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And these motherfuckers want to create Christian schools, defund public schools and expect us to send our children there? GTFO.....


Not motherfuckers, childfuckers. And that’s their goal, yes.


Welp. Looks like my kids are getting home schooled or we are moving the fuck out of this shit hole of a state..not the same state I moved into 13 yrs ago, and that's fuckin frustrating.


Sounds like vouchers are s done deal. I'm thrilled to be old and childless.


You realize that without proper schooling crime rates and poverty skyrocket right?




I think that person was pointing out the vouchers will affect them regardless of whether or not they have kids.


This. If I had kids, I’d be moving.


Once the institutional mindset "we have to present a flawless, united front to outsiders" has set in, it's not surprising that more than one person is going to use that ready-made coverup.


Churches and pedophilia go hand in hand


Add Republicans to the list and you have the real trifecta.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but you can add democrats, actors, teachers, and plenty other sick people


There are more Republicans and religious folk from the abrahamic faiths that have abused or done the very wrong thing. Mind you it doesn't mean Democrats or any of those that you just listed are targeted it just more akin to it. I mean look at Jim Jordan.


Do you have any, and I mean ANY, statistics to back up this strictly statistical claim?! 😂


There’s r/pastorarrested Also here’s a link of both republican and democratic politicians charged or convicted: [https://hnewswire.com/list-of-all-us-politicians-charged-or-convicted/](https://hnewswire.com/list-of-all-us-politicians-charged-or-convicted/) [another more updated list although all republican affiliated](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook) [here’s a year old Reddit post where a user linked the compiled list down the comment chain user u/breesidhe commented below a previous poster asking for statistical comparisons between both parties for argument sake, and the reply was democrats and democrat affiliated persons that have been charged or convicted of sex crimes makes up %10 or stated another way, 10:1 ratio in comparison to republican affiliated persons](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/Tc2YR3M00A) Im confident there’s also more peer reviewed and factually correct sources to look into if you would like to do your own research and reply back to me refuting or confirming what I’ve brought forward. This comment is just to inform and is in no way meant to slight anyone affiliated to either side, I would prefer for us all to come together to reach a common understanding.


So your submission is a subreddit. Additionally, a Reddit comment saying a list of dems exists, that list indicating a 10:1 ratio, but that list is not produced anywhere. And to be clear, I’m not a Republican. However, the partisanship approach of making this particular issue a Republican/“christian,”, to me, is a disservice to the subject matter. Predators infuriate me. I have kids, though. So EVERY predator infuriates me. I have friends whose children have been abused. My allegiances are to my kids and my homies’ kids, not some partisan bullshit. To think there are people ignorant enough to think their child isn’t safe at a church, but they are safe at (insert event that aligns with their ideology) *puts children in danger*. That type of partisanship *puts kids in danger*. Deviants are clearly everywhere. They aren’t congregating in churches *or* gay pride events. Partisanship doesn’t protect you, just like it didn’t for the people in these churches. Diligence and a humble-but-honest approach to the realities protects us. Background checks, no 1:1 time with adults, reports, fast feedback, and so much more. Whether church, kindergarten, or drag story hour, these are the things we all need to be looking for and ensuring.


Jim jordan is a dipshit who should have spoken up. We can play the name game all day long- all I'm saying is people tend to ignore one side and concentrate on how bad the other is when both sides need to be called out.


I will agree with you on both sides. I will say however there is still the majority and minority.


Well no you really can't. It's been a constant stream of arrests of priests, evangelical ministers and youth leaders and elected or prominent Republicans for child sex assault and trafficking for some time now.


Are you saying there are no actor, teacher, or Democrat pedophiles that have been arrested lately? None?


I'm sure there must be a few rare cases.


I don’t see teachers and actors projecting their own shit on other people. Who passes anti LGBTQ legislation to protect kids from diddlers? It’s not democrats.


None of those groups are trying to blame minorities to cover for their pedophilia


I have no idea what your talking about


Call me shocked!! Another church, another minister, another pedophile.. it happens every day...🤣


Gateway to hell it seems.


A fifth! Jesus, how many child predators can you have in a church?




/r/PastorArrested /r/NotADragQueen


Never ever leave a child alone at any church. Lol are you crazy


What is Ken Paxton doing with this? He's gotta hurry and put those 10 commandments up and stop this right now!




One of the most important takeaways is that the Gateway Frisco church leaders were informed of the abuse before the police were involved. Yet, they told their pastors not to report the accusations. So these members went to the police and other members have since harassed them out of the church. Just think about what it says about the church's culture that some members feel safe publicly shaming others who report CSA. It's not 1987 anymore. *This happened in 2023*. And makes it all the more plausible that Gateway leaders have known about Cindy Clemishire's age at the time of the abuse.


Is this the same Gateway in Austin?


Could possibly be a satellite church in Austin. The OG Gateway was founded in Southlake.


I remember when they built that monstrosity, all the money yet very little actual God. Built by the people rich enough to live there, elect to school board in that town, give us these horrible racist stories from school children there. That town is disgusting in its soul.


Its very foundation is as a racist POS town.


I attend Gateway Austin. They’re completely different churches. That’s why their logos are different. Thankfully, in 25 years of existence, we’ve managed to avoid this type of thing.


The Austin one is homophobic tho. Heard lots of anti-LGBT stuff the few short months I attended and made a quick exit.




And STILL, no drag queens involved!


Predators will always seek out hunting grounds to persue their prey. Churches are just places where theres very little professional credentials required to get into a place of access and trust, and are easier targets. Predators with great credentials have been caught in sports teams, college coaching staffs, Olympic training facilities, Hollywood executives, political leaders, military positions. The list goes on and on.


If you are trying to deflect from the fact that churches have the largest percentage of predators compared to other industries you are doing a poor job.


Thing is they knew and did nothing. They should be required to immediately alert the authorities like a school.


Sure, predators and pedophiles exist everywhere. But there is an extreme amount reported on church working members. Church culture surrounding taboos drives peoples to act on those impulses more, in my researched or backed up opinion. Just the vibe I've gotten in churches of all Christian denominations over the years. It's unfortunate, but I always felt acutely creeped out by at least one adult in any youth group type of setting I ever attended, whereas I never felt creeped out in schools.


How can the public fight back? Subtlety join a church as a ninja? Volunteer one’s asshole and then say psych!!


Vote to hold them accountable to law and order, tax structures that don't allow clergy to funnel money to themselves to live lavishly, and most importantly vote to separate them from schools and state. Greg Abbott wants Texas children to be exposed to these creeps.


Been voting for years. Hasn’t worked so far. Any other ideas?


More sexual assault victims at a church? Par for the course.


numbers 32:23 "be sure your sin will find you out" :)


And also his son, so sixth


Pretty sickening that this happens anywhere, in any group.


It doesn’t happen in my group. Or any group of which I’m a member. So not any.


That you are aware of…


Don’t try to undercut the fact that this happens mostly in churches.