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> Never teaches girls about electrical "OMG WOMEN KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ELECTRICAL"


It's about testicular torsion.


Me when testicular torsion ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


​ https://preview.redd.it/y6rm0s65734b1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2e55a78cf9a49e1ee659f8a3ab2063aa27e7b7


W-wait this isn’t an okbuddy server…




Holy hell what is that! HAHA


actual zombie


Call the exorcist!


Balls after torsion.






What happened to your cat?




https://preview.redd.it/efk2l6an544b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa96c8032fa7ed4a75bf171e126932118b8b606 it is now




Which means we need a r/okbuddyfacebook server




Been there… i dont wish that on anyone. :(


Name checks out?


Sorry to hear that :(


As long as you're not a male under 25 who masturbates constantly and sits on his ass all day you have nothing to worry about. Right? ​ Right?


Thankfully no, I spend most of my time fishing




No, that’s only on the weekends




Close, but it's the other 49%.


Also important to avoid testicular trauma. Source: ex military medic who saw a disproportionate amount of torsions.




*Wake up babe, a new D&D spell dropped*


https://preview.redd.it/lg5suhmcd34b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7c71934611405cf1d03df0f3e1d07db525ce54 WHAT THE FUCK DOES "or sleep" MEAN


If you start salsa dancing in your dream idk


Or a particularly … ‘firm’ domme works you over in a drea… ah sorry auto correct…I meant if a … demon - witch chases you around in a nightmare that might do it right?


Happened to me. You wake feeling like its bruised or you slept on it. A couple hours later its huge and you can barely think from the pain.


Had torsion, somehow had discomfort. Actually walked into the ER with my parents. Doctors were shocked that I wasn't doubling over in pain. Edit: Did i mention that I actually tried to keep myself awake during the operation


You're one tough mf


Me and 3 buddy's were talking about our greatest fears. I said mine was testicular torsion and told a story about a guy I know who almost lost a nut to it and it got swollen to the size of an orange. 2 of the 3 changed there fears to testicular torsion lol.


I briefly dated a guy several decades ago who had one and he talked about it nonstop. We’d go out for drinks at the bar and he worked it into every conversation somehow.


Ptsd (post torsion stress disorder)


If I had money, I'd award this.


You shouldn't need money to award this. Fuck reddit.


Dont give reddit money for stupid emojies


Why does this sound vaguely like a knockoff Hank Hill with his narrow urethra?


Wild dogs eating me from my testicles first while I'm still alive is still the worst thing that can happen.


Hey, that was the 3rd person's fear! /s


It feels like someone is kicking me in the rocks… and they never take their foot away!


Timeout! What!? This isn't 'freeze-tag,' you can't do that!


Now either let the doctor see them or we'll have H.E.L.P.E.R. do it. Is that what you want? Cold, metal claws?


[Go Team Venture!](https://youtu.be/slobhI2HXhA)


"Daddy I want to play mechanic!" "Fuck no, you ain't gonna be woke, go play with Barbie"


“Daddy i wanna be an astronaut” “Sweetie. That’s a man job” “It’s okay sweetie one day there will be women astronauts” “Sue, why do you have to lie to her”


Wait. Was this a real conversation? My grandma showed me her signed photo from the first female astronaut. I was a very small child when she showed me, presumably she got it well before then. Shit has been real for longer than that dude was alive


No it’s from bill Burrs show “F is for Family”


Okay thank fuck. I was about to fight someone's dad


It’s a hilarious show and also somehow depressing as fuck to me. I highly recommend


It’s fantastic balance. Like what would franks life be like if he wore a condom because he’s miserable


It's so depressing and hilarious at the same time. I don't know how he nailed that so well lol


It feels like lived experience. It has to be. It’s just to on the nose


Sally Ride was the first American woman to go into space in ‘83, but there were 2 Russian women before her. I’m too lazy to look them up rn, but mad props to all of them


Valentina Tereshkova (1963) and Svetlana Savitskaya (1982)


She had a signed photo from Valentina Tereshkova?! Where did she get that? I totally feel like there’s a cool story here!


Oh no. Not just signed. Personalized. Apparently the two of them had a brief conversation during the greeting, and on the photo it had a couple sentences and addressed her by name. "______Stay strong, ______stars, Grace"(her name) I really wish I could remember what it said, but I struggled with cursive and that wasn't her favorite memory in that room, so it was shown, but only briefly described, to leave time to show us young photos of all of us as kids. She was an awesome and courageous woman, so I think she followed through with whatever the message was. I just googled her and yeah it looked like her


My dad tried to raise me like a boy and sure enough... I learned how to hold that damn flashlight. Now if he would've let me put that down and actually WORK on it...


Yup, refuse to teach women about things then chastise them for not knowing.


I went to a robotics camp in high school where we built and programmed little robots. It was super cool and I met a lot of smart kids that I kept in touch with. It will forever stick with me that one of the girls that attended (a freaking robotics camp) desperately wanted to go for an engineering degree after high school, but her dad wouldn't pay for that because it's "not a woman's profession." Like, sir it's not a woman's profession because of asshole men like you gatekeeping it for no reason


Makes even less sense when you actually have to work next to engineers. Far more interested in them just solving my problems like they're paid to. I don't have time or effort to worry about which chromosomes signed off on it as lkng as it works.


Omg. You just unlocked a memory of my dad telling me I should get an engineering degree. Maybe he wasn't as big an asshole as I remember lol


Yeah unless you work with electrical shit you wouldn't notice the leads aren't insulated and shorted together.


No, I still noticed that.


That’s the other version of this: “If yore man doesn’t know [specific thing that I know because it was my job] your are dating a women.”


I don't mean work as in job. I just mean work with it in general. Like if you owned pets, I would say you work with animals.


Damn geuss im a woman now, Afaf (assigned female at facebook)


I think the cords are tied together idk


The bare wires are touching, it would be like sticking a bent paper clip in to the socket.


The bad electricians breaker finder. Plug it in and the breaker pops. Hopefully before you get too much smoke.


Wires touch and it will immediately short.


Sexist memes are sexist. I studied electronics engineering and worked in IT... I can assure you that a lot of men will also not know the problem here.


I didn’t either until someone pointed it out in the comments. Something about them being twisted?


Yep, the twist as the wires become exposed means your current will flow unrestricted back to the source, causing a breaker to flip, at best, or a fire to start, at worst.


Is there a more detailed explanation? I am now extremely curious how this works and why *exactly* that flow becomes unrestricted. Is it the material? Just the twist? ( how does the twist cause this then?) My nerd brain needs answers! Edit: omg the responses are so wonderful! I learned something new today. Thanks to everyone! I do appreciate it.


The wires aren’t insulated. In a real plug, the wires have plastic or so as a coating. In the picture, the wires touch and as so create a zero-resistance load - a short circuit = infinite current which will instantly trip a breaker.


Oh, OK. Hey, thanks! I felt like something was missing in this photo and really didn't know what. So then how does resistance work here? Is it that the coating would normally stop the feedback charge?? (I have no idea what I'm saying lol)


Coating would mean the wire doesn’t touch. Plastic does not conduct electricity. (In-depth: a conductor needs a valence electron that is free, or easy to move. This is why copper is a good conductor - it always has one free electron) A real load, for example a microwave, might pull 800 Watts. At 240 Volts, that is 3+1/3 Amps (800/240 = 3.3333) which is 72 Ohms (240/3.3333 = 72). So a microwave is a 72 Ohm load. So when you connect wires together, there is nothing between, right? It’s 0 Ohm. This means infinite current in practice, but the wires do have a small amount of resistance. Therefore, a short circuit may be 2 Ohms, which is at 240 V, 120 Amps. More than a house generally has access to. That is why it trips the breaker.


Pedantic correction: Plastic does not conduct electricity *well*. Everything conducts electricity to some extent. It's just that electricity prefers to travel the path of least resistance, so the wires take the vast majority of it. The amount going through the plastic is negligible.


I remember the class where we learned about dielectric constant and how anything is a conductor if you juice it up enough


Yay nerd stats! Time to search terms! Love this stuff.


Just wanted to give you props for being so eager to learn and ask questions. It's great to see people really willing and excited to learn and that's pretty fantastic. Keep being awesome :)


If you need something to read up on, search for Ohm’s law. It’s an interesting formula. Some more formulas: Joule / Second = Watt Watt / Volt = Ampere Volt / Ampere = Ohm Where Ohm is unit of resistance, Amp is current, Volt is voltage (electromotive force), Watt is power and Joule is energy. From this you could derive that a normal phone charger charging for one hour draws 5V * 1A * 3600s = 18000 J, or about 4.3 kcal - the same as your body would take from a shot glass of Coke.


Hehe the comparison to biology is pretty neat!


Not just nerds, tradesmen, specifically electricians and some other trades get taught this stuff and more at school


The physical chemistry of what makes a good conductor/insulator is a *bit* more complicated than that. First of all, when aggregated as a metal, atoms don't really have individual valence electrons. Rather, the valence electrons of each individual atom kind of drift around throughout the material as a whole to form a kid of lattice of bonds between individual atoms. Hence, the number of unbound valence electrons in the isolated form of an element can be a good *predictor* of conductivity, but doesn't on its own suffice to *explain* it. Secondly, not all conductors depend on free valence electrons: some instead take advantage of [resonance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resonance_(chemistry)), the property by which electrons either free in lone pairs or held in π bonds can coexist in different configurations and hence "move" about the molecule (though in truth, it's more accurate to say that all resonant states exist simultaneously). As a result, compounds that have long chains of π bonds can conduct electricity even without there being any free valence electrons in the molecule: compounds like [polyacetylene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyacetylene) being the simplest examples. Organic compounds based on resonance tend to be less desirable in most electrical functions, but are a promising area in developing more advanced computers as their charge properties are quite easy to manipulate.


I think these explanations are a little complicated. The two prongs of the plug are each supposed to be connected to one of the wires, which need to be kept separate to prevent a short circuit. Normally you would leave the plastic on all the way to the point where each wire connects to one side, and they don’t touch each other.


I was asking for complicated. I wanted the finer details, and I got em. I get it though. It can be hard to absorb, especially for folks like me who don't know much of anything about it.


Well and for the benefit of anyone else that would like a simple explanation. If you know the basic fundamentals of how a circuit works, then it makes more sense.


The basis of what you're asking can be explained by the following simple equation: I=V/R where I = current, V = voltage, and R = resistance. Voltage is the "pushing" force, and is a constant 120V in the sort of circuit that plug is used in. The resistance is mostly made up of the components in the device you're powering (called the *load*). So the amount of current that flows is directly related to how big your load is. But with the wires touching in this example, your load becomes only the resistance of the wires, which is so tiny that we can treat it as if it was nothing. So with R approaching 0 in the equation above, the current (I) approaches infinity. The real danger comes from the fact that R does not equal 0 and so the current will heat that tiny resistor up until it melts and/or bursts into flames.


It's just a matter of the hot and neutral wires being in direct exposed contact with each other; the fact that they're twisted is completely meaningless. When hot and neutral are touching directly like this, it forms a short that allows for nearly unrestricted current flow (depending on the resistivity of the wire material) back to the power source which causes extreme heating and could potentially start a fire.


I think I get it. So basically too much energy flowing for the material to handle because there's nothing to stop it?


Yup, pretty much. Except there is still something stopping the flow of energy -- the wire material itself and anything else electrically connected to it -- which is going to heat up very quickly from the lack of much resistance. This is why a short can be very dangerous and why it's important to have a proper circuit breaker system and grounding lines in your house.


That is a really good way of saying it. Usually current has to flow through something that uses the energy (a light, a toaster, whatever) but this way all of the energy just becomes heat.


Notably, incandescent lights and toasters both function by basically just being wires that turn all the energy into heat, just in an intended way.


If you want a real quick, simple demonstration of the problem here, try sticking a pair of tweezers in an electrical socket, which will do roughly the same thing this one would if you plugged it in, though it may throw your ass a little farther across the room. \[Edit to add\]: In case it needs to be said, do not do this.


Of course no lol. I'm just looking at the technical side because it piqued my interest.


Think of it as being a set pathway for electricity to follow. It goes all the way down one wire, through the thing using electrical power, and eventually makes its way back through the other when returning to the source. Twisting it, touching the two paths, let's electricity skip the sections where its energy is burned off, so it all hits the breaker at once.


It's a short. You wouldn't stick a wire (or paperclip) in an outlet.


So for you to get power out of electricity it has to flow. In a home the way its done is the power comes from the main breaker and flows through the wire to your appliances, through what's called the neutral wire and eventually into the ground. Electricity always wants to flow in the path of least resistance, think of how for example a river won't really flow uphill but it will flow downhill. In this plug there are two prongs, the small one connects to the hot in the receptacle (which has live electricity) and the neutral is the bigger one (its spot in the receptacle should not have live electricity flowing through it by default). So when the wires are crossed in the plug the electricity has two options, option 1 is to go through the appliance like normal, option 2 is to bypass the appliance and go straight into the ground. Option 1 has more resistance than option 2 so it will always go with option 2 This has some side effects which stem from the math of electric flow. Voltage = Current x Resistance, which flipped around is the same as Voltage/Resistance = Current. So crossed wires have a path of *really*, *really* low resistance, and since resistance is inversely related to current it causes the current to skyrocket. A breaker would stop this before it got dangerous, but say it doesnt, what would happen? Current has a direct relationship with heat (wire cross section is very important too), so with such low resistance the wire would cause fires, explode, or even maybe vaporize.


It's a twist. Because of this current flows without any resistance which leads to overcurrent.


Iirc basically, since the positive and negative are touching, they bypass the thing the plug is powering, which sends live energy down the negative side, which is bad.


Metal touching metal so the current can flow between them. You very much do not want those two wires to touch.


The wires are touching and basically shorting the entire circuit. Edit: [you can do the same thing by shorting a battery](https://youtu.be/RbwQ3zuOJw0)


In short, electricity works because there is a feed and a return, which should never touch each other except when passing through a resistor, which is whatever that cord is plugged into. If they touch each other by accident, it will simply trip the breaker, but since they are twisted it might trip the breaker but it will definitely get hot enough to start a fire. ( Just noticed that I started a comment about a short circuit with "in short," which was not intentional but I'm not going to change it)


Lol. So is feed where the initial charge originates?


Feed (or supply) and return, hot and neutral, line 1 and line 2, all equally correct ways to differentiate the conductors while terminating them.


Egon: Don't cross the streams


It's a testicular torsion joke. I can't believe this many people missed it. Kind of a good thing though. No one should ever have to know the pain of testicular torsion.


No no no, clearly your penis allowed you to see the short.


I use it like a dowsing rod to "witch" out the problems.


I teach middle schoolers some very basic programming with microprocessors that involves wiring some components (LEDs, buzzers, photoreceptors, batteries, and batteries). I can confirm that this knowledge is not based on gender-- none of them know it.


Isn't the issue that this would cause a short in the wire? Since hot and neutral are wired together


Not your normal twisted pair


You’ll know what’s wrong when your circuit breaker trips and a fire starts


my man how does the fire start after the breaker tripped


You're absolutely right. That's the whole point of a breaker.


The fire will start as soon as its plugged in which will also kick the breaker.


the insulation would probably prevent that cuz breakers trip really fast. at most there would probably be some smoke and charred wires and a pretty large spark but besides that it'll be contained relatively well within the fireproof insulation


Yes, it would be very bright. Briefly. Unless you make a habit of stuffing your outlets with paper, the sparks aren't gonna catch. The sparks would be on the prongs though, not inside the plastic.


The whole point of the breaker is to keep that from happening. Electrical gear is designed not to burn and breakers work very fast.


You're overestimating me


I'm a guy and I dont know what's wrong Its almost like sexism doesn't make sense.




But maybe if we wrap em together and give ‘em a little hug the other one wouldn’t be so negative anymore 🥺


I think words of encouragement should suffice but be careful with the words you choose because they’re both pretty metal


Technically not positive and negative as this is AC (alternating current), one is your hot (or line) wire and the other is a neutral wire.




Causing lots of mad pixies!


It’s actually considered a *hot* and *neutral* since one has “power” and the other does not. The *neutral* serves as a return to the source of power. The *ground* - which is not pictured above - serves as a backup in case the neutral fails. In essence, the ground is neutral with a slightly different path back to the source (e.g. you circuit breaker panel). Additionally, when we say “positive” we refer to the “charge” and not the number of electrons present in the circuit, since electrons are negatively charged. The electrons jump away from the negatively-charged part of a battery (in the case of your breaker panel, this differs since it is *alternating* current [AC] and not *direct current [DC]) meaning that the positive *charge* moves backward against the flow of electrons. The two theories that prevail in our fields (Conventional Theory and Electron-Flow Theory) seem to be pretty controversial among Sparkies but most of the scientific community has its knives drawn for the Conventional Theory approach! Edit: I realize after reading my comment that I sound like I’m being an ass, so I apologize. I was just clarifying since I am very passionate about this subject! I’m sorry!


It's a testicular torsion joke


This is the most Boomer of boomer memes. Its the "HaHa! I didn't teach you this and now you suck because you do not know it!" BS.


Apparently it’s supposed to be a joke about testicular torsion


Wait. Seriously? I thought this was some stupid electrical bare wires touching bare wires shorting thing.


wha- how is anyone suppose to make that connection?


Because all men think about is their junk, right?


There's no earth.....


New earth theory just dropped.


Holy hell






Happy cake day, but I meant an earth pin to ground the plug...we have 3 pins in the uk


We have 3-pronged 120V outlets in North America too. Older outlets lacked the ground (earth) and you can still buy plenty of low amperage stuff (lighting, small appliances, etc) with 2-prong plugs today. Our split phase 240 household power means we only use a single 120V phase for any standard wall outlet (the two phases are usually divided up somewhat equally among different circuits in the home). Heavy appliances like laundry dryers, ovens/ranges, etc all require a big 4 or 5 prong plug (with two 120V phases, one or two neutrals depending on the amp rating, and a ground). Unlike your often deadly 230V@50Hz our 120V@60Hz mainly just tickles\* when you touch it, so the lack of a ground is rarely an actual hazard. The problem here is that the power and neutral wires are twisted together and bare inside the plug. Instant breaker tripper,... unless your breaker is faulty, then you get a glowing hot plastic coated rope of fire. \*^(unpleasantly and aggressively)


Hard to see, but the plug looks like it's not polarized, which opens up the possibility that it's Japanese. They don't use grounding/earthing prongs.


That's not the issue.


Twist twist, buzz buzz


*Boomers never taught their kids how to do house/mechanical/and electrical work* “THESE KIDS DONT KNOW ANYTHING!”


Excellent circuit breaker tester.


Everytime I see one of these "let's confuse men/women" things I instantly cringe.


Plenty of women would know what was wrong here, and plenty of men wouldn’t. This has everything to do with background knowledge and nothing to do with sex or gender.


I’m a guy and had idea until people explained it in the comments. TIL


I’m a woman, a controls engineer, and full of rage. A uterus doesn’t suddenly make me incapable at random shit


uhmmm, ackthuallhy wohman = weak and suhbmisshive. sohrry, it's basihc byolhogy 😂 ​ \-- POSTED BY CHRISTIAN PATRIOT POST USA!! NO SNOWFLAKES!!1 --


Damn my boss’ll be so bummed when I tell him 😔


Easy on the rage. Don’t let silly things like this consume your energy.


For anyone, male or female, who doesn’t understand. The positive (line/hot) and negative (neutral) leads are shorted together. If you plugged it in this would cause a short circuit which would (hopefully) flip your breaker very quickly!


Breaker finder, as it's called in the boonies.


The number of people *here* who don't know what's wrong with this is astounding. I hope you fuckers aren't screwing around with electrical equipment!


I swear some people think that knowing not to stick forks into outlets is advanced electrical knowledge that you need a specialized degree to understand. I don't get how some people live in electrified households without being in constant danger of electrocution.


My country doesn't have this type of plug. Am I stupid for only knowing how to wire a British plug?


To be fair they aren’t wrong. I don’t think the upper cover is supposed to be missing


Seems like it’s important


Guess I'm a woman now🤷‍♀️


wires are twisted


It’s more r/pointlesslygendered


Boomers: get easily scammed into buying USB sticks in an SSD/external HDD case Also boomers: haha women don't know technology haha


What is electricity?! Damn these tits! *sob* /eyeroll


The fancy fire starter


90% of the comments are missing it. Meme checks out lol


Ngl, I didn't knew what was wrong at first either, now I'm wondering why


the wires being twisted is gonna short the 120v


Oh no, I understand why it's wrong, I just don't get why you would twist that way in the first place. Although big chance the guy twisted them just for the photo.


I thought it was a joke about it being a "male end" for the cord. Just shows to go ya!


: D


I am a guy, and I know what is wrong because my female electrical engineering professor taught me.


Hackers 😈 World ☠️


short circuit oh no. where's my genitals!!? wtf


Ah yis, the breaker finder x3000.


There's actually nothing wrong with the photo. The extention cord end is a different story. That things gonna bite good when they plug it in..


What's wrong with it though? Seems like a perfectly good instant house fire to me.


I don't see anything wrong here. It is just a regular breaker finder


I’m just a girl, how could I possibly even begin to understand such complex matters


the naked wires aren’t supposed to hug. it’s inappropriate


Leave 6 inches for the angels


You don't know whats the problem because you're dumb/a girl I don't know what's the problem because I live in germany and we have other plugs We are not the same


Am I crazy or is this a testicular torsion joke? The reason women "don't get it" is because they don't know what the overlapping wires are eluding to?


I know ITs who don’t understand the difference between amps, volts and watts


Because IT has nothing to do with that?


shit big portion of guys wouldn't know


As a boy Idk what is going on here