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Hilarious for him to want this and then turn around and date one of the only women in the entire world whose profession prevents her from doing this What a great bit.


whats funny is they have the same job and badosa's parents had the same job as each other and tsitsipas's parents had the same job as each other. completely bizarre.


More Tsitsipas nonsense


Tsitsi has had a foot in some of the weird red pill type stuff for a while now He posted something a year or two ago about how feminism ruins everything


How does he find time to post between bathroom breaks????


The trick is to post from the bathroom. Speaking from experience here


Badosa has quite a series chronic spine condition and is unlikely to play more than a year or few, so maybe they're preparing for the eventuality


How can he post this while literally dating a fellow high level professional tennis player? Like seriously how out of touch is he?


"it's OK for women to have fun and pretend to have a career when they're young, but once they're married, that changes" - people like this.


Stefanos uploaded this to his story btw in case anyone didn't zoom in to the post and couldn't see his username


That is wild lol Sorry but men who purposely repost shit like this are always fighting in their relationship, is like they want women to not question them or be argumentative with them But yeah they definitely getting married soon šŸ˜‚


"His future ex wife Paula Badosa" I can see it now.


You hit the nail on the head


"I multiply" is hilarious


She thinks sheā€™s a bacteria


This is giving 'I am legion' possession vibes


Of all the people to post something like this, an athlete dating another athlete doing so is wild.


Stefanos sharing tradwife content was not on my 2024 bingo card.


Stefanos is one hell of a bozo


Paula, blink twice if you need help.


Stefanos has found the Trad Wife section of Instagram and the algorithm isnā€™t gonna let him go šŸ˜‚


Does Paula know he thinks this way? Paula doesnā€™t give off the impression that this is how she thinks as well lmao


Probably why theyā€™re so on and off tbh


Someone needs to tell her this will get WORSE not better with age and that she canā€™t change him.




This looks like a Mormon ad tbh. Between Stefanos, Rublev, Zverev and co... Yeah the nextgen are truly something else.


Wait does rublev have some problems with women too? Or are you just referring to his anger management issues.


NextNextGen >>>> NextGen as people and as tennis players


Iā€™m out of the loop, what did rublev say/do?


Tsitsi has posted some stuff like this before as well I think he has some.... *interesting* views about women and I'll leave it at that


Heā€™s a wet, religious Greek dudeā€¦canā€™t really expect anything else tbhā€¦


What does wet mean?






Yeah we cant really expect that every greek is as clever as Socrates or Plato


Although Plato and especially (due to lack of sources) Socrates' veiws on women are not extremely clear, it is generally accepted that they both accepted women in social and philosophical life, but despite categorising them equal in soul, they deemed women to be inferior to men in everything they do due to their physical differences. It is unclear if that extends to for example governance (of Republik). For example, Plato suggested that women are equal in duty to protect the city (in arms), but inferior to men. But it is unclear if that is simply a comparison in force or also in will, courage or intelligence.


As a guy with a Greek background, this is very much cultural and something he probably gets from his parents. I'd imagine the Russian side of his family lean into this kind of thinking even more as well. In saying that, a lot of younger Greeks nowadays are a lot more progressive, so it is a little surprising to see this as well, but I suppose professional athletes tend to have more of a traditional outlook.


Tradwife bs. Tsitsi just went down in my estimation.


my estimation of stefanos tsitsipas as a man just fucking plummeted


Your opinion was high before today?


Yup. I thought (hoped ?) that it would turn around at one point and make fun of the tradwife bullshit, but no, it's straight up his message...


I thought EXACTLY the same. What the actual fuck is this. The cringe has melted through my phone.


I need a scotch after watching that


Only sane response


This is hilarious cuz 1. His girlfriend has the exact same job as him (with a peak ranking higher than his) 2. For being all deep and philosophical and acting like heā€™s so curious about the world and intellectual stuff he arrived at the exact same mindset as the average boomer redneck from Kentucky whoā€™s never left their state šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I usually enjoy his nonsense and see it as harmless and him just being socially awkward and quirky but this is just stupid. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with people who want to live this way, thatā€™s their choice and some women *want* to stay at home and raise kids and the men earn enough to allow them to. Thatā€™s fine. But acting like thatā€™s the only like god-intended natural order for society to operate in isā€¦ bad.


Stefanos is the perfect candidate for falling prey to a wellness MLM. šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah I can totally see that. Just lure him in with promises that said product will fulfil you spiritually, allow you to connect with others and expand your mind and he will be in.


He probably already has tbh.


Mouratoglou's coaching isn't too far from an MLM at this point.


>For being all deep and philosophical and acting like heā€™s so curious about the world and intellectual stuff he arrived at the exact same mindset as the average boomer redneck from Kentucky whoā€™s never left their state Even more hilarious when you realize he lives in Monaco.


Probably got into a fight with Badosa and started posting stuff on instagram as a retaliation. I know that is what my crazy ex would have done.


Itā€™s not just annoying, itā€™s dangerous.


Well said


Multiply? Yikes


By mitosis


Why are you dating multiple professional tennis players if this is what you believe??? Stop wasting womenā€™s time!!!


I miss when stef was lowkey and would just post fire beats on soundcloud. Maybe he was never lowkey but give me some fire beats baby.


This is cringy as f**k.


cant defend him anymorešŸ˜” 'i multiply' thats such a weird and offputting way to describe pregnancy šŸ˜­


It sounds like she's splitting into multiple people like cellular reproduction or something.


Like, she's multiplying all in her own, is she? A bit of cloning going on? Is she self seeding? It's not surprising they're scientifically illiterate, but it's annoying all the same.


I couldn't watch past that multiply comment. They are obviously bible thumpers.


There was some fucking cabbage [elected in rural Ireland that said women need to "breed more".](https://www.thejournal.ie/last-council-seat-women-breed-more-kildare-6408002-Jun2024/) It's giving the same energy


Me: I pretty much love all players with a OHBH Tsitsi: Hi Me: Not you.


Doesn't surprise me at all this is the same guy who'd rather play doubles in the Olympics with his brother than Sakkari


Holy shit this is unreal


Paula please gtfo of there


Stefanos definitely walked into a pole when he was a kid, and clearly has not fully recovered.


ā€œHe is the head of the familyā€ *orders dinner at a restaurant*


This is like when Cirstea posts about feminine and masculine qualities and all that trad wife bs when sheā€™s a professional athlete who travels the world getting paid instead of taking care of a husband and kids at home lol. Iā€™m sure Tsitsipas can easily find a wife like the one in this video if he wanted to but this is just a slap in the face to Badosa who has the same career as him and can quite literally not be the wife in this video.


Reminds me of the time he said Badosa was the first woman he ever truly respected or some shit like that šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


"Modern feminism has turned into a cult that disparages men. How is that fair?" Ā Ā  -Stefanos Tsitsipas.Ā Ā Ā  Ā  "He made that sexist statement over a year ago. I choose to forget it. Oh and that joke about female drivers. And well, with time I'll forget this too."Ā Ā  Ā -Stefanos Tsitsipas fans.Ā 


It's hilarious because I think most or at least a large part of his fanbase is female lol Female fans were the one group that I saw defending him in large number back when everyone else was hating on him back in 2021 and early 2022 Talk about alienating your fans


Dont overestimate female fandom lmao. If women think you're attractive for whatever reason, you wont alienate a good chunk of your female fanbase regardless of your takes. Chris Brown literally violently beat a woman and is ugly as all sin compared to Tsitsi and his female fans still love him.


Heā€™s a bimbo, they probably think they can change him.


this lol


Yup, and I used to be a fan of his until he said that. Then when I cited this as the reason why I stopped liking him I got downvoted a lot on this sub šŸ™„


I sympathise. He was unironically celebrated for aligning himself with a campaign against domestic violence despite his repeated sexism. No one wanted to hear that he might not be the best voice for such a thing.Ā  https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/1c5fa9o/clay_on_instagram_if_you_mistreat_a_woman_you/


I'm sure many athletes have less than savory opinions and keep them to themselves, but Tsisi here just made such a gamer move lmfao. Such an insane thing to post this for everyone to see


Yeah it's wild that he actually pressed "send" on this lol A lot of American players are big MAGA types and you don't even see *them* post stuff like this Like it's not just that he thinks this it's that he thought sharing this was a good idea


He is honestly just really dumb and very sheltered. sometimes its funny and other times it's insanely embarrassing such as in this case. Posting this when you have an overwhelmingly female fanbase is crazy


He has said anti-feminist things before but his fanbase uwu-ed and forgave him in an instant and they will do the same now.


Idk, I think this is worse than his other tweet, it's clearly a pattern as opposed to a one-off AND it can be interpreted as a fuck-you to Badosa (who a lot of his fans like), so I expect at least a few people will fall off the Tsitsitrain


The Swiffer ad at the end is just perfect.


When it popped up I knew I had to keep it in the video


This is at best embarrassing and at worst concerning.


This is full-on Handmaidā€™s Tale, Commanderā€™s wife shit - surprised all these Americans criticise countries like Iran when they seemingly want the same culture for themselves


Nothing says "head of the family" like ordering a meal at a restaurant.


He was ā€œproviding the ingredientsā€ LOL


I wanna barf when I see this cringey "Trad wife" content which in most cases is a masquerade for things like White Christian Nationalism and misogyny.


ā€œHe takes care of my outer worldā€, ā€œHe is the head of the familyā€ (with video implying he decides what she eats)ā€¦ honestly I find this shit really disturbing, she has so little autonomyā€¦


Eww wtf


Yeah itā€™s all sponsored content for neoconservatism and ethnonationalism


This guy is so dumb its frightening


This is gross. Canā€™t believe he posted this nonsense.


That's why we have a whole flair dedicated to him on this sub


Thatā€™s so manipulative considering his currentā€™s girlfriend lifestyle , poor Badosa


I was actually like... warming up to him recently as a person thinking okay nah he's just a bit silly and I'm actually floored??? Nah f this shit I'm out


Paula, run


The swiffer ad at the end killed me lmao. Disgusting take if its not satire.


I purposely didn't trim the video I thought it would add flavour


Had to scroll too far for this *Brought to you by swiffer - to help make his house a home.*


This has to be related to his motherā€™s Greek TV rant couple of weeks ago where she gave an interview that was little more than a thinly veiled jab at Badosa.


I didnā€™t hear about this, would you mind explaining what she said? Iā€™ve always had the vague impression his dad doesnā€™t care for her so I wouldnā€™t be surprised by his mom being.. mmā€¦ unwelcoming


She questioned Badosaā€™s confidence and dedication to tennis, she said they didnā€™t ask her before getting back together and expressed a doubt on whether they can remain a couple in the long run since they are in the same profession. This means they spend time apart and loneliness, insecurity and others things do manifest. She tried to ā€œsoftenā€ her words but to me and many others she came across as someone that gets involved way too much in areas she shouldnā€™t (the stereotypical Greek mother in law that no girl is good enough for her son, albeit she is Russian). My opinion? Stef has a very peculiar family and I suspect his upbringing was unconventional which partly explains his bizarre personality. His father definitely holds him back but Stef is a grown man and ultimately he is responsible of the choices he makes (or doesnā€™t make).


>she said they didnā€™t ask her before getting back together Wow, monster-in-law. Run, Paula!


Wow, every part of that elicits a bigger yikes. Thanks for the thorough reply!


WTF. After his rant about feminism, he's doing his best to get cancelled by female fans with brains. Can't believe Badosa went back to someone who's still letting his parents run his life. She can do so much better.


Like Dude can't even stand up to his mom bullying him at press conferences, but somehow he wants to be the man of the house... Hmmkay


Bro go work on your backhand foh with this goofy shit


Tsitsincel strikes again. Whatā€™s new?


TsitsincelĀ šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


But the cell he sits in is one of his own design #Tsitsinthoughts


this man is truly fucked in the head try as you might thereā€™s no changing him


I beg you Paula, please run away before he traps you šŸ˜©


Everytime I want to like Tsitsipas, I'm reminded he's a weird ass fucking dude who's just glorious at a sport I like. Dude is delusional, thinks he's smart & philosophical but spends his day basically being about as smooth brained as the rest of us.


He is 100% way, way more smooth brained than the rest of us. Like heā€™s proper stupid stupid. The stuff he posts is just straight up stupid. And, as all fools, he genuinely believes he is smart. The most dangerous kind.


He's more smooth brained than the average person I would say. His ineptitude seems to be from a place of general cognitive deficiency and not social anxiety.


Why are so many of the ATP players extremely sexist? Itā€™s so disappointing


I think it takes a particular type of person to single-mindedly dedicate one's entire life to the pursuit of a particular ambition, and it's likely those type of people won't have much extra capacity for depth, reflection or introspection.


Itā€™s the fact that they are men, plus theyā€™re likely highly privileged if they can afford to play professional tennis. Itā€™s why we love Andy Murray for somehow being able to not be sexist




Oh no. Paula, get out while you still can.


I smell another breakup.


Wtf disgusting.


Tsitsipas once again showing that he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Sexist much?




This looks like a promo for that Kansas City Chiefs' kicker's cult!


Guess it has a little bit to do with not having a formal education /s


This is cringe af lmao


Bro out here not even realizing heā€™s posting right wing tradwife propaganda bullshit lol


If the majority think like this, it's no wonder they remain friends with Dverev. Probably all think you should slap around and strangle women from time to time. Well, not Sir Andy. His mother would whip his ass for it.


at least he's not posting Andrew Tate... yet


What in the disgusting tradwife insidious fuck is this?? Yall, why do people want to go back to the 1800s??? I donā€™t think he realizes how dangerous this line of thinking is, I have to think he doesnā€™t.


Of course he doesnā€™tā€¦he isnā€™t that intelligent. I also donā€™t understand the desire to go back to previous centuries when women had few rightsā€¦.


Is anyone stopping women from doing this? Why do they have to advertise it like their lifestyle is the right one? Creepy


This is the first time I've seen this take of his but reading the comments, this isn't the first time? This isnt what i was expecting ngl


This is insane from people who have the same damn job lololol


I like how it switches to a commercial for Swifter šŸ¤£


Is this trash actually from his own account?


he reposted it on his instastories


Wow - I mean it's so extreme I'm actually kind of speechless.


It's actually a massive fuck-you to everyone who isn't in a mongamous, heterosexual, child-producing relationship in which the woman doesn't spend her life in the kitchen or in labour.


Which would include his GF lol


Actually kinda disappointed heā€™s reposted this sexist nonsense


Ugh whatā€™s with this pigeonholing of roles in a relationship - what century are we on now


He posted this? On his social media? Stop it.


What a bag of cocks! Whatā€™s his deal anyways? The more I learn for him the more I canā€™t understand what the heck is wrong with this guy. Heā€™s either a whinny 13 year old with no friends or a grumpy Christian of the 50s


im hearing break up bells


Is this real? If yes then it has to be one of the cringiest things i have ever seen


Tsitsipas is not very smart to upload this publicly, is he?


Do you think if Badosa wins a Slam at some point, he might respect her as something more than a baby-making machine?


I will never understand how Stefanos Tstitsipas is real.


I'm proud to say that even before seeing this garbage he always gave me the creeps. My instinct was right again.


Imagine dating THE Paula Badosa and still believing in this shit lmao


Given how most tennis players come from generational wealth, a considerable number of them will lean conservative and a not insignificant bunch of them will have the same views as Stef. The only difference is that most of the players would be emotionally intelligent enough to not say this openly. On this note, people hate on the American players for being MAGA types, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if the European tennis players are even more extreme than they are, it's just that due to the language barrier most people in the Anglosphere wouldn't know about their views.


Yeah Eastern European social conservatism is *at least* on the level of American Bible Belt social conservatism if not even *more* hardcore in some regions It's more economic issues(private healthcare, relatively low tax rates for the rich, etc.) where the very capitalist USA specifically stands out as being clearly more right wing than other countries and that's kind of a given for many tennis players given their wealth


It stuns me that this guy can tie his own shoelaces. Maybe he needs a slave-bride for that.




What the fuck šŸ˜‚


Just when I think homi can't get more cringe he does something like this.


Wow this is so cringe šŸ˜‚


This is so embarrassing šŸ˜³




Wait did Tsitsipas really post this? This is some 1950s sexist idiocy


He must be getting a lot of replies on it, as it appears he's deleted it from his insta stories.


Wtf is this shit?


In other news from 1850 ...


What a pile of wank


Geez this is cringy


Ī’Ī¤Ī¦ Someone take the Internet away from him.


I expected to see anything but this in this subreddit, did tsitsipas upload this? Omg




Thought he couldnā€™t be more cringe online as it, but this is tuff


Knew this relationship was a red flag when they shortly got back together after breaking up. I hear that most people who flaunt their relationship tend to break up in the long run. Is my man good?


This is stupid. Itā€™s the sort of thing people think is deep but it is completly vacuous and ideological to the core. ā€œHe is the head of the family, and I am the heart.ā€ Perfect bourgoise capitalist nonsense.


Indefensible. Just fuck this shit. Does this man not understand that most of his fan base is women who decidedly do *not* like this? How can he keep fumbling this badly.


Guy's developed a nostalgia for the previous century.Ā 


Cool he can go fight in a war then and leave me alone.


Legit wants someone who waits for him whenever he comes home while he has fun traveling around the world. Guy always seemed like someone who masturbates in front of a mirror. Very self centered and shallow.


I was listening to a tennis podcast called Tennis Unfiltered and one of the hosts is a tennis coach. He said he was at a restaurant one night while it was pretty empty and Tsitsipas and his parents were there and he saw Tsitsipas's mother put a bib(idk if there's something else it's called but you know like a handkerchief you tuck in the front of your shirt before you eat ) on him like it was a normal thing the do as if he was a child who couldn't do it himself. The coach recalled how odd the behavior seemed to him.


But then dates a pro tennis player whose career is as successful as his???


Yeah exactly it's doesn't make sense lmao.


I'm guessing it's because he also wants the status that comes from being able to attract someone widely regarded as attractive and successful in his field. And now he is trying to process the fact that to get one thing (hot pro player of independent means who understands his lifestyle/tennis) he doesn't get the other thing (tradwife subservience).


She should just say she doesnā€™t want a job.


This is really mental


āœØļøTradwife vibesāœØļø That fella in the video is a future family annihilator imo


The hippie-woo-philosophical to Christian tradwife/tradhusband pipeline is coming for our Tsitsichan šŸ˜–


Tsitsi is just another clown who perceives a womanā€™s purpose as a baby making machine and a personal chef.


I mean if that works for you, great But don't you dare think you can impose that shit onto other people


haha what a fuckin idiot




Stuff like this makes me wonder if that DeuxMoi blind had a grain or two of truth in it.


What's the ā˜•?




I guess maybe that one tweet about anti-feminism was the one tweet he has that wasn't stolen...


The man makes all the money while the woman stays home and cooks and raises the kids. Sure thatā€™s fine if thatā€™s what she wants, but itā€™s her right to choose what kind of life she wants, if she wants to choose a career over a family itā€™s her choice and it shouldnā€™t be frowned upon.


What a load of shite