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If you don't help me, I'm going Ninjaneer


No sins here! If the team won't help you, you gotta do what you gotta do. -signed, Battle Medic


But alas, I’m still shit at melee! -signed, hit-reg lagged Battle Medic


God fuck don't talk about hitreg, shit sucks. The number of dull thuds I've heard as trollger haunt every waking moment


Medic is godlike against some classes in close-range. I mostly use ubersaw and crossbow but primary stock is also fine. Medic > scout, sniper, spy Medic = engineer, other medic Medic ≤ soldier, demoman Medic < heavy, pyro


Ninjaneer is good tho


Forgive me for I have sinned. There was a heavy hiding in a cheeky spot killing people with his minigun and I stood there and called him a spy, the friendly gesture. He accepted my friendliness when I got onto his level and planted stickybomb right under him while killing my team. I have used the friendly tactic as a weapon and I have sinned Poopy Joe's name of honor


You are forgiven.


I change my loadout to f2p and act like one (usually engineer) so people get extra emberassed when I kill them As medic I usually use blutsauger On friendly servers I like to one hit dispensers that are still deploying to fuck with engineers Sometimes I disguise as hoovy I use the red tape recorder to do a little trolling


the number one difference between genuine f2ps and pros who try to look like one, are the pyrovision goggles you gibus trolls need to try harder and go gibusvision if you want a rise out of me!


I fooled most people, and tbh for me it’s pretty rare to see f2p with those goggles


Yeah, i'm f2p and i have no idea how to get the goggles


It's the same as the gibus, dominate a player wearing them, but pyrovision goggles are much less common to see


Gee.. I wonder why...


Man I had to ask like 20 people to help me get pyrovision goggles


Same here the gibus looks sick tho


When i was an f2p i had pyrovision but decided not to use it because it looked ugly to me.


Oh my


Honestly people do the first one so often (dressing like ftp) but still use Australium or festivized weapons


I usually use mostly stock


I always laugh taunt on revenge kills - even if it's totally undeserved and gets me killed.


Your sins are forgiven.




Taunt on domms instead


I killed a man in a detroit dennys in 2009


Cool, I sometimes use the scorch shot




I really like the scorch shot tbh. I love turning Voice Chat off, using my Scorch Shot and ruining everyone's day. The amount if potential shit on my street might increase, yet my Scorch Shot joyrides are not even nearly over. So, I may not be OP, but I think that all Pyros should have the RIGHT to ruin people's days. Oh, right, I need to pad some space so I look like I actually have a point. Perfect time to talk about our sponsor, r/okbuddyhalflife So basically, it starts with One thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time All I know Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away It's so unreal Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Tryin' to hold on, did-didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch you go I kept everything inside and even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mockin' me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised it got so far Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me in the end You kept everything inside and even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter


Bro what the fuck


No, you don't understand, it starts with One thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time All I know Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away It's so unreal Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Tryin' to hold on, did-didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch you go I kept everything inside and even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mockin' me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised it got so far Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me in the end You kept everything inside and even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter


I combo the scorch shot with the axtinguisher for double crits


This guy gets it!


i put mini sentries around corners


Together we shall be... the day-ruiners!


Oh no you misunderstand. I am referring to the length of your messages


If people don't read the comment, they think that I made a good point, since my message was too long. I am smart


i DID read the comment and you did make a good point. linkin park was awesome.


Understandable have a nice day


OK here me out.. I use the Rainblower and the Lolichop along side it because I like meet the Pyro and will only use it in close range encounters and will never spam it.


Mf we only care about those new kills


I think it's okay to kill friendlies as long as it's a meme kill like a market garden or taunt kill


This isn’t really a sin. Friendly servers often contain trolldiers and nobody really complains except fake friendlies


I always say the true friendlies don't mind dying occasionally. They'll chuckle and come right back to where they were. Either an annoying noob/tryhard or a silly taunt/accident, shake it off and go again. Plus Rock Paper Scissors is a good solution


Remember kids; only kill friendlies if it's REALLY funny


best friendlies will happily take the occasional poke and heal from someone's sandvich... but be sure to track the health remaining!


Or on accident like friendlies getting in the way, them walking into sentries, or just not knowing they were friendly.


I'll definitely let this happen when I'm friendly. I'll even help a trolldier or holiday punch heavy by scooting towards the kill if I can


I agree




I enjoy Pyro’s Grodbort set (Phlog, Manmelter, Third Degree) I recently got strange variants of the set


the correct way of using phlog


Based for using the full set


using the phlog with manmelter is based af


that was me when i first heard of the phlog, i was like oh, it cant airblast aight, then the vid i was watching was like "what could be the best secondary for the phlog" and i just thought manmelter? then i figured i was wrong lol


I personally find using the Scorch shit to build mmph to be rather cheap, why anger the enemy and cheaply build mmph when I can help the team and gain crits from doing so?


Based on what? I need to learn




Now get stranges of all the cosmetics


Ehhh, my current cosmetic set is good, already have one of them strange, too poor to get the rest though :P


I laugh taunt after every Sydney sleeper bodyshot kill (Enemy snipers hate me)


piss rifle bodyshot


This is tolerable since the piss rifle is made for this


I see no sin, only earned reward


Taunting in petty and annoying places is the best. Second only to after really impossible kills.


I don’t play casual, I play offline mode with real TF2 bots


that's not a sin you are just a chad


honestly half of the time the teams are better and more organized lmao


Same. I haven't touched casual in years. Besides, with the Bot Overhaul mod, bots can provide a good challenge.


I've heard of this mod a few times and it has my interest but I have no idea how modding this game works. Any chance you could give some instructions and a link and stuff? and am I still able to play casual (with none or minimal hassle, I know with the singleplayer mods I have for GTAV I can just move them to another folder to play multiplayer)?


I am a war criminal by killing surrendered enemies after the round ends.


Not a sin unless they're doing a taunt that isn't laughing




Found Array’s alt


Fucking based, I use the bonesaw because it makes me feel more powerful, my ubersaw has about 30 kills, my bonesaw like 250


I use the bonesaw because I have a strange one


honestly when i use vaccinator i use bonesaw because i don't feel a need to use uber or vita saw


Amen, me too


if i see a teammate low on health, i automatically grab the nearest health kit


Hey man, it's just a little bit of trollin.


Small amount of tomfoolery


Minuscule portion of horseplay


Tiny dose of fuckery


A smidge of foolishness


A measly, minute, manageable amount of jest


Flair checks out


Use the laugh emote after


i do something way better, dying 3 seconds later


Flair checks out


124 hp = health pack NEEDED RIGHT NOW


If my team doesn't help me in gonna troll them with bad tele spawns (I play engi btw)


Imma be honest sometimes I do this unprovoked




damn I thought you played teleporter heavy, thanks for the note that you play engi


Playing pyro


"HURRHURR, W+M1 loser!" The fuck else am I supposed to do?


Change your controls so when they say W+M1 you can say "wrong" :troll:


I mean, you could airblast and use the flare gun. Then again, a Soldier main kept ranting about how the Medics on his team sucks and how Pyro is a stupid class after a reflected one of their rockets back at them.. Most enemies do respect if you manage to pull off more difficult airblasts (like a huntsman or crossbow reflect), or if you manage to hit your flare gun shots. But honestly? In a lot of cases, if you can flank, or if you're uber'd.. Flares and airblasts aren't worth it; even if they're HELLA cool. Pyro's *meant* to be a close-ranged class. And learning how to counter W+M1 on the other's end isn't even difficult for most classes that have hitscan weapons. It's honestly kinda shocking to me how universally Pyro's hated despite being countered by.. holding down the S key. Though, it's probably just due to the fact of the class's low skill floor; I feel a lot of people neglect their secondaries and airblasts for Pyro, which is a great way to add to their skill ceiling. this has been my 1am talk about pyro team fortress two. goodnight


I love playing pyro


when i play pyro i do not extinguish toxic teammates


Not a sin, let them learn


i also do this thing sometimes where i ask people to say please before i extinguish them


Very respectful


I build nets in the enemy's base while playing Catch The Flag.


that's not a sin, that's a strategy


Isn't that a Panic! At The Disco song?


As someone who has been killed numerous times by this type of engi, I’d just like to say that your sins are non-erasable and there is a special place in hell for you.. Unless you’re on my team of course, then you’re good! In all seriousness, I think it needs some skill to go all the way to the enemy intel room as you’re just a juicy target. (Pssst, its Actually Capture The Flag)


Building in the enemy intel room in 2 Fort or on the enemies roof on Doublecross is always fun


i love turtling in the enemy intel room it’s so fun


I almost exclusively do this whenever I play 2fort. I take it a step further and use the nest as a base of operations from which I build level 3 sentry guns and move them up into the enemy base, putting them in *funny spots.* Drop it down, eureka effect teleport out of there, the gun kills several enemies because nobody expects there to be an enemy sentry gun on *their* battlements, wait for the gun to die, build another one, repeat. I vary up the spots so the enemy never knows where the next one will be. Once the enemy team learns about my nest in their intel room, they all try to wipe out the nest. If you can get several more engineers on your team to build with you, it's a super fun experience holding out in the intel room as the whole enemy team tries to take out the nest.


I use the scorch shot regularly


*angry fish noises*


Bro’s going to the boiler room of hell


You are not forgiven


I like to move dispensers when a burning teammate on low health is approaching it




quite a small amount of tomfoolery


A rather infinitesimal amount of mischief.


I don't play TF2


God has you under his protection I see... You are a good soul


I tried and gave up. I just like the lore.


I miss playing tf2.... Just smoking bowl after bowl, staying up till 7am with a constant DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING in my ears because I would just give up and play pyro. Good times.


I switch to spectator to clear my dominations but always screenshot the leaderboard when I have 1 or more


healing and ubering enemy spies on purpose also sitting near enemy spawns for the sole purpose of red taping their teles, wait for them to re-upgrade them, just to do it again and again


That sounds extremely evil and arguably more effective then just destroying it


I change class if I die over 3 times (I suck at tf2)


If you ain't dying constantly you're playing it wrong (I think)


Yeah I suck too and I can relate to this


I always swap to my nsfw objectors after killing someone


you're trying to get some 12 year old grounded




~~not a sin~~


I always use the hold up the rock paper scissors taunt then stop it when someone comes near so i can laugh at them. Then I type "fucking fool" it's so funny


I want to watch this


I saw someone do this (minus the typing) and I've started doing it too. Funny as heck if you time it right and you laugh while they do a default taunt.


Exactly, I teach it to everyone I can


I bully children in the game. Im sorry father ludwig.


No, no. That’s just based. They need to be taught that tf2 is 14 years old, not for people under 14 years old (I’d actually classify it as teen but whatever)


I'd say the kids are fine until they're being annoying. That's just me though.


I rage when people use sniper on the 24/7 crit server but sometimes I play sniper on crit servers


I bought a Civic Duty MK. II reserve shooter. Barely used it


Who tf is Barley


I meant barely


I have used the vaccinator


I hope you step on a nail


Once while playing engineer, as a joke I put two teleporters right next to each other. Right in front of spawn, right next to each other


It helped just a little


I bought a sticky jumper in the mann co store


I bought weapons in the mannco store 🥶


Phlog, scorch shot. Enough said.


You are not forgivable


I have fun playing spy with the dead ringer the diadmondback and the big earner




I main scout and don't take the healthpack at 124 health




I play with controller


I love you


I once sacrificed a f2p into a sticky trap just so i can finish off the demo At least his sacrifice wasn't in vain


almost every sniper hs or backstab i give, i taunt to make ppl go mad and lose track of what they doing so they focus on killing me so much they completely ignore the game and we win


I used that program to give myself all the achievements when I was 13 and now I regret it


I main spy




You’re forgiven for being bad ass , hardest class


i either run the back burner or the phlog ​ ​ ​ usually the back burner


If someone on my team is being rude i just refuse to heal them when i play medic


I okay with lose canon


If my team doesn't keep me alive when I play medic, they get no medic and I will actively throw sandviches at the enemy team.


I use the phlogistinator


Soldiers everywhere appreciate you


If I'm hurt at all and I see a medic pack I always take it.


i always play w+M1 Pyro and i don't regret any second of it especially when i make someone rage


I’m an engi main (battle engi) and I hardly place dispensers, fuck you


It says battle in the name but it also says engineer in the name, so half a sin


Some of us still build teles though


I build sentries on Hightower because it is funny


If a friendly ever complains that someone else killed them, I will intentionally keep killing them.


I sometimes do nijaniring


I sometimes set up sentry bases on top of the bridge in 2fort


I play sniper, and I can't aim.


I hate the crossbow due to how overhyped, overused, and overly 'good' it is and refuse to use it as I don't want to form a dependence on it. Also because I've been kicked before for not using it. I don't heal black box-conch soldiers and ignore them because I despise the combo, at least most of the time. I have stolen many medi-kits infront of scouts because I like seeing them panic when they are on the short end of the stick. Can you tell I'm a Medic main?


I am the Pink as Hell Fast Learner Scout (PAHFLS)


it really PAHFLS me


I kill friendlies if they’re being annoying


Sometimes when I see a friendly I kill him even though I hate getting killed when I’m a friendly


You know the boiling rooms of hell? You belong below there.


I kill friendlies but only if im using a kill count weapon


I stopped playing in 2017 and came back recently, but my pc (which has never been upgraded) only pulls 20fps and my aim is garbage now so I equip full stock so people don’t think I’m good cause I have decent items


I genuinely enjoy playing pyro with the phlog. I don't even use the taunt, i just like the feeling of disintegrating spies and scouts.


I taunt and sometimes forget to say Thanks


I don't hate turbine. In fact, I think it's a nice map, mostly because there are never any snipers whatsoever.


I like to cap in ctf and don't feel bad about it.


Not a sin, play the round


I use Oblooterated with Albrero loadout.




I sometimes spawncamp as scout


Once I got the Conscious Objector my first thought was to make a nsfw art for my objector instead of a sfw, please forgive me


Shouldn’t he be Lutheran instead of Anglican?


I play Pyro.


I always Schnaudenfrede after a kill as Scout


I taunt kill friendlies when they take over the server. I use the scorch shot to build up phlogiston I cap on High Tower I use mini sentries on High Tower I jerked off to porn of T4T Scout and Miss Pauline I jerked off to bisexual porn of Scout, Sniper, and Miss Pauline where scout wad the Sweet Pierre I use the cloak and dagger to gaslight engineers I use the red tape recorder to troll egis on 2Fort