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... yes? Obviously?


So like, let's say I call the police. What do I even... What is going on right now? You know?


I mean obviously this is like 99% just a dumb dude's idea of fun by fucking with you. But on the off chance he's serious, you just give them the text. If it's real, they'll figure it out. You may have to testify at some point. Worth it if it prevents someone from facing life in prison.


Yeah play it cool and see if there’s any verifiable info he’s willing to give (do NOT spook him!)— like I firmly believe snitches get stitches but this a special case & he’s the worst snitch of all. I’m so sick of all the innocent people stuck in prison — even one is too many.


Def don’t want an innocent man in jail…but he might be testing you too…I dunno what the test is?


The test is whether OP is wise enough to call the police and drop him either way.


I've experienced a similar thing, it is really surreal and fucked up and I'm sorry this happened. If this post is genuine, and you decide to tell authorities (which I think you should), you should be prepared for a few things; first of all, don't tell the person that you'll be doing this, obviously. Let police know that you don't know who else, if anyone, the person has shared this information with. Be prepared to save the texts (like the whole block of texts from that day or week or whatever, even if it doesn't seem relevant) for a while, back up the info and messages to your cloud or something if you can, bc sometimes they put this stuff on a stack of other cases and don't get to investigating for literal YEARS, no matter the severity or whether or not it's time-sensitive. It's possible you'll get a call from police out of the blue to ask you if you still have the information and files so they can proceed. Let them know all the details, even if the person is someone you know through private or illegal circumstances (ex: someone you've done drugs with or had an intimate relationship with). Good luck, OP, and be safe!






RIGHT! no response yet ether..


[{His Response}](https://imgur.com/a/mbxHAp6)


Holy shiiiit. Report this immediately & without remorse. Justice for Kai, no pity for the coward who took *two* lives that day by cutting & running.


"Now am I still a good friend?" Uhhh... hahah.. Jfc though, I'm speechless


This sounds fake. First degree murder? Wouldn't Kai have woken up, called the police and said his friend drowned while he was asleep? Accidental drownings are pretty common. Either made up or there's more to the story.


Yes, this is obviously made up given that this person is describing a textbook example of circumstantial evidence. Ridiculous.


Report it just to be safe but I also think he’s making it up


Cops cops COPS!!!!!! . He just admitted everything to you


Like no…. It’s sounds like you’re a terrible friend 🫣 dude I would fucking call the police. This is crazy and honestly really fucked up. If it’s not true then at least you covered your bases. I would fucking block this guy and quit having any kind of relationship with him if this is how he treats people.


Yeah, sounds like horseshit. It doesn’t add up.


I love the backstory of this meme so much lol


What’s the backstory?


I can't explain it properly lol sorry but it's basically that the guy in the meme was apart of a gaming group or something and they had a really small community that shared memes they made from things the people in the group said. That was one of or maybe the only meme about it that got spread around outside their community and it became really really popular. The reason that guy made that face is cause another guy that was in the gaming group said something odd or funny.I can't remember what the group was exactly so it might not have been gaming but that's what I think it was. There's an interview of the guy about it on tiktok but I saw it awhile ago so I don't remember.


If true its obviously been constantly on his mind for 5 yrs as he has confessed to someone. So many who/what/whys related to the story itself but also in relation to why he opened to you. If never met irl do you know real names, locations etc? If there is secrecy in that regard he may have felt safe to confess to you. Sadly it sounds like he wont take responsibility for his actions but I would try convincing him to do so.


I mean, yeah, I've only talked to him, I've known him online, just online. He lives in the islands in Fiji. I found him on Instagram. And we've been chatting for months, we're like, fine, but I don't know where this is coming from. He just told me that his life is turning around. He just got a job at a bank. He stopped smoking weed. And not gonna lie, I haven't been that, like, we're not close?


Yeah ok. If he didnt smoke weed before it he likely started as a coping mechanism to block it out. After smoking weed for so long then giving up he would have started dreaming again & most likely involving that as well as still thinking about it daily as he would have when not stoned, hence why he has found the desire to confess to someone. For right or wrong he chose you. Your questions about it would have affected him deeply so if he hasnt replied yet I believe he will but is still thinking about how to respond. He definitely has remorse for possibly the killing but definitely how he is responsible for the wrong person being incarcerated. I honestly cant give advice on what exactly to tell him when he does reply but have a feeling your words are what he needs to hear, whether they include him sharing about what happened, how he feels to what will he do.


He [replied](https://imgur.com/a/mbxHAp6)


As i suspected, he is basically crying out for your guidance. I would honestly delete those pics & talk to him more. The only way he’ll be able to forgive himself is if HE confesses to authorities. Opening up like that to tells me he wants to but needs to be pushed in that direction. It wasn’t intentional & he is still as scared today as he was that night. If you dob him in, his mental state will only get worse & likely try un-alive himself. No one wins in that scenario.


I disagree. OPs only responsibility is to call the police. He is not responsible for this man's mental state in any way shape or form.


Someone on her would have already contacted the authorities. Its pretty obvious my reply was about here & now & if has got him to confess this much he’d be successfully in making him turn himself in. Also, the story is fake. No crime of any similarity has occurred in Fiji. He just wants attention in a very odd way.


What in the actual hell is wrong with you. You're implying that if OP turns him into the police, OP will be responsible for this guy killing himself? What the fuck? There's zero way to know that will happen, it's likely if he's confessing to OP he'll want to confess to the authorities. You have some odd sympathy for a man who pushes his friend into the water and then seemingly ran from the scene, who mentions nothing of any effort to try to save his friend or call emergency services to help his friend. If it was truly an accident why not call someone to help? Remember in some places, not reporting stuff like this might be punishable as "failure to report a crime", "aiding and abetting", or "accessory after the fact" (at least those are the terms in the US). Especially because you want OP to delete the photos and hide the fact that this man might have killed someone?


He killed a person and is allowing another person to be punished for it. He deserves nothing from op. And frankly why does his life matter more than the two he destroyed?


The person serving life for what he did wins in that scenario. WTF?


Wild, I watched a YouTube video last night about a cold case but he straight up told the police/detectives 15 years later because the remorse ate at him for so many years, the one thing he said to the cop was “Don’t ever kill someone you don’t have to”. And it was a case in 2008 that he finally confessed to in 2023, Tony Ray Peralta. That being said, this sounds like a semi similar situation if he isn’t just jerking your chain, remorse and his conscience is eating at him years down the road.


Okay, so I'm just talking to a murderer right now.


Possibly, or he is doing it for attention. You’d probably have to google a bit more info as you have more details ie name and just include his location and year, and see if someone drowned/foul play/arrested and see if his story semi lines up? Who knows maybe some reddit sleuth will come put more pieces together for us. Good luck man, be safe and try not to give away too much personal info to him.


He may want you to think it's a sick joke. The way I look at it is, if you make the call (go to the police) their investigators will be the ones to decide if it's a joke or if it's true, you don't have to. All you need to do is inform the authorities and show them this text. This is a possible confession.


This is absolutely shocking. Hoping it’s a weird fucked up prank but the replies you posted are really harrowing. Hope you contact the authorities either way


Your response is giving AMA comment.


Or AI chatbot


Police. Go to the police.


Hi bestie, yes you should be worried. And I am worried about you for even inquiring on his feelings about allegedly killing someone! I’m not sure how likely it is that it’s true, however someone who thinks lying about this is funny is not someone I would want to remain friends with. And someone who kills someone is not someone you should remain friends with. Report it, the only 2 things that could happen are that you find out he’s lying but have identified a weirdo you need to avoid, OR if he did actually do that, you would be helping free this alleged innocently imprisoned person.


I personally think this is bullshit, he’s just fucking with you in a really creepy and weird way


okay so given everything the man mentioned in his response to op i’m calling bullshit. there’s no mention of a victim named jonathan who was found dead in a lake in the fiji island who’s death was a homicide with a suspect arrested named kai. it’s not real.


Names could be changed in case she went digging. I don’t think it’s real, either, based on everything. But mismatched names alone doesn’t rule it out.


there’s NO mentions of a death that in the fiji islands in 2019 that resulted in a person being charged. if he was forth coming he wouldnmt have changed names. it’s just bait.


100% yes


Okay, okay.. I think I’ll call the non emergency police line


RemindMe! 1 week


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RemindMe! 1 week


Any update? Did you report?


Here for this answer.


Geez that’s wild!! Do you have this persons info (name, address, date of birth, ect.?) If so, I would anonymously send any info you have with the text included. Most police departments have websites where you can send them a tip anonymously. If your local department doesn’t have that option, you can always send an online tip to crime stoppers. There’s also a good chance this person is just fucking with you, but in the slim chance they’re telling the truth, I think it’s worth looking into. Especially because an innocent person may be spending the rest of their life in prison. If I were in your shoes, I would nonchalantly try to gather more information from them over time. Just think, you can solve a fricken murder! How cool would that be!!


Well good job playing it cool, I guess. Pretend it’s no big deal, get a full confession out of him, then take it straight to the police. Ask him how he knew the victim and how he knew the friend, so you can ascertain their identities.




If this is any way real you need to report this. Could you imagine being locked up, serving a life sentence, for something that you didn’t do. That has to be horrible. Also, that person is horrible for being responsible for another person’s death and letting another spend time in prison.


instead of turning him, try to convince him that the only way he'll know peace is if he confesses and turns himself in.


Any updates? (Beyond the extra 3 screenshots you've been posting) Have you spoken to the police?




I think you must call the police. An innocent person is about to go to prison for a murderer


You don’t need that in your life.


Hey… if someone tells you they killed somebody, maybe just don’t respond and block them?!! Wtf.


He might be testing you with a fake confession to see if he can get away with telling a real confession later on


Worried about being lied to maybe. That's about it.


i’m sorry, that was the weirded response from you.


after reading his further replies, this is fake as shit.


Hang tight to that "even tho we've never met in life" part.


He owns a droid so definitely






The internet is wild.


YOU'RE wild!


…you think he might be able to find you if you tell? I’m creeped all the way out for you. Stay safe


Accessory after the fact. Fuckin wild my dude.


These names don't come up when searching murder conviction for Kai and death of Jonathon.


I think it's fake.


You can’t just murder someone and blame someone else and the fuckin investigators will believe you lol.. that’s never how any murder case has ever worked. Rest assured this dude is just full of shit. 💩


Ya, I'll take things that never happened for 500$, Alex




It's a Jeopardy reference . This probably never happened and they just creating this facade for convo. One of 2 things here : 1) it's true , and this person is terrible and not worth the friendship or whatever this is. 2) they are lying for attention/any reason, and this is a terrible way to go about either. Either of those reasons would be enough for me to block and run away, especially since you've never met and have nothing to lose.


I don't know. It feels deeper than how I feel now. Someone's life was taken, potentially. If it was me that had died, I wouldn't want someone to give up.


So he was charged with First Degree Murder yet had time after that charge to hit this guy?


His story's pretty fishy. He pushed his friend into the lake playfully then... Didn't drag him back out again when he started thrashing like a maniac because he doesn't know how to swim? He just... Watched him drown?


He’s going to realize telling you was a bad idea and oof you too 💀


Why are you being nice to them after that?


Are you kidding me? Survival 101


Lol OK, maybe he'll give you some details for the police.


So… [this](https://imgur.com/a/0vJEYlN) is starting to feel a little more real


He just admitted how it [happened](https://imgur.com/a/EwusKfX).


Wow this is veryyyyy shocking. Hope the innocent friends receives justice.


Wow, speechless!


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It's definitely trolling.