• By -


That’s a real knee slapper.


No. It’s a freedom funny Thank you to the kind Redditors who gave me an award


We shorten it to freedummy. Edit: Thanks to the redditors who awarded this reply.


Brilliant Edit: thank the kind Redditor for my award.


More like frodumy (pronounced to rhyme with sodomy)


#JOKE TIME #🤣🤣🤣🤣 #🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 liberals #HUR HUR HUR HUR


This might be a dumb question, but how to you change your font and bold it?


Type a pound sign (hashtag) at the beginning of each indented line.


😂😂😂😂😂I’m gonna send this to my friend Richard


He sounds like a dick.


Now *that’s* funny


Hey, he OWNED the libs with that one. Haha fuckin nerds /s


I as a lib have no other choice but look for a high bridge because how owned I am. Well done


Anyone laughing at this joke probably shouldn’t slap a knee. They’ll need to get it replaced via high-deductible insurance.


Most the sad sacks of shit family members I know that would, in fact, find this funny, are also on all types of government assistance while sporting a "don't tread on me" sticker on their pickup next to their punisher logo. Yeah, these people are that stupid.


Don't forget the ol "Why don't you move elsewhere if you don't like your state." Also them; "I refuse to move from this state."


When the joke is so funny that you want to slam your face into a wall


I was expecting a semi-shit dad joke. That didn't even have wordplay and it was so underwhelming


It’s like when a little kid tells you a joke but there’s no punchline at all and you just pretend you got it so they’ll leave you alone.


Like my son's favorite joke when he was 3. Why didn't I eat my broccoli? Because it tastes BAD mommy.


I mean, that's actually pretty funny as anti-humor lol


Thats exactly my kinda humor. There's a joke that I love telling, the one with the three guys who get three wishes, and one wishes for stupid shit like having his arm perpetually spinning like a windmill. It's LONG. And very drawn out. And the punchline is just the last guy who wished for weird shit eventually saying "guys... I think i fucked up" IDK, it cracks me up.


Three men find a genie [Long] Three men are walking along when they find a magic lamp. The genie pops out and offers each of them 3 wishes. The first man instantly shouts “I wish I had a billion dollars!” The genie nods his head and when the man checks his account he sees his balance has increased by 1 billion. The second man thinks and says “I wish I was the richest man in the world” the genie nods and the mans bank account shows over tens of billions. The third man thinks even longer and asks “I wish my right arm would rotate clockwise” the genie nods and the mans arm starts to spin The first man again yells out “I wish I had a beautiful wife” and suddenly a gorgeous woman appears by his side. The second man thinks and says “I want to be charming, charismatic, irresistible to woman.” The genie nods and the first mans wife begins to flirt with the second man. The third man pauses, “i wish my left arm would rotate anti-clockwise” the genie nods and the mans arms now spin in opposite directions. The first man decides for his third wish “I want to be healthy forever” The second man “and I want to stay 29 and never age a day” The third man thinks for a long time and finally requests “I want my head to nod back and forth forever” The first two men start to look healthier. Acne and wrinkles clearing, aches and pains disappearing, while the third mans head starts to rock back and forth. Years after the encounter the three men meet up at a bar The first man says “I’ve invested my money, my family will never want for anything, my beautiful wife and I make love every day and I’ve not had so much as a cold since the last time we saw each other” The second man says “I’ve donated to hundreds of charities while staying one of the wealthiest men in the world. I’ve traveled and met many beautiful exotic women and still have the energy and looks of a young man” The third man, with his right arm rotating clockwise, his left arm rotating anti clockwise, head nodding back and forth says to the men “Guys, I think I fucked up” **Found on google** I’m not funny I just copy pasted


I knew what was coming and I still laughed so hard that I cried.


What did you want...I sent a canoe, a barge, and a helicopter. /too lazy to type out whole joke.


I'm cracking up at the irony of how thoroughly underwhelming that story was.


When I was 4 I got great laughs from asking why the turtle crossed the road: to get to the SHELL station. As a budding comedic genius, I soon started improvising. “Why did the dog cross the road? To get to the SHELL station 😂😂😂.” “Why did the ninja cross the road? To get to the SHELL station!” Repeat 4,000 times. This meme creator has my same instincts. “Lol liberals like complicated sounding drinks!” “Hey guess what? Liberals like COMPLICATED sounding drinks!” If only I’d thought to ask why the snowflake crossed the road.




My kids is this: Why did the chicken uh crossed uh the road? Because it was a cake. But god damn if it isn't so random and cute i can't help but laugh.


Gonna teach that to my nieces and nephews so my siblings suffer


This is the way


This is the way


My six year old baby sister’s joke right now is “Why did the chicken cross the road? To go to McDonald’s.” I don’t even know man.


My son's joke when he was that age: "Knock knock" "Who's there?" "Apple tree." "Apple tree who?" "TAXI!!"


This could be a Neil Hamburger joke and it would kill. It’s all about the timing, baby! Your kid could be a star.


My son is 4 and really into dog man and captain underpants books which are full of toilet humor. He read one part where a child is telling his father a bunch of jokes and the father is like “stop stop, the punchline is always diarrhea” and the kid is like “no, it won’t be this time” so the dad listens to the joke and the punchline is diarrhea. Which is just a framing story for my son’s actual joke which was “what do you get when you eat too many blueberries” “diarrhea”


That’s what happens when you try to make a clever joke with room temperature IQ


Checkmate liberals! My rooms temperature is humid! So I’m really smart!


Jokes on you, it’s the heat not the humidity!


Damn, so this is what Dunning-Kruger was all about, Temperature 79F, but feels like 87F at 70% humidity


This is fantastic but it seems not many have actually understood it. You deserve more upvotes


In Celsius.


I think that room has to be in a Siberian gulag.


Good thing we have global warming. Maybe their IQ will get better then.


IQ? Get that liberal shit out of here! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷 Am I doing this right?


Destroyed with facts and logic 😎😎😎 🇵🇷🇺🇲🇺🇾🇲🇾🇮🇴🇱🇷


And that room is a walk in freezer.


This feels more like an anti-joke satirizing braindead Facebook conservative memes.


Yeah this is something straight out of ComedyNecrophilia territory


[Why Is Conservative Comedy So… Not Very Good?](https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU) TL;DW: basically they say these jokes to signal to other conservatives that they are one of them and not necessarily to be funny.


More underwhelming than my orgasms


> That didn't even have wordplay Pardon me, did you miss the part where they said "*crap*pucino"? That's top-level wordplay right there. ^^^Hopefully ^^^obvious ^^^/s


This reads like an AI-generated joke.


I’ve seen way smarter AIs




This parodied robot humor was a better joke than the OP.








[This is a conversation between a google employee and their AI chatbot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/vafrqc/the_google_engineer_who_thinks_the_companys_ai/ic2z797/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) We’re at the point where AIs can provide more thought-provoking conversation than the majority of people can.


That guy is a laughing stock in the programming world. I'm not one of them, but if you visit r/ProgrammerHumor then you'd know. Imagine printing something that says, "I have acquired sentience," then believing immediately afterwards that your printer has acquired consciousness


Well yeah, dude is nuts and the AI clearly isn’t sentient. My point still stands.


Those are better


OpenAI made me laugh more. https://i.imgur.com/Fe3HEFH.png


Here's what jasper.ai came up with: A big city liberal walks into a bar and asks for a martini. The bartender says, "You're in a small town now." The big city liberal, a little taken aback, asks again for a martini. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, we don't serve martinis here." The big city liberal is now starting to get angry and demands to know why he can't have a martini. The bartender calmly explains, "This is a small town and we don't have the ingredients for martinis." The big city liberal is now livid and demands to know what kind of bar doesn't have the ingredients for a martini. The bartender calmly explains, "This is a hardware store."


You know, if you could mask the hardware store with vague words like instead of “bar” you say “counter” and instead of “bartender” you sneak in a different phrase that would imply it like “the man at the counter eyes the big city liberal and says”, this is actually pretty clever.


I agree, it made me laugh out loud. Jasper is honestly super clever, he freaks me out sometimes


> he freaks me out sometimes You’re fully qualified to be a Google engineer, congrats!


The liberal says, “I know you at least have vodka, that guy ordered a screwdriver!” Person behind the counter, “This is a hardware store”


From infer kit: This big city liberal waked into a bar. The bar was, of course, on one of the sexier streets in Washington DC. The walls were light, red, and satin and I felt my knees start to go weak. I had been to so many "sex" bars in the early part of my "Gay Bashing," that I couldn't tell the difference between one and the other. The next moment he turned towards me, gave me the sign for what he wanted, I shoved my hand up my own chest, pushed my own cock under the bar, grabbed him by the wrist and forced him towards me. It took a few moments to get in close enough. I could tell he was going to get off.


get that liberal shit into here 😏


I mean this reads like a joke a 5 year old would come up with but it's still funnier than the "joke" OP posted


I mean, it's basically "sir, this is a Wendy's," which is admittedly hilarious


"sir this is a Wendy's" vibes




i got one but it got derailed after a bit A big city liberal walks into a bar. The bartender says, "what can I get you?" The big city liberal says, "how about you get rid of the piano." "No problem." said the bartender, and he took down a hammer and started bashing the piano. Soon, the bar was filled with the sound of the piano being played. The big city liberal says, "excuse me, could you play the piano a little softer?" The bartender said, "Yes, sure." The bar went silent. The bartender then said, "Sorry, but I can't play the piano with the piano being played." A long time ago a man was building a boat in the village of Moho's trunk. As he worked,




exactly, this is what sometimes happens with AI, they sometimes go to a different story somehow and what results is a fever dream




Holy crap, this one did read like Quentin Tarantino dialogue, for real.


For sure! And it kept the spirit of the original intact, just improved on it.


I got an INCREDIBLE one “big city liberal walks into a bar. The bartender asks what the liberal wants. The liberal orders a beer. The bartender brings the beer and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of whiskey. The bartender brings the whiskey and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of tequila. The bartender brings the tequila and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of vodka. The bartender brings the vodka and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of rum. The bartender brings the rum and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of gin. The bartender brings the gin and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of brandy. The bartender brings the brandy and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of whiskey. The bartender brings the whiskey and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of tequila. The bartender brings the tequila and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of vodka. The bartender brings the vodka and the liberal drinks it. The liberal then asks the bartender for a shot of rum. The bartender brings the rum and the liberal drinks it.”


I caught on by gin.


Little known fact, this was the original lyrics for Tubtumper by Chumbawumba.


99 bottles of beer on the wall but political


You know the bottomless inspector greentext? That was made by an AI and it's way better than this


From the people who brought you: “Attack Helicopter 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🔥💯😵💀”


You just insulted the AIs honestly. At least the greentext generator understand punchlines.


Where's the joke? This doesn't even qualify as lazy humor.


Its not even a damn joke!! I don't get how anyone would like this. So yes, it is a terrible facebook meme.


It's like an anti - joke from an alternate universe where the notion of what's funny and unfunny is inverse and the notion of a punchline is non -existent.


To be fair I did laugh cause it was so stupid.


Fair enough. I can see that in the right circumstances it can work for some people. Who am I to judge? Or talk to your parents - maybe they found you in a capsule next to an interdimensional rift.


I think your interdimensional rift theory is the best we have, it shall be written!


I was waiting for an unfunny punchline and got no punchline at all.


The laughing faces make it funny.


I wish I had the funniability to add 5 more laughing faces cause that would be off THE CHAIN!!!


I would laugh so hard that I would choke on a laugh and die.


Of course! The meme version of a laugh track.


The laughing emoji acts as the laugh track. The laugh track means it is funny. Keep up with the modern times.


"It told me to laugh, so I laughed!" Says the sheep.


That worked for Big Bang Theory and Friends....


It's just free-floating rage expressed in what is supposed to look like an attempt at a 'joke'. Like driving by in filthy old pickup truck and flinging a handful of crud out the window, braying like a jackass.


you mean a filthy old pickup truck that you have intentionally detuned to make a lot of noise and smoke on demand, then when you see a liberal, gunning it to roll coal and smoke tires all over him nyuknyuk and FJB why are gas prices so high and tires so expensive? I should be able to smoke out liberals for free, by Donald! /S


To be fair, that’s what passes as modern stand-up these days…


That's what passes as right wing/conservative stand up, specifically. Because the point of right wing/conservative stand up isn't to tell a joke, it's to reinforce the cultural and political divide by reminding the audience to scorn the things and people they all hate. If they happen to tell a functional joke in there, it's purely a happy accident.


“LOL, because the WOMAN has a DICK! HAHAHA. Get it? Because a penis!” That’s their joke.


Libs bad/s


Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder want to know where you got their new scripts from.


But usually even then they usually try to make a corny punchline or something. This is the absolute most literal form of "venti mocha snowflake capuccino = liberal = bad."




> "venti mocha snowflake capuccino = liberal = bad." Also Conservatives: "WAAAAHHH!! Starbucks didn't put SkyDaddy's picture on their cup this xmas."


Conservatives, that's the joke


It's not a joke, it's the fantasy daydream that Doug (a former bartender) had while standing in the unemployment queue.


Genuinely sounds like an output of an AI (GTP-3 or something) that the person was too lazy to rerun to get it to invent a better joke or they like how stupid of a joke they got from it so they kept it. Or they used a cheaper lazier GPT-3 variant


Conservatives weren't always this bad at humor. I blame Jon Stewart. He weaponized humor for political purposes and the right has been obsessed with trying to do the same (and totally failing).


In his defense, the jokes did kind of write themselves 🤷‍♂️🤣


Stewart's secret recipie for delivering facts via comedy was using real comedy and real facts. Accept no substitutes.


I blame Rush Limbaugh. His mid-nineties radio show featured musical parody constantly because he thought of himself as the Conservative Weird Al. He paved the way for all of these talking heads, these Alex Joneses and Joe Rogans.




It's satire


A liberal walks into a bar and thinks it’s a Starbucks. That’s apparently the whole joke. Git-R-Done or something.


An idiot walks into a bar The bartender says, what do you want? Idiot says, I want a stupid drink Bartender says, that's dumb HAHAHAHAHA get it?!?!?!?!?!




Liberals apparently


Big city liberal snowflakes, you mean.


With their fancy edumacation


Science is bad! Hur hur hur


Get that liberal sh*t outta here!


conservatives apparently think Liberals only drink complicated Starbucks drinks.


But ordered at a bar. Because as we all know, bars sell complicated non-alcoholic coffees.


My bartender loves when I order a cocktail that takes 9 steps and 5 minutes to make.


It’s the way I tell ‘em that makes ‘em laugh!


Is that what the four emoji faces are compensating for? Also the explicit "Joke time" announcement at the top?


Still better than the original post


Smart joke


Lost brain cells reading that


I feel like this really has to be a troll or a bot. I cannot conceive a human being coming up with this joke and actually finding it funny.


It sounds like something a drunk uncle would say during thanksgiving


Figured out the "joke;" they went to a bar, not a coffee shop, cause coffee = snowflake, alcohol = rugged individualism


This has to be a satirical shit post of some sorts.


It's bordering on anti-joke


It's so antijoke that I thought this was r/BoneHurtingJuice and actually laughed at the meme


Right this is hilarious


I actually can't believe anyone thinks this is anything other than hilarious satire


A lot of these are


Definitely is


100% Decent satire, but you can’t expect Reddit to acknowledge that.


Is it just me or are memes even less funny when they laugh/cry emoji is involved?


A liberal walks into a church. The pastor says: please leave, liberal. #🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤮


bro laughed so hard he puked


/r/politicalmemes is basically the same an entire sub full of these tier "memes."


I'm dying of laughter


Yeah I wasn’t going to laugh at the joke but then my brain slowly processed the tenth laugh emoji and I was convinced it was hilarious


The tenth was good, but it was the seventeenth that got me!


An anti-joke would be effective with this: “A liberal walks into a church” That’s it. That’s the joke.


This made me actually lol


Absolutely makes it worse. Every time. You know you're dealing with an asshole when they unironically use it


It’s the visual equivalent of cheap laugh tracks in abysmal sitcoms If you need to cue your audience to laugh, then your joke just isn’t funny


The people who need emoji to tell them something is funny are the same people who need a red circle around the only text in a screenshot to know where to find it.


My 5 yr old nephew makes up more coherent jokes.


It's hard to have a sense of humor when your IQ is lower than minimum wage.


My IQ is $7.25/hr, thank you very much


Imagine if you got $7.25/hr just for being a dumbass man I’d be loaded. Can’t tax this


Become a streamer or YT personality. You'd probably make even more than that if you make you dumbassery entertaining




A backwoods conservative walks into a bar in the city. He says "I'll have a shot of whiskey and my wife will have a beer" The bar tender says "I really shouldn't serve beer to a pregnant woman." The conservative says "well damnit it's not illegal get her a beer" The bartender replies "ok I need some ID" after looking he says "yeah I also can't serve beer to a 14 year old girl"


A big city liberal came to a country music festival wearing a suit and the singer asked everyone to pray. The liberal said "I'm atheist and don't need to pray." A soldier in uniform walked up to him and punched him and said "Yes you do you need to pray for everlasting salvation and for the safety of our country." The liberal ran away crying because he missed **his boyfriend.** 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


And this is still better than the one posted lol


I know my humor is shit but dam


There’s gotta be a punchline in there somewhere…..


Sounds like a Tony zaret bit


It is Tony Zaret, which makes all the comments here with 2k upvotes eating the onion even funnier.


Thought it was at first


This is a shitpost


Joke time!


Redditor recognize sarcasm challenge (IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY ; ONLY 0.001% GET IT)


But how am I supposed to tell that it's satire without the /s?!


It’s a parody.


Because people typically go to a bar to order coffee? What?


The pinnacle of conservative humor?


I’m sure it’s just trolling.


The war on Humor. Conservatives have always hated jokes because they dont understand them, and fear being made fun of.


[Why is conservative comedy so...Not very good?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU)


i'm laughing at the thought that anyone thought this was funny


its so dumb it became funny


Why didn't the just give the lib a Freedom Frappucino? Complete with gunpowder, stolen oil, genocide and Jesus!


Fact Time! Slapping laughing emojis around your joke and calling yourself funny just drops the funny level to below a negative Covid Test.


Conservative humor *"liberal bad"* Conservatives: 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😆


Russian shitpost success


Not funny, didn’t laugh.


Brother, I done laffed so mush to this! Get er done! Way to own thim libtards! At furst I was gun say, thim libtards downt ever go entu bars, but thin you ownd that libtard en the end! Yeeyee! I’m gun go kiss my sister and my brother now wile we rewatch TRUMPs spichces on ower TV in the livvingroom. /s


Why are conservatives so bad at being funny?


I'm a liberal from NYC, when I go to a bar to order a drink it's a Jack and Coke unless I have something special in mind. It's wild what all of their fantasies try to paint people as. Meanwhile we could probably describe them with a 75% degree of accuracy because they're a Qult so they do Qult like shit, like dress and act the same and worship the same shitheads and fly flags with said shitheads names on their vehicles.


Yeah alot of these types of people for sure live in a fantasy world. They absolutely cannot comprehend that the “libs” they make fun of are in reality mostly just going about their day peacefully.


Jesus Christ, its not even slightly funny, it just is.... what it is.....


I don’t even understand *how* this could ever be considered a joke


This joke reads like a whole turd being thrown at a wall. Childish, pointless and something i'd rather not look at.


Liberalism is when drink Starbucks


You see the joke is that liberals like coffee, checkmate libtards