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Comparing TF2 players to hideous gnomes who live underground or whatever is an insult to gnomekind.


Yeah. (Says the not gnome)


What we need is help from CS2 community, they're our closer relative, experience similar bot/hacker issues due to vac ban not working and they are bigger fanbase so if they suddenly stopped unboxing or playing or protesting it might have bigger influence on valve. Together with CS2 we can put our difference aside and demand that either 1) Valve fix Vac anti cheat 2) give either or both communities more autonomy over their games aka casual now moderated by trusted community members and updates are made by community (basically Like TF2Classic but more vanilla friendly) or 3) idk if this applies to CS2, but TF2 community server launcher is so outdated, if it got focused and updated on, we can replace Casual with community servers, or heck just bring back quickplay, but have 1 TF2 dev left occasionally come in once a month to check which servers he can add to quickplay rotation


Valve has people printing money for them on steam Not buying cs2 crates wouldn't make any differences


Yep, but if Save TF2 wants vac to be improved specifically then we'll need CS2 community help. If we just want a) autonomy to moderate casual and make our own servers or b) return of quickplay and update to community servers tab then yeah we wouldn't need CS2 help for those 2 things


as a suggestion we could also leave negative reviews on the steam page, might be harsh but No Man's Sky was overwhelmingly negative but when fixes were slowly made the reviews changed might not be much but its at least something and i agree on the idea on asking for the CS2 community for help, do they got a subreddit?


But who is a trusted community member? And who wouldn’t be corrupted by power


TBF, even if I don't like all tf2ubers, almost all of them seem trustworthy. Plus I doubt many would risk abusing their power at the risk of being shunned by the community


Cs2 players are braindead zoomers who fap on skins


So it's joever? I mean I kinda suspected that CS2 might become more Zoomer focused after the forced update, wonder where old players went


Switched to other games or just left


Maybe because they had 30 times more players than us playing the game.


WOW player made there own server to play the game whitch pissed of blizzard, we on the other hand change our name to #fixTF2 buy decal tools, all we need to do is play on community servers or hell tf2 classic and open fortress are back online again, we need to tell valve "we love the game and want to play it, but it's unplayable on valve servers" 


this is an idea but we could review bomb the game on steam and just say straight up "hey this game is unplayable because"-- lists the reasons why from what I roughly gathered the safetf2 was too soft with its approach and go "uwu we love this game" or something along those lines I'd like to bring up the example of the Fallout 76 game were it has over 1,000+ bugs found and it became overwhelmingly negetive or course when I say review bomb that doesnt mean threaten the developers, but we gotta kick it in the butt, slapping the wrist didnt do much last time


Gnomes are cool. I like this


thanks my dude o/ goblins and gnomes are underrated


......ima agree lets fix it


and listen even if we dont win? we at the very least tried and that should matter the most as well, i'd rather do something then easily giving up and feeling like its a waste of time


ok i got a plan........we go to other high know steam games and try to spread the message so they wont got no choice but to aknoladge us or at least hand down the game to the community to update


I ain’t supporting this, cause valve won’t do shit with tf2 anymore


Y'all wasting your time


i don't know why you think a guy who addicted to MvM and never stop buying ticket from VALVE is a good example to follow. good luck with your movement


Maybe because he started the 3th one dumbass

