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This belongs in the weekly Border/Immigration thread. [Here's a link to this week's](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/search?q=%22weekly+border+and+immigration+megathread%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=week)


Friendly reminder that we haven’t passed major immigration law since the 80s. We just aren’t keeping up. Physical security at the border is only the bandaid.


I’d like to add that the majority of US immigration law is from the 60s and a facelift in the 90s. Our visa/work visa and green card programs are also severely lacking and outdated which is not given enough attention in the immigration media circus. Infrastructure is clearly not our strength in many ways.


If only there was a bi partisan bill with the biggest reforms since this time that congress could vote on… oh yeah, some clown decided to block it so it’d be a political football. I think it was the orange one….


Yep. Monkeys are running the circus.


If people are worried the answer is simple: Implement a nation work ID with biometric verification. Raise the fine for companies hiring undocumented immigrants, give a huge reward to anyone who reports those companies, and make the executives criminally liable. Do ID spot checks at every restaurant and construction site. No one can get work here, the "problem" dries up overnight. But it will never happen, because the same people demonizing illegal immigration are the same ones making money from it/taking campaign contributions from people making money from it. I put "problem" in quotation marks because of course those immigrants are one of the main sources of fuel for our economy. Wanna guess what happens to the price of food if they have to pay fruit pickers $15 an hour?


The reason why we don't enforce the undocumented immigrant fines and policies is because cheap labor is the only reason we can build anything these days. I'm not justifying it but it's just a fact. If everyone were documented on a construction site it would cost 30% more all around the board, when construction companies usually operate on a base of 15% margins.


Yep - that's why they're all full of shit when they act like they care about illegal immigration. Especially here in Texas, the economy runs off the same people they demonize


Most people don’t realize that - not only will the construction industry be affected, but nearly every industry as well. Good luck affording your salad lunch picked, cooked and your plates cleaned by those same workers.


Cheap labor combined with cheap goods from China have been some very strong reasons we’ve been able to cruise with low interest rates all these years without getting red hot inflation until recently. It’s a great idea in theory but in the short term (at least), it would have a pretty severe impact


this sounds a bit "post Weimar Republic" for my taste.


I'm not saying I'm in favor of it - I'm just saying if these people really cared about the issue that seems to be a way to solve it


got it, personally i dont have a solution to the issue, but i also i am admittedly apathetic to it. Sometimes i wonder what the problem really is. From an extremely top down perspective i would imagine that increasing the population of the USA is beneficial to the economy.


They do 't really care about it, they made that obvious when they didn't vote on the bi-partisan border bill their own party helped craft. They just want a boogeyman to scare racist white people with.


It’s not even really a bandaid


Considering that the blockade of Venezuela will continue, I think this will become frequent.


There are two ways to "fix" immigration: * actually funding all the respective departments to make immigration faster and easier so immigrants are incentivized to just do it legally * improving the socioeconomic conditions in the regions immigrants are coming from so there aren't as many people trying to come in that the system is overwhelmed and backlogged, incentivizing illegal border crossings anything else is performative and/or grifting.


You left out punishing companies who hire workers without visas


Well, it's already illegal, so it was implied by "funding all the respective departments." But I can see how that might not have been inferred based on the "to make ..." part of the sentence. The problem with punishing companies right now is that identity theft to obtain documentation that passes e-verify solutions is too prevalent and easy. So plenty of employers of undocumented immigrants can already say that they do require documentation and can prove documentation was provided. So we first have to make the legal process to get valid documentation easier than it is to get the forged documentation.




The gang solves immigration


That might be one of the most performative idea. It’s not the job of private citizens to do the work of the government.


No, government should do it with crippling fines for noncompliance


Also don’t require a MINIMUM wait time of 6 MONTHS to work legally in the US-such a ridiculous law! How can we not even change that?!?  The answer must be that there is no political will to do so. We have to look at who is benefiting from the current system. 


I've been screaming this for years and everyone that's just flat out against immigration always uses the argument "we can't afford all that". Fuckin sick of it. And this video just gave them more fuel for their bullshit fire. Performative is exactly what we're getting from government tho, I fully agree with that too


> and everyone that's just flat out against immigration always uses the argument "we can't afford all that". We can't afford not to afford it, or things are just gonna get worse. Those folks don't want the problem solved, they want a permanent problem to complain about.


But Abbott has already spent $3.5 bil on TXDPS and NG since 2022. While GOP rejected a Bipartisan Border deal they wanted. They want chaos not what’s best for US




I always reply to that with "were the richest country on the planet and it's not close" and they say "oh yeah? Look at the national debt!" and all I can do from there is roll my eyes. They're never going to listen to any answer other than some Great Wall feature that they envision as somehow impenetrable. It's just madness. I'm not a full open border guy with no regulation, but full closure is just hateful and selfish. Americans won life's lottery by being born here, and too many assholes are selfish with their unearned inheritance.


> "oh yeah? Look at the national debt!" "The National Debt is money we owe ourselves. It's the money in your bank account. It's dollars the government hasn't taxed yet. If we pay it off, you have zero dollars left because they taxed it all. Is that what you want?" >full closure is just hateful and selfish. Full closure would wreck the economy. Free movement of goods without free movement of labor will lead to outsourcing and offshoring. They'll move the jobs where labor is more available. Better to let more of it come here than more of our jobs evaporate and move overseas.


Hear, hear. Good luck getting old conservative Texans to believe any of this. If Dan Patrick/Greg Abbott/Ken Paxton don't say it, it can't be true (in their minds)


>The National Debt is money we owe ourselves.  The majority of that $21 Trillion is held by private investors, both foreign and domestic, split almost 50/50.


We owe about a third of our national debt to countries that are not our allies. 


We don't "owe" them anything. They purchased, for their own benefit, US bonds which they can if they wish transfer into cash. Bonds are national debt. Cash is national debt. A transfer from bonds into cash has no effect on the national debt. At this point we should stop calling it debt, because people think what you owe the bank and not a mechanism for allowing trade in a way that has mutual benefits.


China? You mean our biggest trading partner? Who also owe us money? National debt is weird but every major country ‘owes’ each other money. Politicians like throwing it around because Americans don’t understand how it works


Sadly, the national debt is a ticking time bomb though. The interest alone will be rivaling our military and healthcare spending soon. It has turned into kick the can down the road by career politicians.  I am not anti-immigration and I live out my beliefs. I currently sponsor two Peruvian college student and I applied to sponsor a former translator and his family from my time volunteering in Haiti after the earthquake.  I also live in Texas. We can’t sustain this situation. 


That's right wing scare mongering 55% of the federal budget went into interest during the Reagan era and no one cared about the debt until Gingrich started playing games... And helped gut our military ( as Cheney said we go to war with the army and unarmored Humvees we had) It's not even half that now. The US is worth 150 trillion, subtract all debts federal, state, local, personal, corporate and we're still worth 100 trillion The interest? Goes where? Back to bond holders: the US government, US companies, and rich individuals.. then back to the government, investors, and rich people in that order. The people screaming most about high debt always turn around and cut taxes on the rich first chance. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSGDA188S


We can afford a billion dollars for 1 mile of border wall, but we can't afford to pay salaries for immigration officers to do the paperwork in a timely manner. It's absolute clownshoes.


How does paperwork solve the problem?


The entire undocumented immigration problem is an artifact of the fact that there are more people who want to come than can get in. Think about it — why would anyone ever choose to be undocumented if they could get legal status, instead? But USCIS has a massive and ever-growing backlog of people who want legal status but can't get it. So many of those people choose to be undocumented. And they are incentivised to come because the US needs labor. Without immigrants, the entire US agricultural sector would collapse, as would a good deal of the housing sector.   What we could do, if we chose to, is make the process of legal immigration easier and faster so that more people would do it instead of resorting to the undocumented path. But that requires having an immigration system that can process an adequate number of immigrants to keep American industry afloat. Right now, the system can't keep up with either the number of qualified applicants or the demands of the US labor market. The result is a system that incentivises undocumented immigration. Fixing that requires funding the institutions that do the work.   TL;DR: why does expediting documented immigration cut down on undocumented immigration? The answer is in the name.


By expediting legal immigration so people don’t resort to illegal immigration.


Also take the same thing you said and just replace immigrants with drugs


Absolutely. Law enforcement in general. Fund the social programs to make sure people have stability and opportunity, and the crime takes care of itself, then we don't need militarized police forces whose main purpose is to justify their increased budgets.


The Dignity Act provides this, but you know, immigration is part of US politics and economy, so it will probably never be approved.


You missed one. Every company that gets caught employing undocumented labor gets fined enough to ensure that it was unprofitable for them to hire undocumented workers. If they’re getting cheap immigrant labor and paying under the table, and they get fined a little bit, they made money. But if they get fined enough to hire 5 people at decent wages per undocumented worker, they’re losing money. And if the immigrants can’t find anyone to hire them illegally, they’ll be less motivated to charge the border. TBF this only applies to the desperately poor. The folks running from political and gang violence, they’re just scared.


Remember y'all. The Republicans killed the bipartisan border deal on trumps request


Yep, Traitor Trump didn't want border deal to pass to help his chances in Nov. His sheeple in the house complied. Party over country for these Traitors.


Sponsors of the bill voted against it once it came time. The fact that Trump ordered them not to is somehow just glazed over every time someone screams about the border. Seems like that bill would have been a good start.


Yeah they threw that Republican from Oklahoma under the bus. They acted like he was a cancer for coming up with a bill that they initially wanted. Until Trump changed his mind.


Most effective would be to eliminate the potential for employment outside of legal avenues of immigration.


I mean that's what my first point was. You can't eliminate the possibility that someone will pay someone else cash for labor without doing a background check for work eligibility. So you have to make it so much easier to immigrate legally vs illegally that the laborers themselves will take that route. Also it's not that we lack the ability for employers to check a potential employee's status, it's that it's easier for undocumented laborers to get documentation that passes the check (identity theft) than it is for them to get real legal status.


Not sure either will work. I personally do t have a problem with immigrants coming in but you are correct, something has to be done. The price is far too high to keep ignoring this… but somehow we do. I wonder if people really want to fix it… or just bludgeon one another with it politically?


I support immigration. I think immigrants are great. But a country should always have absolute authority to decide who it will let in. We can also: - withdrawal from any agreement/treaty made about asylum/refugee entry, the decision on who enters should be ours - only allow people in on work visas (and yes significantly increase these), businesses would have to justify and show visas will not suppress wages - maybe allow a limited number of asylum/refugee immigrants to apply in their home country for permission to enter, they must wait there until approved - anyone caught illegally crossing at the border gets immediately sent home - ramp up enforcement of e-verify and make the penalties very painful - don’t allow children of those here illegally to attend school Would obviously require changes to international agreements and US laws.


The people who claim border security is their top issue are being dishonest. Their problem with illegal immigration is not the illegal part, it's the immigrants. That has been demonstrated repeatedly.


How about both?


The people crossing the southern border are coming from China, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Africa, and many other countries. It's no longer people coming from countries south of our border. The only solution is immediate incarceration and then deportation. None of this catch and release bullshit. If you're caught here illegally, you'll never receive citizenship, and you'll be incarcerated and then deported.


Fascinating thing about that second part...Trump/Russia proxies have been visiting many of these governments the last couple of years... Rick Grennel being the most blatant as he had pictures taken by the press.


Nearshoring more of the economic activity we’ve offshored to India and China would be a major step in improving conditions in the region. Right now it’s ag and textiles, but there are plenty of industrial production that could be expanded there with U.S. support.




George W. Bush was awful in the middle east but very clearly understood the best border policy with Mexico is to be a friend, a partner and someone who respects the culture shared by Texans and border communities alike. We stopped doing that after Bush sadly.




When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall immigration judge grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the visa is in the mail."


Or, doing neither, and instead worrying about our own people and maintaining strong borders and sovereignty.


You forgot the 3rd option. Make the place they're coming to so shitty, they don't want to come here.


Oh they'd never do that. They're far too racist to do that. Not to mention that'd involve Republicans actually solving problems, and they're physically incapable of doing that.


I love that first one, especially because of how it exposes the Republican hypocrisy. They will say that they just want immigrants to “do it legally” but then if you say “okay, so let’s make that process easier” they say “oh, we can’t take anymore people, we’re full…” (even though we’re a relatively huge country with a relatively proportional small population, at least in large chunks of our country). It’s almost like they just don’t want brown people here, no matter what the process or how “legal” it is.




It was a bipartisan bill that was agreed to until the Orange Judas Goat decided that would be the platform so they shot it down. Senator Lankford (R) has said numerous times this is the truth. The gop can’t run on Roe vs Wade, they can’t run on law & order (with their candidate up for 91 felony charges) so oh, immigration. They’re lying pieces of shit. I’ve never trusted the GOP since Nixon, they are certainly the most corrupt party in history.


Amen! I'm here for it.


Actually this was dudes leaving Texas after they realized all their favorite porn is blocked


Just focusing on the event itself…who the hell is in command at this checkpoint? This looks like a complete clusterfuck.


Checkpoint?  They are standing south of the fence and near the river.  Kind of like a cage match setup. I would not want to be one of those soldiers.  They are human speed bumps. And then the people didn't try to climb the fence like the title said, but instead ran to the door shouting "ayuda!" (Help)


Cant do that now...a certain ex-president doesnt want that.


It’s crazy to me a former president is able to control most of the congress. I wonder what happened to the whole idea of representatives in Congress should represent their constituents. 🤷🏻‍♂️


died when they started taking sponsorships


They should have to wear patches of who sponsors them. Like NASCAR.


Citizens United, 2010. It's almost 15 years later and we see now what elected officials having access to *a lot of* foreign or dark money and bribes has done. Brought to you by a "Conservative Non Profit" 😒 and and already questionable SCOTUS. Although not as bad as the current court


Bribes*, the word isn’t sponsorship, it’s bribe.


The constituents vote for who Trump tells them to so...


Not Congress strangle the balls of an entire party.


Trump has a rabid base that demonizes migrants like Hitler did, a lot of Congress is in office from the same people. They are technically representing them... For better worse


what shit show it is...


There’s only one person who needs convincing, and I promise this won’t reach him.  


Trump will use it for propaganda, but has no intention of letting Biden pass anything since he wouldn't be able to use it to push his agenda anymore.




It's almost like there was a bi-partisan border deal, and the giant orange gnat sunk it to use as campaign talking points.


Well the Republicans have had 30 years and all they can seem to come up with at this point is jack and shit.


And Reagan granted them amnesty TWICE, which surprise surprise inspired more to come…SHOCKER…


This can't be right, we built an impenetrable wall that Mexico paid for like 8 years ago. Remember, it was a major goal of the last administration and they fixed it completely when they had both houses of congress.


Never forget that when Trump was president and had both houses of Congress he passed tax cuts. NOT immigration reform NOT election security NOTHING foreign relations NOTHING for vets NOT health care NOT infrastructure or jobs or student loans. TAX CUTS and JUSTICES are all the GOP cares about.


Inb4 trump campaigns on “another wall”


Take away the incentives for them to come here:  -End birthright citizenship. No more anchor babies -Make it clear that any attempt to enter the US illegally bars you permanently from ever being considered for citizenship or residency -Actually punish those who hire illegals -Prosecute NGOs who are basically enabling this invasion


This is going to go really badly at some point. Someone will open fire and they will all start shooting at these people.


This post was temporarily removed per rule 9. I asked for a source and two news articles confirming these have events have been provided. As such the post has been restored. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/03/21/migrant-rush-texas-border-lavandera-lead-vpx.cnn https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/03/21/migrants-storm-border-in-el-paso-texas-overwhelming-national-guard/




Thanks, much obliged.


Fuck Abbott and republicans for not passing bipartisan border bills since 2011 in order to blame democrats


A lot of people are going to be needlessly hurt because of the GOP playing party games with border security.


You mean like the Republican bill that Republicans shot down themselves because this is just a wedge issue (and really the only issue) they run on in every election? The one they have no interest in solving whatsoever because it’s easy to get their base whipped up using this then turn around and just give themselves more tax cuts (which you end up comping for them). They literally had a bill written by a fucking Republican, Democrats said ok yea we gotta do something, let’s do it, and what did this little religious fanatic House speaker do? What did the dipshit Trump cult do? They have used this for 40 years to swindle the Republican base as they chip away at our rights and they will do it over and over again and lead addled room temperature base will continue to eat it up. Nothing will happen.


If there was not an active cult blocking any aid it would have already happened.


How many Republicans voted no on the bill? It's hilarious that they keep voting no too, because it's Trump's policies still in place.


Yeah everyone was happy with a bill to get this fixed but Trump wouldn’t allow the republicans to vote for it. Sad.


Why do they even have guns?


As an immigration attorney who worked on the border I’ve gotta say the problem goes way beyond just funding immigration agencies. Most migrants crossing aren’t eligible for a legal immigration pathway. Family-based immigration is limited to certain immediate relatives, and apart from work visas in agriculture or unskilled labor (which are temporary visas; no green card), most don’t have the skills that would make US employers go out of their way to sponsor them for a green card. The only other immigration pathway to the US is the US Refugee Admissions Program, but again, most are denied asylum, so they wouldn’t qualify as refugees either. I’d guesstimate at least around 80% of people trying to cross simply have no way of staying in the US permanently under the law, even if they were allowed in. There is a false hope among many migrants that, once allowed in, the US won’t try to deport them, which is often the case in Europe, where immigrants are often not deported even when ordered so. Sadly there’s little remedy for most of them under the law, and the US has a loooong history of aggressive deportation campaigns. So many are being set up for failure. The issue lies in what we as a country want immigration law to look like. On one hand, the world is going through a massive displacement crisis, with 100 million people seeking a new life in other countries. On the other hand, there are often uncomfortable discussions we have to have about consequences of allowing massive numbers of people into the country. So far every compromise has failed due to politics (and more recently, due to one orange guy). The issue of immigration itself has been so extremely politicized over the years but even more so in the last 15 years. I’m pessimistic that we will get a compromise legislation that addresses most people’s concerns.


Prob the most sensible comment on this thread. Most, if not all, of these people don’t have a legal pathway for getting residency, let alone citizenship. Sure, they could “game” the system and claim asylum, although the word gaming isn’t factually correct because the US has to take anyone who claims asylum under the constitution, but since the asylum courts are overwhelmed then it will be a long time before they even get a decision. Letting them in just makes the whole process painful for everyone involved, these people have the wrong assumption that once they are in and let go after being detained then their immigration situation is resolved, likewise people think that they are being in and given free resources away. That’s not the case at all, and even if they are let in. After 5,10,20 years a deportation order can be made and they will have to leave. So, yes the immigration process is broken and old. Funding more border patrol doesn’t solve the issue. Expediting cases for immigration courts does. Penalizing companies who hire under the table does. And we can keep going on how US citizens also take advantage of these vulnerable people.


Why would Republicans want to fix the border? It’s basically the only thing they have to campaign on.


Especially since they overturned roe v. wade. This is pretty much all they’ve got now


Yet another reason to vote against Republicans in every single election, if anyone needed one.


Republicans have been n charge of Texas 27 years they will never fix


Trump's ad for President


You can thank Joe Brandon for this shit. If you haven’t read the full “bill” (which was 85% bull crap and had a quick section on immigration policy that could be dictated on by a crook lib attorney general), not interested in discussing as you’re too lazy to do your research. 200k+ illegals encouraged to infiltrate each month and when pressured, weak partisan legislation is squeezed out while we have fresh news that the Joe Brandon handlers flew over 300k illegals into the country for what reason exactly? Wake up libs, your party doesn’t give a shit about you.


The spin that this video is going to get over the next months are going to give me whiplash. The border is a manufactured mess. It’s fucking deliberate so that politicians can kick the can down the road and campaign on it until the goddamn sun dies. And basically either side are just debating whether or not the camps we put these desperate people in will be humane or not.


Republicans killed the border deal. They don’t actually care about the border. Just making Biden look bad.


invaded without a shot fired


Where is the border patrol? REPUBLICANS created this problem


It’s too bad Republicans are more concerned with not making Trump upset.


Well, we had a bill that gave the GOP party pretty much everything and they tanked it because their buffoonish leader told them to.


What problem? Trump built a big beautiful wall and Mexico payed for it. Promises Kept right… RIGHT?!?!?


If only there had been a bill that the Republicans could have voted for just recently that would have fixed this but a certain orange wanna-be dictator told them not to, so they didn't like the good little spineless cowards that they are...


Blame djt, he killed the border deal, everyone who comes through after that is on him personally!




Do you mean the Texas State Guard?




But no one speaks the root of the problem and how America has affected these countries for them to resort to this. Republicans will only use this to further emotionally manipulate those who can’t see past their own emotions and actually work on fixing the problem.


> no one speaks the root of the problem and how America has affected these countries Caudillo politics in Latin America predates the United States. We've had a hand in things for sure, but we don't run this hemisphere, we run our own shit. On the occasions where we've stepped in things were a mess before we got there. Look at shit like 1902-1906 in Cuba, where the only thing both sides could agree with was begging the US to intervene.


People are literally typing BS Op-eds on why this is a Republican made crisis while simultaneously pushing the same policy’s that are fueling this crisis at the same time WATCHING IT HAPPEN VIA VIDEO and dismissing it like it’s not happening. Reddit is full of sickos.


We had a good bipartisan bill on border security that Trump tanked.


Do you have a source for this video?




Honest question after reading the article. It says the Texas national guard and their razor wire was overwhelmed but that border agents were able to detain and process… are they the same? Am i reading it correctly that the Texas national guard was ineffective but federal agents did the job?


So many women and children


call your whoever. i mean the most conservative of conservatives helped make a bill the GOP has wanted for like 20 years but because cheetohead told them to kill it or else they caved like the Satan worshippers they are.


Too bad the GOP voted against the proposed immigration bill


Wow, it would be nice right about now if there were a bipartisan immigration bill, stricter than most conservatives would ever have dreamed of, passing through the House and Senate with Biden on record as willing to sign it. Whatever happened to that idea?


We had an immigration reform bill that gave Republicans nearly everything they wanted, but then Republicans blocked it because it would have made Biden look good. Yes, Republicans are willing to hurt this country just to seize more power.


No, we don't need reform. We just need to keep them out, turn them back and deport them. The only reform should be stopping the political asylum loophole that they take advantage of.


Mexico sucks that bad huh?


The invasion is working out well. Smh


Video is suspect.....Near El Paso? Where's the River? Why are personnel on the other side of the main fence? Why is the video so grainy?


Looks like El Paso.  The river would be below and dry, with the soldiers standing near the northern Bank.  And yes, dangerously on the wrong side of the fence.  I think someone in power wants a soldier to get hurt or dragged south to be a bigger intl incident. 


Yeah this is really sus. None of the links so far have any real information. We should know by now that inflammatory videos mean we should stop, take a breath, and wait for more information. Cool your amygdalas, folks. ​ (Edit: Now "Upon entering U.S. territory, border agents loaded them into vehicles and transported them to a processing center" from the Click2Houston link. So...yeah. Not exactly overwhelmed after all.)


This is what happens when untrained national guard tries to do border patrol work. The Senate immigration bill would have funded more CBP and tech that would have stopped this situation before they got close to El Paso


Agreed. If only the Republicans in the house had voted on the immigration bill that the senate republicans negotiated, maybe this situation would have been averted. However, instead of passing needed immigration reform, the house republicans decided it was better to lick the asshole of somebody who's not even in govt.


Are the National Guard troops present as part of Operation Lone Star?


Actually all it would take is a small group of citizens to turn vigilante and take matters into their own hands.


I’ll say one thing. Vetting each person is super important that is coming across. We can at the very least do that.


Hey Republicans...remember when a bipartisanship deal was reached and the rules and regs were going to be strict...then 'The Donald's told his hardcore MAGA Congress folks to NOT make a deal?


Looks sus


Ah yes how shall we do reform that? Do better than the military at the border...


This is not from today lol


I'm not trying to get too conspiratorial, but election seasons here.


Paid actors.


Wasn't there like a major bill that Republicans backed out on that was gonna fix a lot of this? That like the border patrol union voted on? What happened to that?


The republicans shouldnt of killed their own bill that had bipartisan support then. If ruling is more important than helping our country, then they dont deserve to be in power.


That looks staged


All the skirmishing was on the Mexican side, they didn’t breach, usually it’s just a distraction so the other bridges will start waving people through.


Warped Tour security: “First time, huh?”


Ooooo Terrify me! Terrify me some more!


If only the bi-partisan border bill was passed instead of being delayed and dropped by you know who.


Damn what happened to that wall Trump promised you? It was like the whole selling point I've heard why people voted for him. Orange man wouldn't lie to his devoted followers would he?


National guard doing what they do best nothing


Doesn't look like El Paso, where are the mountains?


Republicans had control of the house, senate and the white house in 2016... why did they not do anything about the border then? Oh, that's right... they don't actually give a fuck and just use it as a political topic.


They don’t come if we don’t hire them.


Im amazed none of those border agents didn’t open fire. It looks like one of the invaders tried to grab one of the guns.


As usual, right wing dipshits pushing a right wing extremist narrative from Fox News. Billionaires are always happy to have people easily manipulated.


To fix this there is a lot to fix. First, update the immigration laws, which have not been modified for more than 30 years. Then fix the problem of drug traffickers in two ways: 1 Extremely monitor the entry and exit of weapons at the border. 2 Review of inflows and outflows of remittances and money destined for NGOs. Also regulate housing prices so that the middle class can access a home and thus stop the gentrification of LATAM countries.


Dillion aero solve this issue before first smoke break.


That’s what, like 45 people?




Mexicans own Texas!


I only wish our leaders could come up with a plan any plan, and vote on it.


I recently made a post about flying into El Paso at the r/eclipse subreddit. I had mentioned wanting to see the migrant situation at the border because I thought it would be interesting. People responded to my comment as if to say "why?" Well, shit like this is the reason why. Now when I fly into El Paso in 2 weeks I'm definitely checking out the border scene to see what's happening.


We had a bill that would have addressed these issues, only Cheesus killed it because he would rather have the issues than the solutions. Craven republicans killed their own fucking bill.


If I was in their shoes I'd probably do the same. The US or Mexico.... Not a hard choice, nice to know people want to come here despite the people who throw racist insults at them ( looking at you Trump).