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I had a guy do something similar, he would send shirtless pictures/videos every few days for several months, with no response to him. I finally asked him what kind of bizarre mailing list he had me on… never heard from him again. :) unsubscribed.


Hahahah this is genius 👏🏼


You could also just reply with something along the lines of “this number is no longer in service“ every time they text


Lolol.... Enough time has passed where she could say, "who is this??" And then have a guy she knows send a pic back to him.


Love a who dis text. I could have my boyfriend respond 😆


Respond with “Unsubscribe” lmaoo


I’m stealing this for next time. Too good 😂


This is the way


Oooo yeah have your boyfriend send a selfie and be like "thanks bro 🥺"


Perfect. He’d probably begin sending “Hey Beautiful” to her boyfriend.


Have him respond with a shirtless mirror pic and, "Hey there handsome".


5% of the time, it works EVERY TIME


That is hilarious!


Hey beautiful ☺️




This is the very best thing I've seen all day! 🤣






I love that episode where Michael is talking about Andy and says “I just don’t understand how anyone could lack so much self awareness”


Imagine saying this for nearly 5 months straight while receiving no response lol dude is unhinged.


And then SEVEN MONTHS LATER showing them your new tattoo


It’s crazy! lol I probably would have never even seen his new tattoo because he would have been blocked after the 2nd hey beautiful.


He’s getting his women mixed up. Must be a lot of them. It’s like having “Hey Beautiful” on speed dial. In this case it’s copy/paste. Too lazy to see who he’s texting.


One of my exes actually group texted me and like 6 other girls... including 2 that he cheated on me with. It was completely out of the blue, like he knew I was married at that point, but he still sends a group text to all 7 of us, talking about how he suddenly remembered how great sex was. It kinda devolved when one of the girls he cheated on me with asked if I was the girlfriend whose clothes he offered her to wear. He left the group chat like right after that, and went as far as changing his number.


Wow. Sounds like was playing the odds like gambling. Every now and then he wins. He gave your clothes to someone else? What a bastard. He’s probably on some other site doing the same thing. It’s an addiction just like gambling can be for some. Sorry you went thru this but he’ll never find someone to love like you have. Life has a way of evening things out.


He tried to, anyway lol. She said she knew he was full of shit because someone lazy isn't going to have more than half their closet be work clothing. He definitely hasn't. He still blames all of his exes for his mistakes. It's legit wild how he's rationalized his actions. I'm just glad he's someone else's problem to deal with now.


😂😂 What an idiot. Well, that got rid of him at least.


Was he from Philly?


Nah, Dallas. But you're weirdly not the only person to ask me if he was from Philly lol.


right? OP must be hot as fuck


That made me laugh harder than it should.


i aim to please


Hail Mary texts because he can’t find anyone to pay attention to him or fucks it up. Pathetic shit


Not the Hail Mary texts 😭😂 love that terminology. It’s the low effort persistence that really makes me laugh


For sure. Like saying ‘hey’ 98 times is really going to elicit some wonderful responses even if you did reply. Dude has absolutely no self awareness.


Or elicit some illicit responses.


What he for sure has and a LOT of it, is patience😂.


And a new tattoo


Yeah, don’t forget the tattoo!




Maybe he has that short term memory thing in Memento.


Welp, now I know what movie I'll be rewatching tonight. Thanks!


I actually peed on myself a little, after reading your comment! You know how hard you have to laugh to do that? 😂


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. And 99.9%of the shots you do take." -this guy


He definitely set a monthly reminder on his phone, too


He's scheduled the texts 😂


It makes you wonder how many other women he is doing this to if he felt the need to set a reminder.


I’m married to the person I sent a Hail Mary text to lol. Hail Marys are rarely ever caught for the win, but when they are, it’s pretty epic!


Is your partner happy or did they just give up?


This is so out-of-pocket 😂😭


Totally out of pockets lol.


lol that’s funny man, nah we took our time, lived in different cities and just genuinely got to know each other. The first time we started talking wasn’t anything bad, we were just in different places mentally and geographically.


Hes probably sending hail mary texts to like 12 other women


Oh most definitely. Probably with the same amount of success


My guess is he does this with many different women. Then it's just a statistics game. If he texts 20 women randomly just like this, odds are at some point at least 1 of those ladies becomes vulnerable or has a weak moment for whatever reason, and he can slide in there.


![gif](giphy|DFu7j1d1AQbaE) Nailed it right on the head. It ain’t my first rodeo


He probably has it automated, too!


That’s my guess too. I’ve had this happen as well, months of texts and pics even though I didn’t respond once. I just assume they got a whole roster and trying to get a response out of at least one. Idk about the success rate of that though..


Kinda pathetic on their part.


Pretty sure this is a common strategy in those cringe-inducing dating guides, right up there with negging and isolating the target from friends.


Yep at least one will tell herself she’s special and she’s the only one he’s sending that to. These guys wouldn’t do this if it didn’t work for them.


So let’s say for whatever reason you did respond and said, “HeY hAnDsOmE ☺️”. Would he just disregard all the times he was ignored? How does he still have confidence that this will work in his favor lol


That is truly the question. The world may never know.


Come oooooon, take one for the team.




I had a guy I never even met up with text me once a month with no response for two years. Considering you went on a date with this guy you may be hearing from him for at least a few more years 😅😅


Two years?!? That is so asinine. Why do they insist on coming back? They’re like vultures circling for scraps. It’s sad


Really sad. Or just plain nuts.


He's never gonna give you up ![gif](giphy|FbPsiH5HTH1Di)


How dare 😂




This guy is dancing to music I have on 😂


Sending a pic of yourself after not getting a response for a year is crazy to me🤣


Maybe it was like, "hey, Babe must not remember how good I think I look! She must not be responding because she forgot. This'll get 'er!" 🤣


Really thought that tattoo would be the difference


well what ever happened to september


He decided to try playing hard-to-get in September. It didn't go as planned


Heh... maybe one of the girls in his 'every month hey beautiful texts' reaponded on September, so op got sometime to breathe. But then he got dumped in october, so whew... here we arrre


I’m sure he was doing that stupid Andrew Tate mind game, where you ignore the girl and she supposedly comes crawling to you all the time. He realized it backfired massively on him and now he’s a desperate creep, because it didn’t work on you. That was his only approach and he doesn’t know how not to be a creep. Loser.


Tate makes it so easy for women to say no to this kind of behavior. Laughable that it so glaringly makes them a bad choice for self respecting women. I’m sure they turn right around to be like “see?! All women are shitty!” Like please keep showing who you are so we can laugh at you


A person i dated years ago and also dumped due to being gross and cheating has been doing this to me for years and i hate it and don’t fucking get it. Every time I think they are gone (no texts for 6 months) I get another text.


Damn that’s annoying. Just completely ignoring the fact that he hurt you in the past. Though I find it comedic past a certain point. Like man let’s just see how long and far this guy will take it. Tell me you’re desperate without telling me you’re desperate


Why not just block their number?


they can tell if i block and make new numbers


Sounds like stalking to me.


And he’s pretty consistent about the texts being no about a month apart. I guess he has a reminder set lol


Dude yes!! I wondered about that. So many guys do this like clockwork that they must have some kind of reminder set up. What would that reminder look like I wonder 🤔


Pay day drinks


I don’t even pay my mortgage with that much regularity. 😆


He missed September. A crucial month that could’ve made the difference.


He didn’t even try on the 21st night


he didn’t remember


I can't tell for certain, but I think he finds you beautiful, Op.


Ya Im a little iffy on that as well. What does he mean?! I think one more “hello beautiful ☺️” would really make it clearer


Exactly. We need one more to really clear the air. I'm as bad as taking hints as this guy. 😂


I’ve had so many guys do this. It’s like they have zero self awareness and are just completely incapable of feeling shame or embarrassment. I guess desperation will make people do some crazy things.


Nah, it’s a numbers game to them. He probably has 10 people he does this to and he wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work from time to time.


I'm a guy and I could never and would never message a female like this. This deffinatley is desperate and no self awareness plus they just don't care. He's also doing this to multiple females in hopes one answers back. I've never tried chasing a female but I also held a 9 year relationship which is why I'm happy single now lol


I wonder what he was so busy with last September


someone on his mailing list must have responded to him then 


May be his hey beautiful messages were meant for his own photo - you know the build up lol


Damn you right. That’s some serious commitment 😂 only took a year to see that maybe he’s the one 🥹


very creepy


I always wonder what prompts these monthly check ins? Do they just go down their contact list? Do they actually even remember who you are?


They only reach out once a month because the rest of the time, they're masturbating to all of their photos.




Can’t stand guys like this. Once something else doesn’t work out they pester you constantly. I had one guy ghost me, then text me 1.5 years later. He had the nerve to be upset when I told him I’m engaged now and it’s not cool to ghost people then show back up.


He’s trying to haunt 😂 He essentially ghosted you but pops up once a month to make sure you’re still thinking about him 😭


Dig the label for this behavior 👻 forever calling it haunting from here on out


Was it Chad Kevin Jeremy? https://youtu.be/h2ra7ixXM10?si=3LXHjqzMC4pl0ixx


Hahaha that is quality content. “Gotta cast a wide net eh?” 😂 all the hey you’s and cutie texts really got me. This guy does a pretty good rendition of this kind of behavior: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6J7i45v2Xe/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6J7i45v2Xe/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


I really don't understand how someone could be this way and not realise how pathetic it looks


Desperation can do crazy things to some guys


Guys like this are fun, i recommend doing some of the following: - Text him pictures of random things like the inside of a curtain. - Send texts with the words backwords. - Tell him you're charging a fee that's rediculous and no one would pay. - Send links to ebay auctions that are about to close. - Copy and paste the full recipes in different languages of your favorite dish and send it to him. - Share cover art of car user manuals.


Why not just block him?


Bc I found it amusing and I was curious to see just how long he would do it for.


Looks like a chatbot 🤣


What about September


At least you actually went on a date with him…meanwhile the mf who won’t stop calling or texting me we never got to the stage of spending time together. And it’s been three years and every once in a while he’ll pop up and call and text me.


Hey beautiful 😎


At least he covered his bulge in his selfie. Respect!


Aww sheeeit I should probably respond to him then. He’s so respectful 😍


That tattoo is so mid lol


Guaranteed he has a list of girls he goes down and messages every so often to see who replies


I have an ex from high school (I was class of 07) that randomly hits me up like this and sends flexing selfies as well. It’s like he forgets the last time I told him to get lost, and every time prior to that. I ended up just blocking his number and have since enjoyed the quiet.


I still get a happy birthday 5 years later…


We all look for consistency in life partners and he is showing it well! Just kidding, you would think he would’ve gotten the hint after the first time.


No way you’re the only one he’s doing this too. Zero chance.


I'm a perpetually single self-proclaimed loser who hasn't had a relationship since high school but I know I'm not this bad


Have you considered asking him to leave you alone?


How embarrassing


He gives major F boy energy. I'd bet you're likely just part of a round of "Hey beautiful" texts to anyone in his phone that he thinks might be a potential booty call. It's hilarious that they can't take a hint 😂


Men talking to themselves in ur dms is a whole other kind of mental illness


Truly. And yet people are here saying I’m egging him on or I’m letting this happen lol. Of course it’s always the woman’s responsibility when men act like this


He missed September, obviously not the one


Did you tell him you're not interested?


I can't with this post, these comments or OPs replies 🤣🤣🤣


this is the funniest shit i ever seen 😭😭😭😭


I don’t understand these guys. Why keep trying ?


Is he called chad ?


i hope you guys get married


Must have been some date 😂


Bro comment on his sick tattoo 😅




Hahahah Im sorely tempted to respond with this


I wonder what happened in September?


When does it end ? lol


Could be years 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve had guys come back to haunt me 5 years after the fact. Some have tried reaching me through LinkedIn when other avenues failed to field a result lol. They never stop.


Oh my gosh. Isn’t it crazy? You’d think that’d get the hint 😆


Extremely. Beyond embarrassing to have no shame like that. At least we get to have a good laugh about it!


And laugh we will ! 😂


tell that dude to pick up a fucking dumbbell once in awhile


Like either he is just doing it as a joke to himself.. or he is legit missing a screw in that brain of his. Pretty crazy though


Hey one of those days is my birthday


One guy I had a long distance “relationship” with starting in 2015 and ending in 2016 would keep texting me via Skype up until 2020. He wanted to make sure I was alive and well. The problem was that I started using Discord in 2017 and have never gone back to Skype since then. I opened Skype the other day to see that he kept trying to contact me with, still, no response on my part.


I dealt with a guy like this except I never met him. He was a complete stranger from another country I met somehow online (I forget how) and we messaged on Snapchat for a while when I was about 15 and he was a similar age. He was cute and I enjoyed messaging him but nothing ever came from it because why would it. Slowly I lost interest and stopped messaging. Fastforward to last year (when I was 23) and he’d consistently been messaging me once every few months for 8 whole damn years. I never replied once nor opened a single message. As my snap didn’t have any personal info and I never posted stories or anything I just kind of let him do his thing? I didn’t see the harm and it became an ongoing joke between me and my friends. Last year I finally messaged him back (all the previous messages had been hey, how are you, Merry Christmas etc.) and he just casually responded as if it was nothing, asking about how I’d been. After some small talk I asked why he was still messaging me after all these years and he just said “idk”. I never responded to that and I haven’t received a single message since.


Just gonna lock my door and pull the shades. That's enough second-hand embarrassment for one day.


In his mind, you’re his girlfriend.


I have a similar one-way thread with a guy I spoke to only once at an old internship 4 years ago. I'll post it if I can find it. 😂 I didn't block him because at this point I'm invested to see when he'll tire himself out. Note: I've never responded. It's just him saying a version of "hi" "hello" or "what's up" every few months.


He missed September! Must’ve been a busy month


I literally had a dude do this for 6-7 YEARS from high school into college. We never went out or even really spoke much, we were in different years of school, but were on the same debate team. And he would just text me different versions of “Hey, girl” on multiple platforms but also never come up to me in person either. It was so wild to me because I’m like, my guy, I am not responding and I am not interested - I don’t know you, so how do you just do this every day? What are you getting from this??


I still get IG messages from a guy I curved in college aka a dozen years ago. It's been at least 8 years since I replied out of pity. They're annoying but persistent, I'll give 'em that


well at least you know he doesn’t have issues with committment


I want to know why he didn’t send a text in September? Seems sketchy… 🤔


The numbers game.


Surely this will be the, "Hey beautiful" she responds to. I can feel it!


Awe happy anniversary, you guys! Sorry it’s a few weeks late.


I typically get hey sexy but they occasionally switch up with hey beautiful lol


Soooo… my girlfriend actually receives somewhat similar texts from guys she’s met on Hinge, and tho im not insecure cause i spend alotta time working he just seems super persistent like he really wants to see her again and she was the love of his life lmao sorry bro i’m too busy working tryna plan future with this girl to care but some guys(especially this generation) can’t get over girls as if there aren’t more fish in the sea..regardless, those texts were weird and should i maybe consider blocking him if he continues😂😂 shouldn’t never miss what you didn’t have💅🤣


With those conversation skills I am bamboozled as to how he is still single?! 🙄


Ew. Why do guys do this?!




Wouldn’t it be funny if it were the same text but the emojis started turning sad? “Hey Beautiful ☺️” “… 🙂” “… 🥲” “… 😕” “… ☹️”


I pictured him as a seagull from finding Nemo. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!


Always makes me feel soooo safe when they don’t let go… /s


He's definitely sending the same texts to every woman in his contacts.


Congratulations, you have a zombie. He was a ghost, but now he’s come back to life.


I wanna know what had his attention in September, so much so he forget his monthly text to you 🤔


I feel bad for this guy.


![gif](giphy|kFgzrTt798d2w) 😂


I had a guy who didn’t text me back for like 6 months and then sent me his new tattoo and said “back from getting the milk” um good one???


Wow that’s a pretty piss poor excuse for a joke. Let the trash walk itself out on that one 👋🏼


I usually reply to those with “unsubscribe”😂


That’s so embarrassing for him lol


Dude Ifeel like he thinks your beautiful 😂


Aw, he texted you on my birthday.


You technically haven’t rejected him yet


Just in case, yanno? Hey beautiful.


From experience if you respond back be prepared to get bombarded with even more messages.


I went to a ju jitsu class once and the guy who was my practice partner ended up finding me on Facebook immediately after and didn’t leave me alone for 3 whole fucking years. It felt extra creepy because the dude had just been between my legs and not in a sexual way but clearly he was thinking it was. Now he’s married to an old friend of mine and it’s so gross to me.


gonna get downvoted for this but why don’t u just block him?


In case anyone forgot to call you beautiful today...this guy might. 😂


From a guy. I really don't know. I knew a guy in college who asked a girl out like 30 times despite her saying no the first 29 times. Some men don't get a hint. When I was single and looking I would ask one time and if the answer was no I left it at that but a lot of men just don't respect that answer or want a reason why like you owe them one. Your doing the right thing by not responding.


Haha. This reminds of a guy I chatted with for about a month, 2 dates and I told him it wasn’t going to work. Name was Alex 2 years later I get a random text from someone saying they missed talking to me and wanted to know how I was. I asked who is this, they replied Ahmed. I never dated anyone named Ahmed and said this to them. They sent a pic. “Alex” didn’t even give me his real name !!!!! Blocked and moved on. Some guys


Lmaoo girl! The way I would have blocked him by now lol. Yeah it's harmless, but that's so annoying. It should be clear you're done with him by the way you haven't answered any of his messages lol


There is one guy I hooked up with twice about two years ago and like clock work he hits me up every weekend and I always leave him on read. His name in my phone is Stage 3 Clinger lmfao


I have this with 2 dudes I've never seen once in my life, 5 and 3 years later they're still at it 🫠


Bro thinks he's toned or something with that picture at the end


The tattoo artist lifted the needle carefully. He set down the machine and wiped his eyes, composing himself. With shaky breath he asked the man, "You have everything now. The perfect job, the perfect life, the perfect body, and now, finally, the perfect tat. What is there left for the great Bradley B. Thirstin?" Bradley gave a wry smile as he stared at his new art. "I'm gonna show my girl!" He said hopefully.


A year later!? God, us men are lonely... I almost respect that effort, but he's clearly just trying to fuck. You should ask him, "What's my name?"