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“I’ve said one hurtful thing my whole life…” Somehow I don’t think that’s true.


It’s giving Mona Lisa Saperstein: “I have done nothing wrong. Ever. In my life…MONEY PLEEEEEASE” ![gif](giphy|qVOGUmHt5z7aw)


I started a fire in the car because you took too long, and I got bored


I totally hear you, but I also don’t like what you’re saying. So if you say no, I will start a fire in the bathroom.


Me before I got the right meds


She’s the only one who can get away with this behavior 😂


I know this and I love you ❤️


Don't Nun, Ion Inside


As someone who has a brother like yours I totally get it, you did the right thing by cutting him off, don’t let him ruin your peace.


Those types of people always seem to find a way to weasel their way back in… it’s exhausting.


They really do, in the worst ways too.


They usually think a 'sorry' fixes the hurt. They never change btw.


Same. It’s been challenging for me personally though with mine because sometimes he gaslights me. I guess I need to detach myself a tad bit more, but it’s hard as he is my sibling and we grew up together. It’s hard letting go since there were good times. Life 😪


Idk man , this exchange is sad. Hope things get better for the both of you.




Yeah, it’s clear he just wanted something by the way he got all aggressive after you called him out on it. Also, why is he asking to borrow ps5 games when he owns an Xbox? And what’s his fixation with “Nuns” lol


I’m as lost as you are on both fronts lol


Probably gonna “borrow” it just to sell it at GameStop for a few extra dollars


That’s what I was thinking


The brother is very religious vs OP who is atheist it’s just how they talk when the word of god has reached into their keyboard. ![gif](giphy|Mo5gBmWmEtdJZtu927|downsized)


LMAO!! I almost died reading this! The power of God innit?


I assumed he got a new game system for Christmas and realized he didn’t have any games lmao




"Ion" understand "nun"


He’s also weirdly obsessed with ions. Is he a scientist?


Nuns and Ions…who says religion and science don’t mix well!! 😂


It's sad to see the degradation of the English language in today's society. "Idk man idgaf bout nun of dat kinda shiznit and ion kno bout u either cuz u seem hella weird, no cap."




I thought the same thing lol


and "Ion"


I'm honestly kinda fascinated by the need to abbreviate things that obviously don't need to be abbreviated. My favorite is "alr", was there something wrong with "ok"? like it's actually one letter longer lol.




I say dunno too but have the habit of saying tho instead of though. Even my phone wants to correct though to tho now lol


Nun as in “nothin” Nunnin.


Whatever you do, do not Google nun porn.. you have been warned


Just because your family doesn’t mean you need to respect him or love him. A lot of people seem to forget that.


Say it louder for folks in the back!! 🗣️📢 The brother clearly doesn’t care or love OP, and OP doesn’t need to reciprocate any love back just because they share the same DNA


Agreed, I saw comments on how OP HAS to reconcile because "family", yeah no.


Exactly!! I try and tell that to my mom who wants me to forgive my brothers and move on. I cut them out for a reason.


This needs to be upvoted!


You know that saying “blood is thicker than water”? That’s not the actual quote. The actual quote is “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” Basically saying that the bond with people you choose in life is stronger than the ones that you don’t.


I miss English


Me too. I barely got through the brothers message.


Ion man ion care bout nun of you


She was beautiful


Ion no wut nun yall talkin bout fr fr


Legit sounds like someone's having a stroke when they speak like that


I had a stroke trying to read what he wrote. He sounds like a complete fucking idiot, and I also don't associate with most of my family. They are jealous and only talk to me when they need something, especially my brother. I know you care about your brother; but don't feel bad for distancing yourself.


If the people that talk like that put as much effort into speaking/spelling correctly they do incorrectly, they would be statesmen.


I feel like it has to be more difficult texting the way they do.


Right? Cuz autocorrect is gonna be changing shit constantly


Someone told me who wrote like that that they turn off their autocorrect -


It's just lazy. They speak lazy and text harder?


Good evening miss English, I’m mister Montana!


Brother has the grammatical skills of a 12 year old


How dare you insult 12 yr olds like that 😂


Yea, that was a rough read!


My 12 year old writes circles around this idiot.


12? My grandkids are 12 and far exceed his skill set


My 12 year old step son types far more legibly than this crap.


He should be apologizing for his grammar


I agree


Also it’s evident he didn’t graduate after reading your and his texts.


Dude I'm sorry your relationship with your brother is working out like this. I can understand what you were saying and the feelings that you have. Just live your best life the best revenge is a life well lived!


I appreciate the kind words. Trust me I’m getting my revenge


That was absolutely horrible to read- and he thinks he’s more mature than you??? You put that asshole in his place, keep on going with that actually meaningful life of yours! Hope he enjoys his weed and bad grammar bc thats all he seems to have


Oh he has a kid and a girlfriend


Damn is the kid growing up fine at least? I would feel bad if my nephew is growing up in a bad environment


Exactly what I was thinking. I don’t support a lot of the stuff my brother and SIL do, but the kids are innocent. I just want to remain in their lives to show the kids that there are other ways of thinking and other ways to live and to know that I will always be there for them should they need it.


It's so important that they'll have a role model like you, that's really nice of you




Burn the house down? Nah, napalm


Bet ya he didn’t see that response coming lmaooo


Hey man you did nothing wrong, I have a brother who sounds just like this guy and I haven’t spoken to him in years, respect is a two was street, sorry about the broken relationship between you and your brother, as bad as mine is I still miss him I just won’t ever trust them again, good luck.


I haven’t talked to one of my brothers in idk how long few years. I let the toxic out of my and won’t let it back in. Sometimes you just have to let people go and not let them back in…


I mean either he’s said some really fucked up shit in the past, or you may have possibly, just maybe took that a little over the top? 😂


He insulted my character and said I’m not a man. Anyone would be pissed if their character was insulted


I used to be the same way as you, but then I realized just how easy it is to pin point someone’s insecurities and maliciously attack them. Even if it was months or years later, it always left me feeling cheap and low in the end. Yes I won those arguments, but I was operating as a scum bag in doing so. Just depends on if it’s worth that to you I suppose


To me it was. I got my point across.


Very well then 🤷‍♂️


He might not need nuns, but he could use a little Jesus.


“I’m way more mature than you” 😒😒😒 dude, then man up and buy your own god damn game


Ngl the atheist comment felt like something from the Office 😂 came out of nowhere


I can hardly read your brother's text message. He sounds like a tween.


grown men don’t text like that lol


Calls himself a mature adult and texts like that. Smfh.


Just seeing his spelling and grammar, I can tell you are definitely the more mature one. Sorry to hear this is happening to you. I think you’re on the right path and taking the best steps forward to bettering your life.


I feel like I just lost brain cells reading this exchange.


Fuck your brother and his country grammar.


I’m not usually one to pick on how people type because, do as you will - you’re not being graded!….. But people who type like that make me feel like they have less than half a brain cell in their brain istg.


I completely agree


Country people don’t talk about smokin up and bringing girls to the crib lol.


Crib/ Barn/cottage/ mammy’s hous…bed of a pickup…same shit.


Bruh, I was in the Navy. The dudes we had from the Deep South would beg to differ (not a specific race either).


country ???


Nelly reference. I think I aged myself.


that's not country, it's hood, sounds like someone trying to sound cool to me. doubt they talk like that really


You both have severe issues. What he said wasn’t right but you don’t need to drag someone’s child into it. Children are off limits and whether or not you like your brother, that’s your nephew. You did exactly what he wanted you to do and stooped even lower than him on that last text and telling him he’s a failure? Come on. Do better.


I wanted him to know he’s being a terrible roll model for his son. Usually that wakes people up. This isn’t the first time he’s blown up at me over petty stuff and I’m tired of taking the high road. I got my point across


My bother and I are estranged as well. My family says I should forgive him but he took the side of my abuser and never apologized so I don’t feel like having a relationship with him


What's yours brother's first language? His text gave me a headache




Good for you, guy! Fuck him. It blows me away when people allow family to treat them like shit because, “family.” Blood doesn’t have to excuse bullshit.


It shows that he didn't graduate. My head almost exploded reading that text


Maybe I'm weird but I think this is weird hill to die on. It's just a video game right? I know y'all might not have the best relationship but would lending or perhaps even giving him a 60 dollar game at the max really be such an inconvenience for you? I feel like it could been a relatively low effort and low risk step to repairing the relationship. I also feel like people on Reddit are so quick to tell you to cut off your family as they have no personal stake in the matter you show them a few text and they all say "that guy sucks!". I'm not saying they might not be right, maybe your brothers a piece of shit but strangers on the internet who don't know you, him, or any context of you guys relationship outside of a few text messages probably shouldn't be the ones to tell you that.


He has an Xbox, I have a PS5. I thought it was a strange request from the jump


I just fucking can’t with “ion” and “nun.” God help me if my children spell in this way.


My child texted “gonna” instead of “going to” so I took away their Nintendo machine and sent them to boarding school forever 😤




My other child used acronyms instead of typing each word individually, so I had her favorite housekeeper deported 💅




I completely disagree with those saying you need to forgive and reconcile because he’s family. This is incredibly sad because he is family, but that’s as far as the “family” excuse goes for me. It’s always okay to set boundaries and cut toxic people out of your life. Chosen family is just as valuable.


Your brothers texting gave me a migraine..


he don't need nun frum u or ne yall


I'm on board with everything you said, except bringing his kid into it.


A lot of people seem to have a problem with the way I worded it. But I never meant to insult his son, I was trying to tell him he’s a shitty role model and parent


I get that, and I wasn't implying that you insulted your nephew. In my opinion, the cheapest shot you can take is to insult someone's parenting ability


I had a stroke reading this... Your brother needs english classes not games bro


Not sure reddit can handle honest feedback that doesn't pander to the op but I think you overreacted. I'm going by what I see on here only. I don't assume bad grammar means bad person like most of reddit. You think he attempted to reach out for a video game that he can't use? Sure seems like a better attempt at rekindling the relationship than you made.


If he really waited to rekindle the relationship he wouldn’t have verbally attacked me when I told him no


Seriously. Are people even reading the messages he sent? (Difficult I know, since they're barely readable). You didn't give him what he wanted, so he went for the throat, and yet you doing the same makes you the bad guy? Fuck that. If people want to take the low road, they better be prepared when you meet them there.


His text messages make my brain surge. Who types shit out like that? Good Lord.


Don’t listen to everyone saying you went overboard. Theres obviously some history between you two as brothers and this exchange was probably the last straw of many. Glad you told him to fuck off. He’s 1 year older than you talking about how he’s way more mature than you and you aren’t a man. Yet his actions show the opposite. He acts like and speaks like someone who thinks too much of themselves and little of the world and people around them.


Crying at “because you were so high on weed” settle down Reagan 😂


You sound like a prick ngl.


Care to elaborate?


Well you sounded off on ur brother for saying hurtful shit then you said the meanest thing ive ever seen to your brother. then you go on some weirdo rant about god never doing anything for you. I also think its weird that you posted this online for validation. Also the fact that you won’t tell the whole story makes me think that this is missing some serious context.


He claimed god was good to him. I told him cool, he’s never been good to me so I don’t believe in him. That’s why I said that. And I’m not looking for validation, if I was I’d say, ‘please tell me I’m in the right here’ I didn’t I posted the texts, with some extra context and let people like you, come to their own conclusions


yea you still sound like a prick lmao


How old are you both?


I’m 24, he’s 25


both of y’all trippin


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Good riddance


Trying to make sense of his texting style gave me a headache. I have never seen anyone talk/text this way. Also I'm sorry yall aren't close.


That was hard to read, was that fucking English?


I’d be more mad at the fact that bro has a kid and doesn’t know anything about spelling.


Bro speaks in religious tongues with all that nun speak


"I'm grown" Narrator: .....I quit.


don’t let anyone make you feel like you have to forgive him because he’s “family”.


My sibling is the same. He’s 18 and I’m 20. Internally I wanted to respond to him this way, but I never did cause then he’d threaten with suicide and/or blame me for stuff/gaslight me. He’d pull the “I’m a minor” card VERY often after I turned 18. He is currently homeless now and on drugs. It started with weed and alcohol first at around his 14 or 15 years of age. He attempted multiple times, not to mention he suffers with Bipolar Disorder. Doesn’t take his meds, never worked with his therapists for whatever reason (he had more than 4 within a year). I don’t know his exact location but I know the area where he normally is at now. It’s complicated though because we were adopted into the same household so technically he is/was the only biological family member I grew up with. So it kinda feels like I’m pressured to be there, even when he verbally attacks me. Sorry for the vent, I just wanted to share my story as I found these texts VERY relatable. Even though my sibling doesn’t have a phone anymore, I still have all his texts saved; the good and the mean ones. I do miss him, but I think when I say that I mean the old version of him. When he was cool and when we got along. I feel like he started burning our bridge long ago 😪 Happy new year ✌🏽


When he said he was a man, he had me fooled. I thought for sure he was a teenager


He’s grown but he doesn’t know how to use proper English?🤨


Can you please tell your brother you will consider his game request ONLY if he takes spelling classes?? (Notice I said 'consider' and not 'agree'!


So high on weed I do not like people like op lmfao. You never smoked yet you act like you know what it does.


Using "ion" in place of "I don't" makes me disproportionately angry


What's worse than this relationship is seeing the blatant abuse of the English language! 🫣


You were pretty harsh, dude.


lol you can’t even borrow him a game if y’all have separate systems? Lmao in what universe can you borrow this man a ps5 game to play on his Xbox 😂😭


He lives in an alternate ‘Every CD works in whatever you put it in’ universe


Wherever he lives, it’s clearly delusion filled sign me up 😂😭


Lend* lend him a game*


Normalize cutting off toxic family, you can’t choose your blood but you can choose who you call your brothers and sisters.


I almost had a stroke reading the brother's message


You’re not the only one from what I’ve seen


You both sound awful


Truth is he could’ve wanted to borrow the game and be closer it is possible. And it’s funny you’re not talking to him because of mean things he said then you proceeded to let him have it all. I can see the family resemblance through your texts…


So he verbally attacks me when I tell him no, says I’m not a man, and I’m not suppose to respond with the same venom?


I was confused why he kept saying ion and nun lol But anyways, I hope you guys work things out. You're way more mature than he is


Im divided on this. As someone who has cut off their family entirely, I get it. On the other hand, this seems incredibly stupid to say "you're dead to me" and cutting someone off over. You both sound 12.


We don’t know what OPs brother has done in the past. I think OP handled it beautifully


This is the first time he’s done this. I’m just sick of it.


Buy him a dictionary... please


As if he’d read it


You’re both asses. No one is in the right.


Me and my brother don’t speak either. But it’s because he has allowed his wife to drive a wedge between us. It’s all good tho. Man is stuck with a bunch of kids. Maybe one day. Till then all I can do is wish him the best. Maybe that’s all you can do too. Handled like a boss my guy.


He is completely illiterate but claims to be better than you 🤔


What you said needed to be said. Your brother sounds like my father. Men like this are parasites and think they're men and flaunt how manly and grown they are but incapable of being accountable and having responsibilities. Sorry, this shit gets to me lol Hope you didn't let this ruin your day, OP


It didn’t. Thank you but the kind words


Y’all both sound pretty hurtful…


He started it. I finished it


Which makes you equal.


Defense is not the same as aggression. This is some "no tolerance for fighting" bullshit where kids get suspended for defending themselves.


I’m on your brothers side. You just sound like a conceited egotistical jerk. What did he say to you that was so hateful? And why do you judge so hard over smoking weed? Honestly who cares if someone smokes weed, you got a huge stick up your ass. I know doctors who smoke weed


He has a kid and a girlfriend. He doesn’t have a stable home the last I checked. Can’t hold down a job, but always has money for weed. I’m not judging him for smoking weed, hell I do it on occasion, but I have my life together, he doesn’t. He’d rather get high than try to make his life better. And you say what he said about me in that text, all because I told him he couldn’t borrow one of my games.


Without knowing anything, this seems like a pretty gnarly reaction over a game. Unless you both are 15. He is not a smart man but he is your brother. Don’t know how many you have but it might be worth investing a little more effort and not be so caught up on getting “revenge”.


Some relationships cause more harm than good no matter how much effort you put in. You might miss someone but the space away is more comforting than actually having them in your life. It’s never a good thing but relationships go both ways.


Sounds like you are both a bit dramatic


I’ve been called dramatic here and there


I can tell you’re the more mature one by your grammar alone.


You definitely are more educated and conscious than him, however, take it easy man, we are all humans with flaws, keep the energy flow open even if you guys aren’t friends.




Can I get the English translation for your brother’s text? But seriously, I hope one day things can be even just alright. I have a brother and I couldn’t imagine tension like this between each other. Makes me sad.


I thought I was having some kind of comprehension problems trying to read his texts. What the actual fuck?


He’s as sharp as a marble that one


I would hate to text someone like that. Hard read


"He's never been good to me, which is why I'm Atheist now." 😂 I'm weak


"You're dead to me" over some heated words is wild. Not like he fucked your girlfriend in the ass and posted a video online or something crazy


It seems like their relationship has been strained for a while. Maybe his “you’re dead to me” isn’t that dramatic with context.


This is the first time this has happened he acts like a child whenever he doesn’t get his way, and I’m done being the better man and brushing it off and forgiving


Yeah this seems shitty on both of yalls parts


I told him he couldn’t borrow one of my games, he attacks me, I respond in kind and I’m shitty?


You didn't respond in kind. You insulted him, insulted his son, and all in all did way too much. Hey if it helps you though, more power to you.


I didn’t mean to insult him son, I meant he was a shitty role model


You called his son a freeloader, c’mon you knew what you were doing bringing a kid into it.


I know brother, but it very much comes off as an insult and ultimately, I don't even think that bringing up his son is fair. This is just my opinion and I don't mean to be judgmental, just saying that you ultimately can choose to be the better person by taking the high road. I'm sure you've taken the high road time and time again, but at the end of the day that's what separates you from your brother. Just my two cents