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Can confirm, everything at the grocery store keeps going up week over week. A container of yogurt was $5.99 last week and now $6.49 this week. Another 8% increase on another item. The prices just keep on climbing.


Big business price gouging as always


Yep, seems like a trip to the grocery store which used to cost $70 now costs $100. If Biden loses, this will be why.


It’s pretty crazy too when you also have the CEO of Kroger on a call stating that they have room to raise prices “due to our market share.” In other words, we own all the food so fuck you peasants.


And still no calls to deregulate and bring in competition. You don't need a monopoly if the government essentially enforces one for you.


The FTC under Obama was directed to begin looking at whether there had been too much consolidation. Duh, I know. They’ve been fairly active under Biden, for the FTC. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/02/ftc-challenges-krogers-acquisition-albertsons https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-google-monopolizing-digital-advertising-technologies https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2021/11/antitrust-enforcement/


Can you link me to the source about him saying this? I need this to debunk my family members claiming these poor grocery giants have no choice but to raise prices because of Biden


Not sure if this is the exact quote. One I’m thinking of I think was on a call. But this is the sentiment here in this thread/video: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/rjOTGowr7d


Market share my f****** foot. Greed needs to stop.


That’s all it is . Rich fucks raising the prices. One day spending stimulates the economy the next day inflation. I say BS.


My grocery trip was $99.60 literally had to use coupons to save 20.86 cents at krogers. And that was on chips and Mother’s Day roses lol plus a few minor add ons.




Kind of fucked that corporations can just raise their prices, influence the vote by doing so in an attempt to help get elected a more business-friendly, anti-worker president. Price gouging with the intent of election interference.


That and he hasn’t done 1 thing right so far. No one. He is an embarrassment to the office, the US and himself


But his supporters will never see it coming because a lot of them are pretty well off and part of that growing upper middle-class cohort becoming wealthy while the middle-class itself is getting slaughtered. Don’t get me wrong. The president doesn’t have as much to do with the economy as you might think he does, but whoever is in charge is gonna get the blame no matter what the stats say.


If you have kids $70 costs more like $200. Everything baby/kid related has gone up crazy.


The shit of it is.. the cost to make it didnt go up. This is a pure money/greed grab by all of these vendors. It's unreal that Biden or whoever should.. wont stop this gouging bullshit. Rents are going up again. $2000 for a 1 bedroom in a run down area that was under $1000 5 years ago. This is truly the draconian shit we read about in the 1980s when super rich walled cities cropped up and everyone else struggled. We're not quite there yet.. but read the other day that the feds don't see interest going down for years, and that rents and housing will continue to climb. Meanwhile.. drops are disappearing and salaries continue to stagnate way WAY WAY behind inflation. If you look at the latest data, right now is 3x worse than ever before in our history with regards to salary, cost of living, inflation, interest, etc. My parents like to claim in the 80s when they paid 15% on a 100K home loan was much worse while they made $15 an hour as a typical 30K to 40K a year salary. I say.. almost 35 years later.. the pay is really not that much more than that, but the cost is easily 5x more. When I got out of college in the early 90s.. I could afford an apartment, car, gas, food.. barely but I could. Today, there isn't a kid short of the top .1% kids getting in to good law firms or doctor positions.. and even then they take years to move up in salary, that can afford just about anywhere to live. And its going to get worse. THat's not even accounting for the jobs disappearing. California raised fast food minimum wage to $20 an hour. What did all those fast food places do? They raised prices by 20% or so and replaced worked with kiosks. 1000s of jobs gone in a month.. all so the big corps/execs can keep making even more profits. What many dont seem to realize, especially a lot of the Trump base.. is that all these pretty wealthy folks.. really dont give two shits about everyone else doing OK. They got their millions, and they are ok. So unless something extreme like WWIII or aliens or something happens.. we're going to continue to see middle class become poverty, poverty become street dwellers, and the rich.. well the rich are stupid too because a lot of them are on the lower end of "we have enough".. soon as the majority of the their income dries up because so many are without jobs or what not, they'll be joining the rest of us.


If you graduated college in the 90’s, you’re like 45-55 years old? People used to die earlier, and were more likely to cohabitate. Building rates have slowed substantially since you entered the workforce. This is a confluence of factors coming to a head.


If only they would stop burning down food processing plants.


Where are you guys shopping?!?






You’re full of shit if you’re trying to say that grocery prices have not gone up


Why wouldn’t they? It’s clear nothing is gonna be done about illegal price fixing.


They tried doing something about price gouging In 2021 , it passed the House but got filibustered in the Senate. Thank you Mitch McConnell


I'm just excited that the orange man is going to come back crash interest rates and create run away debt. I really am looking forward to hyper inflation. Ask Argentina it's the best! /S


Biden was celebrating the inflation numbers in his latest State of the Union address.


He also celebrates not shitting in his pants... So im not really confident on his ability or anyone elses for that matter on the subject of inflation, when all we have is these geriatrics running the country and the ones that are younger are absolutely batshit crazy. We are living in a Idiocracy timeline


Yeah my comment was a critique of how out of touch he is as OP seems to be justifying the Biden vote. In hindsight, my comment was admittedly vague though.


At least he’s the candidate that *CAN* celebrate not shutting his pants.


Inflation is in fact way down on things that depend on low interest rates. Interest rates don’t play a large role in the cost of a loaf of bread. There aren’t many tools to address that accept to push interest rates to the point that we start seeing higher unemployment. Keeping unemployment low while trying to address inflation is a fine line to walk.




> Former President Donald Trump complained that interest rates are too high and indicated that if he gets another term in office, he might pressure Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to loosen monetary policy. > "Interest rates are very high. They're too high. People can't buy homes. They can't do anything. I mean, they can't borrow money," Trump told MTP host Kristen Welker OP didn't blame Trump, OP took Trump at his word when he said he would like to lower interest rates as president


He celebrates the rate because that’s how they trick the lemmings into believing that 3% is good because inflation has “gone down”…and all the idiots eat it up. Inflation doesn’t go down, that’s deflation. But for some reason it’s a parroting point the Democrat following like to throw in peoples faces without even knowing how it works.


It. Doesn’t. Matter. Which. Of. Them. Gets. Elected. Inflation. Will. Continue. Our money system is broken. We passed the event horizon for fiscal responsibility. Now the ONLY option they have is inflation. Prices MUST increase to help pay for the debt the government has and is adding to continually under all presidents. The only solution would be a congressional movement for fiscal restraint (lol). So, since that won’t happen, what WILL happen is a financial train wreck that amounts to a soft default on debt. Inflation will be needed to reduce the amount of relative debt to increase confidence in the dollar. What this means is that prices will increase in dollar terms significantly. The way out, if you can, is to buy as much REAL ASSETS as you can: Real estate, land, gold, stock, bitcoin, or some combination. Because those will increase as the dollar devalues. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.


So much of it too is mandatory spending. That plus incrementalism has fucked things over so much.


Not unless more wasteful spending bills get passed. If interest rates drop, it won't affect your groceries, or gas, or much of anything except your house payment and car payment. Those will go down considerably.  Lowering the Fed rates will save everyone $1000s every year. So if that's an expected result of reflecting Trump, then bring it on! I'm sick and tired of this terrible, BS economy and waiting around for this recession which never seems to get here!


If interest rates go down then yes your loan rates will go down but the theory is the economy will be stimulated which will make inflation rip. As with most government these days they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.


according to Biden the economy is booming and inflation is down.


Inflation IS down. Prices are not. Do not confuse the two.


Inflation is down due to gas and grocery being removed from the calculation. Weird how that works


If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say the plan is to fake the funk until Trump gets elected and dump it on him.


lol you guys are delusional. Inflation has been an ordeal the world has been dealing with, and Trump very predictably exasperated inflation domestically with his moronic fiscal policy and complete mismanagement of PPP loans. Under the Biden administration inflation rate has objectively come down, and outperformed most other western nations. Has it been brought back to 2% standard? Nope. But we've managed to significantly reduce it without sending the economy into a full blown recession, and without massive job losses. Yes, yes, I know tech is the outlier and has seen a lot of job losses, but it's highly predictable when rates have to be cranked up that the industry to runs the most on funny money is going to cinch the waist belt. These people who think Trump is the answer to the issue he very predictably exacerbated are frankly morons.


Exactly this.


He is correct.


Last two reports said economy was weaker than expected and inflation was higher than expected. But if anyone believes that, they also believe crime is down 50% like Cringe said the other day.


Well he uses jobs and gdp for economy indicators and cpi for an inflation indicator. As opposed to haphazardly tracking a random mcdonalds menu item or a tub of yogurt at a gas station like all of you idiots in this sub.


According to the Politics sub we’re living a land of prosperity not seen since the 50’s


Eh, I don't think you should worry about this. I do not think the president, (whoever that may be) will have much success bullying Jerome Powell into doing anything.


So, we just need to give Biden four MORE years and then things will get better? Four years just wasn't enough time for him to undo all the Trump problems? I thought the narrative was...There is no inflation... There is a small amount of inflation but it's transitory...there is a small amount but it's good for us...there is a lot of inflation because the economy is so good....Inflation is a great sign of Recovery...Inflation Reduction act saved us all...There is no inflation... You need to pick a plot line.


Inflation Reduction Act was actually all about Green Energy, according to AOC.


I'm a long-time Dem and voted for Biden. I fully regret my decision. It amazes me that other Dems can't admit that Biden has done a terrible job with our economy. I don't like Trump, and I think he is a terrible person, but the economy was much better when he was in office. I wish Clinton or Obama could run for president again.


Obama was terrible for young people trying to get started. Things just never got better despite his rhetoric


I’m glad to see there are some honest people left in the world.


No Democrat with half a brain would support Trump over Biden. Trump is a traitor to our country and my guess is you are not a Democrat.


Lie? On the internet? Republicans would never!


Tariffs will make inflation soar and lower rates will pour gas on the fire. No idea Trump has spoken about the economy will fix anything.


Aborting temu and replacing that with American made even if it results in price increases will be a gigantic net win for the American economy.




Government spending = inflation. Can’t tax yourself back into prosperity either.


Politicians and the media (which is owned by the same billionaires responsible for this mess) love to celebrate “inflation coming down!” It doesn’t matter. The damage is done. Give me deflation. And fuck your argument for why deflation is bad.  Celebrating “inflation coming down” is like celebrating that someone emptied a 10-round magazine into you.  “Oh, thank god they stopped shooting—now I only have 10 holes in me!” 


Then what should we be hoping for?


>And fuck your argument for why deflation is bad.  And fuck you too. Deflation is bad, and you're fucking stupid for thinking it's not.


The rates were raised in order to keep the average American in a situation of quiet desperation. Raising rates has been proven to increase the number of layoffs and strip employees of leverage for salary negotiations. It really doesn't matter who the POTUS is, it's not their decision to make. The greedy robber barons are telling them what to do in order to increase their wealth.


Fed's been raising the rates for a while now. Those mass layoffs are coming any day now.


Yep.....going back to an adult in the white house with $1.80/gal gasoline is really gonna piss me off !!


This just in. Inflation is a direct result of Biden policies and excessive government spending. Now the jackass wants to forgive more student loans won’t fix the border Or even acknowledge the problem. Caters to hamas racial views and rejects our strongest ally Israel. Yea Trump is worse we will make inflation worse by cutting interest rates.


Inflation has fell to 4%. 2-3% is considered good. For decades, I have heard the cries that hyperinflation was going to destroy the American economy. I am still waiting. Inflation is a boogie man that is used to scare the witless.


This is no longer inflation, it’s price gouging that is going unchecked.


That analysis is not only biased and blatantly incorrect, but reveals you as a professional, misinformation dufus.


No no let’s vote for genocide Joe and see how he fixes everything he has fucked up. Border, Israel etc


Trump is a bigger supporter of Israel than Biden is.


Haha Trump will give Israel the green light to raze Gaza to ash


I’m ok voting for someone to eradicate terrorist groups. Also, stop trying to change the definition of words, kid.


Biden will be worse for inflation. People are blinded


What will Trump do that will be better?


Trump inherited a recovering economy and was fiscally irresponsible to no end. His actions are part of the problem and his return would be even worse.


I dont think it could get any worse, Maybe Trump will tariff the other countries, and allow oil to flow freely in America so we don’t have to buy it from other countries. Maybe Trump isn’t the answer but somethings got a change.


You can’t gaslight everyone into forgetting how great the economy was under Trump


You mean during the pandemic when you couldn't buy toilet paper and no one was driving?? Talk about gaslighting 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean, if we're ignoring him driving off a cliff in 2020 then I guess we're spotting Biden the tail end of COVID?


Set the people aside for a minute. What policies are you advocating for? Higher interest rates? Higher taxes? Lower taxes? Lower spending? What do you think the gap in time is between policy changes and changes in the economy (it’s not instant). Could it be that the impact of Trumps policies wasn’t really felt until Biden was the president?


Stop printing money to cover stupid shit that isn’t helping Americans directly. Turn the printer off. The Biden administration just prints money and the only people who keep it are the already rich or people with assets. Anyone trying to acquire assets just get fucked. So we take care of everyone else but our own. It’s fucked up.


Well, to be accurate, inflation and interest rates were lower when Trump was in office along with much cheaper housing costs, home energy costs, food costs, etc. The cost of everything was more affordable and interest rates were also lower than they are now so it's not like having lower interest rates means we have to also have Biden level information month over month.


Inflation is a lagging indicator.  Inflation went up in February 2021. This means the causes of inflation were mainly due to Trump. People talking a out low prices, especially in 2020, are being dishonest given the fact there was a worldwide pandemic going around and things like gas were cheap because of low demand.


Covid is responsible for the inflation surge we have now, but inflation was an issue even before Trump got in office.


Inflation was low and so were housing prices the entire time Trump was in office and things only got out of whack when Covid came and the dems wanted to shut all the businesses down and start handing out free money which definitely played a roll in inflation starting. Always so funny to me how people who are living through this absolutely terrible. Economy of the last three years are still putting all the blame on Trump when things were great with him in office until Covid hit. Lower energy cost, cheaper housing by far, much cheaper groceries, and we also had no wars. Only took a couple of years with Biden in charge before two major global conflicts started which are obviously great for laundering money but not so good for people not dying. But hey, now we have soaring cost of living prices, highest interest rates in years along with inflation that won't slow down, and two wars that we can funnel money through. All because of Trump of course who hasn't been president for almost four years now.


Trump handled the economy, even with Covid, so much better than Biden. Biden’s been an economic disaster second only to Jimmy Carter. Look it up.


Curious. How do president control prices in the free market with Private companies that set their own prices and are seeing record profits? Explain like I'm 5. I'll wait




you are using a year with absurd covid spending to base Biden not overspending? a bit disingenuous


Hopefully he will abolish the Fed. ♥️


Lol, Kennedy wanted to do that. Look what happened to him.


Keep voting democrats in and that’s what you get. Green energy and mass uneducated immigration definitely helps


I plan on voting democrat.


Republicans in House refused to pass a very positive bill on legislation. dTrump💩told them not to because he wanted immigration as bad as possible to help his election chances.


Plot twist: Trump raises rates instead.


It takes a while for multiple rate hikes to work their way through the market. Interest rate hikes aren't a quick fix.


So, he and Yellen would agree on a rate cut. Interesting.


The chocolate ration has been raised from 5 grams to 3.


If only we had some sort of price gouging bill that could have helped


Trump, Putin.... someone is definitely angling for control of the US money tree. Who needs an army to give access to oil or ports or any other resource, when congress will give control of the Federal Reserve? Here is a site that lists inflation by cities. https://wallethub.com/edu/cities-inflation/107537


Congress **CAN'T** "give control" of the Fed. It was explicitly designed to be independent. Whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on your point of view.


Are we also not going to hold the companies that sell the products to consumer responsible? Inflation has made goods more expensive, but there are companies that are also controlling the prices. There is not much the president can about that. The economy is good; there are more people working. Unfortunately one of the cost from the pandemic was inflation. All the PPP loans and pandemic assistance was going to affect inflation. The Biden administration has been working to keep inflation in check as much as possible. OP is right that if Trump gets elected, he will force the Fed to lower rates. Trump might even push out more money on top of that. Imagine what the post 2028 economy may look like after that?


And then people start starving. Bunch of people got evicted from my apartments this week I haven’t seen so many kicked out in a week 2 just in my unit


No politician has a solution for inflation. ….But hey corporations are making record profits


That’s the least of our worries with Trump


Biden will fix it.. The surest way to drop inflation in the democrats past? Start a new conflict. Ship our troops out to some foreign country to fight and die for a politicians military defense corporations. Biden has us close. He just hasn't sealed the deal with paying Zelenski his hush money yet for his VP deals


Anything orange man do = bad. Left wing media 101


Average CC rates are 23% in the US RN. If the Fed pushed the prime rate 1.5% higher... well, you get the gist of it.


Call in everyone’s debts and declare a Jubilee. 


Fuck it. Abolish the Fed. You don't need to bully them when they're not there.


Or reduce and stablize cost of major resources such as gas, electricity, and water. And reduce regulations that hurts the businesses.




Your entire government is a failure but all of you are too busy fighting amongst yourselves to notice or care. It's just where both parties want us. Distracted and uneducated.


Fed will raise rates. They've been holding off but inflation keeps rising out of control. Combine that with stagnant pay raises and you got yourself a recipe for late 60s early 70s shrink-flation.strap in this ride is just getting started.


People in the US are often idiots. Stop spending even an extra dollar. They won’t stop jacking prices until you refuse to pay


Better buy bitcoin


Sure keep Biden in lol


Y'all hear that, Biden has destroyed the economy and the Libs are afraid of Trump coming in and bullying people around 😂🤣😂🤣 You just can't make this 💩 up.


Doubtful Powell be cave to Trump’s pressure. He didn’t before. Powell does not seem to be a political functionary.


Tinfoil hat take: corporate price gouging is the main cause for inflation, but it's a good way to rake in profits while flushing out skilled workers via layoffs, and try to get trump re-elected so the corporate tax break stays on the table or even decreased further under trump. Then, they'll stabilize prices back to normal, inflation will drop back under 2%, rate cuts will come back, another hiring spree will take place, and the vicious cycle will start over... Btw i hate both parties. This all seems like a giant crony monopoly game, and we're forced to play as the sacrificial pawns.


So what facts are there that trump will bully the fed. You want real? The fed raised rates during trumps first go around for no reason. Quit spreading opinions as facts.


The rates should have been raised, but Biden won't let it happen as it would harm his presidency. Both parties are tanking economy just for their own personal gain.


What rock are you living under? The Fed has raised rates several times.


TDS hoes.


Record corporate profits drives inflation.... greedy.


I seriously have no clue how I’m managing, I live alone but also live paycheck to paycheck, save all my singles as a server and managed to squirrel away about 10k but I’ve been through this situation before and I know that shit doesn’t last long AT ALL! 10k is seriously NOTHING in the grand scheme of things and that’s what terrifies me, when my rent is $1300 a month 10k would last me maybe 4 months tops…horrific


This comments section is wild. Never seen so many people simping for Trump over monetary policy. Stick to bigotry, at least he’s actually competent at that.


And you know this how? Yeah so just talking shit.


The rich don't care. Inflation only helps them eliminate debt faster. The Poor's over here yelling into the ether.


This is war time inflation and the fed knows it. West is thirsting for WW3 to default on their sovereign debt. So rates will only go up and stagflation is only getting started. Don't have cash is my safe guard, invest everything in blue chips and or private goods/ commodities!


Trump will relax energy policy and bring inflation down


I don't eat out anymore the costs are ridiculous


Yes, that’s only because it’ll be better for the rich


Who is spending all the money? If we in class can barely afford their rent or the mortgages who’s spending the money


Depends on how he plays it. Reagan faced a very similar but worse situation but he pulled it off.


It's almost solely corporate greed.


Corporations have always been greedy. You cannot print a trillion dollars and have low inflation. The dollar is devalued every day


Greedflation. Until we can stop corporations from making record-breaking profits during these times, the amount they charge is only going up. This is why "inflation" can not be tamed. The rich have to get richer.


Doesn't matter if Trump's gets into office or Biden stays as long as the Federal Reserve exists we will always have these problems.


Trump s admin printed more cash in just it's final 6 months than any previous 4yr admin. When you wonder about inflationary pressures, keep that fact in mind. These GOP idiots talk out both sides of their mouths. They caused the inflation they're blaming on Biden.


“You got more money to pay it Jack” Signed Popcorn 


It's a fact if Trump gets in to office he will bully the Fed making inflation worse. We need to have the recession and unemployment to cause foreclosures to get housing affordable. Which will just cause BlackRock to lick it all up.


Higher interest rates aren't helping anyone but the wealthy. The higher interest rates aren't keeping corporations from increasing costs to consumers. The very wealthy are raking it in while the rest of us suffer. A few monopolies are controlling too many of the essentials for life. That allows them to keep increasing costs, regardless of interest rates.


It’s a giant cash grab, grab as much as you can, charge as much as you can, don’t save any for anyone else…and we wonder why theft is up. CEOs, corporations, corrupt politicians are to blame. Crime will increase and money will become a thing of the past bc only a few folks will have it


The problem is fiat currency, the enemy should be central banks


Member when Bad Orange Man was going to launch nukes? I do.


Yahoo, please. This is a government problem, government just won’t stop 🛑 the drunk spending on wars, programs that are not needed, and all other bullshit that Americans aren’t knowledgeable on. We are entering hyperinflation regardless of president.


Then get out there and kill it and drag it home. Instead of crying a out something take control.


You can reduce the inflation and the rates. Just stop spending money! That worked for Argentina and the inflation was waaaaay worse there than in the US. We need to stop throwing money away


Remember when the inflation was ✨transitory✨


The real problem is we keep printing money and giving it to other countries.


75%~ of the cost of food at the store is logistics and transportation. Have you looked at the price of diesel at truck stops? The constant shifting of what semi trucks are allowed to drive to middle Cali and get food? The insane crap the bureau of land management does to ranchers? You squeeze the producers of food, they raise prices, then you squeeze the teamsters, again raise prices, raise minimum wage by 50%, raise prices. This is by design and most of reddit voted for it. It's part of the climate fight, not just corporate greed, that's gas lighting. Is your gas the same price as 2020, no it isn't. Climate warriors should be rejoicing. You won.


Ive never voted republican but is whatever wild card Trump does going to be worse than Biden telling us is the economy is great while it worsens daily? I am starting to think democrats are diabolical and dismantling America into a corporate slave hellscape with a plan and relibkicans are just greedy chaotic theocratic morons without a solid plan. I do t know which is worse.


They are all going up. Rent, food , fuel. Services went up to match the cost of living. Not much. But it has to go up also. Biden promised all these great things, if he was president. Economically, none have been done. You can blame the situation on anybody you want to,so your feeling don’t get hurt. Biden first bragged about what he was doing, so he can pass his bills. Then a year later. Those policies went to shit, & just cause more financial problems. Biden will be on TV telling the public, how great of a job he’s doing. Then they won’t address them. Then after time. He can’t avoid talking about it. So he blames the problem on the previous administration. Hoping the public, doesn’t remember what he said/did a few months/year ago. Then repeats the cycle. There is always going to be inflation. It’s economics. But to have it grow out of control, in such short period. After bragging what his policies will do. The party has a huge turnover. The guy on trial every day,is gaining popularity over the current president. That’s how bad of a job the guy has done. Pathetic.


They say the dollar value was worth a lot more during the depression. The income of today compared to the cost of living. During the depression was like $60000-70000, is the same as $25000-30000 today adjustment for inflation. Your income, now. Get you far less than you got back then.


he'll lower interest rates, inflation will balloon, then he'll blame Biden, and his idiotic followers will accept it as gospel.


I heard a rather interesting rant the other day which made me think. We bring in a lot of illegal migrants. We have a lot of Daca They need places to live. They hot bed and pay a lot for rent. We have a rental in our neighborhood where it is a 4 bedroom and there are 10 people living there. Maybe there is a glimmer of truth in that crazy rant. However we do have shrinkflation right now. 4lb bags of sugar. 12 0z pkg of bacon.


"No shit and higher rates have not broken anything yet. " CPI-U inflation was above 8% from March thru September of 2022. It hasn't been above 4% since April of 2023. At 3.5%, it's still well above the target inflation rate of 2% (yes, technically the Fed targets PCE instead of CPI-U and PCE is at 2.7%, but let's not get pedantic). Inflation has definitely come down considerably. [https://www.bls.gov/regions/mid-atlantic/data/consumerpriceindexhistorical\_us\_table.htm](https://www.bls.gov/regions/mid-atlantic/data/consumerpriceindexhistorical_us_table.htm)


What I’ve learned about Inflation is when something rises in price due to a sudden increase in inflation, even if rates drop, the price stays at the new inflated mark. Same shit that happens to my family in Egypt and Iran.


If Trump is elected, inflation will be the least of your concerns.


We need a recession so that prices will drop. The fed is making everyone poor.They don't care about food price inflation.


I like how we've all been brainwashed into thinking capitalism isn't a social construct


We have to make America simple and cheap again. Greed will kill long term growth.


It's not inflation, it's corporate greed. There is a difference.


The government needs to stop handing out free money! More money out in circulation, everyone raises prices! Hence to curb inflation government should stop spending money on bad policies and over seas aid. The US has supplied too much already for Israel, and Ukrainian forces. Yes we need to be good people and support the Ukrainian folks but it’s time for others to step up and help as well.


I don’t get my economics information from politically charged trolls on Reddit. Take a break and let those who actually know what they’re talking about speak.


We have to regulate basically everything, because at this point late stage capitalism, the corporations are extorting and obviously working together to increase prices for profit.


Never fear because the cycle is going to cycle... Seems to be moving along. Impossible to time it exactly though.


There should be a limit on how many characters can go between parenthesis in a title.




The Wizard of IF


So essentially this article is saying that all of us are boned ?


That’s probably my biggest fear with a Trump presidency at this time.


Trump will most definitely push for lower rates, especially if it helps pump DJT.


Trump won’t have to bully anyone, he can just replace the fed chair


Most important factor in every election, the economy


The fact we’re forced to choose between these two clowns in this next election is baffling. Idiocracy was a documentary.


I love that people still believe that a single president will fix all our problems. Or even a single problem for that matter. They have all been useless for a decade or more.


...Biden says that "Americans have plenty of money" so stop complaining...


The economy is terrible but Trump will make it worse. Sure he will. The economy was doing great under until Covid hit.


Don't worry, once a Republican gets into office again, will actually talk about these issues instead of pretending everything is okay.


Yeah but if trump gets into office he won’t be having the printer on just to send money to every country and every planet and star if anything all that will be finished no more Ukraine comes before this country and no more Israel gets unlimited money while we suffer no make this country first again


The corporations have record profits. The faux wars are sucking up tax dollars. The illegal aliens are receiving free housing, food stamps and cash all while demanding more! Tell me how trump could make things worse


TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. LOL. Can't believe how much time Trump spend peeing in people's budweiser. It looks like he managed to do that to every US lefie. Kudos to his persistence.


No he won’t … his policies will expand fuel and energy production


You think the current administration isn't trying to bully the fed into lowering (or at least not raising) rates right now?


But yet corporations are making record profits. Maybe that's the real issue.


Why did you put the body of your post in parentheses?


Trump is a populist. The people want lower inflation. Why would he want lower rates? If anything he would raise them.


Inflation will happen no matter what, we have like 40+ years of short sighted thinking in the government abusing our money. It was going to have to happen eventually. The bill always comes due.


He won’t bully the fed. What a shitty stance.


Gotta keep printing that money for Ukraine and the Blackrock Jpmorgan reconstruction bank. They killed competition when they shutdown the little guy during Covid while the big box stores made bank. Now people want more government to regulate the big guys. The majority shares of the top Fortune 500 companies are owned by the same small group of people or the subsidiaries their of. Those same folks own the politicians. It going to take something that none of us have ever seen before and don’t want to see ever before we can even begin to have hope.