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Trickstabbing kunai spy, swipez has taught me a trick to deal with em on one of his videos. The trick is: stand still. Im not kidding, this trick is also effective agaisnt 800ms backtrack autostab cheaters


Kunai spy: *pulls out ambassador and manages to hit all headshots without a miss*


Just play pyro


Or even better : just play *BETTER SPY* !




How does the cl_interp backstab abuse even work?


"cl_interp abuse" or other bs variants is a psyop used by cheaters to tell you that theyre just using an ingame feature, so oblivious people who knows nothing about it pass it up as legit. The real thing is called backtrack. Some clarification on backtrack: with backtrack, they artificially lags themselves in the server with the cheat to put them in the "past" few seconds in the server so instead of seeing your current position in the server, they see your "past" player model/hitboxes (with esp of course) allowing them to get insane long distance "facestab" or they can hit you looong after you have taken cover or out of their sightline. TLDR: you go from point A to point B, but the cheater delays themselves so they can still see and hurt you in point A


It's not just used by cheaters but also by clueless people to accuse legit spies of cheating. Just because the stabs look a little weird to the average player doesn't mean the spy is cheating.


esp since... facestabs


the term facestab just refers to stabs looking weird to some perspective, they don't differ from backstabs in any other way


ah yes, a spy literally "backstabbing" me from the front is clearly backstabbing, just a weird perspective, def not like the spy's lag lagged so much that they kill me from the front thus is called a "facedtab"


Yes, that's exactly what it is. Different perspectives on where things are is exactly what latency and its handling in the source engine leads to. The attacker is attacking from a different perspective of the game than the one drawn to the attacker. You don't need any especially high amount of lag for this. As long as you're playing the game over the internet there will be latency and therefore there will be different perspectives, by which I just mean different versions of what's happening in the game world. In a facestab the spy is only in front of you in your perspective, not their own perspective. Source engine lag compensation makes it so that hitscan weapons respect the perspective of the attacker when calculating attacks. I never said you're looking at it from a weird perspective. These perspectives are a fact of networking. Your perspective isn't less valid, but the hitscan attack is calculated from the attacker's perspective.


no, in reality, the server thinks is ur back, so it allows the spy to "backstab" you


I literally explained how source engine networking works and you just hit me with a "no"? If you get backstabbed, no matter whether you think it's a facestab or not, the server thought that the attacker hit the position where your back was according to the perspective of the attacker. I don't understand what part of this you disagree with or what else you think is happening if not this. While the server runs the authoritative calculation, the positions are still lag compensated to match the perspective of the attacker. In other words, if the backstab counted, the server said the attacker hit the position where the server believed the attacker saw your back at the time of the hit. Your perception is limited because you only ever see one perspective of the game, which is your own. The enemies see a slightly different version of events and a slightly different timeline, and as long as they're on hitscan they're allowed to attack you from that differing perspective.


You didn't understand, what he's trying to tell you is that thanks to ping what you're actually seeing when you play the game is a "possible future" while the spy stabbeds you in the past when you had your back against him. A backstab that requires a 180 degree angle, for it to be valid.


It doesn't, that's been patched for ages. People that stab the air and kill you are either lagging to the high heavens or are using a cheat called backtrack


"people that stab the air" is not a good description for identifying that, it depends a lot on distance and and the victim's past positions


Do you know when it was patched? I heard nothing from this community or remember seeing anything about it


You can't make your teammates stay still, the kunai guys will just farm off them and shoot you


Standing still in the funniest shit against these spies. There’s a few that can still trick you into turning around but most just die.


me watching the kunai spy farm our 5 gibus snipers and then tank 200 damage and wipe me off the face of the planet with diamondback crits (there is nothing i can do)


A good Spy that manages to sneak past. At least just turning around and spychecking is enough to deter the Spy from successfully backstabbing or sapping as well as having an easier time to kill them even if they use the Dead Ringer as long as the Kunai isn't equipped alongside the Dead Ringer. As for the Trickstabbing Kunai-Dead Ringer Spy, those are totally annoying to fight against, because as long as they keep backstabbing with their Kunais to get or regain 210 HP, combined with the activation of the Dead Ringer and their trickstabbing skills, they can be an absolutely annoying menace to fight against.


i respect a spy who can actually make his disguises convincing, not the spy that disguises as scout and runs directly at the medic every single attempt before dead ringering away because he cant get any kills without double safety nets.


This! 👆👆👆 It's tiring to see Spies always disguising as Scout. Because of how predictable they become, they quickly get boring to kill.


It gets quite boring trying out so many different disguises and acting but playing on the safe side and just pressing m1 to just kill me over and over again. And its worse since I have to wait a respawn timer and then do it all over again. My acting isnt even bad, im running around looking and holding out a melee as pyro while running+jumping with people to the frontlines. Disguises are far from consistent when even players spycheck friendlies that dont look suspicious at all.


Sounds like you've made them overly paranoid. The best way to use a disguise in that case is not to try to blend in for long periods of time but just for a split second before getting the stab.


When it comes to split seconds, every frame counts. People would rather use scout spy or medic such that their run speed doesn't hinder them. In split seconds disguises don't matter if you reach and kill the target before their teammates can kill you, which should be your priority unless you wait it out, in which it'd not be a split second kill


smells like cant disguise for shit in here…


Well its not my fault Im constantly facing competent players that turn around every 3s. I get way more consistency in trickstabbing than disguising


sounds like cope from a guy staring directly at a medics back


Big talk for a fella with a small cock


oooooh, shiver me timbers the guy who cant convincingly act said i have a small dick, now my entire argument is ruined!


Reminds me of that Spy Psychology episode. If the enemy is sufficiently paranoid, switch off for the time being and let em panic over nothing.


Or literally the same disguise everytime in the same round.


spy gaming


2nd option. I have been backstabbed 1 time in all my time of playing tf2. The rest were to kunai spies face stabbing me from 3 horizontal heavies away


Horizontal heavies is now my default measurement unit


To quote a great employee of the ratatouing, “precisely!” Greg


Definitely prefer the good spy. At the very least, I don't have to deal with a get out of jail free card, just someone who knows how to play the toughest class.


A lot of the trickstabbers I encounter are bad and cocky. I can see your stairstab from a mile away, dude. Also, denying matadors by just standing still is never not funny.


Only good spy is a dead spy


Definitely the second one, the non Kunai-DR Spy. They're so much more respectable as both player and person. Kunai Spies are absurdly cocky and salty when they can't pub stomp. If combined with DR, they quickly become predictable as they always do the exact same strat: running directly at you as Scout hoping to get a backstab bc they don't know what the hell a Revolver or a non Scout disguise are, thus, killing them becomes boring.


Anything but kunai spies. I can respect a good spy player rather than those tryhards that just farm kills from new players and then just dead ringer their sweaty ass away


Kunai spy ofc. Besides very few moments,they usually die super ez. Especially if they engage with me in a melee duel 😈




I'll take the latter no sweat.


Trickstabber. They're obvious. Meanwhile a sneaky spy who knows how to get in and pick at the right times is terrifying. One of them makes you fear stairs. The other one makes you fear every single second as you never know when he'll show up to end you in an instant.


What scares me is the spies who have mastered everything. The one that goes for a trick stab but can within the same breath pull out the ambassador and headshot you.


The latter every fucking time. Because at least i can kill the latter with 2 rockets and he doesn't undo all my damage after one of my teammates' backs pop up out of thin air right in front of him.


A good spy, when spies manage to survive half the team chasing them down with the deadringer and kunai, it is just annoying and disrupts regular gameplay


Is being the second type with the kunai a bad thing?


They both count towards the "spies killed" part on my ubersaw.


The latter. Because I mostly play Casual, the former is just annoying to get rid of when they just farm fresh installs for infinite health and then just press m2 to get away for free when an actually good player comes along. The 75 minimum health drain is bullshit. Should nerf it down to 25 or smth. The latter however, *die* when they are supposed to.


Why does everyone keep asking me personal questions


Depends on what class I'm playing and the map. In general though, I'd probably say I'd much prefer facing the Kunai Spy who cares more about trying to be flashy with tricks and gimmicks than a regular competent Spy actually doing their job. Because there are few things scarier (short of Pyro in general) than a Spy who can act and use both the Disguise Kit and Invis-Watch/Cloak and Dagger effectively and efficiently without anyone being any wiser until it's their time to strike.


I play pyro so idk


I’m the second type of spy I suck so bad at trickstabbing 😭😭


The first one. Stay still and look at them and you’ll hard counter them


Honestly it’s fun to play against spy as he was intended, especially when you see past disguises that weren’t just scout for some reason


As someone that plays YER spy a lot (my favorite knife by far) I prefer the second A lot of kunai DR spies are a bit toxic as well and get mad when you don't let them trickstab you lol I don't like them very much. DR is also annoying still


i want to vote for that cosmetic on the steam workshop


gun spy, duh. doesn't get any better than having a gun spy duel. gun spy is the superior playstyle for spy. why would you use a knife when you have a gun? 🤦‍♂️


I respect any Spy who tries to be stealthy and gets to stab me. Kunai spies (only the trick-stabbing ones) can fuck off.


Thise two often overlap


I'm more concerned about the highly accurate gun-spy headshotting me.


I prefer the deep-undercover spies. Bumping into one while we're both invis and just letting eachother pass is a funny feeling


First one if I'm playing sniper because they go for flashy take-down-the-entire-combo plays. The second one ends up having their primitive spy neurons activate to kill me and only me before dying immediately afterwards.


trickstabbing kunai spy, most of the time they suck. the actually good spy always gets behind us and noone does any this while im dead (i keep saying spy at last point)


Trickstabbing. They’re laughably easy to deal with. Especially the ones who love stair stabs. Easy airshot


Kunai. Easier to deal with than people make out to be (and this comes from a spy main).


i prefer fighting a trickstabber because i can most likely learn something from them since i play spy too a spy who can act well and maneuver with cloak well just seems like something you can’t really interact with aside from being paranoid or being pyro in short, fighting a trickstabber is more “tangible” to me