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i imagine it's drowning or hypothermia that would get you before starvation/lack of drinking water would.


It looks like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1-n7R9DfKE


God. Damnit. I just lived though 5 minutes of my worst nightmare.


Yikes :( so much faster than I thought though, but those moments of helplessness must be terrifying


Definitely drown first. The early stages of dehydration would leave you far too weak to stay afloat. Unless you're lucky and something decides to eat you first.


Jeez tbh dont know which would be worse, unless the attack would be fast and swift


I remember way back when the movie The Perfect Storm with Mark Wahlberg came out that the discovery channel had a documentary on how exactly you die when you drown. Apparently it’s one of the worst ways possible to die. I think you can feel everything shut down one organ at a time and die first before your brain goes last.


God that’s awful. Also fully knowing you’re dying is unimaginable


Im like 90% sure this isn't true. People say its one of the worst ways to die because its scary and *slow* (in comparison to getting shot in the head). Scary because you know you are drowning and that u know you will die. Slow because you basically last as long as you can survive without breathing, so take however long you can hold your breath and add an extra 30 seconds to a minute onto it. To start with you panic and realise your going to die, then you sort of except it and go a bit numb, then ur body starts convulsing as a natural response (kind of like a last ditch attempt from your body to do something) and then you pass out. The pain is basically caused by you trying to hold your breath. The longer (past your limit) you hold ur breath for, the more pain you will feel.


Not only that, but when you pass the absolute limit your brain forces you to breathe in, filling your lungs with water. Been described as being burned from the inside out. Id rather starve


Just so u know, the pain from breathing the water in only comes after coughing it up. At the time (at least for me) it just felt cold, heavy, and thick. Essentially it's not that painful at the time only afterwards, its just scary as all that goes through your head is "this is actually how I'm going to die, this is where it ends".