other.


Fritz had less time to recover for Wimbledon though. In 2021 RG was one week late and Wimbledon started the 26 june, Wimbledon starts the first Jully this year. That and the fact Fritz get the surgery the 9 June, Djokovic the 5 June. Fritz managed to be ready for Wimbledon in less than 3 weeks. Djokovic has almost 4 weeks.


Okay. That doesn’t change anything that I said though.


Something tells me he is trying his hardest to ensure he can make Wimbledon. Otherwise why would he jump into surgery so soon? 3 weeks from today which is the date of his surgery it will be June 26th. Official start date of Wimbledon is July 1st. I think it’s doable for him, even if it’s a risky decision. Who knows what he’s thinking. Maybe if those 3 weeks go smoothly he will make it? I’m not counting him out Like you said, we shouldn’t make any assumptions


You could be right, we’ll see. People usually wait on having this surgery because their hope is to be able to rehab it and avoid surgery but that takes time (source I’ve been a beat reporter for an NFL team for over a decade). I’m guessing he didn’t want to wait and see or the injury was bad enough that they knew he needed surgery and wanted to start the rehab and conditioning process. That could be for Wimbledon but Olympics isn’t very far behind so he could still be rushing back for that.


Absolutely no way he risks his health playing Wimbledon right before the Olympics which is the only thing missing to his legendary career.


Speedy recovery 🙏🏽


knowing novak, he's gonna come back even better than before lol




Uhhh, I'm pretty sure a diagnosis on Tuesday and surgery on Wednesday without life-threatening condition is not the usual experience with healthcare in any country, lol.


Trust me you would never have access to this level of health care no matter where you lived unless you were a world class athlete.


well, that’s not true. you just have to be filthy rich. concierge medicine is available in every 1st world country


I think it has more to do with us normies not being world-class athletes... https://youtu.be/tVqrekel3a4?si=gIWfYThGeDt9nPjF


This has absolutely nothing to do with social health care, he is not going through the french public health system obviously.




why is being an american relevant then? if anything insured americans tend to get faster care then those using public health services (key word here is insured)




who said cheap? it’s pretty effective, though - i hear wait times in canada and the UK are terrible for doctors (on the order of months sometimes). i would still prefer nationalized medicine, but money talks in the US & despite the system being ass, we do have the best doctors in the world.




again, i don’t disagree that the system is absolute trash. but if you’re insured you can absolutely access the best doctors in the country. you don’t need the best when you only need tylenol, but if you have a rare medical condition or a brutal form of cancer, your best bet is to go to the Mayo Clinic.


You didn't say 'As a middle class person' you said 'as an American. Why? Serbians are poorer than Americans on average, not richer. What does you nationality have to do with this?


Oh, thank goodness! So happy to hear everything’s well. I don’t wanna jinx anything yet. Just rest well, Nole. ✨ Wishing you a speedy, successful recovery, champion ❤️


So will only miss Wimbledon which is great news


He could honestly make Wimbledon if he really wanted to. 3 weeks is enough time but it definitely wouldn’t be the smartest decision


I mean he could definitely win Wimbledon though


Damn, that was fast.


I know! I had to wait 5 months for my wrist arthroscopy to happen. I knew pro athletes have more immediate medical resources at their disposal but still wondered just how fast they receive treatment following an injury. Novak was evaluated and in surgery within days!


Being a millionaire must make a big difference in these matters


what country are you in? that’s a wildly long time to wait. i hear wait times in the UK and canada have been ridiculous lately


I'm in the US. It took a while for a few reasons. For one, the MRA taken wasn't done in precisely the right place so it didn't reveal what the surgeon wanted to see. Couldn't have a redo because it was pretty expensive. The surgeon wasn't too convinced I needed surgery so she had me come back after weeks of non operative treatment a couple of times. The pain on my wrist didn't go away and in the end the surgeon accepted to proceed with surgery after about 5 months. And then there was therapy for a few months and finally was able to play again 5 months after surgery. So all together, 10 months off the courts. And it's still not completely pain free lol.


Wonder what his deductible was and whether it was in network or not?


I'm encouraged that he elected surgery so quickly and didn't opt for some holistic alternative nonsense first. Props to him for the growth.


I hope for a quick recovery, Djokovic should at least have one more shot at the Olympics before he retires.


Honestly, Nole winning Olympics would be glorious to watch and I hope he does it - the young guns have a few more they can win


All I ask is that he wins Gold and has a solid (doesn't even have to win) US Open. Even getting to the quarters would be a success.


Quarters is not a success by any means for djokovic


As a Djokofan, I just want him to win Wimbledon.


Djokovic himself would say Olympics > Slams this year


As a huge Nole fan I’m so so so glad to hear this. Hopeful that this means he’s got more longevity and can still play Olympics I’d love to see him on Wimby though but I get why he’d want to skip it


🥳🥳 rest up, Champ! Be a weird Wimbledon without Novak but all fingers and toes crossed he'll come good by Olympics. Also a great chance for Charlie to win the title again. 😁


Sounds like it was a bucket handle meniscus tear. I had one in my right knee. Recovered in 3 weeks. No PT necessary.


Olympic Gold is back on the menu!


You gotta respect his commitment to faking that injury and getting surgery to make haters look like clowns /s Clowns.


Great news!


Interesting how quickly he uses modern medicine rather than his magical water and crystals when the olympics are approaching




I think 3 weeks is great news, I hope he recovers as well as possible to see again the great game he was showing on the court a few days ago.


I've been a die-hard fan of Nole for over a decade, and I'm rooting for him all the way. I hope this summer he strikes gold at the Olympics and adds the final piece to his trophy cabinet.


So... Sincaraz Wimby final?


Djokovic vs Bublik final actually And you will enjoy it


Wimbledon is over. He should retire at Australia 2025.


the surgeons were nadal fans and compromised novak's surgery as a revenge. /s


... and just as the drugs started to kick in before surgery, Novak could hear the doctor faintly in the distance: "this is ombilibable, no?"




Before putting him to sleep the whispered one thing...... Vamos...


3 weeks? They are joking. This is a 3 months+ injury.... and i love djoko... but thats the harsh truth


ok Reddit Dr calm down now


In 2021, Fritz got the same surgery the 9 june, he was ready for Wimbledon the 26 june. Djokovic is older but has more time because the surgery happens earlier and Wimbledon started the first jully. You never know.


Wimbledon is over 3 weeks away. I'm pretty sure he's aiming to play.


Will win Roland Garros


I heard this isn’t true


Saza olmo reported it which is a super reliable source of any news about djokovic for whatever reason


Saša is the goat


I thought this dude liked to keep it natural. Hopefully he doesn’t cry for 2 to 3 days like he did after his elbow surgery. His words not mine.


I'm kinda happy ngl. I hate Nole, and no I'm not going to explain myself. But the Olympics were not going to feel right w/o him there. And it's what he's being working at/for for months now. I might not like him, but if he puts in that much effort I want him to have at least a chance to compete. (I mean granted I don't want him to even get a medal, but he should compete and have a fair chance at it. He wins one, he wins one.)


First level headed Djokovic hater I've seen. Props to you mate


during a match when djokov is beating a player I like I go crazy ngl. But I appreciate it, I think I am so nice to hear


I've seen so many Novak haters being happy about his injury on insta, it was very disappointing. Like, how sad are their lives wtf. Anyway, thanks Dolphinvision for being a decent human being. Hope your favourite wins RG


oh god I used to be like that. But the zverev ankle situation helped me to be less toxic with my love for tennis. Still don't like players, still don't want certain ones to win, don't want them to get injured in order for that to happen Also honestly I'm less toxic because a while back I realized novak won. There wasn't anything more to say. Djokovic beat nadal in every single metric except for clay. That kinda neutered my toxicity for him. He's the best player to ever live and there's nothing I can do about it.