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The ones who grew up trick or treating are the ones who came up with the idea of trunk or treating




You will *NEVER* hear a boomer say they're wrong. Everything is always someone else's fault. Children are incapable of understanding that they are responsible for their actions, and Boomers are the most babied generation- Almost every one of them turned out to be man-babies/woman-babies.


My grandma is super accepting and open minded tho):


Then she's not a boomer, she's a socially adjusted, normal adult.


I love how older people will blame younger people for the problems they created.


It's like "yo i just got here, how is this my fault?"


Their parents made a better world, then the boomers took it and ran.


"you guys got it easy", dude started by cleaning the floor and ended up vice president of the company, b*tch what you talking 'bout???


“Nno not like that, now give it back”


My brother’s family does this at their church for religious reasons. Somehow going house to house, in a costume on halloween, is celebrating the devil. But doing the exact same thing with cars at church, ON HALLOWEEN, is NOT celebrating the devil. I love the guy dearly, but some of his religious friends have rotted away some logic in his head.


My Roomate won’t enjoy games like Baldur’s Gate 3 because it’s satanic. But supporting a felon is god-ordained to him though.


My old manager for secret Santa, didn’t want to get the woman he was assigned to like hippie spiritual healing rocks and crystals cause it’s witchcraft Then he said I’ll play a witch in a game not in real life And I was like I mean to you it’s just a Rock to her it’s like heals her blood pressure that could be reduced if she stopped drinking 8 cans of Dr Pepper every day Like just give her the rock


Satan doesn't even exist in the Forgotten Realms. I guess there's Asmodeus. But still not the biblical Satan. And he's still usually the *bad* guy


Couple of years ago it landed on a sunday, and a bunch of the mormons in SLC decided it would be wrong to do that on the "lord's day" so they decided to unilaterally change it to saturday then get pissy about my light being on and having no candy.


That's such a weird hangup. I have the porchlight on at night no matter what since I both: a) like seeing what's going on outside my door. b) Want a safer-feeling neighborhood for anyone who has to be out at night.


I went to these things in the 90s when I was 7. Most kids were wearing costumes. I wasn't allowed to dress up. So I did say trick or treat at one of the booths and the woman flipped out and said she wouldn't give me candy if I said it again, so I would go back to her booth every 20 minutes or so and get her riled up all over again. I would say that most people are at these things for convenience and anti halloween people like the booth lady and my parents are a very small minority.


Today, I learned I came up with trunk or treat.


And they're the ones who make it unsafe for kids to trunk or treat. 🤷‍♂️


Australian says what?


Where I live more or less everyone drives to the good neighborhoods and does it there.


This is also why halloween is one of the most deadly nights to walk around a neighbourhood: all the cars hurrying around hitting all the children in dark costumes who should be safe when walking in their neighbourhood, were it not for the existence of cars.


Ironically the danger is often from people driving their own kids to your neighborhood


Happy cake day


Thank you!


im a lil late but happy cake day


Thank you


The good neighborhoods are for suckers.   Houses are too far apart, not everyone participating, not actually good candy pulls.  We drive to a 600 door single story apartment complex, we have pillowcases full after 2 hours.


Good neighborhoods here give out full size candy to the kids and many of them give airplane bottles of liquor to the adults. It’s a vibe. lol


Believe me I've done the hard math, the promise of full size candy bars still didn't beat the average door per minute achieved at a better location.


I’m picturing flowcharts and trend analysis. Cheers man. Have a good rest of the day. :)


Yeah exactly. As a kid and for my kids we’d often drive to a different neighborhood to trick or treat. If you have a car to do bullshit trunk or treat you have a car to do the real thing. Happy cake day




Nor do you need one for actual trick or treating. What’s your point?






Or if it is on Halloween, it's early in the day.


This this this! So sick of people complaining about trunk and treat who have never actually been to one. It’s not meant to replace trick or treat


Most the people who complain live in areas that used to be filled with kids trick-or-treating on Halloween, but now look live a ghost town.. and not in a good way. Maybe there are other factors to blame, but trunk-or-treat feels like the more obvious culprit.


Except that it does. At least where I live (normal size suburban city), there will be literally thousands of kids crawling all over the trunk-or-treat's at all the churches and we get hardly any kids, despite living in one of the most dense neighborhoods in the middle of town. I have literally witnessed the number of kids coming by dwindle over the last almost 20 years, while trunk-or-treat's become more popular and well attended. Despite what you may think, trunk-or-treat's are absolutely replacing traditional trick-or-treating because it's easy and convenient and parents don't have to put in any extra effort for their kids.


I'm going to say it actually takes more effort as you have to drive to the trunk or treat rather than just sending your kid out of the house.


Also live in a mid sized city. I’ve run out of candy almost every Halloween. We had to block our neighborhood so cars couldn’t come in. Anecdotal experiences are anecdotal.


Or, your anecdote and theirs aren’t 1:-1, since they mentioned visibly seeing the kids at every trunk-and-treat in the neighborhood, and your neighborhood seems to not have been impacted.


Right but, as I stated, tons of kids (my own included) do both. The kids at the high school near me do it the Sunday before Halloween. My kids dress and we go to that and then Halloween night I take them trick or treating. Hell I have to go to my Moms house every Halloween and turn off the automatic outdoor lights because she doesn’t want any trick or treaters and her neighborhood gets a ton of


You didn’t state that at all, unless you’re confusing multiple sub-threads. I’ll end it there. Nice meeting you. Your anecdote is yours, theirs is different, as you said. But according to them, it’s impactful in their area. ;) Cheers.


For what it's worth, all the churches in my town do trunk-or-treat *on* Halloween, which is why I think parents hit all of those and then don't bother with the neighborhoods because their kids already have a ton of candy or are tired or both. If they did trunk-or-treat the Sunday before or whatever, I'm sure my experience would more closely mimic yours.


You realize you gave an anecdotal experience yourself right before shitting on them, right?


Well 1. I didnt "shit" on anyone. 2. I literally wrote that anecdotal experience is anecdotal. Point being that if one is going to use their anecdotal experience as evidence then my anecdotal experience is equal evidence.


My area doesn't do trick or treat anymore. People just don't want to participate. Therefore, all of America hates Halloween. I think it's great that the people who want to participate are able to with Trunk or Treat. Communication is what is required to keep the ball rolling with house to house. If you want to have your community involved in group activities you need to meet up and plan. My neighborhood community meetings dropped before I even moved in.


Same. My town moved trunk or treat to the Saturday before Halloween.


I grew up doing both. Just meant more candy plus some of them had little games


Trunk-or-treat is a bandaid solution to the problem of neighborhoods not being safe for kids to walk in because of a lack of pedestrian infrastructure and regulations on vehicle size. Kids are twice as likely to be run over on Halloween than any other day of the year. A shocking percentage of post-WWII suburbs have been built without any sidewalks whatsoever, thus necessitating shit like this so kids don't die at the hands of some jackass soccer mom careening through winding streets of ugly identical houses in a Cadillac Escalade because they couldn't see them from the drivers seat of their stupid suburban tank.


Everything from jacksass soccer mom has me dying 🤣🤣🤣


r/fuckcars suburban tank is accurate


It’s kinda sad though. When I moved to a larger neighborhood last year I was fully anticipating kids going trick or treating like I did as a kid. Now I’m an adult I was so excited to finally be one of the people giving out the very same candy that gave me so much joy when I was little. I decorated, got dressed up, bought a big old bucket of candy, and sat on the porch. Not a single family stopped by… when did trick or treating stop?


In my neighborhood, kids all go to the mall to get candy, and then do a trunk or treat because parents think knocking on neighbors doors is dangerous. I actually agree with the sentiment of the meme. Corporate trick or treating and trunk or treats ruin Halloween, imo.


It’s dystopian as fuck lmao


It might just be the are you live in. My neighbourhood is from the 50s and has no street lights, no sidewalks, and it’s inhabited primarily by old people. So ofc we have no kids coming trick or treating here.


Trick or treating never stopped. I do both with my family. We decorate our house for Halloween and give out candy. We go trick or treating on Halloween evening. And we’ll support our local elementary school by doing their Trunk or Treat. And before you think Trunk or Treats don’t let you decorate…let me tell you that most if not all of those vehicle (which include trucks, vans and SUv’s as well as cars) get really into decorating their vehicles.


>And before you think Trunk or Treats don’t let you decorate…let me tell you that most if not all of those vehicle (which include trucks, vans and SUv’s as well as cars) get really into decorating their vehicles. Most of the fun when decorating for Halloween is making your house look creepy... Do these people decorate their cars so they look like Stephen King's _Christine_?


It didn’t. I think it depends on the neighborhood. I brought my kids last year and the whole neighborhood was doing it full tilt.


Definitely atleast in mine and surrounding area it's really not a thing anymore. Maybe you'll get a pumpkin on a porch or something but people don't seem to care much where I am, it makes me a bit sad but hey things change.


Well that’s sad. Was it always that way there?


No, it used to be a big thing. People just aren't into it around here anymore I guess.




It didn’t stop. We have so many kids I run out of candy every year


Can't go house to house anymore, maga boomers be shooting kids asking for help can you imagine if they asked for candy...


This is the first I've ever heard of "Trunk or Treat", although sounds like a good alternative if you can't do the door-to-door.


When I was growing up, Trunk or Treat was your best bet. Trying to trick-or-treat was such a gamble where you either visit a friendly family of a meth lab That being said, whether you find a friendly family or a meth lab, you’re still getting candy


This comment reminds me of the episode of King of the Hill where Connie's juvi cousin is partnered with Bobby to make "candy" for science class and he doesn't realize their project is making meth.


That's pretty much how it was. In my area growing up, it was pretty rural or the few neighborhoods were on very curvy roads and no sidewalks it wasn't very safe, so going door-to-door wasn't really possible. The trunk or treat was fine, they still had games and such, this was just an answer to our garbage infrastructure.


Its all they do in my area anymore. 0 door to door kids for several years. Highly populated area. Honestly kinda agree with the meme.


Or in addition to door to door


It became a thing here (MN USA) during Covid. Makes sense as there really was no worse idea in 2020 than all of the kids in town going door to door.


In our neighborhood the trunk or treats are kinda the warm up for the main event. They take place a couple weeks up to Halloween, and the kids get to wear their costumes more than once, socialize with their little pals from other neighborhoods, and adults get to see the kids all dressed up, which I find a lot of fun. I clearly enjoy Halloween night more, but this whole OMG IT USED TO SO MUCH BETTER shit is just idiotic. Was life better before cellphones and the internet? In some ways. If I wanted to learn something about whales or get a ballgame score? Not so much.


>and the kids get to wear their costumes more than once, socialize with their little pals from other neighborhoods This has been the best part of Trunk or Treat. My child has wanted to show off their costumes to their class, but our costumes are sometimes a little much (a few have been fairly intricate with lots of accessories) to wear to school. So Trunk or Treat has been the best time to do that. >Was life better before cellphones and the internet? In some ways. Too many people think that it was better. As a military brat, I disagree. Before the internet, I would just lose friends because letters were the only way for a kid to communicate long distance (‘everyone has a cell phone’ was still a ways off) and we didn’t always know what our new address was going to be at our parents’ next duty station. > If I wanted to learn something about whales or get a ballgame score? Not so much. That, too. By the time you got ahold of new information, it could already be outdated. Or you end up with the Marilyn Manson ribs rumor.


Trick or treating on Halloween is INSANE in my neighborhood in Chicago. Chocolate everywhere. No bullshit Double Bubble or Peanut Butter taffy things that turn into concrete. People hire bands n shit. Sooooo different from when I was a kid.


Trick or treating works great in the types of neighborhoods I grew up in, suburban developments with lots of stop signs and low speed limits. It’s also tons of fun in apartment buildings. I’ve only seen trunk or treat in rural areas where it isn’t really practical to walk around.


We used to trick or treat in the country. When i was a child it was pretty easy fill a pillow case full of candy. By the time my kids were old enough, maybe half a pillow case if we were lucky. But over the years, less and less houses were passing out candy. We tried in town, but kids would be lined up to get 1 piece of candy per house. With trunk or treats though, you could hit 3 or 4 in a weekend and get far more candy then walking around.


My small town had trick or treating die off when the local churches decided it was a gateway to satanism


Stranger danger was an invention of the boomer's collective imaginations and now they're all upset at the consequences of the fear they instilled in millennials by shoving their delusional paranoia down their throats for their entire childhoods


It is and it isn’t. While rare abductions like that do happen. Usually it is a parental kidnapping but it is a common enough occurrence. I only investigated it once on patrol but it has happened and shouldn’t be discounted.


The only people who do the trunk or treat thing around here are fundies who are afraid their kid will get stolen by satan or something. Fuck them.


Honestly I do get this one. I get that not everyone lives somewhere that you can do door to door, but as someone who lives in a neighborhood that is pretty much optimal for it we still don't get any trick-or-treaters and it makes me pretty sad.


Step 1) go all in on car culture and move everyone to the suburbs, 2) make them unwalkable, poorly lit, with unenforced speed limits, 3) support America's rampant gun crime and untreated mental health issues, and 4) complain when parents find a safe alternative for their kids.


I love it, every year I buy candy like I'm going to have trick or treaters and then when they don't show up I get all the candy


I mean, you can do both? Trunk or treat at the kids school, and trick or treat around the neighborhood are both yearly events at my place.


I've got 3 kids and I haven't even heard of trunk or treat. What the fuck is this shit?


Trunk or treat is an alternative to traditional trick or treating, or an additional activity/event during Halloween, usually put on by a church, school, community center, etc. Families bring their car and decorate it, sometimes traditionally scary, but often more pop culture based (Mario, Spirited Away, Five Nights at Freddies, Harry Potter are one's I've seen at my kid's school). You hand out candy as kids go from car to car. In theory it's safer for kids because they're not crossing streets in the dark, and more fun because families can all congregate and kids can run around with each other. Out school used to do an event in the gym with a game run by each grade and a costume contest and plenty of candy and a bake sale. But then covid hit, so when it was safe enough to be with people outside, we started trunk or treat. We still do it now because more kids liked that than the event in the gym. We do ours early enough so kids can still go house to house, and no one has to come if they don't want to. It's not a door-to-door replacement, just a different option or addition. People seem to either really love the idea or despise it, but it's literally just a fun option or addition to traditional trick or treating.


I gotta be honest, I viscerally despise it now that you've described it. That being said, if people like it, good on them, and I hope they have a great time.




Nope. Why would I?


i kinda see where oop is coming from like sure you can trunk or treat and trick or treat but these days parents dont want to take kids to both and theyd rather walk with their kids in a parking lot during the day than through a bunch of neighborhoods at night which is a very understandable sentiment but im still bummed when i buy a bunch of candy to hand out and only get like 5 kids.


It's weird bc it seems to vary by neighborhood based on how many kids are currently there. For example, I lived in one neighborhood in 2016 and we got TONS of kids. I ran out of candy and it was bumping until way late. There just happened to be a lot of families there. In 2017 I moved not far to a different neighborhood and it was a dead zone. Either the families all had older teens or babies. There just weren't any in betweens. And that's changing now that kids are growing up, but for a while we would get maybe 5-6 knocks in the later evening by teenagers from farther away. Which was fine bc I don't need three bags of candy.


What's the point of "trunk or treating"? I've never heard of it before


Trunk or treat is an alternative to traditional trick or treating, or an additional activity/event during Halloween, usually put on by a church, school, community center, etc. Families bring their car and decorate it, sometimes traditionally scary, but often more pop culture based (Mario, Spirited Away, Five Nights at Freddies, Harry Potter are one's I've seen at my kid's school). You hand out candy as kids go from car to car. In theory it's safer for kids because they're not crossing streets in the dark, and more fun because families can all congregate and kids can run around with each other. Out school used to do an event in the gym with a game run by each grade and a costume contest and plenty of candy and a bake sale. But then covid hit, so when it was safe enough to be with people outside, we started trunk or treat. We still do it now because more kids liked that than the event in the gym. We do ours early enough so kids can still go house to house, and no one has to come if they don't want to. It's not a door-to-door replacement, just a different option or addition. People seem to either really love the idea or despise it, but it's literally just a fun option or addition to traditional trick or treating.


I’ve done both and they were both great, they each had their pros and cons but nonetheless they were both enjoyable experiences.


I thought Boomers liked the idea of communities coming together and providing safe places for children to enjoy their childhood?


What happening in the bottom photo?


Trunk or treat. Basically, people decorate the trunks of their cars and go to a parking lot where kids can to trick-or-treating in a parking lot


That’s… not a horrible idea…


Yeah, I don’t know why some people have such a problem with it. Traditional trick-or-treating was such a gamble in my hometown because you never knew if the house you visited was a friendly family or a meth lab. Safety is kind of a big reason why I like trunk-or-treats


Nobody goes trick-or-treating here where I am.. mostly because everyone lives in apartments where you can’t knock on doors. Something like this could be interesting here..


I’m kind of in the same boat. I live in an apartment complex as well and in the two Halloweens that I’ve lived here, we’ve only been visited by trick-or-treaters once, and that was only because the family knew us from church


We still have kids in our neighborhood. I’ve been trying to increase turnout by giving out XL Hershey bars and I generally get two 1lb Reese’s and one or two 5lb Hershey bars(some years they’re too expensive so I get a 3lb). The tots get the big stuff because it’s fun to see them carry it down the steps.


I grew up living in an apartment complex full of hermits. When my family moved, we were a 10-15 minute drive from any other neighborhood. There was a rare chance of actually trick or treating without going to trunk or treat.


Newsflash! You can do both! Trunk or Treat also exists because y’all made walking door to door extremely dangerous with no sidewalks, paranoid neighbors armed to the teeth, and an invented fear of the White-paneled van roaming the streets snatching kids.


I lived in the middle of bum fuck nowhere and so my parents had to drive us house to house because there are miles and miles between anyone who lives remotely near us


A lot ot neighborhoods built in the last 50 years are not walkable and trick or treating especially with small children could be dangerous.


My town only does trunk or treating since theirs so many registered sex offenders in all the major neighborhoods that aren't broken up between farmland parents decided it would be safer. I don't blame them for it either (I live in a rural area)


Young people can't afford to live in those first neighbourhoods, or at least with enough money left over to have children. However, some neighbourhoods still have a lot of trick-or-treaters because people drive their kids to the "good" neighbourhoods these days rather than trick-or-treating in their own neighbourhood.


Trunk or treat was started becuase boomer Christians would say Halloween is demonic so they are mad about something they brought on


Why not both. When I visited family in the suburbs of the tampa area in Florida we did both. (Some family members live there I didn’t just randomly go trick or treating in a different country)


The OP meme is correct this time.


I lived in a city that cancelled trick or treating for 10 years because a little girl got snatched. Wont go into details though.


American car centric planning


Not everyone lives in a neighborhood that is safe to go trick or treating.


Wtf is trunk and treat?


Trunk or treat when I was growing up was always at church so that kids could get candy but abstain from any “demonic” imagery




Can someone explain to someone not living in the US


You can't really walk in a lot of places in the US, so parents all go to a parking lot and give candy out of their trunks.


What the hell is trunk or treating and why does it exist? I’m reading non pedestrian friendly neighborhoods and fear of child abduction…..from my time I the US, my perception is that neighborhoods are pedestrian friendly but not between neighborhoods. Photo seems like middle -upper middle living in subdivisions crowd. I’m Canadian and never heard of the concept before.


Where I live its very rual so we do a festival and a trunk or treat so you don't have to drive to every house


Oh yeah. That makes so much sense ! I totaly forgot about rural areas 🤦‍♂️


Even in more densely populated areas, sometimes only some of houses will actually give out candy so it can make more sense not to have to walk in between all the nonparticipating houses and just do it in a parking lot


So what? Drive to a neighborhood that does then… Clearly you got a car.


WTF is wrong with Trunk or Treat??? My hometown is incredibly safe, but our neighborhood has no sidewalks and no streetlights. Trick or treating there is a no-go.


> My [...] neighborhood has no sidewalks and no streetlights. That's what's wrong


It’s an area zoned for horses, so people are constantly riding them around the neighborhood. I’d guess that’s the reason for no sidewalks, but I can’t be sure as I’m woefully ignorant when it comes anything equestrian.


I don't know why, but I thought trunk or treat was a thing for religious people who were kind of skeptical about Halloween.


I think it's a safety thing. Walking around the neighborhood isn't as safe as just being in a parking lot. Religion might have something to do with it. I've only heard of it being safer.


I thought that too for the longest because it’s always in church parking lots.


The act of freely giving and intentionally bringing joy to children is lost on some....


I’ve taken my kids to a trunk or treat several times. They’re fun. What’s the problem?


as a guy who did a mix of both the top one is infinitely better


My town does trunk or treat just a few days short before Halloween. They still have regular trick or treating.




There use to be trick or treat door to door, but it hasn't happened in quite a while.


I don't get it. I prefer first because of no cars. But I'm not American and I have no car. But why the first type of begging, is better than second, IDK ....


U guys call everything terrible atp


Boomers destroyed walkable neighborhoods and localized communities and then make fun of young people for not having access to those things


Some of those people go pretty crazy with the trunk or treat cars. It's impressive. Also you can do both


Boomers complaining about families coming to church?!


Car dependency kills children and childhoods.


This is what you get when you model your entire life around your car 🤷‍♂️ start building your neighborhoods with people in mind again


Nah, this is legit pathetic. Talk to your neighbours, cowards


That’s why you walk or drive to another neighborhood.


That's why you go to a different neighborhood. People always drive to the nicer neighborhoods.


lol the church does not allow tricks!!!


What does it fucking matter, grandma???


I did both. My church's Trunk-or-Treat was always a day or two before Halloween, so I got double the candy!




Oh no, trunk or treating, which is safer and more organized for kids and overall easier on parents. They still get to dress up and have fun, just without destroying public property


Dumb boomer Facebook memes are the worst but yes, lack of walkable neighbourhoods and sage pedestrian infrastructure does suck.


This is whatvyou get when you don't prioritize walkability


True but as a kid who did trunk or treat instead or trick or treat, trunk or treat is still stupid.


In my town this started so churches and groups of parents can feel safe and have a small community. Which is like boomer cocaine so I don't get this at all haha


Trick or Treat in my hometown has kinda died out. It was very popular when I was younger but last Halloween I drove around town just to see all the costumes and such and I barely saw anyone. However, the year before that I had to take a detour because road work and ended up going through this neighborhood off the highway. It looked like it did in the 90s. There was people everywhere. Parents out on the porch talking with the neighbors. Kids throwing around a football with their costumes on. I had the Night in the Woods soundtrack playing in my car and I stopped at a stop sign for a second and just took it all in. It made me feel all nostalgic. I wish I could still go trick or treating but ya know, I'm almost 30 now lol.


I mean, back in the 90s when I was a kid, trick or treating on Halloween would make basically the streets in the neighborhoods shut down. Kids everywhere. It was a sight to behold. Haven’t seen anything remotely close to that many kids on Halloween in years. Shit, we don’t even buy candy anymore cuz there’s no trick or treaters.


It is kind of weird that we tell kids not to get in strangers cars or take candy from them and then make them take candy from strangers’ cars one night a year.


I don't even know what the bottom picture is


Most people do don’t downplay it.. trunk or treat is ass and you know it Absolutely sucks the adventure and fun out of the holiday.


I’ve never had a single trick-or-treater in my entire life because I always live someplace a little unusual and out-of-the-way. However, a good friend of mine lives in a neighborhood where he got up to 2000 or more trick-or-treaters they close the whole street and people came from all around eventually had to stop doing it because he couldn’t afford the candy and all the decorating anymore


I thought those kids were going to burning man, not trunk r treating. Slight confusion.


"We should have nice things" "Not everyone does" How tf does this count as a counter-argument? And how do you not notice how dystopian it is that kids can only leave the house in a car and meet in a car park?


Idk about anyone else but trunk or treating got popular when I was going into my tween years and I always wanted to go to one. Still haven’t been to one, I only did regular old trick or treating


We only do trunk or trees around Halloween at the drivein we actually do trick or treating still in my area plus a church does trunk or treat like the Sunday before bit all the areas around me still do it the good old fashioned way.


I prefer trunk or treating over door to door. If only there was a festival like they show in Hocus Pocus and a lot of the older Halloween classics.


Damn I had never ever heard of trunk or treating before


The post-WWII auto-centric suburb is extremely hostile to the independence and mobility of children. Being unable to leave their immediate surroundings without the parents turning into chauffeurs and a child only seeing how to get places from the back seat window is just sad. The lack of pedestrian infrastructure all but traps the children and early teenagers into their immediate subdivision.


I grew up in the city, there was no going up to people's houses, we went to businesses instead. But either way, I think this is also nice, and kids won't get chased away or yelled at by people who haven't got a spooky spirit.


From what I have seen, kids did both in my area.


Trunk or treat is only done in rural places where houses are .25 miles apart on 55 mph country roads.


My parents are very religious, when I was younger they wouldn't let my siblings and i celebrate Halloween because it's "the devil's Holliday" I always felt left out because i got into SFX makeup, i was so ready to do a creepy look! when they saw our church doing Trunk or Treat they allowed us to go to that for a few years, as we got older they slowly let us start going out and about in different neighborhoods. I personally have never lived in a neighborhood that does Trick or Treat.




It's sad that trunk or treating even exists...


My kid does both.


My kids do both. Honestly they don't care as long as candy is given lol


I thought this was done earlier in the day as a way for smaller kids to safely celebrate Halloween?


Remember, it's safer to teach kids it's safe to get candy from stranger's cars.


The only people I've seen do trunk or treat are die hard Magas trying to push their agenda on kids


I grew up trick or treating. It wasn't that amazing. Except for the snowstorm in 91.


This just in: the kids don’t care either way because they get candy and dress up at both.


I don't know how universal it was, but where I live, churches were the ones who got Trunk or Treating going. And honestly I really liked it. Semi rural part of the Midwest, there are small towns that will shut down their downtown for Halloween.


Trunk or treat is cool tho


Trunk or Treat is a sign of lazy helicopter parents as the risk of a child being abducted by a stranger is on par with the 1950’s. A child is more likely to be killed riding in the car to a Trunk or Treat than a standard Halloween outing. We would start in the neighborhood at dusk and be out for a few hours by ourselves every Halloween. The boomer adults figured we would find our way home eventually. I hate to say I agree with boomers on anything, but I do feel that children are missing out on developing critical self reliance skills when they can’t just spend some time roaming around freely. We have killed a lot of what was fun about being a kid like just going out and playing the in woods for hours, building forts, going on bike treks, and just general foolishness because our parents refused to let us be in the house on nice days.


Boomers are the ones who started trunk or treat


More specifically, Christian boomers. Trunk or treat was originally started by Christian churches to have a less evil version of Halloween in the late 1990’s, but it appears to have caught on elsewhere according to NPR. That doesn’t mean we have to continue such a stupid idea though.