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https://preview.redd.it/md2cwhsj6r5d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624729225c90c4968139778d41936eb1042a70f6 John Wayne literally looks like this




I'm enamored with this edit. Would it not have been easier to simply crop the whole john Wayne pic?


The way my phone photo editing app works, it was actually easy to do it this was, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to paste in the entire image.


The manliest way to wear pants is so the seam squishes your dick so it looks like a vagina. That's the height of manliness. Also shorts so short your balls and booty hang out.


Mickey ManToe


Marion Mooseknuckle


~~John Wayne~~ Marion Morrison.


The Draft Dodger


Hey, he made up for that by playing World War Two soldiers and profiting.


The neo-nazi


Nuh uh, cuz the one picture above showed he's a manly man.




In 1959 people pretended to be cowboys and in 2022 people are ok being themselves? Sorry, but what was supposed to have gone wrong to make people comfortable and confident?


Fucking finally, after all the genuinely funny memes here we've got some delicious boomer Facebook cringe


Posted by a boomer in a veteran's group that he was admin of, and of course he had to turn off the comments. Gotta increase the cringe!


Praising an actor that dodged the draft in WW2, and then went on to profit by playing fictional characters in movies about WW2.


~~Plot twist: one guy's a draft dodging coward trying to , the other is an Iraq war vet with 12 tours under his belt and a man-bun.~~ \[EDIT\] I learned something new today, and my argument is pretty much moot. Point stands that man-bun man could still be a seasoned vet, we just will never know. Thanks u/outofcontextsex!


The one on the left is also a racist, sexist POS that wanted to Will Smith slap someone during the awards for dare speaking out against American aggression towards the native Americans.


MDC wrote a song about this.


I don't like him but John Wayne wasn't a draft dodger he was too old to be drafted (34 when the Japanese attached Pearl Harbor) and had a family, he was a 3-A, he in fact tried to enlist several times. It made him wildly insecure hence his endless overcompensating and he really never had any business looking down on anyone or judging anyone for the perceived lack of masculinity. I genuinely believe that every criticism he laid against people who he didn't perceive as manly enough or favoring peace over war was in fact a self-criticism as so often happens.


Interesting. I have clearly been grossly misinformed, so I genuinely appreciate this information. Thank you! Also very interesting thought into why he acted as he did. Could totally explain his stance towards McCarthyism.


Sure thing! Just some random John Wayne trivia I happen to know lol.


3A was a draft deferment you had to specifically file as he was the sole provider for his family. There's nothing that says he tried to enlist multiple times.


His Wikipedia page says that he wrote John Ford several times trying to join his unit so I'm not sure what to disconnect between getting a 3A deferment and trying to join up are, like do you automatically get the deferment if you meet the requirements, I don't know; I'm not a John Wayne historian nor an expert in the operations of the selective service, but I do think it's a little heavy-handed calling a middle-aged guy with a family a draft dodger especially when he then tried to serve.


Writing some telling them saying you will join the Army if you can be specifically a part of their unit isn’t trying to enlist. Dude could have at any point just talked to a recruiter joined that way but chose not to. He did reach out to the OSS about joining but told them he needed to finish the movie he was in, he never tried joining again after they told him the position was filled. He was a coward that deserved to be shamed for how little he did in the Second World War and how much saber rattled during the Cold War for every war against communism.


Again, I am merely relaying what is written and saying the label seems a bit heavy-handed since he did have a large family at that time, was middle-aged, and personally I believe there are perfectly legitimate reasons to not serve; I also called out his toxic and empty machismo and if it wasn't clear agree with the criticism of him being a saber rattler while having not served, not really done anything masculine at all in his entire life or having some kind of expertise that would lead him to be so aggressive. I tend to see nuance and like to behave equitably, I'm not convinced that his post-war flag waving is any different than yours. Your point is taken and recognized, but I don't think you're ever going to convince me that your criticism of his deferment is correct because of my nuanced view of the world and the fact that I'm not much of a nationalist and don't really have a hard on for soldiers for military service. If he had lied about having a medical condition or about his sexuality or did some other immoral thing, like Trump or Ted Nugent, I might agree with you but that's not what happened.


I've been through the process of getting rejected from military service. There's a huge difference between going to MEPS, going through the whole exam process, getting rejected, and filing to exempt yourself from service without ever setting foot in a recruiter's office.


And I wouldn't even shame someone for dodging a draft, war is hell. Nothing wrong with not wanting to get yourself killed while so many other men are.


People telling like draft dodging was bad lol. If US did mobilization today to fight Chinese and Russians 70% of men would go hiding lol, especially those “proud gun owners”


I really feel like the term draft dodger should be reserved for people who do something illicit like lie about about a medical condition or abuse a powerful connection to avoid service.


Americans: We have freedom! Also Americans: No not like. That you are doing freedom wrong!


Wrong 1959 photo, here’s the right one https://preview.redd.it/mtunvr2jit5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ea9bafecbe02ab2539e12a808d4ea450f55f0b


Plot twist, they're both goofy looking.


If you want to cosplay as a cowboy ala Marion Morrison in 2024, nobody is going to stop you.








John Wayne was a racist POS. Here’s a summary of things he said in an interview with Playboy Magazine: I believe in white supremacy,” he said, and spoke harshly about African Americans, saying, “We can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks.” “I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people,” he said. Of slavery, he said that he didn’t feel any guilt about the U.S. history.


Those are comically evil statements


Maybe they should look at how men dressed in 1759.


Only thing missing was Minions. Lol!


Okay, in OOP’s defense, the man-bun is ugly on everybody. For people who love it on them, hey good. You found what makes you happy. I’m not the hair police. I’m just saying that’s ugly.


2022? This image has been memed on for like a decade by this point


https://preview.redd.it/d1ruy7yrmx5d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ec5569c12afa5f27e7b7da44a4ccbf16b70555 my fave president


Oh no! Someone's living their best life! What a nightmare!


Fun fact: Marion Morrison wore pantyhose to prevent chaffing


If I put on the outfit on the left, the poster would definitely treat me like the guy on the right. Just saying, costume cowboy outfit is, well, fabulous….


Man dressed up in a costume for a fictional movie vs. real person in daily life. What could have gone wrong?


Holy shit just let people do what they want already


Oh no a very small population are hipsters.


Why do old people hate colors so much?


oooo how dare people dress how they want


The guy on the left was a sexist, racist, cowboy cosplayer. The guy on the right I don’t know.


John Wayne was a famous cross dresser who advocated for cross dressing


Ever seen John Wayne walking? He was always in the closet.


Wokeness happend


woke bad


Yes and if you can't see that you are truly lost


But are you lost, lost in the heat of it all?


Nah i grow up in a socity that wasn't infected by this rainbow virus. And soon the world will bring those people back in the asylms where they belong


Is there are lore reason why you are sending me to the aslume? Are you stupid?


Marion Morrison was a piece of shit.


One eats vegan food, the other died on the toilet with 40 lbs of digested red meat in their bowels.