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Yep, we all know they didn't do shit, but this data will show individual names next to "didn't do shit" so that means it will never come out.


Or text messages like “no thx I’ll wait until the screams stop 🤣”


Did one of those cops actually send this?


We don’t know, because the State of Texas declared them “secret” and have decided that FOIA requests don’t apply to cops.


Strictly speaking, in this case, they don’t. FOIA only applies to federal agencies. So if you submit a FOIA request to a state they can legally ignore it. BUT, Texas does have the Public Information Act which does almost the same thing. That one DPS can’t ignore and must respond with the information or why it is exempt. Once they reply with why it’s exempt you can initiate challenges. So make sure you file under the right law.


I appreciate the information *and* the correction! :D


Let’s just say this note gets slipped into envelopes of ignored FOIA requests from time to time.


I'm going to take a wild guess here. Which is all I can do since they won't say what happened so fuck em. 1. The shooter had been dead from a self inflicted gunshot for at least 20 minutes when they finally endered the room. 2. Scared and panicked cops shot at the first thing that moved in the room and friendly fired the border cop who got tagged in the head. 3. They also shot and killed a kid.


Cops effectively helped murder children and now have big snowflake feelings for being called out in contributing to a mass murder inside a school.




376 accomplices to mass murder need to be tried and punished accordingly.


The same thing happened in 2018 at a school in Santa Fe, right outside Houston, TX. Over a hundred law officers were outside the school, students had to watch their friends bleed out. Cowards.


I knew people there. Teachers and students. I was teaching at a different school but I was a wreck all day until we finally got word that they were ok. My pseudo-niece was in a room where people died. So much therapy. And it will never be enough.


They couldn’t get those pristine cowboys soiled 🙄🤮


The only things they would want to keep secret is stuff that would make them look worse.


Yeah like they knew something ahead of time..


Like the entire world knows how badly you fucked up. What could make it any worse


Shooting a survivor running to them for help. Getting a kid killed by calling out to them before it was secured.


How about we abolish the uvalde police department as an experiment? If anything gets out of hand we can call border patrol again...


What’s really bad js that 1/2 the city budget goes to law enforcement.


Outside of this incident, hardly anything happens in that town. Aside from that, they have a couple of hundred extra dps troopers there because of operation lone star. Which actually began right before all of this and should have ended immediately after. We as tax payers are still funding operation lone star and the tab is well over $10B.


Shortly after the whole thing happened, some former lawyer for the county Uvalde is in posted about how the city is so corrupt we will never get a full story on it. And thay is constantly in my mind


99% of these cops are worthless cowards. Release this information so it can be proven again. These parents deserve at least that much.


There were 376 law enforcement officers. After over an hour, 5 of them ended up bypassing the others and going in. So it was only 98.7% of them that were cowards.


You did the math. Nice


Felt the need to defend the 0.3% of cops that you wrongfully besmirched.


They were still outside for an hour. They're just slightly less shitty. It's like giving credit to the fire department for just sitting there and letting the fire burn out and they finally turn on the hose when there's a few embers left.


The BORTAC agents that went in and confronted the gunman had recently arrived and borrowed a battering from a US Marshall to gain entry. The other 371 policemen watched them.


Yeah, it seems like the BORTAC agent arrived, and took a minute or two to decipher that everyone in charge were craven shitbirds, and said fuck that. That agent gets a pass, but anyone who was there for longer than 8 minutes can never claim to be a good person in this life.


Those 3 percent should be vocal about their disapproval of their coworkers that day.


Zero point three percent (0.3%).


All those cunts were there and chose to do nothing until literally the last minute.


If they are fighting it, they must be hiding something.


All that does is make them look even worse.


I didn't think this was possible until just now.


There is no "low" that is too low for them to go.


Fighting victims’ families more than they’re fighting crime.


I think they're going to be hacked in the data is going to be the only data accidentally destroyed.


It’s the Texas way.


Oh no is Ted Cruz going to fake cry some more? Bastards.


> DPS is investigating itself for failures that day. We have investigated ourselves and determined there was no wrongdoing. What? Fuck no, you can't see the evidence!


376 cowards served as accomplices to the mass murder of children. Then they investigated themselves and found they'd done nothing wrong, and everything right. The rest of us must also be cowards, because none of the 376 have been lynched. Previous generations of Texans would have decorated trees with 376 shiny badges, those cowardly cops still attached. I hate what we've become, but I can't be too hypocritical, here. I also am refusing to take action. It's important enough for me to grumble on the internet, I guess. But it's apparently not important enough to really do anything.


> Previous generations of Texans would have decorated trees with 376 shiny badges, those cowardly cops still attached. Cite a historical example. Rarely in history are people actually held accountable.


You are skeptical of the idea that people used to get lynched in revenge for the deaths of children?


I'd love to be proven wrong, but the cynic in me doubts that law enforcement gets held responsible.


I was born in 1973, and I knew Texans who, if anyone whosoever for any reason refused to save his child's life and actively prevented others from trying to save them, would absolutely have seen to vengeance personally, after all other recourses had failed. That's just the kind of people they were. They had a whole slew of faults that they mistook for virtues. And propensity for violence in the name of justice (or just being really, really angry) was one of them. I'm not trying to advocate violence. I'm just saying that we've lost somethings for all we've gained in our cultural evolution. We will probably lose more children the same way again.


Thankfully that kind of macho cowboy bullshit doesn't pass for justice anymore. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Nope. Now, we just go without justice.


If I had to guess it’s that a cop called out to hiding/play opossum survivors and when they responded they were swiftly executed. The other theory is that they killed a kid.


I thought both of those things were common knowledge.


I guess now we know that 373 good guys with guns still aren't enough.


Those cowards allowed children to be killed while they waited in the hallway. Pretty sure that's not a state secret. Everyone knows Uvalde cops are a bunch of chicken shit mfers


So much for the "One riot, one ranger" bullshit...


This might be worse than the time the Catholic Church sued to keep reparations to sex abuse survivors at $20k.


How could those brave officers go inside that building, with the very few weapons we've provided them. We need more good guys with guns.


No justice.  Not even for murdered children.


F DPS and F those cowards that were content with watching children get murdered. 


Texas is a fascist state. It cares nothing about its residents. Hahahaha, it cannot stop its residents from leaving if their fascism becomes as extreme as Abbot, Patrick, and Paxton, the mobster capos of the gang of oligarchs that run Tejas are working towards. But impoverishment their residents is one damn good to prevent them from leaving. Will mother nature finally force a mass exodus out other Deep South, Texas and the Southwest? Stay Tuned!


Expose it and introduce the new state punishment of cop neutering. If they are just gonna get get paid to sit in their air conditioned cars and do nothing, they don’t need those testicles.


As long as it isn’t pertinent to an ongoing investigation it should be released. I can understand not wanting to release information regarding undercover operations, but this involves kids dying in broad daylight.


[I object!](https://youtu.be/Dx32b5igLwA)


TX leadership rots from the top.


Given what is already public, I cannot imagine the depth of cowardice they are trying to hide.


Oh you mean they didn't do their jobs and kids died. Fixed it.


I heard Texas DPS lost the case because they waited 2 hours to enter the courthouse...


Bunch of cowards man. More worried about their own power abusing responsibility avoiding asses than protecting and serving their communities. Everyone but the ones who went in should be fired.


There were more Texas law enforcement "officers" standing around during this clusterf\*ck than defended the Alamo, but let's keep defending the indefensible. SMH


Question how many women officers were on the scene?


Good question.