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> Long-range ensemble modeling is showing that the entire state of Texas is favored to see above average temperatures during July. Saved you a click


lol shocker


It’s almost like the Climate is changing…


Oh sure. Of course you would say that. And I suppose you're also going to say the Earth is round? Hmmmm?!?!


You got me. The vast conspiracy of climate change, all brought about by climate scientists trying to get more $5k grants to buy more yachts and private jets. 🤣


Fuck dude, if the going price for a SCOTUS Justice is a Winnebago, gotta figure climate scientists are much cheaper than that! A real bargain!


That's the price of a Republican justice. Even the boujee one's are redneck.


Global warming is going to destroy this whole planet bc we’re too weak to do anything about it. Especially here in Texas where we continue to vote way too republican.


It’s falling into the fuck around and find out category


Oil and gas companies knew about global warming a century ago. I’d say we’ve done enough fucking around already it’s time to fight back


The planet will be fine. Humans will not.


I think this is a popular bad take. Most life on our planet will not be fine. Humans will be far from the only casualty. We could wipe out all life on Earth if we’re not careful


Earth has had far more years without life than it did with it. And yes, humans could wipe out all life on Earth but we can't even take care of ourselves so maybe we're just not worthy.


If we never grow past the Boomer/capitalist mentality then we will deserve to be destroyed as a species. But the amazing animals, plants, life we are dooming to extinction with us is a tragedy


Prove to me that we don't deserve to be destroyed. We've earned it in spades. We do nothing if not for ourselves and can't even take care of our own species let alone lower lifeforms. This isn't about generations or social structures. We simply do not do enough to offset our selfishness and greed. Maybe it's just who we are. If all of the plants and animals could vote one species off of the planet, what species do you think would get the most votes?


Life will diversify again once we’re gone. And everything left alive will be adapted to the new planet.


China and India will need to change as well. Do they suffer from the republican boomer mentality? The communist Chinese party?


Well it's due to capitalism. All the manufacturing was outsourced due to labor cost and lack of regulations making it even cheaper. The average person in China or India has less of a carbon footprint than the average American.


There will always be some bacteria or underwater shellfish that has time to evolve again


"Voting republican in Texas causes global warming"


Absolutely! Arguably voting republican in Texas causes more global warming than voting republican in any other state, when not just looking at presidential elections of course


It’s a race - will climate change destroy the world before politics destroy the US? Only time will tell…


We will go into a revolution or civil war before that, don’t worry. Or we will just wipe out a species that destroys the world by crippling the ecosystem. Or a big rock will hit the planet and we won’t look up. Or something


If you really want to blame a country try China which opens a coal fired energy plant every week year round. India is doing it also. Their particulates flow west to east…. Nuclear plants are more efficient and produce more energy than wind & solar. 


Even if the whole US goes carbon neutral overnight Brazil, China and Russia will still fuck it up for the rest of us. This isn't a Texas problem or a republican problem. It's a problem everywhere. 


Even if China goes carbon neutral overnight, US will fuck it up.


Also that the Texas is Texasing.


Right? Last year was the hottest summer on record; this summer is projected to beat it.


climatologists hate this one trick


It’s the new norm. Saved you future clicks


Didn't read the article. I'm gonna assume it says it will be hot in July...perhaps even unreasonably hot?


Probably very hot but next week we expect couple days in the lower 90s here in Dallas which is very unusual for July.


I think that is for the potential of hurricane or whats left of it blowing through. My grass is already starting to die so I know it’s hot. My neighbors hate me but Im not wasting my money or water for a green lawn. So glad I went with a neighborhood without an HOA. My grass dies every year. Idgaf!


Have you thought about removing the grass and going with native plants?


Native plants still can die when cracks in clay soil go 3 feet deep like last year. Luckily crepe myrtles don't seem to care.


That is why I shit on your lawn in the middle of the night Frank!


I live in an HOA and they don’t give a fuck if my grass dies either lol weird way to drag HOAs into the conversation


Most of the HOA’s around me will fine you if you have brown or dead spots on your lawn. There are people around here that complain about $500 water bills and $2000 electric bills. But there are also HOA’s around me that take care of all lawn maintenance. It’s really specific to the HOA and I personally didn’t want another entity to be able to tell me what I can and cant do with the brand new house I bought. To each their own, if it works for you then more power to you.


HOAs suck cock, my neighborhood is decent, but there are a few hosue around me with just a mountload of shit in their yard, I had no clue we had an hoa (i’m renting) until I got a letter saying i needed to remove the branches from my yard (literally 2-3 that were 3-4ft long and skinny as a pencil) or i’d be fined. But its cool to have 100 kids toys in your yard


My yard is nice most of the year. I mow it every week in the spring and fall. I have mulch and cover around my foundation to keep moisture in as much as possible. I put weed and feed and seed it early on. I wont spend over $100-$150 on supplies for something that is going to die or at least go dormant by the end of the summer. But I do keep up with it for the most part. My water bills are nearly $200 a month without watering. I couldn't imagine how much it would be with watering.


Ehh, most HOA’s have little pissy fits about it. I’m also lucky enough to be in one that understands hell on earth here in the summers and not wasting valuable water by watering your grass. Especially when we’re often in water restrictions as well.


It's the hurricane. They're awesome for outdoor summer air-conditioning, if you're okay with the massive coastal damage :/


That's damn near sweater weather for this time of year


Morning sweater weather for sure


I always call 95-98F degrees only warm and outsiders appear confused that I do not call that hot. I call hot when it is 104+


Lower 90s around 4th of July isn't unusual at all for DFW. Heat index will remain about the same as it is now too.


We had triple digits for 100 straight days last summer. Lower 90s sounds like a dream for a Texas summer.


It’ll be the hottest July of 2024.


Yes. Most of the time July in Texas is Fucking Hot. This year it will probably be Really Fucking Hot.


So basically July.....in Texas.


Abbott wants people to conserve water anyway.


What does the model say for ERCOT in July? That’s what I wanna know!! I lived through that summer where we set the record for most 100+ degree days, so, if ERCOT allows the AC to work in my home and work, I’ll be alright.


The grid withstood 105F+ for months on end last summer, I am sure it will have no problems with 100F this summer.


> The grid withstood 105F+ for months on end last summer, I am sure it will have no problems with 100F this summer. It was popping on and off all day yesterday in our area in FW and not July yet.


That would be a local issue, not a grid issue. ERCOT regulates the grid.


Small localized power outages are still grid issues. The grid covers the entire network from power plants to consumers, so if a consumer is having power outages, it’s literally an issue with the grid, just probably closer to the electricity’s destination if it’s that localized


Large chunk of the area out but... ok. ...something about goal posts.


Electricity is distributed between localities by the grid. When the grid can't sustain all regions, the most susceptible can become unstable until stability is regained through rolling blackouts. I'm not saying that's what happened to u/ucemike , it might have been a local distribution issue; but, saying that local outages can't be grid issues is also wrong. Both systems need to work correctly, and both systems need to distribute sufficient electricity.


The grid supply is currently robust and grid conditions are stable. Local issues always happen, they say nothing about the state of the grid, only the local power net.


The grid supply is always robust, that's because if it lacks enough electricity to distribute to a locality, they disconnect the locality rather than watch the entire grid go down. So yes, if you want to view it that way, it's always a local issue; but, that's sort of like saying there's a problem with water not being in my bowl because it won't locally come out of my faucet, completely ignoring that someone has disconnected you at the water main.


I wish it were so. ERCOT has been delaying the refurbishment of their plants and equipment (by permitting delays and exceptions to keep the grid humming). Eventually such delays cause the grid to be less reliable than one with consistent, on time, maintenance. I can't say it will ensure the grid fails, or that it doesn't, but one can't say on a system that encounters wear and tear, "worked last year, so it will work this one" without a deeper analysis.


We had rain in June, I wouldn’t say it was scorching by our usual standards


A surprising amount too, I think we were already pretty lacking in rain last year at the time


I didn’t think June was super hot in Dallas


Is Dallas considered South Texas? Actual question


Sorry didn’t see the south Texas piece of it


Texas. Hot weather. Every year.


The problem is that it's getting hot*ter* every year.


Well, when we had a chance to engage in counter-climate change, our orange faced baboon pulled us out of the agreements we put together over a five year period. All of those "well, it's not hot here" climate change apologists need to take a long hard look at themselves. It wasn't a point up for scientific question ten years ago, but people kept acting like it wasn't understood. If we take dramatic action now, many of us might live to see when average global temperatures return to what they were in our youth.


When we are no longer here, the earth will balance itself out.


Natural states for earth include being covered in lava and being covered in a mile of ice. My concern is not only for us but the other species we'll take with us.


I have no concern for us, we are the ones doing this.


https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/ https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/?dm_id=world It's statistically much, much hotter than normal. The jump in 2023 is a huge jump. Look at how much higher it is than the next highest.


Am I crazy in saying maybe a small hurricane will cool things down??


I live a hundred miles inland, so bring on the hurricanes!


I’m really interested in how hot it will be in ten years. Like at what point will subterranean houses start being built at scale?


Energy efficiency and air conditioning has come quite a lot way with buildings, so a long time in the future i would imagine. New homes are very very well insulated and built with respect to energy standards. Other things about them… not so sure. But as far as energy goes they are amazing




Don’t worry, it should start cooling down in late October


So the same thing said about every Texas summer since the beginning of time? Probably. Honestly, not complaining too much atm. It’s hot, but it hasn’t hit 100 yet where I’m at and we’re going into July. Small win I guess.


Hey u/ExpressNews nice clickbait post is this Facebook in 2014?


Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on. Some feel the heat and decide that they can’t go on.


It ain't just Texas...


don't forget the possible jalapeno shaker of a hurricanes... about 2 be 3 named storms already. 2 apparently heading to the western gulf. Just 1 angry butterfly wing flap and away goes the TX coast


Let me guess hurricane?


June was pretty mild in Houston. We haven’t seen a 100 degree day yet and last year we had them in May, so I’m happy with this summer so far


let me guess…. …hot


Greg Abbott's fault that Hell has come to Texas.


Lemme guess? It’s gonna be pretty dang hot.


Let me guess


Scorching June? Wtf. .most of June was aweome compared to past summers ...let me guess this report says July and August will be over 100 degrees ( like it always is in every year in texas )


It seems that it’s cooler this year than the last two years, unless it’s just me lol


>unless it's just me It's just you.


Fair enough! I must be acclimating 😂


I don't need to see weather models to know we would all fucking die without homes with AC and insulation. And some of us still will!!!


Don’t worry y’all! This obscene heat isn’t real, it’s all just a liberal hoax! All the lefties are turning on their ovens to keep it hotter than normal outside!


I'm at Old Texan. You know what? It's been hot every damn summer that I've lived here. You know what else? We've had high humidity every damn summer that I've lived here. You know what else? People who aren't from here b**** about it and complain about the heat. Why do you think we put jalapenos on everything including barbecue and tacos? It's conditioning to deal with the summer heat.


Texas is hot - Yankees


I keep hearing how how it is/ going to be. It’s not at all what it was last summer. I do remember it raining in summer a lot more maybe 15 yrs ago. But I’m ok w this.


Have fun 🤩 with your ♨️ ROAST & TOAST‼️♨️


Someone moved out of state.


When do the rolling blackouts begin?


You guys in Texas think you understand heat. Last week in Phoenix, it was 122.


Its called summer you DEMCRATS!!! Going to leave my DODGE RAM idling in the driveway all summer just to teach you liberals a lesson.