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PSA: that person got game banned


Turns out he was a cheater


That's a shocker


Friendly reminder that the mute button doesn't excuse not kicking shitbags though. You're in a public environment, shitbaggery begets more shitbaggery. If you've got one racist lunatic on the mic, all the others come out to play and anybody with common decency leaves. There's more at play in situations where people roll out the 'just mute'.


nothing is forcing you to leave the game if there are shitbags on the vc. you can just mute it and continue playing the game. most of the time people dont use the vc for communicating to win the game in casual either, you won't be losing much most of the time.


If you want a toxic community, all you need to do is leave it alone and the toxicity will drive everybody else out.


By this logic TF2 should have been dead a long time ago, right?


anyone around online 10-15 years ago is laughing at you guys lol we all had to deal with it with far less moderation tools than are available in modern games. you have the tools to make your experience enjoyable, just use them and play the game


Why are they booing you? You're right.


ok go to uncletopia and have fun


maybe its just you.


It is just him.


Ah yes, of course, community management strategies are a me problem. I'll just pretend that nazi bar problem over there isn't happening, that'll fix it.


I get how reading/hearing some of the shit said in TF2 can be offputting but that's the internet for you, hang out in adult spaces with complete free speech and you'll get some crazy shit and plenty of rage bait


the diverse game community that has been moving along fine since 2008 doesn't need your "fix" to it. maybe you should try a different video game instead of changing it in order for it to be a little bit suitable for the people who share the same morals as you.


If somebody's being a shitbag you kick the shitbag, anything else encourages the behaviour by omission. I don't get how that's controversial take for you.


That is a controversial take in most source game communities because source doesnt have a chat filter and valve basically never warns or bans anyone for saying anything so suggesting that people actually wake up to remove assholes from the game is frowned upon for some reason not saying i agree with them btw


It’s kinda strange how many people here have just responded with “erm, so what if they’re being offensive and saying bad things? That’s just how the game is bro!” Like no wonder TF2 has such a bad rep when it comes to voice chat and some of its community lmao


>anything else encourages the behaviour by omission You would say that silence is consent?


where do you draw the line then? death threats? slurs? swear words? shit talk in general? what if person A considers all shit talk to be shitbag activity? what if person B is okay with slurs but not okay with death threats? what if person C is okay with them all? whose opinion are we gonna take as a standing ground? the truth is, the tf2 chat is unmoderated. and it will probably stay as that for the end of the game's duration. so people saying anything in there is technically not a rule break (as long as it's not illegal like CP advertising). if the so and so called "shitbags" arent breaking any of the games rules, you dont have much of a say to it. again, if you dont like it, you could always go to a different game that does moderate its chats. or you could join community servers that do moderate their voice and text chats. the choice is yours. (i am also gonna add this as well, vote kicking people because they are "shitbags" (you not liking them) is such a risky position as of now since people got used to just pressing F1 whenever a vote kick pops up because of the bot crisis. but since the bots are hopefully gone now, that will slowly change as well.)


you draw the line at wherever the server draws the line. lol. its that simple votekick is a democratic function




The freedom to be a prick like that is what seperates this game from the modern neutered experience


I find it kind of depressing that when people talk about child rapists on Reddit, they always plead for them to die in the most atrocious ways, but when someone does the promotion of even worse atrocities on children, they're just being a prick (I find that's a really light word for what was said) and it's what makes TF2 TF2.


i plead for the freedom of speech, i hate the person but i will defend his freedom to say the things i hate


Bro, it's a video game. He'd still be free to say this shit, but Valve could tell him to not do it on their platform. Plus, freedom of speech ≠ freedom of consequences, morons like this should be kicked from every game they say this shit in


Nobody is saying this person should be arrested. Or do you believe freedom of speech doesn't cover criticism of speech?


man shut the fuck up. you don't get a right to freedom of speech in a video game. the fact that you are here talking about freedom of speech in this context shows you have no fucking idea what it even means. yeah, sure man "I'm allows to call the other players faggots and tell them to kill themselves" is really what sets tf2 apart.


all of it goes or none of it goes.


and again you display you have no idea what you're talking about. Freedom of Speech means *the government is not allowed to punish you for expressing your positions, especially anti-government positions.* it does not, never has, and never will, mean that private companies can't ban you for doing things they disagree with. It's called the Terms of Service or an End User License Agreement and you agreed to it when you started playing the game. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with private companies nor with private citizens. if you walk into my home and say something offensive to me, I have ever right to kick you out of my home. And in fact, Freedom of Speech doesn't even mean "all things can be said without consequence" as regular case law and supreme court cases have displayed that A) speech can be harassment and can be punished as such, and B) speech deemed to be causing immediate harm, like screaming "I have a bomb" is not covered by free speech. Free Speech is not, has never been, and never will, prevent private and citizens from denying you service because of the things that you say; and furthermore, does not mean, has never meant, and will never mean, that you can say whatever you want at all without consequence.


I am saying that tf2 allows free speech. Unless people literally violate a law everything goes. From friendlies singing songs to people arguing abouy lemonade to edgelord in the OPs subject. You cannot choose and pick , tf2 is one of the last few games that allow you to do this. It is part of this game culture. Unless a real law is broken, it should all be permissable. You have tools at hands to prevent stuff you dont like, mute,commands filters etc. Use them, dont ruin the game


if not being allowed to call people slurs is what "ruins a game for you" then you need to re-evaluate your priorities.


It also includes the medic sex meme etc etc. Its not about slurs, its about everything. Tell me, what games that have a massive moderated filter/chat still have a large playerbase after a decade( that isnt a moba) the choise to do it is what matters, no matter how stupid it is


I find it funny that you specify "that isn't a MOBA".


You might have the freedom to do whatever you what, but that also means valve has the freedom to do whatever they want (banning pedophiles)


Yes they should, if someone is linking cp, spreading it or soliciting underage poeple they should. Some edgelord is just that, a edgelord


But I thought either all of it was allowed or none of it was allowed?


Sadly muting is only for when you really just want a quiet game or you are a streamer. Muting should not be a a cure all for shitbaggery. Like nice muting the guy, but it would be better if he is just out of the game like forever. Muting someone doesn't fix the douche. Just like how supressing your emotions does not address and solve the root of that emotion.


I know but if someone wants to be a dick in chat and Valve isn't gonna do anything about that, then muting at least deprives them of their attention. It's not a be all end all fix, but it's something that makes the game less annoying.


I agree partially, but i worry that “toxic player bans” will just turn into people being banned for just being sort of edgy, or taunting in chat over kills.


TF2 is and always will be a game where there is true freedom to say whatever you'd like, the moment valve decides to do the stupidest thing possible and roll out bans for speech is the moment where hundreds, if not thousands will quit the game en masse. Only Cheating is and should be bannable, as it has been for 17 years now.


"Waaa I don't wanna stop saying slurs to everyone who kills me!!!"


That's the fun part of TF2, I build minisentries on hightower and make trolldiers mad in chat. That is not bannable, nor should it ever be. I'll say it again, TF2 has been a game where you can truly be free. With the exception of cheating, 17 years it's been like this and I'll be damned if it changes based on the whims and wishes of weak redditors who can't stand naughty words.


No shit, playing a strategy shouldn't be bannable, that's not at all what people are discussing. Absolute clown shit, goddamn 💀


The day I get banned from TF2 for saying "you're shit at the game, kys" is the day I'll know new players (see: teenagers who think they deserve opinions) have TRULY killed TF2. It's absolutely what people are discussing.


Telling people to kill themselves isn't a strategy, you rancid fuck


If "kys" is where you draw the line between what's acceptable and what isn't, then you shouldn't be on the internet, because you won't last long. It's actually incredibly tame compared to what some people say. The point of the original post was that you can mute people without having to kick them. It has nothing to do with strategy.


This is absolutely hilarious. “You don’t like when I tell you to kys?? Get off the internet crybaby!!” Dudes don’t have to put up with your shit lmao, get over it.


That's the gist of it. >Dudes don’t have to put up with your shit lmao That's exactly my point. And here's a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1du47y3/psa_muting_in_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that explains why.


May I ask why you're so desperate to be an absolute bastard with no possible repurcussion? I can handle being told to kill myself, I get told the same or worse just about any time I play the game. It doesn't mean that I think toxicity is some incredible thing. And again, please explain how telling another human being to end their life is equivalent to using mini sentries.


Because I grew up with shit talk. In the 2000s, we weren't worried about getting banned from a game because we said something as harmless as "you suck at the game." There's no shortage of clips from old COD games that show how different the culture was back then. To me, talking shit is part of the fun. Frankly, it saddens me to see how weak people have gotten. To see adults who genuinely get upset at what people say on the Internet... it's pretty pathetic.


"I can't believe I'm not allowed to encourage suicide just because I'm a troll. Lousy teens"


the day when tf2 players find the mute button will be so epic because they might stop votekicking the guy playing diggy diggy hole


Shoutout to that one super-cool user who was on the same team as me and some nerd consistently screaming slurs in the voice chat, because that user said "Oh, that's a mute, that's the fastest mute of my life.", and I was so internally grateful at the reminder of this feature. I had to play about two games in the same team as the slur-screaming nerd in question, and it was Hell.


Really is bliss when you finally mute annoying people


Okay, well, there is the asterisk that I am also Annoying People[tm], because I play the kazoo in voice chat during setup, but I'm planning on setting up a text chat keybind that reminds people of the mute button, and give them a couple seconds before I start kazoo'ing. 


Yeah that's a good idea, Chaotic Good lol. It's like those DJ's that'll take song requests, some ask if the lobby wants them to play or not.


hud_saytext_time 1 :)


Ooh what does that command do?


Using that command, you can control how long the chat remains visible, which is pretty useful when the server or casual game is full of spammers.


Oh that's pretty good


Muting is not enough I want them banned from the game <3


The world would be a much better place if Valve handed out bans (or even mutes) for being a dick in chat


But wasnt the whole point of the game the fact its the last game with freedom? Last thing I need is another OW.


No, the point of the game is that it's a fun and well made shooter, not a platform to spew whatever vitriolic shit nobody anywhere else wants to hear from you


Product of its time, the mute is one click away B)


So is the report B)


Report for what? Hurt feelings? Boo hoo, welcome to thee internet, get used to it or navigate around the issue, not up to them to coddle you.


It's also not up to them to coddle you and if they decide "yeah, let's kick the toxic players" then you just gotta get used to it


Nah, thats a clear sign of too little gatekeeping in the community. I want COD lobbies and im not kidding!


You wouldn't last five minutes in a furry discord server


Definitely was not the point it first came out. Racists and other human trash were disposed of rather quickly for a few years.


I don’t think we need the freedom to be a bad person in text chat, the game is better without this stuff


And people wonder why no one talks anymore in chat lol


The Moment Valve does that, Is the day that TF2 truly dies and I and others that agree with me will root for the bots. For 17 years TF2's chat has been unmoderated. And I hope it stays that way.


"The day Valve won't allow me to say slurs is the day their video game is dead"


I don't say slurs, but I don't want others to be banned for it.


Okay. Well I don't say slurs and I do want people to get kicked for it.


Valve shouldn’t police speech in TF2 unless it’s shit like doxxing or sharing links to actual illegal stuff like CP (like that one thing with the bots sending links, although I’m not sure if it ended up being true or not), let alone game banning people for it lmao. Steam/Source games already have the best chat moderation system because they’re all clientside. There are built-in filters with custom word support, muting, blocking, and they’re all user-controlled.


I disagree. By allowing peoole to say whatever the fuck they want, it allows hate and bigotry to spread with no concequence; freedom of speech is a thing, but using your freedom inappropriately will come with concequences as it should.  For Valve, a concequence of allowing this behavior on their online games is that it shows that their community is hostile and bigoted. Worse, they don't care about it being hostile and bigoted at minimum. Its bad PR for the company bottom line. If Valve does not want this public image (which they probably do not) they must pass on concequences to those who act like this.  Otherwise they themselves absorb the blame for these players behavior, and pass on minimal concequences to those players despite their negative actions. Their behavior is wrong and should be stopped in its entirety. Making examples of bad actors will help reduce the boldness of said bad actors and make the community at least appear more friendly and welcoming as a result.


it doesn't matter, the only people who absorb the blame are the ones too lazy to block them and move on with their lives


They don't absorb any blame? Unless you blame them for just.. not clicking the mute, which they can do, but they also should still report the person and that person's behavior should be moderated outright. If you behave poorly, you should suffer negative consequences instead of neutral (nothing happens) or "good" (finding others who agree with your harmful rhetoric for example) ones. People don't become better versions of themselves if they are not told where they went wrong and suffer the consequences of doing wrong.


i mean it's pretty simple, if you don't like to see a word just block it and move on with your life


Aren't you gonna block this chat and move on with your life?


that's not the same though? it's not like i'm reporting you and asking reddit to ban you lol


It takes minimal additional effort however to report them for posting said word. If it is something stupid simple like calling someone a fuckwad or something, obviously, no need, but given the subject of this thread is who they are, reporting them helps make the wider community better if the devs actively work on people like him. Hold people accountable for their actions.


Banning them is not enough, what if we went full on gangsta and had them stand court and report them to police and legally thrown into jail for even suggesting that they possess CP ^_^ <3


what does hiy mean


Call me a snowflake or whatever, but the ability to be personally muted shouldn't excuse you from getting to say horrible shit on a game. I kind of hate when people are spouting shit about rape, murder, and other really really heinous shit that deserves to have them kicked/banned and people just go "lololol the mute button is right there!" I understand I can block it out, and believe me I do, but why should it be on me to mute everybody talking about how they want to rape children instead of acknowledging the fact that the person shouldn't be allowed to play the game? It's like telling kids to just ignore bullies instead of actually punishing the bully for being a POS. Like ya, I did ignore them but like are we just all deciding it's ok to act that way...? Nobody is refusing to mute then crying about how bad it is, if it's truly bothering us we do hit the mute button but the fact that the offender gets to continue without punishment is the issue at hand. Most of the time it's left unmuted to gather evidence about what they're saying if needed then a mute is issued. I'm the first one to silence mic spammers but if you're just straight up advocating for literal crime you deserve to be banned.


I don't know if this might work, but the F7 key will take a screenshot of what's on your screen and open a report menu. You can also report players for harrassment via the scoreboard, but I also don't know if Valve will care enough. Trust me I hate these little edge lords too and I wish people would kick them, but they are just doing it for attention, so not giving them attention helps (even if just a little).


Counter point: I shouldn't have to.


I know, but it's still an option. Not just for the edge lords, but if someone in vc is incredibly loud/annoying/music spamming, you can mute then and be happy (same with bots)


I meant specifically for people doing things that are universally annoying.


yea, honestly if someone is spamming a chat bind after every kill or putting music you don't like in VC or smthn just mute em'. but if they're being just rude to everyone for no apparent reason other than to cause chaos within chat that might deserve a kick (like "oh ur just mad cause I'm better than you LOLOLOLOL" or "shut up, no one cares what you think XD" I think. not too sure though, haven't encountered many/any people like that). if everyone universally agrees to kick them, kick them. But it all really just depends what they're doing :/


botters have no originality, such a basic bait message


I know right, I mean at least get creative. Yeesh


My mute list was how I kept track of bots before they all got banned. Mute persists between sessions.


valve still needs to take care of that. it shouldn't be there in the first place. it doesn't matter if anyone complaining knows that they can mute people in text chat or not, those messages should never ever appear in a text chat in an online game. valve should take care of it, so that those messages never appear again. that's what the post meant.


I know that, there needs to be some punishment for people spamming this stuff in chat. I'm not saying "oh just mute it snowflake", and maybe I shouldn't have used that image as an example. What I'm really trying to say in my post is that if there is something like this, or anything else in any chat that bothers you, you have the ability to mute them. This helps when someone is playing music in vc and someone tries to vote kick them. Instead of doing that, they could just mute. Same goes for this. If Valve has no punishment for this then mute them.


yeah that's fair, these things are easily lost in text and stuff, it's important to account for when posting.


Yeah, in hindsight I should have removed it or at least made it the second picture, but I'm on mobile and for some reason they don't let you edit posts on mobile.


but why do that when i can just screenshot and post it here (clueless)


i just click out of chat and ignore it.




i was in a game and some furry was making real weird noises on vc, i asked him if they could stop cuz thats so annoying they vote kicked me. i dont have the fucking free time of god, i am tired most the time and when i finally can play this shit happens


This has happened to me too, it's so weird because they're incredibly annoying but if you tell them to zip it then you're the bad guy. Which is why muting is such an important tool. That sucks, hopefully that kinda experience doesn't happen again to you.


can this work for F2Ps


I don't see why a F2P wouldn't be able to mute someone, although it does seem like some stupid change Valve would make


hmmm I will remember to check it out


Good luck


I want to punch in face mfs like this so they'll learn how it is to ragebait


Sadly the internet gives people anonymity, and there's no option to vote to have someone punched in the face through their screen (but god I wish)


That only mutes their mic, just kick them.


Nope, it mutes their chat aswell


Fuck it, no Summer Update, instead we get *~~Censorship Update~~* *Wholesome Update* >An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: >► Restricted all accounts from using chat in official matchmaking modes unless you purchase the 'Chat Pass' from Mann Co Store every month >► Removed decalable items such as the Conscientious Objector from the game to prevent abusive usages >► Removed some taunts such as the Schadenfreude from the game to prevent toxicity ► Added AI moderators to official matchmaking modes, using inappropriate languages may result in your account being banned ► Updated the localization files