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Off the entirety of Steam!? Jeez that’s thorough. It’s excellent






Hes got another new one https://www.reddit.com/r/valve/comments/1ds4zqj/gg_im_hwid_banned_off_from_steam/lb1mre0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Interestingly in their past names they have a discord server. I’m not gonna go in it and I would advise you wouldn’t but it’s kinda odd




Okay? I dont see why that matters i dont care to keep track of the personal details of each bot hoster


Something something, he who fights monsters? Come on, there's no reason to stoop to bigotry just because you're feeling sour. Bot hosters have wronged us, but if she was black, is the N-word suddenly on the table?


how in the fuck are you somehow interpreting bigotry over indifference about the hoster's gender identity?


Pride Month just finished. If you still haven't heard the stories and perspectives of queer people and see what's wrong here, I can't help you. Just don't expect me to waver either.


If you see a problem here, you are the problem


Don't worry my guy, I agree with you. It's not ...the biggest deal ever but this sub is literally half children I swear. The fact that the logic in your comparison was too much of a hard truth it short-circuited people's lizard-brain response into mass downvote-mode kinda makes me ashamed to be a member here. Nothing in my 14 and a half years on this site has made me feel that way. I don't give a fuck about dumb memes or stupid "let's make bot porn" movements that right there literally made me shake my head at this sub.


Man, you sure are going to get people to respect your ideals by declaring to all of them that they're idiots. That's so genius, I wish I thought of that.


I'm calling them out not trying to get them on my side.


Good luck changing the world by singling out a few random people on the internet.


Sometimes, with all the pointy little blue arrows raining down, you just gotta sigh and tell yourself you still did the right thing. I try to have enough sense not to let these things ruin my day, but still: thanks for saying something. Nice to know there's still some likeminded people here.


Stop ridding your own dick so hard




damn right mate bot hosters and enablers are the scum of the earth and should be treated as such. Sod that guy who's defending them lol




What the fuck is wrong with you?


Bot hosters are machines not people, so pronouns would be incorrect in this scenario


Klax0n is an individual - a shitheel playing a part in ruining TF2 for everyone, but that doesn't suddenly validate this level of dehumanization. "Incorrect"...according to who? Honestly.


Pronouns are a sign of respect. Calling someone by the pronouns of their choice shows you care about their thoughts and actions as well as their choices. In this case, none of that applies so imma call it whatever I want.


Pronouns are a human right - not something you take away cause you're mad.


I doubt calling someone by different pronouns is a human rights violation. Disrespectful, yes, but not much more than that. And disrespectfuls the goal here


Weird we don't do that to cis people. Like we don't all call Hitler she to be disrespectful. I'm not against you but I do wonder why only trans people get that shit end of the stick? It's just weird because cis people still get their gender respected even when they're literal monsters and all of a sudden it's a privilege when the person is trans? Can we start misgendering everyone we don't like to prove equality? I mean, if it's not bigoted we should do it to everyone right?


If you have a point to make with someone, throw an egg at their house; call them out publicly; get them banned from Steam, perchance. You don't have to be a bigot.


My pronouns are Master/Daddy and if you don't address me as such you're committing a human rights violation.


Knock yourself out, pops.


You said it yourself, pronouns are a 'human' right. Individuals who enjoy hurting others for fun and continue doing so consciously with the ability to stop **any time**, yet refuse to do so, are not human to me.


sucks you’re getting downvoted man, this community is childish asf


Thanks. And the tail end of Pride Month too - what an insult.


Not the time, we are actively engaged in a war against robots. Bot-hosters do not deserve basic human decency.


The way some people treat respecting pronouns as a revokable privilege is honestly just disgusting


Respect itself is a priviledge. Following one's pronouns is just an extent of respecting someone.


You don’t use proper pronouns because you like that person. You use them because it’s the accurate language. Acting like it’s a revokable privilege just exposes that you don’t actually support trans people.


Calling a man a woman isn't accurate language. It's like calling a bear a cow, its still a bear and no less likely to maul you. The mental gymnastics you lot use is insane.


I use proper pronouns because I like that person. I don't use them because it's the accurate language. It is a rekovable priviledge, I support trans people, I don't support this trans person specifically.


Which means you don’t support trans people, because it’s not a privilege. It’s a right. At least be honest about being a transphobic shit.


No, it's not a right, point at whichever constitution says it is a right. At least be honest about being a dumbass.


My god you’re dense. There’s a reason the slogan is trans rights not trans privileges. Someone being a bad person is not a free pass to be a fucking bigot.


My god you're denser. There's a reason I said "point at whichever CONSTITUTION ...". You have no right to respect, you have a priviledge to it. Someone being a bad person is a free pass to be mean towards them in whatever ways I deem best. Cry and piss your pants about it.


Im so confused why the fuck so many people here seem to think i should have known what this bot hosters pronouns were, id never even heard of this sleaze bag til today yet apparently im supposed to do a deep dive before saying “he” despite almost every tf2 redditor being male? Shit like this just ostracizes people and is part of the reason why it looks trump is gonna win guys… id rather that not happen, so lets just chill, yeah?


sadly some of the people here are terminally online and they assume normal people keep up with whatever or whoever thats going on online


No one expected you to know their pronouns. You were simply corrected. As you say, no big deal. If you want to avoid that use “they”.


I was called a bigot, not just corrected Edit: someone just sent me a reddit cares so yeah no, get out of here with the “you were simply corrected.” Thats not what is going on at all


It's Chris Chan all over again 


You're not a bigot, this dude's just rambling about his agenda. Like, no one cares, it's just another hoster in the pile of shit, therefore call them whatever you want.


Ok I was wrong to say “no one”. I just feel like this entire thread is an overreaction to someone simply responding “she”. They definitely didn’t call you a bigot


You, a representative of trans people, came onto an internet video game forum to defend people who promote "Crack Pot", hacking, abuse, self-harm, life threats, etc. Do you think about your choices before you make them?


i mean i wouldnt really consider that a defense, it's just more accurate 


This comes from a total la k of understanding of ways you can be banned from steam ok? But can they not IP ban them as well so no matter what they don't get to mske another account


IP bans are extremely easy to circumvent. Right now I believe the most thorough ban method is a Hardware Ban, in which the “Hardware ID” of a computer is recognized. This should in theory stop people from using VPN’s to circumvent IP bans


Ah I see, I totally forgot VPNs were even a thing


Hardware bans can also be circumvented, you just run steam in a virtual machine.


Yeah they already have a new account, after the latest ban...


She immediately got herself banned. She keeps doing it and she's gonna keep getting wiped.


In addition to what was said, IP bans are generally not used, as innocent users with the same public IP address can also be affected by the ban.


new profile guys, lets see how long it lasts! [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199580946883/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199580946883/)


Fuck man they’re like a Hydra. You cut off one 2 more grow back


Used a script and an extension to report every single member of the group and the group itself for cheating. We'll see if they do anything.


Down already, it seems.


seems like the anti mould cleaner valve implementet is doing a good job


Did it just get deleted?


You know it, you can now imagine them pissing and crying


It's already down lol


It has met god


I cast gun, prepare to meet god


Aaaannndddd it’s gone


Part of an EZ Altz group. Ban the whole damn thing.


It got deleted loool


ahhh theyre falling like flies




Hardware ban basically


That's not HWID ban


Troon down!




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