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So basically, when you're below 150 health, you will die even faster than a Spy. Also heavy speed


It's the gloves of running urgently, but instead of slowly taking damage while the weapon is out, you take stupidly large amounts of damage from enemies instead. It's also honestly better than the gloves because you can just hit and run without casualties jesus christ why is this getting a copious amount of likes


Isn’t… isn’t that what the GRU did before Valve changed it?


I’m pretty sure it marked you for death, so yeah, 35% more damage taken + a little icon over your head to tell everyone about it.


Y’know, there’s something ironic about that Icon above heavy’s head. According to Dev Commentary for TF2, Valve tried that same exact thing with Spy, and that worked horribly, which lead them to spy having paper masks. Only for years later, they decided to put a “Marked For Death” icon above heavy’s head while holding out the GRU, which was a silent way to tell the world “I’M VULNERABLE, PLEASE SHOOT ME!”


So scout but fat and has a machine gun


The inverse Tomislav is basically the Holy Mackerel of mini-guns.


Every bullet being shown in the killfeed might actually hide that any spies are backstabbing people because it's filling up so fast


I see it less as each bullet gets its own killfeed notif, and more so you get the x(number) you'd get like with the Hothand or Holy Mackerel


That was the intent, yes. But I do find it funny that people are interpreting that each bullet gets its own feed entry lol


heavy gaming **1× bullet** scunt heavy gaming **1× bullet** scunt heavy gaming **1× bullet** scunt heavy gaming **1× bullet** scunt heavy gaming **1× bullet** scunt heavy gaming **1× bullet** scunt..


Combined with the pan for that oh so good deafening the server feeling.


Tinnitus gaming


Its the blog gun from the [Mac Update.](https://www.teamfortress.com/macupdate/comic/)   Edit: [oh](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/42d907/i_made_the_autoblogging_weapon_from_the_mac/).


Imagine the entire server using the tomi and firing it at the same time


with the sound of the [Black Microwave Earrape](https://youtu.be/Y5Nwq3i1sjg?si=nlc62dGYLodIRWej) blasting while spun up


I find it amusing how insanely busted Natascha & Huo-Long Heater become for Heavy when inverted but the Brass Beast & Tomislav are just dogshit lol


I don’t think the Wooden Wimp is dogshit. I mean, the damage penalty kinda sucks, but the spin-up makes you move slightly faster than a Scout. Not to mention it revs up 50% faster. That’s pretty insane.


skirmisher heavy


Ah yes, my favorite tactic


Fat scout’s wet dream?


to be fair, the name’s a pretty accurate description of scout’s playstyle: go in, then run away because you have the durability of a piece of wood


Well the normal speed a heavy moves at with a primary spun up is 37% if he moves 60% fast when revved up it would be at a speed of 59% HOWEVER, if the 60% comes before the spun-up speed penalty heavy would move at 123% or just slower than a scout (133) If any of that math is flawed and it probably is please give the correct numbers below


Oh I guess that’s true, the 60% would be added to the Heavy’s slowed-down rev speed. So he’d be going 97% speed. Slightly slower than demoman and pyro. Still pretty dang fast.


Its just a smg but way more powerful now


So Fat SMG Sniper


the movement speed penalty on the brass beast is based on the standard spin-up movement speed, the wiki says he normally moves at 110 units per second when spinning up with every other minigun but at 44 with the brass beast, so the spin-up speed boost on inverted brass beast would also be based on it, adding 66 units of movement per second for a total of 176, which is almost half of demo with the booties and 2 heads on eyelander, which is 357 units per second (and about 119%)


All well and good until the first one or two bullets completely destroy the wooden frame and leave Heavy defenseless


I've used it in a x-1 server before. The dps is still high even with damage nerfs


Wait, holup. The spinup definitely does not make you run faster than a scout. The only way that could be the case is if you took heavy's base speed of I think 70% and added 60% movement speed to it, but that's not what's happening. The stat on the normal Brass Beast takes the speed of the heavy when he's spun up with the stock minigun and removes 60% of that, instead of just 60% movement speed, because I'm pretty sure heavy moves slower than 60% movement speed when spun up, and negative movement speed is not a thing. So the Wooden Wimp would take the speed of heavy when he's spun up and add 60% of that speed to it. This would make you pretty fast, but there's no way it could get you to outrun scout.


How? You move 50% FASTER when spun up with the Wooden one. You literally move faster fully revved than a scout.


I don’t think so. If my math is right, Scout runs at 133%. Heavy moves at 77%. 1/2 of 77 is 38.5. 77+38.5=115.5, 4.5 less than a non charge Baby Faces Blaster Scout.


Still pretty damn fast all things considered lol. But yeah, forgot Heavy is a slow fat bastard by default


The slowest class in the game, he'd only be about as fast as spy or sniper


You're not adding 60% movement speed to heavy's base speed. You're taking his revved up movement speed and adding 60% of that speed to it, making you... slower than the regular movement speed of heavy.


I like to imagine the shooting sound of the Tomibrit is just the kitchen gun "BANG"


I think the tomibrit is actually pretty good if you are just revved before the fight, otherwise the air conditioner is better


Heater and Natascha are so bad that when you reverse the stats they become horribly overpowered.


I like natasha some much i even bough a strange


Man, what kind of a weirdo would buy a strange version of one of heavy's objectively bad guns? Imagine if it's even killstreak, that'd be silly. Imagine even naming yoru account after it. You'd have to be real dumb to do that.


Alright Mr. *Checks notes* HuoLongHeavy


Atleast i can survive heavy counters (except spies but pyro and medic got my back)


Medic’s got a back too… >!This is a joke guys don’t kill me!<






Natasha is honestly fine, it shines in team fights and sucks dick in one on ones, but being able to keep enemies from retreating easily is a huge hand up when you're in a big fight scenario.


Ill be honest natasha is underrated in 1v1s imo


You forget Natasha, vs , Scout


or demoknight




Imagine 36 tombrit heavies in one server


Kill feed would become absolutely useless


Bold of you to think the game wouldn't crash


It would be like spamming negevs in csgo before they made the sound a bit quieter BANRSHANEBQMRBANGABABNGBANGBANFBAFN


It's called electronşc warfare, brother


Tomislav would be a troll weapon since you can prevent people from seeing the killfeed by cluttering it with bullet hits


i think it'd work like the fish and hot hand where it just updates the same one message until enough kills happen to flush it out, then it makes a second message so on, so forth


The difference is that you can hit multiple different targets in rapid succession with a minigun a lot more often than you would with a fish.


custom one where the message extends and stretches a ross the screen to encompass every name


AHAHA yes that is absolutely what it should do


Bro imagine this against an ubered heavy


The worst of these grants the user the ability to remove the kill-feed. That says something.


The gun is louder. The gun fires FASTER to make more NOISE


It’s effective not at killing enemy characters, but killing all players.


On hit increase your move speed is the scariest fucking sentence I've ever read for a heavy primary.


I can Imagine just starting to slowly walk towards an enemy while shooting them, and then just getting exponentially faster, closing the gap rapidly and doing more damage since you’re closer. This would be so heckin over powered


The Heavy Jumpscare.


I think the HighGPS balance mod actually does that to the Natascha


Is the Huo just a direct upgrade now


Yes :3




I appreciate your inclusion of the Romanov and Tomibrit Much love


Thanks for the suggestions!




Tomi*brit* LMAO


honestly wooden wimp is kinda busted. imagine a scout with 250 HP and a speed boost with a nerfed minigun. that's wooden wimp


It says 50% not just 50, so 150 health and take bonus damage, so you die faster than a scout


That is not an attribute of the weapon posted. Reread and think about how this weapon is the reverse of the existing weapon, because I think you know how that works.


Casual as a whole would not survive to Romanov.


I fucking love the idea of a minigun that just sounds and is as loud as a jet engine when you rev it. I would use the Tomibrit just for that alone ngl, cause that's really funny


I just love the sound of battle in the background while playing tf2. If I’m not hearing distant gunshots something is seriously wrong


romanov: decent, seems like an actual heavy primary wodden wimp: same as romanov tomibrit: if you want to annoy / crash the server huoshort air conditioner: pretty op, will make you love that almost no other class can set people on fire except pyro, and having almost infinite firing weapon with 10% more damage, just way too good to be unnerfed


Please, tell me some modder is adding those to a custom server!


Man, I wish. I know that there is a x-1 plugin out there, and a few servers may run it, but there are quite a few differences between my stat ideas and theirs.


Some r/TF2 servers would be an awesome idea!


Huo Long means "fire dragon". Ice is the opposite of fire, and the dog is on the opposite end of the zodiac wheel from the dragon, so it should be the "Bing Gou (pronounced bing-go) Air Conditioner"




Tomislav would be a troll weapon since you can prevent people from seeing the killfeed by cluttering it with bullet hits


Public Executor is hilarious. I wish it was a real stat.


The Huo-Short would actually return you 3 ammo per shot and- you'd basically just become unkillable by pyros


Jesus christ that tomibrit is going to rape some poor fuckers ears


I would have recommended “Shui Long” for the inverted Huo Long Heater, since it means “water dragon”.


That air conditioner would just be the best weapon the heavy has bar none wtf


Inverted HLH has literally no downside


evil heavy weapons guy.


A lot of these would be must haves. The Tomibrit’s like the fish though.


Bro fucking loves air conditioning


Damn, Tomislav just became the worst minigun to use


All of these are direct upgrades holy shit


the chinese in me is screaming because huo long most definitely does not mean long


I’m so sorry for failing all of china 😔


Not gonna lie wooden wimp is decent. You trade survivability for superior mobility for flanking and jumpscaring enemies before they have time to react. Huo short is completely busted tho


These are some of the most toxic, most insane things I have ever seen. The amount of Bonk Scouts and Tomibrit Heavies that will come out with the intense purpose of trying to annoy everyone with killfeed filler will be off the charts. Love it, how much money do you need?


I don’t know how to make plugins, but I’d love to find someone who does!


Im waiting for a community server to host something like this


Mittens of strolling casually: -30% speed, max health increases while item is active, +50% holster speed Authoritarian artillery: + 25% damage, +25% damage to self, -25% mag size, -40% projectile speed The demoter: crits on body shot, +15% damage, +25% faster shooting speed, crit damage increases with range (reverse damage falloff), has random crits


the heater becomes the new meta lmao, or at least fighting with the Natascha honestly kinda do want that Wooden Wimp to be a real gun though, chunk heavy's damage to make him stupid fast with a minigun, hell i might post something like that on whatever that weapon suggestion sub is


The wooden wimp would be insane. Imagine a heavy running around as fast as a scout and constantly shooting. He'd be really hard to counter if the user has good aim.


"Huo-Short Air Conditioner" Huo = fire in chinese or something Burning Air Conditioner, hell yeah


Negative huo-long heater is practically a direct upgrade to stock


Tomibrit with every bullet announced in killfeed made me crack up a bit


Romanov + Quick-Fix Medic seems like it would be terrifying.


huo should give 4 ammo while spun up instead


Starts off with nothing which is 0, reach 200 and the weapon "overheat" til it's back to 0


Nah, it would over cool, at which point you move slipilly(as in like you slide as if on a comically soapy floor or ice in cartoons) also this would make you more susceptible to damage and move slower. Also you would leave behind a spycicle statue when dying at all while in this state


I love the idea of spamming the killfeed with hits lol


What the heck. The Huo is way too powerfull of a payload/despenser camper.


Wooden wimp and huo are busted af


>Romanov I understood that reference


Scout looking fearfuly at Romanov Heavy main starting to catch up to him


Huolong heater one is just a direct upgrade to stock


tomibrit would be kinda hot garbage


4 less ammo while firing.. so do you only lose one out of every 4 bullets when shooting. Lose as in it is subtracted from your ammo counter Also does the romanav make the user faster, or the person it hits faster


I like how the inverted huo-long is just a straight upgrade.


Tomibrit was the funniest haha


Huo-Short should be like one of those big old Vornado Box Fans.


Finally, Heavy Scout Gaming


great, now we have another direct-upgrade weapon


Tomibrit would be hilarious. Every ding in the kill feed? Sign me up XD


The tomislav announcing every shot is golden.


tomislav shoulda been tomichav


At least I would get raged at by some random main Soldier, by switching to this Natasha? This has happened three times now, just because I changed my weapon to what suited my situation best atm. I just llaught thinkin about those times. Two of em then duelled me with soldiers class only resctriction and then despite clearly winning in the end, got salty when random Medic decided to aid me Like ooh boy, I wonder why Medic dont wanna heal you!


That first gun is actually really cool, glass cannon heavy seems fun, high risk high reward. He effectively has about 80 or so less health to deal more dmg and move speed is cool imo


huh, with some tweaks actually natascha could be a fun weapon, I like the idea of a faster heavy that dies easier the more they actually engage with combat would encourage much more of a hit and run playstyle


I completely agree. I would totally use it even if I was less effective as the traditional Heavy because I love speed boosting weapons


Romanov would be great


the tomislov is the least accurate gun, but it has a faster firing speed. it would have the spin up time of Natasha and would be the loudest gun heavy has. time to scare those pesky scunts.


lmao, now if someone uses the tomi the entire killfeed will just be spammed with "heavy use boolet" and huolong heater is direct upgrade


X-1 severs are a thing.


The “Romanov” would be hilariously over-powered.


1. The Huo-Short is infinite ammo with no draw backs 2. I could see the Romanov and the Wooden Wimp being a ‘Russian Roulette’ style of weapon. A MAJOR draw back with being super weak and/or buffing an enemy BUT either being a super strong Minigun or super speed hoovy


Romanov and Huo-Short air conditioner are my favorites.


The natascha and huo long heater are probably the strongest ones here


Not gonna lie, even if this would be insanelly busted for Natasha, its something the tf2 needs, at least that ONE stat with faster movement speed after each successfull hit instead of slowing targets. At least it gives a niche bonus for a heavy main, while its not a total bullshit for other players. Its more fun having getting a speed boost, then ruin others days by slowing them.


There are actually reverse stat servers. Neon annihilater is op.


I am disappointed by the lack of "heavy jumpscare" comments related to the Tomibrit


The huo long healer now gives 3 ammo for every 1 ammo consumed!!! In inverse world huo long heater is good amongst men


Why is the air conditioner so strong?


i somehow read this as "what if heavy's privates were inverted" end me


Tomislav would be a troll weapon since you can prevent people from seeing the killfeed by cluttering it with bullet hits


Imo huo long should be 25% less damage againts burning enemies


Love them, these are all so fun! Though the Huo should deal 25% LESS damage vs burning players if we want to do "opposites" and balance it.


Thanks so much! I’m not considering balance at all lol, that’s why I like to invert the condition instead of the damage


feels like some of these stats are only half-inverted, like the huo-long heater should be -25% damage against non-burning enemies since the normal stat is +25% against burning enemies, and the +20% damage vulnerability on natascha and brass beast should probably be when above half health since the normal stat is below half health


I’m not necessarily inverting the weapon on a stat-by-stat basis. I more so care about inverting the *intent* of the weapon. If the Huo-Long did 25% less damage to non-burning enemies, that means it would deal 25% more damage to burning enemies, which is basically how it already is in the game. A double negative will make the stat positive again. Catch my drift?


The last one : sniper heavy is real?


Tomibrit XD


Huo-short is definitely not inverted, and it's frankly a literal direct upgrade over the stock minigun. 35% extra damage against 90% percent of enemies, 4x as much ammo, and you can extinguish your team. I also think it's hilarious that a friendly pyro can just make you do less damage by just existing. I think a truly inverted huo long would do LESS damage against burning enemies.


I feel like Natasha should speed up enemies on hit


The Romanov is just terrible, because it makes your enemies faster, and scout is one of the biggest counters since he's already hard to hit for heavy because of his base speed, it would make scout more of a nightmare for heavy


Okay but it would be amazing for trolling


Maybe trolling your own team yeah


Yeah. Would also be great for messin up peoples jumps


Yeah, but it would be amazing for trolling