• By -


Wasnt this already done in the Ten Commandments of TF2 post? Anyhow, I’ll say If there is a Medic teammate around, leave the health pack for them and in return if they are doing their job right, they should heal you instead. Edit: Here is what I wrote down for that TF2 Ten Commandments post. The 10 commandments of TF2 In no particular order with some inspiration from previous comments Thou shall not take a health pack in the presence of an allied Medic Thou shall not take an ammo pack in the presence of an allied Engineer Thou shall not kill friendlies Scouts shall not use teleporters Medics shall not pocket but spread heals according to each teammate’s needs Engineers shall not build within close proximity to another Engineer’s buildings If thou see a bot they shall call a vote kick Thou shall vote to kick bots no matter the team Thou shall not talk shit if thou are losing to a player who is objectively better than them Thou shall not trust a teammate until thou hath shot at them


(An exception being if you SPAM E like a dumbass. It’s annoying.)


But- but how else am I meant to tell my medic to heal me???????


You press E *1-3* times. (Or wait until you’re noticed.) *NOT* enough times to make “e” a beacon on a “most pressed keys” barchart. addendum: if they straight up ignore you after asking once then you start the spam.


counter argument: Voice communication is not available for this account.


The pain is real (im f2p) but imo thats only more evidence for why you shouldn't spam medic, so that they aren't focysed on being petty that they dont see the f2p


Counter Argument: They don't heal me at all and I end up dying (although this usually happens with new players who pocket the heavy).


As a medic main if I'm standing there on deaths door watching my medic heal the 450 health heavy I'm spamming e till the cows come home


How else is someone supposed to call for a medic to heal them? I tolerate it myself when playing as a Medic, maybe people lack patience.


It gets annoying if they are low priority and are mostly full health. Like, I know you want overheal but the soldier I'm healing is on single digit hp rn


On the flipside though, it's really annoying when I'm at like 50 hp, call for med once, and the med completely ignores me in favor of the target(s) they're already overhealing.


I remember having a teammate spamming E while he had overheal. I was also actively healing him while he spammed it.


The Scout at 124 hp: "Is for me?"


Nah at 124 hp their E key would already be broken from how many times they spammed it


This is a perfect comment 🤣


You have no idea how many people pick up health packs when I’m in the middle of healing them. It gets quite frustrating, after a while.


Same for engineer and ammo packs


Yes ofc, if there is a dispenser around don’t take the ammo packs


Ignore friendlies. Don't take ammo packs during setup rounds. Don't take ammo packs if there is a dispenser on sight. Medpacks are for medics most of fhe time. Push little cart and don't be a dick.




So, did you see the murderer?


No, sorry mate.


I will find him


I will capture him


And no one will ever die again!


Ye thats nice 👏👏👏👏 #👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Makes me proud 👏👏👏👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏




The [redacated] is dead


*Gasps in Jerate!* The [redacted] is dead?!






Scp moment 


Why has cart stopped moving?


yeah,**probably nobody gonna follow these rules.. :(**


I consider pushing the cart as my main job




I'm killin friendlies on site, it's my god given right.


As a medic, be everyone's friend, love everyone and they will worship you As a medic, do not stand still, you are a primary target and the Geneva convention does not work here As a medic, you heal the Heavy and everyone else, nobody likes the Scout (raspberries, LMAO that was a joke) As the Medic, Uber charge if possible. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation and you have a charge, do not hesitate to save your life, a dead medic is a sad medic As the Medic, live! Time spent dead is time not building charge and Uber your friend As the Medic, buffing is important. Buffing builds charge and makes sure your friends live a little longer, except the Scout (raspberries again lmao that's so funny) As the Medic, the crossbow heals friend and hurts other team, use it to spy check


Prioritize healing those fresh out of spawn and that haven't taken damage in a while after those who would die if not healed. Crit heals are broken if used right


yesterday spy on a balcony called for medical support. A moment later he said "damnit" followed by "ns" from the afterworlds


As the Medic, if you see a soldier on low health with the Escape Plan or Equalizer, heal them.


And please please please heal your friendly medics to overheal. Makes them not get one tapped by snipers.


do not leave your MEDIC!, absolutly do NOT rocket jump/sticky jump away from THE MEDIC!, he WILL die!


i go medic sometimes and healing someone who is rocketjumping/stickyjump away from me is so frustrating. (unless i use the quick-fix)


10HP solider calls medic. You start healing him and he instantly jumps away at 50HP and dies 5 seconds later. It's like. How can you not stay in one place for 3 more seconds


Same but I'm Medic main, so it happens to me pretty often. I especially hate it when my UberCharge almost ready and I planning to give it to Soldier (or Demo) but them just jump away from me.


It's ALWAYS the gunboat soldiers.


Ignore friendlies. As long as a heavy doesn't block a door or smth, leave him alone. Don't ruin everyones fun just because you need heads as a demoknight or health as a black box soldier


I seen friendly heavies abusing their pacifism to bodyblock players to assist kills. No tolerance to those.


well then they aren't exactly friendly now are they?


Well not in their heads. A lot of friendlies complain when people kill them even though they are actively hindering the other team


Ig it depends on the situation but you're right


Ignore? Why? Why stand by when you can join them? 2 is better than 1, after all.


When you play Pyro, ALWAYS be spychecking!


ABS baby! I kill a lot of friendlies by accident, though. I'm a little ... twitchy when spychecking


Yeah I ignite a lot of friendlies in my spy checking sweeps. It's also just a self-preservation thing to immediately start blasting when I round a corner and see the opposite team color. If they are obviously not fighting, I just ignore them and move on. Sometimes people bitch for getting lit on fire, but some people will get feral no matter what if you aren't playing their way. A good friendly will realize dying is part of the game and it's not something to get up in arms about, especially if it was an accident or collateral damage.


I would slightly disagree, unless you have absolutely no idea where the spy could be you should be having it in the back of your head if the spy is up or not. There are many other things you need to be focusing on (namely keeping the medic alive.) So it’s better to be focused on when spy is and is not a threat.


Killbind when witnessing a killbind.


I am always such a party pooper since I don’t have a killbind


Here’s how you make one: Open console with ` Type “bind [insert key here] kill” in console If you want, switch out kill for explode to explode.


Thanks, I would hate to lose my „thanks“ bind though


then put it on a different key?


My Azeron Cyborg only has a limited amount of keys (but thinking about it, I could put it on the 5 way switch along with explode, right)


Does taunting and then killbind counts too?


Killbind = killbind, so yes.


If a scout says they need a dispenser somewhere, you are obligated to completely ignore them


do NOT folow a kunai spy onto a staircase


do it and laugh at them when they fuck up the le epic trickstab


Only time when using Razorback is funny


Please don’t forget to extinguish burning team mates, it’s a simple right click and yet I don’t see a lot of pyros do it


or use [the Manmelter](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Manmelter) free crits for doing sth tht u already should be


The scorch may be frustrating, but it IS the only reason that the melter of men isn't hated so much.


Medic and Engies are top priority when it comes to taking the teleporter, scouts are walking unless spawn is empty


what about Lv 3s? They ARE faster than a scout depending on the map, so...


It’s ok but you should be letting other people take it first. If it would take too long for everyone to go in then just walk.


Don’t forget us heavies!


Ah fellow heavy main, welcome


Indeed. I was a Medic main originally, and still do play him a lot, but I play Heavy more and am generally better with him.


If you hit or kill a friendly on accident, killbind instantly


Killbind for your engineer at the start of the round if they’re not doing the Eureka Effect rollout


Wait, doesn’t respawning take like 20 seconds?


Just walk back


Even in the worst case, you can easily run to start, killbind near engie, respawn and return to start with 10 seconds to spare. Only exception is medic Also as medic, you can equip kritz at start, kritz a demo to lay crit sticky traps, run back to spawn with a scout and equip stock Uber while scout uses Boston basher to build Uber just in time for an Uber when the gates open.


Only in comp will people bother doing that lol


If you're going "all in" upgrade the tele entrance at spawn during setup, then switch to your preferred class. If you want to be a real Frood and have the Eureka go through the tele or follow and help with 200 metal of upgrades first. Then hop back to spawn to change.


"don't call medic if you have full health" thats not a rule, spam that shit


When I play medic it's great when my team tells me what they need


"...Tell me that you see me. Show me that you want me. Don't merely say you need me, for that much I already know. Prove to me you are a victor indeed, and not a victim..."


Yeah if you're fresh out of spawn then you'll get crit over heals from the medic, so it's good to shout for it then


Never EVER laugh at a rick may statue


If an enemy pulls out their melee you have to engage in hand to hand combat


If theres a friendly, dont kill him, you never know when you will need a sandvich


Don't take teleporters as a Scout (and Spy to an extent)


when people say dont shoot friendlies, this is only in effect if they are not getting in the way a friendly blocking a door during a fight or you need to retreat? blast em


If a friendly is doing that I would consider that a pacifist player not a friendly(I’d no longer refuse to shoot at them.) They’re not being friendly there as they’re using their collision to trap you in a fight. A legit friendly would get out of the exit clogging spot


mhm i've had a few shout at me in chat for killing them in those circumstances, suppose the line is blurry in a fight


I can get that. Still friendlies aren’t trying to harm the enemy team. Blocking them into a fight so they can’t retreat is harm without doing damage themselves.


There are none. The phlog is okay to use, and can be countered if you know what youre doing. You can take teleporters as scout (tho it will probably annoy others). TF2 is a game that you are allowed to play however you want


Do not kill someone that is dancing


Don't kill friendlies unless in a competitive setting And when your a friendly don't fight back or complain when your killed. The joke is ruined otherwise. You are in a shooter game, if people shoot you don't get mad, just accept its how the game was intended to be played. I'm not condoning killing friendlies, but you have to understand new players don't know what that is and in literally any other Shooter game this is looked down upon completely.


Dont kill friendlys Allways spy check as pyro Kick bots


If two medics and their pockets meet in close quarters both medics drop whatever they’re doing and duel


As a Soldier main, and Backburner enjoyer, I don't see any problems with Phlog Pyros


spycheck any teammate with their melee out it's a dead giveaway.


If you and your buddies are under fire and your med heals you from the brink of death, that means you're the chosen one and shall abandon all fear of death. Charge straight ahead and make an opening for your frie- oh, you're dead. Medic started healing you equally dying friends and 2 more of them died the same retarted way you did - barely stabilized they've ran head first into the same heavy fire they've narrowly survived a second ago. Medic will also die soon, cause he's on fire and scout (who was also stabilized) took the medkit. 2 out of 6 people will survive this single encounter against enemy heavy, soldier and engi.


What is everyone's problem with the phlog again? I was under the impression that removing a key feature of Pyro (airblast) was enough to balance it out


Critical hits are a tf2 player's most hated thing, forcing it is inevitably going to get some tears.


But to get that TEMPORARY BURST OF SKILL the Phlog pyro can’t airblast. Here’s what airblast does for pyro: 1. stop Explosive classes from gibbing them with barely any effort 2. Yeet someone off a cliff 3. Stuff a stock shiny Mann Über 4. Remove after burn 5. Send spam back at culprits 6. Be their strongest individual mechanic


If you anybody dose a taunt, you must join then.


Do not cap on Hightower or 2Fort


Some of these are widely followed among the community, some aren't, but I follow them all -prioritize counter-sniping when playing sniper -don't yell at teammates, even the friendly is helping you by distracting the other team -leave health packs for medics if there's one nearby -respect the friendlies, and apologise if you damage one -the only acceptable way to kill a friendly is via taunt kill -the loser of scissors paper rock is morally obligated to kill bind -kick bots immediately


if 2 or more people from opposite teams are doing the kazotsky kick or any other emote, don't see that as a free kill, just let them goof around


No engies on harvest


“Get on point, stoopid” -Heavy tf2




Wouldn't "Don't cap on Hightower" be one?


is there any written rules?


Do not kill a friendly Leave Spycrabs alone Only kill friendlies with tauntkills ('cause they're funny)


guys, i know when your health is full when your yelling medic. i know. and youre not getting shit


Set up a killbind


disguising as a hoovy and killing someone is a crime


Do NOT even touch a teleporter as scout


Don't kill an enemy about to get that taunt kill. You can either: Let them go; Kill them after they're done; Or initiate a taunt kill that will kill them after they're done with theirs.


Don’t take health packs from Friendly medics. They’re a class whose weapon they hold out the most in their “Secondary” a beam of healing and temporary health. On that note outside of a chaotic firefight or actually having run dry on ammo don’t take ammo from a friendly engie and as engie if an enemy engie kills you just say the metal you unwittingly donated(the enemy engie’s taking it so tell your team so they can plan around that minimum to push against the shit they build to get their impact)


Buff. Your. Explosive. Classes. On. Rollout. Medics. If a demo or soldier wants a heal at full hp, they want a *buff* not a tap that does nothing. I stg 50% of medic players do not know you can buff people.


Demo Rule: Have 1 loadout with one of the bottles. he needs the scrumpy.


I am Medic main and I like when my teammates call me all the time… It's just a little annoying when you continue call medic while I already heal you. But silent teammates avoiding calling medic at all are scares me


if you have a charge they might be asking you to use it (if the context is right)


you NEED to have both a kill and explode bind


Well I can't write them or else it would be written! However I can draw them: ❌ 🎩 🥺🔫😡 ✅ 🎩 🥺🤝☺️


Don’t complain when killed.


If there is no medic on your team you don't tell other people to switch to medic you do it yourself.


I have a few: If someone killbinds in front of you, you must also killbind Teleporter priority is as follows: Medic, Engineer, Heavy, Everybody else, Scout. Reason being that the first two need to get to the front line fast, and heavies are slow. Don’t steal medpacks. Especially from medics.


Pyro in mvm must always die in the firsr 5 seconds.


#1 rule - when your team is getting curb stomped, it is practically a requirement to rock phlog, scorch shot and have a friend go uber medic. #2 rule - when a spy is dumpstering you, go on pyro and schizophrenically spray fire in every corner of the map so there is nowhere for them to hide. #3 rule - anyone who is better than me is a no life, no exceptions.


As a medic, heal scouts. As any other class, if you’re calling for a medic, stop trying to actively avoid the medic trying to heal you and stand still so i can give you an arrow. As a pyro, learn to airblast teammates. As a sniper, delete the game and never install it again. As a scout, focus snipers, AND ONLY THEN you can focus the medic. As an ubered class, focus air blasting pyros before anything else if you don’t want the uber rendered useless. As an engineer, do NOT put pour teleporter exit facing the wall, the back of the teleporter should be against a wall so that no spy can camp it. As an engineer, try to space your buildings from other engineers teammates as much as possible to avoid splash damage. As a spy, you may be tempted to try to go for the first back you’d see, but i’d advise you to take out their sniper if they have one (or at least one try) your whole team is gonna thank you. As any other class, if a medic is healing you, taking a health pack while the medic is healing you is mean and it hurts my feelings. As a pyro, you CAN use the phlogastinator, this weapon does require skill except if you’re playing against literal NPCs in which case every class won’t require skill in order to get kills, except maybe medic. As a TF2 player, kick bots and cheaters, start learning how to spot cheaters, regardless of how blatant they are. If you learned how to spot closet cheaters only activating their cheats once a while in order to not get caught, i love you and you’re the reason TF2 lives today.


Kick all the bots and save the friendlies


To me the “don’t spam med thing” is more an indication of new players who don’t understand the game. When I play med I WANT players to spam the med button in casual/community. You don’t have comms in these scenarios and people will just be everywhere, it’s like herding cats. When the call med happens it provides long distance player location to the med which is extremely useful. It helps me find the team on large maps after a respawn, let’s me mentally queue an arrow for someone on the other side of a wall if i see movement from them towards an opening, etc. Overall it’s really helpful to know your team’s location, and if they are full health now, but they aren’t close, they almost certainly won’t be full health in just a moment, and knowing where they are lets me plan for helping them. I know if they are full or not when the beam connects, why do people even gripe about this? Lol Also, even if they are full health, and here’s you a very important unwritten rule, the med should still heal them. There are plenty of times I’ve joined a game that was stalled, even if they have a medic, and I jump in and make sure to keep everyone overhealed and all of a sudden that team starts winning. Meds in casual most times really do not understand how vital overheal and crit heals (faster than regular heals when someone hasn’t taken damage recently) are to the game.


my personal one is to try my best to NOT uber the phlog pyro on our team, no matter how much slurs they fling my way


It is okay to be annoyed by Snipers because of how absurdly powerful they are both at close and long range. Seriously, the fact that Valve made Sniper that powerful is just baffling.


If you see a crouching heavy offering sandvich, never EVER hurt them


if you are above 100 health, there is most likely a reason to not go for a health pack, as then you are over the threshold. (-105 “meatshot”, -100 “pipe”, -100-6 “rocket”) so try your best to stay over 100 health.


no leaving the medic meta


Don‘t use medics as meatshields, this happens easily while retreating


Are you sure about your photo being a rule? As long as you can't airblast, better use the mmph as DPS and combine it with Flare gun and jackhammer I mean, yeah, allways criting for certain Time sounds OP, but you'll constantly be both vulnerable AND at melee-range - invul only lasts the taunt duration and deactivates automatically then


I am not sure… some guy said that I am asshole because of playing with it , so I thought it some kind of unwritten rule


Some asshole will complain even if you somehow kill them with the bison and act like it's overpowered or something Only weapons that i consider to just be scummy are the Darwins and Razorback Personally i only use razorback if i meet a *really* good spy and Darwin's only if a pyro is spamming scorch


Never look up


Zombie rush, if the stage requires you to stand still, DO NOT use pomson or electric weapons, as its straight out unfair


Don't use Direct Hit and/or Gunslinger in Hightower


Ignore scouts calls for medic cause their most like at 75% hp


As a Pyro, you should extinguish your burning teammates with your airblast


Lmfao both of these are wrong. The phlog absolutely requires skill to use. If you run in with no strategy you will get destroyed. "No airblast" is a huge downside. Anyone who complains about the phlog in the chat would have been killed by you anyway.


Heavy is the highest and scout is the lowest in teleporter priority.


If you have Uber or Banner, pop it don’t drop it. If you leave spawn and see a Teleporter not fully upgraded, swap to Engie and upgrade it. Same if there’s a sapper on it. “Hot Singles are in your area, Press F1” is a valid bind for MvM.


Try not to use your primary for close-range or mid-range combat. Very easy mistake for newbies, but you'll get used to it once you remember which is best for such a distance.


make sure you uber the phlog pyro before the crossfire corner


Yield the teleporter for the heavy


If you’re a spy, invisible and you bump into another invisible spy, you just leave them alone. It’s the mini alliance. We’ve all been there. We all hate dying when invisible so therefore spies don’t kill each other while invisible.


Don't hide in spawn. It's the number one counter to Phlog. If you're not hiding in spawn, you can shoot the Pyro before they get close.


Don't harm friendly


Thou shalt not talk about other video games in this household


leave ammo to crates for engineers the same way you leave health packs for medics idk why this one isn't as talked about if you let the engineer take the metal he can build you a dispenser and give you more ammo


Your two rules are wrong: 1. Calling Medic when full allows a Medic to quickly locate a safe pocket when alone. Medic is an easy pick by himself so it's in his best interest to stay close by to teammates that can defend him 2. Use the phlog if you want. Don't complain about the phlog because if you got killed by it, it was probably your fault for being that close to a Pyro.


If someone killbinds, you must do so too.


If you Uber pocket a phlog pyro the entire match, I will judge you.


If you get a double donk on a scout you must emote


Dont say anything about the female mercs, apparently. (This is not fact, but observation)


This entire subreddit will tell you “don’t main Sniper,” but I’ll tell you “never cap on 2Fort or Hightower.”


There are exceptions for calling a Medic at full health. Like, if I see a Medic is low, and I am a Heavy with a Sandvich or Banana that I don't need at the moment, I call for him to look at me and we can coordinate giving it to him better. Or if he's low, and there's a med pack nearby that he doesn't see, I call him so he can pick it up.


Ignore friendlies or play along. However if they are doing something disruptive like blocking doors or attempting taunt kills,  then they lose their protection and you are allowed to kill them. If your opponent offers Rock-Paper-Scissors then you must accept it


If you know a Medic has the crossbow, stop and stand still when calling for him




unbox as many crates as you can, you will win, do NOT worry


If someone kill binds, you must follow


1- 2- 3- 4- 5-


-Always let the Engineer use the teleporter first. -If a Spy on the enemy team bumps into you while you’re cloaked, you both say “Thanks!” and just completely move past each other.


Don't cap on hightower


Don’t interrupt an enemy taunt killing your teammate.


Regarding each class: Scout: Be wary of health and ammo packs; even on low health and ammo it is very easy for you to go back to a med/dispenser, so you should generally leave them Soldier: Don’t hold the escape plan out a lot, it’s annoying for meds to overheal you. Communicate with your medic regarding ubercharge, so you don’t jump away Pyro: Airblast me when i’m on fire lol. Also spycheck ffs. it’s mainly pyros who don’t do their most basic jobs even though it’s like the easiest thing ever Demoman: Reload, and do it efficiently. Not having ammo loaded when a push happens can be massively detrimental to your team Engineer: if there’s already an engi on blu (pl or a/d) then switch off. if you don’t switch off, there better be a permanent l3 tele from our forward spawn lmao. on that note, the tele is probably the most important building you have on offense, level them to 3 before you do ur battle engi stuff Medic: Spread heals and overheals, don’t just pocket the heavy with 3 unusuals (you are actually allowed to overheal scouts btw) Don’t milk your ubers, and be aware of crit heals so you can build effectively . Sniper: Always go for headshots, even if using the machina/sleeper. ESPECIALLY in sniper duels. don’t be lame Spy: Don’t pick up health and ammo on your team’s side unless you are actually about to die. you are really not needed on the front and can afford to wait for heals/cloak to rebuild. the amount of times i’ve been on fire and had a health pack cucked from me by an invisible spy on my team, man…


You don't mess with the two half zatoichi demomen/soldiers dualing to the death.


dont push cart on hightower, dont cap flag on 2fort


Don't kill friendly's But a friendly who gets killed and malds about it, isn't actually a true friendly


When there’s even one Engineer there must be at least 1 Pyro for Spy checking


I only use the phlog on MvM, is that okay?


Spy shooting headphones with the Ambassador on a Sniper with razorback from behind instead of backstabbing


the phlog is ok it's the scorch shot that you should hate


Unwritten rules of tf2 1: 2: 3:


If someone is roleplaying then it’s only polite to join in, or opposition it as an enemy


whos gonna stop me if i use the phlog


You have to have some kind of erotic image on your Conscientious Objector


No sentries on harvest


No pushing on high tower


if you see a conga line join if you kill a friendly in a server full a friendlies i will admit its rare however prey to medic that the server dosnt see you as the only enemy there


None, or you are taking a silly game seriously, like a smash player


Always Say thanks to your Medic, they're trying their best


I started having 3x the fun interactions with other players after I set a killbind. The best and funniest form of communication is death. Bonus points if you also set a separate explode bind. I would also recommend schadenfreude, but I can't blame anyone for not wanting to spend money on it.


If you deny a melee battle (Even if the other class has a substantially better melee) you are in fact a pussy.