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I think it's less anything related to grass and more his game is just really well rounded. The forehand and backhand have both always been fantastic, and he has the next level coordination you need to return serve extremely well in the pro game. In the last, pretty much exact, year his serve has gone from being a giant double edged sword to a much more refined one. Because he has always been able to serve well, but he couldn't do it with any degree of consistency what so ever. Of course he doesn't live on the baseline. He's not Alcaraz, but his all court game is fantastic. His instincts at the net have always been good, but it took him some time to get more comfortable playing there proactively. But I don't think it really matters what surface he's playing on. The tennis he has been playing for the last year just works everywhere.


It’s amazing to have seen him grow over this last year


I don’t think his game is as surface invariant as you are making it out to be. His clay game seemed comfortably behind his hard court game he displayed earlier this year. It is hard to isolate because he was still the second best player at Roland Garos, but I went back and watched his AO highlights. His movement on grass is better than what I felt it was on clay. And he has been grinding out good players so far. I also think there are less chances he gets gassed in 5 setters on grass the way he got in the Carlos game. So if he does meet Carlos, I feel it would be an even match, given how grass favors an all court game but ultimately Sinner being a better baseliner.


You are correct, Sinner is the best player, no matter the surface. He is candidate number 1 on every tournament he plays.


Not clay


I had some slight doubts about him on grass going into this week but he was extremely impressive throughout. Being a strong server and an elite returner in particular is a hell of a mix on the grass, also he doesn't struggle with movement like so many do on the surface. As an Alcaraz guy I wish I could think of a reason to doubt him at Wimby but I really can't.


He’s obviously gonna lose in the final to shapo


The serve is the biggest change IMO. There's also better movement (not as much as I'd like though). And more clutchness, which was key throughout his run in Halle and would also be key at WB. IMO he lost to Djokovic in 2023 due to too many UEs in neutral rallies. I think this was a consequence of his movement not been quite there yet (not bending his knees properly while hitting, overall lack of fluidity, he seemed too tight), and an absolute lack of clutchness which was unbecoming of him, even then. The fact that Djokovic played with no power at all also made it harder for Jannik to generate his own, he missed many shots while trying to be aggressive. With better movement he could've played a more conservative type of tennis. We'll see this year.


The biggest improvements (not just on grass) from last year is speed endurance and shot tolerance. His serve is more consistent and his ground strokes are more consistent but it's his movement across the surface that's allowed him to become the best player on tour. He gets to every ball early enough to hit powerful counters even when he looks in trouble, it just makes him a much harder player to get through.


I mean with question marks around djokovics level this year + his injury , he's a top 2 favorite this year. Imo Halle doesn't move the needle THAT much nor does queens for alcaraz. Alcaraz played fine overall. A minidip post rg is to be expected and that's a concern entering wimbledon as well. He's the defending champ.and if he plays at his best he's (imo ) the favorite. Sinners been the best player on form to open the year. He's been crazy consistent and has had runs on every surface now. I still think it's silly to place him as favorite over alcaraz at wimbledon like many here are doing because it's pure speculation and downright disrespectful to the defending champ who beat an incredibly high level djokovic in the final. Imo , he's the slight second favorite to alcaraz overall Sinner could have lost today to hurk and I would have said the same thing. The wimbledon grass is slower and that's especially true in the later rounds when hurk/sinner would play in a hypothetical matchup. Overall, this place loves recency bias and I refuse to play into it. Halle was just a confirmation of what was already known....that sinner is a massive threat at every tournament while he plays at this level


Carlos at his peak is a better player, but Jannik is more consistent. That’s the tale of the tape at the moment. I can’t wait to see how the next few years play out for both.


>but Jannik is more consistent. Yep - this is what irks me being a Carlos fan - he's just so inconsistent. You have no idea which Carlos is going to turn up for matches. And he can be wildly inconsistent even within a set. It's exhausting. I can think of very few matches he's won where he's just dominated an opponent from start to finish. There's always *something*. He manages to claw his way to victory but it's not often straightforward.


I think jcf is a huge factor. In general, Alcaraz is on a higher level when JCF is around. And it happens that jcf tends to be more around in higher level events.


Agreed - that's a fair comment. Hopefully Carlitos will be able to think more on his feet as he gets more experience.


He has won 4 tournaments including a Masters without JCF there, this argument is extremely tired. Start admiring that Sinner is winning tournaments despite Cahill co-coaching Halep pro bono on the side perhaps instead of overreacting to a coach doing their job.


...alcaraz is 2 years younger than sinner lol One of the biggest thing that develops as players get better IS consistency. Rarely is it systematic shot making improvements. Compare alcaraz today of sinner 2 years ago..he's both more consistent and has obviously had higher highs. Really think the "inconsistencies " of alcaraz are overplayed.. he's just a young(er) player than sinner. In addition....sinners consistency is incredibly short lived...it's since post USO last yr essentially. Alcaraz hasn't even lost pre-quarterfinals at a major since 2022... He's been extremely consistent at the big events. I also find this sub fucking stupid a lot of the times lol. Alcaraz won Roland garros beating sinner and yet the sentiment that sinner is substantially better than alcaraz GREW lol.


> In addition....sinners consistency is incredibly short lived...it's since post USO last yr essentially Generally agreed but I'd push back on this part He's been phenomenal for pretty much exactly a year now though his results have obviously gotten increasingly better so the start is relatively less impressive.


If you extend sinners out to a year you also have to do the same for alcaraz ...if you do that then alcaraz again is ahead of sinner. Sinners "consistency" is only really better over s strictly defined period of time that overlaps with the recent 6 months. This is r/tennis though. The last 3-6 months if all that matters in their head. There's also a tendency to say some of the dumbest shit imaginable in several cases because narratives form arbitrarily and are then propagated like wild fire. That's where the whole "alcaraz can't play on grass but rune can" sentiment came from and there's now hints of it entering Wimbledon. Tbh...sinner is no way the favorite over alcaraz just because of Halle. But there are several here that decided after AO this year ( even some before ) that sinner was the favorite over alcaraz period and especially in grass The real funny thing I find when comparing alcaraz and sinner by some of the fans here that talk about how sinner took alcaraz to 5 on sinners worst surface is the fact that alcaraz also beat sinner at USO on sinners best surface... Those 2 play each other extremely close practically regardless of surface but alcaraz has the clear edge at majors. But idk...r/tennis will r/tennis always


If you extend both out to a year you can just use ATP rankings which are based on that time frame. Sinner is above Alcaraz in the rankings. I agree that Alcaraz is the Wimbledon favorite though.


> If you extend sinners out to a year you also have to do the same for alcaraz ...if you do that then alcaraz again is ahead of sinner It's less favorable to compare this way in pretty much literally any way. Alcaraz has had better ~6 month runs across multiple years. He hasn't had a consecutive year where he's maintained that level of play though. ---- Honestly you're reading a wild amount of what's just not there into my comment


Yeah the dude above saying Sinner is now the favourite on all surfaces - dude, Sinner just lost on clay to Alcaraz


After a 3 weeks of total stop due to his hip injury


...alcaraz was also similarly injured for weeks on and off with his forearm injury clearly still affecting him in Madrid Otherwise it's very much the same..they both struggld with injuries prior to rg in the clay court swing. It's the second match they've played against each other this year where alcaraz wins if because he's physically the better player (right now). You guys have diminished every one of alcaraz's wins and maximized sinners to reach the conclusions you all WANT to be true.. This is "rune is better than alcaraz on grass " 2.0 like last yr


Im sorry but no. you must have only been watching Carlos this year because there are many matches where Carlos dominates start to finish. Most recent this year is AO r4 I believe, against kecmanovic and IW except Sinner and his r1 opponent. Last year, his run from BA - Wimby (minus djokovic and r1 Queens) was him dominating from start to finish. Too many people put way too much pressure. He's only 21 and he has basically no room to grow, it's crazy how he hasnt cracked. Jannik wasnt consistent until like last year Wimbledon. So this statement is just wrong


But haven’t you heard, Sinner is the first and only player (since Fed and Nole) who is allowed to improve, and has improved, after turning 21. Such consistency is obviously and clearly off limits to Alcaraz. /s


Hahahaha fr. Honestly Im use to the recency bias at this point, but the revisionism on Carlitos is getting irritating. 3 time slam champion at 21 and like the 5th player with the most masters (2nd thats not a geriatric :p) You don't get that from not being consistent. Like it is factually incorrect to say you can only name a few matches where Alcaraz has dominated. i can think of like 10 off the top of my head lol


Yeah, but Alcaraz rarely reaches that peak, most of the time, he struggles and can lose to anyone. Sinner is always playing consistently high.....he just doesn't lose anymore.


Sinner will regularly be winning 2+ slams a year and possibly 3. Alcaraz is too prone to upsets and won't be able to match him


Alcaraz raises his level during slams and during 5 setters this is nonsense


Upvoting because I love how bold and without evidence this take is


Then where are those slams you speak of?


hes gonna win wimbledon


He is favourite for me, unlike Alcaraz he keeps a consistent level through tournaments so I don't see him losing to anyone he shouldn't lose to early on. His groundies are so fast and solid now I don't see anyone being able to repeatedly take them early and rush the net, and that includes Alcaraz. Plus his serve and net game is much improved and his return game as we all know is elite. Honestly I'm pretty confident in sinner winning wimbledon (!RemindMe 21 days) and I think this will be his most successful slam (!RemindMe 15 years)


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Strength: rolling dive shots


He pushed 7 time champ Novak pretty hard in 2022, his 2022 QF loss was a choke as much as Novak outplaying him, that’s a crazy level. If he hadve beaten Novak and closed out the 3rd set I think he would’ve had a serious shot at winning it all. This was him pre-prime too. 2023 he had a weak draw and didn’t really beat anyone of note on grass and got 3 setted by Novak who lost to Alcaraz in the final. Still played well but much worse than 2022, maybe mental or Novak was really just much better in 2023 than he was in 2022 and same for Alcaraz as well. I think his game is good everywhere but he’s much better on hard court than the other two, but his aggressive baseline game with good serve is great for grass. Also an excellent athlete although not to the same extent as Carlos physically. On clay people unfairly criticise him too when he pushed the champ Alcaraz to 5 sets, 2022 he was injured, 2020-2021 he drew Nadal two years in an row when he was only 20-21, still had a couple competitive sets against him, but those losses are more than understandable that the 2020 version of Nadal bageled Novak in straight sets jn the final, and the 2021 version rolled through everyone pretty easily until he lost to Novak in the SF. He may not have been at his best but he was certainly the second best clay player that tournament by far and sinner played well. He has a shot at this, he’s the second or third favourite for me.


His game is very well suited to grass. Aggressive baseliner similar in mold to a young Djokovic. The dude took Djokovic to 5 sets at Wimbledon a few years ago before he was the monster he is today. He's definitely a tied favorite along with Alcaraz assuming Novak isn't fully fit


Showed some vulnerability here and there but totally countered that with his ability to stay solid and not collapse during those tense moments. He kinda reminds me of Alcaraz in the sense that his game isn’t totally suited for one surface and is excellent enough to be used on all surfaces but obviously he still struggles somewhat on clay. It’s gonna be interesting to see how he responds to the slower conditions in Wimbledon that are less serve reliant but I have confidence in a seriously deep run and a good shot at the title. Him and Alcaraz are the obvious favorites in my book


Sinner runs faster than Usain Bolt and punches harder than a peak Mike Tyson.




Surface doesn’t matter that much. Tennis is tennis


Tell that to Ruud lol


Hard disagree


He's obviously a top contender (if not **the** top contender), but I don't think his recent form is as dominant as it was earlier this year. In Halle, he dropped a few sets (all tiebreakers but that's big in slams) to far inferior opponents and got forced into tiebreak far too often even when he won.


struff played an amazing match against him. The number of players who would’ve beaten THAT struff with THAT serve is very small. I wouldn’t call him a far inferior opponent and i’m actually very curious to see how he’ll do in wimby


Plus one to this; Sinner had a tough, tough draw. Griekspoor, Marozsan, Struff, Hurkacz is a nightmare list to look at on grass. All huge hitters especially off the first serve and FH wing. Even Zhang, who’s in great form right now, would be a headache for anyone. Fingers crossed he gets an easier draw at Wimby.


He usually has challenger level draws in slams up to the semifinal so I’m confident he’ll be fine again.


This is not true…the only draw I can think of that was challenger level was WB 2023 and maybe RG 2024. His AO 24 draw and USO 23 draw was a nightmare.


His AO run this year was Jong, Baez, Khachanov, Rublev, Novak, Med His RG run was Eubanks, Gasquet, Kotov, Moutet, Grigor, Alcaraz If you look at that his Halle run feels like a GS SF run in terms of player quality he hit up against.


His recent form? He has a 38-3 win loss ratio this year.. he basically has a 93% win rate.. that's Insanity. He's not "dominant" in clay and grass because he's best at hardcourt but he is still winning. Who the f cares if he's not blasting winners and dictating if his win rate is actually higher playing a consistent game. That's what he changed the past 6 months and it's working for him. The realization that you don't need to crush all balls n dictate that his baseline casual rally is enough to win the game and it's better not to crush all balls leading to UE. The closest 2nd is Alcaraz at 81% win rate... Stats don't lie..


I'm surprised Alcaraz percentage is that high, he lostany matches this year.


I think there's just an impression that he loses more than he actually does because when ever he loses the internet and reddit lose their shit and make he's done, finished posts 4 times a day. Logically if you think about it. He's world no.3 how can he be no.3 and not be winning? He literally just won a grandslam. He's allowed to lose a few matches here and there. Same thing happened to Federer. The same reason the guy above me thinks sinner isn't in top form. When in actuality no 1 has had a 90% win rate for extended periods of time since the big 3. Starting with Federer in 2004. To say a guy with a 93% win rate is not in form is literally nuts.


his transition to net and slice backhand can be improved


He’s not a natural grass player. He looked good overall in Halle, and I guess he’s, Alcaraz and Novak are the favourites for Wimbledon, but I think he’s better on hardcourt. But that’s just one tournament, let’s see him in Wimbledon. Would be interesting seeing him with the form he’s got this year, in some 5 sets matches there.


I think he's the favorite alongside Alcaraz. But his fitness in 5 BO5 matches was an issue in RG and even though he was very clutch and played relatively well at Halle, his movement still concerns a bit. When having to run fast sometimes he seemed to be uncomfortable with the slippery grass. Don't get me wrong those points where he dived were amazing but highly unnecessary (and that's a critic I have for some of those Alcaraz points as well) and mostly because he either ran too slow the ball before or failed to recover after hitting the ball


Hip injury probably impacted his conditioning at RG to some extent. Hopefully his conditioning will be better at Wimby


Probably, hopefully he and Carlos manage to show up fully comes Wimbledon. We deserve a high level match between these two again


imho, he played more effectively on fast hardcourts like AO. here, you can sometimes still see sinner pre-Djoko wins/AO title. he is not as dominant in his games on grass and not as confident. i think, if he played TP or Musetti in the Halle finals, they can defeat him.


Yeah he definitely had some rough patches in Halle. But he did look better towards the end of the tournament and the final was a fairly solid performance.