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The irony might be the smart kids will start seeing some hypocrisy from their adult peers and parents.


[Religion is already on a steep decline in the US](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2024/01/24/religious-nones-in-america-who-they-are-and-what-they-believe/). And I would bet a very large part of it is the alliance between American Christianity and the extreme right. How can you take any of these people seriously when they fall all over themselves to worship someone as plainly evil as Trump?


>How can you take any of these people seriously when they fall all over themselves to worship someone as plainly evil as Trump? careful. A lot of those people believe in something like divine command theory of morality, aka "if god says it it is good." So no matter how evil something may appear to a rational person (killing your own son?) if god says it...it must be moral. So if you think that supporting Trump is something god wants...the result is predictable.


True. But explain the high concentration of pedophiles? Or am I missing that part of the bible that says going full Diddy on kids is part of god's plan?


The old testament has some... Interesting parts.


>But explain the high concentration of pedophiles?  You mean in the church, or republican politics? Or both? I'd argue it's more complicated (and not at the same time not so complicated) than that. Any place, here specifically the church, where you can have adults in positions of power over youth, and the possibility for there to be situations for the two to be alone, even when they shouldn't be, you'll find the abuse. It's the same reason the boy scouts and other various youth organizations (sports teams) have had the same problems in the past. Are the pedophiles truly "Christian," or have they found an inviting spot that assumes the best out of their members to hunt for their victims? And a place that if they do "sin," is open to forgiving those sins and allowing for second chances as long as you "repent?" And a place that can be easily embarrassed by those "sins," thus is motivated to help cover up, forgive, and reform the abuser? It has made for a very dangerous combination over the years.


Lol no dizzy


"High concentration of pedophiles" in any group is just a public misperception. Even a few dozen in the Catholic church is out of thousands of people. It's not part of "God's plan." Likely, just pedos using blind trust and access to children. It's a sickness that can infect anybody regardless of their ideology. The percentage of pedos out of 7 billion people makes them look almost non-existent. But, the number of them ends up being shockingly large. Someone's closest friend who shares nearly every view could turn out to be a pedo when the other person has the most conviction towards it.


That part in the Bible was a weird story that the people wrote in there as a lesson. It was conveniently a test that God put the character through. God said, "kill your son." But, he couldn't kill his son and God was like, "uh, yeah! You totally passed my test. Exactly as I intended!" So, conveniently, it was never saying it was good to kill your son.


God never said “killing your own son” was good. God, unlike many other gods of major religions existing for thousands of years, commands we give only love and faith, and not sacrifice human life. The cornerstone of Christian faith is that God provided the ultimate and final sacrifice: himself in human form, so that His (Christ’s) blood shed to cover the sins of all His people, and by that sacrifice, the burning garbage that is humankind may receive the blessing of eternal peace that they do not deserve, no further alter offerings needed.


Of course God never said that! God never said anything. To anyone. Ever.






Well, that's problematic since I can source several people who'd disagree w/o much effort at all. I can not, however, speak to the validity of these sources since I don't reside in their heads. The truth of the matter is that the existence of a spiritual being beyond our comprehension of any sort can not and will not be proven or disproven until it is either too late or doesn't matter anymore. Either way, those folks aren't sharing info with any of us. The only thing that matters regarding this is that you don't use your religion, or lack thereof, as a reason to be shitty to others. If it makes you a better person, why should anyone care what you believe? If you use it to hide from the law or be hateful towards people who most definitely do exist, then shame on you.




>God never said “killing your own son” was good no. It's worse than that, isn't it? The story goes that god told Abraham to kill his own son, leading Abraham to believe that this was good. Abraham set about following this (transparently immoral) command, and then god says "haha jk, bro, it was a prank!" And the moral of the story is that Abraham is a good dude, upright, better than others. Because he will do immoral shit because a monstrous god commands him to. So this god character is willing to cause mental torment to his followers, in order to pressure them into unthinking obedience. So if we're gonna discuss burning garbage...


Yup. When the right wing anti-science anti-intellectual strain of Christianity became the mainstream version of church in America it must have been turning people off of religion. They hitched their wagon away from common sense and the core messages of Jesus and prohibited critical thinking. Sort of a dumb strategy long term.


I just recently figured out why republicans suddenly turned against science. It was a fucking mystery but suddenly became clear. Science is incompatible with religion. Biology only makes sense in the light of evolution. Of course evolution is deal breaker for religionism.


Thats because these morons take the Bible literally.


I might get downvoted for this, but here goes... >Science is incompatible with religion. That seems like a sweeping generalization, my man. Not all Christians believe in new earth creation (the world being only 10-20k years old). Old earth creationists realize that the 7 'days' of creation were not literal 24-hour days, but rather 7 undefined periods of time through which creation occurred within. It baffles me that most Christians understand that the earth being suspended on pillars (Bible based flat-earthers' favorite Bible verse) is a metaphor, but few people, Christian or otherwise, see the analogy of Creation & Eden. Day 1: God spoke the separation of light and darkness (sounds like 'the big bang' to me), followed by... Day 2 : The separation of the sky from the sea, or earth's planetary infancy, during which, the world may have been covered in water, having so much moisture in the air that the sky was completely fogged out until... Day 3: Separation of the land from the sea happens, and the first trees started to evolve, and... Day 4: The sky cleared up enough for the viewing of the sun and stars and moon, then... Day 5: Animal evolution begins with SEA creatures (imagine that), followed by... Day 6: The evolution of land animals and, finally, humans. Humanity lived without sin until women ate the apple, or in other words, became SMART ENOUGH to realize that our animalistic instincts included a wide array of behaviors that were hurting other humans around us. Men only made this connection initially because the female counterparts shared these ideas with them. A couple of side notes: 1. God also said he would have a special place in hell for those who do not respect his creation. I can't wait to hear how people who support Big Oil, unrestrained industrialization, and mega-corporations defend themselves in front of God. 2. Jesus stated that loving your neighbor, or people you share an existence with, as yourself was on par with loving God ('the greatest commandment'), then died for payment of the wages of the sins of everyone who did or, at least, attempted throughout their life to do so.


Oh boy…


The crazy part, the Christian right have become so engrained in the GOP, while the pool of Church goers continues to dwindle. I sort of like the direction the data is heading myself lol


While everyone practically celebrates the connection to a religious community(and somehow randomly Trump????) REALIZE: these unacceptable, grievous acts unfortunately occur in ALL organizations, groups, communities, and even in families; in every culture; since the beginning of time. It’s not religion (including Trumpism), its humans are just complete trash. These comments should be prayers and hopes for the victims to heal and find peace, and that swift justice to put an absolute end to these instances in the affected community. If you hate religion so much, participate in a charitable organization that does similar good in your communities that churches do for the poor, hopeless, homeless, needy, etc


A lot of kids that go to Catholic/Christian schools tend to no longer be practicing Catholics/Christians


I only went for three years (pre k - 1st grade) and that was enough


And they should be aware.


The more they do this shit the less people go to church. They are literally destroying Christianity.


Look to Jesus, not people


While I like Jesus, I can not abide by organized religion. It causes more trouble than it solves.


He might want to first post the Ten Commandments at Gateway Church...


What are you talking about? It is fine. We passed common sense Gun laws……


Funny how a puritanical, sex-negative system that minimizes women and gives unearned authority to unregulated clergy attracts sex predators. Huh.


Man who would have ever guessed? Maybe the centuries of abuse we know about would have warned us.


Yeah, duh.


I think I found the correct swamp to drain


More like boil


I think people in here seem to be missing the date on the article. 2012. The point being made here is it's the same church as [much more recent stories](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/article289455164.html). That the church seems to have a history of this being a problem.


All churches have sex offenders duh That’s the fucking problem. Pardon the pun


You, personally, have checked this? Or, perhaps, you have a source? Otherwise, your 'fact' is a fake one based on your personal bias.


Southlake in general has a history of being a problem.


Republicans want these people in your children’s schools! Sick people!


I told my daughter that she is to without compromise refuse to be alone with any counselor at her school now that they allow people with no qualifications or background checks to masquerade in that function. I told her neither her or the school wants anything to do with the fury and refined rage that will come from me if I find out she was forced to be alone with a religious person. I was raised ultra religious. I don’t trust ANY person who claims religion as their guiding force.


Youre a good parent.


No. Not those people. 🙄


Yes, those people... the religious evangelical and anyone else who claims faith over reason is the better or only way to live in a secular society. Those are the nutjobs republicans want in places of power throughout. These people have time and again been proven to be child rapists. The religiosity tends to influence that behavior. So yes, they meant exactly what they said.


It's kind of like someone else who walked in on half-naked preteens and teens....


Hey, now, he owned the pageant and was therefore "inspecting" it. Perfectly valid. Nothing wrong at all! /s because Poe's Law is real.


I would like to know the % of abusers that are employed by churches.


Maybe these churches (instead of schools)!need the 10 Commandments posted in them.


If Trump prides himself on not following them why should anyone else need to follow them?


The commandments are for the poor, The rich can buy their way out., and into heaven. People really do suck great big ones.




The part about where they stopped counting Catholic incidents because it happens so often made me glad I wont ever go back into a Catholic church.


Why would you go back into any church? You don’t have to go to church to lose reality when we have alcohol and drugs that will get you there


I'd be interested in seeing this weighted by the popularity of these denominations.


Non denominational are pretty big, especially in bigger cities. Southern baptist and baptist are also pretty huge. I’d say Catholicism is up there with them, though I believe it’s underrepresented with this metadata, no fault of OP though it probably just doesn’t get reported as much.


He says that his chart is only Protestant denominations, so Catholicism isn’t represented at all in this data.




Be easier to calculate the % that aren't.




Stats would be good… compared to for example, Drag Queens. This is yet another example of r/NotADragQueen


I've never heard of a story about a drag queen abusing children or anyone else.


Exactly! If there was one, we’d have heard about it! Some folks trying to ban drag queens over non (or extremely rarely occurring) events in the name of protecting children —- [Just an example article](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/05/politics/drag-show-legislation/index.html) Yet those same folks ignore or do nothing about actual dangers to children. Access to irresponsibly stored guns, child diddling youth pastors, Matt Gaetz, etc.






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I think “spotlight”does a pretty good job of illustrating what potential there is for sweeping things under the rug until people start noticing.


Well, I can’t tell you all that, but there is website that tells you what race commits the most of type of crimes. RAINN


Less than 0.01%


Prove it.


A church. Go fucking figure. If there was another religion fucking kids like these in Texas they’d be on in a heart beat.


Brain washing kids in the name of the god man.


So fucked . Same people burning books crying about the LGBTQIA+ community.


These terrible atrocities happen in nearly every organization, group, community, and even in families. In every culture. Since the beginning of history. I get it you don’t like religion. How about you participate in a charitable organization that does equal good that churches do for the poor and needy in their communities and around the world


It should never happen period. But when a group pretending to be of “the flock” partake under the guise of religion while protest the others rights simultaneously if fucked. Also you have no idea of my affiliations based on a comment thread on Reddit. I didn’t realize I had to flaunt my spirituality while condemning child sex abuse.


Judge not, lest ye be… nevermind.


Yes, never mind!


/r/notadragqueen Again. And again.


r/PastorArrested is what you’re looking for.


Same difference, they both apply


Nice copy and paste comment that holds no truth.


Show us, please, where the rate of sexual assaults by a drag queen or someone that identifies as LGBTQ is even near the same level as sexual assaults by youth pastors, pastors, Catholic priests, Republican elected officials, Republican party employees and the like. If you cannot provide state and federal data that shows these two different groups commit the same crimes at similar levels, then I feel that readily proves my point and shows us the truth - the conservative media and political spheres have scapegoated those with an alternate lifestyle as the evil ones, instead of providing an introspective look at the facts.




What studies? If they are so prevalent and you have read them, then you must know where to find them.


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One lives an alternate lifestyle that you may not agree with. The other diddles children. They are not the same.




The right has been trying to vilify drag queens and people of the lgbtq community for decades as sexual predators. If you can produce evidence that they commit sexual assault crimes, let alone child sexual assault crimes, at a rate comparable to youth pastors, clergy and elected republicans, then I will change my attitude. Until then, you are on the wrong side of this debate.


My mistake, I clicked the wrong comment, yours has been restored.


No worries, I was worried I actually broke the rules for a moment and was trying to make sure I wasn’t that dumb. Thanks for the quick response.


If the movie Toowongfoo came out this year, the entire actor list would be blacklisted. Crazy how far backward we've gone.


Again, no way to know bc they are accountants, IT guys, construction workers. They don’t have a set of eyes on them where they are on stage and thousands follow them and wait for them to fall in order to expose them.


Now this just seems like trolling. You can’t be serious with these excuses.




Again, if you can provide any proof to your accusations, you might be taken seriously. Where is the evidence of coordinated grooming? Where is the evidence elf the both side pedo ring? Until you can start showing us where it is actually documented, all we have is some person shaking their fist at the cloud(s) and trying to scream a point across.


Dude. I don’t mean an organized “ring”, but I do think the enemy is hard at work using people and trying to take our kids by evil pastors and many other people like Adult men padding Bras and dressing as a woman to talk to kids is weird. Then they go and run the street on a parade that is forced on sexualizing everything. Put 2 and 2 together.


We don’t care about your feelings on the subject, which is all you are talking about. “They are definitely there” is just made up that you *feel* is true.


So they don’t ever do wrong. Got it. And man. This is a day old post. We have moved on to BBQ talk. It’s a new day. Have a good one.


26 people not thankful the perv got got is disturbing.


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One of my friends was a victim of his voyeurism. It destroyed their marriage.


That's why they want church in schools. Bunch of perverts


The true groomers


Do you turn the blind eye when a drag queen does it out in the open?


Please show me where these drag queens have been found to have recorded little girls or boys in the dressing rooms and bathrooms.


It’s almost like going to church is a big virtue signal so they can get access to kids


This will be swept under the rug to assure property values stay up in Southlake. Let’s be real. Most of these pastors are “grooming” these girls until they graduate since they’re no longer their pupils.


‘Few rotten apples ‘ huh


Be wary of religious people, they are always at the root of the most heinous acts


Fake Christians everywhere


Dangerous Christians everywhere.


Anyone can pretend to be Christian , doesn’t mean they are one.


Unfortunately the good of being kind to others etc is being overwhelmed by maga hysterics, hate and assault on women. Sort of clouds the message


Huh another church person and NOT a drag queen. Time to ban churches


But..but..but my loophole in taxes tho!


Still no drag queens involved in this perversion.




Because drag queens are a protected class. Everyone knows this. Including you. Don’t pretend you don’t.


What makes you think this was a derogatory statement against drag queens?


I saw a post earlier today in Texas with th general attitude of "Pedophilia at an all time high" That went to site news articles of teachers make n females. Several pastors etc. Day care workers. It said that while lately there has been good progress on helping victims of Pedophiles something needs to be done to help prevent it. I posit that the plethora of news articles and many many cases that are are prosecuted to some degree a tually show an improvement in lessoning pedophile behavior. IDK for sure. Surely we don't let up. But isn't all of the cases being shown showing some progress ? I mean I was born in 81. I can't tell you as a teenager how many of my friends and myself has been a victim at some point or another. That pearl jam song Jeremy got a lot of middle school kids talking. Anyways for some of that age and the generation before the Catholic Church had thousands upon thousands of victims. Same with the boy scouts etc. It was hidden denied and tolerated. I posit that institutional child sex abuse is done and these days it's much harder to get away with it. What do you think ? I think trafficing of children may be up like organized stuff involving kids from other countries etc. But again IDK


I didn’t even know there was a second and a third.


Don’t worry. The law is gonna work this time…………………..


This is absolutely true. Sammy, is what he used to go by and this dude hated me...and I'm so glad he did. When I was in high school he preached at two of our church retreats because our youth pastor knew him, I think from seminary. Anyways, he noticed some girls that were kinda noticing me and said to all of them in front of me, "you ladies should remember that it's the cute guys that are the dumbest." Goes back to trying to organize a touch/tackle football game with a girls and guys mixed team. He was literally so mean to me. Told me I had "issues with logical problems" because I rooted for the team that beat my preferred team and moved on in a tournament. Said if I really loved my team, I would make all others my enemy and never root for them. I genuinely could not comprehend his level of bull shit, guess I was too "dumb." Well Sammy boy... I'd rather be a f***** bag of rocks than a pedo piece of shit like you.




Always a Christian or a Republican, never a drag queen


But the trannies are after your children…..


I got it! It's the cross-dressers... People dressed in crosses!


Yes they are. 100%


This is an epidemic


So many "pastors" sexually abusing so many children! What a religion! Criminally corrupt. Gawd should intervene, except there is no God, or He/She would prevent these abominations. "Christians" should be ashamed. Religion is stupid and a waste of human resources. Instead of churches, build homeless shelters, low income apartment buildings, feed the hungry, help them get medical care.


Cue the ticket’s Generic Youth Minister…..


I see you, P1.


Pastors fucking kids at the rate Conservatives think Trans people do. Someone really should look into these churches


Sad. The response to anyone saying LGBTQ+ are the groomers is - "If I want my kid to be sexually abused, I will take them to church."


Gateway to pedophilia...freedom FROM religion is the way to go imo.


Apparently there are good pediphiles and bad ones. The good ones work at churches and they are sweet nice pediphiles and then there’s the actual bad pediphiles like the ones down at the parks. The good ones are religious so for them the parishioners will pay for attorneys fees to defend the nice religious peds. Also help them relocate to other churches out of the area so they can spread their love to other children. Sounds reasonable right? Wtf


Not a drag queen.


Love how they placed the Birth Announcements under this particular article. Isn't that a curious little detail?


Its a hornets nest of them. They love to protect their own.


So… Still not a Drag Queen? Got it…


Another story of no drag queens.


And again it's the religiot who's the pedo. Not the drag queen.


So why do people think gays and trans people are the issue when it’s heterosexual white men who are the ones causing problems? Especially the right wingers…


So disgusting :(


Every accusation is a confession with Republicans. This is an intentional part of their playbook. They want you to think that Democrats are evil pedophiles who are working to “destroy America.” Every pedophile story I hear involves a conservative. Meanwhile, they are literally working to end democracy in America. Wake up people.




Nice copy and paste.


If I were a member of Gateway Church, I would demand that all of the elders resign, rename the church and start from there. I saw that video of the elder and his fake tears last night on the news, telling the congregation how terrible it was....don't know if he reminded me of Jimmy Swaggart or Alex Jones. His fake concern was so pathetic.


[10 of 13 counts were reversed.](https://baptistnews.com/article/state-supreme-court-reverses-convictions-of-peeping-preacher/) “The Supreme Court ruled Dec. 10 that law enforcement failed to prove that 10 of 11 videos found copied on a laptop computer seized from Nuckolls were reproduced within the jurisdiction of DeSoto County Judge Gerald Chatham, who decided the sentence based on stipulated facts in September 2012.” The laws need to be updated.


Conservatives protecting our children!!! No ...not draq queens raping the innocence of our children ...CONSERVATIVES!!!! Tell me again how the 10 commandments will bring morality back into the classroom , while at the same time you are molesting our children?!?!?


Pastors are supposed be spreading gospel not little girls legs right


TAX the church! Paxion wants texn commamants in school, then TAX their asses


And our leaders would have us believe the 'Gays are groomers,' and 'the church has our best interests at heart.'


Christians are the cover for predators. Prove me wrong.


Guys, I'm beginning to think kids might not be safe in church.


![gif](giphy|xaVOAC5q0Iomet9h0E) It’s always them. Depraved fuckers.


I know what you mean RAINN website.


Wait, I know Robert Morris was just outed, who were the other 2?


You don’t say……..


The “Good Christians.”


Again how many 'Priests' does that make now this year alone?


It's okay I'm sure he will apologise and they will lay hands to cure him before sending him to another church where he can rinse and repeat. /s


Southlake is a very special place.


He'll just get sent away to love with the other pedos


Why can’t they say what kind of church? Are certain religious groups above the law ?


But the illegals!!


Predators swarm where they think the majority think it's safe, no matter the ideology...


I live near the Austin location and it’s always been known to be weird and problematic


I’m betting you can get a pretty good pizza at Gateway.


This is Texas.


If you have read any of the Bible you can understand why these fucks are sick ![gif](giphy|5R1FM2PNw3G6AZWBsc|downsized)


It is taught in church that you will be forgiven for all. So , anything goes. Do what you please with no moral compass, and say , "sorry", and get your wings. The Bible is a wonderful instructional thing, ...if you can't think for yourself. There is a difference between right and wrong.


They must be woke at that church.


Wait a min did you guys see the last name of the police chief? It’s trump lol


Article is from 2012…


This church had a lot of drag queens working at it.


Shits horrible but why we arguing over that 12 years ago when trump wasn’t even in office yet alone running for it.