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[](#start_removal) Hello u/dancartopb, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " Weirdest one ive seen posted by my uncle " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


Is THAT the most important word?


THAT it is


THAT’s dumb


Male angler fish are born just to find a female, bite her, then fuse with her body to become her sperm sack for whenever she decides she wants babies. ![gif](giphy|l4FGwdjVY04T3bteM)


I'm sorry....WHAT?


Also they can be more than one male that fused to her, it could be like a whole harem of male that is in her body.


Fucking simps


Simps support the woman and almost never contribute sperm. Male anglerfish on the other hand contribute nothing *except* for sperm


So, pimps?










Someone is jealous.


Do note that they are a deep-sea dwelling FISH.


Did he fucking stutter? #SIMPS


Can she select which genes to use to make babies, or is that random, or all at once?


how would you even conduct an experiment to proof this unless we can find a way to take one to the surface with out killing it or build an insanely sophisticated deep sea lab then hook readings to an angler's brain I don't think we can say with 100% certainty


It's like when they deleted the snails memories. Scientists: "What can you remember?" Snail: "..." Scientists: "My god, what have we done?!"




It comes up with a “create your sim” menu but for deep sea fish.




Wow. That’s incredible.




The males are incredibly much much smaller than the females too


Sad thing is: Apparently they can't even decide that they are strong, independent males, because they don't have a digestive system. They are doomed.


The luna moth doesn't have a mouth or anything it can use to eat, and iirc it also lacks a digestive system, so they die within a week. The caterpillar just stuffs its face as much as it can before turning into one, 'cause that's gotta last them until they can find someone to schmang with. Nature is fucked up lol


Sea simp


There really is a GIF for everything huh




Cosmetics were used by men in ancient times though.


Mainly cause A it meant they were wealthy and B it kept the insects away and sun from thier eyes.


Maybe I should wear some of those


Well it may have kept the insects away because it was made of deadly poisons so maybe do it with caution


A lot of it was made from crushed up insects. Science man...


A message to the rest of the insects


Assert dominance by wearing the crushed carapace of your enemies on your face, and look fucking fabulous doing it.


Does that make this meme some kind of Hollow Knight tribute then?


Or a stormlight reference


It would be even more fucked up in stormlight


I mean, if I saw a gigantic being wearing crushed up humans on it's face I'd stear clear of them myself...


What do you mean "was"?


What we enjoy as spices are usually something produced by a plant to keep it from being eaten. Spices are just poisons in the right dosage.


And also because they just liked the look a lot of the time too


Guys were powdering their faces and wearing wigs like 300 years ago.


Fun fact, face makeup became popular to cover syphilis sores, especially amongst the nobles and church people.


Ancient Egypt Moment Not only that, a lot of cosmetics did in fact serve practical purposes as well.


The ancient ancient egypt of 300 years ago


Trump and Desantis use them today. And girdles. And lifts. But omg drag queens.


He uses. THE BEST. cheap spraytan


I bet his depends are scented, aka wearing perfume.


And now as well https://preview.redd.it/ubwx7fun9i3b1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=43496b55d23789eb69184256b93652d850d781ae


Tupperware after you've stored pasta sauce in it.


Is it weird that he reminds me of the Violator from the Spawn comics in that picture?


My boys were lookin SNATCHED back then


And they are still used by them now🤯


Oh boy. Can't wait for when these people find out about all the species where the females are bigger and stronger and absolutely dominate the males


And all the males making themselves pretty to impress the ladies


That as well. The males in almost all the species in the photo are basically ultra-dedicated simps which will fucking fight for the attention of the females


Does that mean women are simps for humans?


It's more that humans, like most apes, come from a social structure that males that are proven to be the *strongest/most desirable* tend to control/be claimed by a clutch of female mates. However, since humans are usually more intelligent and can recognize animalistic desire for survival vs. actually *loving* their mates, we don't normally roam around in troops with a dominant male like a chimp or gorilla does. Female humans fight for desirable mates in places where female/family security isn't guaranteed or there are limited viable mates available to them if they feel sexual attraction and desire having biological children one day. In the wild, most animals show their genetic desirability by *looking pretty* on top of various other mating rituals. Male apes mostly show off how strong they are to fight off *lower males* to attract females. Human intelligence has allowed us to avoid fighting and increase cooperation through communication. A male simply being *clean and well cared for* is always going to be looking desirable to a female. You can be homeless, but clean/well dressed up and attract more women than a blillionar that looks like he's been living on the street picking through garbage most of his life. The only reason a dirty fugly rich guy seems like he gets more mates is due to him simply flaunting that he's financially *secure* which is a natural want for most people to have. In any case, just simply *looking good* will get you way better treatment from anyone regardless of your sex. Having a mate, regardless of their sex, that is *safe and healthy* is always the *sexier* choice to anyone. **TL;DR:** Take care of yourself both physically and financially, you'll be surprised about how many people will be trying to *attract* you, lol.


Males do roam around in groups with a dominant male tho. Never been in big city and see a bunch of young men criminal type like men? It's the same behavior. And they attract a typical group of females from that same social milleu


You see it more in financially disparaged areas that are more dangerous, too. Seems like gangs are the ape-response to the need to survive lol.


And the absolute peak simps that literally let the female eat them just so they can get sum o' dat dumpy


I wish i were a male praying mantis. I want my dommy mommy to rip my fucking head off.


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me.


We should be... *entirely* different people by the end of the first eight hours. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?


I'm NOT normal.


Based and Praying-Mantis-Pilled


>I wish i were a male praying mantis. I want my dommy mommy to rip my fucking head off. Dominik Mysterios' reddit account confirmed.


There are instances where the female is larger, and the male is prettier. For example guppies. All the males do all day is chase after and court the females.


I remember a fish that the females are normal but the male is literally just a nutsack full of sperm who joins the females and merges with her, losing all mobility and capacity to do anything


Normal is a hell of a word to use when referring to angler fish.


Oh, you know, the normal fish. With the light bulb hanging from its forehead and the pliable teeth which move its prey towards its stomach.


Probably angler fish.


Angler Fish


He’s just like me fr fr


You’re probably thinking of angler fish


Que footage of hyenas


Hyena when?


Basically all insects and many reptiles lol


livin' the dream


Bald eagles 😎


Does your uncle not know he is allowed to Wear makeup ?


Maybe he lives in Florida


>Maybe he lives in Florida I consider sunscreen "makeup" so yes. It's like all floridians do is wear makeup and then bitch about other people's makeup.


sunscreen is uv blackface. don't tell anyone


They refuse to wear sunscreen because the CDC recommends it


In a lot of places that’ll get you beat up or killed unfortunately


he's just saying he thinks men are more beautiful than women


self report hahahahahaha


Also that, if he thinks that men are more beautiful than women without makeup, nobody is going to judge him.




i was mid-yawn when i saw that gif, then i giggled. I would've enjoyed that yawn.


Boomer men post shit like this and then expect you to believe they're straight.


My first thought was that this is a weird way to come out to your family


Im glad im not the only one who thought this, like uncles comin out


Men used to be so damned sexy before feminism invented makeup. I keep this stack of vintage muscle mags to remind myself of the way it USED to be. Don't touch them tho, they're sticky for some reason I don't know about.


Straight men can wear makeup too. But that's definitely not what we're talking about


Ah yes, the divorce court to Grindr pipeline is no joke...


There are a lot of “straight” married dudes on there actually.


📸🕵️ You're one of them I'm presuming?


Never been married but I know like half of the Grindr users in my area are either divorcees or married men looking for “discreet” hookups, and It’s not like me to be a home wrecker.


Which is so weird to me, as a sheltered Christian farm boy.. so this married person is posting himself on a hook up site, looking for a fling.. and if you answer that call, whether you know they’re married or not, YOU’RE the homewrecker?? Not the cheating spouse?? I’m just saying if anyone ruined that home, it’s not the one answering that call, it’s the one making it.


Absolutely based. I am blown away by the fact that this is a hot take honestly. It’d be like meeting a person somewhere and hitting it off, hanging out for awhile, and then they murder someone and hand you the weapon. Does that make you at fault? There’s definitely something to be said for people who know and enable the behavior but they’re still not the ones who are wrecking homes. Edit: i reread this and it kind of came off like I was arguing with you - I’m not at all and I 100% agree. I do know people who genuinely think like this though.


I guess i wrote that “whether they know you’re married or not” with a bit of hesitancy.. because sure, if you know and you still pursue, there’s something a bit to be said about who you are, but not much imo. You’re still trying for yourself and personal motives. But They still put it out there in the first place, what is the responder supposed to think? If you’re a “yes” and they’re a “yes” then it’s good to go. Not your fault that they have prior engagements they don’t want to uphold to.


Yeah that’s pretty much my thought. If you know and still go for it then maybe I wouldn’t want to date you or be friends but your still not the one destroying the marriage… I’m certainly not against married people having open relationships and doing it with other people, but at least have a conversation with your spouse first lol.


I think if you enable it you have partial blame but if you dont know its not your fault


And quite a few hide the fact that they are married to a woman. Im all for open relationships and dont mind sleeping with a man whose married to a man or woman if they have an open marriage, but i have had a guy lie to be claiming he was single before. That sucked. Saw him with his wife the following week


I mean, it's shitty that he lied to both you and to his wife. But you didn't do anything wrong. Even if you knew he was married, you're not the one breaking any vows.


Curse you liberals and your makeup taking all our ✨glam glam✨ from us men >:(


Let me just reverse the logic here for a minute. That would make drag completely acceptable


this guy likely fetishes drag kings.


Is a drag king a woman who gets super masculine and goes on stage to flex on the crowd for a bit, make offensive stand up comedy jokes, then leave?




well I'll be damned


He wants to stick his dick in a fish


What does Kanye have to do with this?


the only time I feel alive is when I takeD it


Lionesses do the hunting Male seahorses give birth Anemone fish (Finding Nemo fish) turns female at a certain point Spotted hyena (female) have stronger bites than males Killer whales have the female run the pods Nature will trigger this clown so hard.


So much homosexual activity in the animal kingdom.


Nature would freak this guy out so much.


Exactly. People that say homosexuality is unnatural never took care of multiple dogs.


Don't forget female hyenas have a pseudo penis too


Nature would freak this guy out so much


Anemone fish 😭 they’re called clownfish btw, though your comment made me doubt myself


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clownfish Apparently "anemonefish" is fine and it might be a "more correct" name. [The list of the names of different anemonefish is here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clownfish#Phylogenetic_relationships). Of course most people probably just say "clownfish"


this shows that we really dont have to look that far to find creatures that could be considered truely alien.


Perhaps we’re more alien then any of them


I’m disappointed that you forgot what clown fish are called


Is there a reason why so many male animals look so fancy?


It’s to attract the attention of the females


Yeah darwin called it sexual selection


I personally like the term non-random mating better


Simply, to impress the ladies. In nature, males often try to win the attention of females by, among others, being pretty. Ms. Duck thinks Mr. Duck is sexy and they have babies. Mr. Duck's genes get passes on and his bloodline continues.


Out of all birds and animals you chose duck lmao.


I think this applies mostly to birds though. Mammals generally have both sexes looking very similar.


If you have big enough balls to not only survive all of the predators and resource scar ity in nature, but do it while lugging around a giant, shiny, "kill me first I'm vulnerable" sign like a peacock does then you're probably pretty awesome at surviving and that signals you are a good mate. Women just need to show that they haven't been killed yet, and did that while lugging around a bunch of babies. It's more important that they stay hidden. With lions the mane is to intimidate other males with their manliness, and also act as some level of neck an throat protection during fights same as beards on humans. Antlers are there to be used as weapons and also as a secondary benefit show off manliness.


Another case is the male demonstrating that it has access to enough resources to have some very wasteful thing growing out of its body.


It is also in part to distract predators away from the nest/home where the female cares for the offspring.


Sorry gonna 🤓out here a bit. Also this may have some errors this is just off memory. TLDR: males with “weapons”(things/behaviors that could probably kill you) defend areas where resources are abundant so they can reproduce with every female. If the resources are bountiful everywhere, Males with “accessories”(things/behaviors that don’t do anything outside catching attention) try to catch a female’s attention. This is called Sexual Dimorphism(i think). More elaborated answer: It has to do with finding a mate, and depends on distribution of other needs for survival(such as food and water) in the environment In environments where resources are scarce and clustered in areas(such as a spring on a mountain or a small cluster of trees with fruit. In these areas, male animals who can take control of these areas will be able to have a harem of females to reproduce with as long as they defend the spot. This leads to the development of Males with “weapons” or traits that help them overpower competing males. The example given could be an male Ibex’s horns and more aggressive nature, where the stronger Ibex with longer horns controls the spring and has access(for lack of a better term) to the females. Yada yada yada, “the strong pass on their genes to the next generation, cycle repeats”. But what if the resources are abundant and males are unable to control one spot? Then they get flashy. Males in these environments can’t rely on brute force or control, they have to court the females. So they appear flashy, with colorful wings or “accessories”. They develop dances, or songs, aggressive tactics in order to sway the female to mate with them over the other males. The most well known example is a peacock. The female is dull and able to hide from predators, but the male is flashy with inconvenient tail feathers. A predator can easily spot it and hunt it, but those are the sacrifices that the peacock makes in order to pass on it’s genes to the next generation. A key note overall is that the definition of “fitness” is defined by “the ability to successfully reproduce”. A male peacock could be as dull as a female peacock and survive, but almost no female will choose him over a flashier, more aggressive male. If it has no children, it’s genes will die out and it will be considered “unfit” for an environment. Similarly, the most flashy peacock with the biggest feathers and strongest sound may be the most desirable for every female, but that doesn’t mean anything if they die before being unable to reproduce. An important detail is that this is only for Males. Female offspring grow up without these traits(or with less extreme versions of these traits) since unlike their male counterparts they are either being protected by their mates or they are the ones being courted. For birds, a female peacock doesn’t need to court a male peacock, the males come to her. This means that they can have more camouflaged feathers and less hindering traits without it killing their chances of reproducing. What does this mean for society? Absolutely nothing really, since I’m pretty sure none of our goals in life are “reproduce as much as possible and then die”. And if it is, I’d suggest finding something else to do.


r/suddenlygay ?


Is your uncle trying to tell you he wants to fuck male animals?


This is only true for a few species... And the males only develop certain traits like these in order to COMPETE for female attention, NOT the other way around.


Does the poster know that makeup was made for men first? Then was adopted by both genders, now mostly used by women... and actors.


Actually, I think there's an interesting point here. Societal norms that women are the 'beautiful ones' and that men don't have to put effort into their appearance aren't biological in origin. They're just fairly arbitrary aspects of our culture. In other words, it should be more acceptable for men to wear make-up and care about fashion.


Adding on to that, the reason that all the male animals in the picture are pretty is because they have to attract the females. For humans, males also have to attract the females, but because of modern society, only the females are allowed to be the 'beautiful ones.' It's really odd.


Humans do a lot of things that don't make evolutionary sense because of culture. See- dying in wars, celibacy, birth control. Evolution is a 'blind watchmaker' in that its incapable of looking at the future consequences of what it comes up with. The only thing that matters evolutionarily is the survival value of a gene right in that moment, not the potential consequences generations down the line. So evolution kitted humans out with this amazing brain that helps them survive, but now that brain is running off and doing a lot of shit that wasn't intended at all. Cultural (memetic) evolution runs much faster than biological evolution, so our genes will never be able to keep up with what our brains come up with. This is good, because it means we \*aren't\* slaves to our biological programming. If someone argues that we should do something because its 'natural' or some survival of the fittest bullshit, remember that condoms and birth control are as unnatural as it gets and laugh.


One of my female betta fish. I have seen a lot of drab males and spectacular looking females. Also, the one in the picture is clearly showing stress lines. With a little TLC, she will be a beautiful blue https://preview.redd.it/xobjeqv9hh3b1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764e2478bdcc9ae64a5ea1393e7e3dd5a7c090ba


Also, bettas are crazy domesticated! Wild types are pretty much all the same dark blue.


I like how fish just go ^(o)O^(o)


Bro just really wants to fuck a male lion


Nah he’s wild, he wants to do the whole animal kingdom. Bro isn’t stopping on land either. He really likes that fish too.


Is your uncle trying to say, perhaps subconsciously, that if it weren't for makeup on women he'd be fucking dudes?


That's what I'm taking away from this.


THAT was weird.


Humans invented makeup for all genders (back in tribal times) and in more modern settings, males were the only ones allowed to be actors in Shakespeare's era, meaning males wore make-up and wigs to look attractive as men and to present as women. Checkmate


wait until they find out that we’re the dominant species and don’t need to hide our women away in caves so they don’t get eaten alive while giving birth


Female insects are frequently much more impressive than the male.


Dont a lot of the female insects and shit also kill/eat the males when they're done fucking?


your uncle kinda sus


So he’s into men?


Bro if you want to wear drag wear drag


Well your uncle definitely seems to prefer men over women


Males is the animal kingdom also usually make more of an effort...they don't just go "yo babe, nice tits."


Now I'm just thinking of birds except they too build a house and THEN tell you that you have nice tits.


this is the kinda shit incels post daily


I know this is supposed to be “hur dur makeup is a trap to trick men” but I keep thinking this is a pro-drag meme


You know for a group (incels) that promotes basic biology, they sure know shit about sexual selection. Which explains why they are always mad at women.




Man, male deers are just horny


Do makeup as a guy and boom problem solved


I mean, if you cherry pick examples sure?




Tell your uncle that if he wants to wear makeup, he can, it’s okay! 🥰


I'm guessing your uncle never heard of the Anglerfish.


So your uncle is trying to come out? Good for him but kind of a weird way to do it don’t you think?


For good portions of history, men wore more flamboyant clothing, makeup and heels. Heels and makeup later became more a woman’s thing within the last two centuries


this implies your uncle thinks human men are more beautiful than human women, on average. but that women use make up to fake their good looks.


The funniest thing is that the male bettas and female bettas look almost the same in the wild. The one pictured is heavily selectively bred to look like that and the females can be just as pretty.


I’ve seen men without makeup and I’ve seen women without makeup and I can say with certainty that in almost every instance women are prettier.


I mean I agree with you but this is also mostly based on preference and attraction


Yeah, if you really think about it objectively, male humans are still pretty interesting looking. We have manes, are generally bigger and more muscular, much like the lion. In an alien zoo, the aliens would be pretty interested in the big, hairy, scary man.


This same man would be infuriated if you publicly compare him to an animal.




The males have plumage to attract the female because she has her pick to chose. I'm sorry showers scared you, incel


It's still pretty typically common it's just instead of our physical bodies it's done with owning a Corvette and a mcmansion and a high school graduation ring


So he wants to wear make up as well? You go buddy!


Actually makeup was invented historically for men, not women...


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So when will men start wearing it and start being beautiful?


Anglerfish moment


Calling them beautiful is a matter of opinion so…🤷‍♂️


No, and then the insecure heteros came.


I wonder if anyone noticed it had a iFunny watermark.


Don’t u dare disrespect my doe like that


Why are they dying on a hill about wearing makeup lol


Is your uncle 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈