• By -


Tell him to pipe down before you break his other foot


Thankyou for the laugh


This one, for sure, sounds like some boundaries may need to be set. Let him know you'll get it after you rest as you did(*activity*), and it wore you out. Ask him to watch his favorite show till then or something, sounds like he needs some kind of healthy sweets or something that he can keep close at hand, sugar( like fruit, granola, and dark chocolate, or even raw honey) help the body heal believe it or not, honey was used in Rome for centuries and dark chocolate is very good for the heart and can be consumed daily with moderation without ill side effects, cheers! Apologies on the rambling on I'm a touch inebriated šŸ‘½šŸŒ“šŸŒ“


With a pipe, lol.








Want me to get you a chocolate bar?


Or water?


How about a water bottle?




This! Lol


When I first started reading this I thought your mate was your pregnant gf. If that was the case, you were a bit harsh. As itā€™s just a friend who has a hurt foot, itā€™s perfectly understandable to not rush out for a craving.


Iā€™m wondering if the friend is on any painkillers for the accident. A typical ā€œcome downā€ can lead to quite the irritability, even without the drug being abused. Just a thoughtā€¦


I agree with this. Also, we don't really know the friendship dynamic. OP could be the taker in the relationship and his friend has no filter while coming down from pain killers and is upset that he doesn't feel he's treated the same. It could also be that OP is always the one giving. Also, if it were me I would get up and get my friend the candy bar if they were hurt. But I also wouldn't demand it.


"Hey, do you think you could run to the corner shop for me and grab me a water and a chocolate bar when you get a minute?" "Sure, I want to rest for a minute but I'll pop out in about 30 minutes, that cool?" "Absolutely, thanks man!" How is that hard?? I don't understand people.


Wait, so in your world when it comes to friends, they are categorized by whether they are "takers" or "givers?"


For me, I've been in friendships where it's drained me. I would give constantly and the friend would always take. I'm not saying people should be in these relationships, just that they can happen.


I think the point was more that it *can* be that way, not that it is *always* that way. That is how I took it, anyway.


Yeah, my thoughts too, what a weird perspective of relationships


It's a scary world, where someone among us lives in a world that operates in that manner, no matter who's perspective it is.


Even if not on a come down opiates make you crave sweets.


And even if not on a comedown they can still make you irritable. I always turn into an asshole if I have to take painkillers.


Can confirm. I was a heroin/fentanyl addict for the better part of 20 years, and when I was using I had basically zero patience or tolerance for anything I felt was bullshit. That being said, I would have NEVER spoken to nor treated a friend of mine like this regardless of how high I was. I get the whole irritability thing, I really do, but this is still an inexcusable way for him to be speaking to someone who he not only considers to be a good friend, but a person who he's asking to do him a favor. He should be kissing OP's ass if he really wants him to go out of his way to go to the store simply to buy him a few snacks. If I were OP, the second dude started coming out the side of his neck at me about a goddamn chocolate bar, I'd tell him to go fuck himself and if he wanted it that bad he can either walk to get it or pay an astronomical price to have it Door Dashed (if they have that in their country). Either way, the second I felt disrespected, all bets would be off, and there would be absolutely no way that I'd be getting dude anything until he recognized that he was way out of line and sincerely apologized for it.


First off, congrats on your sobriety! Secondly, I can also confirm that opioid rage is a real thing. I'm almost 5 years sober now but I was also an active heroin addict for just over a decade, and that shit made me incredibly irritable all the time and I just had zero patience or tolerance for even the slightest annoyances. Still, this guy in the texts did take it a bit far with his attitude. Hopefully he backpedals a bit and apologizes or at least acknowledges to OP, cuz he was definitely out of line.


Thatā€™s true. Iā€™ve been clean for almost 4 years now, but I used to have a pretty severe heroin/opiate addiction and would crave sweets like nobodiesā€™ business. There were multiple times I would wake up and realize I had eaten an entire 6 count box of Honey Buns. Iā€™m almost more embarrassed about that than the heroin.


Mine was boxes and boxes of cereal. About 3.5 years clean myself (4 in July) ā€” congrats on your sobriety, mate. Few make it out alive, you should be proud of yourself.


Thanks man! Congratulations to you as well. I hit my 4 year mark next month. Iā€™ve definitely see more friends not make it out than those who have, so itā€™s a good feeling being on the other side of all that.


Yeah especially when youā€™re meant to be on holiday having fun but youā€™re stuck in your room recovering while your mates are out having fun


So can pain. Hopefully the friend got over himself once he was feeling better.


Yeah, my partner was on a shit ton of morphine after his pancreatitis and he was so so irritable. Didnā€™t even recognise him sometimes. Just food for thought about how medication can affect your personality


I was on tremadol and oxy after my knee op and whilst the highs were indeed high the come down was some of the nastiest spiralling Iā€™ve ever experienced I told my husband the dementors were around it was bad luckily I was only on them a couple of weeks


Very good point. That being said, irritability doesn't excuse talking to someone this way. Maybe helps gain some forgiveness though, lol.


He's not on a come down with prescription drugs


I'm not defending the friend cuz his behavior is pretty appalling. But just to clarify, a fracture is more than a hurt foot, lol. It's a broken bone. Happened to me just this past summer. One broken bone in my foot and I basically couldn't do anything all summer long. And I'm a mom to a 6yo so that really sucked. I needed a wheelchair to make it through a day at an amusement park I was forced to go to. Though we also don't know how bad his break is, some are fairly minor and you can still be somewhat mobile with a medical "boot". I needed surgery to set mine properly, now have a plate and 5 screws in there, lol And even through all of that! I never behaved like the friend here. Ok, one exception. The amusement park. I didn't wanna go, I couldn't freaking walk! I was guilted into it by my SO and was a miserable bitch about it XD. Edit: Still didn't name call though, lol.


Why exactly is it ok for a pregnant person to talk to anyone like that? That doesnā€™t make sense to me.


I don't really think being pregnant is an excuse to talk like that to anyone?


Itā€™s not but hormones arenā€™t exactly rational. So while itā€™s not right most people understand where itā€™s coming from as opposed to someone just being a demanding asshole.


Very much this. I found out I was pregnant a week ago and already the hormones are crazy. I keep having to apologize to my fiancĆ© because Iā€™m so irritable and everything his family does is pissing me off for no rational reason. Idk I feel like thereā€™s some degree of excusability for pregnant women being hormonal šŸ„² I want control of my emotions again


Its not just hurt but broken tf?




Same! I read the texts before the backstory and I initially assumed the friend was a pregnant woman. Iā€™m sure OPā€™s friend is in pain and miserable, but itā€™s still absolutely understandable to not jump up and rush out to buy some chocolate, especially because OP already agreed to do so.


This sub lmao




My thoughts are your friend sounds like an ungrateful jerk. Going off like that over a chocolate bar and some water is ridiculous.


I dunno man. Chocolate withdrawal is serious business.


Even worse is Christmas cookie withdrawal. I've got a bad monkey on my back right now.


Oh Christ


Oh, Christmas.




Thatā€™s when Iā€™d stop helping him. I wouldnā€™t let someone talk to me like that over a stupid candy bar.


I would use this as an advantage and constantly bring things he didnt ask for




You guys bitch at each other with text messages when you in the same house??


What do you do, leave your room just to have a conversation? Sounds made up


I mean Iā€™ve text my boyfriend in the living room from the bedroom if I donā€™t feel like yelling and Iā€™m too lazy to get up, lol


I imagine they are in different rooms and broken foot guy didnā€™t want to hobble his way around the house šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Easier than taking the AirPods out.


Y'all are both insufferable holy shit.


Thats what I was thinkin. Like he asked an hour ago n you still blew him off. Just say no if you arenā€™t. But at the same time with context heā€™s being pushy over a fuckin chocolate bar, like I first read this like it was his pregnant gf.


Yeah, I don't get either side. 1) I'd never make a friend wait to get them something if they were hurt and tell them it could wait (even candy), 2) I'd never demand a candy bar and cuss someone out over it...


Not only that like he doesnā€™t have headphones? You guys are abroad in another country you got a friend down with a fractured foot and thatā€™s your excuse? And the friend obviously did a lot because OP kept reaffirming that, but always jabbed back. Both of them just seem ridiculous. And the way he talks in the description compared to the text thread itā€™s like a whole diff person. Idk this one was weird.


lol this person knows whatā€™s up. Both people are fucking way over the top and seem fucking bat shit crazy. I feel brain dead tryna decipher that mess of an exchange. The one thing we donā€™t know is how many favors the friend did for OP it seems the friend did alot for him during a vacation as OP kept acknowledging it, but then backhanding his friend when doing so. It sure isnā€™t OPā€™s fault his dumbass friend fractured their foot, but I mean people can be snakes, bad friends can forget a lot of favors, and even though OP acknowledges them, he always had to get a shot in. One of them is deff a taker and I think itā€™s OP but as stated above both of them are absolute insufferable, miserable people. Yall are on vacation together like wtf. Idk my head hurts. Edit: **also the way he talks in the description compared to the text thread itā€™s like 2 diff people youā€™d never expect that to be the same person smh**


Honestly, we also have to consider pain and possible meds. Maybe the friends blood sugar has dropped, and meds can cause cravings? They are also asking for water, which is actually a necessity. Friend is still going way to far but this seems to be the straw


Yeah I mean theyā€™re on vacation together the whole convo is just ridiculous. The friend seemed to do a ton of the work for the trip, friend has a fractured foot, friend is in another country and canā€™t walk, friend is prob mad, upset, frustrated, in pain plus everything you said. Regardless this seems like a super toxic friendship, and OP seems like the taker in their friendship. Like go help your friend put your headphones on and stick to your word. Donā€™t leave them hanging for atleast an hour+. Then the way OP talks on text and talks here is just crazy to me itā€™s like two different personalities. Idk it was just a weird, frustrating read. When I took my boy to my condo (he never left our home state nvm went from 2 feet of snow to beach weather) I made sure he had the time of his life. Iā€™m not saying you have to do that, but he does a lot for me I do a lot for him. This just seemed toxic nvm friend was hurt which Iā€™d assume itā€™s not OPs fault for friend fracturing his foot unless he like crashed into him or something crazy, but thatā€™s what friends are for. Idk it was just a bad look for both, but OP especially.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thought both of these people are morons. Must be a real cush life to be arguing irrationally over chocolate bars and road trips.


Disagree. Unless OP is the reason dudes foot is broken, he doesnā€™t owe anyone any favors especially not on a timeline.


Except he did offer to get him a bar, so he kind of does owe him that. If he didnā€™t want to all he had to do was say no


So. He can go when he is ready to go.


OP didn't offer, the friend asked him to and i doubt he asked for it within a certain timeframe. the friend should be grateful OP even said yes


Do you only ever do things for people when you owe it to them?


whenever people are doing you a favor, do you get mad if its not on your time or just appreciate the fact that they're doing it in the first place? i'm going to assume the first option based on your entitled attitude.


As someone who is disabled and frequently relies on others for simple tasks like this, perhaps I can shed a different light on this. For someone who is able-bodied and used to being able to do for themselves, it is so hard, in many ways, to have to rely on someone else. I'm not justifying his rudeness, because he was definitely rude. However, when you are forced to rely on someone else for something as simple as a bottle of water and a candy bar when you're accustomed to being able to do it for yourself and take it for granted you always will be, it is extremely humbling. It's humiliating, frustrating, scary, and any other emotions you might feel but all at once. Painkillers and pain can greatly enhance these feelings. Fortunately, his convalescence and reliance on others are only temporary. I frequently see this with newly disabled people and I experienced it within myself. In fact, I still experience it frequently but I have learned not to take it out on others. Again, I'm not excusing his behaviour. I'm just asking that you try to see it from his point of view as being so vulnerable and not having the independence he has come to rely upon. He should apologise and when/if he does or already has, please accept that apology and move past it. That's just my 2p


As soon as a ā€œ friend?ā€ ever said ā€œme want chocolateā€ theyā€™d be written the fuck off


But he Cookie Monster šŸ„ŗ




I assume the "Kkk" response 25 mins prior was you saying you would go get the stuff? Just say no next time.


yeah. i wouldn't react like this guy but i would be pissed if i was bedridden with a broken foot and you took a whole half hour before even just getting out the door to run an errand you agreed to.


Neither of you are being ā€œreasonable,ā€ you are both assholes. You agreed to assist your friend and then you just didnā€™t. It would have been different if you had said ā€œI can grab that for you when Iā€™ve rested a bit, I just got back to my room,ā€ or something like that. But instead you said youā€™d do something and then didnā€™t. If I told you Iā€™d make you dinner and then immediately sat down and proceeded to do nothing without any other communication wouldnā€™t you be a little bothered? You shouldnā€™t have offered to help your friend if you didnā€™t want to and your friend should have been more clear about the timeline they expected.


Only reasonable response here


This! Doesn't matter if it was just a chocolate bar and a bottle of water - you told your mate you were going to do something and then proceeded not to do it within a reasonable time frame - why offer then? This whole text conversation is overly immature and also gives off "friend has been let down a few times" vibes.




You both seem intolerable. If someone asked me to do a favor especially a small one, Iā€™d do it right away or tell them when I could do it, not ā€œwhen I feel like itā€. Just donā€™t do the favor then. On the other hand if someone was doing me a favor Iā€™d be more grateful. And if they were taking too long Iā€™d just say never mind I did it. Basically you two probably need to fuck or break up


plus this whole text convo is over the course of more than an hour, as evidenced by the timestamps. people in here acting like the guy didn't wait at all before getting pissy.


Yeah maybe heā€™s ungrateful but tbh Iā€™d like to know how far away the chocolate and water was. If it really was just like 2 minutes downstairs or something then Iā€™d be a bit less sympathetic to the op wanting to rest lol


Did you say ā€œkkkā€ to going at 830? Maybe should have said ā€œk, I need to lay down, I will go soon/later/wheneverā€ ā€” does he only have your help?


you both are annoying


I know I find OP annoying too lol purposely avoiding telling him when he'd do it


like just go do it if itā€™s 2 minutes there and back and heā€™s incapable? i feel like it was just antagonistic


When youā€™re dependent on other people to do your errands you have to be patient speaking from experience. You are doing him a favor. Heā€™s being a jerk


OP also put it off for about an hour at least(potentially longer, dunno when first asked), and it was a roughly 2 minute walk, 4 minutes max if you factor the return trip. could have done it then gone back to whatever he was actually doing


I notice you keep saying about the chocolate and how it's not a necessity. But you then say "chocolate and water". Water is kinda important. You both sound like tits (but like you have a good friendship). I'd have been a bit frustrated with you not giving a set timescale if I was injured. Ive been in that situation and haven't got the best family. They kept saying "ask us if you need anything" but then took forever or simply forgot. I didn't bother asking after a couple of days as I was stressing and having to weigh the options.. do I wait and hope or crawl my way to get it myself lol(I was in much worse shape than your friend tho).


While it wasn't right for him to become such an ass over it, you also could have communicated to him that you weren't intending to go for awhile and give an eta in the first place as well. He might have not been as angry or aggressive if you had. Also it wasn't just a chocolate right? If it had been, I'd have agreed with you much easier, but when the water came into the conversation, nobody should have to wait for water if they need it. While he won't get sick or die of dehydration so quickly, it can be extremely uncomfortable all the same to be without a drink, and a lot of medicines (especially painkillers in my experience) cause dry mouth. Further, is it possible that he's acting out because of the painkillers? I know when I woke up from my surgery last year, every other word out of my mouth was "fuck" and my mom did not enjoy it one bit. I'd have made a sailor blush in all honesty, but it wasn't me, it was the medicine I'd had in my system. Not saying he's right for this, just suggesting that there could be other reasons for the upset, and communication will always help!


Youā€™re both jerks. He probably needed water and something to eat, so he can have his meds. Since youā€™re literally the only person in the country that can help him, heā€™s dependent on you. He is obviously being way too arrogant with you too, but he has a big excuse for that, you donā€™t! So maybe just be nice?


It comes across as this person is hurt and in pain, would like a snack and drink they canā€™t just easily get for themselves and after everything theyā€™ve done for you, you donā€™t feel compelled at all to help them. You could have asked if they were hungry or needed anything else really since you are acting like doing a minor task is such an inconvenience for you that youā€™d rather sit around comfortably making them wait rather than just do it. Not even a bit of common courtesy to someone whoā€™s injured? Just the good ol Iā€™m not a waiterā€¦ I wouldnā€™t be your friend, Iā€™ve got enemies nicer than this


Exactly this. This is friendship ending shit. If I was OP I'd expect this guy to never talk to me again


What manner of dysfunctional relationship is this?


Both of you fucking suck. You should apologize about stalling for an hour. He should apologize for being rude.


![gif](giphy|JRe48txSxRwl2) He has this energy


Why do you talk to each other like that??


aussies. we can come across as pretty fucking mean to good mates on occasion


Context is important here. If the mate has literally organised and planned everything for the trip then small favours like this should be done without needing to nag. It often falls on me to plan and book every little thing when me and my mates go away and small acts like this show they are grateful. Although the language used by your mate is unnecessary, I do feel as though youā€™re in the wrong here OP. Itā€™s a 2 minute walk. Letā€™s not have this nonsense about needing to ā€œfeel up for itā€ - thatā€™s just a ridiculous excuse for laziness.


Reads like you are both dick heads


I somehow dislike you more


This is why communicating like this leads to problems.


Youā€™re a dickhead and your friend is annoyed because clearly theyā€™ve done a bunch of shit for you and you literally arenā€™t returning the favor. Yes, their reaction is clearly pent up resentment, but itā€™s also clear who puts work into the friendship and who doesnā€™t.


But OP needs to listen to music right now! /s


this sounds like it has absolutely NOTHING to do with a chocolate bar but escalated. I can relate quite honestly. After a major car accident (very deadly involving axes and all kinds of crazy equipment to extract meā€¦two helicopters two hospitals etc) I got stuck in bed for three months in AZ (a state I didnā€™t live in but had insurance that would cover everythingā€¦and I mean everything but my rent, so I stayed. when one of three people I knew would postpone a get together or god forbid cancel it I would have a meltdown. naturally iā€™m a serious invert and would be stoked on either of these scenariosā€¦ but it was hardā€¦even with tv etc to not be able to leave. itā€™s very different than having the choice. Then thereā€™s a weird thing that happens to your body when larger bones break. idk if itā€™s a hormonal thing but itā€™s weird. I was super skeptical when my doctor told me that it might come upā€¦.and it did. glad I knew about it. Lastly opiates can make you a whiny tantrum-ie two year oldā€¦ even low doses and here n there. Give your friend a breakā€¦ bring him a six pack of bottled water and some chocolate bars and a pint of ice cream and drop it. give him a hug and apologize. (just eat this oneā€¦ you can bring it up years from now and laugh at it). If it continues or hints at continuing let him know about bone breaking breakdowns etc and tell him to chill that you will be there as much as you can but chilax bruh!!


I thought it was your girlfriend.


Youā€™re both a bit awful


These messages were from 2nd Dec, how has it been since? I take it not great as youā€™re asking here šŸ˜… Edit: before 2nd Dec


This conversation has me knackered


This reads as Aussie goes to Bali šŸ˜‚


Some of these are almost literally unbelievable.


I agree. Do people actually communicate like this? Itā€™s so out of my frame of mind.


Sounds like he might be coming down from pain meds and is angry and irritated, it's clear sigh someone could be abusing them


After reading this, I hate you both


Youā€™re just as annoying as he is


"hey is it cool if I run out in a couple hours? I don't really feel like going rn. If you have to have it I can go now but I'd rather chill first if that's okay." boom. conflict avoided. he's an ass for getting that aggressive over this (unless that bottle of water was his only drink he had), but your communication skills are lacking. You're not a waiter, but you also have a friend depending on you who you told you'd do a favor for with no clarity on when it was going to happen.


His friend: yes!! Now, you asshole piece of shit. Serve me NOW. Sounds like a horrible, unappreciative person. Fuck that


Yes, your friend was being a little bitch; but have you ever broken a bone? Considering that it was his foot- Iā€™d bet real money that itā€™s more than one bone broken too. He was probably in pain and bored. Yes, he took it out on you, but broken bones fucking hurt, and it sucks being left behind, alone and grumpy.


I thought you two were sexual partners, both yā€™all need to chill.


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But this literally is the definition of an inconvenience.


I genuinely thought this was crass yet playful banter then that shit got angry loll


Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!


You both talk to each other like shit tbh


You took off your knickers and now you're 'knackered' ? ((Sorry, uneducated American here. I have no idea what language you're speaking))


You guys are seriously Australian


This is your friend? I can only imagine how you allow your enemies to speak to you.


Not sure why you are friends with someone that calls you a cun*




How old are you two?


you shouldve ended it with ā€œand neither is your water and chocolateā€ like this whole fight was stupid but i feel like its something that can definitely be communicated. they said something about like doing everything for you and they feel like they dont get the same back. honestly just talk it out.


Fell of a moped? And fractured A foot? How does one live that down? Does the other foot still work? Got crutches? Time to get off your backside and get moving. Get your own damn chocolate and water. Your momma ain't here.


Sounds like yall are dating


You went kinda hard on the "I'll do it when I feel like it" bit, not sure it was necessary to grind in that you'd do it when you damn well felt like it and not a moment earlier.


This reminds me of someone I know that burned their foot on a George Forman grillā€¦


How does that even happen?


He sets his alarm to go off in the morning. Instead of hitting snooze, he lays a few bacon strips on his Forman grill and goes back to sleep. Then, he wakes up to the smell and sound of crackling bacon! One morning, he stepped out of bed and accidentally clamped his foot in the grill. Itā€™s still unconfirmed whether or not he ate the bacon that morning though.. >! In case you donā€™t know, this is a reference to a show called The Office !<


This dude has Michael Scott George Foreman grill foot energy


This reminds me of me and my brother. My brother is definitely you. Your friend might have overreacted but if you say you're going to do something for someone then do it. I get you want to relax but like he said that can wait until after. Put yourself in your friends shoes, he is probably thirsty and hungry or else he wouldn't have asked, you agreed to help but then take forever because your want to listen to music, that's inconsiderate of your friends feelings. I'm sure he's going stir crazy from being stuck in a room with a bad foot, so every minute to him feels like forever. The fact you carried on arguing when you could've just gotten the damn chocolate bar is frustrating. Just get buddy his chocolate and he will shut up ahah


I think maybe you should apologize just to make peace between you. Y'all both were tired, but he was even more cranky because he's in pain. The banter I can understand, but you should give him a reasonable timeframe rather than just saying "a bit" then leave him hanging for over an hour. This is probably the reason he was upset.


Tell him, "If you'd care to hire a nurse, I'll be happy to show her where to find the water bottles & chocolate." Your friend is being ridiculous.


There is such a thing as delivery. This guy is a douche


They were traveling abroad, so there may or may not have been a delivery service near them. But the dude is definitely a douche regardless.


Hi! Just wanted to pop in and not justify your friends actions but maybe help you process a bit better and be less annoyedā€¦story time: About 5 years ago I had a best friend who started riding motorcycles, she was really safe and really cautious but we all still worried all the time. After about a year we all relaxed on the ā€œbe careful!ā€ ā€œOmg watch for other peopleā€ and kinda just accepted that she was going to ride, dangerous or not, regardless of the fact that we literally live in one of the most dangerous states for motorcyclists and drivers in general. Anyways, one day it happened, I got the call, she was in an accident and it was bad, her leg was broken, her bones were on the street, she was in the er etc etc, she survived and I went to visit her. We talked for a bit and she was normal, she even said sheā€™d be in hospital for a while and that I should come visit, I said sure and let her know my out of town partner would be visiting and she was all ā€œomg bring them by!ā€ So I did, and man did she LOSE it, she was so mean and nasty, asking why we were there, why I brought my partner, why I even bothered showing up, I was shocked to hear this out of my literal best friend of 5 years at the time. Tears filled my eyes, I grabbed my partner and took off down the hallway, cursing her and the whole hospital and talking about how I would never speak to her again haha (spoiler alert weā€™re married now so I lied) Fast forward to a year later, we hadnā€™t spoken since that day, and I was still upset that my friend could lash out at me over something SHE told me to do, asked me to do ,actually. So, sheā€™s out of the hospital and in a wheelchair, she texted me and asked how I was doing, I didnā€™t bother replying. Then, a few days later she reached out again, and so I responded because I felt I owed her SOME kind of communication since we were friends before and she was always my favorite person. She explained over the phone that she was angry when I came to visit, not at me though, angry at the situation, angry at being stuck in a bed, angry at her body and the car that hit her, just, mad at the world, and I was close to her and she knew I wouldnā€™t leave her so she lashed out like a kid does to a parent, because they know their parent wonā€™t stop loving them. So hopefully, even though your friend is being a total asshole right now, hopefully you read this and realize heā€™s not mad at you, or that he doesnā€™t have chocolate, whether he knows it or not, heā€™s mad at his situation. Hoping you guys work it out, who knows, you may end up married one day haha! Cheers op and donā€™t take the anger personally!


My honest opinion, he fractured his foot....it sucks.....WE take shit for granted. I think at a point he made it clear that he was bumming he couldn't go get his own shit, although he should have said exactly that....instead of getting pissed off at you.....its not your fault his foot was broke. BUT...If I was getting these texts...I would go get that & ask if he needed anything else just to get it over with...he can't do things for himself and only has you there...,my honest opinion. I'm thinking he took your responses like you are sitting back laughing....I will get it when I'm ready.....


His response was absurd. Did he break his brain too when he fell off that moped?


Me want chocolate is killing me off because I say weird shit like that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Me too lmfao šŸ¤£


I'm sorry but I thought this was a wife/gf on her period needing some chocolate and water lol Then I read the description! lol




It's either one too many k's or one too few! Never go with the three!


The way you guys talk in general is disgusting tbh


i wouldn't go get him shit.


You were COMPLETELY reasonable. The friend popped off from the jump, they were unreasonable! Why go off over chocolate and water..? Not like they were dying of thirst and starvation? It's not like you caused his dilemma ? No need to take it out on you.? And a *"friend"* that holds shit over your head!!!!, IS NOT A FRIEND!!!!! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


He's in pain and taking it out on you pretty much. Doesn't make it okay but yea thats probably what's going on. He need to take his meds and chill out. If it's not a big deal you could get it but I wouldn't go back n forth with him. That's a waste of time


Exactly! And he probably needs the water and chocolate for his meds, since you shouldnā€™t have them empty stomach. OP was also being a jerk


Yeah, I donā€™t care if they are hurt, this is not the way to talk to someone. He would no longer be my friend


Your friend is a fucking douche bag


Sounds like 2 dudes, ainā€™t no way Iā€™d be letting another guy talk to me like that ā€œfuck you, broā€ is what Iā€™d be saying, then Iā€™d move his crutches.


Just tell him you'll finished the job God started if he keeps it up. A fractured foot is definitely a pain in the ass but I've never heard someone having a personal nurse for it.


Bro I thought it was your girlfriend or something and I would still say you both were being dicks. This is some friend??? Iā€™d curse him out three different languages lmao


If he was talking to me like that he wouldn't be getting chocolate even when I felt up to it


ā€œi waited over an hour for a small favorā€ translates to: I couldnā€™t wait an hour for a chocolate bar because i have the mental and emotional capacity of a 3 year old


I thought this was your partner/significant other, but a friend? Just fucking doordash that shit or whatever is the equivalent where youā€™re from. How tf you gonna ask your friend to run errands for you?! Iā€™ve been friends with mine for over 8 years and wouldnā€™t feel comfortable asking them to run such a small errand as water and chocolate lol. Bigger stuff (like you said meds, food/groceries, etc sure!) but shit like this? Thereā€™s gotta be services for it lol.


Uber eats? Doordash available?


"So when me and my friend..." You may want to reconsider using the word "friend" towards someone like this...


he reminds me of when michael scott burned his foot on the foreman grill and made everyone in the office do everything for him haha


Easily solved. Rush out and get him a pickle and a bottle of milk.


i definitely thought this was a pregnant hormonal gf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You must be texting Billy Butcher. You better go and get that chocolate bar. Heā€™s a badass.


Wow, what a broad vocabulary for someone who starts out with "Me want chocolate"


Dude your friend kinda sucks


This isn't a friend. They're a disrespectful POS.


Did breaking his ankle give him pregnancy cravings or what? "I must have a chocolate bar. RIGHT. NOW" and you MUST get it for me" is an insane thing to believe.


i love the brit texting lol. "youre kicking off" "now im knackered" ahhaha absolutely amazing im jealous. stupid america


Why even entertain this a hole??? Should just block and be done.


Tell him to stand up and go get it himself since heā€™s tired of waiting.


Straight up thought this was your girlfriend PMSing and in need of chocolate. Knowing itā€™s just your bro gave me a great laugh haha sounds like this dude gets some euphoria from you taking care of himā€” absent father perhaps? Itā€™s obviously unreasonable on his part, but that means thereā€™s an actually reason under the surface that he may not be aware of, such as fulfilling his needs of being taken care of. When weā€™re injured and have what we believe to be a ā€œsafe personā€ to take care of us, we blow up about our needs not being metā€” needs that were never that persons role to meetā€” thatā€™s when we realize weā€™re trying to grasp at some sort of childhood normalcy that we didnā€™t have. I think your bro may be going through some shit, but like I said, youā€™re not going to be the person he ā€œneedsā€ that attention/care from. Just a little insight going forward.


Why tf are you friends with someone like this ungrateful ass? Balance his body and break the other leg and leave


Youā€™re not unreasonable but he is. Just expect someone to jump up and do something bc heā€™s craving chocolate at the moment?ā€¦ rude.


Friend? Was completely convinced it was your irate girlfriend.


I'd like to tell this friend where he can shove his chocolate bar and water.


If my mate txt me like that I'd go over and punch him in the foot.


Tell him heā€™s acting like a 9 month pregnant wife and to chill the fuck out. You got it right when you said you werenā€™t his waiter. He got NASTY within 20 min of the 1st request. Good lord


You said his foot, implying one. Such people generally can hop around.


If you just ignored after she cussed, she wouldā€™ve come back to you and apologised


Thought this was your gf, wow when I read I was thing red flags. But if this is your homie drop is ass dude


First text being OPs ā€œKKKā€ is wild off rip


Is he dying of starvation/ dehydration? Lmfao insane behavior. Looks like an excuse to pick a fight with you because he canā€™t deal with his own issues


Tell him his options are to wait or to hobble his ass down to the store. Every upset text he sends adds 5 minutes to the wait


You should take him one if those really tiny chocolate bars that ppl give out at Halloween and the smallest bottle of water you can find. Maybe salt water


My ex gf did this all the time. Made it far too deep before i realized that i wouldnt do that kind of thing to her. And it was time to go.


Chocolate and water is not that important. Donā€™t even go out for it to be honest




2 words 1 wow 2 narcissistic