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jesus christ people making over 100k do pay more taxes... they are in a higher tax bracket.


I took this to mean they should pay EVEN higher taxes. Otherwise it doesn't make sense because of what you said.


Well that’s not what’s proposed so this whole thing is bullshit


I'd guestimate 90% of online political discourse is people who are way out of their depth arguing for or against things they don't understand. Cause their team captain told them the thing and without any further investigation, they'll now make sure you adhere to the thing. If not, they won't offer a substantive rebuttal but rather rote dismissals or snarky quips. It's actually unhealthy af


Yea that argument is serious bullshit. I've worked my ass off to finally make the 6 figure mark (albeit the low end of it) and now some nitwit thinks I should be punished and taxed even further than I already am? I lose half my check to taxes


No. You are small potatoes. Think bigger. More like people who make over 1 million.


100k is not the target for most people. Think 400k or 500k (or more) a year.


this tiered tax levels dont level off until like 400k after tax write offs. More like 800k if youre married. # What is the top tax bracket? "The highest individual tax bracket is 37%. In 2023, it applied to any income beyond $578,125 for single people. For married people filing jointly, the top rate kicks in at $693,750 in income. (For marrieds filing separately, the cutoff is $346,875.)" A 100k family income where I live would be enough to rent a small apt. Also a mcdonalds employee makes probably 16 an hour here - which is barely enough to live with a roommate in said small apartment. Literally raising the tax rates would only hit those making almost 1 million per year. It should literally be a non issue for approx 99.5% of Americans to raise and raising it wouldnt "hurt" anyone. Not even those "small business owners" because business taxes are different.


Sole proprietor small business taxes isn't different actually. It's considered like the persons income.


I gave you a thumbs down for using the word literally 12 times


Back in the 90s there was a movement for a flat tax. Tax would be added to any item bought or sold but that was it. No more income tax. But that would take too much power away from the politicians. With a flat tax everybody pays and there is complete transparency. Low income people would get certain subsidies. People get what they deserve cause they tolerate it. Like what we have now.


The problem with a flat tax is that it massively favors the wealthy


But so does everything else in life


Less so with progressive tax structure, which I don’t necessarily agree with either, but a flat tax is a tough sell


You mean “Fair tax”


The title of this post is just rage bait. Stop cross posting from Fluent in Finance, that sub is anything BUT fluent in finance. I quite literally have learned nothing about finance in that sub, its just rage bait clipped tweet after rage bail clipped tweet. Brain dead sub for teenagers and those stuck in their parents basement.


This sub is just nothing but posting topics from other subreddits. And the same topics every single day. I am shocked people even get engaged on discussions on here.


I was here when it used to be a sub about how everything was getting out of control. Like the national debt, the low birth rate, immigration, inflation, prices, etc. Now its just another top 5% sub that the Reddit Mods/Gods have decided is going to get cross posted by all their political horseshit.


If you're a reddit mod you should do the hara kari thing with a samurai sword. You're utility as a person is nil.


r/FluentInFinance is just contrarian. Post whatever you want, left-leaning, right-leaning, purely factual, and the comments will invariably be "well actually" responses.


Not only are they all "uhm acksually" responses, but 99.5% of the time it's some fuckwit who hasn't got the first clue about anything financial, but one time they read a comment that said "they" are "messing with" the "unemployment numbers" and now they think they're a fuckin economist.


Same here. I even left and muted the sub so it wouldn't show up on my feed anymore. Yet I keep seeing it because mofos keep cross posting it to other subs.


The cross posters are working on the behalf of a political machine that is inherently Anti-American.


How right you are


I blocked that BS sub a long time ago. Nothing but a bunch of bots and children complaining about capitalism.


The thing people miss about denmark is that they exist like a gated community. You can’t have large social welfare programs and you can’t keep the value of availabile labor high by importing millions of poor people across your border who will work for nothing then expect employers to have any incentive to pay more.


You mean Denmark doesn’t have an open border policy? Reddit has led me to believe that the rest of the world lets any and immigrants in without issue.


Yeah, just telling people if they want European social services to move to Europe doesn't fly because European countries would never let them in. This is something the "Europe does it crowd" doesn't seem to get.


Europe lets in tons of immigrants. Don't you remember a few years ago (ok definitely more than a few now) when Germany was flipping shit about all the refugees they were taking?


Tell that to the migrants from the migrant crisis.


They don’t and those that do only do it to a much smaller degree. You can’t flood the country with dependents on social welfare programs and simultaneously provide a substantial cheap labor pool and expect that you won’t end up people taking more than they can contribute and simultaneously give employers every incentive not to raise wages. It’s going to work out well for people who need cheap labor but we will become a bastion of paupers fairly quickly at this rate.


Right? The people who want America to be more like Europe also want America to let in anyone who wants to be here but seem to forget one reason why Europe maintains good social services is because of draconian immigration rules. European immigration rules are stricter than what republicans in America even want.




The frustrating irony that the same side advocating for multiculturalism and "no human is illegal" is the same side advocating for unionization of starbucks and higher pay for entry level low-skill workers. They tell workers they are the backbone of these large corporations and should demand higher pay+benefits with their bargaining power while simultaneously letting a tsunami of migrant workers enter the country by stopping republicans from closing the border because "no human is illegal" unless they're breaking into their homes, then they love to call the cops that ironically hate too.


Lol at $100k being meaningful money. Four years ago that was true, now? $100k feels like $60k precovid.


That was my first thought. We aren't ballin' out on $100k


Yeah where I'm at, a 900 sq/ft condo is 500k, or rent for $3200 a month. Barely affordable at 100k salary.


Right. Me and my wife earn 115k USD per year without overtime. We were making about 75k pre-covid and had a comfortable life. Now, we have to budget and sell off toys because the notes are too big when factoring in the massive price increases in daily expenses.


All you need to do is make more than a Redditor and then it’s meaningful and should be taxed more.


Whoever made this title has never had a job if they think 100k is rich in 2024.


Outside of fiscal hellscapes we call cities or blue states, yeah, 100k is good money. You aren't rich, but you're well above average.


This meme has been debunked 100 times yet deadbeats still swear by it.


Same folks who troll these subs with their repetitive "Source?" comments are the same ones that regurgitate this meme as if it was from some credible media outlet.


You won’t be spoon fed skippy.


Comparing Denmark to America and saying we should adopt all of their economic policies is like saying a working class suburb should do all the things the gated community up in the hills does


I remember just a few years ago a pre-scandal Elizabeth Warren set (or vocally supported) a arbitrary figure of $250,000 being the threshold for "rich." At that time, I predicted that the left would ratchet that number down to a solidly middle-class income in order to BleedingHeart**™** their way into justifying confiscation of more money from more people based on an equally arbitrary figure for "rich" people. And here we are! It's like World War Z. They just keep coming and will not stop until they destroy and consume everything.


The person who made this post does not single-handedly define the threshold for wealth. Adults of any ideological leaning do not believe 100k is rich. This is rage bait or the OP is 14.


Wow. Our society has devolved into a bunch of crybabies with their hands out.


Those paying no taxes should have to wash my car, cut my grass and do other tasks for me to make up for their inability to earn more money


You mean they should have a job?


Why do you think the rich like illegal immigration so much? Because this is what a lot of those people ending up doing. Your yard work and your house keeping for pennies on the dollar.


See what's possible when you limit immigration?




They already do. They pay exponentially more taxes relative the additional income they earn.




No ordinary person should be forced to subsidize another (unrelated) ordinary person There s charity. Those who want to donate can do so.


No people making 250k+ should be paying higher taxes, significantly higher for people making 500k and even more $1m, even more for $1b. Percentages should be higher for each bracket. Pay up or gtfo out of the country. We don't need leeches.


What about the half that don't pay any taxes. [https://www.cnbc.com/2013/12/11/the-rich-do-not-pay-the-most-taxes-they-pay-all-the-taxes.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2013/12/11/the-rich-do-not-pay-the-most-taxes-they-pay-all-the-taxes.html)


I have a feeling the ones in Denmark do a much better job than the ones here in the United States.


Shouldn't we start closing tax loopholes for the rich and work on busting up these monopolies so these greedy SOBs can actually start paying their fair share?


No, less taxes and cut spending. its out of control.


The U.S. doesn’t have a tax problem it has a spending problem. If we stop being the world’s police (cut some military spending), limit immigration and stop giving more than our share to the UN we’d be in a much better position with no raising of taxes. Why should our people struggle while we give away billions of our tax dollars… not only that we borrow or print money to do it raising the national debt.


Should they? They already do!


Let's canibalize the middle class further, why not. It's already getting destroyed left and right, might as well put everyone in poverty and misery.


No. I think everyone should pay the same %. It’s fair and even. By making more they’ll naturally pay more in taxes. And those making less will pay less too. But EVERYONE who works their butt off can keep 90% of their hard earned money. I think it’s crazy to work your butt off, sacrifice, work harder, longer, more, learn, educate yourself, learn skills, take time to do all of that, sacrifice time for other things, only to get penalized by having to give the government more money and of course the government has history of knowing how to spend it wisely (sacarsm).


Let me introduce you to the graduated tax code in the US,  where of course your tax rate goes up leaves you make more money. And also American rich people have a big tax advantage over rich people in Europe.   


Social experiment, lets send everyone to Denmark, regardless of their border laws & then see how we compare to Denmark. Its obvious that our presidency is an ongoing auction for votes regardless of party or policy.


More taxes is never the answer


Leave the fuk Denmark alone, different country different place. Move there if your paradise


Most of our tax revenue comes from the top earning individuals. Income tax should be slashed or eliminated. Corporate taxes should be structured to actually be a thing.


This math has been done. Denmark taxes 40% of that income making it effectively $12/hr.


Managing the budget better and clamping down on misappropriation of tax money would do far more to help everyone


But have you seen our stealth fighter? Denmark doesn't even have tanks. Geez.


Why should I have to pay more in taxes because you made stupid choices in life to end up broke and not able to make a real living wage. America land of the stupid and lazy.


Dude, I lived in Denmark and can tell you, Big Mac ain't that cheap...


Denmark pays a VAT tax and personal income is taxed at 50%. Everyone who brings up Denmark seems to overlook these facts.


$100K is beer money now after tax it's about $60K that is RENT in many cities for a 2 bedroom apt. let's do a national sales tax to make sure all the "poor" off the books income from dog walking, drug dealing and selling stolen property is taxed.


Nobody making 100K is paying 40k in taxes on it. Given that FIT has the standard deduction (14,600 for 2024), at bare minimum with no other qualifying deduction or credit you're not being taxed on 100k, you're being taxed at 85,400. Then you start looking at the scale, and see that at the highest, your dollars between 47,150 and 85,400 are taxed at 22%. Your net income on 100k falls somewhere between 70k and 80k, depending largely on where you live. Some states it'll be lower, some states it'll be higher. Nowhere will the state be taxing you twice what the federal government is. Places like Texas without a state income tax are going to be closer to 80, places like California with high tax burden will be closer to 70. In most places, 70k is pretty decent. In fact, it's better than the household median in roughly 30 states. 100k definitely isn't beer money. If you live somewhere reasonable, it's a decent wage. If you live somewhere overpriced, it's poverty.


I was led to believe, by Timbuk 3, that $50,000 a year would buy a lot of beer.


why is giving more money to an inept government that has proven for at least a 100 years it’s too stupid to manage money still considered a solution?


Why is electing the same inept individuals back into office still happening when those incumbents have already been proven to be useless?


Because voters are insane, voters will line up every election and vote for the same parties and then wonder why nothing ever changes and argue with other party members about who’s fault it is


Exactly! If you want things to change, never vote for another incumbent (or douche that has already held the position).


They already do.


Dude no. Damn i hate when people think just because somebody makes more than them they should be fucked over by the gov. No, everybody should be taxed less! Fuck the inefficient tax system and our fucked representatives. People that make 300k/year really dont live that much different from you or i. There are trillionaires in this country, direct your anger towards them.


No no one should be forced to support anyone they don’t want to support


When can I stop supporting the military industrial complex?


This Big Mac stat is very misleading (which is why posting memes rather than using the internet to seek out data is a bad idea). This [comparison](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Denmark/United-States/Cost-of-living) show that the disposable income between Denmark and the US is similar but their cost of living is much higher, as one would expect in a state with a higher incident of big government nanny state programs. We pay enough tax. Let's focus on making the economy strong, promoting opportunity so people can seize opportunity to better their lives. Having government run their lives and redistributing the wealth of others from their work rather is inferior to helping people empower themselves and earn more in their lives. Case in point: there are far better jobs than $9 per hour with no benefits? If we are going to do anything, help that person develop the skill to get a better job than that and leave that job as purely a starting point, not a long term situation. You don't do that by living their lives for them.


Part of why this meme is dumb is that wages vary across McDonald's in America and in Denmark. Probably some rural and depressed McDonald's pays $9, but almost everything starts at $12 now, regardless of minimum wage. Target and Whole Foods start at $15. Starbucks starts at that in most markets, and it comes with insurance and free college. The $22 McDonald's wage is for like Copenhagen, and it comes with much higher taxes, and much higher rent. The McDonald's wagie riding a bike from the 1 bed he rents at his shared flat to his McDonald's job isn't practically any richer than the rural McDonald's employee with a spacious trailer


The reason there are no fat people in Denmark is that they can't afford to eat that much. It's one of the most expensive countries I have visited. Lunch for 2 cost nearly $100 US, admittedly paying tourist prices but it was basically sandwiches and a couple of beers.


Some mirror finish smooth brains here


$100K is a little low on the bubble at this stage. 😭


The beauty of free enterprise is that anyone can start a business and if successful, pay a "living wage" (however defined) to its workers. You just need to risk all your capital, work hard for a long time without getting paid, comply with regulations, pay taxes, attract and keep paying customers, recruit, hire, and train employees.


I do not make 100,000 a year but if I did I would not want to toss more money into the bottomless pit aka the government rabbit hole . and let's be honest when a wealthy person goes to the supermarket does the person on food stamps at least let them get ahead of them in the checkout line? or help them load their car? no so why are rich folks responsible for everyone else who does not work has 4 kids from 3 dads etc? I highly doubt I will ever be rich but I do not envy wealthy people, think they owe me something or what to punish them.


Bro tell Denmark to contribute to NATO.


My local mcdonalds starting pay is $15/hr and I live in an extreme red state and you pay a crap load more taxes in Denmark.


In Denmark medical insurance is included with those taxes Add how much you pay for insurance to how much you pay in taxes and Denmark is a better deal.


And what do those higher taxes buy? 6 weeks paid vacation annually, life insurance, paid year family leave, pension. Also health care.


yes, but not as much as the billy boys


we don't even need to pay higher taxes for things like paid sick leave or PTO, we just have to mandate them otherwise there will always be jobs that don't get them same with unions, its not a tax or income issue its 100% a regulatory issue


that 22$/hr isn't [going as far as you think it is](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.PPP?locations=DK) I don't think Denmark has a payroll tax, but we do, and from the firm's POV, thats added labor hourly costs, not just 9$hr. There is probably less turn over for the higher paid firms, which makes annual labor costs abit less. What the marginal gain here? Clearly not enough in the states to make it worth it. There is also less McDonald's per 1k people in Denmark than in the states, which means those limited spots will be higher volume than the average one in the US, which means they can afford those higher costs.


I wonder if commercial properties rent for more reasonable rates?


Now compare the populations


USA. 12:50 + an hour


ya lets get denmarks population to ours


Your contribution to the common benefit should be in proportion to the benefit you get from getting to participate in such a wealthy economy. So yeah, I'm fine with that. You aren't "supporting others" you are supporting yourself and the system that made you so well off. Think of taxes as an access fee if that helps.


Here is the thing that people miss about the whole "bIG MaCs aRe cHeApeR in EurOPe" crap: The big Mac is cheaper, yes, but guess what? You have to pay to use their bathroom. In the US, that's free. You also have to pay for napkins and ketchup packets and there are no free refills on drinks. So when all that is added up you end up paying more in Europe. I've been to Denmark briefly and actually everything is super expensive, at least in Copenhagen


One could also replace Denmark with the US in the 1940s-1970s. It's not a perfect analogy, e.g. no family leave but one parent could often earn enough to support a family. But union membership was higher, pensions still existed, and wages were higher. Even a minimum wage summer job could pay for a year of college. People who argue that it's impossible to achieve this in the US seem unaware that we used to have something similar, once, before neoliberalism (introduced by Reagan and embraced by Clinton) became the dominant political-economic ideology.


When I travel to Morocco, a 1 liter of coke/sprite costs 80 cents(USD). They still make a profit and these products are very affordable for average people there. The only reason for high prices here is corporate greed, end of story.


Doesn’t the US essentially pay for Denmarks security via NATO. They don’t invest as much of a percentage of their GDP into their armed forces like the US does. Not really fair to compare the two.


And how much less of McDonald's money go to things other than their employees?


Not in CA. McDonald's workers here make $20. But also $100k a year in CA is like make $55k in LCOL areas.


Atleast where I live, northern California, call it the north bay, McDonald's starts at $22, it's been thar way for a few years now


How about we pass new labor regulation to limit exexutive pay and bonuses, criminalize stock buybacks, and crack down on insider trading before anything else?


Uh, in today's money 100k is barely middle class.


No. I make over 100k and I'm crushed on taxes


Don't they already? Isn't that the concept behind a progressive tax? Also, the tweet seems to have nothing to do with the title.


No , why should anyone be taxed more for becoming successful?


Like the $100K people are the problem. This is a compensation issue, not a tax issue. Even Bernie Sanders set the starting point at $250K, this feels like scaremongering to me.


Uhm...they already do...


You’re hitting the cap at 100k? I don’t have a degree, but with high work ethic I was able to make my way up in my industry. I don’t think the skills I worked hard to obtain should be meandered by people who don’t care about progressing in life.


No… those making 100,000 a month or more should


Lol ... why do I feel like this was posted as a troll by some multi billionaire laughing his ass off as he deducts like $99m per year


Post is from 9 years ago. No one at McD's is making $9 an hour these days. $15-$20 is the new norm.


No. This sub is just thinky veiled jealousy for anyone more fortunate than 90% of commenters.


A 100,000$ a year in today's economy should qualify you for Welfare.


They do pay more taxes, but this isn't about taxes, like at all.


Study Denmark Homogeneous population Much lower crime Much healthier population Much less waste Liberals such as Nutty Bernie always want to compare America to these small socialist homogeneous countries . They are a terrible comparison. Frankly American citizens behave so poorly the country cannot afford these benefits/freebies. Americans terribly overweight Lots of violent crime Many smokers Unhealthy life styles Heavy drug use Terrible eating habits A large segment of the American population have terrible lifestyles. No sane citizens wants taxpayer money to be used to fund this garbage. The problem is people want to behave irresponsibly and want their fellow citizen to fund the bad behavior through socialism. That system will never work.


No. Should those who don't make much money do jobs for the people making over $100,000?


This meme is so outdated...can we just stop responding to these please? Nobody working at McDonalds is making $9/hour anymore and a Big Mac is closer to $8 now.


It should be calculated some other way, adjusted for inflation, cost of living, median income, etc. Not a set dollar amount. $100K ain't what it used to be. Close the "loopholes", and make the filthy rich pay more, *much* more. Stop letting them hide their money in corporations registered in other countries, like Nevis, force them to register their businesses and yachts in the country they reside in, and so forth. Also, repeal Citizens United.


Joe Bidenflation at work.


Not sure where you’re getting Big Mac for that price in the U.S……




No amount of data and information will ever convince an idiot


Stop comparing America to Fukin Denmark...... You forgot to mention You get taxed a sht ton over there smh


No. But maybe at 500k


As a person making over 100K, a significant amount of my pay goes to state and federal coffers. I'm paying for services that I will never be qualified to get. We are getting squeezed downwards through inflation and high taxes.


I think given the recent inflation the line should be a little higher than 100k. I already pay a good chunk in taxes, and I can barely afford to save after rent and other bills


Maybe instead the government should better allocate the taxes they already collect before demanding more.




Well first off, gross generalization. Denmark is a small I believe relatively dense country. A big part of the profitability is the volume that they do. And the higher the volume at a McDonald's the higher wages it's going to support. Plus, the statement assumes that EVERY person at EVERY McDonald's in America gets paid $9 and hour and frankly that's not true. In fact, I know for a fact that it's significantly higher than that in the vast majority of areas. I live in a relatively less densely populated area that is also lower cost of living AND hourly wage is still more like 14 an hour. Ok it's not 22 but it's not 9. You can also find 1 bedroom and even some 2bedroom places for rent for in the 600-800 range. So it's not an expensive place to live.


Yes, of course.


S t o p Taxing income Tax wealth Block debt manipulation Truly regulate banks and Wallstreet, not letting the banks and wall street wire the regulations. Also, so deflating the currently!!!! A dollar is worth less than 10% of what it did at initial creation.


It's almost as if the American government is corrupt or something.


Anyone who makes 100k going to tell you that they already pay their fair share. I don't mean to pass the buck but most people are just making in a city at best at that salary. I know that is laughable to some but idk what to tell you. I would be more interested in hearing an increase in taxes once the billionaires and the multi-millionairs pay their fair share.


No. But maybe add a couple more zeros, then yes.


I already pay over $3500 a month in taxes, and you better believe I'm finding and using every tax loophole and advantage that is legal to take back as much as possible. How about you stop worrying about the wage of a fast-food worker and rethink your life and efforts to better yourself so you can make more money. I have ZERO college, no trade schools or nothing. And Im doing just fine on my own dime. Making enough money to be more than comfortable even in this economy so don't tell me it can't be done. And I'm stupid as shit.


The rich should pay higher tax rates.


Ppl who make more also cost more in infrastructure and need to pay their share. Plus how much you make doesn't scale with how important you are to society very well. Those lower pay workers are some of the most valuable simply because they're doing so much work for so little money, which is technically super efficient. Ppl who need a lot more money to have what they consider a good standard of living are wasteful and lower output and they should pay for their low output to income ratio vs punish the people making less money by shifting even more burden onto them when they're already doing the most work for the least money. Most everything else is business is not paying enough because their business model sucks. 


This question shows a complete lack of awareness of how tax brackets work.


I love reddit. It is so shallow, half a story, knee jerk, and anger porn worthy.


Make it 250k with inflation, can't afford shit at 100k


Yes. And we already do.


No $300,000 and above is significantly more than the average American earns and thus should the beginning limit for higher rate %


Surprise they do ... its called tax brackets genius!!!!


We already pay taxes to support those who don’t.


I agree 100k isn’t a lot now a days…. Taxes for our bracket is fine




I believe in a tax floor. The amount paid by the lowest unassisted income level is as low as the wealthy and corporations can go. If minimum wage earners are paying 17% plus 4-5% in social security, then the lowest a billionaire or corporation can go with tax incentives and exemptions is 21-22%. None of this billion dollar corporation pays 0% nonsense. Especially when many of them are simultaneously reporting record profits. Not earnings, profits.


No but people making over 40 million should.


How many other people’s fair share do we have to pay? If half aren’t paying anything. Is it fair to double up on the rest of us to cover for them? For every BILLION you raise taxes, it’s $3 for you…. If you raised taxes $1T and confiscated the rope tiers entire wealth, you’d get $3000, once. Do we have a tax problem or a spending problem?


Betteridge's Law, activate! "No."


Title has nothing to do with post? The post shows how McDonalds treats their American employees like garbage, while treating their Denmark employees like humans. Has nothing to do with income over 100k.


Everyone look at this Model all WHITE country, we should be more like them!


People barely making 6 figures don’t actually have that much money lol. Calm down.


This meme is woefully out of date


Just throw the tax code book out on the lawn and burn it. Everyone...and I mean everyone pays a flat 10%...poor...rich...doesn't matter...no credits...no refunds...no exemptions..problem solved


And most of their pay goes to taxes..




No, that's stupid


No. They should repeal the Trump tax cuts and that will save us trillions. Companies should also pay higher wages (and pay higher taxes). [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-tax-cuts-and-jobs-act-failed-to-deliver-promised-benefits/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-tax-cuts-and-jobs-act-failed-to-deliver-promised-benefits/)


Nope. I pay way more taxes than you. After taxes, we get effed. I work my ass off too so no, it’s not even slightly fair.


Keep voting republican and this is what you get. Vote blue and join a union. If everyone refused to work a none union job, we could stop this.


Too bad u/bloodorangejulian wasn't here to enlighten us...


Not even sure why people who make 100k a year are a part of this conversation. We should focus on those that make 100k plus a day or more.


Just say you're pro-slavery & theft. We'd get it.


We could just start with mandating actual living wages for all jobs. And have universal healthcare like literally every well developed country (and many not so developed countries). Seems like that would fix about 99% of the problem and incentivize working. Crazy, I know.


No, corporations worth billions and now TRILLIONS of dollars should pay their fare share of taxes.


Nobody is forcing so many people to vote Republican.  They have a choice.  Taxes aren't going to fix this problem, not voting Republican is.


No, those people can go pick up OT, get a side hustle or go back to school for a job that pays them 100k.


CON: High cost of livingEverything in Denmark is expensive, from accommodation and utilities to fuel and eating out. In fact, Denmark's capital, Copenhagen, is one of the most expensive cities in the world, ranking ninth out of 227 cities in Mercer's 2023 Cost of Living Survey. This article is fake news


No. The people who have benefitted the most on the backs of the masses should reinvest that income to make the lives of everyone better. Including themselves. Rational, empathetic people understand this. Sociopaths do not.


Apples and oranges.


Fuck all you I work my fucking dick off for my money and everyone want some of my hard fucking work. This shit is getting old.


100k a year is the new 60k. Blood sucking parasites liberals think you’re living high on the hog with that. Any metro area in the USA right now you can’t even buy a house with that salary.


People that make 100k a year are not rich


It’s easy to make an incredibly clear and simple tax policy that’s supported by 100.0% of the population: ”Everyone making more than me should pay more taxes, and everyone making what I make or less should pay less taxes”


Not anymore. The same worker was looking to get $20/hr but instead got fired because the store can’t afford the overhead on labor. The store will be closed by year-end.




The pic is cute, now do one that shows the startup fees, local ,state and federal taxes paid by the business, insurance and operating cost differences. One simple one that people always forget when they look at their check is your employer also paid your ssi taxes ontop of what you paid. add into that equation unemployment fees monthly on a business......maybe youll understand why the American one charges more


Denmark controls immigration and has Voter ID.


Shit, I work 60hr weeks as a Firefighter/EMT for just over $45k and am barely surviving. After 2 years in paramedic school, it will be maybe 50k. Yet end up in a higher tax bracket and pay way more comparatively than I ever have been from mid 30k's in previous career. I'm not bitching about the taxes, and meet people through my work every day who are actively trying to survive on those taxes I pay and see the good it does. But it should continue to scale as it does from the bottom all the way to the top, affecting the ultra wealthy as it does everybody else. What's fucked is the people at the top who actually make enough to pay more in taxes, maintain a lavish lifestyle, and make waaaaay more of a difference than the 10-15% most of us lower middle class are paying end up paying next to nothing, relatively. I've been a patriot for this country all my life, but as an adult, I've come to resent some of what it stands for. And disparity of wealth will only ever get worse.


This meme is over a decade old


The median weekly earning in the USA is full time worker in the USA is 1136$ a week or 28.4$ per hour: [https://www.bls.gov/news.release/wkyeng.t01.htm](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/wkyeng.t01.htm)


I havent seen a mcdonalds worker paid $9 since 2019.


Capital gains tax and the real buying power over people starts at 200k nowadays.