• By -


This is the most annoying conversation ever. No matter what you say, it’s an issue, even though it doesn’t have to be. She’s dead set on this being something you two can’t get over.


I’m irritated that I just wasted time reading this. So dumb. OP go find someone who actually respects your values and morals.


THAT and someone who, if they wanna break up, just comes out and does it, cause Jesus Christ lol.


Hey now, she “really tried”




What was with all the "HELP"? I've never seen that in text conversations before, am I missing something?


It was so annoying


it's just gen z slang lol...


slang for what??? Jesus I’m only 31 and feel 67 😭


I’m almost 17, and I don’t even know wtf they’re talking about..


this makes me feel better 😂


I don’t think it’s slang I think it’s like an expression of distress or anxiety? lol annoying af tho


if it were Discord, I'd assume it was some emote I dont have lol


I'm old as hell, but based on context it seems like a Gen Z version of "UGH!"


for HALP!


SAME!! 😭 But truthfully, I’m okay not knowing this slang lol


I'm Gen Z and I genuinely don't understand just randomly screaming for help while texting unless something is funny and you're laughing so hard you feel like you're gonna die, or there's a huge emergency. Am I just not cool or something? I don't fuckin know.


it's just gen z slang HELP*


Shit im.older gen z and dont know what that means🤣


Ohhh makes sense now! Also makes me feel old haha


It still doesn’t make sense lol


Lol that's definitely true, I was meaning it makes sense why I had never heard it - because I'm 38 years old!


Same!! I thought I was the only one who saw that! Lol


Lmao I read about 3 slides and knew she was just looking for a reason to breakup. They're both super young and long distance on top of that, and she's just too immature to end the relationship like an adult.


Yup! When I was 17 I broke up with my boyfriend over cookies i got from my job for free but couldn't share with him because he was also working....about 6 years down the line we reconnected and I apologized to him for being an ass, he asked me what the real reason was for doing what I did and I answered honestly, I found someone I was really into at my new job, I didn't want to be a cheater and didn't have a good reason to break up with him because he was actually a great guy. Reading OPs text exchange gave me PTSD of my own stupidity.


Yeah but those must have been some amazing cookies.


My first thought, too. I love a good steak, but I dated a vegetarian girl for three years during high school and I never once pressured her or gave her guff because of it. Her two siblings and father ate meat as well, and never pushed her to either. I did however do something similar as the girl in OP’s post- find a dumb reason to break us up, fueled by teenage horniness and lack of life experience. If I could go back, I’d put a ring on that girl’s finger and respect her preferences until the day I died. Live and learn, I guess. OP, this girl doesn’t want to be with you. She’s looking for an excuse to break up, just like the judgmental owl here said. I know it sucks, but you’ll be happier in the long-run.


I'd be interested to see how she'd deflect if he just called her bluff and went "Ok honey, for you? Done. No longer vegetarian. I booked us a dinner for two at Ruth's Chris next week. See you there!" Based on how every solution or PoV OP gave was discarded, it would probably become "No I would *never* let you compromise your lifestyle for *me!*" Oh woe is me! Only solution is to break up I guess!




I couldn’t even get through four pages, she sounds really selfish


Ridiculously self centred. It's beyond childish even. It's like the level of irrationality you'd expect from a toddler, just with a slightly larger vocabulary. I can only assume she's being disingenuous and this is her pea-brained nonsensical idea to break up with OP without coming across as the "bad guy", and shifting the blame to OP. If they're in a long distance relationship, I'm thinking maybe she met someone else and this is her weird attempt at deflecting guilt.


I'm betting she -ahem- ate someone else's meat.


Hahaha, bingo!


Oh she is sooo not selfish because she wants to share food 🤣


Talk about it and potentially sort out the issue ❌ Break up over it ✅


HELP What's this bit all about? Why do they keep saying help? Am I dumb?


I was wondering the same! I thought it was just a typo. Then saw it in several other random spots. I was like, is this a thing??


From what I’ve gathered, it’s them basically saying, “HELP, that’s too funny/I’m dying, that’s so funny/cringey”.. 😑😑


I think it’s them saying HELP like help me i don’t understand explain your side. It drove me so nuts the whole time I was reading


Nah it’s gen Z slang, people throw HELP in whenever something is incredibly funny, cringey, any ‘big’ emotion, or honestly just in random points to ‘spice’ up a conversation


I honestly wish I could filter the internet so I never had to read or see anything from anyone under 25.


Thanks for the definition and now I’m definitely glad I gave up after 2 slides


Yeah, and the way it dramatised, "when i eat, the thought of us not sharing makes me so sick," jfc. Poor you. Hate arguments and such dramas for the sake of it. Like what will it give, op will suddenly change their eating preferences or what 😑


They're long distance so it's not like they even eat together anyway.


When she sees his salad on FaceTime, it makes her sad. lol  Like wtf. 


Not just sad, literally sick to her stomach every single day 🥦🥬🤢


And she can't even EAT!! 😂


She’s really hamming it up 🤣 doing everything she can to ensure they can’t get past this and where OP feels shitty for daring to have boundaries haha. It’s absolutely immature and ridiculous.


She might be hamming it up but she's sad she can't share that ham


Seriously!! This girl is seriously saying, “We are not compatible because you can’t share my dinner with me if I order a steak.” Once, I went out for dinner with this guy who ordered fish. I HATE fish. Then I found out, he doesn’t eat pork for religious reasons. Somehow, we have managed to stay together for 15 years, even though we - gasp! - occasionally order things in restaurants that our spouse doesn’t eat. It’s almost like it doesn’t matter or something.


Am I the only one who thinks not having to share my steak when we go out for dinner is a good thing? I love you, but don’t touch my food.




I'm guessing she's found someone else.




Right? She sounds insufferable. It’s also so annoying how he keeps apologizing to her. Just dump her dude, seriously.


I agree unfortunately. “It makes me literally sick thinking of you not eating exactly what I eat. Like… I just can’t. I cannot even. HELP.” Lmao.


The second hand embarrassment reading this


"it makes me so sick when I think about how you don't eat chopped-up corpses" is pretty ironic when you break it down 😅


I legitimately feel like this is an attempt to break up without actually saying what the real issue is. She's finding so many road blocks over something so small. One of my friends is vegetarian/sometimes vegan, and we just make sure if we go out where we got has an option he's happy with. Either he doesn't join share things, or we get vegetarian versions of it. It's really not hard. Hell, I'll sometimes smoke some meat and have everyone over, and we just put together vegetarian versions of whatever or a replacement so he can still eat while being social with us.


I agree. Completely. Something changed/happened in their relationship and she seems to be - from majorities perspective- looking for a way out/something to blame/a reason to walk. The thing is, what she doesn’t know or seem to realize is… you don’t need to resort to childish antics like throwing a fit over someone else’s diet and how it doesn’t match your own lol. You can just be unhappy/unsatisfied and leave/end it.. Like. It’ll suck but it’ll still be a lot easier and less fucking painful than this bullshit 🙄






That was worse than trying to get out of a gym membership or the sales pitch trying to get you to sign up for one. They have an answer for everything lol


I agree. She sounds very immature, and honestly, very selfish. OP, you deserve to be with someone who respects your values and choices, and it certainly isn’t her.


They’re young too, so I hope she grows out of it. But imagine staying with the person you dated when you were 18… LOL


She's wanting to break up, but somehow make it your fault. It probably has nothing to do with you being a vegetarian, she's just using that as an excuse


thats what it felt like to me too...? so i tried alluding to that with some of my questions, however after this conversation she kept saying she still wanted to be with me even if it would be so difficult for her


Honestly, it’s either this or she’s just hoping you’ll stop being vegetarian for her


Either way, she’s being so stupid for no reason.


Could it be a control thing? Or, “if you really loved me you would change this” kinda bs.


That, or the fact that a lot of people just feel like if someone is making a "morally" better choice than them, they need to put it down. I've seen it a lot with myself. I'm not vegetarian, I just don't cook meat at home (but if I'm out I do order meat once in a while), and people fucking shit on it. I also dedicate a lot of my time and money on animal rescue, and people also like to shit on that for some reason 🤦🏻‍♀️ Could be to make herself feel better, could be because she's just fucking weird. Or maybe she watched some tiktok about how sharing food is a love language (i don't think it is??? but whatever). She's a kid hopefully she can grow out of it.


She wants to end it but doesn’t want to be the bad guy. So she’s hoping you’ll end it and then she can tell her friends how it’s your fault.


Bro I guarantee you if your attitude was different or if you changed up all of a sudden it would be different. She doesn't want a long term relationship anymore and is young so she's playing games with you instead of just being honest. It makes her sick? Gtfoh. Honestly she's a clown bro. Like as a woman, who often defends women, this is some clown shit. You are being way too sweet and nice here. If you were to be like "you know what, this is really petty and ridiculous. If this is really how you feel then it's dumb AF and I don't want to be with anyone like this anyways so this conversation is over. If this isn't real and you're just too much of a coward to just break up with me, for whatever reason, then I also don't want to be with someone like that. So, have a nice life", she would probably all of a sudden want to work it out and would change up this attitude entirely. Which would only prove to you that she's playing games. Dump, block, stop further contact and move on with your life. You are so young and will have so many more opportunities to be with people in the future.


Came here to say all of this. This is nothing more than her internally freaking out about the relationship and finding something dumb to fixate on and blame for their incompatibility. And the only reason she is backpedaling now is because she is wishy washy.


Perfectly said.


I agree 100% I am a woman and I can see thru your girlfriend’s bs so easily. I realize it is harder for guys to see the games some people play especially if they’re not that type of person. Your girl doesn’t want to just tell you she has found someone else or is over this relationship because then that makes her “look bad” in her stupid eyes but she is flat out wrong- you deserve her honesty. I have no doubt that she may be annoyed at your choices but that is not the reason she is doing this unless she is cheap and wants to share off your plate because she doesn’t want to pay for her a full meal. Idk if you get the check or she does but those are the two only choices that I can see here. Either way, she needs to just put her big girl panties on and tell you the real truth. You can’t get closure from this bs convo. Sorry. Like the person above said- she is a clown.


Same here lol. Like ... This is the hill she chooses to die on? (I know it's an excuse) She breaks up over salad 😂 fr 😭


She's being an immature child. It's crazy to think you HAVE to share food. Does she want to feed him with a spoon? Lmao it makes no sense. I'd tell her she can either deal with it or f off!


Right?? I’ve never shared my food with my husband lol I don’t get it.


I am pretty sure this is it, she wants to break up and have you be the one to break up with her. So she is saying she still wants to be with you, but she really doesn’t. It has to be you so she can be the victim for whoever she wants to be her hero. It wouldn’t be difficult for anyone. I don’t understand who’s love language is “I have to share my meat with you” (in a non-sexual way).


Good distinction… there are many ways to share meat. It would be wise to understand the situation before finding yourself sharing meat in unanticipated ways.


Then she's manipulating you. She's making it seem like she's doing you a favor by being with her so you "owe" her for her "sacrifice." I've seen this so many times.


How old is she? This is like a baby tantrum. Narcissistic behaviour. You should run away. It’s only the meat right now, next year it will be something else. She’s super controlling! I hope you don’t start eating meat again because of her tantrum. She’s not worth it.


This person is a horrific pain in the ass. Do not try to reason with her. She's showing you who she is. Believe her.


I think she is looking for an excuse to break up. But if she really is having so much trouble working around this boundary, it makes me wonder what other boundaries she would push and try to ignore in the future if you two stay together after this.


Its not what you want to hear but she doesnt love you. She is so selfish, you being vegetarian has nothing to do with her. She should respect your choices as it doesnt affect her. Either that or she is trying to manipulate you into giving up for her which is really fucked up and no one can demand such things from you! You said everything that you could and she kept going. I would give her some time to think and tell her that there is no point debating this matter as you wont change your eating choices for anyone. She needs to stop attacking you and make a decision. If she wants to keep being with you then this subject should be dead.


Yeah, just dump the drama Queen, Id advice you to record any interactions, you'll have with her while dumping her.


She wants to break up but wants you to do it/to gaslight you in to being an ass so she has a “good reason to” and is doing her best to make it happen so she doesn’t have to. She said in the hypothetical case of you having celiacs that she wouldn’t have gotten with you…over bread..so.


This is about maturity. When I was younger for instance if a guy was Sober I just couldn’t hang out with him. Because it was fun to get wasted with a guy. Now I’d have no problem with it.


Underrated comment, as a vegetarian, my boyfriend really could not care less what I eat, who actually does? She just needed an excuse it seems


It's the most Seinfeldian shit I've seen in a while 


It seems like the kind of thing George Costanza would get really hung up on. “I gotta share the meat, Jerry! The meat!!”


And inevitably Kramer crashes in, and Jerry brings it up to Kramer incredulously, only for Kramer to say something like, "Ohhh, I don't know, Jerry; a man has to share his meat. It's ^primal. " , to which George gets animated and goes, "SEE, JERRY, SEE?" while Jerry shakes his head and gesticulates.


This episode is playing on repeat in my head now 😂


Lol I could see this on Seinfeld 100%.


This. Nothing you can do or say dude, she’s out. Take it from someone that used to spend a lot of mental energy trying to crack the code to keep them interested, it won’t work and best to move on.


why do you guys keep saying HELP


Idk but my little sister does it all the time (she’s 15) and it’s annoying asf so I’m assuming they are in high school.


Yeah but I’m sure the way your sister does it is like “HELP-✋😭” the way they’re doing it is kinda odd


Lol nope she texts just like how they do.


right?? that’s how i’ve heard it but them doing it in the middle of the sentence is so jarring lmfao


I know it seems so weird HELP


Well also when a couple is communicating about something that’s bothering them, I would expect them to approach it with a little more grace and less awkwardness than just yelling HeLpPPpP over and over. Then again, they’re kids. But I gotta say I find this shit so incredibly insuffererable. Hope they learn to work their problems out like adults


It is cracking me UP! It’s so out of place it’s hilarious, i hope it doesn’t mean something


Just the way younger people text. Same with the multiple questions marks ??? Whenever I see multiple question marks, I read the sentence with the vocal inflection going up at the end. Very sarcastic.


Id like to think of it as “HELP this is so funny” or “HELP this is so awkward.” it’s a thing that people pick up though and really doesn’t have a clear meaning


This one is new to me. Do they say this as well or just type it? I wonder where this comes from. To me it feels like a 'need support/request backup' com from gaming 😂😂


i get that but they’re just inserting it into the middle of the sentence like wtf






Sorry HELP I’ve just been HELP thinking about this help a lot HELP and I’m pretty help upset idk help why HELP 😭😭


Some Rock Bottom shit 😂 i 👅 can’t 👅 understand 👅 your 👅 accent 👅


Next bus leaves in 👅 five seconds






It’s freaking me out, I need to understand WHY.


I thought it was some kind of safe word at first??? Like we are having an argument and I need you to be understanding so help! But it’s common slang? That’s a first for me dawg


its just gen z slang, like “help i cant stop laughing/cringing” or something like that. i know a LOT of people who talk like that


My niece is 19 and says HELP all the time… I knew as soon as I saw it that they’re both under definitely 21 🙃


Are all the people you know who type "HELP" in the middle of a sentence as stupid as these two as well?


I'm gen z and this is news to me 😂


Same literally never heard of this. So out of context in the text


I thought he was using it to cover up names. Are they actually typing that out each time?




I don’t know why. I just know it’s a big piece of gen z vernacular and I feel old that I will not ever add this one to mine lol


It's how teenagers talk now. My 14 yo does this all the time in our texts It's their version of "anyways" "whatever" basically a conversationally shorthand for "i don't know what to say/do now because this is difficult/sucks/stupid/funny/awkward" or "this is so funny i can't stop laughing" so HELP you just know what it means based on context






( ' :




Thank you, I thought I was going crazy there for a minute, I mean, crazy-er.


My man, your girlfriend thinks not being able to share a pepperoni stick is grounds to break up with someone. If you ever in your life fall ill, become allergic to a food group, get diabetes, or any number of very real possibilities, your girlfriend would leave you. This isn't someone to tie your life to. Better to rip off the bandaid now cause this is insane.


Type 1 diabetic celiac here. This was so painful to read 😭 OP needs someone who's understanding and not someone who breaks up over trivial shit like, "But BAAAABE we can't share bits of steak together HELP" 🤨


I was bitten by a tick and became allergic to all red meat and anything that comes from mammals, suddenly, in my thirties. I essentially have to eat vegan except for chicken and fish. Otherwise I anaphylax. Luckily my partner has been amazing helping me through the adjustment. The girl in this post seems horrible.


I worked with someone who got the flu and became unable to digest meat & dairy. Her boyfriend became vegan to support her. This girlfriend is the absolute opposite of what anyone would need in a partner








She's definitely blowing it way out of proportion. Probably the dumbest thing I've read in awhile. Lol. Maybe she's just using this as an excuse to break up. I mean it's a really shit excuse but whatever. Either way, definitely don't give up on being a vegetarian if it's important to you. Plenty of couples make it work, it shouldn't be a big deal


Seriously, out of all the differences they could have, this is way easier than navigating religion or politics


Seriously, the whole time I was reading this, I was just thinking that I would not be able to help but tell her that is the stupidest thing I've heard all month.


She wanted to break up and is using this as an excuse.


Definitely using this as an excuse. I've been with some people with some very different food preferences and it's like "oh, you won't eat steak? Okay, let's go to a place where I can get a steak but also a place where you can get something you like" compromise and communication, it's super easy once you open them doors.


My husband said the exact same. What a sorry excuse to try and break up. Long-distance relationships are tough, but dang. OP, please don't waste your time with this one. The difference in maturity levels is too much, and OP deserves a partner with more maturity, integrity, and a backbone.




Why do you guys just randomly say HELP in the middle of stuff I felt like I was going insane reading this. Other than that this is like, rlly strange lol


So yesterday I was walking through the grocery store and- HELPPPP 👹 - anyways I saw this lady- HELPP ME - and she was wearing this great sweater….


I was so confused, too. It felt like a "blink twice if you're in trouble" kinda deal lol


i’ve always thought of it as in a “HELP this is so funny” but usually it can work in like a “HELP this is so awkward or silly”


I'm so old. Lmao


I legit didn’t notice that they said “HELP,” HELP.


Yeah, it reads as if she wants to break up, but not be the bad guy. She knew you were vegetarian before you started dating, right? She can’t just put this on you if she knew.


yes, im pretty sure its one of the first things i told her when we met and she said she thought it was cool lol. although recently shes been saying things like "oh we cant even go to ____ bc ur vegetarian" more often (like the kbbq mentioned) but it never seemed like that serious of an issue?


It’s just an excuse. There’s probably something different but she doesn’t want to look bad. If you were feeling feisty you could say you would change and see what she does to come up with a different reason. I’m jaded, but it’s probably a local dude. Don’t take it too hard though. She sounds petty and immature.


This is a brilliant idea. She will say "Are you really sure, you dont like meat" and you say "Anything for you sweetest!" If she still reacts unenthusiastic, Bingo!


It’s definitely a local dude.


There’s non meat options at the kbqq. Let someone else take her dumbass. She’s exhausting


Oh honey. I just celebrated my 10th anniversary with my husband. We also dated for 4 years. I don’t eat beef and he doesn’t eat fish. We eat a lot of chicken and snuggle afterwards. Or he makes a steak I make fish and we share sides. It’s literally a non-issue. Either she’s just looking for an excuse to break up, she’s wildly immature, or frankly kind of dumb. Cut your losses, you deserve way better than this. Your person is out there. 🙂


She’s trying to guilt you into changing. It’s possible you’re making her feel bad about her choices, or she just feels judged (not saying you’re judging her, just she feels it). She doesn’t want to feel that way anymore. If she can get you to change, she doesn’t have to feel that way anymore.


What I honestly think is that she wanted to break up with you all along…she was just waiting for you to do/say something and make it a fight so there can be a reason for the break up and try to make it your fault. I’m sorry you’re going through this help :(


ive honestly felt like thats what shes been trying to do on multiple different occasions recently... but then afterwards she always goes back and says she wants to be with me and shes so scared of losing me etc so ???


That just goes back to what the commenter said. She wants to break up, but she doesn't want to be the bad guy. So she's hoping that eventually you get fed up and break things off yourself. Brother, she is not the one, if she can't even respect your food preferences how is she going to react to more serious stuff in the future?? Like regarding kids, finances, etc. Do yourself a favor and just find someone who actually cares


She is playing games. She doesn't want you and wants drama and conflict, until you stop playing along and are like "ok then, we'll break up" and then she changes back to wanting you. That's actually an abusive, manipulative control tactic. If y'all are long distance this should be an easy breakup. May not feel like it now, but in a few years you'll be laughing at yourself for playing along with her bs 😂 like, "why did I do that and what tf was I thinking?!". My advice is to tell her this relationship has obviously run it's course and it's over, then block her and stop contact. It seems harsh, but it's really the best way to permanently end a toxic dynamic and not be tempted to go back to playing the game. And being long distance this becomes easier than if you both lived in the same small town and knew all the same people. If you keep dragging this out, it will only become more toxic, it will damage your own self-image and could even cause PTSD, and it will get ugly as in you 2 will end up hating each other and you'll do and say things that are out of character. Just end it and block her before she has time to beg for you back.


She sounds dumb and immature... Also she's looking for an excuse to break up, it's not you being vegetarian 🤷🏽‍♀️


Either she's mentally deficient to a degree that it might not be ethical to date her, or she's making shit up to try to find a reason to break up without saying she met someone else. 


Omg I laughed at might not be ethical


I’m sorry but that’s fucking ridiculous to me.


..... Why do y'all keep saying help?!?!....


you guys being 19 and 18 is pretty key to this. This isn't about being vegetarian. It could be other incompatibilities. It could be feeling like she's tied down when she's so young and could be exploring. It could just be she's watching too many couples TikToks and since she's young and dumb she thinks the cringe stuff you see on there is what matters in terms of relationships like the generations of girls before her that wanted a romance movie relationship. Just keep trying to get her to admit what the actual problem is. If she can't be honest with you, you guys may need to move on


I'm so so sorry but I fucking hate the way both of you text it is inducing visceral reactions


I just read 10 pages of this nonsense… HELP


She wants to break up with you and get with someone else, and has scrabbled around for a reason OP. Sorry.




What's with the HELP


They need an adult.


She wants to break up with you but doesn’t have a good reason for it


She's honestly being sort of manipulative with the way she's presenting it as all problems with you. And you seem smart enough to see it, like to share we must "adhere to Your choices" instead of ours. When they say it'd be better if you were with a vegan or vegetarian that's just projection, because you rightly point out like what they mean is they'd be better with someone with a different diet I'm sure you couldn't care less I don't know what their game is like what they want from you. It dosent seem right though. Like they're either exaggerating to make you feel bad. Or they're being honest and it's like such an immature thing to care about. Like you were offering so many solutions. Immediately said it was fine to go to a steakhouse and share the side and it wasn't enough. Bizzare


yeah, im just confused too. shes also never acted this way towards me, being so confrontational and accusatory about something that never really seemed to be an issue before. i dont really know how to take this either.


She’s being a coward my guy. It’s coming out of nowhere because she has an ulterior motive. Listen to the rest of the comments when they say she’s finding a reason to break up. I know it’s harsh to take it that way, but you’re better off not being with someone who can’t even tell you straight up about stuff.


HELP-I feel like I lost brain cells reading this. It’s like she all of a sudden is looking for a reason to stop seeing you and is playing games instead of just saying she’s not into you anymore…


oh my god. break up with this idiot. literally the only thing i’m ever commenting in this sub. “i guess i’m selfish” YEA! SHE IS!


nah cause wtf 💀 you’re so patient friend. i wouldve lost my marbles. i can’t believe all that over a food preference


Y’all type like you’re 15


She ain’t the one bro! This is so dumb and sharing steaks isn’t a love language. She should stop watching tik tok relationship advice.


I think she's HELP breaking up with you.


Who TF has sharing food as "make or break" in a relationship, she's weird OP.


This woman is a selfish freak and she doesn’t want to be with you. Irrespective of that, you shouldn’t want to be with someone who would manipulate you into eating meat just so she can have an easier time at restaurants. You should end it, long distance sucks anyway, and she doesn’t respect your ethical choices either? Pass. She wants you to bend for her for NO reason other than she’s a brat? End it. She may be too much of a coward to, but you don’t have to be. She SAID it would be better if you were with a vegetarian, so do that.


I didn't even need to look at the caption to know how old y'all were. Drop her, life's too short to deal with this nonsense.


She wants to break up and is finding anything, ANYTHING, she can to use as the reason


Wtf I’d up with saying help randomly??


Just don’t see her anymore. I can’t comprehend having this conversation with someone.


I would break up with you for the way you talk while texting, stop saying “HELP” 😭


This comes across as searching for any excuse to break up, I don’t think anybody has to alter their lives that much for having a partner who eats something you don’t? Also the celiac comment was honestly really horrible to say, my bf has celiac disease and I practically live off gluten, I never talk him into trying things with gluten and I’m very happy to only get snacks that I know we can both have, it’s really not a hard adjustment to make even for just a friend, this is 100% grasping at any tiny issue and saying ah I guess we just HAVE to break up now ///:


This is so unserious I can’t imagine how she would be in the face of an actual problem


what does the HELP mean


What is this, a Seinfeld episode?


Why do they keep saying HELP?


You both need professional #HELP


She already is dating someone else or has someone else in mind. She is using your vegetarianism as her excuse so she doesn’t feel bad about her choice.


I’m vegetarian and I had an ex who was like this but never fully expressed it until after we broke up… more so, he was annoyed that I didn’t eat meat even though I, like you, was very easy-going & would always find ways to make it work wherever we ate. Reading this was painful, she’s giving you zero grace or understanding. Honestly, I agree with other comments saying she wants to end the relationship, but doesn’t know how or wants it to seem like you’re at fault for the relationship not working out. I also had to ask (giving her complete benefit of the doubt), could this be a cultural thing?? I know meat-based dishes are more prominent in certain cultural cuisine. I thought maybe that could be playing a role here since it is making her feel so “sick” and distressed.