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"You see Batman my father was a gamer, so obviously he was violent. And in his gamer rage he said the Gamer word and got banned off the TF2 Panda GFL server."


Is that a Pantsahat reference in the wild?


I even dubbed over a joker scene in one of those videos doing something equally as stupid. (Okay hold on what i mean is, I took the video and did a stupid joker voice over it. I wasn't in the actual video)


Can i have the proof ?


Go check R/gang weed it's my only post there


Yeah that's cool, but can you back it up with a source?


my source is that i made it the fuck up


Imagine a world Raiden, free of Cancel Culture where no-one can call me out on my outlandish claims! A world Where I can say the N-Word!


Maxxor is truly the biggest of gigachads.


Yes... lmao i never realized that


New video js wild though


"He didn't like that....... Not. One. Bit."


I remember going into the dustbowl class wars server and a guy said that he was a bussiness man and his business was black people.


There was a dude yesterday that turned the VC convo into how all Jews were evil and the only people that deserved to live were white people ETA: he also said that all rabbis rape little babies and suck them off…


Somebody was getting dominated by a demo


I remember once being killed by a sniper and seeing that their rifle was named something related to the N word, so when I managed to kill them (as Demoman), I laughed in their face and they left


They made Demoman basically the best class in the game just for moments like this to happen more


Quickiebomb launcher my beloved. Kills people in a flash and catching does at the last second


The last time I heard that joke, the punchline was that he was a public defense attorney in Montgomery, AL


so was he a cop?


least racist class wars player ​ source: im a class wars player


awww that's so sweet his dad manages a minority support organization!


Those dustbowl class wars servers are the best community servers


lol Edit: why are you people upvoting this????


I'm just over here laughing at "bussiness" It's never been so bussy 🥹




Clearly he was saying he was a black barber /s


for as tasteless as this is, it is pretty funny


Probably won't find many here who agree because it's Reddit but as far as dark humor/deadpan goes it's pretty funny, especially if they set it up nonchalantly. "Hey man what do you do?" "Oh I'm a businessman" "Oh that's super cool. What do you sell?" "Black people" Poor taste? Sure, but thats most of deadpan humor.


...is it? Is "haha I'm a slaver" also funny, which is literally all that joke is? I'm not seeing it.


its kind of like the old joke : “my grandfather died in aushwitz”, “he fell off a guard tower”


eh? i find it funny specifically because of a lack of setup, saying something that literally everyone agrees is wrong in such a casual manner is at least a bit shocking or maybe it's just me having a shitty sense of humor, idc I'm having fun


Valve don't care enough about the game to update it with content, in what world do you think they care enough to ban people who use bad language. Here are some things YOU can do. A. Stop giving these people attention, which is what they want by using language like that. B. Use the in-game mute function. C. Turn on the profanity filter. Other than that just ignore them and stop giving them what they want.


Also don't forget you can start a kickvote. When people are unpleasant like this in chat and I start a vote, more often than not it passes really quickly. I feel like as a community this is the best way to deal with them: No attention, just give them the boot. If we normalize kicking bigots, they'll have to change if they want to keep playing and we also directly minimize the damage they do.


It's great when the server agrees with your votecall and kicks the toxic person. However, I've tried to kick troublemakers before, but the server kicked me instead. This usually happens when there's a queue of toxic friends, but there can also be an unrelated majority that votes yes. It can be quite disheartening to get kicked for doing the right thing.


Flip side is bigots joining in groups and backing themselves up. If that happens, your vote will likely fail, and you'll get a swift vote kick in response. If ever see that happen, I'll mute the transgressors & leave in protest.


However, if you do want to engage, and they’re mad at specifically you, say things like “<3” or “hehe *insert your username here*”


It works ten times better if you put in cringe anime shit. I dunno what it is about anime, but if your into it, there's a good chance a subset actively hates it. It's worth looking into if you have a tryhard shitter


I always say *"UwU don't be mean at me daddyyy"* and some other weird anime shit until they leave lol


If you want perfect bait, just add Baka to an insult. I have made people leave because of that simple addition. If it's supposed to be an embarrassing line "B-Baka >_<" works perfectly.


Bwahahaha duly noted!


im not even bigoted but if I saw this I might just liberty launch myself off a fucking building


>liberty launch myself off a fucking building stealing this


Reading that made me want to leave the IRL server so it seems pretty effective.


I always pull out the "I'm a woman" card and then dominate them


Had a medic the other day say "who wants my kritz? You have to say please" so *obviously* I said "uwu please daddy" I didn't get the kritz...


my personal favorite response to being called gay is "very <3" i mean it's only happened like two or three times in four years but it's still funny to turn their logic on them and annoy them with the goal of getting a reaction


Whenever someone unironically calls me gay I always respond "For you, my love ♥" Never fails to creep them out.


I always wanted to use the line “just because I like dicks doesn’t mean I like you.”, never had the chance yet because I’ve been kinda lucky.


"you're gay" - very <3 "me too, wanna fuck?"


I had enough evidence against a guy for saying some VERY serious stuff to me and my friend in a TF2 lobby (I recorded the whole thing). Sent the clips in a report through the guys actual steam profile and was notified the next day that action had been taken against him. A company like valve doesn't want to be associated with this kind of bullshit and if you show them without a doubt what someone has done, they really don't have a choice but to act. Also theres a big difference from "bad language" and actual slurs and harassment, which is what this is. Ignoring the issue will just make it worse as more people will start doing this shit if they think it doesn't get punished.


Wait your telling me Valve would rather be known as a game sales company than having one of the worst communities behind Rust?


Rust is unironically one of the most toxic communities in gaming. I used to think LoL was the worst until I played rust. Unchecked wild shit going on in that game.


That's what happens when you design a game that's only purpose is to kill others and take their hard earned shit so you don't have to. It not only draws in the kind of person enthralled by that mechanic, but also ends up bringing in some of the foulest people who love to ruin other people's gameplay and make themselves godly.


Or D: If they're particular toxic, votekick exists.


To be fair, this is the most productive conversation I've seen about this in any of the TF2 subs on reddit. Almost any other time i've tried to call out transphobic, homophobic, or racost posts, I usually get downvoted to oblivion. Im pretty sure full on red-pilled edgelords have taken over some of the subs I left at this point and Ive almost left this one a couple times.


"profanity filter" Yeah but I still want to say fuck a lot, I draw the line at actual racism tho


I admit I did overlook the attention i'm giving this player but my intent wasn't to give them attention but to start a discussion about it because I see it in majority of my lobbies. You're right though valve doesn't care


you aren't going to get a discussion with people like that and if they do they will just make it worse by not taking it seriously.


People are assholes because they are assholes. Not as simple as that, but it's not your problem to figure out whatever problem they had growing up or are having now and talk them out of being these kind of people. It's just best to do what people said, mute them and let go. People like this make my blood boil...


The truth of the mater is at least half of /r/tf2 is just like the people you posted in your image.


Also report them, yeah? Just report them and move on.


Sentry ahead


i cant believe he would say that im literally shaking right now


They are just using all the words they think are going to piss people off. It's lazy and stupid. Ignore them, they are just trying to get a rise out of everyone. This stuff isn't to be taken seriously imo.


In the wise words of Soundsmith: “Mm. Troll.”


"talk shit get crit"


Yep. It only hurts you as much as you let it, you would be surprised how many on those people say those things only because they know it will get a rise out of people.


Just report them lmao. I always do that


Probably the best way to react tbh. Sadly it's not all that effective nowadays.


Nah man. In other games these people would get a ban for that. TF2 doesn't need to be a platform for hate speech, even if it's just to piss people off


Unfortunately there's nothing we can do aside from vote kicking. Ultimately it's up to the TF2 team to truly implement something to stop this, but barely anyone in Valve sticks around in that department or wants to touch it with a 30 foot pole nowadays.


Then keep vote kicking. Indifference is how it became such a huge problem in the first place. Don't ever give them a platform, even if "they don't mean it, they're just trolling." Don't give chances: the *first* time they say bigoted shit, put them on a vote kick. Make it impossible for them to play a full game unless they learn how to behave. The TF2 community inadvertently welcomes these kinds of people simply because this community allows them to exist. If more people spoke up and did their part to keep the community clean, it wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem.


God I wished that worked I did that and then got kicked back for daring to stand against casual racism


For real. "Ignore them" isn't a solution. Hell, it isn't even an addressment of the the issue. I'm tired of seeing stuff like this in servers, and I'm sure a new player (assumed to have common decency) isn't gonna feel like sticking around if they see stuff like this every 4 or 5 matches.


I don't. Maybe you guys just play on wrong servers. Like the last time I saw any racism in TF2 was in vc on 2fort 6 months ago


im genuinely curious as to what servers you play on. i have about 1k on casual and the last 300 hrs have been exclusively on skial bc of bots and it was roughly every 2-3 matches id see some absolutely heinous shit like this. absolutely fucking *no one* would fight it either, normally everyone would just join in my chat is permanently disabled for my sanity now


skial? I played before on their zombie servers and they were fine (Remember one very toxic regular but apart from that everyone was chill)


I exclusively play on Skial these days and never see any of this stuff, what regions are you connecting to? I'm not saying it doesn't happen on Skial, these days I only play one or two rounds at a time anyway so it's not like I'm there for hours and hours, but it's definitely not on every round I see.


Then take matters into your own hands and mute them or ignore it. A game made in 2007 that never gets updated is not going to be up to today’s standards and the idea that you even expect it in the first place is laughable


Letting them get away with this is not ideal


Stop being racist and build your sentry


TF2 Players try not to be racist or homophobic challenge (EXTREMELY HARD) (ONLY 1% PASS!!)


TF2 player try not to be racist after dying (IMPOSSIBLE)




Tip: you can disable chat by putting hud_saytext_time 0 in console or disabling it from advanced settings.


but how will I get funny screenshot for r/givemeinteligens :(


you click the chat button It doesn't entirely disable the chat, only the chat pop ups


no we cant lol


This is why F2P cant talk


Why are you suddenly speaking fax?


Everyone: *AGRESSIVE HOMOPHOBIA AND RACISM* HAM: sentree a head '-'


Ham is being a good player and warning the scouts on their team.


This is just PC gaming in general, not really a TF2 problem or Valve issue. I mean realistically what could Valve do?


probably just do a system similar to one that *already exists in one of their games* (CS:GO) and add some kind of report function which auto-mutes people who have been reported for toxicity often


Of cource, because tf2 doesnt have a bot problem and bots definitely wouldnt report every single player for toxicity


Or... you can just fucking mute them. There's a mute button.


I quit csgo for valo because of this. Valve does nothing. All that engineering brainpower and it’s only good for loot boxes and a steam store smh


imagine taking the time to make those obvious binds


Typical polish person in a tf2 lobby, knows 3-7 words in English and all of them are slurs, love my country.


Saw this firsthand! Early in the AM (Eastern Time) I connected to a German server and sure enough, a polish person was dropping the n word and several other slurs for no reason.


Been playing for a while, and saw many people using Voice Chat using slurs and such to each other. It’s really dumb.


Usually I just respond to homophobia with wildly homosexual messages, stuff like "I love men so fucking much" (sfw wise). Racism is deffo fuckin tough to deal with tho, some people are just degens. Not sure if valve gives a shit to deal with it.


When someone is racist I just say how I love that race and all the many cultures they bring dude it’s hilarious


Or I just call them an 4chan echo-chamber basement dweller or some shit, but yeh thatll work too lmao


Naw they usually accept when you call them that it’s way funnier when you go in the opposite direction of confrontation


The whole point of these messages is to get a reaction


These people are attention seeker, even if they get banned, they can make another account, they're trying to make a name for themselves by being pieces of shit, If they know you're pissed, they know they have a purpose and won't stop till they get the sense they're powerful, my best advice is to stay vigilant, don't show weakness comrade, they want you to get mad, no matter how much you get mad, they'll continue on, my best advice is to simply ignore them, act like they don't exist no matter how much they call you a \[N-word hard r\] or a \[F-slur\], If they know you don't notice them, they'll look dumber than you are knowing you manage to stay smarter by not stooping lower to their level.


if they get banned, they'll be f2p and unable to chat again, for a time. Get them banned enough times, they'll probably give up


Valve can maybe add the system from CSGO. If someone gets reported to many times for being toxic they will get insta muted. But generally toxicity will never be stopped. Even in games like smite where reporting toxicity can lead to a ban, toxicity is still rampant.


hell no, mass reporting and witch hunting is a massive problem i don't want to have in tf2


+ let’s not forget the bot problem TF2 has right now mass reporting would be literally the first thing that would be coded into the bots after that change.


Thy shall train the secret japanese technic called ignorance


the virgin "Anime and LGBT furry die" VS the chad "Sentry Ahead!"


Someone was actually unironically saying the hard R in the VC in a Class Wars server and the server detected him using cheats. Probably one of the most funny bans I've seen TF2 do.


Gamer moment


Glad to see r/tf2 is still a shithole.


“Calm down OP!!!! It’s just a word!!!! You’re giving them what they want, so stop crying!!!” - 🤓🤓🤓🤓


I guess the mods are on vacation or something


50% of the community is violently racist and homophobic the other 50% is gay. They are like yin and yang, eternally in balance.


Kill Me.


Holy shit OP you are the exact target audience for this guys trolling, this guy is living rent free in your head, you make a reddit post and then debate anybody who suggests Valve isn't going to do anything or for you to deal with it.


literally this. I know its cliche, but its just a screen. If OP is so thin skinned that they cant read 3 bad words from a troll without immedietly crying and posting, they shouldnt be playing a shooting game online. Hot take I know.


I got kicked from a server yesterday because they thought my voice was annoying, and cuz I had a furry profile pic, they proceeded to call me a f***t while doing so I laughed when they did it, it’s funny how mad I got them Edit: lol the replies, stay mad


Dude! There's a fucking sentry ahead! Pay attention!


lol why is this nsfw


Obviously this guy is having a gamer moment should he be banned? No. Should you have the ability to mute and block him? Yes. Is he being a piece of shit? Yeah. Is it funny to me? Slightly. it's funnier in voice chat because you know they've been mentally touched so badly they've resorted to acting like this.


I agree, you sort of get desensitized to the racism after playing online multi-player games for many years. Sounds messed up, but fighting with them is what they want lol. That's the bait, at the same time we all know deep down why they say it. It doesn't take a genius to do some simple mind reading, because that's what tf2 is. Once you perfected your aim, it becomes mind games. It's even funnier when they come out in Facebook to defend themselves and you get to see their faces. 😂


You actively turned off chat censoring so you could complain about this. Amazing


a dude called The White Man showed up in my pub lobby once and started talking about european heritage and how "A man in a dress is not a woman" so i told him his mom in a dress wasn't a woman


People are over sensitive. Like everyone is homophobic to me and idgaf. You can just mute them or something, or there's a secret technique called Ignoring... 🗽




stop being such a pick me


sadly comes with the territory of people clinging onto their youth and what they perceive as 'the good ol' days' Take a look at SWTOR public chat on the sith side for the same thing


Lmao I knew sith public chat would be a wild ride when people started debating the fall of the West and bringing up Infowars as a source. Just a casual day of doing solo stuff on tatooine while people grew more and more hostile with each other in chat.


Last time I did I watched a 15 minute conversation about Palatine's feet


Ngl now I’m a little interested in that myself


Eh edgy nerds who will either learn better or get their asses kicked. Chats always been like this


idk man, valve probably won't do anything, in the mean time i just vote kick them. Just like muting them but it feels more like a personal win


it's just a child, don't let it get to you. thats the only practical solution tbh


I love seeing people project all kinds of personality traits at some lines of text. Internet Entertainment 101


Yeah I was i the lobby ATM of your screenshot, I called a vote on Pershing. cus he was so toxic. Be good out there people. Keep our favourite game hate free


im not racist nor homophobic, but i kind of like this overly free speech in tf2 chat, it goves me this cool vibe, like, nobody gives a shit about what they're saying and nobody should care about what they're reading as well


Agreed. Overly free chats are often the best imo.




Thats just online games really


remember when we just muted the fuckers and that was that?


I just see it as the natural environment of online lobbies? I can't really understand why some people find it so difficult to shrug off a petty insult from a person they don't know, will likely never meet, and who they probably didn't know existed until they encountered them in a multiplayer lobby? Why does their attempt to insult you mean so much to you, when the person insulting you means nothing to you?


My guesses is that Twitter politics is taking over the internet, people used to ignore these trolls like they were trying not step on some dogshit in the street. They didn't approve the idea of the trolls or the actions but simply don't want to get themselves dirty and full of dogshit. Twitter, on the other hand, enjoys crusading even the sliest issues. And will eat dogshit on purpose to play victims, eventually it would become a shithow those attention seeking troll love. I'm not saying the OP is a Twitter crusader but the environment of internet did changed over the decade.


Just an ordinary butthurt, nothing special here. Also, he leaves (or was he kicked? I could be wrong)


Pretty sure hateful profanity like this is automatically censored for all players. Seems like you disabled this filter entirely.


the way i deal with it is just by remembering that these assholes are saying this stuff because they arent mature enough to handle losing, so they turn to insults to make others feel the same way they do


I've never seen anyone like this in a TF2 lobby before. There should be some kind of auto ban hammer for people spouting racist shit.


You must be new because this is perfectly normal.


You're playing a video game, what did you expect?


Bruh it’s the internet, yeah he’s a pos but if you can’t handle seeing that, you shouldn’t be online in the first place.


Eh who cares


These reddit posts keep this people going. Mute and squelch chat, stop empowering the people when you get triggered like this.




You just gotta brush that shit off man, it’s the internet


At the end of the day, its the internet, people will just wanna say some fucked up shit that wont mesh with your opinions and views. You can mute people like that, turn off the chat but its goinf to happen.


People that post stuff like this cease to amaze me how dumb they appear to be. "How do you make people stop saying things in muh vidyuh gamez?" C'mon...


"I cannot handle words and everything that doesn't cater to my fragile self should cease to exist"


"Cry about it." - The people who say this kinda shit


the shear amount of times ive seen the r slur is just insane


It's not specific to tf2 community it's general internet, you can't stop people to say shit no matter what it is. Luckily you can turn profanity filters on and move on with your day. Cheaters aren't banned yet let alone racists.


to be fair, you can mute the guy. this type of behavior is moronic, yeah, but unfortunately, that's just a thing with online culture. people being edgy everywhere trying to gain a pip of attention to those who care about a few pixels on the screen. unfortunately, you are the troll's targeted demographic, people who easily take offense to in-game chat. try ignoring or muting this kind of people, aint much you can do unfortunately. bans for toxicity wont stop edgy trolls from roaming this wild wasteland we call the internet.


How about stop caring? You decided that these words are offensive to you.


How about you go about your life and stop caring about people being offended on reddit?


I hate the "muh free speech" comments. Being banned in a video game for saying slurs is not equivalent to being thrown in prison. I don't know why anyone would care about racists being banned from the video game chat.


Literally saw someone in these comments arguing that it would be communism if we banned/reported these types of bigots


communism is when i cant say the n word


That's just gross. Why do people act like that?


I really don't understand the position of ''just ignore'' it. How about we make an effort to create a positive enviroment. And people saying that this happens in other games too, when in other games most of the time action is taken. This isn't a rare situation. This is very common in TF2. One of the best ways to deal with it is to vote kick the person, but when half the server has the same posture as the people in this thread they will vote no and tell you to ignore it. And it even happens that a vote kick starts on you and people vote yes ''for the lulz''.


If the other people have the same posture, then the person is right not to be kicked. I don't understand your position of "my opinion on your speech should superseed everyone else's" The most positive environment is that which allows for maximum freedom.


Anime should die though.


If you can see these words it means you've went out of your way to disable the filter for them (which is on by default), so you could see them. What gives?


They’re doing it for attention litterally the best thing you can do it ignore them. I mute them so i don’t see any of their messages. Banning them or talking to them just gives them the attention their family never did


Chevy get the minigun ready we are going out with the Team to elimate all Homophobs and Racists.


Had a game once the day technoblade passed where a dude named himself "technoblade is alive and racist" on the day he passed and he was mic spamming.The lengths people would go for just a sliver of attention is sad.


There is this thing called "profanity filter" exists in Steam settings. Maybe turn it on for TF2?


r/tf2 redditors explaining why a toxic dumbass being blantly intolerant to people and saying slurs shouldn't be banned: reddit moment ig


seriously like why are people standing beside the dumbass when its just so much easier to condemn it.


Ye this is bad but honestly? It's not hurting anyone, it's not hindering anyone's ability to play, especially with the chat being as ignorable as they get, focus on your gameplay and team, not the bottom left part of your screen


Make it so saying a slur in chat autokicks you


It's just some 11 trying to be edgy. That's what it all is


Or you could be an adult, mute them, and move on with your life. These people exist because they enjoy passing you off to the point you feel you need to remove them from the game


Turn on your profanity filter, grow a thicker skin, or ignore them. They’re just trolls trying to get a rise out of people by saying profane shit, which is obviously working. The janitor has much bigger issues to attend to rather than banning dumb edgy kids or turning on a profanity filter for everyone.


Honestly the amount of casual prejudice and hate speech in the replies is alarming. It’s making you feel uncomfortable and can make others feel unwelcome, it is absolutely an issue and there is no excuse for this shit. Best we can do at the moment is be thorough in reporting and call out these attitudes when they emerge. You likely won’t change the minds of the people spouting this crap but others need to see it’s not okay and shouldn’t go unchecked because it does affect people.


Most people in the comments are straight white males lol. They refuse to think that maybe minorities don't want to be harassed for something the can't control


*I'm* a straight white male, it's just human decency not to pull this shit.




Homophobes just cry and just say the slurs they wanted whenever they see smth gay, and think it was a gigachad move... 💀


Ironic how the guy was throwing a tantrum with slurs over getting killed and yet people in this comment section defend the dude. If he was just insulting your mother or something like that no one would defend him for sure, but people here are defending a racist basically. Fuck y'all, I hate every single one of you