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Go find somebody that matches your vibes OP!


No fr, this is not worth the struggle lol


Def not!


Sorry OP, for what it’s worth your communication was really good


Looks like you deserve someone who matches your vibe better


No1 "deserves" any type of relationship with no1. That attitude of entitlement is big reason behind failing at relationships.


Wanting reciprocated communication is entitlement?


No. Believing what humanity owes you a relationship, is an entitlement. Nobody does.


Being aware that you deserve people around you who reciprocate your efforts is not the same as believing you deserve a relationship. I would 100% stay single than be with someone who seems to be at gunpoint every time they talk to me. The general consensus is that people would prefer to have fewer people around them that respect and reciprocate their efforts, rather than the opposite. I don’t see anyone stating humanity owes them a relationship lol


But you still don't actually "deserve" it. No human being has a claim of ownership on any other human being. It's preferable outcome, yes. But you don't just have this transactional expectation. No one owes you it. It's a mutual trade. It's not what any1 actually deserves anything from another individual, it's more so, what the two individuals are better of cooperating in good faith. Something about "I deserve" another human being, just off. No you don't.


Incel, edgy teen, or both lol


Both, confirmed by their first comment back to you.


Sweetie, I've probably slept with more men, you ever going to talk to in your average lifespan.


Congrats?? 🤣🤣


Thx I guess. Never was congratulated for having an active sex life. That's a first.


Holy shit your so annoying 💀💀 I feel bad for any future partners you have


Ok I guess. Look I'm a gay man, nothing ppl say surprises me. I heard it all. Anyway, I don't particularly care what ppl I don't know think about me, so, if that makes u feel better, u can write whatever u want.


I hope you’re taking prep.


Imagine bragging about being emotionally detached


No one said they deserve another human being? You don’t force other people to act by your standard of living for that very reason. You look for people who have mutual interests to you and WANT to put in the effort because you hold eachother with respect. By saying someone deserves reciprocated behaviour, they mean to say you shouldn’t settle for someone who doesn’t respect you, just move on and find someone with the qualities you’re looking for. You’ve misinterpreted what this commenter meant by “deserve”. They aren’t saying you’re entitled to OWN someone lol. I deserve respect and if someone isn’t going to give it to me, I’m going to withdraw from that person and find someone who does give me that respect. Because I don’t own anyone, I can only control myself and the people I choose to be around.


Ah. Well, I read it, as claim of ownership. Then there is no disagreement, just misunderstanding. Nvm then.


So you had a big ole fight and being nasty for your misunderstanding? I would suggest in the future- try to ask questions and gain clarity before attacking with vitriol. The message gets lost and instead just a lot of nastiness for no reason. Sigh.


All good :)


Are you the guy who won’t let his girlfriend say “my” anything lmao because this incorrect pedantic nonsense is incorrect pedantic nonsense


I'm the guy who would never date a girl, even if I was the last fertile man left in the species. You see, I like sex. That's penetration. So the only way you can actually have sex, is if you either a woman or a gay man. Straight man do not have sex. They give sex. They never actually had it. Anyhow


You are a freak lol


No way you just said “give sex” 🥴


Seriously Wtf 😂


Nobody likes you in real life, do they


lol I cannot believe you’re a real person


You actually don’t know what type of sex straight men have. So how can you say they are not having sex. The way you write-it comes off as if you are putting yourself on a pedestal and trying to perceive yourself as better then … i understand this is most likely due to feeling marginalized your entire life and probably still so. So i can understand the reasoning behind it. But what you’re saying is actually not true and is very closed minded. The only thing you are doing is closing off experiences for yourself- and some of those may include healing.


You routinely have bad takes. Active in mostly video game subs. I think you're just a sad chronically online gamer who lashes out instead of making real life experiences.


OP I remember your last post and comments, and from this post as well.. I can confidently say you have a wonderful sense of humor and you seem awesome. Amazing cake decorating skills too! You will be a great catch for some guy who actually appreciates you and WANTS to invest energy into a relationship with you. I wish you the best of luck! 🤍


Thank you so much!! This relationship taught me a lot of lessons of what I DON’T want in the future, so I’m looking at it as a learning experience. One day I think I’ll find the right person that matches my energy. ❤️


Good for you OP. I did the same with a long distance “boyfriend” and I met my amazing husband soon after. Now we have two kids together and going strong four years in July. You’ll find way better.


Manifesting this for me bc im going through a rough patch atm




Breakups are tough , giving myself time to heal


Yep when it's dry texting it's not you. Some people just have different communication styles.  At least there was this resultion for both of you in the end




Nope. That's not bf material.


I know this is unrelated, but I never even thought of using those chocolate squares to imitate a graduation cap when my store ran out of the picks. That’s so clever! I’ll have to remember that for next year. 😅 On a related note tho, I really hope you’re doing okay OP. 💕


Thank you! I’m doing really well! I’m actually relieved it’s over. Yes I thought that was a great idea for caps too! 😃❤️


Good morning OP! Have a lovely day 🌻


It’s not you, it’s them. Just move on and find someone else.








i just broke up with my bf/ ex yesterday too because he obvs didn’t care and was too nonchalant and avoidant. i’ll pass on someone like that. !


Yes it is no fun!! I will never, ever do that again. At least now I’ll see the red flags early on and run lol


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Off topic but please tell me the way you were holding that cake wasn’t risking dropping it? I have anxiety because that looks like a cake I would drop with one hand on accident.


It was sitting on a metal counter in a box I wasn’t holding it


Oh in the text no it was on a cake stand my hand was just spinning the stand lol


Good! It’s a pretty cake!


Ppl in this thread who are keep writing to me.. I can't reply to any of you, not because I have nothing to say, the reddit isn't letting me. So, if you didn't know gay ppl exist, and I'm the first gay person u ever encountered, so you are surprised what I'm not actually attracted to opposite gender . Well, now you know. It's a thing.




I mean… All you did was add an exclamation point and emoji.. how does that further the convo jw


I explained in my original post that I did try harder with the texting for quite some time but by this point I had kind of given up.