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Pacino and De Niro just had babies...






My God! If they tried to pay me to make a cake I would refuse them business.




Damn! You beat me by 3 hours!


I was mildly shocked that no one beat me to it.


🤣😂 I wanna' see that movie!




There’s a certain amount of selfishness having kids in your 80s knowing that almost certainly your kid will have to deal with your inevitable demise at likely a very young age which will certainly cause some amount of trauma at minimum.


Holy shit, I’m not even gonna lie, that’s fucking wild. Like how is that shit even naturally possible??? They’re like 80+ now, it’s impressive in the weirdest and grossest way.


Its like beeing attacked by a random pirate in the middle of South Dakota. The chance is low, but never zero.


Good way to put it! Crazy thing is I’m about to go to South Dakota in a few hours, I’ll let you know if I get attacked by a pirate, because though the chances are low…they’re never zero…


Honestly, iam not American, iam not sure exactly where south Dakota is, but I guessed it is one of those in the middle, far away from the ocean(s).


Not really in the middle, kinda more near the top, but it has North Dakota separating it from Canada! Definitely nowhere near the oceans, so you made a good guess!


Well in the middle from the 2 oceans, not top to bottom... so i didnt really think about Canada and Mexico...


Actually South Dakota has the highest pirate population of all the Dakotas




The geographic center of North America (not the US) is in South Dakota


lol yup North Dakota is top middle below Canada and South Dakota is under that and yet the pirates will find a way to




Apparently things are wild in South Dakota.


This is gonna blow your mind. Some woman in Uganda had a baby at 70 …on purpose.


How is that even possible?


Modern medicine. IVF. And a semi-shady doctor. Truly terrifying and unfair to the children


This is just exhausting and dumb. Seriously. If my husband was like “let’s have a baby“ and I’m 70 - it may turn into a true crime story.


iirc the record for oldest father is 97 years old


That’s CRAZY.


And old semen is actually also tied to a lot of genetic issues in babies. Turns out the copier eventually starts wearing out and producing more and more typos.


That's how I describe old mens balls. An old copy machine can still work but the copies are gonna be bad.


Sperm can be retrieved directly from the testicles if doing things the old-fashioned way doesn't work out.


And they're both men,how did they do that


They had stand ins


Lots of time, effort, and magic. The question is…which one actually carried/had the baby..?




They named the baby Albert De Pacino


The old joke: Today Cher attended the birth of her next boyfriend.


Look, if it is consenting adults I don't care, but Woody Allen can go die in a fire.


We got to get Roman Polanski first.


We could use him as fuel for the other fire. 


Jerry Lee Lewis can be the kindling.


I like your thinking.


I don’t know, Anthony Kiedis at his 60’s dating a 19 year old seems a little way too extreme for me


Better than briefly dating that teen in the 90s.


You just need to look in this very thread and see that many people really do care what consenting adults do. I don't mind any of the above since all the people in there are adults. edit: the people I talk about found this post. Suprise suprise. They reeeaaally are into other people's lifes.


Uh, no? Jerry Lee Lewis married his second cousin when she was 13. Roman Polanski r*ped people, and Woody Allen has many allegations and is openly in a relationship with a girl he met while she was in middle school, the daughter of the woman whose children he helped raise. I don't disagree that consenting adults should be left alone, but these are not such cases.


Pretty sure by “the above” they meant Cher, Madonna and Leo


Mate, I am talking about the people in the meme. Is reading hard again?


False equivalency. People are certainly skeeved out by Leo's age gap, but it's more about the fact that he repeatedly ditches someone once they reach a certain age and finds someone younger.


Didn't Cher and Madonna do the same?


Both Cher and Madonna have also been in age appropriate relationships. Something Leo hasn't really heard of


Well, the last time he was in an age-appropriate relationship, she kicked him off the wood and he froze to death. I don’t blame him.


So it’s okay to go for age inappropriate relationships so long as you’ve been in age appropriate ones ?


Lmao. this entire sub is just people posting memes that call out their personal bias and bigotry and then getting mad at it.


That's the entire Internet at this point


He's right


But he's the man so it must be worse! /s I say this as a guy with a complex relationship with age gaps who dated older women.


Oh yeah? Well let’s remember Tina Fey’s joke at the Oscars: “Gravity. The movie that proves George Clooney would rather fly off into space and die than spend another minute with a woman his age.”


It’s not the age gap it’s that they’re 18 and 19 yr olds it’s just creepy af gap dosent matter just maturity and age of young person


How are you gonna say the age gap doesn't matter but maturity does when the age gap is literally a numerical description of the difference in maturity between the two?


If he was 60 and she was 25 that would be way different than 53 and 18.. 18-21 year olds are basically children imo until you’re 25 I think it’s weird. The gap is weird but not as creepy when it’s not someone who 6 months ago lived in their childhood bedroom and had a curfew


Either the age of adulthood is 18 or it’s not. You can’t have it both ways. They’re consenting adults. It’s okay.


Never said it was illegal but it’s very suspicious. Get back to me when a 55 year old man is texting your 18 year old daughter who is still in high school and tell me how you feel


Legally it is, but technically an 18 year olds brain isn't fully matured yet. The legal limit is set because there needs to be a hard number in place but in practice it can be more iffy than that.


You really think people waited until they were 25+ to have jobs and children of their own throughout history or thought that was efficient for society and their bodies? Think again, there are people already balding by that age.


No I don’t lol but also 40 yr old men use to marry their 13 year olds cousin also so not a good argument


Except 13 isn't fully sexually developed but age 19 is and incest conflicts nature hence why children come out wrong and deformed from that.


Who cares. Stop obsessing over celebrities


I 100% couldn't agree more. I'm here because our culture still at worst rewards and at best ignores a lot of truly shitty behaviors, in particular from rich old white dudes and I think we need to talk about them so other people don't fall victim to the same behaviors in the future. In this case, a modicum of pop culture knowledge has helped me to do so, so although I do agree with you, the counterpoint is that "there is no knowledge that is not power" -Emerson


How is saying its a double standard false? That's all he said.


u/ch4rding literally just explained. If you didn’t understand, that’s on you.


And even if he does change girlfriends to stay in the same age range they're still dating with a bigger age gap than he is


It isn't the age gap that bothers a lot of people. It's the age they start dating. Both Madonna and Chers boyfriends are currently over 25 (I think 27 and 31, iirc). It's the fact that Leo refuses to date OVER 25. His girlfriends are 18 to maybe 20 when they start dating. Once they turn 25, he breaks it off the cycle repeats. It's extremely predatory behavior, going after young women with probably little life experience, lack of knowledge of those behaviors, to just take advantage of them for a few years then drop them like they're nothing.


Actually, Cher’s boyfriend is like 38, or about a decade older than both Sonny Bono and Greg Allman were in their respective marriages with Cher, so it’s not even in the same ballpark of comparison.


It's gross and he deserves the heat he gets.


It's his life. No one said shit about deniro impregnating someone over 50 years younger than him


Tons of people have clowned on Deniro what in tarnation


Also whataboutism isn't a defense. If you want to shit on deniro you should, but that doesn't make what anyone else does ok. Fully irrelevant.


Wasn't that lady like 40 years old already? Like once you reach a certain age who cares what the age gap is.


I think it’s creepy when anyone (man or woman) consistently dates people who are well under half their age. The key here is “consistently”. If someone happens to fall in love with someone half their age and then stays with them, there’s nothing wrong with that. If someone keeps dating much younger people and dumping them as soon as they get a little older, then that’s creepy.


While the age gap between Madonna and Cher and their partners is undeniably huge, both of these men are in their 30's. So entire grown adults, pushing middle age. Leo dates literal teenagers. And that is what most people have a problem with. It's not a gender thing. When 42-year-old Sam Taylor Johnson started dating 18-year-old Aaron everyone was outraged. And people are still creeped out by their relationship despite them being together for over a decade.


I had nothing in common with 18 year olds by the time I was 21. Leo and this lady weird af, if you ask me.


I want to be clear that these people are weird but to say you have nothing in common with an 18 year old by the age of 21 is just blatantly untrue. If you like a sport well there are 18 year olds who do. Or a book or a TV show or a movie or a type of music. There are very little things the entirety of the 18 year old demographic doesn't interact with.


It is, but I feel it may be infantilizing to women considering they can go fight in a war, kill people, and die for their country at that age. Maybe we need to raise the age, but are people adults at 18 or not?


It's not infantilizing to anyone to call them a teenager or "too young" when they technically are. The brain only stops developing at 25.


ADHD brains develop well into the 30s. Are we children until then?


Has he really been dating teenagers? I always heard he was dating women in their early 20s.


All of the above are weird af


That might be your opinion, but it does seem to be a trend with SOME women online that they do not have the heat for age gap relationship when the women is older that they do men who are older. It could be because of old wounds being dug up, which I get, but it is true Madonna and Cher do not get as much grief about their dating preferences as Leo does.


It's not the age gap. It's the habitual nature of him breaking up with women who get to 25, and moving on to someone else right on the line of legal adulthood. Madonna and Cher are dating men who are well into adulthood. The examples given are two men, one of whom is bearing forty, and the other nearing thirty. That's considerably different that someone consistently going after teenagers. 


I would argue that all of the above is none of my business.


Amazes me that people get upset about any of this. As long as they're not in high school, who the hell cares.


The problem with Leo though is that he is constantly ditching his partners, usually around the same age and then moving onto the next young woman


How is that a problem? First of all, no one is entitled to another persons love or them being in a relationship with anyone. That is true for literally any reason. Secondly and most importantly: *every* woman starting a fling with him already knows this. The whole world is memeing about it. They know. They don't care. Whatever they believe they get out of their relationship with him, seems to satisfy them either way. Why do people even care about other person's lifes in that way? You people need to stop obsessing about celebrities, get a life.


Again: who cares? They're consenting adults. Both Leo and the women he gets with know the deal.


Madonna and Cher do the same. Literally no argument here.


People don't like that other people over the age of 18 have a free will


Bullshit. Everyone at any age has free will (try and force a 3 year old to eat their peas) but context is necessary for this argument. Science has proven our brains don’t fully develop until the age of 25. You can do whatever you want but unless you have the wherewithal to understand the entire situation, there is a power imbalance. An 18 year old can absolutely date a 55 year old. However, everyone knows that it’s at best transactional and at worst, predatory. It’s on the older adult to recognize their behavior is wrong.


I don’t disagree that a much older person dating someone 18 - 25 is gross and maybe even inherently prone to abuse. However, please stop repeating the “brain isn’t done developing until 25” myth. It’s the 21st century equivalent of “we only use 10% of our brains” The original study was flawed. Further studies show that the prefrontal cortex continues to develop long past age 25. Studies are showing prefrontal cortex development well into people’s 30s and potentially past that as well.


So you’re saying I still have a chance at being smart…. (Seriously though- Thank you for the input. I was unaware and will look into this)


Why do I keep seeing you in the weirdest places these last few days? First I saw your farside comic by mere coincidence browsing their small sub and now here. And I only noticed you were you in this transaction because you - unusual for any redditor - actually listened to the other commenter and considered their input, which made my tired eyes look upwards towards the username... ...so kudos to you I guess, and I also liked the farside Hommage.


Hey!! Well I’m glad you found me. I try not to be a jerk online (tbf I’m not always successful) but if someone points something out and is respectful about it, I want to do my best to be the same. I hope you keep bumping into my comics :)


Unironically, yes. Even if there is a hard cap on preset biological development, you can always form new synapses and increase your intelligence (although I'mnot even sure if theres a real distinctionsince the growth is inherently tied to how you interact with the world around you). I'd go as far as to say that unless your neurons are actively dying in a way that far exceeds the capacity of neuroplasticity, you can still grow more intelligent.


That and every relationship has a power imbalance, it’s up to both parties not to abuse that.


Of course a perfectly even power balance is impossible in real relationships. However there’s a huge difference between “My wife makes more money than I do” or “it seems like 85% of our friends are really my husband’s friends” and “I am barely out in the world for the first time and my partner is amongst the most powerful and rich people in the world who also has a history of dating people just like me and then dropping them like trash” Those two types of power imbalances are worlds apart. It still doesn’t invalidate the choice his girlfriends are making though. But it’s worth acknowledging.


Of course, it’s a case by case basis. And knowing Hollywood, definitely a slippery slope :p


That age 25 thing is bullshit, by the way. Our brains never stop developing.


I agree, let the consenting adults be together. Stop infantilizing young adults and act like they are too young or stupid to make their own decisions.




We’re all using each other. Is it just as gross for a younger adult to use an older adult for their wants too?


Is it not gross when the younger adults are using the older adults for their money?


But the thing is, they are too young and stupid. You think someone fresh out of high school would be able to turn down a mega famous celebrity, even if they are 20-40 years older than them?


It'd be their own choice though right? It's their life, let them live it if both are consenting adults.


We're okay with womem making choices for their own bodies (and we should be okay with that.) She could go join the military and die for her country/corporation. She can vote. But she can't make good decisions when it comes to fucking? Shit, I know people in their 50s still making those horrible decisions.


But those things aren't the same. And it's not just women. Young men and women can be easily manipulated by people they look up to, for example, celebrities. This is literally an ongoing problem with so many online celebrities, so who's to say it's not the same with actors and singers?


Again, they are legal adults and we expect to them to make choices about everything on their own. Why not who they have sex with?


Why should they turn them down? Plenty of people’s boring lives would be a lot less boring if they could say I dated so and so, and got a ton of fringe benefits from it. Go get it girl. At the end of the day who gives a shit. We are ok with an 18 year old leaving home to go live with their same age deadbeat boyfriends, immediately knocked up and living below the poverty line. Either we consider 18 the age of adulthood and all that comes with it or we DONT.


18 year olds often *are* still in high-school. I'm not losing sleep over it, but I will assume he's gross


Okay, saying 18 implied - I thought - out of school. Is it creepy? Yeah. But worth the online rage a lot of people seem to have over it? No.


We gonna pretend like Ashton and Demi wasn't in the news for fucking YEARS?


If a celeb picks their ass in public it’s in the news for years.


It’s not the gap that gets me, it’s the fact that he dates women only from 18-25.


And these women know that. They’re adults full stop. I’m tired of the BS


When you turn 18 you don’t immediately become 100% responsible for everything that happens to you. A woman who’s eighteen being seduced by a man like DiCaprio won’t be as informed about that kind of thing as a 35 year old woman. Same goes for the young blokes being picked up by Cher and Madonna.


To be fair, you do become responsible 100% for your actions according to law. Not necessarily what “happens to you”, but your actions. Not that I was in the right, but I got a DUI with weed at 19, then 2 more at 20 because since Covid came around nothing happened with the first and I figured it was no big deal. Then all 3 hit and I was held accountable for what I did, even though I really didn’t understand the risks and was not informed on what it involved beforehand. None of these women had to go out of their way to be with him, and I’m sure a large part of why they’re with him is because of who he is, meaning they probably know these details about him as well. Them being 18, 19, etc., doesn’t negate the fact that it was their decision. What happens in the relationship, who’s to say, but nobody is forced to initially start dating him and many know who he is and what he typically does. It’s their responsibility to choose whether or not it’s the right move to be with him.


Yes you DO. Your country thinks you’re responsible enough to die in war.


My guy, that doesn’t justify older famous people seducing much younger people with no platform. Any of these celebrities could easily abuse their power over their partners. The power difference is immense. No one knows a thing about life by the time they’re eighteen which is part of why it’s dodgy these big famous types keep going after them.


They guy cher is dating is 42... kinda of a huge difference from exclusively having relationships on the legal age line


25 isn't close to the legal age line.


And thats exactly why he dumps them. Thanks for proving the point


For one more then next year it’s 18-19


Leo says "25, too old to be alive"


That doesn’t rhyme


you know, it's not the age gap that makes people angry or make memes about it. It's the fact that the second they hit 25 he ditches them for someone younger again.


Switch out women for twitter (fuck you I'm not calling it X) and this meme is perfectly accurate.


Okay, so I do think there is some truth to this. Women held accountable when they act like predators like Leo does, a brief look into Madona boyfriend including going to the ninth level of hell (tmz) shows us that her her boyfriend was about 25 when they met. (Not 100% sure) which yeah is young but that’s when the brain is finished developing. This age is also when Leo usually breaks up with his girlfriends. Cher is like 100% reasonable because her BF is in his early thirties. Leo dates people who are around 19.


Madonna and Cher are dating men in their 30s while Leo DiCaprio routinely goes for women in their early 20s and dumps them before they turn 25. Both are gross in my opinion, but one is definitely a lot less problematic than the other.


Madonna and cher date men over 21, leo only dates people who are just of age


I love when memes treat women as a monolith :)


Woman: I consent Man: I consent Social media/reddit: WELL I DON’T


All are creepy. The relationships of rich, powerful, and famous people are unsettling and creepy, a lot of the time.


I mean…yeah. These are double standards that I see pretty often


Honestly they have a point about the double standard,


Anything under 25 is weird and gross. Not necessarily illegal and wrong. Just weird and gross.


I thought I was seeing a post from r/funnymemes, that place has literally become an unironic version of this sub


those men are both well over 30 while she’s basically still 20


I don't care who Cher or DiCaprio date. As long as it's legal, why do people care?


because there are a million creepy things you can do that are completely legal. if you don't find it creepy i wouldn't even object but that reasoning doesn't work, legality is not the issue here.


Who are you, or anyone, to decide what constitutes "creepy"?


If there's no actual victim, then I don't know why anybody gives a fuck.


People who make big deals our of age gap or even make a big deal about the 18 number to the point of chanting for death of a 20 yo male and 17 yo female type of relationships are essentially arguing against nature itself and looking through cultural lenses but forgetting that they're just constructs to begin with, if both parties have the means to consent there's really no argument to be made regarding morality.


Lol, Madonna and Cher have been called tf out in my fb circles, but I've been pretty vigilant about blocking toxic shit (it's more and more of an uphill battle everyday, but I have friends and groups that post fire memes and I love them) Sometimes my partner will latch onto stuff like this and I have to remind him that the only reason he even saw the original post was because everyone was roasting it (say, for example, the post that makes the rounds about how red lobster isn't a date or the "guy on the bus was hot but had an iPhone 6!", "I turned him down, why didn't he try harder?" I've never seen them shared because someone actually agreed with the OP, only for the burn) He's a recovering edge lord, but he's working on it! (These conversations are usually in the context of, "this hits at first, but I know I'm missing something" and he is genuinely asking to be a better person and ally. It's one of the things I love about him)


No one hates women like women.


The fact that you he first two even got brought up disproves the meme


Nope, all fucking disgusting


I’m married to someone 10 years younger than me. We dated for 6 been married for 4. It’s not that strange.


I sincerely hope you’re not 20 with a 10 year old cat


I’m turning 40 and my wife and I met at work.


People obsess over age gaps it’s weird


As long as they’re both consenting adults, I don’t see the issue. Yes, it’s weird, but if both sides are willing, and are old enough to understand the implications, who are we to judge?


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What about the age gap between Rupert Murdoch and his 5th? Wife?


yeah and madonna is creepy for the stunt she pulled


my partner is 8 years younger than me and cher and madonna give me the creeps.


MY issue with Leo is that he ditches these girls at 25. It's predatory behavior.


I mean, does he ditch them or is it just when they go past his preferred stage in life or just bad luck or what? I feel like the same with all of these, we inject our own narrative of what we THINK Is happening, but we have no idea what these relationships are like right?


I think it's all fucking weird. But they're all adults and can make their own choices in life.


The truth is probably a mixture of the fact that most people don’t find this kind of thing pitchfork worthy and that people nowadays don’t really think about Cher or Madonna all that much. They are former celebrities at this point, while DiCaprio is much closer to being a current celebrity.


r/popheadcirclejerk was here


Cher has still got it, I can get behind that _wink wink nudge nudge_ but who tf is desperate enough to go near Madonna?


But this is a good and true meme


All that came to mind was. Sugar mamas.


Leo's on the Epstein list tho


This is the worse meme ever




I think it's gross when men and women do it if the younger partner is younger than 25 or so. Brain development generally ends around then and they have some life experience. Dating a celebrity when you're not one will always have a power imbalance which can be dangerous but at least an older adult will have a better chance of recognizing abuse and getting away from it


The funny thing is that Cher doesn’t look creepy, but Madonna does. I don’t mean by dating younger, just simple looks.


Cher looks like plastic monster


Anna Nicole Smith